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S05.E07: Stand-Up Smackdown

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I was rolling my eyes the whole lip sync. My prevailing thought was, "What a waste of Kennedy's talents. The right queen better be sent home tonight."  The only highlight of the episode was Blair getting the chop she deserved.  I would have called Cracker all kinds of names if she let Blair into the top 3. 

#TeamShea or #TeamJuJu 

They better not give this to Cracker.   

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45 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

I was rolling my eyes the whole lip sync. My prevailing thought was, "What a waste of Kennedy's talents. The right queen better be sent home tonight."   

And of course what better way to top off a boring lipsync than for Cracker to do a cartwheel because that’ll make it more interesting! I thought Ru was half asleep during it. Reba McIntyre may not be my cup of tea but I’ve seen way better lipsyncs to country music songs than that.

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5 hours ago, Ananayel said:

This is correct. The right winner, the right F3, the right boot. I want Juju to win but would be okay with Shea. I wonder if Cracker got the win because the bottom 3 vote was a three way tie, and there was no one lipstick to give Kennedy. Guess we'll see next week.

They showed it during Untucked.  


Blair chose Juju and everyone else chose Blair.




I think Cracker is funny, and I’ve always liked her.  I wouldn’t mind her winning at all!  But to be honest, any of the final three would make me happy.

Edited by Marmiarmo
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Blair's attempt at comedy almost made me nostalgic for Laganja's attempt at comedy.

Things I would rather be nostalgic for:

Season two of The Swan

Shaquille O'Neal's hiphop career

The Chevy Chase Show

Tyra Sanchez winning season 2

MC Skat Cat's non-Paula Abdul career


Tom Green being culturally relevant

India, Mariah, and Blair all being considered "All Stars."

Actually, I take it back for the last one.

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I love Blair but we all knew she wouldn't make to the final three. The rest is just manufactured suspense, big surprise.

The lip-sync assassin was a great idea, poorly executed. It's been pretty obvious that the winner is pre-determined, and the loser throws the competition. Every one of these "assassins" should be absolutely killing it and forcing the All-Star to step it up big time. Instead we got mostly underwhelming lip syncs all around. 

I'm fine with any of the final three winning, as long as they deserve it. 

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Good final three.

Godawful lipsync.

Cracker was the best at the standup, from what we saw, but having won three chunky trips (Montreal, London, and South Africa) and I think $40,000 in tips for her not very good lipsyncs, I hope someone else - either JuJu or Shea - wins the crown and the 100,000 dollas. My heart is with Jujubee.

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I thought Shea had the funniest set, and Jujube the best look of the night--the runway was also so topical, given all the masks.  Blair's runway was also amazing, but it's no surprise that she flopped--Alexis would have done better in this challenge, she's so funny. 

The lipsync was trash, Kennedy basically walked around the stage mouthing gibberish, and Cracker bombed too.  I wish the judges would have read Cracker for wearing that blonde wig so many times.  I didn't laugh at Cracker's set, I thought it was kind of prosaic, and I'm sick of the one note that she brings to everything.  But I'm afraid that since the judges have arbitrarily given her three wins they are probably setting her up for a win.  I'm team Jujube, even if they could joint win Jujube/Shea, I'd be happy--a more deserving two way then last year.  

Edited by Glade
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Alexis would have done better in this challenge, she's so funny. 

Not necessarily...I remember her doing a similar challenge, and there her "jokes" mostly consisted of shaking around a fake F-size. Which is the extend of her humour, she is mostly simply loud.

Anyway, I lived for Cracker giving out the roles and explaining how she made the picks in order to fuck with everyone. She was naturally only half serious, but there are two ways those things go: Either someone tries to be nice and hence "goes first" as some sort of sacrifice (though honestly, I think I would want to go first in a challenge like this...fresh audience and no risk that someone used similar material to yours beforehand. Yes, you have to warm up the audience, but that can happen to you too if the queen before you bombed), or they try to pretend that they didn't pick the best slot for themselves. It was kind of refreshing for Cracker to be all "okay, I don't want to go first, I don't want to go last, and I don't want to go after or before a queen so good in comedy, she might outshine me", and be honest about it.

That she won wasn't really a surprise...just like the sewing challenge, this is her thing after all, and she is the best writer of the bunch. The only risk was that the performance would be too stiff, and while it kind of was (she just doesn't have the easy presence someone like Jujubee has), the fact that Jujubee stumbled a little bit at the start made her the obvious winner.

Blair wasn't really "overprepared", she was unprepared. Honestly, she is supposed to be a theatre queen, and doesn't know how to memorize her own jokes? It is one thing to have a pad with some bullet points on them, but basically reading them off the sheet, she should have known that this wouldn't work. Thus said, if she HAD managed to deliver her jokes properly, I would have routed for Shea to go home. I am so tired of her rose petals story. Honestly, how many queens fell short of winning this show, but I have never seen any of them whine so much about it. Plus, Sheas runway was by far the worst. It was waaaay to safe. The one which somehow landed her in the bottom would have been a better fit for THIS challenge.

Juju had the best runway, Cracker gets brownie points for not going the obvious route, and it was nice to see her in a different wig with different make-up.

Honestly, having Kennedy there and then playing THIS song? I mean, it confirmed what I always thought, that Kennedy is more splits than actual lip sync performance, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't have loved to see her ramp it up. I was also sure that as long it could be argued, Cracker would win this one, because no matter who she would have chosen, it would have created drama.

Overall though, better than expected. I usually don't really like the comedy challenges all that much, because most of the performances by the queens tend to be overly awkward, so having just one awkward performance was a win for me.

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Did Kennedy have a sprained ankle or something? Because that was the most lackluster lip sync I have ever seen. Cracker’s impish prancing had absolutely no connection to the lyrics, but at least had some energy, so I guess deserved the win.

If Blair had a little more self-awareness, she could have made the page turning part of the act, by doing a parody of a clueless standup comedian. Because that shit was hilarious.

I want to go grocery shopping with Jujubee.

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I really loved how much useful and specific feedback Jane and Ross had for the queens. Often the guest judges just say generic supportive things.

I know people always have feelings about where they are in the lineup, but in a situation like this where there are only four spots, there are really only three spots (first, last, and in between). No one ever wants to be first, but other than that I don't think there's a really awful slot when there are only three slots left.

Juju is naturally hilarious all the time so I was disappointed in her set. It took a little too long for her to get started but once she got some good jokes in, she got more comfortable and started getting funnier. Her checkerboard runway outfit was great. She had the best runway look by far. Ha, if Juju wants to go to the grocery store dressed in her various weirdo costumes, she should move to San Francisco because no one would bat an eye at seeing that outfit in public. Hahaha, her Valentina reference cracked me up.

Blair had tons of material during rehearsal that Ross and Jane loved, but she ended up just insulting everyone (and not in a funny way) during her set. She really couldn't remember those "jokes" without looking through her notebook? She was clearly the worst one in the challenge. Ha, I loved when Sam said her "jokes" would have made a good bunch of tweets. Her polka dot runway outfit looked way too much like a homemade party costume or a first year Burning Man look (unitard with fuzzy bikini, vaguely bondage-y straps, unnecessary rainbow pom poms, platform shoes). A+ to Michelle Visage for the Siouxsie Sioux reference.

Cracker already won points for being the first one to walk out there without her notebook. She is obviously comfortable doing stand up and didn't need to rely on referring to her notebook, which was great. Her runway look was not great. I wish she had concentrated on having one great look instead of two okay looks.

I was worried about Shea after her rehearsal but she did great. I was glad that she listened to Ross and Jane's advice to address what happened in S9 and be able to laugh about it. I think it made for good material but I think it also helped her get over it a little more. Her runway look was another beginner Burning Man look for me (unitard + straps + fur + platform boots). I don't know why Michelle said this look was safe and Ross said it wasn't elevated but Blair had the same look and got praised for it (Ross specifically said that Blair's look was elevated). Blair's hair and makeup were more polished, but the overall looks were both really similar and equally bad.

Best standup outfit - Shea

Best runway outfit - Jujubee

Best standup act - for me, it was really close between Shea and Cracker but I gave the edge to Shea

Worst standup act - Blair by a mile

Worst standup outfit - Jujubee

Worst runway oufit - threeway tie between Blair, Shea, and Cracker

For me, Blair was the clear choice to go because her runway look sucked and her standup was terrible. Shea's runway look wasn't good but her standup was one of the best. Juju's look was great and her standup was a solid second behind Shea/Cracker (and WAY better than Blair's).

That LSFYL was so boring. I am kind of mad that Cracker has won $40K for lackluster LSFYLs this season.


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Though I find Cracker a bit overrated, I always give her points for self-awareness, she’s smart enough to choose the right lipstick to go home, and not pull a Naomi Smalls-Manilla upset, offsetting any possible wrath she could face.

I loved Jujubee’s runway, it kind of reminded of something Ongina would have worn if she had hadn’t self-imploded.

I’m fine with the final 3, and will be fine with either Jujubee or Shea winning. It’s too bad they ended up competing on a rather lackluster All Stars season. From watching the previews I’m also disappointed that it appears the eliminated queens aren’t returning to claim the crown.

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What was up with Ru’s phone call at the end?  And I don’t mean what was it about for next week, I mean why was that done so awkwardly?  It felt like Ru just suddenly ended the phone call and the queens were like “uh, oh, okay, is this where we dance at the end” rather than a fun soap opera “to be continued, duh, duh, duh.”  Again I swear All Stars seems like it should be the easiest things to get right, but they consistently get even a lot of the little things wrong.

I do like the final three though, and at least they got to do interesting looks on the runway this time:  JuJuBees would have been one of my favorites on any season, and everybody had fun shoes.  Favorite judge’s line tonight:  “the heels have eyes”!

Edited by bobbyjoe
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Yeah, the phone call was weird. I know they want to wrap up suspense, but it went way too long and then you had this dancing scene, and Kennedy walked in with those register to vote signs but the camera never focussed on it so I needed some time to figure out what they actually were. Honestly, it would have been more fun if the dancing scene had suddenly be interrupted by the phone call.

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1 hour ago, swanpride said:

Yeah, the phone call was weird. I know they want to wrap up suspense, but it went way too long and then you had this dancing scene, and Kennedy walked in with those register to vote signs but the camera never focussed on it so I needed some time to figure out what they actually were. Honestly, it would have been more fun if the dancing scene had suddenly be interrupted by the phone call.

How pissed would everyone have been if this had made the move to Showtime and you had to pay to watch this season? LOL.... Nothing about this season was even remotely worth the move to a pay channel they had planned ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I think Blair outdid a lot of expectations this season, but it was definitely her time to go.

I'm #TeamJuju or #TeamShea.  Probably the former, since Shea has really beaten the Sasha narrative into the ground in a way I've found vaguely alienating.  I don't feel like I've learned anything else about her this season.

I agree with those who think Jane was a really useful presence in the working session.  Remember when someone could come in with a voice like that and your first thought would be "oh, poor thing, that sounds terrible!" rather than asking WebMD whether laryngitis is a coronavirus symptom?

Edited by 853fisher
Extra space for no reason
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I hate when there's a clear incongruity with what was probably said in the brief for the girls to pack and what the category is named on the runway. It was abundantly clear to me that they were probably told Rave and it was generalized to "Freak Out." Freak is so incredibly general that there's no chance that three of them thought of 90s raver/Club Kids/Candy Kids and one Goth Raver. I just have a hard time believing none of them thought of horror or fetish or grunge Goth.

Regarding the talk about roses, I haven't found it off-putting or alienating as someone others have mentioned. I can't imagine losing a reality competition program after a relatively dominating performance because of a format change and some rose petals and then, THEN, having rose petals thrown at me from city to city to city as a way to get a rise or a laugh. Combine that with the trauma of a dad and sister passing from cancer around that time and it's a lot to go through. She's clearly not past it and she'll work it out in her own time.

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

How pissed would everyone have been if this had made the move to Showtime and you had to pay to watch this season? LOL.... Nothing about this season was even remotely worth the move to a pay channel they had planned ....

You mean like me, who had to buy the season on Amazon Prime? 
At least I had Juju  

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2 hours ago, EmZeeGee said:

Regarding the talk about roses, I haven't found it off-putting or alienating as someone others have mentioned. I can't imagine losing a reality competition program after a relatively dominating performance because of a format change and some rose petals and then, THEN, having rose petals thrown at me from city to city to city as a way to get a rise or a laugh. Combine that with the trauma of a dad and sister passing from cancer around that time and it's a lot to go through. She's clearly not past it and she'll work it out in her own time.

Agreed. I'm not with the "Get over It!" talk when others are clearly not willing to let Shea get past it. Trauma is real and I would probably hate rose petals if folk tossed them at me everywhere I went.  Drag Race is grueling and a pressure cooker to all the queens who participated in it. They should have a show therapist to help the queens transition back to regular life once the show is over.

I did like that Shea is at least willing to talk about that point in her life and how it changed her. There can be a form of therapy in acknowledging your feelings about a situation.

#TeamShea #TeamJuJu

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5 hours ago, EmZeeGee said:

It was abundantly clear to me that they were probably told Rave and it was generalized to "Freak Out." Freak is so incredibly general that there's no chance that three of them thought of 90s raver/Club Kids/Candy Kids and one Goth Raver. 

When Ru first announced it, she said “ah, Freak Out!” and I thought it was a reference to the 70s disco song, so you could’ve knocked me over with a feather when they all came out like a club night threw up on them. I’m a little square for this show sometimes. 😉

Edited by 853fisher
snow -> show
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I thought Shea's joke about Blair failing her driving exam was a bit tone deaf. I know it was about her looking young but considering she had the DUI thing happen that was discussed earlier, I think she could have chosen a different kind of exam and still gotten the point across (ACT? pre-SAT?)... Unless it actually was about the DUI??? Hard to tell.

Why were they trying to gaslight us into believing that Blair has been funny this whole time? We've watched this show they've edited for us, and if there's been evidence of humor, they haven't shown it. It's the queens saying it, though, so has the show been denying us actual humor from Blair for the sake of this elimination?

I have no idea who Jane Krakowski is.

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6 minutes ago, belligerent said:

I have no idea who Jane Krakowski is.

Oh no, you're missing out! She's a true triple threat. Tony Award winning actress, Emmy nominated for '30 Rock'  and 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' and now one of the best guest mentors/judges on Drag Race.

It's not as if she's one of those twelve year olds from some teen drama they sometimes have judging.

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3 minutes ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

Oh no, you're missing out! She's a true triple threat. Tony Award winning actress, Emmy nominated for '30 Rock'  and 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' and now one of the best guest mentors/judges on Drag Race.

It's not as if she's one of those twelve year olds from some teen drama they sometimes have judging.

I haven't watched television regularly for ten years so that could be why. I'm sure she's absolutely great and she seemed nice, I just have never heard of her before.

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Juju's runway looked like Harley Quinn meets Frieza.

Blair seemed to take her positive feedback from the review session as "you're brilliant and don't need to prepare" given the notebookeyness. I mean, I could tell from the edit....and everything I've seen before of Blair on this show that there was no way her standup was going to be good. Seemed they were going for "the people who struggled in the rehearsal but really ought to be fine at this will indeed pull it out and the one who you would expect to suck needs some false suspense that maybe she might be OK at this."

While I am familiar with all of Jane's television work, she'll always be Lady Larken to me. She was a much more useful than usual guest judge. I'd love to see her recur over some of the other more frequent, vague guest judges.

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Blair turned the standup challenge into a roast / reading challenge.  I did not like that.  I would differentiate standup from a roast.  

Regarding the tiresome begging from the bottom two, as others here have pointed out, just "wanting it so badly" is not a reason.  Neither is "I've worked so hard" (whatever that means).  I'd hope a queen would say, "Keep me here because I am an All-Star, bitch." It is all-stars.  Blair, IMO, is not an all-star.

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On 7/18/2020 at 8:08 AM, Not4Me said:

Though I find Cracker a bit overrated, I always give her points for self-awareness, she’s smart enough to choose the right lipstick to go home, and not pull a Naomi Smalls-Manilla upset, offsetting any possible wrath she could face.

I loved Jujubee’s runway, it kind of reminded of something Ongina would have worn if she had hadn’t self-imploded.

I’m fine with the final 3, and will be fine with either Jujubee or Shea winning. It’s too bad they ended up competing on a rather lackluster All Stars season. From watching the previews I’m also disappointed that it appears the eliminated queens aren’t returning to claim the crown.

I wonder if anyone took it the same way i did..when Ru was saying ms cracker won...again.  and she gave a sigh, wasnt happy one bit.  Yeah this has been an odd All Star season.  Was it rushed? Did they have to put it all together and quick into production?  Ive said it before, after s12, which is turning out ro be my fav of all of them, this one has sucked.  * ducks, sorry Ru!  *

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I'm happy with this final trio (which was quite obviously the only possible outcome of this season), although I feel the producers had a hand in that. From what Cracker said on multiple occasions, it seemed like she was ready to get rid of the person who posed the biggest threat in her race for the crown, and that person is clearly not Blair. I think she was going to pull a Naomi Smalls and eliminate Shea and then the producers made her change her mind or plainly told her "don't". Or maybe I'm just conspiracy theoring and Cracker actually really chose Blair because she knows she's not exactly a fan favorite and choosing Shea would only make things worse for her reputation. Who knows. The one thing that's for sure is that that lipsync was painful to look at, but to be honest the song was awful and it would've been hard for anybody to do a good job. 

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On 7/18/2020 at 10:17 AM, EmZeeGee said:

Regarding the talk about roses, I haven't found it off-putting or alienating as someone others have mentioned. I can't imagine losing a reality competition program after a relatively dominating performance because of a format change and some rose petals and then, THEN, having rose petals thrown at me from city to city to city as a way to get a rise or a laugh. Combine that with the trauma of a dad and sister passing from cancer around that time and it's a lot to go through. She's clearly not past it and she'll work it out in her own time.

I agree. My first name is not as common as Jennifer was in the 80s, but there's a pop culture reference that just about everyone associates with my name so it's not unusual when I meet someone new that I get that particular pop culture reference yelled at me.

There are a lot of things that aren't super annoying the first 9542387513232 times you hear them, but get pretty old after a while (especially when other people think they're being OH SO CLEVER when they make these references). When I get that pop culture reference yelled at me, I have to try not to roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, I've never heard that before." For that reason, I totally understand why Shea gets annoyed when people throw rose petals at her. It's not original and it's not funny and after you've heard the same tired non-joke a million times, it's just fucking irritating.

On top of that, there's nothing painful or mean about the pop culture reference that goes with my name but the rose petals are just a reminder that she went on national tv and lost which takes the rose petals from annoying to rude.

While I agree that at some point she needs to work through the pain of losing, how is she supposed to do that when people are reminding her about it at every meet and greet?

On 7/18/2020 at 6:05 PM, belligerent said:

I have no idea who Jane Krakowski is.


On 7/18/2020 at 6:18 PM, Fake Jan Brady said:

Oh no, you're missing out! She's a true triple threat. Tony Award winning actress, Emmy nominated for '30 Rock'  and 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' and now one of the best guest mentors/judges on Drag Race.

The first role I remember Jane Krakowski in is Elaine on Ally McBeal. She's had an amazing career in the theater (she also won an Olivier for Guys and Dolls) as well as television. She's one of the few guest judges who has given useful feedback to the queens on RPDR. On tv she tends to play overly dramatic/selfish characters so it was great to see her breaking down specific things for the contestants.

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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The first role I remember Jane Krakowski in is Elaine on Ally McBeal. She's had an amazing career in the theater (she also won an Olivier for Guys and Dolls) as well as television. She's one of the few guest judges who has given useful feedback to the queens on RPDR. On tv she tends to play overly dramatic/selfish characters so it was great to see her breaking down specific things for the contestants.

Jane Krakowski got her start as a dancer.  See this movie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_with_Me_(1998_film)

(And she did a series of commercials for orange juice drink.)

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