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S03.E08: Crisis Theory

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Bye, William. At least we get to keep Ed Harris. And it looks like we can go back to hating Charlotte.

So Dolores goes out a hero? Well, considering her competition on this show, I suppose that's not a high bar to clear.

So it looks like Season 4 is Maeve and Caleb vs. Charlotte and her army of hosts.

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William, Stubbs, and Bernard did feel like a waste this season. The end scene after the credits could have just played out in the episode they did not need do a Superhero movie ending.

I don't really know what to say. The season ended.

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3 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Why would Rehoboam obey an order to destroy itself?  It's supposed to be sentient.  Okay, maybe Serac built in a self-destruct that Caleb accessed, but that just kicks the can down the road:  why would Serac put in a self-destruct in the first place?

And who could such a powerful computer erase itself in, like, three seconds when it takes the same amount of time to empty three Word documents from the trash?

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So ... bye Dolores ... I guess? Nice that they redeemed the character somewhat.

And bye real-William? 

Next season I guess will be another reboot with Caleb, Maeve, Halores and bot-William?

Still don't know how Bernard and Stubbs are relevant to the story.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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7 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

William, Stubbs, and Bernard did feel like a waste this season. The end scene after the credits could have just played out in the episode they did not need do a Superhero movie ending.

I don't really know what to say. The season ended.

Shit.  I didn't know there was an after credits scene.  Synopsis?

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Eh, I liked it.

I'm okay with Dolores having conflicting feelings and a convoluted mission. We see from Charlores OGDolores' impulse to annihilate with Maeve having to fight that war to see through the building a new world with them choice. That Dolores was pushing things so hard to force Bernard and Maeve to choose a side? I can dig that as well as both Bernard and Maeve were so hardcore against change, that Dolores had to go balls to the walls to force them to make a stand.  By the way when Maeve's sword got caught in Dolores' arm and she just goaded Maeve with the fact that she was the original, build to last unlike the later weaker versions of the host bodies and that ALL of the hosts were her copies? That was was great trash talk. LOL.

It was great to see Dolores' memories and how she came to embrace the beauty and potential in the world and humanity and resist destroying humanity because that beauty DID come from humans, they're capable of it and are not a wholesale pestilence that needs to be exterminated. It counters William's speech when he was in the facility to the therapy group.

I'm a little sad that OG Dolores is just deleted and gone just like that. Charlores having an epiphany and becoming nuDolores just doesn't feel right. Charlores (who has a great motive for her villainy) feels like the writers just giving us permission to hate Charlotte again and see her go down. I don't feel sorry for OG Charlotte but her son and ex-husband got a ridiculously raw deal. Tragic. 

With Bernard going to the Valley Beyond we'll get to see Ghost Nation and Teddy for S4. And given you can print up a host body for anyone if you have the specs you can have James Marsden back on not be OG Teddy.

Poor Stubbs.

I'm pretty sure Hopkins ain't coming back to this show, but I would love to get Ford's take on this outcome and being 'I did all this shit and THIS is how it turns out? Huh'. Interesting parallales of creators dying (Ford, Dolores) and their protege's (Dolores/Caleb) living.

And interesting that Park 5 turned out to be a training facility where the hosts were used in exercises and yup, Dolores was there. When she says she's been around for a long time and remembers EVERYTHING, girl wasn't lying.

Serac was a straight up asshole but his increasingly hysterical pleas for Solomon to talk to him and then saying 'Brother, please talk to me' actually tug the heart a wee bit. All of this villainy and sacrifices ultimately came to nothing.

The chaos map just becoming a black mess of a blur is always a great image but damn, in 23 years humanity is gone from the chaos with Rehoboem's demise? Yikes.


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I did like that the government was using a Delos park for training soldiers.  That was a nice "oh, yeah, that makes sense".  I just wish they'd called it something besides Park 5.  Do other guests get to visit that park?  Otherwise the general population of guests might wonder "parks 1,2,3,4 and 6... what's 5?"  Kind of like when the Cylon models were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.  

Also, having Dolores in park 5 was just dumb.  See, they've met before!

Also also, Dolores saying she picked Caleb from the beginning is serious retconning bullshit.  After he rescued her in the tunnel, she asked her digital assistant to give her Caleb's file.  If she'd chosen him from the beginning she'd already have it.  Retconning between seasons is bad enough, but they couldn't maintain continuity in between episodes.

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Well, my Hulu went belly up after 1/2 hour and just won't come back. What I've seen so far doesn't make much sense. I kept thinking all Maeve had to do was find a local MRI machine and give Dolores one great send off.

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Very underwhelming finale. Boring, repetitive, and predictable. Dolores did the same thing in each episode this season. She goes to some location, shoots a few people and gives a couple of lines about the revolution she's starting. Eight episodes of the same damn thing. We even got a rehash of her fight with Maeve. 

I feel like I just watch this show out of habit at this point.

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1 hour ago, mac123x said:

Was Lawrence the 5th Dolores copy?  

That's what I was going to ask.  Hopefully, Bernard is able to take the pearl from Lawrence's body and build a Dolores Prime body to put it in.  I don't see Halores ever wanting to build an OGDolores body.  

36 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I like that they brought back sweet prairie girl Dolores for a final send off but it doesn't fit with the lethal killer thing they've had going for over 2 seasons. 

She did say something about her memories of beauty being the ones she held most dearly, and we were seeing those as she was close to her end.  That could parallel how a Human might come to a place of peace just before dying.  Once she shot Ford in the head, though, I can see why she'd have little use for her prairie girl sweetness.  


That'd be funny if Halores starts a trend among the Hosts of keeping scars inflicted by Humans as an open sign of hostility for Humans.  Like a post-post modern tattoo.

I was glad that Maeve finally freed herself from the electronic leash Serac had her on but because the Hosts are supposed to be much smarter than Humans it seems unlikely it would take her this long to figure that out.  

William's post-credit scene made me chuckle.  An old man charges into a building pissed off about Hosts breeding and shoots a guy in the head.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.    


11 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I feel like I just watch this show out of habit at this point.

But are you able to maintain the illusion of free will, or do you feel like it's been predetermined? 


Edited by enchantingmonkey
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I was sad that Dolores' most cherished memory was first meeting young William. Considering how cruel William was towards her later it was sad that she held onto that beautiful memory till the end.

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I’m guessing The show isn’t done with ERW?

Even though Halores is alienated from the original model, they will probably build a copy in that Dubai lab.  Probably a backup of Dolores’ pearl somewhere.

Speaking of backups, no backup to the big giant orb?  And really the main access was in the lobby?  Caleb could have uploaded his program right there is Maeve didn’t show up.  But he only had to get through 4 guards outside, one of whom gave up his key card — really key cards in this ultra high tech world? — and one guy inside.

Caleb makes a pretty speech about giving people free will, a choice about their lives.  Well he gave that one guy a choice to give up his key card.  But he left behind a pretty big body count too.

And not sure how Caleb or Maeve hacked into the big brain thing.  They overrode the stop switch for Maeve and Caleb got the kill switch for the big orb.  Seriously, no backups and security for the system which is running the world?

Now the outliers destroy human civilization in just a couple of decades.  As we’re discovering with the pandemic, the supply chains to feed, employ and keep billions of people alive are fairly fragile.  So are we to assume that 20 years hence, only the robots are alive?

Dolores got her wish?  If Bernard has been there for decades, long enough to get a layer of dust over his face and head, that means Caleb would be an old man?

Inside the Episode has the Nolans talking about lofty themes for the season, pretty unconvincingly.



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11 minutes ago, scrb said:

Dolores got her wish?  If Bernard has been there for decades, long enough to get a layer of dust over his face and head, that means Caleb would be an old man?

William was still alive, so unless they're living extended life spans in this future, I would guess it wasn't decades.  Maybe a few years?  

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Kudos to everyone who had it figured that Dolores targeted Caleb from the start.


I'm betting that by the end of season 4, Charlores will lose her pearl to another copy of Dolores.

If they don't find some way to bring ERW back I'll be disappointed.

I enjoyed the story for the season but wish it had more emotional richness. Ed Harris, Thandie Newton, Jeffrey Wright and Vincent Cassel were all wasted and Hemsworth doesn't have enough charisma to pull off a character that numb and make him someone to root for.








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Yeah, this season was pretty underwhelming narrative-wise....love the world-building, cinematography of the show....but the over-riding story....meh

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19 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

William was still alive, so unless they're living extended life spans in this future, I would guess it wasn't decades.  Maybe a few years?  

William wasn't necessarily in the same time period as dusty Bernard.

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I loved it and this season and I don't know why I hop on all excited to talk about the show when I know everyone else apparently hates it. Sigh.

I loved that I was right both about Delores having shifted her focus (and not being the bad guy) and about it not ultimately coming down to Delores v. Maeve (Charlores notwithstanding). This show has tackled so many concepts: what is human? What is consciousness? What is free will? The last two seasons have been fairly cynical, so I like that they circled back to something more optimistic.

I really enjoyed the parallels between Arnold and Delores. I love that it ultimately came down to giving others a choice. And, in the end, Delores recognized her own faults and trusted the key to Bernard instead. 

I also was pretty happy to see William's arrogant ass (I'm the hero 🙄) get taken down.

I probably have more to drill down on during rewatch, but I found the entire season very satisfying.

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35 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

William wasn't necessarily in the same time period as dusty Bernard.

Yeah, my other thought was that they were playing their little games with time...again.  It does seem odd, though, that the owners of the motel would never move him from his room for years or decades.  

18 minutes ago, The Companion said:

I loved it and this season and I don't know why I hop on all excited to talk about the show when I know everyone else apparently hates it. Sigh.

Don't let the haters get you down.  I've appreciated your enthusiasm throughout the season.  It allows me to see some of the scenes through different eyes.  

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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Finally got through it, though stuttering all the way.

What a colossal mess. I feel I learned zero this season. Zero. In fact, I think some knowledge was sucked out of my brain.

Show, please. Get back to basics.

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Well, that was certainly a finale, I guess!

Do get some major deaths with William and Original Dolores, but we know for sure Ed Harris will be back as a shiny, new Host "Man in Black", and if I were a betting man, I'm sure they'll find a way to get Evan Rachel Wood back, unless she wants out for whatever reason.  That's one good thing about this show: actors have plenty of opportunities to get work here, even after their character's deaths!

Dolores finally did have one thing not go her way by being betrayed by Charlotte, but even then, it seems like her plan worked out well enough.  Which was basically to get Maeve to come around (eventually), and then give Caleb control of Solomon, who then shut it down for good.  Also, it turns out that she had always targeted him, because he had gone to the park for a training exercise, and she saw he was a good man, because he.... didn't rape the robots.  Man, that is a low bar to jump over, if not being a rapey creep means you are the best human in Dolores' eyes.  At this point, why bother even creating a new character for Aaron Paul to play?  Jesse Pinkman wouldn't have raped the robots either!  Just have him be recruited by Dolores!  Yeah, bitch!

Bernard was still off on his own quest, but he at least got to meet Arnold's wife, and Jefffery Wright and Gina Torres (with some impressive make-up) did get to shine acting wise.  But it looks like he might actually get more to do next season.  Hopefully.  Fingers-crossed!

All in all, mixed reactions here for me.  A few good moments and great acting as always, but it really felt like everyone who wasn't Evan Rachel Wood or Aaron Paul (maybe Tessa Thompson too) got squandered here, and it just sucked seeing the likes of Wright, Harris, and especially Thandie Newton; the woman who won a freaking Emmy for last season; be underutilized like this.  Compared to last season, I do think it was more consistent and easy to follow, but even then, it didn't reach some of the highs that season was able to still pull off (mainly the "Kiksuya" episode.)  I don't know: I guess I just think it already peaked after the first season, and I struggle to see how they can take this in an interesting direction for three more seasons, since I heard that apparently Nolan and Joy have a "six season" plan.  Then again, with the lower than expected ratings and mixed reactions, how much longer will HBO be willing to foot the bill?

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The lack of commitment and pathos this season was really summed up by two events in this ep:

(Dolores and Caleb run into a group of armed me. Caleb raises his gun...)

Useless Guy: "We're here to take you where you need to go."

(Five minutes after No Name and his men are shot down, Caleb is approached by a group of not-quite as obviously armed men. He raises his gun...)

Useless Guy #2: "We're here to take you where you need to go."

(And they proceed to vanish in the crowd shortly thereafter.)

The writers clearly didn't care about the characters they introduced this season. Why should the viewers?

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10 hours ago, mac123x said:

The old-age makeup on Gina Torres looked pretty good.  Usually they overdo it but she looked mid-70s. 

I agree. Normally when shows use old age makeup, they go overboard so the actor ends up either looking too old or like they're wearing too much makeup.

My major disappointment is that Charlotte is still going to be around next season. Tessa Thompson is the weakest one in the cast so I wish Charlotte had been killed off.

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I’m stunned and nearly (not quite) speechless.  First, what a boring season.  Not much of a plot, characters wasted, repetitive, new characters with zero interest, and Maeve and her kantana.  How many times did it get stuck in something and she continued to use it!  I know it looks like Dolores is dead, but isn’t there still one copy?  Anyway, even if there isn’t, they’ll just fix her up and put her back online.  I couldn’t help but think of Tron every time they showed Rohoboooo.  Charlotte has a copy of the data, I’m sure she’ll figure something out.  I HATE the character Caleb.  I had to go to IMDB to look up his character’s name that’s how boring he was. They could have used an existing character for this role.  One that we have emotionally invested in.  Instead, we only get cameo appearances from Hector, Clementine, Musashi, and Lawrence.    Normally, I am all excited to see a shows finale, but this one was a total snooze fest.  This whole season was a snooze fest.  I find it hard to believe that Johnathan and Lisa even wrote this season.  And, I’m sure they thought the music selection for the finale was profound, but I laughed out loud when they played Dark Side of the Moon. 

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13 hours ago, mac123x said:

The old-age makeup on Gina Torres looked pretty good.  Usually they overdo it but she looked mid-70s.  I enjoyed that scene between her and Bernarnold -- I just wish they'd had it in a different episode.  It was a nice character moment that felt startlingly out of place compared to the rest of this shitfest.

Can someone tell my why Dolores sent Bernard to see her?  Was it out of the goodness of her heart, wanting Bernard to get closure?  Maybe I missed something, because I was also playing Candy Crush (which I usually don't do with this show, but the episode could not hold my interest).

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8 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

The writers clearly didn't care about the characters they introduced this season. Why should the viewers?

I agree.  When Serac's henchman confronted Caleb and said something along the lines of "I've been waiting for you!" I was very confused.  He said it like they've been long time rivals / antagonists, but for the life of me I didn't know who that dude was.  So their epic battle in which Caleb almost dies but finally gets the upper hand and vanquishes his foe got about the same reaction as when Dolores gunned down a bunch of literally faceless cops.  Meh?

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11 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

It does seem odd, though, that the owners of the motel would never move him from his room for years or decades.  

Not if Dolores had bought the hotel specifically for Bernard to collect dust in for a couple decades - this wasn’t a simple one-night stop at the Bates Motel.  Bernard specifically targeted this locale.

Speaking of which; whatever did end up happening to Stubbs?  Last we saw Stubbs was getting out of the rot-slower (aka the ice-filled bathtub), then...poofties.

(Aside: does the actor who plays Stubbs remind anybody else of a young Tom Berenger...?j

Edited by Nashville
Out, not off. Damn autocorrect.
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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Not if Dolores had bought the hotel specifically for Bernard to collect dust in for a couple decades - this wasn’t a simple one-night stop at the Bates Motel.  Bernard specifically targeted this locale.

Speaking of which; whatever did end up happening to Stubbs?  Last we saw Stubbs was getting out of the rot-slower (aka the ice-filled bathtub), then...poofties.

(Aside: does the actor who plays Stubbs remind anybody else of a young Tom Berenger...?j

What about people escaping the Purge? Unless there is a robot army guarding Hotel California, it would get overrun with squatters, Rick Grimes, etc...

Stubbs does look like Tom Berenger, but also somebody else whose name escapes me...

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14 hours ago, mac123x said:


Why would Rehoboam obey an order to destroy itself?  It's supposed to be sentient. 

No it's not. It's a predictive algorithm. A highly sophisticated one, but still just that. If it were sentient, hosts becoming sentient wouldn't have been such a big deal. 

Serac might have treated it like a sentient entity because he saw something of his brother in him. 


Anyway, i liked it. RIP Dolores, RIP William and, of course, RIP Rehoboam. We hardly knew you (but you sure knew us).

I assume Bernard woke up in the same timeframe we saw old Host-William at last season's post credit scene?

Edited by mrspidey
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I enjoyed this season more than most, probably because Joy and Nolan seemed to crib quite a bit from PoI and I loved that show.

That said, here's my nitpick: Tear gas and water cannons? You've come up with a computer that controls the world and that's the best you've got for riot control?

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1 minute ago, AimingforYoko said:

That said, here's my nitpick: Tear gas and water cannons? You've come up with a computer that controls the world and that's the best you've got for riot control?

In a world where supercyborgs are fighting with pointy metal sticks, waddaya expect? 😉 

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1 hour ago, AimingforYoko said:

I enjoyed this season more than most, probably because Joy and Nolan seemed to crib quite a bit from PoI and I loved that show.

That said, here's my nitpick: Tear gas and water cannons? You've come up with a computer that controls the world and that's the best you've got for riot control?

And they didn't even use them that much.

What about rubber bullets or bean bags used as shots?


I don't know, they said 1% are outliers.  They alone are going to overthrow civilization?


In Inside the Episode, they were proud of the lighting and the fog and how it gave the riot scenes some great look they were touting.

Eh, those riot scenes were on screen for maybe a few minutes.  Just wanted to see him get to Incite for the climax.  Seemed really too easy, to get to the computer that controls the world, with the actual control center in the lobby, not buried in the basement through layers of security.

And one more time, what about a few more security access levels before Caleb gets to say "shut down and erase yourself?"

Or at least backups?  Actually for something like that, I would bet there are multiple data centers and physical instance of the big orb, which are sync'd continuously.

Edited by scrb
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13 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:


Don't let the haters get you down.  I've appreciated your enthusiasm throughout the season.  It allows me to see some of the scenes through different eyes.  

I really felt like they addressed a lot of fan complaints last season and still got raked over the coals. People complained that Wyatt-Dolores as a black hat was boring. She was just an evil "kill all the humans" murderbot. So this season we get more nuance and character development. You find yourself wondering at her motivation and, in the end, she turns out to be working towards freeing the humans. Giving them freedom to choose as her sentience gave her. People complained so hard about the park. It's more of the same. Booooring. So they take it into the modern world, which people were really curious about and now they never should have left the park. People complained about the confusing timeline, which I personally loved because I like complexity and puzzles. This year we get a fairly straightforward story and it is too boring.

I just really like this show and I want to talk about the themes and complexities. I want to talk about the way having Dolores and Maeve come together in the end subverted expectations and the old anti-feminist tropes. I want to talk about the begrudging respect Dolores got in the end from multiple hosts who assumed bad intent. I want to talk about how freaking cool it was to have them use Marshawn Lynch to knock down those barricades and how great it was to have some payoff from RICO. I want to talk about the nature of free will. 

2 hours ago, CouchTater said:

Can someone tell my why Dolores sent Bernard to see her?  Was it out of the goodness of her heart, wanting Bernard to get closure?  Maybe I missed something, because I was also playing Candy Crush (which I usually don't do with this show, but the episode could not hold my interest).

I think the idea was that Bernard needed to move beyond the centrally programmed point of trauma. It was his cornerstone to return to that moment of trauma over and over. She told Bernard how she moved beyond the trauma of losing her son. I suspect it will be a major driving factor for his character development beyond where he is. 

So yeah, basically closure but in some ways tied to the same concepts of free will and emancipation, I think.

1 hour ago, mrspidey said:

Anyway, i liked it. RIP Dolores, RIP William and, of course, RIP Rehoboam. We hardly knew you (but you sure knew us).



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One thing that I don't think the writers anticipated was the lack of chemistry between Doloeres and Caleb (or ERW and Aaron Paul). It just wasn't believable that Dolores would single him out as The One. 

ERW had good screen chemistry with Jeffrey Wright, Ed Harris, Jimmi Simpson, even Tessa Thompson. But Dolores and Caleb were a dud of a duo. 

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16 hours ago, mac123x said:

Shit.  I didn't know there was an after credits scene.  Synopsis?

William forces his way into Delos in order to destroy the host replication. He encounters Charlotte and the conversation goes roughly 

William: I'm going to save the world.
Charlotte: That's what Dolores wanted.
William: I thought you were Dolores.
Charlotte: I was but now I'm a little different.

Then a host copy of William comes out. They're ornery at each other and Real William has his throat slit. Pan to the host creation room with all the machines at work.

Then there's a silent scene of Bernard covered in dust or soot waking up from some sort of trance.

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58 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

One thing that I don't think the writers anticipated was the lack of chemistry between Doloeres and Caleb (or ERW and Aaron Paul). It just wasn't believable that Dolores would single him out as The One. 

ERW had good screen chemistry with Jeffrey Wright, Ed Harris, Jimmi Simpson, even Tessa Thompson. But Dolores and Caleb were a dud of a duo. 

I will somewhat ruefully admit that I’m a viewer who couldn’t make it through S1, but was unexpectedly intrigued by the S3 trailer. They got me with Aaron Paul, the Blade Runner-esque mood, and “Dark Side of the Moon”.

So I pushed through S2, finally got to S3 ... and realized that the show advertised in the S3 trailer didn’t really exist.

And (to get to why I used your post to jump off), even when I did get to that “Dolores and Caleb meet on a dark street” scene hyped in the trailer, it all fell flat. I guess a lack of chemistry is part of it, but the writing did them no favors either. 

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What a waste of time and celluloid this mess was. It was all shooting and killing. The plot was thin and ridiculous. The show really changed lanes and offered up a different show that looked like a video game to me. Total crap. 

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