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S08.E17: David & Benji & Erica LIVE CHAT

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Come on Erica, don't give up. You still have your collectibles, after all. 

She's driven away her whole family because she's such a horrible person. 

She doesn't know if therapy can fix a broken heart? Pro tip, Erica. You know what doesn't fix a broken heart? Burger King. Sheesh.

And she didn't know what was on the burger?

As if she doesn't have EVERY FAST FOOD menu memorized?!?!?!??

FAKE NEWS !!!! 🤣😈


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I give Erica a lot of credit, she actually did it.  It ain't easy, I'm in the process of downsizing from a big old house I've lived in for most of my life and moving 500 miles away to a much smaller place.  Packing up, throwing out, can't donate right now because the places are all closed.  It ain't easy by yourself I can tell you.  Thank God I'm working from home right now and can work on it.    So YOU GO ERICA!!!  

Edited by Snarkastikate
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8 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Not snarking, honest question. How is online teaching going? Why so many emails? My MIL was a teacher but retired before the digital age.

Well, I would say that, despite the fact that I teach writing and literature and am a competent communicator, the online platform is not ideal for clear communication.  If this were a planned online teaching situation, I might be better at it.  However, this has been more of a scramble.  And students are anxious, understandably, so I think the excess email communication is mostly their way of clarifying my instructions, but also assuaging anxieties.  Finally, I think they just crave that connection.  We were getting along so well before the virus.  😎I miss them.

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Good grief, why does every commercial have to be about COVID, or about reminding us of all the stuff we USED to be able to do?  I watch TV to escape from real life.  😞

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I lurve you, Pounders!  For an off-the-chart extrovert and perpetual hugger, you are the highlight of my (non-familial) interactive, on house-arrest week (including seeing my two favorite grocery store cashiers biweekly ...lockdown is a mother, but I digress😞)...but I don't think I can stomach anymore of this episode. 

I look forward to reading the reading the rest of your snark later...

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Wow, Erica has A LOT of clutter stuff.

Benji looks totally different now.

I can't remember what relationship between Mary and David was, so I don't know if he or she is to blame for their break-up...  He did sound kind of jerky, but then if she was unhappy with his weight loss and was holding him back, I get it.


Still 20 minutes behind you all.

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So Lindsey's husband should pop in and yell "Eat death Erica"?    I would love that.   I wonder if her car smells like Grease and Freedom now?   

So that taco order didn't sound like the diet plate, and Dr. Now will know that Benji cheated.  I'm betting he's gaining 30 lbs. this time. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, LizzyB said:

Well, I would say that, despite the fact that I teach writing and literature and am a competent communicator, the online platform is not ideal for clear communication.  If this were a planned online teaching situation, I might be better at it.  However, this has been more of a scramble.  And students are anxious, understandably, so I think the excess email communication is mostly their way of clarifying my instructions, but also assuaging anxieties.  Finally, I think they just crave that connection.  We were getting along so well before the virus.  😎I miss them.

Awww I wish it was going better. I work with university professors and college teachers and I know they are really struggling.

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So Lindsey's husband should pop in and yell "Eat death Erica"?    I would love that.   I wonder if her car smells like Grease and Freedom now?   

I would bet she did the fast food tour to Houston so she has achieved her grease and freedom dreams.

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20 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Well that was fast. I went to the bathroom and Jimmy left by the time I got back

You should know not go #2 during the middle of the episode! 😂🤣

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Oh man everyone going back to fast food... These WATN episodes are usually good, tonight, not so much. It's no wonder at this point in the season I am grateful for Yankee baseball to keep my entertained on Wednesday nights. 😓

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2 minutes ago, Hellga said:

Wow, Erica has A LOT of clutter stuff.

Benji looks totally different now.

I can't remember what relationship between Mary and David was, so I don't know if he or she is to blame for their break-up...  He did sound kind of jerky, but then if she was unhappy with his weight loss and was holding him back, I get it.


I agree.  I'm surprised everyone is hating on him.  Mary might very well have been an enabler or a saboteur.   We've seen it over and over again.

Just now, mmecorday said:

Yes, steak street tacos are the key to permanent weight loss.

Honestly, there are worse things he could be eating.  And wow, steak tacos sound amazing right now...

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1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

Interesting she has a dog collection and not an actual dog.

Thank goodness!!!  Dogs deserve better than that.  I don’t like whiners.

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2 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

Interesting she has a dog collection and not an actual dog.

I have some parrots around my house. NO WAY do I want a real parrot. 

2 minutes ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

Jesus, this music! Did someone die?

Its the Sad Music of Failure. 

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Just now, CrazyInAlabama said:

Cassandra really hates Erica doesn't she?   Oh well, I think everyone on Earth does too.  

Cassandra hates everyone (and we love her for it)

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Erica is still mentally a child.  She's not responsible for anything and never will be.

Edited to add:  of course she has stretched out the sleeve!!

Edited by ThereButFor
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3 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

I guess she decided to take a taxi to the doctor.

Bet the shocks, and undercarriage on the car couldn't take it, and had to go to a shop to get reinforced.    A taxi or Uber was her only choice.    What's different about Erica's face?   She looks very different all of a sudden, and not just from gaining 162 lbs. or her disappearing bangs.   

So Erica's had stomach stapling, gastric sleeve, and may get gastric bypass?   If she thought living with gastric sleeve sucked, then wait until she gets the bypass.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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2 minutes ago, mk828 said:

Oh man everyone going back to fast food... These WATN episodes are usually good, tonight, not so much. It's no wonder at this point in the season I am grateful for Yankee baseball to keep my entertained on Wednesday nights. 😓

That really baffles me. I haven't had fast food in years. The very thought of it repels me now, though I loved me some McDonald's and Burger King back in the day. I wouldn't touch it now, its just gross. 

Popeye's on the other hand.....

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If she was so crazy about Jimmy you would think she would have been willing to part with what she needed to keep him. It's not like guys are lined up to be with her. Yes I know she shouldn't be codependent but just saying if she was so gaga over him you would think she would have made more of an effort.

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