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S05.E07: The Best Mistake Of My Life

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9 minutes ago, DVDFreaker said:

Hahaha guard dogs? If the dogs are stuck in the crate then robbers will have no problem robbing the house

You're right, lol. That house is so small though,  they might just steal the whole house, dogs and all!

Also, Mama Asuelu making her $1000 prayer for the family. Smh. I can understand wanting the one who goes to the States to send money and stuff home, but don't be in the States too when you're demanding that.

Jess' family seems warm and welcoming. I don't blame Colt for sending Debbie back alone to the hotel, that family is probably fun. Debbie doesn't seem like she does fun much. However, Jess didn't need to be rude to her. I didn't like her cursing and what not, not so soon anyway.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

I had an abdominal hysterectomy.  Morphine drip was my friend, except it didn’t do anything but make my brain crazy.  
And yes, he allowed her to have a hysterectomy??  Good God.  

I went through the fibroid issues, then menopause, then endometrial cancer. The morphine drip was cool until they said they were taking it away because I was "forgetting to breathe." At this point, not too many hours after surgery, I was still out of it, and Mr. Renata says I regularly voiced my unhappiness about it for quite some time, lol.

  • Love 3

These people are so annoying! Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through this, lol.

Deb just makes my blood boil. Jess was disrespectful, but Deb's constant "I'm taking my ball and leaving, and you come, too, Colt" is repulsive. She wants to keep control, and when he questions her, she's all ready with the "concern" card to mask her manipulativeness. She's pretty much done nothing but grill Jess and Colt the whole time they've been there. Her stealth promise to do everything she can to break them up, followed by injecting that girl who's watching the cats into the mix, just proves her evil controlling spirit.

Colt, on the other hand, arriving back at the hotel with his hangover and messed up pompadour, was comedy gold. Until his childish exchange with Jess - "Well you're a daddy's girl, nya, nya, nya." Not the same thing at all, Colt. And FYI, your mother does NOT need you to live with her and take care of her. She's not sick. She's perfectly capable of living on her own. She just refuses to do so, because then she wouldn't be able to second guess every move you make.

Chuck and Charlie have so far spent three different occasions grilling Andrei. First in the ride from the airport, then at the lovely dinner, and next week at yet another meal-cum-interrogation. Give it a rest. You're about three years too late, and you're obnoxious, quizzing him at his parents' home during what should be a peaceful dining experience. I felt badly for his parents. Not at all for the haughty, smug SIL who once again sat there with her superior stare.

I have no doubt Libby knows anything there is to know, because she showed not the slightest interest nor concern.

I can't believe that after all Asuelu's tantrums, it turns out his mother, sister, and other relatives live in the states! Their demands for money were rude and selfish. His sister thinks she should come before his kids? Witch.

What? Karine actually smiling? Paul worked very hard to make the new home look nice. I hope he's able to find a job and they can live a nice life.

Poor Mahkul. Grange can't miss a single opportunity to make sure both Mahkul and now his mother will not make the mistake of thinking Ang would actually extend herself and be anything but a 'Merican PIA. I'm glad he's finally pushing back.

  • Love 19
5 hours ago, Bees52 said:

You're right, lol. That house is so small though,  they might just steal the whole house, dogs and all!

Also, Mama Asuelu making her $1000 prayer for the family. Smh. I can understand wanting the one who goes to the States to send money and stuff home, but don't be in the States too when you're demanding that.

Jess' family seems warm and welcoming. I don't blame Colt for sending Debbie back alone to the hotel, that family is probably fun. Debbie doesn't seem like she does fun much. However, Jess didn't need to be rude to her. I didn't like her cursing and what not, not so soon anyway.

 The house is small, but it's clean. And I don't know why she was so upset with some of the choices, they were no worse than her own  house.  The mother seems awfully judgemental, but she raised him. Why didn't she get him counseling years ago?? 

Edited by antfitz
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, renatae said:

I can't believe that after all Asuelu's tantrums, it turns out his mother, sister, and other relatives live in the states! Their demands for money were rude and selfish. His sister thinks she should come before his kids? Witch.

If Mother Asuelu was asking for $1000 I would have told her if I sent the money then I would not be able to come visit because that would be the money for the airfare, which would she want to see, me or the money...dollars to donuts I am sure she would have been fine with skype calls and a money order.   Seriously, what is wrong with telling Mother A that handing out yogurt samples part time just does not pay what she thinks it does, that part time yogurt work is not an aspirational job that allows a lux life.  Unless in Samoa part time yogurt work is the apex of career choices.  If I were Kalani I would have told Mother A that sending money is just not possible since they cannot make ends meet and live with her parents rent free and have two children to take care of, as in one day buy actual clothing for them because they only wear pjs now.  Mother A should be praying to get hired as a Walmart greeter or something because she should not rely on Yogurt Boy for financial gain. 



Also, Mother Asuelu looks like her son but with a wig.  

Edited by Baltimore Betty
I missed a word.
  • Love 21
6 hours ago, Bees52 said:

I don't remember Paul having dogs before he moved to Brazil. I think he just got them and they're going to be guard dogs for the house. He's turning into Higgins from Magnum, PI!

He definitely had the dogs. There was a scene last season of him giving them up to go to Brazil.

Serious suggestion for Pol: He seems to be good with dogs, and doesn't mind working outdoors. There are companies, such as Geese Police and Goose Patrol, that keep Canadian Geese off of private property using dogs. Might be a good fit for Pol.

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I still can’t tell if Kalani wants to be with Asuelo or not. I don’t understand why they just can’t “co-parent”. Jess got really brave around her family lol she was getting revenge on Debbie. But I agree with Debbie that Jess should not have acted that way towards her. I like Colt’s confidence. Andrei’s family seems so nice ,his dad is so cute😊. Libby’s dad and brother seem intimidating. I don’t get why Libby wants to be with him because she always seems annoyed by him lol. Eric seems like he’s on the down low. Larissa seems to really like him,that’s sad. But I did question the other woman on the phone,maybe she was just telling Larissa what she wanted Larissa to know. But I think Colt handles the relationship with Debbie and Jess just fine. He doesn’t seem to take any sides.

  • Love 3

Such great comments - all of you! thank you.

I do think the bit with Larissa finding the girl Erikee was with when they had broken up---and then the girl speaking so freely to her over the phone? Just maybe the teeniest bit possible set up by TLC. (said with the utmost sarcastic tone).  Also the way Jess behaved at the dinner cursing Debbie out? Debbie is horrible but Jess was totally over the line!

So mash screepting. (a l a Rebecca's beau whose name totally escapes me at the moment---------so much scripting)

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I can't with Libby and her family anymore.  I felt bad for Andrei at the family dinner.  Libby admitted that they agreed for him to stay home with the baby, but then says she can change her mind.   Sure, she can change her mind, but that's something you discuss in private as a couple, not something you use to attack him at a dinner with your families.  And it's unfair of her father to say sitting around playing video games is easier than working; being a stay at home parent it not easy.  Eleanor seems to be well cared for, which is down to Andrei when Libby is at work. 

  • Love 19
12 hours ago, zenme said:

 I think they need to visit a counselor and discuss the differences in cultures, and how they're gonna address those in their households.  As a matter of fact, all these couples need to have that discussion.

That  would be the logical thing to do but when have any of these yahoos been logical??

10 hours ago, spunky said:

Where does Asuelu’s mother expect him to get a $1000 from? He hands out yogurt samples for a living. Also why isn’t she providing for herself ? What is her daughter doing career wise? I understand it’s a cultural thing, however they need to adapt to a different way of life. I’m not saying forget about your culture or where you came from, but don’t expect that everything will remain the same. 

I couldn't believe the attitude of Mom and sister.  First, they come before the kids. Second, Mom is lazy (uh get a job? A hobby? What about going to the craft store and getting materials to weave baskets?) The sister doing the money sign was just so bad and insulting.  


  • Love 17

Deb will never be happy with anyone Coltee brings home. Jess looks like she has a nice stable family, their home is nicer than Coltee and DEbbie have, but she just flips out for no reason. Yes, Larissa was a crazy person. Yes this is all scripted for TV, but it's just super weird. I guess the only storyline that Coltee will ever have is how he and his mom are attached at the hip. Coltee likes the sexee, so it he could figure out a way to live with Debbie 23 hours a day and have a wife/woman who would only visit for sexee for an hour a day they would be all set. Clearly someone told Coltee that since he lost weightee, he should wear a speedo. Just no. 

Wow Ericee's apartment is a huge letdown. He friend has a nice house and she left for a crappy apartment? I don't get it. 

I'm still not over Angela going off about the women ex pats last week. So women make up at least 50% of the world's population, yet Mykul is supposed to make sure to have no contact with any woman ever at all. Do I have that right? And in Angela's house who cooks? It must be Papa Johns every day. 

I have to admit that compared to the other places, the one that Pole rented is the best. Yes pole, it's a tiny house, just jump on that lifestyle bandwagon, why don't you? And there were already pens for the dogs. so I call producer shenanigans. Pole getting a job is going to be a huge lift. He should be working with social services. There are programs where ex-offenders can get support in their job search. Some employers work with these agencies and organizations to hire felons, because a) they are socially motivated or b) there are tax credits or other financial rewards for doing it. If he just tries on his own, he's going to never make it through the front door of most places, since he has to disclose his convictions. 

I don't watch Andrei cuz it's all fake. And Asuelo is such a baby man, I can't listen to him talk. 


Edited by poeticlicensed
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27 minutes ago, steff13 said:

And it's unfair of her father to say sitting around playing video games

This is a version of that lame stereotype that stay at home mothers spent the day watching soap operas and Oprah while eating bon bons.  We all know why Libby is the breadwinner.  Daddy pays her a full time salary for a part time job.  And I don’t get the sense he expects her to do much.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, greekmom said:

That  would be the logical thing to do but when have any of these yahoos been logical??

I couldn't believe the attitude of Mom and sister.  First, they come before the kids. Second, Mom is lazy (uh get a job? A hobby? What about going to the craft store and getting materials to weave baskets?) The sister doing the money sign was just so bad and insulting.  


I would have straight up told them to get a job. 

  • Love 5

The other thing that Pole could do re:employment, is to work as a temp. There are many temp agencies that provide day labor and will hire felons. Many of the jobs are not a one day gig. If he starts working in a place and makes a a good impression, he might have a better shot to get hired long term. But this is Paul, so foget what I said. Pole has no idea how to make a good impression or work hard. 

  • LOL 5
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4 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

This is a version of that lame stereotype that stay at home mothers spent the day watching soap operas and Oprah while eating bon bons.  We all know why Libby is the breadwinner.  Daddy pays her a full time salary for a part time job.  And I don’t get the sense he expects her to do much.

Right, we all know Libby isn't out setting the corporate world on fire.  My husband was a stay at home father for a while, becuase I was in a better career position than he was.  That is similar to Libby and Andrei's position.  If I were Andrei, I'd take a minimum wage job over working for Libby's father.  God only knows what a nightmare that would be for him. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, steff13 said:

Right, we all know Libby isn't out setting the corporate world on fire.  My husband was a stay at home father for a while, becuase I was in a better career position than he was.  That is similar to Libby and Andrei's position.  If I were Andrei, I'd take a minimum wage job over working for Libby's father.  God only knows what a nightmare that would be for him. 

I wonder how well things are going in Chuck's business these days, given Covid. 


  • Useful 1

This show is sucking more and more every week, and directly in proportion with the proliferation of scripted scenes. Right now Paul and Karine and MAYBE Asuelu and Kalani are the only interesting people on the show. Colt and Mom's Brazilian Misadventures are a total sham. Well done, Colt, too, for detecting the producers wanting to see how far you'd debase yourself by putting on that speedo and flashing out your moobs on TV, and good for you for limting it by inexplicably keeping the shirt on. Asshole. Larissa clearly moving in with Ericky and his boyfriend (can we just be real and admit that dued is clearly a gay acting student and his room mate was his boyfriend? Because what other explanation is there for all these shenanigans? Is acting REALLY as hard as these people are making it look? I fucking hate the Larissa story line so much, but don't sleep on my hatred of the Jess and Colt storyline either. 

Also it's pretty clear they've gone to the "ugly American" well with Angela. She's a fucking idiot, and gross, for sure, but suddenly she's aghast hat he wants her to make a Nigerian dinner, while they live in Nigeria? I'm an AMERICAN WOMAN, here's this gross fucking pizza and get me mah cigarettes! 

The invented backstory with Andrei, too, enough. It's soooooo critical that he was a detective and left under shady circumstances and it's only coming up now?? Fuck them. 

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

The other thing that Pole could do re:employment, is to work as a temp. There are many temp agencies that provide day labor and will hire felons. Many of the jobs are not a one day gig. If he starts working in a place and makes a a good impression, he might have a better shot to get hired long term. But this is Paul, so foget what I said. Pole has no idea how to make a good impression or work hard. 

This is a good point.  I used to work at a temporary service, and the people who willingly went and did the one or two day (or similar) jobs were the first ones we called when temp to hire jobs became available.  

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:

What's the big secret about Eric?  What exactly did he "do" to Larissa that would cause Carmen to throw Larissa out of her house?  Maybe I fast forwarded too much in the past!

Yes, please!  I am new to this shitshow as well.  What did he do, besides have the poor judgment to go out with Larissa?


  • Love 2
1 minute ago, suzywallis said:

Yes, please!  I am new to this shitshow as well.  What did he do, besides have the poor judgment to go out with Larissa?


Absolutely nothing we know of. This is all a story they're inventing, like all of these "friends" Larissa has. THey all are somehow intimately aware of some horrible shit Ericky did, but it's all soooooo mysterious. It's a classic "There's something I haven't told my fiancee, and I'm sure they're not going to be happy when they hear it!" then cut to commercial. I hope at least this reveal is creative. "Ericky was running a dogfighting ring" is my hope. 

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So Ansuelu throws a tantrum and stomps off because he misses his family in Samoa and wants to visit them... but then we learn mom and sis live in the States? Who’s left in Samoa for him to miss? 

Michael says he’s not chasing the green card, he’s even said he wants to stay in Nigeria. No way Ange can conceive and tote a baby. So why is he putting up with this bullying? There’s nothing in it for him ... unless the TLC money?  The odd thing is he seems to care for Ange. I don’t get it. 

The tiny house will be a cluttered mess in no time. Owning dogs is expensive. Did Pole gat a TLC pay raise? But nice to see Kareeny smile for a change.

The family Libby visit to family Andrrrrrei obviously a set up right from the drive from the airport.  Who cares about Walmart after being in a plane for hours on end! I guess Andrrrrrei’s big secret will be dragged out over the next few episodes.🙄

The only reason Debbie Is in Brazil is because TLC wants her there to stir things up. What does she do all day? Sit in that hotel room? Jess seems to live in a nice home with a pool, which was a bit of a surprise.  The wobbly walk on the beach ... oh my. Coltee must get an awful rash on his thick thighs as they rub together with every step (chub rub).  TLC can be so cruel, but these idiots go along with the humiliation.

The Larissa  phone call was so fake. She’s ruined her face. 

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Is it just me, or are Paul and Karine gross slobs? They are going to have the place trashed in no time. Eventually it will get so unlivable that Paul will just torch it like he did before. 

Debbie-- if you are having the exact same issues with Colt's new girlfriend as you did his last one-- maybe it's you. Why does she talk like there are marbles in her mouth? Why does she need to be "taken care of?" What does that even mean? I don't see Colt really doing anything care taking for his mom, but she does seem to pull the purse strings for whatever reason.

Larissa's life has really become a mess. She needs to go back to Brazil and be with her children.

Libby's dad and brother are complete assholes. I can't even believe how rude and dumb they are. The whole family is really unimpressive. 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, spunky said:

Where does Asuelu’s mother expect him to get a $1000 from? He hands out yogurt samples for a living. Also why isn’t she providing for herself ? What is her daughter doing career wise? I understand it’s a cultural thing, however they need to adapt to a different way of life. I’m not saying forget about your culture or where you came from, but don’t expect that everything will remain the same. 

I know that Mother Asuelu is in Washington State right now, but what if when she asked for $1,000 she MEANT $1,000 tālā (Samoan money, properly written with a $)?  That would be $376.50 in American dollars.

I doubt it, but MAYBE.  LOL.

And the sister's "money shuffling" gesture looks to be a sure indication that she's used to demanding that people shell out to Mama . . . and probably her.

  • Love 5
On 7/25/2020 at 9:21 AM, magemaud said:

They already ARE since Libby and Andrei have been married for two years or so. That's why I don't get Chuck's ominous threats about finding out Andrei's background, what is he going to do, stop the SECOND (unnecessary) wedding ceremony? That ship sailed long ago. 


Same exact thing I thought.  They've been married 2-3 years and have that darling baby girl.  The time to have asked these questions would have been when he was over in America for the 90 days.  Talk about shutting the barn door after the horse got out.  Idiots.  

On 7/25/2020 at 1:24 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I had to laugh at Libby's family whining about walking long distances in airports.   Haven't they ever been to Newark, JFK, Atlanta, or Dulles?    

Ugh, as I recall it was a really good jaunt between gates at Midland airport, too.  Family Libby must not travel much.  That Moldovan airport didn't look bad at all.  

On 7/25/2020 at 3:53 PM, suzywallis said:

So, Erickeeee just HAPPENED to have an empty room in his apartment?  MMkay.  That didn't look scripted at all! 

I'm so fed up with this fake shit between Larissa/Eric and Colt/Jess.  

So the Brazilian waif who claims to have "no one" in Las Vegas also has a friend named Hannah and conveniently calls Eric's ex (lol) Nathalie, both of whom have accents that sound eyebrow-raising similar to Larissa's accent?  Imagine that.  

I'm willing to bet this heifer is friends with every green card-digging Brazilian woman in fucking Clark County and is using them as props to keep her ass on the TLC teat.  

TLC, please give her and Colt their own show and get them the fuck off of this one.  Out of 2 hours, probably 75 minutes were spent on these frauding assclowns.  

12 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Larissa knows the word pejorative? I call Shenanigans!

And even pronounced it correctly.  Things that make you go hmmmm....

I'm going to assume she saw the word in one of her court documents and memorized it for posterity.  

11 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Can’t comment now; seeing Coltee on the beach. Gotta curl up in a ball and try to forget those images!

Ugh, and I was mesmerized by Jess' horrific thigh tattoos taking on a frightening life of their own, jiggling in every direction, as she walked next to him.  

11 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

He has bulges everywhere except where he should.

Television in 2020.  Larissa used different blowjob techniques on Colt and Eric.  I have a feeling that there is no need for deep throat on Colt and Eric could probably demonstrate technique.

I love you ❤️  

10 hours ago, Bees52 said:

Hi all! I missed a lot of this earlier tonight, so playing catch up now. Just a few comments:

Liz' dad and brother acting like investigators asking all those questions on the ride from the airport. Come on, relax y'all had a long trip. Wait until you reach the house before you start crap.

Angela and Michael at the market. I'm not sure what was more gross the meat displayed all out in the open, or Angela's reaction at the car.

Aww Larissa has no where to go and no one wants to be around her because she's back with Eric. So she asks to live with Eric, and his roommate. Hmph. Not sure I'd let someone in who just called the police on me and people I know.


Eric would impale himself on a cactus if it meant he'd get his thirsty ass on this show.

And since it's the psychotic Larissa with whom he's entangled, he may just get that chance if he pisses her off.  

I have to say, in spite of my obvious loathing of Larissa, I remember back early in her season, she tried to prepare Colt a healthier breakfast than what Debbie served him up every day, but both Colt and Debbie objected.  Might be the only time I was on her side.  

There, now I've said something "nice" about her and now I can go back to obsessing about this fake story line fucknuttery.  😄 

Edited by Persnickety1
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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Wow Ericee's apartment is a huge letdown. He friend has a nice house and she left for a crappy apartment? I don't get it. 



Larissa told her friend that she is back with Eric and she did not support it so she kicked Larissa out and she has no choice to move into Eric’s crappy apartment or she would be homeless

Edited by DVDFreaker
  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

It's soooooo critical that he was a detective and left under shady circumstances and it's only coming up now??

He said he went to college for five years and then worked for one year as a detective at a desk job.  Maybe things are different there but in the US you are expected to work as a patrol officer first so that you um know something about law enforcement before you get promoted to detective.  And what detective could detect from a desk lol?

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19 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I had to laugh at Libby's family whining about walking long distances in airports.   Haven't they ever been to Newark, JFK, Atlanta, or Dulles?   

They are from Tampa, like me, and if you fly just about anywhere from here, you have to change planes in Atlanta, Charlotte, NYC, or Washington. There are almost no direct flights anywhere, particularly international flights. And only the luckiest of us actually find that the gate for our connecting flight is in the same conscourse. I swear sometimes I hear "Welcome to the plane train" for days after I fly through ATL. 

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:


So Ansuelu throws a tantrum and stomps off because he misses his family in Samoa and wants to visit them... but then we learn mom and sis live in the States? Who’s left in Samoa for him to miss? 


I thought he said in an earlier episode that they are half sisters in the States and his mom was visiting them.  I think he has full siblings, his dad, and extended family in Samoa.

54 minutes ago, suzywallis said:

So Paul committed arson??  I need to go back and find the season he was on.  This is the show I am lost on without knowing the backstories.

He burned his own property for insurance money.  He also stalked an ex.

52 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I think if you read the couple's thread, it's all there. Arson, plus stalking of an ex. 

I thought it was addressed on the show as well.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Wow Ericee's apartment is a huge letdown. He friend has a nice house and she left for a crappy apartment? I don't get it. 

More potential for fake drama-nanigans...such as what we were given with the fake ex Nathalie whom Larissa discovered on Eric's phone.  

TLC needs to give Larissa and Colt their own spinoff so they don't give them 75% of every HEA episode.

They could title it "Colt-y and His Brazilian Harem," and they could include of these Brazilian friends (that Larissa claims not to have) to the cast. 

I think that woman (Vanessa or whatever her name is who is supposedly pet-sitting for Debbie and Colt) is also in on this facade, so she can go, too.   

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