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S12.E15: Sheer Madness

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6 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

That was really tacky of them to talk that way, especially since Leah is a friend of Tinsley's. I am sure that Leah would have jumped at the chance to date someone like Scott. That bartender she picked up at the Berkshires wasn't the best looking either so I don't know why she is throwing shade @ Scott.

Since we’re talking about Tinsley, Dorinda comes to mind.  Now, like the other nite, she was blabbering to Sonja on the couch, what a good person Sonja is and she wants to watch out for her.  She wants Sonja to tell her everything that’s bothering her about her troubles with the townhouse.  There she goes again.  She always has to stick her nose is somebody’s business, even if they don’t want to.  Yeah, cry to Saint Dorinda, the Saint of everyone’s business, so she can throw it in their faces someday.  Why doesn’t she mind her damn business already and look at her own life?  Did she forget already that she’s a big drunk and vicious person?  No one needs her stupid help when she can’t even help herself?  I still cant stand her and her stupid haunted mansion she’s so proud of.

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This makes me want to know more about their mom - wonder if she uses divide-and-conquer tactics on them.

22 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:


Sorry I screwed up the quote. I tried to fix it but think I made it worse.

It sounds like Leah's mother is triangulating. My mother has NPD and has used this tactic on my sister and me my whole life. As a result my relationship with my sister has always been strained. It's very sad. We both eventually realized what my mother was doing but the damage had been done, and we both still want my mother's love and approval even though we're now in our '50s. So sometimes we will get sucked back in to being the good girl standing in the sunshine agreeing with my mother while she castigates the "bad" daughter/sister. (I'm pretty much no contact with my mom now though. )

I feel for Leah but don't like watching her on this show. I just don't find her likable. Same goes for her sister, so I hope she doesn't become a cast member. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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I like Leah.  She's refreshingly honest and gives great talking heads.

My favorite part of this episode was Dorinda using the "I was drunk" hall pass as if she's never needed to use that.


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1 hour ago, Lemons said:

Neither is the father of Leah's daughter anything to look at.  Tinsley is attracted to Scott that's all that matters.   I think Scott is adorable.

He is adorable. And tall. And is very, very wealthy which is all these bitches really care about. Maybe he's not classically handsome but so what he's better looking than any of these women have been married to except Ramona. Mario was quite handsome but a cheating jerk. Remember Jill's husband Bobby (RIP)? Or Sonja's old money bags Morgan? Leah's baby daddy? Dorinda's Richard or Dorinda's John? Nope, none of them good looking so they can all stfu about that!

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Well, RHBH is losing me and so is this shitshow. It seems as if each get together Leah, Dorinda & Sonya are all vying for the drunkest, wildest and most out of control HW on the show. Since when did middle aged women get off on grinding, twerking and feeling each other up?  And feigning masturbation in public? Yikes!  I’m no Ramona fan but these “ ladies” really outdid themselves with inappropriate behavior and she should have shot them down. No one wants to see that! It’s not entertaining in person or watching it on television. No wonder Leah’s mother has issues with her.

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4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I've been on these boards since the TWoP days and I can honestly say that the bolded has garnered my biggest reaction.  I am an 80's secretary and while I didn't dress like that...I swear to God when I saw Ramona's dress, I said out loud "looks like a Janice dress"  Janice being the chick who dressed like that  Janice always wanted bigger and better, while me in my skirt, flats and cardigan, ended up working in the gov's office and she stayed right at the state agency where we started....think Lola with her faded feather.

When I saw Ramona in that red dress all I could think of was Blanche Devereaux!  

What in the world was that woman with the colorful headband and matching top thinking when she got dressed?



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22 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I mean, good for Lu for working with formerly incarcerated individuals but she spent one night in jail. which isn't exactly the same as those who don't have her resources

ETA: Actually the one thing I like about Lu's work around her arrest, etc., is that she does give visibility to a lot of good programs doing great work. 

I agree with your whole post, and the bolded part, I thought myself when watching it.  I kept thinking that I was so happy she didn’t (unless they cut it) explain that she spent ONE night incarcerated and, goddammit, they didn’t even spread the mustard on the bologna sandwich!  I was waiting to cringe at Luann’s efforts the moment she spoke, because I think I was waiting for a repeat of when she told that young girl at the community center, a few seasons back, that it wouldn’t be that hard to lose weight, if she wants to be a model! *face palm*.  

22 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It’s ironic that Luann is advocating for people who were incarcerated.  She spent the better part of two seasons beating the justice system, violating probation and being allowed to repeatedly dodge incarceration for no good reason that I can ascertain.  So she spent a few hours in the Palm Beach clink with frozen mustard on a bologna sandwich?  Cry me a river.  

I did notice that Luann articulated her actions that were criminal in front of the group.  I don’t know whether that was edited out, but it didn’t seem like the rest of the group was taking accountability for their crimes.  I am not sure how I feel about bringing previously incarcerated women to the spa.  Doesn’t it depend on what they did?  I would have to review each and every file before bringing someone to a spa for rehabilitation.  If you murdered someone, or cut someone’s face with a knife, I don’t think you are deserving of a pedicure.  That’s just me.  

Mario was smart for moving down to Florida.  Ramona has said she might move there and she loves it there.  The demographics would really suit her if she wants to meet a man who is her age, with children Avery’s age, as she’s said in the past.  The numbers don’t lie—Manhattan has a dearth of single straight men.  I’m in my thirties and if I felt I had to meet a man ASAP, as Ramona seems to, I would most definitely leave Manhattan.  The house always wins in NYC, save for Staten Island.  

Leah looked like a rough 37 at the bathhouse.  I blame HDTV for having to view her spotted chest for a prolonged period of time.  The second I looked at her, I remembered Sonja saying she had saggy titties in the beginning of the season.  The entire chest area was so blighted.  Leah’s sister Sarah looked fab by way of comparison, and she is flat-chested.  She was just wearing a much more flattering bathing suit.  I think Leah is really feeling herself by being around women so much older than her.  She’s not the natural beauty that she seems to think she is.  I think she’s very insecure.  The insecurity, coupled with the crazy, is why she can’t get a man.  Rob is a smart man for keeping his distance.  Pita Chip is watching this, probably eating pita chips and laughing his ass off at the bullet he dodged.  

I agree with your whole post, but regarding the bolded, I thought that about the spa as well.  I also thought it was a little risky when Sonja and Luann were with the group of ex-prisoners, sitting in the FRONT row.  Not to stereotype—I know there are plenty of reformed ex-prisoners—but not knowing who committed what crime in the room, I would be a little hesitant to have my back turned to the whole group, if I were Sonja or Lu.  Just sayin!

Edited by Miss Bones
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Ugh, I wish I could like Leah, because she IS good for a laugh now and then, but I have such secondhand embarrassment for her & her tryhard, woke posturing. Also really transparent is her desperation to get her sister on the show. Wouldn’t they just be the hottest, youngest, most downtown girls this series has ever seen? Wouldn’t it be fun to watch them pose in a room full of older, “ugly” guys and watch them salivate over the cool girls? That’s probably why Ramona was so loathe to allow her on the last trip. And I wouldn’t normally say this, but since they were so rude about Scott, the sister’s severe, Eastern European model haircut thing she has going on gives her a serious case of crazy eyes.

But the worst BY FAR is Dorinda, because she really puts you through it. People who can be so kind, nurturing and supportive and then just eviscerate you with such cruel comments and insults…it’s emotional warfare and so confusing to the people mixed up in the bullshit. She reels you in to the slaughter.

And I have never had a desire to be extremely wealthy, but it is the root of the problem for so many women on these shows. They all have more than enough to live really well in someplace other than Manhattan. I believe when they say they’re scared. It must be terrifying to realize you can’t sustain your lifestyle unless you find a man to support you. And it must really drive you crazy when you have friends who are financially stable or happy in their relationships.

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19 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Well, RHBH is losing me and so is this shitshow. It seems as if each get together Leah, Dorinda & Sonya are all vying for the drunkest, wildest and most out of control HW on the show. Since when did middle aged women get off on grinding, twerking and feeling each other up?  And feigning masturbation in public? Yikes!  I’m no Ramona fan but these “ ladies” really outdid themselves with inappropriate behavior and she should have shot them down. No one wants to see that! It’s not entertaining in person or watching it on television. No wonder Leah’s mother has issues with her.

I’m with you 100%.  Not funny at all.  That’s Bravo.  I cannot see any man wanting to marry Leah at all.  Her baby daddy has his hands full, but is keeping an eye on her for the sake of their daughter.

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For whatever reason, I am re-watching last night’s episode, and I just texted to my best friend/fellow housewives fan:

“And I hate to say it, because I wanted to like her, but I think Leah is the NY Brandi.  And I’m not saying I dislike her, because I did like Brandi at first too.  But that is in my opinion a perfect comparison for her.  She does cheapen the group!  But like Brandi, she does make for good drama right when things were starting to get boring”

I just can’t believe I never saw it before, she is so Brandi Glanville-like. 



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19 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What in the world was that woman with the colorful headband and matching top thinking when she got dressed?

For a minute, I thought she was the entertainment and was a fortune teller.

I hate all these shows lately, but I still watch and snark.  What’s wrong with me?

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Also, my dog just took my seat while I was in the bathroom, and when I came out and caught him, I Dorinda’d him:  “You better back it up, and you better back it up quick!”  He gets me though.

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5 hours ago, Miss Bones said:

I said the same thing (to myself, out loud, as I do) while watching, when she entered the meeting of the ex-cons.   

Wow, I am from RI (and still frequently visit) and have lived in PA the past 7 years, and neither of these states sell liquor at Costco either! 

when i lived in pa one could only buy alcohol at their states store.  of course that was 25 yrs ago!!  also i was born and raised in florida and there was a liquor store on every corner and wine was sold in grocery stores,  but you couldn't buy it on sunday and some communities were totally dry.  i imagine things have changed

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4 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Sonja stomping on that glass was stupid!  Apparently she's stoned or drunk, so she probably didn't know what the eff she was doing.  She's either going to seriously harm herself or someone around her.  I hope Production, or anybody stepped in and stopped her.  Please somebody, save her from herself!!

i don't think production ever, ever steps in.  

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7 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

when i lived in pa one could only buy alcohol at their states store.  of course that was 25 yrs ago!!  also i was born and raised in florida and there was a liquor store on every corner and wine was sold in grocery stores,  but you couldn't buy it on sunday and some communities were totally dry.  i imagine things have changed

Well PA laws are less strict than RI laws.  There is still no liquor or beer in grocery or convenience stores in RI.  But in RI, you get your beer, wine and spirits in one store:  the liquor store, we call it. 

in PA, they now do sell beer and wine in smaller quantities at convenience and grocery stores, but if you don’t get it at those stores, there is a separate store for beer (a beer distributor), and then a Separate store for wine and liquor (a liquor store).  

When I first moved here, the PA people would always be like “Oh, you’re not drinking beer tonight?” when I would say I was going to the liquor store.  Haha. I know one of the posters (May have been you, sorry) lives in Canada, but it is crazy how different the alcohol laws are amongst the USA.

Edited by Miss Bones
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9 minutes ago, Miss Bones said:

Well PA laws are less strict than RI laws.  There is still no liquor or beer in grocery or convenience stores in RI.  But in RI, you get your beer, wine and spirits in one store:  the liquor store, we call it. 

in PA, they now do sell beer and wine in smaller quantities at convenience and grocery stores, but if you don’t get it at those stores, there is a separate store for beer (a beer distributor), and then a Separate store for wine and liquor (a liquor store).  

When I first moved here, the PA people would always be like “Oh, you’re not drinking beer tonight?” when I would say I was going to the liquor store.  Haha. I know one of the posters (May have been you, sorry) lives in Canada, but it is crazy how different the alcohol laws are amongst the USA.

no, not me but i understand....i live in woodstock ny now lol, where most people are just waiting for pot to be legalized so they aren't breaking the law.


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9 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

no, not me but i understand....i live in woodstock ny now lol, where most people are just waiting for pot to be legalized so they aren't breaking the law.


Well, I must admit, I support their cause!  Haha

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46 minutes ago, Miss Bones said:

For whatever reason, I am re-watching last night’s episode, and I just texted to my best friend/fellow housewives fan:

“And I hate to say it, because I wanted to like her, but I think Leah is the NY Brandi.  And I’m not saying I dislike her, because I did like Brandi at first too.  But that is in my opinion a perfect comparison for her.  She does cheapen the group!  But like Brandi, she does make for good drama right when things were starting to get boring”

I just can’t believe I never saw it before, she is so Brandi Glanville-like. 



Great observation, and spot on!  

I don't like Leah, didn't like her from the start.  I absolutely loathe Brandi, and didn't like her from the beginning, either.  

Seeing how low Brandi has fallen, I hope the future is not the same for Leah.

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26 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:
47 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What in the world was that woman with the colorful headband and matching top thinking when she got dressed?

For a minute, I thought she was the entertainment and was a fortune teller.

I hate all these shows lately, but I still watch and snark.  What’s wrong with me?

Nothing wrong with you. Why would any of us watch these shows if not for the snark material they provide each episode?

Questionable fashion choices have no class or income boundaries.  We were traveling through Narita airport once while they were doing construction.  Normally the business and first classes lounges were separate but at that particular time they were forced to combine them.  We were traveling business at the time (on the company dime) and sitting near us was a couple with their daughter and son-in-law.  They made it clear that they were aghast at being forced to rub elbows with the hot polloi. I can't imagine how they would have reacted had they been forced to wait along with the coach passengers.  The quality of their clothes screamed money, but I will never forget the older woman wearing her padded headband straight across her forehead, nor the marble patterned tights that clashed horribly with rest of her outfit.  Nothing matched. The entire ensemble was so bizarre. Unfortunately, this was during a time before smart phones made it easy to take a photo. She always comes to mind when I see someone like Ramona's friend.  

As for Ramona's choice of clothing.... I have a friend who has often pointed out when we have seen someone who looks like they dressed in a time warp that they are probably holding on to the fashions of the era when they felt happiest.  I'm guessing the 80's and 90's are that time for Ramona.  

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2 hours ago, Miss Bones said:

I agree with your whole post, but regarding the bolded, I thought that about the spa as well.  I also thought it was a little risky when Sonja and Luann were with the group of ex-prisoners, sitting in the FRONT row.  Not to stereotype—I know there are plenty of reformed ex-prisoners—but not knowing who committed what crime in the room, I would be a little hesitant to have my back turned to the whole group, if I were Sonja or Lu.  Just sayin!

Everything being on camera is a pretty good deterrent.  There is a theory of crime that posits that it happens when there is an offender, a suitable target, and a lack of a capable guardian.  The camera crew, the producers, and the leaders of the rehab group would be the guardians here.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Great observation, and spot on!  

I don't like Leah, didn't like her from the start.  I absolutely loathe Brandi, and didn't like her from the beginning, either.  

Seeing how low Brandi has fallen, I hope the future is not the same for Leah.

Getting slightly off topic of NYC housewives  but...


I am being generous saying “I liked Brandi at first”:

 1) I liked that she brought the drama right away—which is What I’m here for, when it comes to any RH (I currently only have seen all of NYC and BH, and bits and pieces of NJ and OC, because of my aforementioned BFF.  He always tries to get me to get into the others, and I’m starting to cave...)

2) I liked she went against the 2 assholes, who thought they were OGs, so they could just beat up on the new girl, who was completely spot-on that there is something weird about one of the sisters going to the bathroom every 5 minutes, and acting like she is on drugs! Because she was!


I just want to make it super clear that I’ve never liked Brandi, in a sense that I thought she was a good person!

Edited by Miss Bones
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6 hours ago, Thumper said:

We can’t buy booze in grocery stores in MN either.  Only liquor stores.   Our Costco and some Targets have a separate liquor store attached to the main store.  It was just last year that liquor stores were allowed to be open on Sundays.

I lived in MN for a while and that was a culture shock after having grown up in WI.  But, I will say even after that, the most effed up liquor sale regulations I ever have witnessed are in OK.  Lawd, it was so confusing I still can’t explain it to you, I just know we had to go to one place for beer, another for room temperature booze and then the gas station for ice.  

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On 7/23/2020 at 9:54 PM, Silver Bells said:

Leah is going to blow those pretentious overly botoxed old ladies away.  Hahaha.  Her clothes are fabulous.

Leah's starting to look old and botoxed too.

Leah IS the NY Brandi, hopefully she won't end up like the BH Brandi, a walking advertisement for the show "Botched."

Edited by Neurochick
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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

He is adorable. And tall. And is very, very wealthy which is all these bitches really care about. Maybe he's not classically handsome but so what he's better looking than any of these women have been married to except Ramona. Mario was quite handsome but a cheating jerk. Remember Jill's husband Bobby (RIP)? Or Sonja's old money bags Morgan? Leah's baby daddy? Dorinda's Richard or Dorinda's John? Nope, none of them good looking so they can all stfu about that!

I wiki’d Old Man Morgan recently because I wanted to see how many kids he has.  OMG, he is 89 years old.  I knew he was old, but I didn’t think he was old OLD.  Ewwwwwwwwah.

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23 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Can these women especially Sonja and Leah do anything but get wasted and act trashy at group events?  I don't blame Ramona  one bit for losing it over their behavior. Since when is it okay to climb on a table and destroy property at a party?  Sonja needs rehab ASAP.  And evey week now she has to scream out about having sex everywhere she goes.  Pathetic. 

I agree.  It was cute in the beginning, but Sonja standing on top of GLASS and breaking it with some mess on her head was not funny at all, it was pathetic, like Sonja. 

The fourth wall was really broken when Ramona said "SHUT IT DOWN" like Gordon Ramsay does.

Dear Leah, look at Sonja, that is your future.


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2 hours ago, RedInk said:

Ugh, I wish I could like Leah, because she IS good for a laugh now and then, but I have such secondhand embarrassment for her & her tryhard, woke posturing. Also really transparent is her desperation to get her sister on the show. Wouldn’t they just be the hottest, youngest, most downtown girls this series has ever seen? Wouldn’t it be fun to watch them pose in a room full of older, “ugly” guys and watch them salivate over the cool girls? That’s probably why Ramona was so loathe to allow her on the last trip. And I wouldn’t normally say this, but since they were so rude about Scott, the sister’s severe, Eastern European model haircut thing she has going on gives her a serious case of crazy eyes.

But the worst BY FAR is Dorinda, because she really puts you through it. People who can be so kind, nurturing and supportive and then just eviscerate you with such cruel comments and insults…it’s emotional warfare and so confusing to the people mixed up in the bullshit. She reels you in to the slaughter.

And I have never had a desire to be extremely wealthy, but it is the root of the problem for so many women on these shows. They all have more than enough to live really well in someplace other than Manhattan. I believe when they say they’re scared. It must be terrifying to realize you can’t sustain your lifestyle unless you find a man to support you. And it must really drive you crazy when you have friends who are financially stable or happy in their relationships.

The sister really could pull off being Svetlana from the former Yugoslavia.  I find her to be homely. And I would never tell my sister if my mother said something so cruel.  What did she gain from that?  Not to mention the mother probably said something like she didn’t like what Leah was becoming on this show and and it turned into “mom said she doesn’t like you”.  

Dorinda looked like she hit the jackpot with widow benefits but Sonja and Luann didn’t fare so well with divorce. They sneer at people way over there in Queens and Brooklyn while they barely hang on to their rentals.  Luann lost what she thought she found in terms of financial security with that guy she married and Sonya is bankrupt unless she figures out what to do with her last asset.  She should have sold the townhouse before it fell apart.  

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2 hours ago, RedInk said:

They all have more than enough to live really well in someplace other than Manhattan.

That is a myth.  You actually CAN live really well in Manhattan.  But the way these women want to live, no matter where they go, they'll always be broke, because they have the disease of more.

Neither Leah, nor Sonja nor Dorinda should ever get close to alcohol.  One is too many and 500 isn't enough with them.

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2 hours ago, Miss Bones said:

I agree with your whole post, but regarding the bolded, I thought that about the spa as well.  I also thought it was a little risky when Sonja and Luann were with the group of ex-prisoners, sitting in the FRONT row.  Not to stereotype—I know there are plenty of reformed ex-prisoners—but not knowing who committed what crime in the room, I would be a little hesitant to have my back turned to the whole group, if I were Sonja or Lu.  Just sayin!

Hey, you never know whose sitting behind you no matter where you are.😎

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23 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Her privates were not in view

Her full on va-jay-jay was blurred out.  It was a really quick "take" but her nether region was definitely blurred out.  I actually surprised myself that I caught it.

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22 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I lived in MN for a while and that was a culture shock after having grown up in WI.  But, I will say even after that, the most effed up liquor sale regulations I ever have witnessed are in OK.  Lawd, it was so confusing I still can’t explain it to you, I just know we had to go to one place for beer, another for room temperature booze and then the gas station for ice.  

LOl @geauxaway, I grew up in WI and lived in OK for a few years (1980’s) too!  I remember more about bars, that sometimes you would have to become a “member” (free) to get drinks.

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7 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

That is a myth.  You actually CAN live really well in Manhattan.  But the way these women want to live, no matter where they go, they'll always be broke, because they have the disease of more.

Neither Leah, nor Sonja nor Dorinda should ever get close to alcohol.  One is too many and 500 isn't enough with them.

I don’t know about that.  The nastiest apartments are about $2,500 for a one bedroom.  Tiny apartments to buy start at $1 million with high monthly fees.  Local food marts are very pricy.  Transportation is high.  This is based on my recent experience.  

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7 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

Her full on va-jay-jay was blurred out.  It was a really quick "take" but her nether region was definitely blurred out.  I actually surprised myself that I caught it.

I think it was the nude panty part of the suit that we saw. It could have been blurred because we didn’t see the tattooed wings, but I don’t think she’d put her bare snatch in Lu’s face in front of 100 people...

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1 minute ago, chewycandy said:

I think it was the nude panty part of the suit that we saw. It could have been blurred because we didn’t see the tattooed wings, but I don’t think she’d put her bare snatch in Lu’s face in front of 100 people...

Everything I know of Leah from 15 episodes of RHONY says otherwise.  In fact, it basically says the exact opposite.  I have no doubt that Leah would gladly bare her snatch In Lu’s face in front of 100 people on camera.  That is who she is.  

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4 minutes ago, Bluesky said:

I don’t know about that.  The nastiest apartments are about $2,500 for a one bedroom.  Tiny apartments to buy start at $1 million with high monthly fees.  Local food marts are very pricy.  Transportation is high.  This is based on my recent experience.  

Lots of kids just out of college and get a job in the city usually have a few roommates to share the rent.  Or anyone for that matter.

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1 minute ago, geauxaway said:

Everything I know of Leah from 15 episodes of RHONY says otherwise.  In fact, it basically says the exact opposite.  I have no doubt that Leah would gladly bare her snatch In Lu’s face in front of 100 people on camera.  That is who she is.  

Okay. Until Leah confirms that this was indeed the case, I’ll believe that it was flesh colored underwear. 

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41 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Leah's starting to look old and botoxed too.

Leah IS the NY Brandi, hopefully she won't end up like the BH Brandi, a walking advertisement for the show "Botched."

I tried to watch BH before.  Had to switch the channel.  At least N.Y. gives a few laughs and don’t mind if they get crazy.  Like Dorinda, who came to the party with “bed head”.  Looks like she rolled in from her nap and didn’t comb her hair.  It’s been sticking up in the back for a few weeks now.  BH wouldn’t be caught dead looking like that.

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Just read a blurb in a tabloid that Bravo is looking to offload Dorinda, Ramona and Sonja. LuAnn and Leah will remain and three new women will be added to reflect diversity in NYC. One of the women being named as possible cast member is Kimora Lee Simmons. Maybe Bravo comes on here and reads all the dislike of Dorinda and the need for giving RHONY a much needed facelift with fresh personalities. I say Amen!

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30 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Just read a blurb in a tabloid that Bravo is looking to offload Dorinda, Ramona and Sonja. LuAnn and Leah will remain and three new women will be added to reflect diversity in NYC. One of the women being named as possible cast member is Kimora Lee Simmons. Maybe Bravo comes on here and reads all the dislike of Dorinda and the need for giving RHONY a much needed facelift with fresh personalities. I say Amen!

well, if this happens i definitely won't be watching.  i can't stand leah.  they can get rid of dorinda, sonja and leah

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

I wiki’d Old Man Morgan recently because I wanted to see how many kids he has.  OMG, he is 89 years old.  I knew he was old, but I didn’t think he was old OLD.  Ewwwwwwwwah.

They got married in '98 when he was only 67 though.  I don't know what he was like at that time but I have seen quite a few guys in that age bracket who are still in good shape mentally and physically.  

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44 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Just read a blurb in a tabloid that Bravo is looking to offload Dorinda, Ramona and Sonja. LuAnn and Leah will remain and three new women will be added to reflect diversity in NYC. One of the women being named as possible cast member is Kimora Lee Simmons. Maybe Bravo comes on here and reads all the dislike of Dorinda and the need for giving RHONY a much needed facelift with fresh personalities. I say Amen!

That sounds HORRID.  Leah needs to be a one and done.  And Kimora Lee Simmons....why?

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1 minute ago, ichbin said:

They got married in '98 when he was only 67 though.  I don't know what he was like at that time but I have seen quite a few guys in that age bracket who are still in good shape mentally and physically.  

Fair enough.  But that’s where the other side of it comes in to play.  Quincy is what, 19 / 20?  Great on him if he’s a spry 89 year old. I was just kind of shocked.  67 like you said is manageable.  But dam 89 is old.  We will all be there someday, I know (god willing)!

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:
1 hour ago, chewycandy said:

I think it was the nude panty part of the suit that we saw. It could have been blurred because we didn’t see the tattooed wings, but I don’t think she’d put her bare snatch in Lu’s face in front of 100 people...

Everything I know of Leah from 15 episodes of RHONY says otherwise.  In fact, it basically says the exact opposite.  I have no doubt that Leah would gladly bare her snatch In Lu’s face in front of 100 people on camera.  That is who she is.  

She was wearing a nude bodysuit.  I didn't like the look because the dress fabric was super sheer and the bodysuit did not match her skin color and stood out in a bad way. When she was humping on Luann her dress hiked up and the bodysuit pulled up some also to expose her butt cheeks.  

I do agree with your assessment though.

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8 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

That sounds HORRID.  Leah needs to be a one and done.  And Kimora Lee Simmons....why?

Agreed!  If they are looking for diversity, however, I can think of one person who I believe would be a great fit with the temperament and ages of this cast...Star Jones. 

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