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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Ugh. Paola open-mouthed chewing (chomp chomp SMACK SMACK SMACK) on potato chips right near her microphone was driving me nuts. That alone should be enough to evict her. They took such pains to make sure not to cast smokers, or so it seems, but they should really start quizzing them on whether they open mouth chew.

Caleb really gives me the creeps. I find his obsessive crush on Amber very strange. He's known her for a week. I think he's a scary man.


He really is quite terrifying. All the stuff that came out about him pre-show was bad enough and now his Amber fixation has just made it worse.


Ugh. Paola open-mouthed chewing (chomp chomp SMACK SMACK SMACK) on potato chips right near her microphone was driving me nuts. 


I was so pissed she was doing that because I wanted to hear the conversation! Generally I actually like Paola but I hate hearing chewing.


Victoria and Hayden have been spending some time together today. It's cute. He's kinda teasing her. And they're working out together. I'm ashamed by how cute I find it. 

Hello all, it's good to see so many TWoP BBers up in here.



Ugh. Paola open-mouthed chewing (chomp chomp SMACK SMACK SMACK) on potato chips right near her microphone was driving me nuts.

You mean "tater chips."  Groundskeeper Donnie's accent is killing me.


Caleb really gives me the creeps. I find his obsessive crush on Amber very strange. He's known her for a week. I think he's a scary man.


He has topped Ginamarie in the obsession category.  Maybe he's used to the women throwing themselves at him and he has zero experience in actually making the first move.  Once again he's going to get her alone and tell her how he feels.  I took 2 Aleve for the eyerolling headache this guy gives me.  


""just wanna let you now... what I know about you... you have had my eye from day one... and now that I have gotten to know you ...I like you more and more...if you like me they way I like you when we get out i want to show you how I like you ....I think she will like that"   <<<<This is basically what he tells everyone he's going to tell her.  He also has said that his lifestyle allows him the freedom to pack up and move to where she lives.  


Dayum the guy looks good but he's batshit crazy.  All meat and no potatoes with this one.


Jacosta and I are from the same hometown so I really wanted to like her and I think I could without the bow tie. That and the fact she wrote God a letter telling him/her what she wanted in a man and God delivered him to her.  And I thought Google drones were badass.

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He has topped Ginamarie in the obsession category.  Maybe he's used to the women throwing themselves at him and he has zero experience in actually making the first move.  Once again he's going to get her alone and tell her how he feels.  I took 2 Aleve for the eyerolling headache this guy gives me.  


""just wanna let you now... what I know about you... you have had my eye from day one... and now that I have gotten to know you ...I like you more and more...if you like me they way I like you when we get out i want to show you how I like you ....I think she will like that"   <<<<This is basically what he tells everyone he's going to tell her.  He also has said that his lifestyle allows him the freedom to pack up and move to where she lives.  


Dayum the guy looks good but he's batshit crazy.  All meat and no potatoes with this one.

I loved how he followed that up with talking about working out without his shirt on, and the Live Feed watchers taking screenshots of it. Only if you fall flat on your face while doing it, honey. He really is creeptastic. I keep hoping that if he does spill all to her, she shuts him down hard. Hell hath no fury like a bunny boiler scorned?



I do love Donny though. My husband calls him Gomer.

I immediately thought Gomer Pyle. I've never heard an accent like that otherwise. It's cute as can be too. I always thought I would love Gomer Pyle in real life. If Donny busts out a, "Surprise, surprise, surprise," I will die.


Also, Devin has lost his damn mind.

Edited by TexasChic
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Devin has rehearsed that daughter story.  It's a monologue, no sincerity what-so-evah.  He hasn't even seen his kid in 3.5 months but he threw a pity party because he missed her birthday in the BB house!   I would Charlie Brown if he self-evicted.  


I can not believe Frankie sat in the bathroom with him and listened to that crap. I'm going to vote Frankie America's player just because of that.  Before the feeds began I had no clue that Frankie would be the most normal and sanest and chill player in the house.  I really wonder what CBS would do if he and Zach actually hooked up???  Would they show any of it?


I just realized that that BSC GinaMarie....uh I mean Caleb has been wearing Amber's dress around his neck all day.  




ETA:   Dan's tweets :D


Dan Gheesling @DanGheesling  ·  7m
This has to be the fastest breakdown of a HG ever. Paranoia mixed with being a jabroni. #BB16
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Dan Gheesling @DanGheesling  ·  10m
"It's kind of getting old, six guys." The alliance was less than 24 hours old. Who is this guy?! Get him out. #BB16
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Dan Gheesling @DanGheesling  ·  14m
Is Devin for real? Outing your alliance this early? This guy is going to get toasted and it will be glorious. #BB16

Edited by whyjen8
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I loved Frankie saying re Brittany-"She's finally starting to play Big Brother. Yesterday she thought she was playing Chutes and Ladders."

After listening to Devin for an insanely long period of time they hugged it out, Frankie held Devin's head for a few moments and I thought Devin might end up leaning in to french him. Instead he sat down with the bible and Devin kissed him on the forehead as he walked past him.


After listening to Devin for an insanely long period of time they hugged it out, Frankie held Devin's head for a few moments and I thought Devin might end up leaning in to french him. Instead he sat down with the bible and Devin kissed him on the forehead as he walked past him.

 Say what?  These people are cra-cra.  At least they're not vile like last year's players--or haven't shown it yet.   


 Frankie's going to get a lot of toaster ovens by the time the summer's over.  Seriously, is every dude in the house coming on to him?

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I just realized that that BSC GinaMarie....uh I mean Caleb has been wearing Amber's dress around his neck all day.  

Literally?  Eww.


That's like one step removed from stealing some woman's panties and carrying them around in your pocket to pull out and sniff periodically.

 Say what?  These people are cra-cra.  At least they're not vile like last year's players--or haven't shown it yet.   

Crazy works for the show, as long as it's more "wacky crazy" than "obsessive crazy".  But it seems like there might be both.

Joey amuses me in that she rarely knows what she's talking about (especially when it comes to Big Brother history and gameplay) but that never stops her from speaking on a topic with an authoritative manner. A little while ago she was talking about Dr. Will and how him being a psychologist really helped his game play a lot. Oh boy.

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Someone in another forum posted this hilarious GIF of Jocasta.  I have to say it reveals a lot ABOUT her in one little ANIGif.



BTW: At one point (I think it was on the first BB A.D. show) Frankie was singing the Big Brother theme song and claimed he was allowed to do it... because it's the BB theme song.  Is that actually true or did he just make that up?  It was live, so it's not like the show could stop him.

Edited by Kromm
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I don't see why he wouldn't be able to sing it. They inherently own the rights to perform the song, ya know? Outside of not wanting to pay for the rights to the songs, that's the issue with people singing - it'd be unauthorized performances of the songs. It'd be kind of hard to see the rights owners of the Big Brother theme song complaining about someone singing the song on Big Brother, ya know? And CBS already owns the right to perform the song on Big Brother, so it's all good.

Edited by Brian Cronin

I'd think the issue would MORE be the inconsistency.  Their rule preventing singing probably isn't worded as "you can't sing anything we don't own the rights to".  It's probably worded as "don't sing ANYTHING", or at best, "only sing public domain songs".

Listening to Joey talk to other HGs in the backyard about making a play for Devin to go up instead of her, and them encouraging and discouraging her, and listening to her actually TELL Devin this, I really hope she lasts another week and they keep threatening to put her up so the entertainment continues. I know she won't, she might as well rehearse an exit speech, but damn. She has no idea how to play this game.

Less idea than Devin (who seems to be one of the stupidest players in years)?

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They likely do tell them to just avoid singing anything just in case it is not in the public domain, but I could see them letting the HGs know that certain songs, like the Big Brother theme song, are okay. 


As for the Devin vs. Joey thing, I believe Devin is the worse player, but he was smart enough to bring something to the game that Joey didn't, which helps him immensely with Caleb in particular - he brought a penis with him. A guy making too many bold move early will definitely bite him in the ass eventually, but a woman doing so tends to get her right away. 

  • Love 3

I don't see why he wouldn't be able to sing it. They inherently own the rights to perform the song, ya know? Outside of not wanting to pay for the rights to the songs, that's the issue with people singing - it'd be unauthorized performances of the songs. It'd be kind of hard to see the rights owners of the Big Brother theme song complaining about someone singing the song on Big Brother, ya know? And CBS already owns the right to perform the song on Big Brother, so it's all good.


Yes and no. The rights to such things are usually very strict. ie., the theme-song "composer" has granted CBS the rights to use the song for the following purposes: x, y, z.    It's certainly a longer list they've negotiated than maybe some other lesser uses, but it's still a finite list. 

Ugh. Paola open-mouthed chewing (chomp chomp SMACK SMACK SMACK) on potato chips right near her microphone was driving me nuts. That alone should be enough to evict her. They took such pains to make sure not to cast smokers, or so it seems, but they should really start quizzing them on whether they open mouth chew.


I know, I heard that and had to switch cameras. While she was practically spreading her legs laying there in a bathing suit. I HATE that noise. It's a joke at my work, I have to leave my shared office with my boss as soon as he pulls out his lunch because he's going to eat an apple. Hate the sound.


I just also made a comment in the BBAD thread (before I saw this) that Christine was scraping her plate clean last night and it was driving me crazy. The spoon against the porcelain dish. She was scraping like second helpings was going to magically appear. Nothing was left.  Scrape, scrape, lick the spoon. Scrape again, rinse, repeat. 


Compared to last year, every girl was looking for anything with a penis to showmance off of. I remember Aaryn being mad that she was left with David and thought she should have gotten Jeremy before Kaitlin. So definitely aren't seeing people humping already.

Hi everyone! TWoP refugee here.


Being new to this forum, I wanted to ask if there's a thread just for episodes, without spoilers? On TWoP I remember you could post about the Live Feeds or just each episode, depending on whether or not you wanted spoilers. I don't, but do like talking about the episodes.


I'm glad this forum exists and we have a place to come talk about all the shows we love, or love to hate.


Thanks :)

Hi everyone! TWoP refugee here.


Being new to this forum, I wanted to ask if there's a thread just for episodes, without spoilers? On TWoP I remember you could post about the Live Feeds or just each episode, depending on whether or not you wanted spoilers. I don't, but do like talking about the episodes.


There are- you just opened the wrong thread. This is the live feed thread; so it will spoil the episodes because it is discussion about the feed in real time. If you go back to the Big Brother forum with the list of all the threads, there are ones for the individual episodes.

There are- you just opened the wrong thread. This is the live feed thread; so it will spoil the episodes because it is discussion about the feed in real time. If you go back to the Big Brother forum with the list of all the threads, there are ones for the individual episodes.


Ah. And I DID see the "Nominations" thread, just didn't connect it to last night for some reason. Thank you so much.

At about 2 am, Caleb finally came clean to Amber about his feelings for her. It was cringeworthy. He pretty much memorized a script and recited it. When she responded with things like, "I want to be friends with everyone" and "Thank you for letting me know," it went right over his head. Caleb told her that everyone in the house comments on their frequent glances and Amber said, "I look at everyone." Her lack of interest couldn't be more clear.


Later, Caleb tells Devon that he's 100% sure Amber likes him. (He is psycho!) But finally, some karma... Devon tells Caleb that Amber once told him that she only dates black men. Considering the racist language Caleb has used to describe Obama, I find it very satisfying!

Ha ha, I saw that, too, FatKat. Cringe worthy indeed! I snickered a little when he said he wanted her to be 100% honest with him because I took it to mean that if she says she doesn't feel the same way, he'll assume she's not being honest. I mean, who could turn down that charmer?


There was scene earlier with Caleb, Frankie and Zach by the pool table where Caleb was once again planning his talk with Amber. As he was walking away, Zach said something like "he just got that on TV" and Frankie enthusiastically agreed. I'm wondering how much of Caleb's mooning over Amber is real (and crazy) and how much is for the cameras. Despite his claims that he doesn't want a showmance, I get the feeling that's exactly what he wants. He may really be into Amber but I get the impression that he also wants to be a "star." I think he's every bit as aware of the cameras as Frankie is.


And I agree, when Amber finds out about Caleb's past tweeting (or whatever it was), she's going to be doubly glad she denied him.


I would give Caleb props for opening himself up to Amber, talking about his feelings, being honest.....but he's insane and can't read people at all so no props for you!  I felt so bad for her, had to be excruciating to be in that nest with him.  I LOVE how they are 100% positive that they don't do showmance after being in the BB house for almost a week and a half.  

I have questions about the timeline that I think only you live-feeders can answer.  So the have/have not competition happens before the Big Battle, right?  But they didn't show the H/HN competition last night, only the big battle.  So I wonder if they're just not showing it this week because there's too much right at the beginning to cram into the episodes required, or are they just not going to show the H/HN stuff?


Plus, last night, Frankie's hair went from very pink to nearly all blond in some of his talking head segments, then back again to pink.  Obviously we all know the  broadcast shows are edited to create a "story" but this hair fade and back again is really highlighting that.

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Some have heard the HG's mention that they have a list of forbidden words this season.


There was a commercial on the TV Guide Channel that started out, "Words You Will Not hear On Big Brother After Dark," followed by a supercut of things being bleeped out. I thought it was a joke but maybe they were serious.


Dayum the guy looks good but he's batshit crazy


According to his bio, Caleb is originally from Dallas, TX and now living in Hopkinsville, KY. Hopkinsville is where the big mental hospital, Western State Hospital, is located. Everyone in Kentucky knows what it means when you say someone's gone to Hopkinsville.

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That's like one step removed from stealing some woman's panties and carrying them around in your pocket to pull out and sniff periodically..


Actually, I read elsewhere that a pair of Amber's underwear are missing so.


I heard them tell them yesterday that they aren't even allowed to recite movie quotes this year. 


They have never been allowed to.


Caleb is telling Zach now that Amber told Hayden that she would totally go on a date with Caleb after the show. I am so embarrassed and freaked out by this whole thing. I feel so badly for Amber. I wish the guys wouldn't encourage Caleb, but I see why they would, game-wise.


ETA: The first feed-exclusive vote is up! It's "Along with slop, what do you want the Houseguests to eat?" and the choices are "vegan s'mores" or "the 'wurst blt."

Edited by peachmangosteen

When somebody says singing I figure there's lyrics involved. I just asked a simple question.

Thank you TimWil for answering in a way that wasn't condescending. I appreciate it.

I was so confused. I don't have the best memory since my accident and honestly thought I'd missed something.

Edited by Maharincess
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Frankie wasn't singing lyrics to the theme music per se, he was just doing "Bahm bahm boom.." That sort of thing. I think he's admonished for even doing that because they don't want the other HGs to get tempted into singing anything at all.

I grew bored watching that After Dark (it WAS boring) but before I turned off I noticed he was called to the D.R.  I suppose he got a lecture.


I have to say it always makes me wonder if the show would be better off with a personification of Big Brother lecturing them in the house rather than simply having producers do it off camera.  It's one of the aspects I've liked about the UK and Australian shows when I see them--that you have Big Brother as a character creeping them the fuck out.

When somebody says singing I figure there's lyrics involved. I just asked a simple question.

Thank you TimWil for answering in a way that wasn't condescending. I appreciate it.

I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry, but there aren't smileys here.  I intended it to come off as humor.

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