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"The View": Week of 7/13/2020

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Anybody notice the look on MeAgain's face when Amy said she wasn't the pregnant girl in overalls with a kerchief tied around her head? MeAgain was wearing one of her headbands with the knot at the top. She looked a little flustered when Amy said that.

On The Spot What GIF by Rooster Teeth

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2 hours ago, Goodtimes said:

My Mom and I are convinced Megan mentions this hoping for a free crib (from a high end furniture store, I'm sure). 

You mean she won't be satisfied with a crib from Walmart? That's where Real Americans who live in red states shop, I'm told.

Edited by heysmilinstrange
jesus christ
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52 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:


You mean she won't be satisfied with a crib from Walmart? That's where Real Americans who live in red states shop, I'm told.

I don't know if you still can, but, she might could buy her a rifle there, too.

Edited by Bronzedog
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31 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

You mean she won't be satisfied with a crib from Walmart? That's where Real Americans who live in red states shop, I'm told.

And you can get curbside pickup.

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9 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

There is already fear in my state that salons will be shut down. Everyone is racing to get their hair cut before it happens.  

  • I got a haircut when things opened up and then got a preparatory haircut for the next shutdown a few weeks later, too.
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Methinks it has to do with the end of the season and contract renewal coming up. That's probably why the repetitious "I'm the only conservative, you need me" schtick has ramped up x10 this week. They don't need you if they can get Elisabeth to come back, honey.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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14 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Methinks it has to do with the end of the season and contract renewal coming up. That's probably why the repetitious "I'm the only conservative, you need me" schtick has ramped up x10 this week. They don't need you if they can get Elisabeth to come back, honey.

Oh no, please not Hasselblech ... my BP has just returned to normal.  Missy is a cake walk after Lizzy.

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7 hours ago, lusinia said:

This is the crib Whoopie gave Abby - https://www.happiestbaby.com/products/snoo-smart-bassinet.  Since Abby received two of them, and Meghan only needs one, I'm sure she thinks she deserves something twice as expensive. 

When I clicked on the link, my first thought was that it was a boring bassinet, until...

The YouTubes on this are amazing!  I truly got sucked down the rabbit hole watching reviews of this product, as well as the manufacturer's promo, so about an hour in total.  I'd love to see an in-person demo, and I don't even have a baby.

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MeAgain said today that she hasn't allowed herself to be photographed below the neck because of comments she will receive.

But she also says, continually, that she doesn't care what people think/say about her, that she is a bad-ass with thick skin, and that nothing anyone says about her or her appearance affects her.

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13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I've never seen such a fortunate woman want to portray herself as this victim all the time.

It is her privilege that allows her to do that. Most people don't get the luxury of being able to do that.  She complains about not being able to go in person and buy a crib. I'm going to save my sympathy for the mothers who can't afford to buy what I'm sure will be an ultra expensive crib. They have to rely on hand me downs from friends or relatives.

13 hours ago, deirdra said:

When Meghan was saying that all of the women on The View had been cancelled or targeted for cancelling, I couldn't help but think about Meghan's campaign to get Sunny cancelled several months ago.

Whoopi was the only one who was "cancelled" after the Bush brouhaha and the Friars Roast blackface incident.   Joy was targeted a few years ago when she made some ill advised remarks about a beauty pageant contestant who was a nurse. The only one who wanted to cancel Sunny was Meghan. And as far as Meghan being cancelled I just want her off the View. She is free to go anywhere else and be "the only Republican".

13 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

I don't think having or not having an interest in baby books is a fair gauge of how interested someone is in having a baby.  During my first pregnancy, I read maybe the first couple chapters of What To Expect When You're Expecting and that was it.  Baby books never really interested me.  I just listened to what my doctor said, went to breastfeeding and birthing classes, looked things up online and took advice from friends and family.  Never had any issues beyond the normal ones that all first time parents face (ie, lack of sleep, etc).

Yeah Meghan isn't going to do any of that.  I can see her one day saying who knew mothering was so hard.



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12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Megan doesn't get free speech.  Free speech means the government doesn't have to right to throw you in jail because of what you say

Meghan wants free speech for herself. For anyone that she doesn't agree with she wants them silenced.  She was outraged with  Seth Meyers for simply asking her question about something she herself had previously said.  But thinks Tucker Carlson has some ideas worth listening to.

10 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Methinks it has to do with the end of the season and contract renewal coming up. That's probably why the repetitious "I'm the only conservative, you need me" schtick has ramped up x10 this week. They don't need you if they can get Elisabeth to come back, honey.

Depending on when Meghan has the baby she will likely be on maternity leave when the show returns in September.  She is probably afraid whoever fills in for her will be well received by the audience and the ABC honchos.


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49 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Joy was targeted a few years ago when she made some ill advised remarks about a beauty pageant contestant who was a nurse.

Just to be clear, Joy never said what right wingers/Fox claimed she said. When shown a pic of a Miss America contestant with a stethoscope around her neck Joy asked why she had a stethoscope. Right wingers twisted this around to somehow be a slam against nurses. She never said anything remotely offensive. 

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7 hours ago, Tunia said:

The YouTubes on this are amazing!

The bassinet really is fascinating, isn't it?  And yes, I spent quite a while watching videos as well.  I first looked it up last year after Abby tweeted about how much her babies loved them. 

Edited by lusinia
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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Just to be clear, Joy never said what right wingers/Fox claimed she said. When shown a pic of a Miss America contestant with a stethoscope around her neck Joy asked why she had a stethoscope. Right wingers twisted this around to somehow be a slam against nurses. She never said anything remotely offensive. 

Yes I know.  It was blown way out of proportion.  Joy made a joke and some people took it the wrong way.  This was an example of cancel culture run amok.  


I think it's very important to look at whoever is insisting upon "cancelling" someone.  Are they cancelling someone because the person did/said something incredibly offensive or do they just disagree with something the person said/did.   In Joy's case some nurses took offense but as Haleth said the right wing used that as reason to "cancel" her.

Edited by blondiec0332
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I have had a hard time listening to MM these days.   Her trust for Tucker Carlson over Dr. Fauci and using Tucker's high ratings as justification is exasperating to say the least.  Perhaps someone from Fox (looking at you Tucker) could deliver the second coming when she is ready to deliver.

I miss Abby.

Edited by Mldyold
sentence separated
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On Monday, after Meghan tried to teachersplain to Joy, decided to act like a victim since she's conservative. Her and Joy went at it over Republicans and how Meghan feels attacked.

On Tuesday, Meghan tried to racesplain to Sunny and Whoopi, then decided to act like a victim since she's conservative. Her, Sunny and Whoopi went at it over Tucker's comments being racist and Meghan saying "But what about Dems?"

What will Wednesday hold for us? Will things be calm today or will we see another argument where Meghan acts like a victim?

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Yes - Joy made the point that I had been thinking.  She's the first person I've heard mention it on tv in regard to Trump's ridiculous statement - white people are not being shot because they're white.  

Did that falling bookcase knock some sense into Meghan?  (A question - do NYC apartments have attics?)

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4 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Yes - Joy made the point that I had been thinking.  She's the first person I've heard mention it on tv in regard to Trump's ridiculous statement - white people are not being shot because they're white.  

Did that falling bookcase knock some sense into Meghan?  (A question - do NYC apartments have attics?)

I think Meghan is in Virginia.

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What's this? Meghan doesn't want Tucker Carlson to be canceled, even though her black co-hosts were calling for him to be held accountable for his bigotry and racism. Meanwhile, she wants to cancel Nick Cannon and other people on the 'left' to be held accountable for their antisemitic comments.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

(I'm not justifying what Nick said, just pointing out the double standard that Meghan has when it comes to people being canceled on her side and canceled on the other)

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Okay, firing someone is a whole lot more serious than "cancel culture", but Meghan uses it since it's one of her favorite terms to say.

3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I think Meghan is in Virginia.

Yeah, I was wondering if she was still there.

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2 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Okay, firing someone is a whole lot more serious than "cancel culture", but Meghan uses it since it's one of her favorite terms to say.

Yes. Nick Cannon can and probably will continue to get jobs.

4 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Nick Cannon has always been an ass.

I agree. I never liked him. 

Some people come  out of "cancellation" and some don't.  Mel Gibson rebounded.  But I still personally cancel him.  Michael Richards never fully recovered.  

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48 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Even Meghan's bookcase can't stand her.  It tried to run away at 4am this morning.

Maybe it was her father’s ghost who knocked it over trying to knock some sense into her. 

In her defense, if a bookcase had fallen over at 4 am and woke me up out of a sound sleep, I’d probably be grumpy all morning, if I survived the heart attack that showed up after being startled like that. 

Both guest segments were surprisingly good. I’m not a big Kardashian fan, but Khloe was somewhat tolerable, although I would have preferred a longer segment with the MSNBC reporter. 

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Everything Sunny said today was just awesome and this is the Sunny that I love. She has been pretty sublime this week..

Megan's word salad about antisemitism was just jarring giving that she defended Tucker yesterday but since he is on the right, she is fine with whatever he has said. Those of us who want to hold him accountable are being mean inflexible and practicing cancel culture..

Khloe is starting to look like Michael Jackson and that is not a compliment. I will never understand why young women like her feel the need to mess with their faces.  Body dysmorphia is not a good look..

I had to change the channel because it just breaks my heart to know what is happening at the border and Joseph Soberof's book is too much for me to bear at this time. At some point, I will read it but not now..

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Meghan told Jacob Soboroff that she enjoyed his reporting.  That would mean she does watch MSNBC.  Or maybe she just watches clips posted on twitter.

Wait a minute - maybe Meghan was just saying that because of this - I looked up Jacob on Google, to make sure I was spelling his name right, and scrolled down to the link for his Wikipedia entry, and off to the right on the search page is a column with other information about him.  There's a "tv show" heading, and under that are two thumbnail photos.  I didn't really look at them, but then I was like, "That looks like Meghan", thinking it couldn't possibly be.  I clicked on it to check, and to my surprise, it was her.  In 2014 she and Jacob co-hosted a tv show together called "TakePart Live" on Pivot. Never heard of the show, barely heard of the network, but I'm surprised Meghan didn't gush and let everyone know (including Jacob) that they used to work together.  

Edited by lusinia
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1 hour ago, lusinia said:

Dad that falling bookcase knock some sense into Meghan?  (A question - do NYC apartments have attics?)

They have a place in D.C. When Ben does TV appearance that is where they list him at, and in a podcast with clay aiken he said he was in D.C.

When Joy and Jacob were talking about torture all I could think of was when Meghun went on a rant about how dare the treatment at the border be called torture; her father had been tortured. Then I thought about the time BlAbby said she was tired of hearing about the people at the border. A day or two later a teenager died while in custody.

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2 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

What's this? Meghan doesn't want Tucker Carlson to be canceled, even though her black co-hosts were calling for him to be held accountable for his bigotry and racism. Meanwhile, she wants to cancel Nick Cannon and other people on the 'left' to be held accountable for their antisemitic comments.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

(I'm not justifying what Nick said, just pointing out the double standard that Meghan has when it comes to people being canceled on her side and canceled on the other)

Tucker’s said despicable things about the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and is extremely anti-immigrant and anti BLM. He refuses to see the side of anything that’s not a white Republican. He gave a nonapology about his main writer being extremely bigoted. This is the man with the highest rated cable show in history. He has a huge platform. But Nick Cannon is the one who concerns Meghan more?! I mean seriously? 

People don’t want Tucker cancelled because he’s a conservative Meghan. It’s about not spreading hatred. I’m sure there are far lovelier people who could take his spot. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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8 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Didn't she say this once?

She did. I can't remember the topic but she got very upset about it and if I'm not mistaken she did say the fact Joe Lieberman was such a close friend she knew all about antisemitism.  No matter the topic Meghan will make it about  herself.


9 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Tucker’s said despicable things about the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and is extremely anti-immigrant and anti BLM. He refuses to see the side of anything that’s not a white Republican. He gave a nonapology about his main writer being extremely bigoted. This is the man with the highest rated cable show in history. He has a huge platform. But Nick Cannon is the one who concerns Meghan more?! I mean seriously? 

Meghan is nothing if not predictable.  She will forever defend her tribe.  Correct me I am wrong but wasn't Nick Cannon a guest not too long ago.  And they all loved him then.  But now that he has said something offensive he is just dead to her?  What if he shows remorse and understands what he said is offensive and does better?  Will she applaud his growth or is he cancelled permanently with her?

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40 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

She did. I can't remember the topic but she got very upset about it and if I'm not mistaken she did say the fact Joe Lieberman was such a close friend she knew all about antisemitism.  No matter the topic Meghan will make it about  herself.

They were talking about 'scary' Ilhan Omar.


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3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Even Meghan's bookcase can't stand her.  It tried to run away at 4am this morning.

I live in California. All my bookcases/display cases are bolted to the wall. I think it's a good idea in any state.

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2 hours ago, falltime said:

They have a place in D.C. When Ben does TV appearance that is where they list him at, and in a podcast with clay aiken he said he was in D.C.

So does that mean white mantle, yellow wall, flag pic are in their DC apt?  Ben had that backdrop this week.  That would mean MeAgain was never in NYC, even at the beginning.

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3 hours ago, lusinia said:

but I'm surprised Meghan didn't gush and let everyone know (including Jacob) that they used to work together.  

She mentioned on her twitter yesterday.


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