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S08.E22: Time for a Talk

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Amber seeks advice from her psychiatrist when she begins to pull away from Dimitri. Catelynn finds an organic baby food company and travels to NY to consider a partnership. Cheyenne is nervous to let Cory know that Ryder was hospitalized.

Airs May 19, 2020

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Considering this is how she promotes it, she may be unemployed by now.



And, she has comments turned off on it. 🤦‍♀️

Edited by ginger90
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The reason Catelyn cannot just settle down and be the SAHM mom she obviously has no talent for is that she must prove to herself and the world that giving up Carly for adoption was so she could achieve something in her life and the older she gets the more it looks like she's just a lump who has no career and cannot stand being around her kids for any time at all.  A career will make the sacrifice of Carly make sense to her. And MTV is happy to find things for her to have a 'career' doing if it'll get her some storyline and off the vacation/lump at home train. She's MTV's poster child for 'adoption is a great plan' and she's blowing it. Carly lucked out but Catelynn is just a lumpy mess and it hurts the adoption is a good option storyline that they were all going for.

On the other hand, Amber can just be a grouchy lump who does nothing because no one wants to be around her anyway and she didn't give up Leah for adoption, Leah was taken away and Amber went to jail. That's MTV gold as far as storylines went. Amber's bar is so much lower. She's-not-in-prison is as much as Amber has to achieve in her life.

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Maci officially sucks. Making Bentley have that conversation on tv was an awful thing to do.

”Things are going great with Dmitri since he passed the lie detector test.”

🤣🤣 Oh Amber. I hate you. 


Edited by woodscommaelle
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I am beyond disgusted that Maci allowed Taylor to have that pre-"birds and the bees" discussion with Bentley on air!  What the hell are they thinking?  That poor boy has to go to school and face his peers after all that foolishness!  Fortunately, he acted "shy" (according to Taylor) and didn't spill much.  I really think Leah and Bentley should be off-limits as far as filming goes.  I can just see the two of them suing both MTV and their parents for invasion of privacy and their resulting cases of PTSD.

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What is the “full birds and bees” talk that Maci is so against Taylor having with Bentley?  She said it twice that she doesn’t want Taylor to have this “full” talk.  What, exactly does she want Taylor to leave out?  I can’t imagine what type of info he’d need to be shielded from—that a sperm fertilizes an egg, that people have sex, that people masturbate?  I think the younger you get this info to them, the less sensational they find it.  Unless there is some risk that Taylor would be giving Bentley tips on how to perform cunnilingus, what does it matter how “full” Taylor’s talk is with Bentley?  

I think Maci is extremely aware of social media and that’s the reason she made sure to mention three times that Bentley might be interested in girls (or boys!).  It seemed really forced.  He already had a “girlfriend.”  I don’t think Maci wants Bentley to make sure it’s ok if he’s gay; I think Maci wants to make sure the viewers know that she thinks being gay is ok.  And I think we got it after the first time.  

It kind of seems like an odd combination that Maci proselytizes—don’t talk to the kid about sex, the man has to have the birds and the bees with the male child, but let’s say over and over that it’s fine if he’s gay.  Which one of these things is not like the other?  I’m just not buying that is her belief system.  I do agree with Maci that there is no reason for Ryan to talk to Bentley about puberty, as Ryan would probably make fun of Bentley for having small nuts or something, but other than that, she seemed more contrived than usual and that’s a lot.  

Catelynn, what do you eat?  If you’re so interested in health, why are you at least 50 lbs overweight?  I would never take her at her word for what is healthy.  I’d probably hear whatever she said and do the opposite.  Tyler’s voice and mannerisms are so wonky and jerky.  I wish he would just look into calming down a little.  Maybe he needs some medication.  Take some of what Catelynn’s on in order to calm the fuck down a little.

There is just so much dissonance between those super thin New York women trying to sell healthy baby food and Catelynn sitting there like a country bumpkin in her false lashes and tacky clip-on extensions and fat ass.  She looked like a fool.  I wonder how many of her 3.5 million followers are following just to see the train wreck.  

What Ryan said about Bentley and girls breaking up with him just so they can see them cry...I dunno what’s going on there.  Is he trying to be named worst parent of the year?  As awful as it is what Ryan said, I feel like he’s one of the last people on the show who isn’t so camera savvy.  He just says what’s on his mind.  I hate to say “refreshing,” as it’s a man making fun of his kid, like he’s some type of male competitor, because it’s so deranged, but I would rather watch Ryan—and I’d definitely rather watch Ryan and Mackenzie—than Maci and that sack of potatoes with whom she films.  

Maci, the golden rule is “do unto others,” not “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”  Pick up a book much?

Are these stories happening at different times?  There’s snow covering Indiana in Amber’s driving scene, but Maci and Mackenzie just happen to comment independent of one another that they can’t believe Bentley is going to middle school?  Wouldn’t that be something someone contemplates in the late spring or summer before school starts?

I love Corey talking about what something is like “after just being done with The Challenge” as if it is some milestone we all reach.  Upon hearing of Ryder’s hospital stay, he is all, “To hear that about just being done with The Challenge, it doesn’t feel good.”  Corey, everyone in your life, including your own mama, is protecting you!  Last time Ryder got sick, Corey could barely be bothered to return home from a trip to Mexico.  If they’d told him Ryder was sick when he was at The Challenge, he would have had no choice but to come home because of his public image.  So no one told him, or they pretended not to tell him, so he wouldn’t be in a bind, and now he’s complaining?  Boy, bye.  No one—not Cheyenne, not Taylor and certainly not Corey—wanted to miss out on their piece of that Challenge money if he would have won.  As if we were born yesterday.  

My God, but does Corey kiss Cheyenne’s ass!  He’ll talk shit behind her back, but to her face, everything is about how much life is sunshine and roses “co-parenting” with Cheyenne.  There’s something very untrustworthy and smarmy about a grown man who kisses so much ass.  It’s the visual equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard.  

Mackenzie outing Gannon onscreen for crying in a private moment was about up there on the disgusting level as Maci making Bentley talk about his too-private-to-be-filmed therapy sessions in his bedroom in the first part of this season.  The kids deserve some privacy.  I know Angie was a huge part of their lives, as Josh is absent and Mackenzie can’t handle parenting, but maybe the kid is processing it in his own way.  

Mackenzie is so afraid that Gannon is “bottling up his feelings” because it doesn’t make for good camera time.  Let’s face it.  She would be thrilled if his emotions were manifesting in punching and throwing himself on the floor crying, just as long as there was something to film.  I think Josh saying he was more concerned about Jaxie was the most genuine moment for Josh in a long time.  Of course Mackenzie shut it down, because it didn’t fit her narrative.  If Gannon goes to a doctor on camera for his grief, that’s going to be yet another parenting fail. 

Gannon has every right to be more ok than “not ok” about his grandma’s passing.  Mackenzie may very well be projecting her own emotions onto her kid and burdening him further.  I had a little of a guilt-based mom who told me how to feel and not feel about things, and it’s not helpful.  At eight, a kid is pretty well-equipped to feel what he’s feeling.  If he’s getting past it or if he’s not, that talk of tears should have been off camera.  That was Mackenzie’s only storyline this episode, and she knows on which side her bread is buttered.  So gross.  

So...Amber is crying to her enabler therapist that Dimitri passed the “lie detector” test, because it leads her to realize how few people she has been able to trust in her life.  Kinda damned if you do, damned if you don’t there, Tri.  Whatever comes out of this relationship, I can’t help but feel a tiny bit sorry for Dimitri.  He was just a poor Belgian guy trying to get his 15 minutes of fame with a reality TV psychopath, and I have to wonder if he’s going to get out of this alive, let alone unscathed.  Amber and her obese army of Shirleys are going to make him pay for anything he does or doesn’t do, good, bad or indifferent.  

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Cate doesn't have a job that requires her to be away from home for 8+ hours and Nova attends pre-school, yet making her own baby food is too much for her.  

Bentley having a little girlfriend is cute but I am not comfortable with that part of his life being broadcast on TV. Also, could his dope-feind dad being any more of a douchebag. Mocking him for being upset over breaking up with his little friend?  Thank goodness Bentley has Taylor as a role model for non-toxic masculinity.

And now for my weekly "can I please have Ryder or a Ryder-clone " post. She is just too freaking adorable.

How long does Belgian Bae plan on staying here? Does he have a job back in Belgium?

I haven't really paid attention to Mac McKee over the years but was Josh always human Ambien? Also, I can't get over the fact that their daughter's government name is really "Jaxie"! 

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4 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

haven't really paid attention to Mac McKee over the years but was Josh always human Ambien? Also, I can't get over the fact that their daughter's government name is really "Jaxie"! 

Yes! He has always been a brain dead POS, Mac isn’t much better. What about the name Broncs?

 I’m just hoping Amber punches this idiot from Belgium and goes back to prison for 5 years.

These fucking people! 😡🖕🏻

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29 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

 I really think Leah and Bentley should be off-limits as far as filming goes.  

All of the kids should be. Mackenzie did the same thing with that conversation with Gannon. They’re so shitty for doing this. 

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10 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Yes! He has always been a brain dead POS, Mac isn’t much better. What about the name Broncs?

 I’m just hoping Amber punches this idiot from Belgium and goes back to prison for 5 years.

These fucking people! 😡🖕🏻

Broncs is bad but Jaxie...that name is only suitable for an 1980's Saturday morning cartoon character.

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Once again Ryan proves that he is jealous of his own son. Why would you say something so demeaning about your child on national TV?  And so what if Bentley has more feelings and respect for women than his father does, that wouldn’t be a bad thing.  Amber was hoping against hope that Dimitri was lying so she could get some good footage of herself being a victim, yet again. Really,the truth is he’s boring her to tears between the language barrier and his laid back personality. At least Matt #1 was good TV because he gave as good as he got.  Does Catelyn now have a “ glam squad” doing her hair & makeup?   Other than getting themselves a spot on MTV, why would the “Little Spoons” people want to be associated for the poster child for “ post partum”.  Mackenzie leave poor Gannon to his own grief or at least talk about it when there aren’t cameras around.   Corey makes me sick. I don’t watch the Challenge - did he win anything?  Left his pregnant girlfriend and sick child and it’s all about how he feels when he finds out. Cry me a river,Corey.

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47 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Oh Cate. Why so much makeup and hair for a business meeting?

She and Tyler in that NYC restaurant before her 1st ever business mtg - I have never seen 2 more uneducated hicks. Every other word was "like"and "passion". Does she really have 3.5 million followers  ? 

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Wow, did Dmitri look depressed in that short sofa scene with Amber. It must have been so romantic in a new relationship to have the whole PTSD/bipolar disorder explained to him at length and in detail by his new girlfriend. You can see him just thinking what kind of hell have I gotten myself into with this one? There is no fun, no going out, no getting to know each other except for Amber going on and on about her various mental disorders and sitting on that damn sofa day and night. What a great new relationship!  Don't you just envy him?

"He knows he must be gentle with me....and I must be gentle too." 

" I know. I try."

Amber squinches and says a little too forced, "So do I."

Careful Dmitri. You may not speak English fluently but I think you can see the writing on the wall here: don't cross Amber, even accidentally, even nominally. Weigh every word very carefully. Don't make any sudden moves. Slip some money to a neighbor who can smuggle you away and sneak out in the night before she notices you are gone. I'm rooting for you, kid.

Mackenzie needs to stop projecting onto her kids. And there's another hostage situation: Josh could not look more uncomfortable in his scenes with her.  As I said before, she magnifies everything and is generally just A. Lot.

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2 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

She and Tyler in that NYC restaurant before her 1st ever business mtg - I have never seen 2 more uneducated hicks. Every other word was "like"and "passion". Does she really have 3.5 million followers  ? 

That must have been when she had that stupid makeup workshop that four people attended.  I also couldn't get over the Little Spoon brain trust.  Every other word was "like" and they were overly impressed with Cate's "brilliant" ad pitch.  Anyone could have come up with that concept.  Aren't her 3 million followers a bunch of bots?

Edited by Marisagf
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Wow you guys, Catelynn makes her own baby food when she doesn’t have a job and also has a stay at home husband! Jesus Christ, how does she keep it all together? Could her hair stylist be less interested in her stupid baby food venture? And good god, those bangs, Catelynn. 

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13 hours ago, Quilty said:

Oh Cate. Why so much makeup and hair for a business meeting?

She looked absolutely ridiculous - like the love child of Charro and Peg Bundy. Then, she she was shown next to the baby food girls who all had very natural hair and makeup and she managed to look even more ridiculous.

Why does she always look like trailer trash? No matter what she's wearing or how she has her hair or makeup, she just looks like trash. Even Amber has her moment of looking well put-together but Cate can't seem to get it together.

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I cannot stand listening to Tyler and Cate. They talk over each other and don't seem to listen. Tyler thinks he's the wisest person to ever live. She looked absolutely ridiculous at that business meeting. I know nothing about baby food (no kids) but is Little Spoon a legit company?  Just from the checking out the website and seeing their office, they seem somewhat more legit than some of other businesses the TM's have gotten involved with. Why would they want to add Cate to their brand?

The talk between Taylor and Bentley should not have been on TV but I did like the way Taylor spoke to Bentley. Maybe they'll have the actual sex talk off camera? Am I giving Maci too much credit?

Don't care about Cory and Cheyenne but I did like Cheyenne acknowledging that they made a mistake not discussing what they should do if anything happened to Ryder while Cory was gone. 

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13 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Wow, did Dmitri look depressed in that short sofa scene with Amber. It must have been so romantic in a new relationship to have the whole PTSD/bipolar disorder explained to him at length and in detail by his new girlfriend. You can see him just thinking what kind of hell have I gotten myself into with this one? There is no fun, no going out, no getting to know each other except for Amber going on and on about her various mental disorders and sitting on that damn sofa day and night. What a great new relationship!  Don't you just envy him?

"He knows he must be gentle with me....and I must be gentle too." 

" I know. I try."

Amber squinches and says a little too forced, "So do I."


I noticed that too. I wonder why she said that so forcefully! It didn't fit what we were seeing. 

I also agree the talk with Bintley should have been off screen.  But I do think they are good parents, and should move on from this show and just enjoy life.  Maci and Taylor have a beautiful family.  

Did Ryan break a tooth? He used to be so handsome. That quickly changed.  

Cate= Boring. 

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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

What is the “full birds and bees” talk that Maci is so against Taylor having with Bentley?  She said it twice that she doesn’t want Taylor to have this “full” talk.  What, exactly does she want Taylor to leave out?  I can’t imagine what type of info he’d need to be shielded from—that a sperm fertilizes an egg, that people have sex, that people masturbate?  I think the younger you get this info to them, the less sensational they find it.  Unless there is some risk that Taylor would be giving Bentley tips on how to perform cunnilingus, what does it matter how “full” Taylor’s talk is with Bentley?  

I think Maci is extremely aware of social media and that’s the reason she made sure to mention three times that Bentley might be interested in girls (or boys!).  It seemed really forced.  He already had a “girlfriend.”  I don’t think Maci wants Bentley to make sure it’s ok if he’s gay; I think Maci wants to make sure the viewers know that she thinks being gay is ok.  And I think we got it after the first time.  

It kind of seems like an odd combination that Maci proselytizes—don’t talk to the kid about sex, the man has to have the birds and the bees with the male child, but let’s say over and over that it’s fine if he’s gay.  Which one of these things is not like the other?  I’m just not buying that is her belief system.  I do agree with Maci that there is no reason for Ryan to talk to Bentley about puberty, as Ryan would probably make fun of Bentley for having small nuts or something, but other than that, she seemed more contrived than usual and that’s a lot.  

Catelynn, what do you eat?  If you’re so interested in health, why are you at least 50 lbs overweight?  I would never take her at her word for what is healthy.  I’d probably hear whatever she said and do the opposite.  Tyler’s voice and mannerisms are so wonky and jerky.  I wish he would just look into calming down a little.  Maybe he needs some medication.  Take some of what Catelynn’s on in order to calm the fuck down a little.

There is just so much dissonance between those super thin New York women trying to sell healthy baby food and Catelynn sitting there like a country bumpkin in her false lashes and tacky clip-on extensions and fat ass.  She looked like a fool.  I wonder how many of her 3.5 million followers are following just to see the train wreck.  

What Ryan said about Bentley and girls breaking up with him just so they can see them cry...I dunno what’s going on there.  Is he trying to be named worst parent of the year?  As awful as it is what Ryan said, I feel like he’s one of the last people on the show who isn’t so camera savvy.  He just says what’s on his mind.  I hate to say “refreshing,” as it’s a man making fun of his kid, like he’s some type of male competitor, because it’s so deranged, but I would rather watch Ryan—and I’d definitely rather watch Ryan and Mackenzie—than Maci and that sack of potatoes with whom she films.  

Maci, the golden rule is “do unto others,” not “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”  Pick up a book much?

Are these stories happening at different times?  There’s snow covering Indiana in Amber’s driving scene, but Maci and Mackenzie just happen to comment independent of one another that they can’t believe Bentley is going to middle school?  Wouldn’t that be something someone contemplates in the late spring or summer before school starts?

I love Corey talking about what something is like “after just being done with The Challenge” as if it is some milestone we all reach.  Upon hearing of Ryder’s hospital stay, he is all, “To hear that about just being done with The Challenge, it doesn’t feel good.”  Corey, everyone in your life, including your own mama, is protecting you!  Last time Ryder got sick, Corey could barely be bothered to return home from a trip to Mexico.  If they’d told him Ryder was sick when he was at The Challenge, he would have had no choice but to come home because of his public image.  So no one told him, or they pretended not to tell him, so he wouldn’t be in a bind, and now he’s complaining?  Boy, bye.  No one—not Cheyenne, not Taylor and certainly not Corey—wanted to miss out on their piece of that Challenge money if he would have won.  As if we were born yesterday.  

My God, but does Corey kiss Cheyenne’s ass!  He’ll talk shit behind her back, but to her face, everything is about how much life is sunshine and roses “co-parenting” with Cheyenne.  There’s something very untrustworthy and smarmy about a grown man who kisses so much ass.  It’s the visual equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard.  

Mackenzie outing Gannon onscreen for crying in a private moment was about up there on the disgusting level as Maci making Bentley talk about his too-private-to-be-filmed therapy sessions in his bedroom in the first part of this season.  The kids deserve some privacy.  I know Angie was a huge part of their lives, as Josh is absent and Mackenzie can’t handle parenting, but maybe the kid is processing it in his own way.  

Mackenzie is so afraid that Gannon is “bottling up his feelings” because it doesn’t make for good camera time.  Let’s face it.  She would be thrilled if his emotions were manifesting in punching and throwing himself on the floor crying, just as long as there was something to film.  I think Josh saying he was more concerned about Jaxie was the most genuine moment for Josh in a long time.  Of course Mackenzie shut it down, because it didn’t fit her narrative.  If Gannon goes to a doctor on camera for his grief, that’s going to be yet another parenting fail. 

Gannon has every right to be more ok than “not ok” about his grandma’s passing.  Mackenzie may very well be projecting her own emotions onto her kid and burdening him further.  I had a little of a guilt-based mom who told me how to feel and not feel about things, and it’s not helpful.  At eight, a kid is pretty well-equipped to feel what he’s feeling.  If he’s getting past it or if he’s not, that talk of tears should have been off camera.  That was Mackenzie’s only storyline this episode, and she knows on which side her bread is buttered.  So gross.  

So...Amber is crying to her enabler therapist that Dimitri passed the “lie detector” test, because it leads her to realize how few people she has been able to trust in her life.  Kinda damned if you do, damned if you don’t there, Tri.  Whatever comes out of this relationship, I can’t help but feel a tiny bit sorry for Dimitri.  He was just a poor Belgian guy trying to get his 15 minutes of fame with a reality TV psychopath, and I have to wonder if he’s going to get out of this alive, let alone unscathed.  Amber and her obese army of Shirleys are going to make him pay for anything he does or doesn’t do, good, bad or indifferent.  


13 hours ago, Marisagf said:

That must have been when she had that stupid makeup workshop that four people attended.  I also couldn't get over the Little Spoon brain trust.  Every other word was "like" and they were overly impressed with Cate's "brilliant" ad pitch.  Anyone could have come up with that concept.  Aren't her 3 million followers a bunch of bots?

They also used the word "super" a lot...I'm sorry, this whole segment with Catelynn "discovering" the baby food line was so scripted and fake. Firstly...I don't buy into her making Vaeda's food one bit. She's far too lazy to go to all that trouble. Secondly, we're supposed to buy into this BS that Catelynn decided to contact the company and ask for a meeting becasue she has "ideas"??? And these young women who probably have business and marketing degrees couldn't come up with a marketing strategy on their own? They called Cate, the media/PR/adverstising guru to fly in to NYC for a meeting? Right...and not a one of them could come up with an idea on to market this product? Only Catelynn had an idea for them? Why she's a regular Don Draper! Call up Ogilvy Mathers or Satchi and Satchi...they need to scoop her right up as an adversting account director! I wonder how many hours MTV devoted to brainstorming ideas for Catelynn this season? Dollars to donuts someone on the Teen Mom production crew or creative team knew one of the women who are behind this product line. 

Also, Tyler's inappropriate attire at that NYC restaurant made me wince. I'm surprised he was allowed in dressed like that. Did he mistake this restaurant for a Denny's or a Cracker Barrel? And Cate with the cheap hair extensions and red lipstick at the "meeting" was a little much. It's a business meeting, not a party at the club. 

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16 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

She and Tyler in that NYC restaurant before her 1st ever business mtg - I have never seen 2 more uneducated hicks. Every other word was "like"and "passion". Does she really have 3.5 million followers  ? 

In their defense, that sounds a lot like a dim witted Kartrashian conversation.

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Ryan is POS. Everytime he opens his yapper he's talking trash on his own son. What he did last night, basically calling his own son a wimp and a pussy was deplorable. All the while smiling and snickering. Mackenzie, of course, was sitting there giggling and smiling...she's horrible too. The two of them are cruel and are verbally and emotionally cruel towards Bentley.  And what's wrong with Bentley being kind and caring? I realize that is something you cannot possible understand Ryan since you a are malignant narcissist with no sense of other people's feelings especially with your own flesh and blood. Maci is not without criticism...using her pre-teen son as a storyline about teen sex was insensitive and wrong. Honestly, Bentley shouldn't be filmed anymore. I feel for him entering middle school...the teasing, the online bully...he's going to be a target.

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I have always tried to like Catelynn and Tyler, especially Tyler, because I know they've had it rough. But goodness, why does Tyler always sound like he's yelling when he's talking to someone? His mom does it, too. I do like her, but when either of them is having a conversation with somebody you'd think they were accusing that person of something. 

I also have a hard time believing Catelynn makes all of Vaeda's food, and I find it kind of silly that they'd want to use an overweight person as the poster child for a health foods company, but I do give her credit for at least supposedly taking an interest in her child's nutrition. I know it's hard for Catelynn to drum up the motivation to just about anything, so if she's truly doing this I do give her props. 

I like Maci and Tyler. I don't think it's appropriate to put Bentley's private life out there like that, but I do believe they're good parents. Maci did go a bit overboard on "girls or boys," but that's okay, there are worse things. 

I also think Mackenzie is trying, but she made a mistake, too, airing Gannon's business. I'd be mortified and traumatized if all that was aired on national TV, but if she truly cares this much off camera then good for her. Her makeup was way too much this episode, though. 

I FF through Amber's segments. 

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On 5/20/2020 at 10:23 AM, MaggieG said:

I cannot stand listening to Tyler and Cate. They talk over each other and don't seem to listen. Tyler thinks he's the wisest person to ever live.

He does, doesn't he?  Yet he can't seem to remember to pay his own property taxes and Federal income taxes after all this time.  Priorities, I guess.

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Mackenzie McKee

Earlier this week, the Teen Mom OG star accused her husband Josh McKee of being unfaithful and cheating. As a result, she was ready to walk away from the relationship for good.

"People have tried to tell me for years Josh doesn't love me and I just made excuses for him," she shared in a Facebook post captured by fans. "But today is the day I walk away. Pray for me, that I can function, feel worthy again and find hope. Pray for my kids, I always wanted my family to work so they don't have to live in two different houses. I was 100% committed to Josh and so much I don't understand."

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I think I feel more sorry for poor Bintley than any other cast member on this show.  He’s at an age when the whole “birds and bees” talk is just mortifying for a lot of kids.  Add a film crew and a national audience and I can’t even imagine.  I can still remember sitting in my fifth grade classroom at the age of 10 while the teacher held up a drawing of a penis and dying a tiny, private death of sheer embarrassment.  Bintley and others in his situation have to do all of this onstage.  He just wanted to get back to the damn ping-pong game.  Speaking of wrong, his piece of shit father is a real prize, basically making fun of his (clearly sensitive, bright) young son.  I want to punch Rhine right in the face, but he’s probably so high that he wouldn’t even feel it.

As for that montage of Amber’s various relationships, proposals, and scuffles, MTV is dead wrong for that.  😂  This Dimitri character looks like a Russian extra straight out of central casting.  I hope he’s in decent physical shape.  He’ll need to be able to defend himself eventually.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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On 5/19/2020 at 9:19 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

Cate doesn't have a job that requires her to be away from home for 8+ hours and Nova attends pre-school, yet making her own baby food is too much for her. 

Yeah, I didn't get that either. Don't most moms have to make food for their children? If you have a blender/food processor (which I assume she does), I wouldn't think that making food for your baby would be that big a deal or much different from making food for the rest of the family. Especially if you have nothing else to do. Cate seems to let Tyler do a lot of the hands-on childcare, so she could at least attempt to pull her weight in the family by cooking, managing the email account for Tierra Reign, etc., etc.

But she doesn't. And I don't believe for one second that she was slaving away making baby food and ensuring that all the ingredients were organic, GMO-free, whatever. Seriously, hahahahahahahaha! Aren't they always eating take-out from styrofoam containers? I can't remember any scene of either of them cooking anything. A) as someone said upthread, Cate is waaaaay too lazy to to that and B) it's a joke to believe that she'd have even the slightest idea about what was healthy or even, probably, that she'd read the label on a jar of baby food. That's not Cate at all. She and Ty grew up subsisting on school lunches and stale bags of Cheetos they found behind the couch, so I'm sure they think they're doing really well if they feed Nova a kid's meal from their favorite take-out place (probably with a huge sugary drink).

It would be great if, instead of pretending to be interested in her kids' nutrition for a storyline on her reality show, she actually took a real interest and spent even an hour educating herself on how to feed them a more healthy diet. She has the money to hire a consultant of whatever kind to advise her (since that would be easier than researching/reading herself). She could plant a garden on her land. She could afford the time and money to identify and visit local farms/farmers' markets/stores where she could buy organic and/or locally grown produce. Etc., etc., etc. These people have no real interest in anything besides masturbatory SM usage, despite all the money and opportunities at their disposal. Every single "interest" (besides living a Kardashian-style life on whatever level) is faked. It's so fucking sad.

On 5/20/2020 at 12:05 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Wow, did Dmitri look depressed in that short sofa scene with Amber. It must have been so romantic in a new relationship to have the whole PTSD/bipolar disorder explained to him at length and in detail by his new girlfriend. You can see him just thinking what kind of hell have I gotten myself into with this one? There is no fun, no going out, no getting to know each other except for Amber going on and on about her various mental disorders and sitting on that damn sofa day and night. What a great new relationship!  Don't you just envy him?...

Careful Dmitri. You may not speak English fluently but I think you can see the writing on the wall here: don't cross Amber, even accidentally, even nominally. Weigh every word very carefully. Don't make any sudden moves. Slip some money to a neighbor who can smuggle you away and sneak out in the night before she notices you are gone. I'm rooting for you, kid.

I know, right? I love how Amber is all, "Now that Belgian!Matt has taken the lie detector test, I can move forward with falling in love with him. The first step was to translate information about my various mental health disorders for him..."

What. The. Everliving. Fuck? It's 1000% OBVIOUS that Belgian!Matt has serious issues. Imagine meeting someone from another country online, not even sharing a language in which you're both fluent, moving to their country for 3 months, and then having them be like, "I'm insane. Also, I need you to take a lie detector test to prove that you're here for the right reasons. Great, now that you passed the lie detector, I can give you more detailed information about how crazy I am. Also, don't do anything to piss me off, even slightly, or I can't be responsible for how I respond." Yikes! Are they still together?

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The was a Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode about a woman in NY who started a super healthy baby food company and accidentally took on partners connected to the Russian mob who messed with the baby food to save money, making babies sick, and generally took over in a nefarious way.  This TM episode I kept thinking, nice healthy NY baby food ladies, it's not worth taking on an unhealthy lump like Cate, she'll ruin your brand! Keep your baby food healthy! (Not exactly the Russian mob, but I was put in mind of that L&O victim nonetheless.)

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1 hour ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

The was a Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode about a woman in NY who started a super healthy baby food company and accidentally took on partners connected to the Russian mob who messed with the baby food to save money, making babies sick, and generally took over in a nefarious way.  This TM episode I kept thinking, nice healthy NY baby food ladies, it's not worth taking on an unhealthy lump like Cate, she'll ruin your brand! Keep your baby food healthy! (Not exactly the Russian mob, but I was put in mind of that L&O victim nonetheless.)

I wonder what the NY baby food ladies thought they'd get from Cate. I can see how someone whose brand includes the word "mom" and who has 3.5M SM followers would seem like a good marketing partner, but I wonder how many of Cate's "fans" are the type of moms who would buy expensive (I assume) fancy baby food. I would think the primary customer for that kind of thing would be relatively educated, well-heeled moms, probably mostly women in their 30's. Is that Cate's audience? I can't see a college-educated 32-year-old mom worshipping Cate or closely following her parenting advice.

And fancy baby food seems like a very niche market in general. I would think that most parents who don't want to buy regular baby food just make it themselves since it's so easy. In her promotional post, Cate describes the process as "shopping for organic, GMO-free vegetables, boiling them, and putting them in bags." She doesn't even realize how ridiculous that sounds because that's more work than she's done to make a meal since she was a teenager.

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On 5/19/2020 at 8:11 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

 Unless there is some risk that Taylor would be giving Bentley tips on how to perform cunnilingus, what does it matter how “full” Taylor’s talk is with Bentley?  

Hahahaha if Taylor himself has ever made an attempt at cunnilingus I would be totally shocked. He does not seem like the type who could be handing out tips.

Edited by Tatum
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