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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

She said she wouldn’t be able to do it because she’s too high maintenance.

I guess she changed her tune on this! I still cannot picture her on Survivor like at all. From the Us interview:



Us: I know you’re a big Survivor fan. Any interest in playing?

JP: I would die to do Survivor. Are you kidding me? That’s my show. I love it. I’m obsessed with Survivor.

Us: Would you want to play with newbies or old school players?

JP: I’d want to play with the old school. I’m a huge Boston Rob fan obviously. I love Rupert [Boneham]. I love all the old school players. My favorite season is Pearl Islands. That was years ago.


I wish she had better favorites though lol. She also said she'd love to do a real estate show. She belongs on TV somewhere again no doubt.

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I think it's the "[Sighs]" here that kills me the most. She also talks about making Kaysar move to Minnesota.

Gold Derby: Your conversations with David, in particular, were very frustrating to watch, and I imagine they were frustrating for you to have because he gives you nothing and he’s clearly unfamiliar with the game, so what was going through your head when you were talking to him while also trying to campaign?
 [Laughs] When I was talking to David, I was thinking to myself, “How did he make it on this season?” He is learning how to play “Big Brother” on an all-stars cast. Like, why is he even here? Why am I having to campaign to this man who has literally never spent more than two weeks in the house?! It was frustrating for me. As someone who’s so veteran, it was very frustrating to play “Big Brother” with him.

Gold Derby: It was also weird because he acted like he knew more than you did, and you’ve played more seasons than he has weeks in the house.
 [Laughs] Yeah, he’s just — I don’t think I’ve ever met someone worse at the game than David. Honestly. In all of my seasons, I’ve never met someone as green as that, and it was just mind-boggling. [Sighs] It was difficult. It was difficult for me to have the conversation as I’m sure it was extremely difficult to watch it.

Gold Derby: If it makes you feel any better, all of his conversations with everyone are like that, so it’s not just you.
 Oh, they are? Good! [Laughs] I mean, yeah, he’s just not good at the game. He needs to go.

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Hahaha Janelle sounds like us, calling him old and grumpy, and pointing out how early he goes to bed.



I really like Memphis. On a personal level, we get along really well. He’s a little old and grumpy, I guess. He goes to bed at 9:00.


2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Janelle, zero fucks given lol.



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1 hour ago, diana said:

I agree with this. The casting (for women) doesn’t even compare to Survivor for the most part. I’m guessing Janelle basically played the dumb girl role to get cast originally. I would so love to see Janelle on Survivor. I wonder if she would ever do that. I can’t really picture it, lol. But that would be amazing. 

 Janelle was cast pre-Grodner so she may not have had to play a dumb blonde to get cast.  These were the people who gave us Erika/Jack and Danielle/Jason.    You will probably never seen relationships like that again, certainly not while Grodner is involved.  

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1 hour ago, JediDVguy said:

Am I the only one confused by the concept of “old school” versus “new school”? 

In Janelle’s words:

Us: You made a great point that we saw on feeds that new schoolers always just do what the HOH wants whereas old school knows that once nominations are made, the HOH really has no power. Was that frustrating for you?

JP: It’s extremely frustrating that no one wants to do anything in the house, that no one wants to make any game moves. They want to go with the house. I don’t do that shit. The vote should have been 6-5 just to throw everyone off. Even if you vote out Kaysar, switch it up a little bit. Make it interesting for the viewers and the fans. At the end of the day, I’m here to help out the show. Let’s do something! These people are like, “We should ask the HOH what he wants.” The new school players, they’re a bunch of babies.


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2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Step awaaaaaaaay from the feeds. You'll feel better with rest and some vitamin C, I promise.

 Seriously?   You think Vitamen C is going to help with that?  An exorcism, maybe.

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6 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Step awaaaaaaaay from the feeds. You'll feel better with rest and some vitamin C, I promise.

LOL I kind of stopped paying attention after Veto almost a week ago. Kind of got caught up yesterday with the shows anyway. I hate how Nicole doesn't own her gameplay, but I actually think she's a decent player and in a really good spot considering she is a former winner. Of all the people I could actually see winning this game, I want her to the most. She's not hateful or malicious like Dani. Nicole is whiny and complains a lot, but those aren't cardinal sins to me. Maybe with Janelle gone, she'll be more tolerable? *fingers crossed*

I just don't want another dudebro to win. I've had it. Officially.

Edited by Victim Noises
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Holy hell Day is bad at this game.  She insists to Dani that there is some secret power in the Have Not room because production insisted that everyone have a turn at have nots, and told her she had to have a turn.  Then it gets worse!  She tells Dani that Kaysar and David are close and that if they aren't on the block together, Kaysar is going to save David. 🤣

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28 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

I just don't want another dudebro to win. I've had it. Officially.

I'm there too but fucking hell these women are just absolutely horrible. 

I'm not gonna even try to find reasons for rooting for any of these people.

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Heh, Big Brother was not down for Dani trashing Walmart - cut RIGHT to fish.  That was kind of funny.

I've kind of accepted the fact that this year's winner is going to be one of Cody/Dani/Nicole/Tyler.  But I can't remember the last winner I was truly excited about.  It might have been original recipe Jordan back in the day.  And this thread continues to be my favorite thing ever, so I will never stop haunting this place.  So for that reason alone, I never want them to cancel BB.  When I get bored at "work" I start re-reading prior seasons live feed threads.  Y'all, this time last year half the house was having sex with each other, and pretty much everyone was completely gross.  So at least we've got zero showmances to deal with this time.


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6 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Heh, Big Brother was not down for Dani trashing Walmart - cut RIGHT to fish.  That was kind of funny.

I've kind of accepted the fact that this year's winner is going to be one of Cody/Dani/Nicole/Tyler.  But I can't remember the last winner I was truly excited about.  It might have been original recipe Jordan back in the day.  And this thread continues to be my favorite thing ever, so I will never stop haunting this place.  So for that reason alone, I never want them to cancel BB.  When I get bored at "work" I start re-reading prior seasons live feed threads.  Y'all, this time last year half the house was having sex with each other, and pretty much everyone was completely gross.  So at least we've got zero showmances to deal with this time.


In seasion 18 I really wanted Nicole to win, so I was happy with that. Otherwise it's more who you don't want to win than who you do.

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Daniele and Da'Vonne said that Ian was crying after Janelle left, and Ian told Da'Vonne that it was the second time he had to watch that happen.

Edited by mooses
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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Daniele and Da'Vonne said that Ian was crying after Janelle left, and Ian told Da'Vonne that it was the second time he had to watch that happen.

...the same Ian who was practically spitting out the "B word" with a side of extra venom whenever he would talk about Janelle in the past three days? Okay. 

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23 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Heh, Big Brother was not down for Dani trashing Walmart - cut RIGHT to fish.  That was kind of funny.

I've kind of accepted the fact that this year's winner is going to be one of Cody/Dani/Nicole/Tyler.  But I can't remember the last winner I was truly excited about.  It might have been original recipe Jordan back in the day.  And this thread continues to be my favorite thing ever, so I will never stop haunting this place.  So for that reason alone, I never want them to cancel BB.  When I get bored at "work" I start re-reading prior seasons live feed threads.  Y'all, this time last year half the house was having sex with each other, and pretty much everyone was completely gross.  So at least we've got zero showmances to deal with this time.


Steven Moses. My last fave winner, I think.

I hope Ian wins. Because he is not a dude-bro type. And the ladies are all horrible. So there it is. Ian FTW!

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20 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Janelle's exit interview.

This part made me sad:

I don't blame Janelle at all but still sad that they were friends for so long. Dani's treatment of Janelle (not just being against her in the game, but relentlessly badmouthing her and treating her like crap) is one of the more inexplicable parts of BB22. Dani acts like Janelle personally poisoned Tennessee's almond milk or something.

Janelle, never change. lol. 

"Nicole Franzel.
I am so glad that I do not have to live with that whiny, horrible, insufferable voice any longer. I cannot stand the horrible accent and the nasal way she talks. I’m so thankful I don’t have to live with her anymore."

She mentions rooting for Enzo and Tyler to win, which surprises me a little. She can look beyond the game and root for the one who got her out (she probably respects the game move), but I'm a little surprised by Enzo. 

Reading her exit interviews is more entertaining than the actual show.

Edited by CrazyDog
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17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

...the same Ian who was practically spitting out the "B word" with a side of extra venom whenever he would talk about Janelle in the past three days? Okay. 

I think Ian likes Janelle personally, but he's so blinded with infatuation for Nicole that he thinks the only way he can continue to follow Nicole around the house is to bash Janelle.

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Ian likes Janelle personally, but he's so blinded with infatuation for Nicole that he thinks the only way he can continue to follow Nicole around the house is to bash Janelle.

Yea, Ian is a weak-minded bitch who, once again, wants to fuck Ratcole. So yea that's an overwhelming no from me on rooting for him lol.

Ever since like BB15 I stop watching earlier and earlier but I gotta say I did not expect to be cancelling my series recording in week 4.

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12 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Ian likes Janelle personally, but he's so blinded with infatuation for Nicole that he thinks the only way he can continue to follow Nicole around the house is to bash Janelle.

I only read. Does everyone really think Ian is infatuated with her?  I was thinking it was strictly game related.  They are the only two previous winners. 

Also didn’t he stick close with his team during his season too?

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Just now, Ellee said:

I only read. Does everyone really think Ian is infatuated with her?  I was thinking it was strictly game related.  They are the only two previous winners. 

I think it was in BB18 that Ian started posting pictures of Nicole on his social media and talking about how cute she was in interviews. It came off as a little cringe-y back then. I would say he's crushing on her, I don't know about infatuated. It would be cute if he didn't have a girlfriend and she didn't have a fiancé on the outside. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think it was in BB18 that Ian started posting pictures of Nicole on his social media and talking about how cute she was in interviews. It came off as a little cringe-y back then. I would say he's crushing on her, I don't know about infatuated. It would be cute if he didn't have a girlfriend and she didn't have a fiancé on the outside. 

Lol I know this is crazy or maybe I just am but I’m a little protective of the Ian I think he is.  

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28 minutes ago, Ellee said:

I only read. Does everyone really think Ian is infatuated with her?  I was thinking it was strictly game related.  They are the only two previous winners. 

Also didn’t he stick close with his team during his season too?

He had a crush on her during BB16 he also told Janelle and Kaysar his relationship with Nicole F is similar to Kaysar/Janelle which is clearly not the case and a little delusional for Ian to think that.

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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

I only read. Does everyone really think Ian is infatuated with her?  I was thinking it was strictly game related.  They are the only two previous winners. 

Also didn’t he stick close with his team during his season too?

As noted, he has posted about having a crush on her in the past, but the other night, he was also being super weird with her, like the sort of thing a sadsack does when a girl tells him shes' not interested but he can't help but continue to stick close by her, hoping she'll change her mind. Only in this case, the girl has a fiancee and he has a girlfriend. 

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Enzo: "We haven't game-talked at all, bro. So I have to go off of something."

Thinking back to the when Kevin said he was really aligned Enzo. 

The only enjoyment I feel like I'll get out of this week is Kevin realizing he's messed up and has had this all wrong. But, knowing him, he'll probably just take this as proof that he and Enzo are working together. 

Kevin to Enzo: "We still are allies." Enzo's probably like, wait, we're allies?

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So Kevin is still allies with the people who actually put him on the block but he is scorched earth against Janelle and Kaysar since they never pretended to be his friend. 

ETA: I can't believe I'm at the point where Xmas is Kaysar's BB life coach this week. 

Edited by kellog010
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Enzo: "So, why not put Kaysar up against the most well-liked person in the House?"

Kevin: "I'm not the most well-liked person in the House."

Enzo: "Well, no. But a lot of people like you." 

Convincing, Enzo. Very convincing.

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I love that Enzo's whole spiel is that Kevin sucks so much that there's no way he's targeting him, and there's so many other actual good players that everyone else is going to target, so he shouldn't worry.


Kaysar decides now is the right time to confront Daniele, ask who's in the alliance, and say she's good with him but he's going to have to blow up her alliance. 

Oh, Kaysar. I want Janelle back. 

Also, who is he going to blow it up to? He and Janelle have practically tried to make everyone see the light already!

Edited by mooses
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Well you all ruined Ian for me. If he lurves him some Not-Leia then he has gotta go.

And I forgot that Kaysar IS still in the house. Guess because he is everyone's target. Would take a huge miracle to get him to the end. But that would be nice.


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Earlier Memphis and kaysar were talking. They were still waiting for nominations and Memphis was pissed. Saying he was no longer going to screw up his routine just to sit around and wait on BB. He gets so angry just sitting around doing nothing and it makes him want to walk out the door. 
Grumpy old Memphis is fun feeds. 

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5 hours ago, Victim Noises said:

LOL I kind of stopped paying attention after Veto almost a week ago. Kind of got caught up yesterday with the shows anyway. I hate how Nicole doesn't own her gameplay, but I actually think she's a decent player and in a really good spot considering she is a former winner. Of all the people I could actually see winning this game, I want her to the most. She's not hateful or malicious like Dani. Nicole is whiny and complains a lot, but those aren't cardinal sins to me. Maybe with Janelle gone, she'll be more tolerable? *fingers crossed*

I just don't want another dudebro to win. I've had it. Officially.

Wasn't the last winner a butch lesbian?

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