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MAFS Couples Cam

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Look, I’ve had a baby.  She was a very big baby and I was massively pregnant, so Lord knows that there’s no judgment here.  I just can’t imagine wanting to be filmed the way Jamie Otis is, all splayed out on the bed with her legs spread in front of a full camera rig, complete with a ring light.  It’s one thing to be filmed while pregnant, but do we really need to see her in her bra and underwear, writhing and moaning like an animal?  Maybe it’s just quarantine-induced lack of socialization, but she irritates me to the very depths of my soul.  She checks herself out in the camera every few seconds and can’t seem to get through more than two sentences without tearing up lately.  I truly don’t know how that woman cries so much with those baby giraffe eyelashes.

(I have to say something positive, so: I still love Greg and think he’s easily the best guy on this show- arguably ever.  Also, all respect to Jessica for caring for COVID patients under such adverse conditions.  I can’t even imagine.)

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
Damn typos . . .
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So far, surprisingly, the most fun and interesting couple to me are Steph and AJ.  I like how easygoing they seem to be with each other.  Please don't blow up on me AJ.

Greg is the best catch ever on this show.  I like Deonna but I'd forgotten how annoying that squeaky voice of hers is.  Same thing with her sister. 

Jamie and Doug ought to be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame.  We do not need to see that birthing spectacle.  

Jamie and Beth are still toxic and uncomfortable to watch, I don't care how "happy" they try to appear to be.  Keith and Kristine, Austin and Jessica are kind boring to watch (although there appears to be some made up "drama" between Keith and Kristine next week).

I never watched Ashley/Anthony and that other couple's (can't remember their names) seasons, so they're just meh to me.

Oops, I forgot Jepthe and Shawniece.  Boring. 

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I don't know, maybe it's the mood I'm in, but I really enjoy checking in with these couples every week.  Life's been stressful lately and not being able to travel and visit friends has been difficult, so having a slice of life even if some of it is made up for the cameras with some familiar young people that I actually like is most welcome.  Maybe for no other reason than it makes me feel less alone knowing that others are out there dealing with some of the same issues I am.  

That said, I'm usually more forgiving of Jamie than most, but even I draw the line at what she's baring to the world.  I even think the at home birth is just so the cameras can be there to get it all on film.  Also, she looks like she's been tanning for the cameras.

I loved Bobby's "Pandemic pizza".  My husband said, "Look, they're doing what we did the other night!"  I said, "Whoo-hoo, livin' the dream!"

Deonna HAS to be putting on an act because if Greg is as annoyed as he looks they're in trouble.  Which I'm sure they're not.

Edited by Yeah No
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On 5/27/2020 at 8:26 AM, spunky said:

I roll my eyes several times a day at Jamie's oversharing.  However the more I look at her behavior, the better I understand her motives.  Jamie is constantly seeking validation because she never had that as a child due to her mom being on drugs. She's constantly seeking attention because to her attention equals love. It's kinda of sad when you think about it.

I have to say I genuinely felt so sorry for her when she went for the Covid test then broke down, it felt like such a real moment with those crazy pg hormones and all.

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Loved seeing Rex again and he looked like he has settled in quite comfortably.  

Looks like the home birth will be continuing for at least another week 🙄

Of course Beth got her way and they will be in their bigger apartment now so she should be happy for a week or so.

Little Laura is so cute.  It will be interesting to see if the four of the them with baby girls all go on to have a baby boy.


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Watching Jessica talk about having to reuse PPE equipment was just heartbreaking.  Sitting in my living room, self-isolating, it's hard to imagine what the medical staff of these facilities must endure.  Jessica was just a glass-half-full kind of person, so her distress really resonated with me.  

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Liking peeking into the couples' lives. A few notes...

Jess and Austin are adorbs, still newlywedders. Pour me a Manhattan.

Greg holding Titan, he will be a calm Dad. Such a lovely home.

Good on Jephte for being  cool about living so intertwined with his in laws.

The parting shot with a groaning and guttural moaning JamieO on all 4s, in her birthing pool, panties off, bare butt and gushing bodily fluids and the baby's head crowning sent me running out of the room....

This is the money shot Doug...don't mess it up by poor camera placements....baby's not gonna crawl back up into the womb for a second take.....


Edited by humbleopinion
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If it weren't for she-who-will-not-be-named this would be such a winner of a show. Full make-up? Really?

Even when it seems that one couple or another are really reaching for something to show us, I pretty much feel I am watching real folks who signed up for a relatively easy gig and got hit with a Covid whammy. By and large, they are delivering nicely in a pretty difficult situation.

And I don't care if JAustin are nerdy or boring - their emotions and concerns for each other and (especially in Jess's case) fears for family, co-workers and patients come across without any extra pearl clutching drama. Formal Night????? LOVED IT!!!! What a great morale booster.

SASFSteph/AJ in a competitive situation was pure fun...especially the StephShirt. Maybe this is their forte - it sure seems to be the way they are most comfortable interacting. Especially AJ.

I liked seeing another side of Ashley/Anthony outside of their home. As much as it highlighted a big slice of reality for supposedly 'non-essential' businesses, (by which I mean I think they're pretty damn essential for the people who lost income and are navigating a sea of financial/emotional insecurity) it gave more depth to the stories each of them have to tell about life in the real, after MAFS, world.

Without all the shriek level hyperbole, Beth/Jamie were kinda cute this time.

Enjoyed Kristine/Keith and the poker/gambling lesson. I like them more and more. I also liked the reminder that the behind-the-scenes medical support staff are having a pretty difficult time of it.

Trust Greg of the gorgeous eyes and double ovens to come up with the best birthday present for Deonna. Hope she really does appreciate the life she has. Hope it really is as happy and fulfilling as it appears to be for them both.

I don't recall a lot about RickyBobby/Danielle or Shawniece/Jepthe this time - I'll have to watch again.  Maybe each episode showcases certain couples and has others step back a bit til next time?

This is the time I wish I had DVR - then I could fast forward - cuz sometimes, there's just not enough eye-bleach in the world.

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Without all the shriek level hyperbole, Beth/Jamie were kinda cute this time.

I'm not usually a fan of facial hair, but I think Jamie looks better with it than without.


Trust Greg of the gorgeous eyes and double ovens to come up with the best birthday present for Deonna. Hope she really does appreciate the life she has. Hope it really is as happy and fulfilling as it appears to be for them both.

Anyone else feel bad that Sandy didn't get any birthday breakfast? She wants french toast and bacon too!


And I don't care if JAustin are nerdy or boring - their emotions and concerns for each other and (especially in Jess's case) fears for family, co-workers and patients come across without any extra pearl clutching drama. Formal Night????? LOVED IT!!!! What a great morale booster.

I love them. I love them even more now that they are JAustinex. They need an EZ walk harness and/or a Gentle Leader to help Rex learn his leash manners. Although IMO, it's already too hot and humid in the DC area to do much walking.

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10 hours ago, endure said:

I have to say I genuinely felt so sorry for her when she went for the Covid test then broke down, it felt like such a real moment with those crazy pg hormones and all.

Getting tested for Covid is one of the scariest feelings.  I found waiting for the results to be the hardest part as it took almost a week.  I  can't imagine the thoughts that were swirling through her head at that moment. 

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I really enjoyed the clips of Greg with his "baby" that Deonna got him.  Playing video games, etc. 

All of them were darn cute except for the one couple ...

I have to say Jamie and Doug are testing my patience.  Even when I was in full labor I would never have let myself be filmed unclothed like that.  Ridiculous. I know she's a nurse, but goodness sakes. 

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1 hour ago, cardigirl said:

I really enjoyed the clips of Greg with his "baby" that Deonna got him.  Playing video games, etc. 

All of them were darn cute except for the one couple ...

I have to say Jamie and Doug are testing my patience.  Even when I was in full labor I would never have let myself be filmed unclothed like that.  Ridiculous. I know she's a nurse, but goodness sakes. 

Same. I couldn’t even watch the birth scene. I don’t care to see that. And the person upthread who said that they think Jamie may have wanted to do the home birth for the cameras - I have to agree. She’s so camera hungry. 

I felt bad for Ashley when she was crying about her bar. It sucks to be stressed out like that. I hope the family bar is able to survive this. 

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12 hours ago, endure said:


Looks like the home birth will be continuing for at least another week 🙄

Of course Beth got her way and they will be in their bigger apartment now so she should be happy for a week or so.

If JamieO could drag her labor out for weeks...she would...

Thinking Big Red Chardonnay's Daddy is fronting the increase in rent for the bigger place... a couple of thousand extra a month to cover the bigger place is much cheaper for Pervy Ron to send West than having to support his daughter after the divorce and employ her in his office once again.

If they are showing the actual location, those are nice places and that is SF bay, not the Pacific Ocean...but I quibble.

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I love this show.  It's nice to see a slice of life, even if it's a bit contrived.  Who cares?

I also don't mind Jamie.  Look, the shelf life of a reality TV "star" is very very short.  If Jamie can milk it year after year, then good for her. 

Questions:  Who is Ricky/Bobby? and why all this squealing over Greg and his double ovens?  I love Greg but what's so special about double ovens?  When I was a child I'm sure one of my aunts had them in her home.

Edited by Neurochick
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The origin of Ricky Bobby aka Bobby...

Tristan (the ex pro B League basketball player married to felonious Mia who had a warrant out for stalking and using the credit card of an ex and was detained and arrested at DFW Airport when trying to fly out of the country for their honeymoon) gave Bobby that name of endearment when Bobby declared that he was 100% in love with Danielle when the grooms were on an outing at the driving range. The nickname is from the 2006 Will Ferrell movie...Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Greg's double ovens...

Greg was initially hard to get to know because he is a dignified, non dramatic groom that is the total package... his lovely home and kitchen put him over the top... especially those admiring posters coveting double ovens in their own lives...


Edited by humbleopinion
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I view the whole "Greg and his double ovens" as a lighthearted joke.  Not only is he a nice guy, but...but..........He's Also Got Double Ovens!  

And he's got a lovely home.

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17 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

The parting shot with a groaning and guttural moaning JamieO on all 4s, in her birthing pool, panties off, bare butt and gushing bodily fluids and the baby's head crowning sent me running out of the room....

I felt like Sheldon Cooper when he went back home to assist in his sister's home birth and said, "I've seen things.....lady things", and "Despite having 2 PhDs I'm reduced to being the janitor of my sister's birth canal"....LOL

3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Greg's double ovens...

Greg was initially hard to get to know because he is a dignified, non dramatic groom that is the total package... his lovely home and kitchen put him over the top... especially those admiring posters coveting double ovens in their own lives...

The double ovens were symbolic of Greg being a real "catch" because what single guy comes with his own house nice enough to have double ovens?  Wow, a girl better snag him real quickLOL.

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Need to see more of Jamie/Beth's pets & less of them.

JamieO, Queen of TMI. I feel the collective cringe of the universe every time she's on screen.

Loved when Greg threw the baby doll... looks like Sandy might end up as the nanny.

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Why do they keep showing a picture of a house that is NOT Doug and Jamie's house?

She puts everything and more than is ever wanted on social media, so we know what their house looks like!!!

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I love Greg but what's so special about double ovens?  When I was a child I'm sure one of my aunts had them in her home.

My mom had them (has them still) and only ever used one of them (the same one). I would give anything to have them but there is really no way to make them work in our house without a pretty significant renovation. It's not the kind of thing I'd use every day but I love to have people over for dinner and my house is where our family hosts holidays - they'd be fabulous then. 

A girl can dream...

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1 hour ago, OnTime said:

Why do they keep showing a picture of a house that is NOT Doug and Jamie's house?

She puts everything and more than is ever wanted on social media, so we know what their house looks like!!!

I know nothing about their home because I don't follow them or any of these people.

It may be easier for those who do not like JamieO to just not follow her on social media. It might help. 

None of these people on any reality shows annoying for being camera whores or whatever because I don't give what they do or say once I'm done watching a show.

Which is why I enjoy these little peeks into their lives. It's like catching up with old friends.

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2 hours ago, OnTime said:

Why do they keep showing a picture of a house that is NOT Doug and Jamie's house?

JamieO thinks she is Kardashian famous... they used a stunt house for privacy.

JamieO should just charge admission for fans to tour her house...there are no secrets when you set up 3 cameras, lighting ring,  drop your panties to film your baby coming out of your vajayjay.....

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Loved when Jephte saw Greg throw the baby, and said he has to turn him in because he is a mandatory reporter!  Most teachers around here had to switch to on-line at some point, so I'm surprised they haven't mentioned anything about that for him.

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For whatever reason, I am enjoying this series. Its interesting to see that people can meet a total stranger and fall in love with them and then start having a family.  Will be even more interesting to see who is still together in five years or longer.   

I think Jamie and Doug are a good match for each other. I think Jamie needed someone who is very secure in himself and also nurturing and supportive and Doug is those things. I'm happy she pushed past her initial feelings about his looks. It seems that was the right choice.

Ashley and Anthony also seem to have a good relationship. I could see them dating in real life.

Time will tell with Shawniece and Jepthe. Hopefully they will find a way to make it work. He does seem like he's more relaxed and engaged. It was interesting hearing them talk about how their daughter is the same as him. This wouldn't surprise me as Shawniece and Jepthe are polar opposites in terms of temperament.  We have this in my family  as well- dad is very introverted, mom is very extrovert - one of us is extrovert, and two of us are intro.  Of course its all on a scale and no one is pure anything. 

Edited by ChristmasJones
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I'm really enjoying this series. I loved Kristine and Keith from the get go as well as Greg and Deonna. Both couples had a undercurrent of playfulness that seemed to bode well for their marriages. Deonna harassing him about a baby reminds me of the time I harassed my husband about buying me a pickup truck. It was understood between us that it was all in good fun.  The truck was red. 

 Jamie and Beth seem to enjoy fighting and yelling at each other so I guess if that's agreeable to both of them, have at it. Their dynamic makes me nervous. 

Jepthe and Shawnice have always been favorites and I hope things continue to go well for them. Their daughter is adorable. 

Ricky Bobby and Danielle.....fine. 

AJ and Steph seem to have things together. Steph is awesome as always. 

Jamie. I swear I have pulled backward tangled triplet lambs from ewes who made far less of a spectacle of themselves. Heaven knows I'm use to looking at tons of gross stuff (I'm a vet) but Jamie is squickin' me out with all the moaning and half naked writing around. Geeze. 


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I was thinking about this batch of still-marrieds (largely because I have pretty much nothing better to do) and examined why I like certain couples.

Then it came to me that my faves, Jess and Austin, are simply in sync with each other, I mean really in sync. I thought back to as much of the entire season that I could remember and it all fell into place.

They are unabashedly honest about their mutual geekiness.

They not only laugh with each other, but can actually laugh AT each other without giving offense, which I think is a rare quality between recent strangers.

They always look to the other when expressing an opinion for both, and not only has there never been a contradiction that I recall, but they were either in complete agreement or they simply have each other's back - always - that's loyalty.

The only awkwardness I can recall is in situations where they are being pressed for more than they care to share - like the L word. They both kept as much to the script as possible, but Jess looked as uncomfortable as Austin did about being hounded to say the word.

Austin's concerns about Jess's safety is obvious - he wears his heart on his sleeve. Jess's reassurances to Austin never demean him - I think the fears she showed in her solo clip about the lack of PPE's and having just one face mask for an entire shift are not what she shows Austin, but only because she knows he does not have a medical practitioner frame of reference, and that's how she shows her heart. He's geeky cute and she's level headed and has the self-assurance her profession requires.

Damn! I never intended to like them this much.

Then I turned my mind to what ever couples I could view as being so much in concert with each other and only two came to mind. : first (ultra-surprisingly for me) Keith and Kristine and second, SAFSteph and AJ. I didn't even like K&K in their season - the princess and the grandma's-lazy-boy - but they are just so good together. Hope the next episode (foreshadowed by the previews, so I'm not trusting THAT too much) doesn't make a fool out of me. SAFSteph and AJ I did like during their season, but I had felt he would be just TOO MUCH for her to tolerate in the long run. But they seem to have found their niche - during a pandemic no less..more power to them.

Actually, more power to all of them. I do like Shawniece and Jepthe, but I'm on the fence about them as I don't think they've had enough time to put the past in perspective and raise a toddler...Greg and Deonna because in their season, I did NOT like Deonna and there are a lot of times in Couples Cam when she just seems to be trying too hard, but for what, I don't know. Insecurities?

Anthony/Ashley are, to me, vanilla ice cream - very good, but just not exciting. I'd like to see them in another season of Couples Cam before I pass judgement.

Beth/Jamie...time will tell...I think they need to stop looking outward and concentrate on what they do or do not have together.

Bobby/Danielle...there's something going on there, maybe they are struggling with what they really have now that they are dealing with real life....they both have things they need look at in relation to each other.

J/D....well, a made for TV couple who has one partner out for the fame (at any cost) and the other trying to fit in. Kinda sad if you ask me. But bottom line, if it were a show about just them, I would not be watching.

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SexyAF/AJ may decide to be a DINK couple if they are stymied from traveling and building income for retirement if these Covid times drag on for years.

AJ is not willing to share SexyAF with anyone....not even AJ, Jr.

Something is hanky about Bobby...he's pissy and petulant...Timing of a second child that may endanger Danielle's health, being off work plus a big mortgage on their house may all be weighing heavy on his mind and he comes off as a grump.

Jephte/ Shawniece and her family all living in one house could be their own 30 minute reality show.

Jessica/Austin's first year of marriage and Deonna/Greg's transition to parenthood is another 30 minute Lifetime show.

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Felt bad for Jessica...and Austin because it's hard to know how to support someone you a) just met, b) can't help, and c) is annoyed by your worrying.

Why do Bobby/Danielle talk about sex like two 15-year-olds? Stop referencing "doing it," you're 30 and married! lol. I'm surprised he seems like a bit of a (benevolent) frat boy - he was a squeaky clean mama's boy on his season.

Greg gets more attractive every episode.

Hard pass on another episode of deeply uncomfortable JaimeO moaning montages. Just show us the baby.

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Felt bad for Jessica...and Austin because it's hard to know how to support someone you a) just met, b) can't help, and c) is annoyed by your worrying.

I don't think that Jessica was annoyed by his worry and he was doing all the right things - making her dinner, getting the dog... I really like them as a couple.

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20 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

Rex the dog’s butt up in the air was adorable. Jamie’s I could have done without!  

Rex was signalling that he wanted to play. I'm not sure what JamieO was trying to tell us.

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Something is really off with Bobby.  I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s a weird aggression and surliness to his attitude that I don’t understand.  He was Mister Perfect during his season and that is totally gone.

The Ashley/Anthony haircut segment was . . . *sigh*  I like them, but they’re pretty boring, which is usually a sign of a more functional marriage. 

As for Jamie Otis, my TV is against a wall I share with the neighboring townhouse.  I turned my volume way down during her segments because my God, the sounds this woman was making.  I know that it’s childbirth, but again, MAFS, we so do not need to see or hear this level of “reality” (i.e. the kiddie pool in the background filled to the brim with bloody water).  There’s a reason why the maternity wing of the hospital has a waiting room, just saying.  As for the baby’s color not being normal, I hate to say it, but this is exactly why so many people reject home birth as an option.  It’s just so incredibly risky.

Lastly, just look at Double Oven Greg cooking up that beef in his kitchen.  Yes, Lord.  He is such a catch.  Don’t screw this up, Deonna.

Anyone I haven’t mentioned bored the hell out of me. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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Rex is living his best life; the world is his toilet.

I don't blame Anthony for not letting Ashley touch that lovely head of hair of his.

AJ is clearly enjoying the camera this time around.

I really didn't need to see Danielle's pee stick, or JamieO's ... just about everything.

More Sandy please. Their segment made me hungry.

Shawniece looks exhausted.

Felt sad for Kristine struggling, but next week looks better for them.

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On 6/15/2020 at 4:51 PM, humbleopinion said:

Something is hanky about Bobby...he's pissy and petulant...Timing of a second child that may endanger Danielle's health, being off work plus a big mortgage on their house may all be weighing heavy on his mind and he comes off as a grump.

Bobby is working at home and not traveling for work.  He needs time out of the house.

9 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I really didn't need to see Danielle's pee stick, or JamieO's ... just about everything.

Way too much Jamie on all levels. But she did manage to get her hair and makeup done with extra lipstick to give birth.

Edited by OnTime
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They said Jaime's baby had water in his lungs. Is this something that can just happen at birth or did the baby get water in his lungs from the pool he was born in? It didn't really seem Jaime being the one to try and catch him was a great idea.

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18 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

They said Jaime's baby had water in his lungs. Is this something that can just happen at birth or did the baby get water in his lungs from the pool he was born in? It didn't really seem Jaime being the one to try and catch him was a great idea.

That baby looked blue. They really should have gone to the hospital. I hope everything is ok. 

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11 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

It didn't really seem Jaime being the one to try and catch him was a great idea.

Doug had his hands full being the audio tech guy.....all hell would have broken out if the cameras didn’t capture JamieO’s finest hour....

She gambled on the well being of the baby...and outcome is the compromised condition of the newborn’s lungs

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Yay. Another pet to focus on. Pets are to me what JamieO is to most of you guys. Get em out of my sight. 

It's really funny when you think about it. They spend very very little time on camera. 

None of the stuff we saw from them took more than a handful of hours out of one day. 

Good money if you can get it.

I have a joke that whenever someone makes noises that sound like bedroom noises, I just got a window into your bedroom.

JamieO had all the windows and doors open today. 

I cracked up at I just want to grab your thumb. I hope his thumb isn't the size of something else used in the bedroom.

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I just wanted to point out that there were two kiddie pools in this episode.  Two.

Bobby does have a little edge to him lately.  I've been wondering if he has pandemic anxiety like so many of us do and it's coming out this way.  I don't know why but I think the beard and mustache have something to do with his energy too.  Maybe he wants to look more manly and masculine.

Did anyone else notice that there was an underwater Go Pro camera in the kiddie pool aimed at Jamie O's ass?  Let's just be thankful that they probably won't show us any footage from THAT.  Plus there was a photographer behind her just waiting for the kid to drop.  I get wanting a recording of your baby's birth, but there is just something so trashy about the extent to which Jamie has gone with all of this.  Not that I expected anything else, but still.

I loved seeing Shawneice's mom tell her what all moms tell their daughters about kids.  I knew that she was going to tell her not to worry about her daughter growing up to be a challenge because all babies that age act like that.

I wasn't prepared for how upset I was to see Kristine crying.  I think she is very pretty and even prettier now than on her original season.  I suppose they have disagreements like any couple but somehow it was hard to see it because I don't think we've ever seen her and Keith at odds with each other before.  I am impressed with her home renovation skills - her dad taught her well.

So the double ovens made a guest appearance this week, LOL.  It's nice to know that Greg cooks and has a first hand appreciation of them, LOL.  Their house is really nice.  I think I like it better than any of the others.

I have to admit that the parody of "The Shining" was very cute and Ashley and Anthony did a good job with it.

Word to Austin and Jessica:  Puppies and white carpets do not mix.

Edited by Yeah No
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Thought we were going to see a little hand wave at us from JamieO’s vajayjay the way she was splayed wide open and flapping her bent knees airing out her crotch.

Barnyard sounds like an episode of Dr. Pol when he has to pull the calf out of a struggling Hehner (pun intended).

All in all...ewww.

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3 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Something is really off with Bobby.  I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s a weird aggression and surliness to his attitude that I don’t understand.  He was Mister Perfect during his season and that is totally gone.

The Ashley/Anthony haircut segment was . . . *sigh*  I like them, but they’re pretty boring, which is usually a sign of a more functional marriage. 

As for Jamie Otis, my TV is against a wall I share with the neighboring townhouse.  I turned my volume way down during her segments because my God, the sounds this woman was making.  I know that it’s childbirth, but again, MAFS, we so do not need to see or hear this level of “reality” (i.e. the kiddie pool in the background filled to the brim with bloody water).  There’s a reason why the maternity wing of the hospital has a waiting room, just saying.  As for the baby’s color not being normal, I hate to say it, but this is exactly why so many people reject home birth as an option.  It’s just so incredibly risky.

Lastly, just look at Double Oven Greg cooking up that beef in his kitchen.  Yes, Lord.  He is such a catch.  Don’t screw this up, Deonna.

Anyone I haven’t mentioned bored the hell out of me. 

I have to agree.  Something is just not right with Bobby!  It's like the two of them have done a role reversal!

Maybe with her not working they are struggling financially.  But it was Bobby that wanted her home like his mom and sis so here we are!

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I know I'm not the typical woman when it comes to pregnancy and such. I am squeamish about a lot of it, and I've never looked at childbirth as this simply beautiful, miraculous thing. Don't get me wrong. I get giving life is beautiful, and I'm a huge sucker for babies. But the reality is that it's a messy, painful animalistic process. I wouldn't want anyone in the room during the birth other than who had to be there. I wouldn't even like visitors around if I'm breastfeeding. I thought maybe it was just me thinking what we saw of Jamie was too much since I never romanticized labor and delivery and am shy about basic bodily functions, but looks like I'm not the only one who thought that was too much for TV.

Edited by RealHousewife
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10 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Rex was signalling that he wanted to play. I'm not sure what JamieO was trying to tell us.

That there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for camera time?!

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7 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I have to agree.  Something is just not right with Bobby!  It's like the two of them have done a role reversal!

Maybe with her not working they are struggling financially.  But it was Bobby that wanted her home like his mom and sis so here we are!

That is a very good point.  He should be in hog heaven right about now!

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