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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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13 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Wasn't the last winner a butch lesbian?

(this is all IMO)

I wouldn't describe Kaycee as butch...but in any case as others have mentioned, that was 2 seasons ago.

BB21: Jackson douchedudebro
BB20: Kaycee decentperson
BB19: Josh doucheclosetcasedudebro
BB18: Nicole notPaul
BB17: Steve awkwardatthetimeclosetedgay
BB16: Derrick douchebro
BB15: Andy douchegay
BB14: Ian douche
BB13: Rachel crazyriggamorris
BB12: Hayden dudebro
BB11: Jordan decentperson
BB10: Dan manipulativehypocritcaldouche
BB9: Adam drugdealerdudebro
BB8: Evel Dick riggamorrischildofsatan
BB7: Mike Boogie certifiablyinsanedouchebro
BB6: Maggie cultstarter
BB5: Drew dudebro
BB4: Jun perfection
BB3: Lisa 
BB2: Will
BB1: Eddie didnotwatch

The list of recent winners just is unimpressive, period. From a humanity perspective, anyway. I would consider Kaycee and Jordan the only decent winners in the past 10 years who won fully on their own merits. I like Rachel, but she did not win that game fair and square. I like(d) Hayden, but apparently he has very harmful political views.

Going back even further, it does not get much better. Lisa seems like a nice person and I feel like Will and Jun were incredibly transparent about their duplicitous actions in the game so I like them. IIRC Eddie is a nice guy, but BB1 is not really considered the same game. I didn't like how Drew treated Diane, and I think he also ran into troubles after the game, so I'm not the most fond of him. So out of 20 winners, I only like a quarter of them as people. I think Maggie was a great player, but she never owned what she was doing.

Edited by Victim Noises
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4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

One thing I love about Rachel is how if she's happy you know it if she's angry YOU REALLY KNOW IT. She's not afraid to get in your face and get loud. That makes for great reality tv. I also think it's cool that she's a forgiving person. She's friends with Britney, Dani, Ragan, etc. 

It's almost like Rachel Reilly was created in a laboratory for the sole purpose of being on Reality TV. She is GOLD. I caught her on Dominic Briones' IG live after one of the episodes, and she was the star of that as well. When she had to go, Dom just ended the broadcast...cause without Rachel, what was the point?

Edited by Victim Noises
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It seems as though Memphis is often the first one awake and/or in the kitchen every morning.  He usually ends up sitting at the counter with his coffee or whatever he is drinking, hair in full bedhead disarray.  He stares at items on the counter, or sometimes makes eye contact with the camera trained on him.  He seems lost in thought (and bored).  He probably enjoys having these quiet moments before all of the other people in the house descend upon him and crowd the kitchen, but sometimes I wish he would talk to us and tell us who he can't stand, or who he actually trusts and likes in the game, etc.  I guess it's too risky to start talking when others will be waking up any minute.

Edited to add:  I almost forget that he is in the house until these "Mornings with Memphis" scenes unfold, or unless he wins an HoH or something.

Edited by TVFan17

The next three weeks are just inevitable until they are out of "safe" nominees like Kaysar, Kevin, and David. What's so sad is that only Kaysar understands he's a target, the other two have deluded themselves into thinking they're working with power players. Idiots.


Can we all agree that Ragan was an asshole?  Really his name is spelt Ragan, who the fuck spells Regan like that?

I'll take it at face value he's not responsible for the spelling of his name (unless he changed it). But he had a weird Timmy Head (tm South Park) and is one in a long list of repulsive looking token gays. For some reason this show never casts a handsome token gay, they are always weird looking cartoonish types. 

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Rachel Reilly has a way of growing on you, like a benevolent fungus. I hated everything about her when she first appeared, thought she was the fakest of the fake, and simply exhausting.

But first off, she's a PLAYER! She plays her ass off, whatever the game, and never gives up, and she's damn good at it. Second, as others have said, yes, she's ridiculous but she's also self-aware and capable of laughing at herself (her sister on TAR showed us what an unself-aware Rachel would be like - *shudder*). Third, everything about her that seems so put-on, isn't -- all that over-the-top craziness really is Rachel Reilly and she happily owns it.

Watch her long enough and at some point you find yourself smiling at behavior that would have previously pissed you off and you'll discover, OH MY GOD I'VE BECOME A RACHEL FAN!

It can make you question your whole sense of self, let me tell you!

As to the topic at hand: Yawn. Mrs. Gummo, who's the real BB fan in the house, has watched exactly 1/2 of the last 3 episodes, that's how exciting it is. As for the feeds, I'd rather read you guys!


Edited by Gummo
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From Joker’s:

Sat 3:03 AM PTA little while ago Enzo was in HOH with Dani,Cody,Bay,and Day and joked that tomorrow's POV competition would be about making middle eastern food.

Oh c’mon now Enzo; Production would never introduce such a gratuitous bias into a competition.

Favorite Koran quotes, now - THAT has educational value, donchaknow....  😆

5 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:


People were wondering why people didn't hate Rachel Riley but they hate Nicole F

This is a perfect example, Rachel Riley isn't an evil bitch, she's just ridiculous joke and mouths off... Nicole F is a needy, ugly, vindictive, snotty, backstabbing, petty, rude, selfish weasel faced asshole who will go out of her way to be mean as hell and keep it up long after the person is evicted.

It's so obvious that she's jealous of Janelle and hates that Janelle is well liked and a respected player.

I'm hoping that Nicole is sent out of the house soon because she's nasty and her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard.


I’m not sure, but I get the impression you don’t care very much for Frazzle.

I could be mistaken, though....  🤣🤣🤣

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I always have and always will hate* Rachel with the heat of a thousand suns. Flames on the side of my face hate. Just thinking about her makes me want to stab something. Her voice sends me into a rage I cannot contain. Her whiny, affected, stupid voice. And laugh. I don’t think she’s a great player. Winning comps? Sure. But every single other aspect of the game I thought she sucked. One of my favorite memories was back when they would still show everyone locked in the HOH room and she spent the entire session sniffling and trying to get some attention (I believe it was one of the times Brennnnan was being booted) and everyone else was perfectly silent and studiously ignoring her attention-whore ass.  She was literally the worst on every show I saw her in. I actually boycotted the first Amazing Race season she was on because I just could. Not. 

That said, Frenzel is worse.

*Don’t think I’m completely crazy, I only mean hate in terms of a fictional character on a TV show. I’m sure she’s perfectly lovely in real life (no, no I don’t).

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Seeing Kevin and Kaysar warn Da'Vonne an Bayleigh of a Big Alliance that they're on the outskirts of yesterday, while knowing Da'Vonne and Bayleigh are thinking they are the big alliance and are pulling a fast one on them with the Slick Six...

I just don't understand how they can constantly walk in on Nicole F./Cody/Daniele talking, be told the everyone else is walking in on them talking, and still think that the Slick Six is really everyone's priority when Nicole F. isn't even in it! 

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5 minutes ago, mooses said:

Seeing Kevin and Kaysar warn Da'Vonne an Bayleigh of a Big Alliance that they're on the outskirts of yesterday, while knowing Da'Vonne and Bayleigh are thinking they are the big alliance and are pulling a fast one on them with the Slick Six...

I just don't understand how they can constantly walk in on Nicole F./Cody/Daniele talking, be told the everyone else is walking in on them talking, and still think that the Slick Six is really everyone's priority when Nicole F. isn't even in it! 

Only Cody knows about all of them right?  I agree, that Day and Bay are pretty naive here to think they're in the only alliance with power.

Cody,  Tyler, Dani,  Christmas, Nicole, Memphis,

Cody, Tyler, Dani, Enzo, Day and Bay

Cody, Tyler, Enzo (sort of David but not really)

Cody,  Dani, Enzo,  Nicole

Cody, Dani, Nicole, Ian

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5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I always have and always will hate* Rachel with the heat of a thousand suns. Flames on the side of my face hate. Just thinking about her makes me want to stab something. Her voice sends me into a rage I cannot contain. Her whiny, affected, stupid voice. And laugh. I don’t think she’s a great player. Winning comps? Sure. But every single other aspect of the game I thought she sucked. One of my favorite memories was back when they would still show everyone locked in the HOH room and she spent the entire session sniffling and trying to get some attention (I believe it was one of the times Brennnnan was being booted) and everyone else was perfectly silent and studiously ignoring her attention-whore ass.  She was literally the worst on every show I saw her in. I actually boycotted the first Amazing Race season she was on because I just could. Not. 

That said, Frenzel is worse.

*Don’t think I’m completely crazy, I only mean hate in terms of a fictional character on a TV show. I’m sure she’s perfectly lovely in real life (no, no I don’t).

I agree 100 % on all your Rachel points ! And I don't think anything could ever change my mind about her. On the other hand, I used to like Nicole and I remember rooting for her in her winning season & was happy she won. This season, though, has sure changed my mind. She has showed such an unpleasant side that now I'm hoping she gets nominated, at the very least . Because she sure wouldn't handle it with class like Janelle just did, I bet !


Funny how things change.

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31 minutes ago, Slider said:

I’m so sad for Kaysar right now. Watching him and Baileigh was harsh. She is infuriating me. He wasn’t being condescending or throwing her game in her face like she kept insisting. Back foot her for all I care.

Yea, that was hard to watch. I mean I get that Bay is living in delusion and wants to believe she's in a better position but Kaysar was trying to help her see what is actually happening lol.

I can't wait until Day and Bay get fucked over by the alliance. I hope they feel like idiots.

I love that even Swaggy can see how stupid Bay and Day are being lol:

Contrast this to Dom out here acting like a damn fool about people pointing out all of Dani's microaggressions.

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, that was hard to watch. I mean I get that Bay is living in delusion and wants to believe she's in a better position but Kaysar was trying to help her see what is actually happening lol.

I can't wait until Day and Bay get fucked over by the alliance. I hope they feel like idiots.

I love that even Swaggy can see how stupid Bay and Day are being lol:

Contrast this to Dom out here acting like a damn fool about people pointing out all of Dani's microaggressions.

I feel really awful for Dom. He's obviously having a hard time dealing with the clips of Dani flirtng with Cody that are sprinkled online everywhere. So he's lashing out and it's misdirected anger but I get it. 

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

He's been posting some of "fuck the fans" type of tweets. The fans have been tweeting videos of Dani and Cody flirting. He also disabled comments for Dani's Instagram.

I think it has more to do with the fans being right assholes about Dani. Is she bitchy and whiny and full of microaggressions? Yes. But going to her and her husband's social media platforms to call her a C U Next Tuesday (God, I feel like such a  Franzel typing it out that way) and a whore and a racist and threatening to call CPS for their kid is a little beyond and has more to do with it than fans interpreting Cody and Dani's interactions as anything more than what they are. And those are the same fans that wonder why Big Brother sucks so much now. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think it has more to do with the fans being right assholes about Dani. Is she bitchy and whiny and full of microaggressions? Yes. But going to her and her husband's social media platforms to call her a C U Next Tuesday (God, I feel like such a  Franzel typing it out that way) and a whore and a racist and threatening to call CPS for their kid is a little beyond and has more to do with it than fans interpreting Cody and Dani's interactions as anything more than what they are. And those are the same fans that wonder why Big Brother sucks so much now. 

Big Brother fans are CREEPY. But then again many of the BB HG's count on the crazies to make an income after the show. Like all the Tangela fans buying their custom-made Tangela jewelry.

I wish BB fans would stop harassing relatives of BB HG's. No matter how many seasons pass it's still creepy. Like the fans who apparently showed up to Shelly Moore's daughter's school and her daughter had to be escorted home by police. That's just ... beyond.

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5 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Crazy how much his appearance has changed.



He's one of the few guys I ever thought was attractive on this show. Now, not so much. 

He really looks like a completely different person!

Edited by gatopretoNYC
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I feel bad for Dom I liked him a lot on 13 and would love to see him play again. I feel bad he is the target for Dani's behavior. I really hate how Big Brother fans act. I went to a casting call for 17 and Cody, Derrick, Frankie and Frankie's mom didn't like any of them on the show, but all were nice in person. Frankie is one of my least favorite people on this show, but I am not going to be rude to someone in person. Frankie's mom was my favorite she would just randomly talk about drama involving Ariana lol.  

2 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:


He's one of the few guys I ever thought was attractive on this show. Now, not so much. 

I had such a crush on him during 18. I don't understand why he made himself ugly.

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6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Only Cody knows about all of them right?  I agree, that Day and Bay are pretty naive here to think they're in the only alliance with power.

Cody,  Tyler, Dani,  Christmas, Nicole, Memphis,

Cody, Tyler, Dani, Enzo, Day and Bay

Cody, Tyler, Enzo (sort of David but not really)

Cody,  Dani, Enzo,  Nicole

Cody, Dani, Nicole, Ian

The scariest part about this list is Dani is in all but one of the groups. And the others aren’t looking at her at as a big target who has to go, like Cody or Tyler. So there’s a good chance she’s gonna end up running this game— even more than she is now—. and quite possibly win. It gives me chills, just typing this.

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David just said he's glad that he's not part of Camp Comeback right now.  He is in the game and part of it.  David also said that Kevin picking him for the veto comp shows the house that someone thinks of David as a good game player (ha!) regardless of the strategic reasons behind it.  Kevin said he picked David because he knew that David would gun for it.

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Christmas is telling Nicole that David has no idea how to talk to people in this game.  Nicole says he came to her and told her that people were talking about her because she is a former winner.  She says the whole convo was weird.  Christmas says she doesn't know who he would go after if he got HOH.  She thinks David would go for her or Memphis.

Now they're talking about Bayleigh and Nicole says she wants Bayleigh gone before Bayleigh has the chance to strike first.

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