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S08.E24: In A Perfect World


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Mackenzie’s dad seems so nice and heartfelt.  What is he doing on this show?

Cheyenne looked so jealous when she found out Cory and Taylor had gotten a place.  Ryder having her own bed, was the icing on the cake for some reason.  I don’t think Cory should go to DC six weeks before his baby is born.  Women go into early labor all the time.  Taylor’s also, I’m sure, really uncomfortable being seven and a half months pregnant.  But Cory goes where a camera goes.  His outfit in DC was way too tight!

Cheyenne’s speech was so banal.  It sounded like something I would have come up with my friends in seventh grade.  “We are here to make the unseen seen.”  Ooh, goosebumps. 

Maci looked like she gained a lot of weight in her face and arms, like she’s on prednisone or something.  I notice that Ryan never handles any of his children.  In both scenes, Mackenzie was holding the baby, and Ryan was fiddling with something else in his hands. 

Why did Tyler and Catelynn’s mom keep referring to Tyler as someone who has three girls, and three girls are enough for him, etc?  Why would he count Carly (I could see why Catelynn might count Carly if she was counting how many times she was willing to give birth, but that’s about it).  Also, going to a “gender selection” doctor?  🙄. Why do they keep saying “gender” when they mean “sex”?  Does it fall under the same category as “Tyler and I’s”?

I wish we got to see more of Taylor’s birth.  I know she’s not a teen mom, but it would be more interesting than anything else going on.  Ugh, Cheyenne, you want to wrangle your girls into a bra before going on national TV?  At least at the end she admitted she was jealous about “the feeling of having to drop your daughter off to another woman,” which was a weird turn of phrase.  It’s not permanent.  They share custody.  I think she’s jealous of Taylor, but Taylor only has one baby too.  If Cheyenne wants two babies, wouldn’t she be jealous of a woman with two kids?  I dunno what’s going on there.  

This episode was a snooze.  Mackenzie and Amber aren’t even worth mentioning.  Is this the finale?  Please, let it be.  I’m bored.  If I watch a Cory/Taylor spin-off, I will deserve every single boring and stupid thing that comes my way. 

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I know this was all editing but Cait and Tyler have 2 healthy daughters and are wining about a boy....then cut to Cheyenne at the conference for families with sick children. Are they trying to point out that C&T should simply be grateful they have had healthy children so far ? Maybe.

Amber weeping over Belgian Matt. Please. She has never wept like that or expended that much energy over her own children. We saw her with Leah at the end but something tells me that visit was arranged by Gary. Amber has not mentioned her son in WEEKS.

I travel a lot for work, or I did before Coronavirus, and I'm surprised Amber could park at the airport curb and walk in. Here in Chicago, post 9/11 there are packs of angry cops yelling day and night if you so much as evrn slow down near the curb. They'll tow ya lickety split.

I felt bad for Cheyenne at the end but it was odd that she said she wouldn't widh this experience on Taylor. Hmmm. And Cheyenne, in the future, please cover up. Blah.

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12 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:


I travel a lot for work, or I did before Coronavirus, and I'm surprised Amber could park at the airport curb and walk in. Here in Chicago, post 9/11 there are packs of angry cops yelling day and night if you so much as evrn slow down near the curb. They'll tow ya lickety split.

We live in the real world, Amber , and MTV do not.

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So this was the season finale.  Did they cut off b/c of COVID-19?  It seemed like an abrupt ending.

STFU, Catelynn and Tyler. They are seriously considering using fertility treatments to ensure they have a boy?!  And Cate balks at the price????  People who are desperate to be parents use fertility treatments and would happily pay $20,000 for a chance.  Oh, by the way, I'm betting that Brandon and Teresa paid about that much for adopting Carly!  

Fertility treatments are no joke and assholes like Cate and Ty shouldn't be taking up time and resources because they want a boy.  Ugh!  They infuriate me!  They should be happy with the children they have and consider themselves blessed.  Some couples would kill to have all girls.  And I say this as the youngest of five girls in my family.  And God help them if their kids watch this footage with them moaning that they wanted a boy!  Way to make your girls feel wanted!

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Shout out to Cheyenne wearing her best titty out tank top to hand off Ryder to Corey. I see you bitch😂😂😂

The girls were hanging on by a thread...literally!


8 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

I laughed when Corey said, "we've got a lot going on but we got this," as I was hoping Cheyenne didn't have a wardrobe malfunction with the handkerchief she was wearing instead of a top.

More like wardrobe self-sabotage. Lol


Can we talk about how adorable Ryder looked in her Shirley Temple curls and cowboy boots?  



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I usually skip Cheyenne's segments, but I usually stop when I see that cutie Ryder.  She was adorable in those cowboy boots and ringlets!

I've already expressed my feeling about the Baltierra's, so I'll move on to the others.

Good for Bentley getting into private school.  I have no real problem with Maci.  She is right to be concerned about Ryan's sobriety.  Ryan will never have a great relationship with his kids because I don't think he really cares.  With Bentley, Ryan has to deal with Maci and he doesn't seem to want to or is unable to.  So screw him!  Bentley's real dad is Taylor and Ryan was the sperm donor.  Let's face it, he will have to deal with this relationship for the rest of his life, even if he chooses not to have one with Ryan.  Jen and Larry won't be around forever to mediate.  Maci is trying to keep that kid on the straight and narrow.  I hope he does well at private school and that Maci can relax her mothering style with him.  BTW, how cute was Maverick's and Jade's tea party?

Amber is ridiculous!  Do we have any real time intel on her long-distance love?  I'm sure coronavirus put a wrench in it.  Can she possibly still be with this guy?  And if Amber is soooo comfortable being alone, let's see it!

Mackenzie just makes me sad.  She is nice, if a little dim.  Josh is an asshole and I really hope she is done with him for good.  Her kids seems like hellions!  At least she is working, being active, and communicating with her family.  She needs some therapy and some time to heal so she can be a better parent.  I'll be pulling for her.  



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In Cate's defense, I think she went to the doctor to appease Tyler. Laughed when she said, "I ain't paying $20K for a kid." I understand why Tyler wants a boy, but he may only make girls and will have to live with that.

McKenzie is most definitely dim. I feel sorry for her loss but fast forward through much of the mourning stuff because it's a serious downer.

Desperate to know what immigration issues led the U.S. to refuse to allow Belgium Matt to return. If it was the pandemic, they would have said so.

Ryan is a lazy lump. I kind of agreed with him, though, about Bentley and the wrestling. The other two kids' tea party was adorable. Maci has done a great job with her children, but she and Tyler are as dull as dishwater. I'm also glad that they're ponying up the money for Bentley's school because he's the one responsible for them having so much money.

Cory is so gross with that front mullet. Yuck!

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13 hours ago, abracadabra said:

I do like Mackenzie. I don't see why others don't. I know she seems kind of clueless in holding out hope for Josh to change, but other than that what's wrong with her? She seems to have good values and a loving family and seems to be a genuine person. 

Maybe if she didn't whine so much and would get some professional help...

  • Love 6

Was this the season finale?

I too was stunned that Amber was allowed to park right in front of the airline boarding area...I haven't been able to do that since 9/11. 

Ryan is just a waste of space. All he does is complain about Maci, put his own son down and criticize him. He is remarkably completely void of any emotion or love towards his two children with Mackenzie. She's always the one holding them, feeding them, etc. He shows more love and affection towards his dog. Everyone enables this guy and allows him to be the sloth he is. Mackenzie saying she wants Bentley to be a normal child and not have the weight of the world on his shoulders??? Say what bitch?? She should keep her yapper shut and not make any comments about Bentley or Maci. These two are the most miserable people on this franchise.

Cate and Tyler disgust me. They don't have jobs but they are discussing having another child? Not only that, Tyler is outwardly, in front of his daughters, vehemently voicing his desire for a boy...no more girls. That was disgraceful. And what's with his dumb ass mother practically begging for them to have another child and saying it should be a boy...even putting it out there they get "gender" selection...OMG...I have yet to see them, this season, do a thing with Vaeda...she's always sitting in her high chair away from the table...Tyler never holds her or does a thing with her. Enough of these two...they are just a waste of time.

Cheyenne and Cory:  A lot of side boob and front boob...good grief. Cory really thinks he's the shizz doesn't he? Taylor seems very needy....also, she cries a lot.

Mackenzie seems like a good person but she whines a lot and needs professional help in the grieving process. Forget about your husband being able to help you girl...he's just blank. You owe it to your kids to get help and get through this rough period in a healthy way.

I wonder what phony storylines the producers will concoct for next season.


Edited by BrownBear2012
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5 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Amber and Dimitri seemed very disinterested in each other for a couple being in a new relationship.  I can't imagine what they have to talk about.  Abandoning their kids?  The way they kissed goodbye at the airport was underwhelming...no passion there whatsoever.

She didn't shed a tear and was very matter of fact on the drive home...I think it was just about the sex for both of them.

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Amber: I've shown more affection and longing when dropping my cat at the vet.  I'm so glad to see that MTV still has the Amber-sloth cartoon gracing her segments.

Mackenzie:  Whenever she shares with any female in her life that she is unhappy with Josh they immediately inform her that she is wrong and that she is happy and in love with that man. I want to shake them.

Ryan: I didn't find his segments on the bed with Mack, the baby, and the dog to be a problem. He seemed interested and engaged.  He's not father of the year to Bentley by any measure but I won't knock him for every move he makes.

Ryder: cutest child ever. Such an intelligent happy little girl. 

And just because I forgot to add it at the time, at Bentley's zoo birthday they kept calling the chimps 'gorillas'. Drove me nuts. Someone off camera (I assume a producer) asked casually, 'Are those gorillas?' but no one in the party answered him. And they called them gorillas again after that.  How someone can't tell the difference amazes me.

Maci: great parent (except that diet thing) but she bugs the shit outta me. I think it's the high esteem she holds herself and all she says and does in - she's always right in her eyes and just a little (or a lot) better than everyone else around her. I would hate to co-parent with her.

No money on earth could make me watch Cory and Taylor have a baby next week. Seriously.

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On 6/3/2020 at 2:20 AM, abracadabra said:

I do like Mackenzie. I don't see why others don't. I know she seems kind of clueless in holding out hope for Josh to change, but other than that what's wrong with her? She seems to have good values and a loving family and seems to be a genuine person. 

I don’t hate her; I reserve my hate for the physically and emotionally abusive parents on this show, of which there are plenty! But, I don’t like Mackenzie or her family, and watching them is no fun.

Partly it’s because she’s so dim. Partly it’s because watching someone make the same stupid choices again and again is boring. And it’s partly because I think her family, while loving, has consistently given her horrible advice cloaked in Christianity. And I have a low tolerance for people letting good, common sense get overridden by what they think their religion dictates. Mackenzie’s mother wouldn’t let her get on birth control when she was younger because it would encourage her to sin, even though she was already having sex with Josh. They pushed her to marry that loser because God and baby. And every time she went crying to them about his cheating, they told her to stay with him and work it out. Poor girl is so dim that she followed their advice for years to her, and her kids’, detriment.

  • Love 18
8 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

Mackenzie’s mother wouldn’t let her get on birth control when she was younger because it would encourage her to sin, even though she was already having sex with Josh.

I don’t remember the 16 and Pregnant episode chapter and verse—aside from trying on the cheerleading uniform—but did Angie actually block Mackenzie from getting birth control or did she just refuse to facilitate it?

Because I think if you’re mature enough to consent to sex, you should be mature enough to to access your own birth control, whether that means riding your bicycle to the pharmacy to get some rubbers or taking the bus to Planned Parenthood for birth control pills.

If it’s actually against a parent’s moral view for their kid to have premarital sex and they teach them against that, but the kid decides to have sex anyway, I don’t think it’s on the parent to put them on birth control, I think it’s on the person who is having the sex to take steps not to procreate.  

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15 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I don’t remember the 16 and Pregnant episode chapter and verse—aside from trying on the cheerleading uniform—but did Angie actually block Mackenzie from getting birth control or did she just refuse to facilitate it?

Because I think if you’re mature enough to consent to sex, you should be mature enough to to access your own birth control, whether that means riding your bicycle to the pharmacy to get some rubbers or taking the bus to Planned Parenthood for birth control pills.

If it’s actually against a parent’s moral view for their kid to have premarital sex and they teach them against that, but the kid decides to have sex anyway, I don’t think it’s on the parent to put them on birth control, I think it’s on the person who is having the sex to take steps not to procreate.  

Ergo, the girl is dim bit. I knew my parents would never allow me at 17 to go on the pill, so I made an appointment at a community clinic on my own under a false name. A friend of my mother worked there and was on duty when I arrived for my appointment, but she never spilled the beans. All of my friends secured their birth control on their own.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I don’t remember the 16 and Pregnant episode chapter and verse—aside from trying on the cheerleading uniform—but did Angie actually block Mackenzie from getting birth control or did she just refuse to facilitate it?

I remember this clearly because I was so disgusted by her mom and actually agreed with Dr. Drew about something.

Mackenzie lost a baby at around five months because of her diabetes. She then got pregnant with the son on the show. Dr. Drew had asked what they were using for birth control and Angie said they needed to abstain and make better choices. When asked further, Mackenzie said that she went to a free clinic for birth control and they told her they wanted something from her endocrinologist to make sure there wasn't a drug interaction with what they were going to give her. She was such a brittle diabetic and her sugars were not in control, so they were doing some medication studies to find what worked best for her, and the free clinic was concerned that a few of the options could interfere or not be effective. Even though Mackenzie is an idiot, people were able to explain what was likely the risks and it turned out to be a true statement.

Angie refused to take her to the endocrinologist, and that visit wasn't one that didn't require parental approval to see a minor, like with the birth control. So, Mackenzie continued to have unprotected sex with her loser who refused to wear a condom and continued to get pregnant.

Dr. Drew actually got a bit heated with Angie about the fact that pregnancy was dangerous for Mackenzie and that they were continuing to have sex and Angie just continued to say they needed to make better choices and abstain because sex outside of marriage is not acceptable.

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Please tell me Cheyenne isn't pining for Cory specifically but more for the idea of this perfect family a lot of these women have. Corey reminds me of a guy I know who has a lot of surface charm and that's about it. Lotta side boob on her this week. Ryder was predictably adorable.

Mackenzie's segment about her mom made me tear up. All the firsts are hard. It's nice she's close with her sister and dad even though they give terrible advice.

I guess I'm glad for Ben (tley). I have a deep loathing for private schools and I think they should be abolished but that's neither here nor there.

Tyler says he wants a boy but doesn't know why. Maybe figure that out before dropping 20k and putting your wife's precarious mental health on the line. He considers himself such a smartie pants but he has zero self reflection.

They really tried hard to humanize Amber at the end, playing with Leah. Not buying it.


Edited by Soobs
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Wow, @Christina that whole post gave me the chills.  Thank you for the info.  I just watched Steel Magnolias for the first time last weekend and there are some parallels there.  Sad story.  

42 minutes ago, Christina said:

So, Mackenzie continued to have unprotected sex with her loser who refused to wear a condom and continued to get pregnant.

This is on Mackenzie, not her mom IMO.  She knew about birth control and didn’t take it even though she lost a baby at five months?  🤔  That just kind of leaves me speechless.  If the endocrinologist didn’t require parental consent and having protected sex was so important to Mackenzie, she could have taken a bus to the endocrinologist or saved up for a taxi.  If they had access to condoms and Josh “refused” to wear them, there is always oral sex, or heavy petting or abstinence.  

I can’t remember the show, and I’m glad someone was thoughtful enough to recap it for me, but if abstinence is someone’s central belief system, I’m not going to say it’s on them to facilitate it for someone else, let alone a teenager, let alone their own teenage daughter.  To me, that’s the same as not taking her to the needle exchange if she’s on heroin.  People have a right to exercise their own consciences.  I find that to be one of the central tenets of free society, so I doubt I would change my mind about this.  

I don’t know what Angie did to restrain Mackenzie from having sex, but it sounds like she and her husband clearly did not do enough.  I mean, she never shipped her out of state.  She didn’t send her to live with nuns that I know of.  So I would agree that that’s a major parental fail, especially if the girl was clearly already having premarital sex and getting pregnant from it.

 I think this is a tragic story all around.  Hopefully Mackenzie’s fate will deter others.  

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I don't think Mackenzie cared if she got pregnant again. Her mom was raising her son so she could chase Josh around town and out of other girls' beds. 

She couldn't see the endocrinologist without parental approval before she turned 18, and her mom wouldn't agree with the visit. There is a law that allows you to make decisions regarding your sexual health at a younger age, fifteen I think, which is why she didn't need her parental permission to be seen for birth control.

I was thinking about it last night and trying to remember what the issue with the birth control was, and I think that they were trying some pills on top of the insulin and the combo of that drug and a hormonal birth control increased the risk of blood clots. The clinic wanted a cya letter from the endocrinologist saying she could take what they had to offer. If I remember correctly, she should have been okay with a low-estrogen pill but couldn't take the depo-provera shot. 

If she lost another child or her own life due to pregnancy, I think they would have chalked it up to God's will. Angie was die hard in her position that sex before marriage was unacceptable and it wouldn't have really mattered in the big picture if Mackenzie didn't need the endocrinologist to write a cya for the clinic, because it would have been 100% on her shoulders. As it was, she just decided to continue to have unprotected sex because she didn't really care if she got pregnant again.

  • Love 4
On 6/5/2020 at 8:35 PM, Christina said:

I remember this clearly because I was so disgusted by her mom and actually agreed with Dr. Drew about something.

Mackenzie lost a baby at around five months because of her diabetes. She then got pregnant with the son on the show. Dr. Drew had asked what they were using for birth control and Angie said they needed to abstain and make better choices. When asked further, Mackenzie said that she went to a free clinic for birth control and they told her they wanted something from her endocrinologist to make sure there wasn't a drug interaction with what they were going to give her. She was such a brittle diabetic and her sugars were not in control, so they were doing some medication studies to find what worked best for her, and the free clinic was concerned that a few of the options could interfere or not be effective. Even though Mackenzie is an idiot, people were able to explain what was likely the risks and it turned out to be a true statement.

Angie refused to take her to the endocrinologist, and that visit wasn't one that didn't require parental approval to see a minor, like with the birth control. So, Mackenzie continued to have unprotected sex with her loser who refused to wear a condom and continued to get pregnant.

Dr. Drew actually got a bit heated with Angie about the fact that pregnancy was dangerous for Mackenzie and that they were continuing to have sex and Angie just continued to say they needed to make better choices and abstain because sex outside of marriage is not acceptable.

Well ... that's unfortunate for all involved. However, I wouldn't cater to my child wanting to have sex, either. We just found out my 14-yr-old stepdaughter had sex and wants to continue to do so, and I'll be damned if I'm going to facilitate birth control for her. I'm not attempting to derail the thread with a moral/religious debate, just saying that parents are entitled to make decisions and do not have to cater to what their teenagers decide to do. It would be safer if our kids chose to drink at home rather than at parties, but we're sure as heck not going to purchase alcohol for them. 

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I have little respect for Catelynn and Tyler and their insistence on having a boy. I think I've told this story before, but I know a family who has 5 boys and one girl. The mom wanted a girl so badly so they kept having babies until they had the girl who is, no surprise, spoiled rotten. I can only imagine how the boys will feel, especially the third, fourth, and fifth born, knowing their mom and dad didn't want them to be boys.

I get hoping for a boy or a girl, but you need to be okay if you get the other. I'm not getting that vibe from Tyler. Maybe it's because he voiced his desire to have a son and how much he doesn't want another girl right there in front of his daughter. Maybe it was the tantrum he had at the gender reveal when it was revealed he was having a girl. Maybe it's because he is just an ass.

Can you imagine the drama had Carly been a boy? Then he'd be dealing with forcing Catelynn to give up their son and then only having girls after. And I'm sure, somehow, he'd figure out a way to blame it on Catelynn.

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Why do Cate and Ty act like it's OBVIOUS that Cate can't have a kid after the age of 30? Why is that some kind of magical cut-off for them? Neither of them is intent on, for example, finding a way to support themselves and their kids without MTV before they turn 30. What are the big post-30 life plans they have that they can't let a baby interfere with? I honestly don't get it. I could understand people not wanting to have a baby after a certain age because they don't want to be raising children into their golden years, but if Cate had a baby at, say, 31 (or even <<shudder>> 35), that child wouldn't be significantly younger than her previous child and the child would be off to college or whatever (LOL) before Cate reached retirement age (from her non-existent job). Personally, I don't think they should have any more children, ever, but it would probably be good for both of them to work on themselves as people and parents before procreating again if they insist upon doing so.

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