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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yikes, Rey and Sharon haven't even been married a month and already they need a second honeymoon. I'll be amazed if they make it to their first anniversary.

First anniversary??  Shooooot, I'm hoping Rey hasn't made any dinner reservations for Valentine's Day!!

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My rage and annoyance at the Flummer confab made me forget that Flo said something else that was patently untrue.  Flo said that Sally uses and manipulates men to get what she wants, as a pattern of behavior.  First of all, Flo barely knows Sally, so STFU, asshole.  In her time on B&B, Sally had exactly two relationships, and neither of them were entered into unwillingly by either party.  Thomas even forgave Sally after she stole his collection and passed it off as her own.  Thomas was manipulated into leaving Sally when Caroline faked a terminal illness.  This is where Sally got the idea to do the same thing when Wyatt left her for the hosebag who helped sell his baby niece like a piece of furniture.  Other than that one time, Sally didn't manipulate anyone.  So I hope they don't try to retcon her character into someone who would manipulate Jack.  

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On 1/22/2021 at 6:38 PM, CountryGirl said:

Just when I think I couldn’t possibly hate Felonious Flo any more than I already do, she opened her trap to talk shit about Sally when she was an accessory to kidnapping, human trafficking, and adoption fraud, along with gaslighting her own cousin for the better part of a YEAR and letting her suffer, thinking her baby daughter was DEAD. 

She also was a very willing cheating partner with Sally’s then-boyfriend and later fiancé, Wyatt, not once but twice, and had zero sympathy for Sally’s “illness,” what with her constant botching about “why can’t Sally just DIEEE already.”

Insufferable bitch should be behind bars  

I’d like to drop kick her into the Pacific Ocean and shit stirrer pampered, privileged princess Summer can join her. 
ETA - I know I’m at a table for one but at this point, I would be down for a Sally/Jack fling or even something more. Yes, he’s old enough to be her daddy but Jack is handsome and charming and it’s criminal he’s alone  Sally had to raise herself and her little sister and is an old soul. They have an air of Phillip/Jill or John/Jill about them.  That Summer, Kyle, and Sphyllis would lose their minds would be the icing on the cake  


Scooch over. I would prefer Jack had a woman his own age, but I like him and Sally together and I could see a John/Jill/Jack thing happening, but if they went there I would hope they would do it well and give it some life of its own and not just be a faint shadow and weak tracing of the original story.

Flo was originally presented as being so good and so sweet and a victim herself in the babyknapping story. So why did they make her become a bitch and lose her principals and have such a personality change?

21 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I can’t think of anything worse than having your mother move in with you. Gloria is the chipmunks’ gift that keeps on giving. I like Gloria but in little doses. 

I feel sorry for Kevin. And I shouldn't because he did try to kill Coleen when he burnt down Gina's in order to kill Coleen.

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20 hours ago, boes said:

Gloria!  Welcome home.  Sit down and stay awhile.  Kevin, enough with the aggrieved son routine.  You were an unrepentant little rat bastard chipmunk-faced homicidal pyromaniac and Gloria stood by YOU so kindly stop patronizing her while pretending you weren't crap she should have kicked off her stilettos.  I just can't with him or his wife Claxon Chloe.

Don't forget Gloria raised him. Gloria never rescued him from Terrible Tom and always being locked in a closet. She does hold some responsibility for the adult he became. Why is it on him to be any better than she raised him to be?


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4 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

My rage and annoyance at the Flummer confab made me forget that Flo said something else that was patently untrue.  Flo said that Sally uses and manipulates men to get what she wants, as a pattern of behavior.  First of all, Flo barely knows Sally, so STFU, asshole.  In her time on B&B, Sally had exactly two relationships, and neither of them were entered into unwillingly by either party.  Thomas even forgave Sally after she stole his collection and passed it off as her own.  Thomas was manipulated into leaving Sally when Caroline faked a terminal illness.  This is where Sally got the idea to do the same thing when Wyatt left her for the hosebag who helped sell his baby niece like a piece of furniture.  Other than that one time, Sally didn't manipulate anyone.  So I hope they don't try to retcon her character into someone who would manipulate Jack.  

This and your previous post point out how much Y&R is f-ing up B&B characters. Again. I am afraid for Sally. 

One thing I want to share for whoever here isn't watching B&B - $Bill aka Brad Carlton, finally made an appearance on B&B. Feels like the first time since the pandemic started. Dummer got to meet him, shirtless no less - like the "pool boy" (gardener) Y&R watchers knew Brad to be. He told her to say hi to Lauren, (who was on B&B for years as Lauren way before he was on) and that he knew her parents. Haha. Yes, her knew Dummer's parents, but not well. He met them when he was passing through GC. On business. Oh that Dollar Bill.

Edited by SweePea59
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I tuned into B&B for the first time to see what the crossover w/Y&R was all about, but must have missed Dummer's visit.  Did she run into her dead ex-husband (Austin Travers) on B&B?  I didn't see any Beautiful people, just Wyatt Twerp (if you cannot grow facial hair, don't keep trying). Stephie's lips look even more ridiculous than Summer's, and what is with the beret?  Are matronly floral bag dresses on 20-somethings now the height of fashion (Hope & Summer seem to like them).  Are Ridge & Liam supposed to be Bold? Beautiful? or even Hot?  They do nothing for me.

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On 1/22/2021 at 8:55 PM, Snaporaz said:

IF, that is, Sally is sincere and not playing Jack

Based on the one-sided conversation we heard a few weeks ago, I’m fairly sure she is doing just that. And I already hate it.

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6 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Don't forget Gloria raised him. Gloria never rescued him from Terrible Tom and always being locked in a closet. She does hold some responsibility for the adult he became. Why is it on him to be any better than she raised him to be?


All truth, no argument there.  My main problem with Kevin is that Show, while freely admitting to the less egregious parts of Kevin's felonious past, determinedly presents him now, and for quite a while, as this benign, hapless naif with a heart of gold whose only weakness is computer hacking and being a charming bumbler.  After the horrid things he did to many, but especially Colleen, half the town and all the Abbotts should shun him, if not run him out of town.  His moral superiority over others, including his mother really grates. JMHO. 

Edited by boes
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Not sure what’s going on with the actress who plays Sally, but it’s not good. The way she walked into that scene with Jack and Lauren and barked out her lines.. Does anybody else who knows her from B&B feel that her acting ability seems to have taken a nose dive?

 Also I am pained at the thought of Jack being with he romantically. He talks to her like he does to Summer, which is appropriately grandfatherly. Let’s not cross the line. Some gorgeous glamorous sophisticated 50+ woman should swoop into GC and knock him for a loop. 

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Of course, she would actually have to kill Sharon. No witness's!

She’ll probably do it when Sharon has her back turned. 

Hmm maybe if she gets annoyed w Adam enough she may frame him for choking her out or bonking her head. 

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Victoria in velvet, again. Vikki, that fabric is not warming up your icy personality. Find another way. Meanwhile, please tell me it's a coincidence that Billy and Victoria were wearing matching colors today.

Is Nate a neurologist or a psychologist? I don't get his involvement in Chelsea's case at all since she's no longer in the hospital.

Maybe Lily doesn't want to be around your kids too much because of how Maleficent aka Victoria is likely to react, Billy. You cannot be this dim and probably just like having two women to juggle.

Heh, what kind of drugs must they have Chelsea on that she's having such wild dreams? Looks like she's getting some more mobility. She'll probably be ready to run a marathon before she clues Adam in though.

How effing insane is Adam? Sharon the dime-store therapist treating Chelsea is all kinds of wrong. When Chelsea gets her full functions back she needs to go Lorena Bobbitt on that idiot.

Girls trip! Lily and Amanda take Manhattan!

Whoa, was that the same Kate? She's like a six-year-old giant to me. Johnny must be seven feet tall now, yeesh.

Billy doing the Running Man is almost the push I needed to send me right over the edge. Whoever had the little actress playing Katie do that "dance" should be ashamed of themselves.

Amanda's still talking about Naya and Imani. Does it mean that storyline isn't over? I hope so because I thought Imani was a good foe for Mandy.

Where on this earth would Sharon be considered a "mental health expert"? Having Sharon treat Chelsea will be like emotional torture for Chelsea. I'm ready to kill Adam myself. 😒

Are there new writers? They seem to be remembering small continuity details like how Mattie used to babysit Johnny and Kate when she was in high school.

Well, looks like Lily won Katie over. Victoria won't like that at all. Aw, too bad, so sad.

At this point I'm guessing Adam wants Chelsea to have another stroke, one that finally kills her, so he'll finally be completely free to pursue Sharon. How can Sharon be buying his load of baloney? Oh yeah, because she got her training off a matchbook cover from 1947.

Aw Chelsea. Forget throttling Sharon, when you recover you should go after her license so she can never pull such unethical crap on anyone ever again.

Hmm, guess Victoria might do something major to kill the trip to Hawaii now that she knows Katie is having fun with daddy's girlfriend. You'd think as the CEO of a major international company she'd have too many other things on her mind than who her ex is dating.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Katie is absolutely adorable.  Katie is 5 but she looks a little bit older since she appears to be wearing make up.  

Let it go🎶 Let it go 🎶 Let it go 🎶. Amanda, you’re the one being selfish. You can’t force Naya to have a relationship with you especially after all these years. Think about Naya and her family instead of your ego.  Nate chimes in but doesn’t know the fully story and sees this only from Amanda’s point if view. 

Olive Oyl, you say that work is very important to you but you would blow off a very important business deal because you might have just a little fun or is jealousy going to derail your trip.  

Come on Adam, Mariah would be a much better therapist than Sharon.  Chelsea would get better not because of Sharon but in spite of Sharon.  Adam finally had the right idea.  

I’m not using a spoiler banner because this was part of the coming attractions.  Mariah is asking Tessa about how would she look pregnant.  Meet the new Y&R character, Captain Obvious.  

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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Let it go🎶 Let it go 🎶 Let it go 🎶. Amanda, you’re the one being selfish. You can’t force Naya to have a relationship with you especially after all these years. Think about Naya and her family instead of your ego.  Nate chimes in but doesn't know the full story and sees this only from Amanda's point of view.

When does Natey Nate Nate have to bother with the whole story? He doesn't need one to pick a side.

Hillary 2.0s point of view is the only one Hillary 2.0 is interested in, and the only one she's serving to Darvon. Lily, Elena and Nate. It's strictly based on her hurt feelings/conjecture of Naya intent, jealousy/envy of Imani's position and the stonewall thrown in her path with the restraining order.  

While talking to Lily (prompting from a media big wig) Hillary 2.0 said she wasn't quite ready to publicly pop Naya/Imani's balloon. She's winding herself up for a battle, and it won't take much to set Hillz 2 off. 

She needs to hurt Naya for her bruised feelz and wounded ego that she wasn't the twin kept by Rose.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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10 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

When does Natey Nate Nate have to bother with the whole story? He doesn't need one to pick a side.

Hillary 2.0s point of view is the only one Hillary 2.0 is interested in, and the only one she's serving to Darvon. Lily, Elena and Nate. It's strictly based on her hurt feelings/conjecture of Naya intent, jealousy/envy of Imani's position and the stonewall thrown in her path with the restraining order.  

While talking to Lily (prompting from a media big wig) Hillary 2.0 said she wasn't quite ready to publicly pop Naya/Imani's balloon. She's winding herself up for a battle, and it won't take much to set Hillz 2 off. 

She needs to hurt Naya for her bruised feelz and wounded ego that she wasn't the twin kept by Rose.

I don't think she would want to hurt Naya as much as she apparently does now if Imani hadn't been such a reactionary, accusatory bitch. 

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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I don't think she would want to hurt Naya as much as she apparently does now if Imani hadn't been such a reactionary, accusatory bitch. 

Exactly.  Amanda didn't come after them with anything other than questions, and the emotions she was feeling and expressed seemed pretty appropriate to me considering her circumstances.  Some simple kindness would have gone a long way.  Telling her to let it go or get over it is the sort of stuff people tell other people not to help but more to shut them up in my experience.  

We've had a siituation broadly similar to this that started out rocky but became a positive experience for all involved - another example of "walk a mile in my shoes" that turned out well.  Amanda's birth family should give it a whirl.

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One would think Phyllis wouldn't go to a dinner with her boyfriend's impressionable young daughter dressed like she's going to her second job as an escort afterward. She used to pull the same thing when Kyle was even younger than Faith. What is wrong with her? 😑

Katie's footwear was interesting. Maybe that's why she seemed so much taller now. Love Johnny's chubby little face.

Phyllis, Faith is not a "young adult." She is however old enough to smell someone trying too hard to patronize her. From a mile away.

Whoa, Miss Faith getting sassy with Grandma Nikki. In some cultures she'd have been smacked into the next county. Not advocating child abuse but I think it's way past time for someone to take off the kid gloves with that brat. 😐

Dear Abby, most of the audience figured out the surrogacy option at least two weeks ago. You kinda slow, sweetie.

Lol, Devon out here ballin'. "Here, use my private jet. Need some money too? How about diamonds? You wanna get your drip on?" 😏

Lily has the patience of a saint. She's been given an involuntary front row seat to Billy and Victoria's never-ending push me-pull you dance. A different kind of woman would've told Billy to take a hike by now.

"...drank too much a couple of times."?!!?! WTF is wrong with that sentence coming out of the mouth of a 14-year old? Dang. IMO Faith is so far out of her lane she's jumped the median and the traffic is coming right at her. 😯

OMG, can Phyllis stop inserting herself into Newman family business? If it's not about Summer she should should STFU. I'm glad Nikki stepped to her and pulled rank. Meanwhile, manbaby Nick stood there like he didn't know who to be more scared of, his mommy or his fcuk buddy.

Yep, Devon and Amanda have had the most chaste courtship in recent memory. Were it not for the pandemic Amanda would probably be living in the penthouse by now.

Eh, I don't know about Abby comparing her conception to surrogacy. Ashley basically committed a felony by stealing Victor's sperm bank deposit and then lied about it because she was crazypants. Nowadays I don't think gestational surrogacy is a messy deal unless the parties involved make it one.

Nick, the last person you should be taking advice from about Faith is Phyllis. The very last. Succubus Phyllis just doesn't like any competition for your attention, even if it's from your child.

Teen spa packages. Is that really a thing? Ugh, look at Phyllis getting rewarded for not minding her own beeswax.

I don't get it. Both Billy and Victoria have dated other people since their kids were born. Why are they acting like this is something new?

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"...drank too much a couple of times."?!!?! WTF is wrong with that sentence coming out of the mouth of a 14-year old? Dang

I WTF'd so loud I woke up the cat.  One sip at her age is too much. And the casual way she said it?! My kid would find themselves locked in their room with no phone, no computer and no TV for a month. And counseling. Lots of counseling. How ridiculous.

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So apparently the Grunt Phonics has exactly one room and Society has exactly one table.  That's quite a business model! 

I understand Y&R wants to be an "aspirational" soap, but I wish they'd stop with all of this private jet nonsense and maybe project a more responsible image.  If ChanceComm has such deep pockets that they can buy up a new company every week, they can afford to buy two of their executives first class tickets on a commercial flight.   Same with Newman Enterprises...the thought of a plane carrying two people to freaking Hawaii makes me see that emaciated polar bear digging through a trash can right before he died.   

Hmmmm...I wonder who Abby has in mind to be a surrogate?  The pressure of a name....

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Phyllis, can you please STFU.  Faith doesn’t want to hear from you.  I don’t care about Phyllis but you should be more respectful of your grandmother and you can be more diplomatic in your refusal to talk. Oh, I forgot, Banana Breath’s excuses for Faith that she’s having a tough time is justification for her attitude.  Banana Breath just don’t sit there with your banana up your ass and tell Faith she’s being disrespectful.  Banana Breath finally said something but it was a little too late. Yes, it’s official, Faith has become a Summer in training. A spoiled entitled brat.  Phyllis has confirmed that by not giving Summer tough love at Faith’s age.  Faith says all the right things but I still don’t trust her. It’s in her DNA to be devious. 


Jill is using the Chancellor Jet so Devon has to come to the rescue and offer his Jet for 3 people. That’s mighty green of him.  


Captain Obvious strikes again with Olive Oyl’s trip being postponed and Abby choosing surrogacy. 


Mariah get ready to warm up you womb and be prepared to have Abby up your ass.  Does Mariah and Abby realize this is not going to be easy. For Abby, I’m sure she will welcome the shots of additional hormones to produce multiple viable eggs.  Mariah would also have to take hormones to increase the odds of getting pregnant. I don’t know if TIIC will bring this up but it’s very unusual to use a surrogate that has not carried a child to full term birth without complications.  Surrogates would have to go through genetic testing plus a mental health evaluation.  With that said, Mariah will be asked and accept to be Abby’s surrogate.  Oh, I almost forgot. Multiple embryos are implanted so there is a chance for multiple births. 

Edited by Waldo13
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On 1/25/2021 at 2:50 PM, Petunia13 said:

ChelseaCon is gonna get back her ability to move then try to kill Sharon and get away w it since people will think she’s still paralyzed. 

Nah, that might be interesting.

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Phyllis, can you please STFU.  Faith doesn’t want to hear from you.  I don’t care about Phyllis but you should be more respectful of your grandmother and you can be more diplomatic in your refusal to talk. Oh, I forgot, Banana Breath’s excuses for Faith that she’s having a tough time is justification for her attitude.  Banana Breath just don’t sit there with your banana up your ass and tell Faith she’s being disrespectful.  Banana Breath finally said something but it was a little too late. Yes, it’s official, Faith has become a Summer in training. A spoiled entitled brat.  Phyllis has confirmed that by not giving Summer tough love at Faith’s age.  Faith says all the right things but I still don’t trust her. It’s in her DNA to be devious. 


Jill is using the Chancellor Jet so Devon has to come to the rescue and offer his Jet for 3 people. That’s mighty green of him.  


Captain Obvious strikes again with Olive Oyl’s trip being postponed and Abby choosing surrogacy. 


Mariah get ready to warm up you womb and be prepared to have Abby up your ass.  Does Mariah and Abby realize this is not going to be easy. For Abby, I’m sure she will welcome the shots of additional hormones to produce multiple viable eggs.  Mariah would also have to take hormones to increase the odds of getting pregnant. I don’t know if TIIC will bring this up but it’s very unusual to use a surrogate that has not carried a child to full term birth without complications.  Surrogates would have to go through genetic testing plus a mental health evaluation.  With that said, Mariah will be asked and accept to be Abby’s surrogate.  Oh, I almost forgot. Multiple embryos are implanted so there is a chance for multiple births. 

Abby should talk to Lily. She only had 2 eggs and still Mac wanted to keep the twins. The last thing you'd want is someone saying this is the only shot at a baby and they want to be a part of things. Maybe Mariah will ask Chance to be her second Baby-daddy, so the kids will all be related. 


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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I don’t know if TIIC will bring this up

Oh, Waldo, you've seen how dedicated Show is to factual information.  Why would they change course now?  Why, they might have to amend all that other "scientific/medical" bullshit they fed us on cancer, brain tumors, strokes, multiple personalities.....! Who has time for that?  The writers are going to put "possible outcomes to a surrogate pregnancy"* in a hat and draw one. 

*None of which will be substantiated by actual facts.

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2 hours ago, MollyB said:

Oh, Waldo, you've seen how dedicated Show is to factual information.  Why would they change course now?  Why, they might have to amend all that other "scientific/medical" bullshit they fed us on cancer, brain tumors, strokes, multiple personalities.....! Who has time for that?  The writers are going to put "possible outcomes to a surrogate pregnancy"* in a hat and draw one. 

*None of which will be substantiated by actual facts.

You are 100% correct but I feel it’s important to point out the facts that are completely ignored by TIIC. I’m just doing my own PSA on subjects I know a lot about. 

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It bugs me that apparently Abby is going to make this request of Mariah. Presumptuous much?? Mariah hasn’t even had the experience of having a child of her own.

I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered..

 Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!


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29 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

It bugs me that apparently Abby is going to make this request of Mariah. Presumptuous much?? Mariah hasn’t even had the experience of having a child of her own.

I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered..

 Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!


This is so stupid. The only thing I can think of is that maybe CG is preggers in real life and since her character is gay, they have to have some way to explain it.

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47 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

This is so stupid. The only thing I can think of is that maybe CG is preggers in real life and since her character is gay, they have to have some way to explain it.

I’ve been searching the internet and there is no indication that CG is pregnant. There is a YouTube interview where she indicates that she is bisexual and her current boyfriend is also bisexual.  No indication that Cait is other than straight. 

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18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I’ve been searching the internet and there is no indication that CG is pregnant. There is a YouTube interview where she indicates that she is bisexual and her current boyfriend is also bisexual.  No indication that Cait is other than straight. 

Then I give up. TIIC are going to do this crap for no good reason. I don't know why I'm surprised.

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2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered..

 Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!

My thoughts exactly.  Mariah is just starting a new job at Jabot that she should be concentrating on, not being a brood mare for Abby, who would indeed question Mariah about everything she ate and drank and act like she owned her.  They weren't even "friends" until recently.  What a way to ruin a friendship.  

Edited by deirdra
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2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

It bugs me that apparently Abby is going to make this request of Mariah. Presumptuous much?? Mariah hasn’t even had the experience of having a child of her own.

I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered..

 Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!


I mean isn't usually recommended that the surrogate be someone that has already given birth before for numerous reasons, however I cannot think of anyone who Abby is close with that that fits this category. Ash and Traci would be out. There is no way that Victoria would do it. Lola, Summer and Mariah never had a baby. Lily can't. Sharon can't.

Um what about Chloe?

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Poor Abby. Her huzbin's already getting a dad bod and the kid isn't even conceived yet. 😼

STFU Summer. Your rap sheet is way longer than Sally's. The only reason you're not in prison is Grandpa Victor.

And if someone finds Sally lying in the middle of the street with tire tracks on her back, everyone can assume either you or your mommy are up to your old tricks, right Summer? Ugh, this bush league bish. 🤨

Look at Victoria doing a full-court press on Billy. No shame on her game. If only I knew what the prize is...

Mariah looked fierce today, from head to toe. Werk, girl.

Whee, Mariah was like, "Dang, there's a big difference between helping you get married in less than a week and carrying your baby, Abby. How about I help you paint your nails or something?" 😯

Arson would be one of the few felonies you haven't committed, Phyllis. Get off your high horse. But it was rather perceptive of her to recognize that she would be the Sally in a similar scenario. That gave Summer something to think about because she's knows she would be no match for someone like Phyllis.

I'm gonna go ahead and bet Tessa won't be in favor of Mariah being Abby's surrogate.

TMW OG Red meets the newer, younger model Red. Pistols at dawn or future galpals? 🤔

I think Victoria is wrong for letting her kids get excited about Billy coming back in the family fold. She's setting them up for disappointment and odds are she'll blame Billy when they don't handle it well.

Whee, Jack was like, "Phyllis, back off. Sally is under my wing and you do not want to take me on."  Hmm, one day soon he might wish he'd heard Phyllis out about Sally.

Okay, Tessa took the surrogacy news way better than I expected. Wonder if Mariah was sorta hoping though that she could use Tessa's disapproval as a reason not to do it.

Sally, defuse the bomb by telling Jack the dirt yourself. Better he hears it from you than StuporGirl. Besides, Jack's got you beat by miles on the scandalous history score. You don't even know how much. 😏

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And if someone finds Sally lying in the middle of the street with tire tracks on her back, everyone can assume either you or your mommy are up to your old tricks, right Summer? Ugh, this bush league bish. 🤨

You know, the Gushing Pimple has been looking a little shabby lately. Maybe some new rugs?

Edited by peacheslatour
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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Um what about Chloe?

You're right, she's the only one who'd qualify.  She could move back into the mausoleum and have cat fights in the attic with Abby like Jill & Katherine did back in the day (but I would not hang around to watch since I can't stand Chloe).

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Look at Victoria doing a full-court press on Billy. No shame on her game. If only I knew what the prize is...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!  You win the internet today, Joimiaroxeu!

I am ####DEAD####

Maybe the prize is a nose that big full of nickels (stolen from W.C. Fields "The Bank Dick")

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Can Banana Breath keep it in his pants?  You would think that he was a teenager. 

WTF?  The NE Jet was grounded while Devon’s Jet took off?  Wouldn’t they be at the same airport?  Wouldn’t they takeoff under the same conditions?  Winter weather usually travels from West to East so wouldn’t the weather be worse going to NY?  Olive Oyl mentioned the weather was suppose to get worse, but it looked like the sun was shining, through the window, as Nostrils was talking to Lily. Something else TIIC don’t give a crap about, staging. 

TIIC must have read my post yesterday about what is involved in being a surrogate.  Mariah seems to be dazzled by Abby’s request and Abby wanted Mariah to jump at the chance to suffer the abuse of Abby. In talking to Tessa, Mariah brought up a lot of the fears of a surrogate. The biggest fear is carrying a baby, that has been part of you for 9 months, and giving it up without remorse. Since Mariah will see the baby she gave up, remorse can linger. Yes, there is no assurance of bing able to get pregnant the first time or at all so it can take a commitment of a year or so. That’s why surrogate can get paid as much as $50,000 not including medical expenses which could be up to $12,000 for each try. I’m sure with Abby cost is not a consideration. 

I had to laugh when Phyllis said that Sally is a lose cannon, ambitious, and dangerous. Was she talking about Sally or herself?  Phyllis wouldn’t burn anything but she will try to kill Cricket and Paul. Phyllis has also committed a few atrocities for “love”.  

I love the way (not) slinks into the room like the serpent in The Garden of Eden with that shit eating grin as it coerces Eve to bite into The Apple of Knowledge.  

My advice to Sally, the best defense is a strong offense. Confide in Jack and Lauren and get your side of the story out before Summer can call you the devil incarnate.  

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