Tara Ariano July 12, 2014 Share July 12, 2014 Nominations for eviction are revealed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/
RedheadZombie July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 After Jacosta states she's going to be sick, they show her on the ground with her eyes closed. Did she pass out? Is she dead? Apparently, no one cares. They continue laughing and ignoring. Nicole reminds me of Jordan. She looks a lot like her (except for her unfortunate nose) and she doesn't want to kiss her crush on camera. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197239
Ananayel July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Donny was sort of on fire. First, he announces that TA should start with the dumbest one - Caleb. Then, he deflects right back on Nicole - "did you ask me to not tell anyone?" Then, he rocked the puzzle - I was afraid Amber was going to mess it up, until she hit her groove. Now I do think that Donny telling tales out of school, so to speak, will get back to Derrick and not be good for him in the end, but he'll pull out some Donny tears and end up okay. Derrick was so wooden, standing in a polyester wizard's robe on a little circle, declaiming to Nicole that Amber and Donny were going to "come after them," in a lame and completely obvious attempt to cover up their plotting. Seriously, how is he undercover again? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197247
North of Eden July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) Victoria Speaks!!! But it was all very suspect as I noticed during the segment Amber had her straight hair so its was footage probably culled from day 1 especially since conversations about family would be taking place during the get to know each other faze. It was only included so we could name drop Ariana some more (who I'd never heard of before BB16 by the way) and give air time to her repulsive brother. I guess I am in the minority but I dislike some of the allegedly most popular house guests. Staring with Christine...frankly she is the homliest woman ever to play this game in my opinon. She makes Nakomis look like Kate Beckinsale by comparison. I just can't handle those oversized glasses, the ugly nose, the tatooted arm and goof personality (THE AMAZING RACE called and they want their clown music back). Then there is Frankie who as I said is repulsive. I really dislike people that have to draw attention to themselves and that pink upswept hair exists only for that reason and cries LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! Then there is Derrick...maybe its residual Tony hate from SURVIVOR or maybe its simply cops are some of the most cocky people on the planet and I don't like him...he's got an arrogance about him. Also all this competition throwing is becoming bull$#$t! I felt so bad for Jocasta...saddled with a partner who she knows is throwing the competition...that's got to be very discouraging. This throwing is brining the show down. These comps need to be made tamper proof so that one partner cannot deliberaly thrown the comp. I find VIctoria very attractive and I can't understand why she's been sidelined and ignored. I want to see more of her. It's very curious that when the HOH were casting about for a fourth body to throw up in noms she wasn't even considered. Either they really like her a lot (which is no where evident on screen) or they too have forgotten that she's in there. Donny looked like he was ready to mack on Nicole during the apology fest and then he whips out Jedi mind tricks on her. Meanwhile I realized tonight Hayden looks like one of the twins from HOW I TRAINED YOUR DRAGON. And I have to LOL he's trapped in the "Friend Zone" with Nicole. She's just not in to him. Edited July 14, 2014 by North of Eden 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197281
Thalia July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) I could have lived my whole life without seeing Amanda again. Ugh. Caleb to Amber: "Maybe [your sister] will say 'marry that guy'." Here's a thought. Maybe, instead, she'll say "get a restraining order against that guy." I wonder how long he'd been thinking about "saving Amber"? It doesn't seem like something someone would just come up with on the spur of the moment. It is like that current commercial where the guy fantasizes about saving the day during a robbery using a rope made of Slim Jims. I can't say I was too upset in this case, because whether he threw it or not, Donny is safe. I wonder if Donny has a sister, and if so, what she thinks about Caleb? Edited July 14, 2014 by Thalia 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197285
Maverick July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Donny cracks me up. Everyone keeps assuming he's everything from a devious snake to a ninja secret agent and yet an hour later his accuser is in tears apologizing to him. Why are people still talking about the Bomb Squad? Seriously? that's still a thing? Nicole and Hayden seem to be the new Amber and Caleb. She wanted no part of him hugging her and wasn't having her reject him. Caleb continues to be creepy with not only going up to save Amber but then running to tell her how noble he is and telling her how much she should love him for doing it. Line of the night: "Where's PaoPao when you need her?" Oh noes....Nicole has vanished. Where ever has she gone? Was she abducted by aliens? Kidnapped and forced to be an audio-animatronic figure figure in a Harry Potter ride? Vaporized? Is she coming back? Is she going to be replaced by Aaryn? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197332
Katesus7 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) Caleb was creepy as hell about saving Amber. And when he actually asked her to basically say "Yes, Caleb, please be my savior and get me off the block", I wanted her to reply "Dude, if you're stupid enough to get yourself put up, that's on you, but I'll just plan on saving my own damn self, 'kay"? Of course that would not be good for her game, and I doubt she has it in her, but still. What an incredibly awkward position to be put in. I'm almost hoping some magic happens this week and he does get sent out. He deserves it for his gameplay tonight. Oh Nicole. On the one hand, I loved her DR where she actually admitted wanting no part of HOH - the end where she thinks for a few seconds and says "this sucks" was awesome - but she needs to get over her obsession about getting blood on her hands. It's just a game show, sweetie, but you're going to have to do stuff that makes people not like you 100%. Man up! Also, she is probably the only person who would buy Donny's bullshit "did you tell me not to say anything" comeback. I have no problem with his being nominated, because if he's stupid enough to repeat what the HOH tells him, who tells him not to repeat it, and he's stupid enough to say it in front of the person benefiting from it (Amber), then he deserves a nomination. I just wish we could hear from him in the DR. If he's smart enough to play on Nicole's guilt, I'd like to hear it from him, and not just assume it. Devin? Your smile is old by now. Go away. Edited July 14, 2014 by Katesus7 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197350
mojoween July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 When did it become a thing that the HOH has to read their letter aloud to the entire group? I would say thanks, I'll read this later, when I'm alone. Or maybe the producers make them do it? So there are no more gross Dick shenanigans? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197357
ottoDbusdriver July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Oh noes....Nicole has vanished. Where ever has she gone? Was she abducted by aliens? Kidnapped and forced to be an audio-animatronic figure figure in a Harry Potter ride? Vaporized? Is she coming back? Is she going to be replaced by Aaryn? Who do the producers think the target audience for this show is -- 6 year olds ? And the fact they forced the contestants to play along is really embarrassing. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197358
vb68 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) Donny was sort of on fire. First, he announces that TA should start with the dumbest one - Caleb. That was my favorite part of the whole hour. And the way he said it so casually, as it was completely a given, was hilarious. Derrick is getting annoying with all his mugging to the camera over Team America. I wonder what Cody has to do to get featured on the show. Edited July 14, 2014 by vb68 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197378
Maverick July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I wonder what Cody has to do to get featured on the show.. Well if taking off his shirt hasn't worked, I don't know what will. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197396
ally862 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) Derrick is getting annoying with all his mugging to the camera over Team America. I wonder what Cody has to do to get featured on the show.. Yeah when he was telling Frankie about the mission it sounded so rehearsed.I bet they know Cody I'd safe for awhile and plan on featuring him later. He's going to be a big draw and they might not want to overdo it. Edited July 14, 2014 by ally862 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197404
RedheadZombie July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) When did it become a thing that the HOH has to read their letter aloud to the entire group? I would say thanks, I'll read this later, when I'm alone. Or maybe the producers make them do it? So there are no more gross Dick shenanigans? Oh, do tell. What were the Dick shenanigans? I finally realized what Frankie looks like to me. He really reminds me of the little boys who prematurely age into little old men. Frankie looks like he has that disease, then had a face lift. Edited July 14, 2014 by RedheadZombie 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197409
Cherry Cola July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I HATE the big glasses. They were the style 20 years ago and that is where they should stay!! I love Donny. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197420
vb68 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I finally realized what Frankie looks like to me. He reminds me some of the SNL character from a couple of years ago, Lord Wyndemere. I can't help it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197425
mojoween July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 RedheadZombie Dick and his son pre-arranged if Dick were to get HOH, the son would send coded letters in his basket that gave up secrets in the house. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197482
Eolivet July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Ugh, don't summon Amanda by talking about her like that -- she's like Beetlejuice. Or Rachel. Or Jessie. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197491
millk July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I really hate creative facial hair. Grow it out or shave it off! Chinstraps and soul patches should be punishable offenses. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197503
LGGirl July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Derrick...Caleb wants his glasses back. Donny is just awesome and a good human being. He just needs more of a filter. Loved Jocasta's face when she was nominated. Maybe Team America should have been made the story that Caleb is really related to Daniel Radcliffe. Caleb looked liked a buff Harry Potter with cowboy boots. Was that Jocasta throwing up behind Caleb after the BotB? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197611
Callaphera July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) I really didn't need to see Amanda ever again. I especially didn't need to hear Amanda ever again. I do have to give a tip of the hat to the editors, though, because those clips they showed comparing her and Zach were pretty spot on even if they aren't actually related.I wonder if Caleb is going to keep his Harry Potter glasses, and rotate them with his Miami Lice minus the lens frames. Poor Jocasta looked rough in her DR session, and then the warning she was going to throw up and the subsequent cut away from her gagging behind Caleb. Poor Jocasta. I'd probably gag if I had to do a challenge with him, too.Bonus points to Hayden's hilarious drop to his knees, silent "Noooo!" to the heavens when Nicole "disappeared". And then those points are taken away with that horrible overacting. "Did she really disappear? No, really, where is she?" What's up with the Big Brother cliffhangers this year? Stop trying to be dramatic.ETA: As a non-Twitter user, the hash tag Twitter prompts on the show are annoying as hell. Edited July 14, 2014 by Callaphera 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197733
Rosebud1970 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I confess to being somewhat surprised at Donny's reaction when Nicole called him out. When she said that 'people' had told her that he was gossiping in the living room about how Caleb was planning to throw the comp, he should have asked her which people. She would have replied that it was Amber (which it was); which would have been his cue to ask Nicole to question the source of the rumor. Because you gotta admit, that's incredibly self-serving on Amber's part, even if it was the truth. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197876
RealityGal July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Donny looked like he was ready to mack on Nicole during the apology fest and then he whips out Jedi mind tricks on her. Meanwhile I realized tonight Hayden looks like one of the twins from HOW I TRAINED YOUR DRAGON. And I have to LOL he's trapped in the "Friend Zone" with Nicole. She's just not in to him. I think he would do much better if he cut his hair. I feel like she is from somewhere in middle America, and that part of the country seems to have more clean cut guys. And honestly, I think he would just look better with a tidier look. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Nicole has a boyfriend or significant other back home, but is "single" for purposes of the game/showmances/what not. I wonder if Donny has a sister, and if so, what she thinks about Caleb? What stinks for Amber is she will forever be "in debt" to Caleb, at least in Caleb's mind. I mean, she would be stupid not to accept the offer, but if she is really worried about him I would have almost told her just to be strong in a refusal of his offer, because if he is creepy I don't know if I would want to be "in debt" to him, because there is no telling how he thinks he should collect I really hate creative facial hair. Grow it out or shave it off! Chinstraps and soul patches should be punishable offenses. Re: Derrick - How can a man have so much nonsensical chin hair and no eyebrows? It boggles the mind. Is that the look thats fooling drug dealers? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197888
duskyliterati July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Donny is comedy gold. Getting excited about the hedges because he's a groundskeeper. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197986
MMLEsq July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) RedheadZombie Dick and his son pre-arranged if Dick were to get HOH, the son would send coded letters in his basket that gave up secrets in the house. I thought they solved that problem by having families write the letters before the season starts (someone correct me if I'm wrong) -- I think that's why there's nothing in them that's time specific -- i.e., no "We celebrated Uncle Bud's birthday last week" or "Next week we're going to the State Fair" or "Jimmy had his first day of Kindergarten." Now, it's just generic emotional/inspirational stuff -- i.e., "We're so proud of you" or "I love you so much." Also the letters are much shorter these days. A couple of sentences rather than one or more whole pages. I'm not sure if that's to prevent codes as well, or if there's not much to write about when you're writing the letters so far ahead of time. If letters were coded, it probably wouldn't matter if they were read aloud to the group.....unless the group could figure out the code. I really didn't need to see Amanda ever again. I especially didn't need to hear Amanda ever again. I do have to give a tip of the hat to the editors, though, because those clips they showed comparing her and Zach were pretty spot on even if they aren't actually related. ETA: As a non-Twitter user, the hash tag Twitter prompts on the show are annoying as hell. I didn't need to see Amanda ever again either and I could really do without any kind of "Let's check in with some of last year's houseguests" that they usually do each summer. Although starting a rumor that Zach and Amanda are related is pretty believable -- I wonder if AT came up with that on their own, or if TPTB gave them some suggestions. I am also a non-Twitter user and usually either ignore or am slightly irked by the Twitter prompts, but I will confess that I laughed out loud at #ManTears. Edited July 14, 2014 by MMLEsq 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-197992
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Did Jocasta actually vomit - and they thankfully didn't show it - or was it just gagging? Nobody seemed too worried or concerned, after she started the gagging/vomiting motions behind Caleb. Or maybe they were showing different bits during/after that moment, making the other HGs look really bad for not appearing concerned for Jo's health. Donny has the perfect game 'face' in place. He generally sounds and looks like a lowly-educated backwoods hick, so that's what everyone sees him as. And it doesn't hurt that he plays up that image to the max. He does seem very sensitive, if Nicole's sense of guilt brought him to tears. I'm not sure if she actually cried then or not, as they didn't show her eyes/face and she didn't sound too weepy; but that could have just been the editing of the scene(s), too. I'm so beyond tired of Caleb's obsession with Amber; if this were different - ie, not so many people in the house and it/them not monitored 24/7 - I'd seriously fear for her safety. And he's so delusional, he can't see that she wants nothing to do with him, in that way. And its bad enough that he's that way on LFs and shown on the eps, but when he brings the crazy to the DR sessions? Ugh. And what the hell is up with his outdoor/distance voice in the DR? Devin. Take your stupid smile, "I screwed up and oh, woe is me"! attitude & just go away. ASAP. I didn't quite get the whole "stop asking about my sister/family!" thing Frankie had going on. Have I imagined it, or hasn't he already spilled the beans that his sister is the "famous" song artist [that I personally have never heard of before this season of BB started]? Just seemed like a LF & DR segment used from 2-3 weeks ago, or something, just randomly thrown in to this episode for shits & giggles. Hayden (in DR): "And there was Nicole in her little basketball outfit. Yeah... she can dunk on me anytime." *smirk* I'm not a tattoo person in general, but really large and can't miss ink stains on women? Sorry Christine, but no. Just, no. I used to really like Derrick and his "game", but its starting to grate. He's very full of himself, and not just because of HOH and TA. He thinks he's the bomb, and he's been referred to lately as the new BombSquad 'leader'. I can't tell if people are still talking about BS because they're delusional or because they actually think it still exists, after everything? Either way, its laughable. Shallow observation moment of the episode; Brittany was rocking the witch outfit look, during the BOTB comp. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198101
ghoulina July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) I knew Derrick would have the sense to realize the only way to get Devin out is to backdoor him. Kudos to him for being able to manipulate getting Caleb on the block without there being any bad blood between them. Caleb is deranged. I think he really believes Amber should consider marrying him because he saved her from the block. There was one point where he was talking about her and said, "She always told me....". Always? Like they've known each other 20 years. That must be so awkward for her to be around. And what's the deal with Hayden and Nicole? Does she like him, but is just shy and inexperienced? Or is this going to be the season of unrequited love? I felt so frustrated with Donny for blabbing after Nicole talked to him. I really don't think he meant to. I truly believe if you asked Donny to keep it between just you two he would. I think he was under the impression this was something everybody knew or was going to - like a house decision to throw the comp and backdoor Devin. Either way, I don't think he meant anything by it, and I'm glad he and Nicole are okay. I thought he did a great job with that puzzle task. He is a good partner, he never gets upset with the other person when they're floundering and he was very good at guiding Amber through it. He cracked me up when he described the hedges as "sick". I do think Derrick should have put two challenge beasts up. There's still always a chance Devin will get picked for the Veto comp, and you have no control over who the other players will be. It might have been better to put up Caleb and someone else who has a better chance of winning and fighting for you, than Jacosta who isn't likely to win or do your bidding. Edited July 14, 2014 by ghoulina 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198115
Primetimer July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Donny and Caleb both risk their own games, but only one of them does it on purpose. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198289
Wootini July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I enjoy watching Nicole rebuff Hayden's advances a lot more than Amber and Caleb. Hayden comes off as adorable and Nicole is being nice, whereas Caleb is creepy and Amber is vacant. This episode was pretty standard fare. No big surprises. I'm looking forward to seeing how their plan to backdoor Devin falls apart. Because it usually does! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198320
TexasChic July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I HATE the big glasses. They were the style 20 years ago and that is where they should stay!! I love Donny. I like the big glasses... ;-) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198343
JudyObscure July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 Ghoulina: And what's the deal with Hayden and Nicole? Does she like him, but is just shy and inexperienced? Or is this going to be the season of unrequited love? I'm going with number two and it's too sad because I think Hayden's really sweet with her. He may be competing against some really good looking boyfriends at home because, as Hayden said, she's a super cute girl. Caleb continues in the ninth grade mindset of thinking that getting a girl to like you is only a matter of convincing her of just how much you like her. Ghoulina again: I thought he did a great job with that puzzle task. He is a good partner, he never gets upset with the other person when they're floundering and he was very good at guiding Amber through it. I know. I don't see Donny as some sort of stealth brainiac but he sure is a nice guy and compared to Amber he actually is a genius. Most four year olds that know the straight edge pieces don't go smack in the middle of the puzzle. The facial hair: Caleb's face is already too short and square and he just makes it shorter when he edges it with that black line of beard. Sometimes he reminds me of Charlie Sheen and, for me, that's not a good thing at all. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198432
LADreamr July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I felt pretty sure that Nicole did say not to repeat it. Didn't she say, "this doesn't leave this room"? Or am I misremembering? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198903
iMonrey July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I'm no fan of Frankie's, but I have to admit, it cracked me up when they were all herded upstairs to look at the HoH room and Frankie was singing the HoH room Theme Music. As it was playing over the video. Now, that's a super fan of the show. I don't think I had even realized up to that point that they always play the same music whenever they do the whole "Who wants to see my HoH room?" schtick. He had it dead to right. I thought Donny was being awfully disingenuous with Nicole by asking her if she'd specifically told him not to repeat the info she gave him. Clearly, she told him that what she was about to say had to be kept between just the two of them. Fortunately for Donny, I guess, she's too dumb to remember. Honestly, the idea that the person who just got put up on the block actually has to comfort the person who put them on the block is ridiculous. Nicole isn't built for this game. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-198956
Nashville July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I thought Donny was being awfully disingenuous with Nicole by asking her if she'd specifically told him not to repeat the info she gave him. Clearly, she told him that what she was about to say had to be kept between just the two of them. Fortunately for Donny, I guess, she's too dumb to remember. Honestly, the idea that the person who just got put up on the block actually has to comfort the person who put them on the block is ridiculous. Nicole isn't built for this game. I don't think Donny is being disingenuous at all; rather, I think he's just being *very* specific about his game play. I believe Nicole fell into an assumption mind-trap of her own making that if she whispers something to you, then of *course* you're going to understand it's a secret; without an explicit statement of the conversation being secret, however, Donny felt no compunction to make such an assumption. I'm reasonably certain if Nichole had ever actually come out and said, "This is just between you and me...", Donny would've never mentioned it to anybody else, else he could have legitimately been attacked for breaking his word. If she didn't explicitly tie his hands, however, I think it is disingenuous in turn to expect Donny to volunteer to go get the rope. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199006
Skittl1321 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I'm reasonably certain if Nichole had ever actually come out and said, "This is just between you and me..." I would hope they would also edit so that the viewer could see Nichole asking for it to be private. Since they did not, I assumed Donny was right about the loophole he found. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199046
iMonrey July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 She did say that, and they did show it. She specifically said "this stays between you and me" while she was whispering to him. She either didn't remember saying it or she didn't want to call him on it. Whether he remembered it, I don't know. But I tend to see his denial as disingenuous rather than innocent; saying "Oh, did you tell me not to tell anyone?" is kind of like when you're a kid and your mom says "don't touch those cookies" and you pick them up with a fork and say "Oh, did you say I couldn't pick them up with a fork?" 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199091
Skittl1321 July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 (edited) Ah, I don't remember hearing that. Thanks. Since they had no formal alliance, if he didn't hear her say that, I don't think the fork analogy works. It would have to be made explicit, that it was agreed not to say anything. But she did say something. Edited July 14, 2014 by Skittl1321 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199118
Wootini July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 I'm surprised the editors let that one go. Because when Donny asked Nicole if she said anything and she went all blank faced, that's when I thought it would be the perfect time for the editors to snip in a little clip of her telling him "This stays between you and me." Lazy editors! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199124
Nashville July 14, 2014 Share July 14, 2014 She did say that, and they did show it. She specifically said "this stays between you and me" while she was whispering to him. She either didn't remember saying it or she didn't want to call him on it. Went back and checked, and you're right. I missed that the first time through - and similar to Wootini, I'm surprised Production didn't throw a spotlight on the comment, in context. Whether he remembered it, I don't know. But I tend to see his denial as disingenuous rather than innocent; saying "Oh, did you tell me not to tell anyone?" is kind of like when you're a kid and your mom says "don't touch those cookies" and you pick them up with a fork and say "Oh, did you say I couldn't pick them up with a fork?" Could go either way - but considering I didn't catch nor remember Nichole's caveat five minutes after she said it, I can't exactly assume Donny remembered (and chose to ignore) it a half-hour or so later. Could be a case of Oldtimers kicking in. :) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-199367
Kris117 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Donny cracks me up. Everyone keeps assuming he's everything from a devious snake to a ninja secret agent and yet an hour later his accuser is in tears apologizing to him. That was masterful. Not only to get out from under being caught out in repeating a private conversation, but to get the person you should be apologizing to to apologize to you? Pretty impressive. It's like seeing Mr. Rogers being manipulative. Line of the night: "Where's PaoPao when you need her?" I loved that. I was surprised Victoria's name didn't come up in that conversation, though. Oh noes....Nicole has vanished. Where ever has she gone? Was she abducted by aliens? Kidnapped and forced to be an audio-animatronic figure figure in a Harry Potter ride? Vaporized? Is she coming back? Is she going to be replaced by Aaryn? That kind of stuff is classic Big Brother corn—it's so over-the-top lame that it crosses back into funny for me. Kudos to [Derrick] for being able to manipulate getting Caleb on the block without there being any bad blood between them. Caleb is deranged. I think he really believes Amber should consider marrying him because he saved her from the block. and Caleb continues in the ninth grade mindset of thinking that getting a girl to like you is only a matter of convincing her of just how much you like her. I think you both nailed it. Immature and creepy all around. It was amusing to me to see Derrick tap into that for his own benefit. Sometimes [Caleb] reminds me of Charlie Sheen and, for me, that's not a good thing at all. I just came from writing that very thing in Caleb's thread, after seeing a screencap someone posted there. It's not a good thing for me, either. I really want to see Caleb gone, just because he's the one houseguest I come closest to hating, but I think Devin is a better choice. He defines the term "loose cannon." He jerked around his own alliance so much that I'd never trust him again with anything. Caleb is more predictable (especially if Amber is in the equation), and I would rate him below Devin as a challenge threat. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-200276
Wandering Snark July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 I really wish Jocasta would stop wearing that hoodie pulled tight around her face so you can't even see any of her hair... It's truly not a good look (and she was wearing it in the DR even more tightly tied. Creepy. Sorry. Another peeve of mine has become wearing the knit cap inside the house during the summer. Ugh. Hayden recently looked especially bad with it on with his scraggly hair cascading out from beneath it. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-203042
Way Wes Jr July 16, 2014 Share July 16, 2014 That was a fun episode. Derrick pulling Jedi-mind-tricks on Caleb, Donny pulling Jedi-mind-tricks on Nicole, Caleb competently throwing a competition and making it look good, Victoria being so invisible Nicole didn't immediately slot her into the PaoPao position, Devin knowing exactly what was going on, ... very nice. Non-spoiled speculation: Nicole is coming out of the pantry in a green leotard/ frog costume. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10913-s16e09-nominations-3-battle-of-the-block-comp-3/#findComment-205938
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