Tara Ariano July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Another houseguest is evicted from the compound. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/
Biosynth July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 For me I have Major League Baseball getting in the way, so I won't find out anything till 1am. And I'll be sound asleep. Enjoy the show, those of you who get to see it at its normal time. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-188960
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) 10-2, Paola out. I think the game is made better by keeping Zach, but man; you're such a douche for that goodbye video. I'm thinking that video was made while everything was still up in the air about his safety, but still. How hard is it to suck it up and just say "I don't appreciate your lying and throwing competitions to just screw over someone who didn't deserve it, someone I consider a friend. But I appreciated our time together and good luck out there." I don't know. I guess I was just brought up differently. Edited July 11, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190906
TexasChic July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) As soon as I saw Caleb was voting for Paola, I knew which way it was going. I'm happy with this because Zach will be much more interesting to watch. I have to say it was pretty freaking smart to make taking out Devin his selling point. Paola's exit interview was so funny! The fact that she loves Donny, who she probably would have never given the time of day in a different situation, and is fully aware of the whole irony of it. This is the thing I love about the show, the way people who are so incredibly different learn to appreciate each other. I always hope this lesson carries through to real life. Nicole & Derrick winning HOH? Awesome! This should make for a very nice change of pace. I <3 Donny! Edited July 11, 2014 by TexasChic 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190913
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Nicole & Derrick are the new HOHs. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190928
kellog010 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) Let the games begin. Nicole and Derrick as the new HOHs just upped the chances for Devin to go bye bye as the door hits him in the back. Edited July 11, 2014 by kellog010 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190935
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 As soon as I saw Caleb was voting for Paola, I knew which way it was going. I'm happy with this because Zach will be much more interesting to watch. I have to say it was pretty freaking smart to make taking out Devin his selling point. Paola's exit interview was so funny! The fact that she loves Donny, who she probably would have never given the time of day in a different situation, and is fully aware of the whole irony of it. This is the thing I love about the show, the way people who are so incredibly different learn to appreciate each other. I always hope this lesson carries through to real life. Nicole & Derrick winning HOH? Awesome! This should make for a very nice change of pace. I <3 Donny! "Devin; you have 5 personalities. And they all suck!" 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190938
TexasChic July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) P.S. Is Derrick wearing Caleb's lensless glasses? Will it become the new 'bear shirt'? Edited July 11, 2014 by TexasChic 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190944
ottoDbusdriver July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Julie said "balls in hand" during the HoH comp. It made me snicker. Liked the HoH comp -- they should have had this last week so it wasn't intentionally one boy, one girl. It just happened to work out that way this week. Chenbot's comment about Victoria's voting selection during the eviction was priceless -- no one knows that Victoria is even there she is such a non-presence in the house. I think Victoria is the ghost in the house that Nicole is worried about. Was anyone else seeing weird visual effects during the episode, especially on anything bright red ? There were weird vertical dark lines overlaid on red objects (Chenbot's dress especially). And when Paola was sitting in front of that blue monitor, it looked like there was a glow around her hands. Maybe it was the compression of the HD feed from the local CBS affiliate. It was weird. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190956
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 We didn't know or realize just how bad Devin not only got outed by Brittany/Paola/Zach at the VM, but then he admits openly to getting Paola to throw it, as a form of defense to all the blowup?? Then outs the BS a couple nights later?! Should have just given your Eviction speech then and there, buddy. You going bye-bye. And its not going be any sort of secret over the next week, in the least bit. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190964
Lady Calypso July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Yeah, I'm guessing the goodbye messages were made shortly after the veto meeting, only because I'm pretty sure Zach and Paola made amends (the 'deleted' scene after the Zach/Paola fight was her explaining things) so it was an incredibly douchey message. But Devin pretending that he had Paola's back was worse. The blow-up was glorious. Not exactly how I pictured, but it was still top notch. I do feel bad for Paola because I did grow to like her, but I'm glad Zach is safe for another week. Yay for Nicole and Derrick to be HOHs. They're both really decent people and I kind of can guess where those two stand. Plus, they can't be any worse than Devin. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190967
Ananayel July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Other than Zack, I'm glad Derrick got one of the HOHs. He should be able to make Nicole not do something stupid, but do it without insulting, demeaning, belittling, or threatening. He's pretty savvy and persuasive. There were several Chenbot malfunctions tonight. Time for a defrag, perhaps? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190969
Stinger97 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Not super sad to see Paola evicted, but I did find her friendships with Donny and Jocasta touching. She was boring to watch and a terrible competitor, and likely dumb as rocks, but she seems generally sweet. Bye, girl. I'll be rooting for Nicole to hold onto HoH, mostly because I don't buy that Derrick is going to be gunning for Devin. Moreover, it'll just be more interesting to see someone other than a Bomb Squad member as HoH. Nicole doesn't really seem to have any enemies either, so I can't imagine who she'll nominate. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190970
Skittl1321 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 What I don't understand is they day things like "no one will vote for you in jury" as a way to explain why to evict someone. Isn't that reason to KEEP Devon? Whereas this year "she sucks at comps" is a good reason to evict because having Paola on you botb team is a guaranteed loss. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190989
TimWil July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 My prediction-Nicole nominates Devin and Caleb while Derrick nominates Victoria and Jocasta with the aim of backdooring Brittany. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-190998
ally862 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 My prediction-Nicole nominates Devin and Caleb while Derrick nominates Victoria and Jocasta with the aim of backdooring Brittany. I think Nicole will nominate Amber since she nominated her last week and they'll back door Devin. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191005
RedheadZombie July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Was Caleb wearing bunny slippers? Victoria was ridiculously over dressed - was that a ball gown? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191007
Katesus7 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) I usually hate crapshoot HOHs, because...well...they're a crapshoot. I like seeing players wanting to win, and being good at something, actually win. Also, I'm still bitter about Maggie's crapshoot win from season six. But this crapshoot was glorious because it gave me Nicole, which from the look on her face did not actually want to be HOH, and Derrick, who I admire as a player right now and who is not Frankie, which is a huge bonus. I was sweating it out when it was Frankie and Caleb with high scores. Thanks but no thanks, they had their chance week one and it sucked. Julie had a bit of snark in her tonight! Something like 'finally, Victoria votes, but she is so under the radar, no one knows how she will vote'. Hah! And Victoria, if Julie is snarking on you, you need to step up your game. I thought Paolo's exit was fantastic, between her snarking on Devin's five awful personalities, and getting all misty about her friendship with Donny. But her question from Julie about throwing the comp just reaffirmed my belief that she needs to go. She does not know how to play this game, and she sort of doesn't want to be bothered with trying to play this game, so she needed to stop playing this game. Finally, shut up Devin and your fake ass smile. Edited July 11, 2014 by Katesus7 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191020
Writing Wrongs July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) Did Julie accidentally say "Coder" for Amber and Cody? Is she secretly shipping them? ETA: Oh and BB Tracker? WTF? Edited July 11, 2014 by Writing Wrongs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191039
Eolivet July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 How awkward is it going to be if Derrick goes to the dual HoH room and is greeted by giant photos of him in his police officer's uniform? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191041
Wandering Snark July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) Two classics from Julie tonight: "Victoria has been laying so low that who knows how she will vote" and of course: "Everyone I need you to have your balls in hand and ready to go when you get called." Did Hayden even realize when being forced into the Bombed Squad by Devin that Christine was named as a member already? I thought maybe the bracelets were to zap them when they needed to as negative reinforcement, tracking their movement is much lamer. Especially as Julie told us that it "will have an effect on the game" *sigh* Edited July 11, 2014 by Wandering Snark 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191056
vb68 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Julie had a bit of snark in her tonight! Something like 'finally, Victoria votes, but she is so under the radar, no one knows how she will vote'. When she said that, I had to laugh because once again I had totally forgotten about her. Oh right, she's there. Boy Pao Pao was on fire with her quips- "I would rather throw my head in a toilet bowl and drown than stay with you another week." Cue Devin's weak smile. "Zach and I feel like we're at the same level of competing. He didn't win any competitions just like I didn't win any competitions." Cue Zach's WTF face. I think Devin knows he's done. He had that look. All he could do was smile. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191087
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 My prediction-Nicole nominates Devin and Caleb while Derrick nominates Victoria and Jocasta with the aim of backdooring Brittany. I think Nicole will nominate Amber since she nominated her last week and they'll back door Devin. I think Derrick will work his "word magic" on Nicole to play along (with Christine helping by being in her ear all the time, Hayden too), in both noms and backdooring Devin; but she shouldn't need much convincing to BD Devin. It all comes down to working out a deal to who keeps HoH after BotB. I really do think that Nicole wants to put up Amber, but will she have the 'balls' to do it? I could see Nicole putting up Jocasta & Zach, if she doesn't put up Amber no matter what . And I see Derrick putting up Victoria & Brittany. [Jocasta's already off the board and Donny's safe because he is his TA team member]. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191097
RedheadZombie July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Do these guys spend hours choreographing their moves in the corridor leading to the diary room? I found their antics especially irritating tonight. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191099
Brian Cronin July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 It was delightful seeing Frankie's scheming to get Zach put up come back to bite him the ass right away. His reaction was priceless "Why would you call me out like that?" While it is true that Zach didn't KNOW that Frankie had stabbed him in the back when he called Frankie out, it was still hilarious to see Frankie trying to get the moral high ground there. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191106
Wandering Snark July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Okay, so given the info they have up at http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/fitness/ they have everyone's weigh-in weight. They have how many steps they've taken, how many miles and how many calories burned. Welcome to Biggest Brother Loser. As Julie told us it will affect the game and there's no reason they'd be tracking everyone's weights and calling the page "fitness" if that wasn't to be the new angle. Oh joy. And actually the hallway antics were possibly my favorite part of tonight... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191117
woodscommaelle July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 What was with all of that synchronized non-sense in the hallway when one voter walked out and one walked in? Ya bunch of weirdos. Zach, your hair is in serious need of a Flowbee. Where was Victoria planning on going after the vote? Prom? I found Paola’s exit interview with Julie very endearing. When there are two HOHs, do they share a bed? Do these guys spend hours choreographing their moves in the corridor leading to the diary room? I found their antics especially irritating tonight. You beat me to it. So they know what order they're voting in? And why do they need to know the order of their vote? How else could that all work out, right? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191123
Wandering Snark July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 There are two separate HoH rooms/beds, the round bird bed and another regular bed ina room they never seem to show anyone hanging out in. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191139
Brian Cronin July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I believe they each just have individual routines with each other period, like personal handshakes. So it didn't matter what order they went in, if Nicole saw Cody, she'd have a different set routine. If she met Hayden. it'd be a different one and so on and so forth. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191140
Dewey Decimate July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I didn't mind the silly handshakes. When watching BBAD and seeing how dreadfully boring life must be in there - no books, no movies, no internet, no music (with a few small exceptions) - I figure they must be going stir crazy. I wouldn't be shocked to see full-on choreographed end-zone dances. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191146
Abra Came July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 The veto meeting blow up was entertaining, but I was hoping for a little more; I was hoping that Brittany would tell Devin that she asked the Diary Room if she could refuse to let Devin use the POV on her. That would have been quite a smack at his ego--the little mother would rather take her chances on the block than accept help from him. On second thought, he would probably just stand there wearing his smug, superior grin. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191163
vb68 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) I have often wondered about the voting order. I think tonight they had to know what Jocasta's and Donny's votes were going to be so they could go to break with a 2-2 tie. That couldn't have been an accident. Didn't the moves in the hallway start with Brittany (Original Brit) in Season 12? I didn't mind it then because I always found her genuinely funny. And I thought it was her way of saying "what's up?" to the audience. Edited July 11, 2014 by vb68 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191190
Wootini July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Can someone explain to me why Frankie was so upset with Zach? I mean, how did he ruin Frankie's game? Was there an actual reason that I wasn't getting, or was it just another instance of Frankie being overdramatic for the cameras? The Veto aftermath was delightful. Brittany continues to be a smart player, because she was able to attack Paola without actually selling Devin out. But when Paoloa sold Devin out herself, it was AWESOME. Unfortunately, Zach just took it all way too far. He was getting a little better, but I think he really is just kind of an obnoxious douche. Sometimes first impressions are right...I am going to miss Devin when he goes, though. Because I worry that without him as a villain for the editors to work around, the show is going to get really boring, really fast. I mean, how interesting can the show really be when folks like Cody and Jocasta get more screen time?Also, would Devin be considered a sociopath? Because he's seriously creeping me out with his constant smiling and inability to comprehend that his actions have consequences. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191214
Dewey Decimate July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Can someone explain to me why Frankie was so upset with Zach? I mean, how did he ruin Frankie's game? Was there an actual reason that I wasn't getting, or was it just another instance of Frankie being overdramatic for the cameras? I was wondering the same thing. Did they edit out some mic-drop moment of Zach hammering Frankie? I must have missed the uber-betrayal. I sometimes enjoy Frankie's antics, but that just seemed total drama queen. And Cody getting more screen time, at least from this female's perspective, would not be a bad thing. As long as they don't show clips of him talking about his morning wood and hemorrhoids. Well, okay, just leave out the hemorrhoids . (Not really a spoiler, just from a very candid BBAD convo.) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191223
slasherboy July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) Ooops. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along. Thank you for your interest. Edited July 11, 2014 by slasherboy Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191303
bagatelle July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 So, Julie was telling us about the activity tracker. Why would CBS assume we want to know their weight and calories burned? I find it disturbing and intrusive. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191343
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 So, Julie was telling us about the activity tracker. Why would CBS assume we want to know their weight and calories burned? I find it disturbing and intrusive. Unless its some weird challenge thing for them later, it makes absolutely no sense anyways. None of them are close to overweight, out of shape, or unhealthy looking. You're having fit and healthy people record their vitals just for the heck of it. Ok. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191351
Callaphera July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 So, Julie was telling us about the activity tracker. Why would CBS assume we want to know their weight and calories burned? I find it disturbing and intrusive. She said it would factor into the game. Maybe the laziest will be punished somehow? When was the last time Jessie showed up with some workout tips? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191367
bren70 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 The fitness trackers are so dumb. Just another advertisement. Although Julie did say they WOULD affect the game. Seems kind of unfair if the HGs don't know that. When was the last time Jessie showed up with some workout tips? Oh nooooooooooo. Big Brother Gods, please spare us. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191378
RealityGal July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Was Caleb wearing bunny slippers? Victoria was ridiculously over dressed - was that a ball gown? Poor girl, she is trying to get some camera time. I kinda wanted to see her win HoH just so I could see what she is all about. Did Julie accidentally say "Coder" for Amber and Cody? Is she secretly shipping them? ETA: Oh and BB Tracker? WTF? I totally thought it was going to be something gross about like knowing when they go pee or something. Interested to know how a fitness tracker will fit into the game When she said that, I had to laugh because once again I had totally forgotten about her. Oh right, she's there. Boy Pao Pao was on fire with her quips- "I would rather throw my head in a toilet bowl and drown than stay with you another week." Cue Devin's weak smile. "Zach and I feel like we're at the same level of competing. He didn't win any competitions just like I didn't win any competitions." Cue Zach's WTF face. I think Devin knows he's done. He had that look. All he could do was smile. Yeah, at the HoH competition he just had that look. If he weren't so unlikable I would almost feel sorry for him. It's gotta suck for a guy that is constantly trying to get everyones approval to know that no one likes him. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191521
ally862 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Also, would Devin be considered a sociopath? Because he's seriously creeping me out with his constant smiling and inability to comprehend that his actions have consequences. This. I'm sure he's fine but I was joking to my friend today and said Caleb scares me because he seems like the type to get mad at someone going against him and he'd get into a fight with them and turn all macho and defensive about how the person deserves it for going against him. Devin though seems like the type to get mad at someone going against him, bake that person into a pie and then eat the pie with a weird smile on his while explaining why the person deserved it haha. (Clearly I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191564
JudyObscure July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I didn't see anybody's weight listed on the tracker so maybe they took that out? I did find it a little bit interesting. Some of the guys who did the most "fitness activity" actually had the least total steps and I thought the women burning around 1500 calories was interesting. I was always told women burned about 2000 per day. Maybe if they picked some of their clothes off the floor their hearts would burst. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191586
Skittl1321 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I usually hate crapshoot HOHs, because...well...they're a crapshoot. I like seeing players wanting to win, and being good at something, actually win. Was this really a crapshoot? I don't think it was anymore than putt-putt golf being one. (Or even real golf.) They were all clearly aiming, and based on how the ball was rolling- before it even got close to the numbers the other houseguests were guessing what the number would be, and the ball went into that number, or (perhaps more often) the one next to it. So I think this was skill based on how much they practiced, and what risk they went for with their aim- go for a high number that was harder to get, or a medium number they knew they could hit. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191622
ghoulina July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Wow, what a Veto ceremony. Everyone just put it all out there. But, of course, we have Zach shooting himself in the foot again. He really didn't need to say anything. After Brittany enlightened the house that Devin had asked Pao Pao to throw the BOTB comp and promised her safety, but ended up saving Brittany instead - that should have been enough. That showed his alliance that he is still running around making unilateral decisions without them, and the house in general that his word means nothing. If Zach felt the need to say anything, he could have just said something to the effect of - "Wow, I thought we were friends. I'm really not sure why you put me up". Instead he was tweaking out again, painting a target on his back, and alienating his strongest ally in the house - Frankie. Oh well, luckily he had Derrick working on his behalf. At this point, I think Derrick is the best player in the house. He basically orchestrated sending Paola home over Zach, who the HOH wanted. But he did it in a very subtle way. He actually engages people, puts ideas into their head, but lets them come around to it without being pushy.He sits and watches people more than he talks, but he hangs out with other people enough to not be totally forgotten like Victoria. I think he will go far. FTR, I don't really care for Zach or Paola. I guess I found Paola a tad more annoying, but Zach has really been amping it up with the irksomeness lately. But at the end of the day, I was glad Zach stayed, just because I loved seeing it all blow up in Devin's face. At this point, my favorites are Donny, Derrick, Christine, and Nicole. So I was VERY pleased with last night's HOH comp. Derrick is smart, and I'm pretty sure he has already mentioned backdooring Devin. I hope he can talk Nicole into going along with that. Devin is likely to win comps, so you don't want him participating in BOTB or Veto, if you can help it. As long as he doesn't get picked to participate in Veto, they should be good - I can't see anyone in the house not wanting to evict him at this point. May the odds be ever in their favor! P.S. Is Derrick wearing Caleb's lensless glasses? Will it become the new 'bear shirt'? I could live with that. Better those than the crazy bunny slippers he was wearing in the Beehive. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191655
Primetimer July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Accusations fly after the Veto meeting, but will it be enough to change the week's eviction? Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191675
lids July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Boy Pao Pao was on fire with her quips- "I would rather throw my head in a toilet bowl and drown than stay with you another week." Cue Devin's weak smile. Don't forget when she said his daughter was gonna watch the show one day and know that her Dad sucks. I lol'd. Funny cuz it's true.I think the tracker will be used in one of those multiple choice competitions. Who burned more calories Jocosta, Donnie, or Britney? How many steps did Amber take 100, 500, 1000? Stuff like that, which is gonna be extra boring. Thanks Julie. I found it hilarious that Zach told us in his opening package that all he does is play golf all day and then he got the 2nd lowest score in Hoh putt-putt. Complete with his commentary of, "That's a 28 for sure!" Zachery, that's an 8 you loser. I'm kind of seeing the Dr. Will in him now in that Will blew up his game at the beginning of Season 2 because he couldn't help but be obnoxious. He was on the block for weeks but kept managing to scrap by because people found him funny when he calmed down. Also Zach keeps wearing the same clothes over again like Will did. Zach's no mastermind though. I'm going to need him to shut up, but otherwise he can stay. I wish someone could explain to me the Zankie relationship. They are way intense in a way the Caleb wishes he could be with Amber. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191680
MMLEsq July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) I think the game is made better by keeping Zach, but man; you're such a douche for that goodbye video. I'm thinking that video was made while everything was still up in the air about his safety, but still. How hard is it to suck it up and just say "I don't appreciate your lying and throwing competitions to just screw over someone who didn't deserve it, someone I consider a friend. But I appreciated our time together and good luck out there." I don't know. I guess I was just brought up differently. I totally agree. If I remember correctly, on a couple of seasons the first couple of evictees have been sequestered and have had the opportunity to rejoin the game.....why take the chance? You don't have to be disingenuous and pretend that you're going to be crying yourself to sleep or that you'll be best friends for life, you just don't have to be mean or obnoxious. Let the games begin. Nicole and Derrick as the new HOHs just upped the chances for Devin to go bye bye as the door hits him in the back. Neither Nicole or Derrick looks like they're into rocking the boat -- I don't watch the live feeds, so all of my impressions are based solely on what's shown on the CBS shows. I could see each of them being worried that they put Devin up and then he either saves himself with the POV or he somehow convinces enough people to keep him around. Clearly, he takes things personally and enough people have mentioned that he comes across unbalanced, unpredictable and/or scary that I could see them (especially Nicole) thinking "Let someone else take him out....I don't need his attention focused on me." Other than Zack, I'm glad Derrick got one of the HOHs. He should be able to make Nicole not do something stupid, but do it without insulting, demeaning, belittling, or threatening. He's pretty savvy and persuasive. It will be interesting to see how much consultation there is between the two of them in selecting nominations. Victoria was ridiculously over dressed - was that a ball gown? She definitely looked overdressed, but it was her shoes that really stood out to me. I don't know if they were white (that's what they looked like) or silver, but they just didn't look like they went with the dress at all. I thought Paolo's exit was fantastic, between her snarking on Devin's five awful personalities, and getting all misty about her friendship with Donny. But her question from Julie about throwing the comp just reaffirmed my belief that she needs to go. She does not know how to play this game, and she sort of doesn't want to be bothered with trying to play this game, so she needed to stop playing this game. That was hysterical....she was so bad at competitions that she couldn't even effectively throw a competition. I never believed that she threw that competition (she got her first answer correct, after all), I think she really is just that crappy at competitions and was trying to win, but lost anyway. How awkward is it going to be if Derrick goes to the dual HoH room and is greeted by giant photos of him in his police officer's uniform? I'm not sure if the contestants pre-select photos....I'm guessing they don't since some of them seem to be genuinely surprised at some of the pictures that are chosen. But I don't think TPTB would "out" Derrick. They didn't show pictures of Ariana Grande after all when Frankie was HOH. (Did Frankie and Caleb get photos and a letter from home? -- I can't even remember at this point.) Did Hayden even realize when being forced into the Bombed Squad by Devin that Christine was named as a member already? Good point! That's a bit awkward for her. I think the tracker will be used in one of those multiple choice competitions. Who burned more calories Jocosta, Donnie, or Britney? How many steps did Amber take 100, 500, 1000? Stuff like that, which is gonna be extra boring. That's very logical and I think you might be right. At first I thought it was good ol' Big Brother product placement, but I don't remember Julie mentioning any brand name. Edited July 11, 2014 by MMLEsq Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191728
Wootini July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I agree with @ghoulina that Derrick is proving to be a smart player. The ones who go furthest in the game are the ones who can manipulate the people around them into doing their bidding without letting them know they're being manipulated. Obvious players like Devin go too far too soon and go home (usually). 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191731
Jesse July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 The "tracker bracelets" are just FitBits, right? You can't actually log on and see where the person is, can you? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191733
Stinger97 July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 I found it hilarious that Zach told us in his opening package that all he does is play golf all day and then he got the 2nd lowest score in Hoh putt-putt. Complete with his commentary of, "That's a 28 for sure!" Zachery, that's an 8 you loser. I mean, I get your point, but that HoH competition was to putt-putt what Julie Chen is to journalism. That's to say, only very tangentially related. I couldn't fault Zach, a self-proclaimed avid golfer, for not doing terribly well. It was a crapshoot. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10726-s16e08-live-eviction-2-hoh-comp-3/#findComment-191735
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