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S01.E03: Texas Proud

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Emergencies include an accident at a grain silo and a steak eating contest, plus an unusual home intruder. Meanwhile, Judd calls out Owen's' preferential treatment of TK. Also, Marjan feels ostracized at her new mosque after another rescue video goes viral. Then, Owen helps Michelle uncover new information about her sister's disappearance.

Airing Monday, January 27, 2020.


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Okay, getting better. I appreciate that like Original Flavor the storylines keep moving forward. And that there is an undercurrent of decency between the characters. Judd and TK can get into it and then genuinely apologize and move forward. Marjan loses her hijab and without any fuss the guys form a wall so she can get it back in place. Michelle starts to make amends for some reprehensible behavior and Dustin is big enough to accept it.

I can think of some other shows coughStation19cough that don't reach that bar.

Edited by anna0852
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Watched all three eps tonight and while it’s not real 9-1-1 it’s good on its own.

I love that Marjan braids her hijab and I hope she DOES walk into her mosque loud and proud.  How dare that woman tell her to go somewhere else!

The team is all fleshed out except for the probie.  He’s kinda oily and I’m not liking him so much so far.

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29 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

… I appreciate that like Original Flavor the storylines keep moving forward. And that there is an undercurrent of decency between the characters. Judd and TK can get into it and then genuinely apologize and move forward. Marjan loses her hijab and without any fuss the guys form a wall so she can get it back in place…

But then they showed some of her crew making fun of the video of her without her hijab before she managed to re-cover herself after the accident. And nobody rebuked them for it, neither did they reach a place on their own where they realized they were adding to her humiliation. Hopefully this will be addressed in a later episode, otherwise I doubt the scene will wear well over time. 

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Not to toot my own horn, but in my comments on the pilot, I predicted a mechanical bull would make an appearance by episode three and lo and behold . . .

Jud and his wife are still the only two characters I find remotely likable (or interesting, really).  Heck, if I were ranking them, I'd place the potential murderer third.

Keeping the tradition of the wave pool from last episode, who was the unusual intruder the episode description is referring to (unless they are talking about Owen going to Dustin's house)?  

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Maybe there will be one episode later in the season that has all the missing events from the episode descriptions.

The girl who fell out of her apartment had a nice punchline.  I liked all the guys surrounding the muslim firefighter so she could put her hijab on.

Tornado next week.  I can't wait to see how they get that wrong, starting with lets all stand in the street and watch the tornado come at us.  Buck would pick up Christopher and run him to the nearest basement even if he had to dig it himself.

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Moral of the story: assault someone and he will see the wisdom of taking your advice. Male brutality leads to hugs!

I see that TK got his bullshit from his father, but that doesn't make it better.

I did like the rest of the episode, though, more or less.

I agree it was gross how the guys were acting about how people were reacting to the Marjan video. They were teasing TK and Judd later, so it seems to be their M.O. but I don't like it, and I do hope it gets addressed eventually.

Why didn't Michelle ask someone else to ask her sister's ex about the blue truck?

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Well, I will say that this episode is quite a bit better than the first two episodes. It helped me a little bit in determining if I'm sticking with it for the season (probably will, just for the snark, and the show isn't so horrendous where I'd hate snarking on it).

Michelle/Liv Tyler is still a weak part of the show for me...but look who also joins her? It's Owen! Yep, this episode didn't make me like Owen much...at all.

I am definitely Team Dustin, just because Michelle sucks so bad. I'm glad that it turns out that the guy seems to be truthful. Michelle was totally in the wrong...so it did help a bit that she apologized to him. But still, you don't introduce a main character in this way. It doesn't make me ever want to root for her.

Similar to Owen, who...decides to go confront a guy he's never met, about a woman he barely knows, and he has no idea of the situation itself? I mean, he knows what Michelle told him, but how can he be sure that he can trust her? 

The TK/Judd stuff? More interesting than the TK/Carlos stuff. 

Poor Marjan. I guess that's a lot of subconscious bias with the team laughing about the video...but they seemed to be saying that they riff on all of the firefighters, and they didn't understand why the video was so humiliating for her. So at least it's realistic, in a sense. 

Can we get more of Judd and Grace, please? Grace has barely had anything to do, besides one scene with Owen and a couple of scenes with Judd.

The cases worked better this week. It gave me vibes from the original series, which is a good thing. They're a bit odd and insane, but they're definitely more toned down here...or maybe it's the crappy lens filter they have on the cameras.

Either way, I was going to be done with this show if this episode wasn't better. Well...it was better. So...I'm giving it another episode.

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Still watchable. Better even. I have no real issues with this episode. They were teasing Marjan and of course they didn't really get that it was humiliating for her TBH I didn't get it either. As she said it's a choice for her to wear it.It's not like her family will beat her for losing it. But when she explained, I got it. So good job show, I learned something. 

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It took OG 911 a few episodes to get good as well and this has the same potential.   I am on twitter and one of the sticking points is the overt gay content.  Like there is no gay people in Texas and TJ brings his dirty gay NY ways.   
Speaking of TK I did like his story with Judd and found it believable.  I saw where both men are coming from.  TK has never been called on his behavior before but he has also been treated different as the bosses son.   Judd watched his entire unit get killed in front of him so he is someone who will call out someone s when they fuck up regardless of who they are.

It was a nice moment watching the team form a wall around Mariam when she lost he hijab.  But then to have someone at her Mosque make an issue of it was interesting.   

5 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Marjan is a very attractive woman.

What I don’t understand how s why a devout Moslem woman is spending all of her free time in a bar?  I thought alcohol was a no no?

Drinking alcohol is a no no but she might genuinely want to spend her off time with her team after a long day.  Nothing says she can’t order a coke.

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9 hours ago, possibilities said:

Moral of the story: assault someone and he will see the wisdom of taking your advice. Male brutality leads to hugs!

I see that TK got his bullshit from his father, but that doesn't make it better.

I did like the rest of the episode, though, more or less.

I agree it was gross how the guys were acting about how people were reacting to the Marjan video. They were teasing TK and Judd later, so it seems to be their M.O. but I don't like it, and I do hope it gets addressed eventually.

Why didn't Michelle ask someone else to ask her sister's ex about the blue truck?

That's the culture of firefighters.  I'm not saying it's a good thing.  Often my husband will tell me stories of something they did that he thought was funny and I was horrified.  But, the show is accurate in that portrayal. 

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I will say that this episode is quite a bit better than the first two episodes. It helped me a little bit in determining if I'm sticking with it for the season (probably will, just for the snark, and the show isn't so horrendous where I'd hate snarking on it).

Michelle/Liv Tyler is still a weak part of the show for me...but look who also joins her? It's Owen! Yep, this episode didn't make me like Owen much...at all.

I am definitely Team Dustin, just because Michelle sucks so bad. I'm glad that it turns out that the guy seems to be truthful. Michelle was totally in the wrong...so it did help a bit that she apologized to him. But still, you don't introduce a main character in this way. It doesn't make me ever want to root for her.

Similar to Owen, who...decides to go confront a guy he's never met, about a woman he barely knows, and he has no idea of the situation itself? I mean, he knows what Michelle told him, but how can he be sure that he can trust her? 

The TK/Judd stuff? More interesting than the TK/Carlos stuff. 

Poor Marjan. I guess that's a lot of subconscious bias with the team laughing about the video...but they seemed to be saying that they riff on all of the firefighters, and they didn't understand why the video was so humiliating for her. So at least it's realistic, in a sense. 

Can we get more of Judd and Grace, please? Grace has barely had anything to do, besides one scene with Owen and a couple of scenes with Judd.

The cases worked better this week. It gave me vibes from the original series, which is a good thing. They're a bit odd and insane, but they're definitely more toned down here...or maybe it's the crappy lens filter they have on the cameras.

Either way, I was going to be done with this show if this episode wasn't better. Well...it was better. So...I'm giving it another episode.

I'm Team Dustin, too, but that's because I've always had a soft spot for Jon Foster.  

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11 hours ago, preeya said:

What's the over/under on number of episodes before cancellation?

This show sucks big-time.


I dropped out of the original in its first season before jumping back in after the kinks had been worked out and they found their groove. Lone Star has the advantage of working on a template that just has to integrate the new characters after spending the first episode showing the building of a woke dream team and man on man foreplay they can probably settle down to wacky rescues with a different crew. So Lone Star would have as good a chance as CSI Miami or NCIS New Orleans had to survive

12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Watched all three eps tonight and while it’s not real 9-1-1 it’s good on its own.

I love that Marjan braids her hijab and I hope she DOES walk into her mosque loud and proud.  How dare that woman tell her to go somewhere else!

The team is all fleshed out except for the probie.  He’s kinda oily and I’m not liking him so much so far.

I trying to figure out what the model sister in her skinny jeans and spiked high heels was going on about. It wasn't like she was about to leave looking like a church mother herself. Since I don't know about the sociology of Muslim mosque life I do wonder if they go back to that story to see the reaction of others who attend there.

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41 minutes ago, Raja said:

I dropped out of the original in its first season before jumping back in after the kinks had been worked out and they found their groove.

That was me.  I actually disliked Buck a LOT and rolled my eyes at his over the top sexual hijinks.  I didn't really get back into OG 9-1-1 til very late in S1. 

I wish this spent a little more time on the rescues because the ones in this ep were good.  But it drags when it gets to the personal stuff.  I feel like I should like the Michelle sister story, but Liv Tyler is really bumming me out.  She is just so bad.  And she's just not believable in an emergency.  During the meat eating contest as she was giving us a running commentary on the girl's condition it came out as if she was amazed by what she was seeing.  She is a captain and she just doesn't sound authoritative or Captain-y. 

And I am team Dustin all the way! 

There were two things I had to really suspend some disbelief on:

1) That Dustin would go down so easily after being confronted by a nausea ridden Owen.  Dude, really?  I dunno maybe he's a lover not a fighter. 

2) That paramedics and firefighters on an emergency call would immediately think to whip out their phones to record a fellow firefighter whose hijab has come lose and that they have those phones at the ready the second it came off.  Also, that said firefighter would have an Insta and it would  get 6 million views within days.

11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The TK/Judd stuff? More interesting than the TK/Carlos stuff. 

Mainly because of Judd.  He said everything I wanted to say to the little pinhead.  I like this as a storyline for TK more than I do his romance with Carlos.  They are both good looking and should, on paper be hot and sexy but they leave me cold and I am not at all invested in them.

Also is it my tv or does this show look like it has been shot through a sepia toned filter?


Edited by DearEvette
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3 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Drinking alcohol is a no no but she might genuinely want to spend her off time with her team after a long day.  Nothing says she can’t order a coke.

I would venture to surmise that if the woman of the mosque found out that she spent her spare time hanging out in bars that they would be even more insistent that she be barred from attending. If it is an orthodox congregation then they would be right.

You don’t get t make up your own rules just because you wear the outer trappings of your faith.

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The unevenness of S1 911 is why I'm going to give this a good chance. I never expected to like Buck as much as I do now. He was a little s**t but look how he's grown. So I'm giving Lone Star the benefit of the doubt and assuming they'll get better.

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Well, this episode started out strong, at least.  I was captivated by the corn silo rescue and thought it was great that Owen put Judd in charge after immediately recognizing that he was the expert in this situation.  Judd did a good job talking to the victim, trying to keep him calm, and explaining what they were doing at each step.  But then TK had to go and fuck everything up, LOL.  I get that he was panicking about Marjan sinking into the corn, and I don't even blame him for trying to rescue her, but all he managed to do was distract Judd and nearly get himself killed in the process.  Marjan was asking "What do I do? What do I do?" but Judd was too busy yelling at TK to tend to her.  Even just telling her as she went under to take a deep breath and they'd cut her out would have probably been helpful! 

TK was a dick after the silo rescue and I don't really feel bad that Judd tried to beat him up.  All TK had to say was something like he was sorry, he panicked when he saw Marjan going under, he thought he could save her and he couldn't just do nothing and watch her die.  But instead he went and started a random fight with some random dudes and got himself arrested, wtf??  

OMG, Paul's dialogue was so cheesy.  Judd said something like, "We are having a conversation." Paul responded, "Yeah, with a bunch of exclamation points!"  LOL, nobody talks like that.  

I changed my mind...Carlos needs to walk away from TK.  Let the guy go to therapy and work out his issues cause he's not in a good/healthy place and it probably won't end well for either one if TK doesn't focus on himself right now.  

Three episodes in and Mateo serves no purpose.  I didn't like that Marjan said something about hoping nobody caught it on video when her hijab fell off and here's Mateo and Paul being dumb shits watching the video and reading the viewer comments out loud in front of her.  Very sensitive, guys.   


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If I live to be a thousand I will never understand eating contests.

The situation with Marjan made me wonder if a firefighter would really be allowed to wear a hijab, so I looked it up. Basically it's a moot point for her, because it really depends on the individual station and its captain, and what they're willing to tolerate, so she has no issue with Owen. But it would vary from district to district, and I'd wager that almost anywhere else - particularly in Texas - it would be a problem. If her captain had an issue she could take it to court, and depending on what kind of judge she got the ruling could go either way. Religious freedom laws don't always supersede safety rules.

Dare I say the YouTube star was a classic case of Darwinism?


During the meat eating contest as she was giving us a running commentary on the girl's condition it came out as if she was amazed by what she was seeing.  She is a captain and she just doesn't sound authoritative or Captain-y. 

Yeah, Liv Tyler has this breathy-whispery way of speaking that does not lend itself to authority. She sounds more like a porn actress.

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7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I haven't had a problem with any of the episodes, but when there is such a massive viewership drop from the first episode to the second, that is a huge problem.   And I mean massive.

The only reason it got so many viewers in the pilot was because its lead in was a NFL playoff game.  OG 9-1-1 averages a little over 6 million viewers.  5 million viewers is actually more realistic for the show and regular time slot.

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53 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

If I live to be a thousand I will never understand eating contests.

The situation with Marjan made me wonder if a firefighter would really be allowed to wear a hijab, so I looked it up. Basically it's a moot point for her, because it really depends on the individual station and its captain, and what they're willing to tolerate, so she has no issue with Owen. But it would vary from district to district, and I'd wager that almost anywhere else - particularly in Texas - it would be a problem. If her captain had an issue she could take it to court, and depending on what kind of judge she got the ruling could go either way. Religious freedom laws don't always supersede safety rules.

Dare I say the YouTube star was a classic case of Darwinism?

Yeah, Liv Tyler has this breathy-whispery way of speaking that does not lend itself to authority. She sounds more like a porn actress.

You would think some kind of flame retardant head covering would be standard firefighters issue. Just not worn on TV like soldiers don't wear helmets so we can tell characters apart easier. Aside from approving the material used I can't see any reason to ban a hijab yet have lots of flammable hair on firefighters.

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Aside from approving the material used I can't see any reason to ban a hijab yet have lots of flammable hair on firefighters.

It could affect the way the helmet or oxygen mask fits, and it could also be a hazard because of a potential to get snagged on something or someone grabbing at it. There was a case of a female firefighter going to court and she was able to show how the hijab had a special velcro tear-away fastener, for example. 

Fire stations have strict dress and grooming codes, and hair has to be worn above the collar for the same safety reasons. There are pending cases for Muslim men who wear beards because they are usually against the rules, for the same reason - they can affect the way the oxygen masks and other equipment fits.

As I said, it's clearly not an issue for Marjan, but it's a real life issue elsewhere.

Edited by iMonrey
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It still isn't a good sign that there were that many people that watched the pilot, and that they reportedly lost 2/3 of the desired demo viewing audience that did not watch the second episode.

Overall the ratings are decent for its normal time slot, and for Fox. Compared to "Prodigal Son," for example, which follows and is dropping week by week, 911 LS is a bona fide hit. Whether it gets another season next year probably has more to do with Rob Lowe's salary requirements and willingness than current ratings unless they really start to tank in the next few weeks.


I don't think Owen should tell TK that he (Owen) has cancer.  TK is incredibly unstable as it is.

Yes but he's just as liable to spin out of control when he finds out his father has been keeping it a secret from him so there's no winning here.

Edited by iMonrey
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5 hours ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

OMG, Paul's dialogue was so cheesy.  Judd said something like, "We are having a conversation." Paul responded, "Yeah, with a bunch of exclamation points!"  LOL, nobody talks like that.  

I can’t remember the context, but I actually loved that line. I will try to remember to try it out on a family member who will appreciate it (and who admits to enjoying arguing).


I am usually hypercritical about how cancer treatments are portrayed. At least they got the vomiting at the right moment, but all the alcohol shots were stupid. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't think Owen should tell TK that he (Owen) has cancer.  TK is incredibly unstable as it is.

I am not sure what Owen should do at this point. Normally I say to tell people, but it's true TK is a volatile, not-coping mess. On the other hand, maybe if he knew, TK would feel something. Which is worse: self-destructing via manufactured drama, or being upset by real stuff? I also suspect Owen's not just holding back because of concern for TK. He also has some pride stuff going on, about not wanting to seem weak. It's similar to his hair panic. Admitting he's got cancer means admitting he's not invincible.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't think Owen should tell TK that he (Owen) has cancer.  TK is incredibly unstable as it is.

I don't think there's a winning solution. But, at the end of the day, TK will find out because he works with Owen, so he can't necessarily escape. Owen has also told at least two people, at this point, and I'm sure the chemo is going to start affecting him when he's at work. TK already knows something's up, but Owen can only use the excuse "just feeling tired today" or "just ate some bad food" for so long. 

So, TK will spiral, whether it's now or later, especially if he waits and TK finds out that other people knew before him. So, the better course of action for Owen is to just rip off the bandaid. 

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I have to admit that I really liked the silo rescue. I remember reading about that when NPR put this on blast years ago.


I'll be honest, one of the things that drives me crazy about this show is/are the settings. Whether it's the firehouse with its spa perfect beds with the "natural lighting" or Owen's $4,500 apartment, I get pulled out of this show repeatedly by the scenery.

Edited by marceline
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I have a personal connection to the piece of equipment they used (or tried to use before things went south) in the grain silo rescue. It's a relatively new tool and when they first came out with it, it was fairly expensive (I think?) especially for the small towns that would use it. (My home town has about 120 people, the community is larger at around 500.) 

My Mom is a volunteer first responder in our community and we helped her write an essay trying to win the tool and training for the local fire department - also volunteers - and other fire departments in the county. Well her essay won out of hundreds entered. 

The company that held the contest came and trained anyone who wanted to show up, and my twin sis and I went to watch. It was quite impressive. 

Even more impressive? Less than a year later a neighbor was trapped in his silo and they used the tool to save his life. 

Edited by I-Kare
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22 minutes ago, I-Kare said:

I have a personal connection to the piece of equipment they used (or tried to use before things went south) in the grain silo rescue. It's a relatively new tool and when they first came out with it, it was fairly expensive (I think?) especially for the small towns that would use it. (My home town has about 120 people, the community is larger at around 500.) 

My Mom is a volunteer first responder in our community and we helped her write an essay trying to win the tool and training for the local fire department - also volunteers - and other fire departments in the county. Well her essay won out of hundreds entered. 

The company that held the contest came and trained anyone who wanted to show up, and my twin sis and I went to watch. It was quite impressive. 

Even more impressive? Less than a year later a neighbor was trapped in his silo and they used the tool to save his life. 

Very cool.
I was wondering why on the show they didn't just slice open the silo in the first place. Do you know why the other device is a better way?

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8 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Liv Tyler makes Jennifer Love Hewitt look like Meryl Streep.

I'll take Liv Tyler under acting over JLH's overacting any day. That said, not liking this show much and really disliking Rob Lowe's character.  

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9 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Very cool.
I was wondering why on the show they didn't just slice open the silo in the first place. Do you know why the other device is a better way?

I would imagine it's to prevent the loss of the grain. If you cut the silo then you literally have your grain pouring out. Even if it's collected without contamination, where is it going to be stored?

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I STILL think this show is a spoof.

If you just listen to Liv Tyler, you might think that she's voicing a Disney character. Owen going badass while drunk at that guy's apartment was absurd. They're trying so hard to depict Austin as a Texas city that it's laughable. All that country music...It's Austin, not Nashville! Yeah, I really believe that this group of firefighters from other parts of the US is spending off-hours drinking at a country-western bar because that's all there is in Austin.

I liked the silo rescue, but the rest of the episode was too juvenile for me.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Very cool.
I was wondering why on the show they didn't just slice open the silo in the first place. Do you know why the other device is a better way?

Mom and Dad grew up on farms, but Dad is a school psychologist and Mom is a school bus driver when she's not volunteering....so....I'm not that versed in things silo, I'm more silo-adjacent. ha! But if I had to guess I'd say in real life it would take a while to cut a big enough hole to get the grain out quickly.

Just to add, what Raja said is probably true as well. 

Edited again - I found quite a few articles on google regarding cutting silos to release the grain. Looks like it's a long process. One article I found talked about using that method along with a rescue tube during one emergency: 


Edited by I-Kare
edited to add info from googling
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1 hour ago, I-Kare said:

Mom and Dad grew up on farms, but Dad is a school psychologist and Mom is a school bus driver when she's not volunteering....so....I'm not that versed in things silo, I'm more silo-adjacent. ha!


1 hour ago, I-Kare said:

Wow, it sounds like the show did a good job of following the real procedure, except for:

1 hour ago, I-Kare said:

- I found quite a few articles on google regarding cutting silos to release the grain. Looks like it's a long process.

--The show made the silo cutting look pretty quick. I mean, they didn't cut away and show the sun lower in the sky or anything like that when coming back. 


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Since TK and Owen live together (in addition to working together at the firehouse, which has communal bathrooms and sinks), I would think the biggest tip-off to TK that something isn't right is that Owen is no longer using all of those hair products that are so so so so so important to him.  It's possible that TK hasn't noticed it bc he's in his own little world, but I also think Owen was probably historically very visible in his daily usage.

I realized in this episode that background-Mateo sounds exactly like Dave Franco.  It's not possible to have noticed this earlier since he's only had 3 lines.  And they were probably things like "hi" and "bye."

Imagine spending all of that taxpayer money to renovate the firehouse to an excessively high level.  Of course this is just fiction, but how were those expenses were approved!  Or is Owen such a big deal that he can spend whatever he wants with no oversight?  It would be somewhat different if the explosion that took out the original 126 squad was actually at the firehouse and it needed to be renovated, period.  But wow.  The living space is like a commercial showroom for expensive, ethically-sourced furniture hand-crafted by artisan elves.  I live in a nice house and I don't think it's close to that.

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I can't get past Liv Tyler's lips to pay attention to any plot she's in. They are fascinatingly huge and fake, like she has a big fish stuck on her vampire-white face.

As for ratings, it's on opposite AGT and The Bachelor. Hard to top those American favorites!

Edited by saber5055
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On 1/29/2020 at 12:21 AM, shapeshifter said:


Wow, it sounds like the show did a good job of following the real procedure, except for:

--The show made the silo cutting look pretty quick. I mean, they didn't cut away and show the sun lower in the sky or anything like that when coming back. 


I definitely give them points for having the tool in the first place!

Although, I doubt the same crew that is serving the downtown metro would be serving a rural community with silos! (cue the sun lowering in the sky)

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Ugh. I hated the hijab storyline. HATED. Marjan snapping "IT'S A CHOICE!" about it was offensive to the millions of Muslim women around the world who have no choice and are beaten or murdered for making the brave choice NOT to wear it. Where are those stories? I'd rather see them than the trite bullshit of the oh so brave Western woman making the oh so brave choice of wearing a scarf. 

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On 1/27/2020 at 10:46 PM, possibilities said:

Moral of the story: assault someone and he will see the wisdom of taking your advice. Male brutality leads to hugs!

Yeah, I was like, "what fool in the writer's room wrote this mess?"  For Owen and Michelle to be leaders of their teams, they are rather annoying and immature. I can't believe the show had Dustin and Michelle "bond" after Michelle's 3-year harassment and Owen's physical assault.  I kept waiting for Owen to be arrested. #justiceforDustin

I have zero desire to see Dustin and Michelle be cordial, and certainly not friends.  She hasn't earned it in the least.

Agree with others that Liv Tyler is a miscast.  That and the terrible writing so far for her just makes Michelle an asshole.    

I think the same of Rob Lowe.  I don't buy him as a leader of any team.  I think Peter Krause is one of the weaker links of original recipe 911, but he's much more convincing as a captain.  

On 1/28/2020 at 10:23 AM, DearEvette said:

And I am team Dustin all the way! 

There were two things I had to really suspend some disbelief on:

1) That Dustin would go down so easily after being confronted by a nausea ridden Owen.  Dude, really?  I dunno maybe he's a lover not a fighter. 

2) That paramedics and firefighters on an emergency call would immediately think to whip out their phones to record a fellow firefighter whose hijab has come lose and that they have those phones at the ready the second it came off.  Also, that said firefighter would have an Insta and it would  get 6 million views within days.

Mainly because of Judd.  He said everything I wanted to say to the little pinhead.  I like this as a storyline for TK more than I do his romance with Carlos.  They are both good looking and should, on paper be hot and sexy but they leave me cold and I am not at all invested in them.

Also is it my tv or does this show look like it has been shot through a sepia toned filter?


Yes, the filter for this show is odd. 

I assumed the Owen/Dustin assault was to showcase Owen as a badass.  Can't say it was successful. 

I don't have strong feelings for Buck either way, but I've disliked TK from the jump.  Feels like this comes down to the actors.  I didn't dislike S1 Buck the way I dislike TK, despite the shenanigans.

I didn't care much for Judd in the first two episodes, but I liked him here. Perhaps Rob Lowe will quit after this season, and the show can make Judd the captain.     

On 1/28/2020 at 11:23 AM, SonofaBiscuit said:

I changed my mind...Carlos needs to walk away from TK.  Let the guy go to therapy and work out his issues cause he's not in a good/healthy place and it probably won't end well for either one if TK doesn't focus on himself right now.  

Carlos is hot, and can do much better. It's awfully fast to have him hung up on TK already, but eh. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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I just watched this episode after reading here. Just fyi, that was one of the farm kids videoing the woman Marjan, not any of the firefighters.

I live in corn countries and, in fact, have one of those grain storage bins at the back of my property. Every year, more than one guy dies in a bin. Many are now equipped with tethered safety harnesses inside for workers to put on before they walk out onto the corn. That TK jumped in to save Marjan by putting out his hand was all kinds of dumbass. She was wearing a harness and rope; just grab the rope and tie it off to the inside ladder and pull her out that way. Plus the original guy was on a safety ring and rope, so why let him go to slide out the hole.

Cutting the bin is common to save people trapped inside, but I'm not sure you can do it with a hand-held Skil saw given the massive pressure of the corn inside the bin. Still, it was a pretty good save, and thanks Judd for describing it.

Dustin needed to call the cops stat after he was assaulted by Rob Lowe on his own front porch. And Owen puked from the tequila-drinking contest he had with Liv. That bar scene made me dislike him almost as much as I dislike her.

TK is a huge waste of time. I wouldn't mind if he gets ... well, doesn't come back from some call. But make it soon, show.

So Muslims can't choose their own mosque, they have to be approved by people who were there first? WTHeck is that about. I can go to any church I like, I didn't know the congregation had to vote me in or out.

LOL about the mechanical bull. And shout out to the poster here who called it.

Meanwhile, Judd rules this show. I'd be good with Owen and TK heading back to NYC and Judd taking over.

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I really hope that Dustin has nothing to do with Michelle's missing sisters disappearance that will try to retroactively "justify" Michelle stalking and harassing a man who she suspects of a crime based on "my sister was at his house" and "I think he is a dick" which is very much objective (I think Michelle is a dick and the show doesn't seem to) and not enough to try to wreck a guys life over. It doesn't make Michelle look dedicated or anything, it makes her look like a total asshole who should in no way be in charge of a team of paramedics, as she is WAY too immoral and possibly unstable. And now Owen has joined her on Team Asshole, beating up a guy who, again, did nothing wrong as far as we know, all for the bond that he has with Breathless Mahoony the deranged stalker. Dustin owes Michelle absolutely nothing after all the crap she pulled, he is certainly a better person than most would be to still be civil to her after everything, especially after her kind of boyfriend showed up to attack him in his own home. Our heroes? 

I dont know guys, does this show take place in Texas? I just cant tell, its all so subtle! I guess I give them credit for showing the restraint of waiting for episode three to get the bucking bull bar plot. Seriously, this show is set in Austin!? If they wanted to fill this show with small town folksiness, line dancing, and cowboy hats for days, why even set it in Austin? Why not Dallas or something? Last week they went to the trouble of being like "Oh my God, this town in Texas has health food stores and yoga studios!!! Amazing, I thought those were banned in any state not touching an ocean!" but of course this week its all Texas stereotypes (despite, again, Austin being almost stereotypical in how not like people picture Texas) one after the other. I know that the main show did typical "LA" stuff, but it wasn't ALL that! 

I did like the silo rescue, in fact most of the rescues of the week were pretty good, and despite my complaints, I do think that this show has a ton of potential. I came to adore the OG show, and its first few episodes were rough, and really only became appointment TV for me in near the end of season one and into season two, so I am willing to hang in there as they find their voice. And hopefully stop making the main characters such unlikable pricks. 

The Judd and TK stuff was pretty good, and unlike with Owen and Michelle, they both did dickish stuff without fully crossing any lines beyond making my sympathetic towards them, and they both apologized and admitted that they could have handled the situation better, and I thought the reasons they acted like that were understandable.

Edited by tennisgurl
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I actually like TK and will so far as to say he's my favorite so far. Plus, he's really pretty, lol.

I don't like Liv Tyler in this role. I just find myself looking at her face and wondering how it all went so wrong. The lips and possibly check implants are distracting. It's too bad because I liked her when I was a teenager and she was in all those Aerosmith videos.

Other than that, I'm enjoying this show so far and agree that the silo rescue was cool. 

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50 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

(I think Michelle is a dick and the show doesn't seem to) and not enough to try to wreck a guys life over. It doesn't make Michelle look dedicated or anything, it makes her look like a total asshole who should in no way be in charge of a team of paramedics, as she is WAY too immoral and possibly unstable. And now Owen has joined her on Team Asshole

So much this. Thank you for expressing my thoughts so well.

Do the paramedics live in the same station as the firefighters? If so ... ewww. And I mean that as we can't escape Michelle if she's living in that "commercial showroom for expensive, ethically-sourced furniture hand-crafted by artisan elves." (Thank you for that visual, @sweetandsour!)

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13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

So much this. Thank you for expressing my thoughts so well.

Do the paramedics live in the same station as the firefighters? If so ... ewww. And I mean that as we can't escape Michelle if she's living in that "commercial showroom for expensive, ethically-sourced furniture hand-crafted by artisan elves." (Thank you for that visual, @sweetandsour!)

As the two Captain's first met on a call it would be a retcon to have the paramedics based in the station 

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1 minute ago, Raja said:

As the two Captain's first met on a call it would be a retcon to have the paramedics based in the station 

Then why was she there (and Owen was not) when Dustin came to the station? Unless there are two glass-enclosed beauty stations in Austin and the paramedics have one too.

I wasn't paying all that much attention so maybe I missed something.

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On 1/28/2020 at 10:44 PM, mojito said:

I STILL think this show is a spoof.

If you just listen to Liv Tyler, you might think that she's voicing a Disney character. Owen going badass while drunk at that guy's apartment was absurd. They're trying so hard to depict Austin as a Texas city that it's laughable. All that country music...It's Austin, not Nashville! Yeah, I really believe that this group of firefighters from other parts of the US is spending off-hours drinking at a country-western bar because that's all there is in Austin.

I liked the silo rescue, but the rest of the episode was too juvenile for me.

I can't stand those whispery voices. Sounds like a porn actress as someone mentioned. 

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