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"The View": Week of 1/13/2020


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Lusinia, I totally agree with what you just said!  She does it a lot!  the other day I timed how long it takes her to ask a question - anywhere from 40 seconds to two minutes!  I think I'll check again in case I timed her incorrectly.  She usually prefaced her question with things the guest has done/appeared in/has stated in the past/family or friends connection plus interspersed with her opinion/experiences/father.  

The program was interrupted by impeachment update so I did not see the whole show. 

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Meghan prefacing a question by telling someone facts about themselves just makes me shake my head.  She does it more often than not.  She could say something like "now we all know that you...." as a way to begin the question, but it's always, "You were in this movie" and "you played this part", as if to make sure theyknow.  

They all do that and it drives me crazy. 

Edited by Haleth
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MeAgain has retweeted this tweet of article that says she "grilled" Shumer about Dems not wanting to call out anti-Semitism.  He actually didn't agree with her statement.  It was another "gotcha" kind of question that she always fails at, but she glories in the media coverage she gets.

I actually thought the question was quite shocking and was surprised that Whoopi didn't jump on her for it.


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4 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

I thought all the hosts should have given him a little more push back on not releasing the women from his NDA, and making "bawdy jokes" towards women in the workplace.

I thought so, too. He did some real tap-dancing when these questions were asked and the ladies seemed to accept his non-explanations as if the mattered were settled. At the very least, they should have asked if the NDAs were about the bawdy jokes or if there were other issues. They also could have asked if the #MeToo movement influenced anything pertaining to his campaign.

Instead Sunny asks the same question about reparations, Whoopi demonstrates that she doesn't know how corporations work, Joy puts comedy above useful information,  and Meghan asks/pontificates about Anti-Semitic Democrats. If The View is part of ABC News and wants to keep quoting the whole most-important-political show blather, then the hosts all need to a)ask better questions b)listen c)at least skim Wikipedia or Google so that they can engage in topics more productively.

They also need better "light" topics to fall back on when they need a break from politics. Pick something the ladies can all discuss with some engagement and ditch the reality show conversations, idiotic polls, sex topics, or parenting. There's nothing inherently wrong with them (except the polls), but these are proven non-starters with this group. Whoopi's Valley Girl Voice usually signals their halfhearted attempts at discussion. 

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4 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Really. What the heck was she babbling about?  Something about ice cream and Amazon handing out shares of stock to people?  It made no sense and Bloomberg was baffled. 

Whoopie is an inarticulate ill-informed mess.  She has flashes of coherence here and there but not enough to offset her ignorance about alot of topics.

Edited by Pearson80
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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Whoopie is an inarticulate ill-informed mess.  She has flashes of coherence here and there but not enough to offset her ignorance about alot of topics.

I don't know, that wasn't ignorance so much as literally making no sense at all. Ignorant people are at least coherent in their ignorance. It came off to me like she was high or something.

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Also, Whoopi clearly doesn't know the difference between a Senator and a Governor. I'm Canadian and even I know the difference. For her to complain about no free colleges in Vermont.....and Meghan agreed! She's someone who has been in politics since the womb so she should know better about this.

These guys are so ill informed.

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16 hours ago, bannana said:

MeAgain has retweeted this tweet of article that says she "grilled" Shumer about Dems not wanting to call out anti-Semitism.  He actually didn't agree with her statement.  It was another "gotcha" kind of question that she always fails at, but she glories in the media coverage she gets.

I actually thought the question was quite shocking and was surprised that Whoopi didn't jump on her for it.


Democrats don't condemn anti-Semitism?  Really? That is sure news to me.  Why didn't they call her out on this lie?


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Some of them were saying that Warren was so kick-ass for taking on Sanders, but I didn't see it that way at all.  It would have been bolder if she had said this during the debate, right after he said something she didn't like.  The way she handled it, it was like she was trying to have it both ways.  She created this latest situation by not shaking his hand and saying good night, and then discussing it with him in complete privacy.  

Meghan said alI the Trump people stopped by The View, but I don't remember Michael Cohen ever being a guest, and I can't find any evidence online that he ever was.  And say what you will about Michael Avenatti,  but he was never a Trump person. 

I'm no expert, but Meghan seems as high as a kite.  She is loose and mellow (two words that never apply to her) and is smiling way too much. (Maybe she got into the champagne early.)

Aw, Sunny's new kitten is absolutely beautiful.  I hope we hear how she and Sunny's two cocker spaniels get along together.

Very touching words from Whoopie to Abby.

Edited by lusinia
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33 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Some of them were saying that Warren was so kick-ass for taking on Sanders, but I didn't see it that way at all.  It would have been bolder if she had said this during the debate, right after he said something she didn't like.  The way she handled it, it was like she was trying to have it both ways.  She created this latest situation by not shaking his hand and saying good night, and then discussing it with him in complete privacy.  

Meghan said alI the Trump people stopped by The View, but I don't remember Michael Cohen ever being a guest, and I can't find any evidence online that he ever was.  And say what you will about Michael Avenatti,  but he was never a Trump person. 

I'm no expert, but Meghan seems as high as a kite.  She is loose and mellow (two words that never apply to her) and is smiling way too much. (Maybe she got into the champagne early.)

Aw, Sunny's new kitten is absolutely beautiful.  I hope we hear how she and Sunny's two cocker spaniels get along together.

Very touching words from Whoopie to Abby.

Hopefully I’m recalling correctly that Joy met with him for a couple hour lunch and he was convinced to  do the show and then a lawyer told him no.  It wasn’t mentioned on the show I read it. When Scaramucci fell from grace the first call he took was from Joy. She doesn’t have a need to name drop unlike MeeAgain 

I hope I  can  find the show someplace today. 

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8 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I hope I  can  find the show someplace today.

ABC puts the show online later today, and it usually show up on YouTube as well.

I was wondering about Michael Cohen because when they were talking about the Lev Parnas interview Rachel Maddow did last night Meghan said he should come on the show because "Trump people" she said, always stop by their show before they go to jail and mentioned Cohen and Avenatti.  Someone else brought up George Papadopoulos, which was correct.  Just another example of Meghan having her facts wrong, in one way or another.

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Anyone else think Meghan wasn’t being serious about Democrats and Republicans not being friends?

Trust me, as a Democrat, I wouldn’t enjoy being friends with someone who’s so tribal and nasty to people of my party. But she thinks it’s everyone else who is the problem. She sees herself as a kind, polite conservative who’s outnumbered by the close-minded, liberal meanies who pick on her. She’s the cool, open minded conservative one who’s open to everybody and loves Howard Stern and Erika Jayne. It’s everyone else who can’t be friends silly! 😉

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2 hours ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

I don’t even like Bernie, but the table’s bias towards him is quite blatant. Meghan is particularly giddy over the Warren/Sanders feud like a high school mean girl. Grow up, Meghan.

Yes, for someone who constantly is telling us she also wants trump out and how it's the Democrats responsibility to do that in the election, she sure seems to be happy when there's any hint of division in the party on which candidate to put forth.  Wanting it both ways, I guess, for MM

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Meh-gun says she doesn't like unsolicited advice, but she DAILY gives Democrats unsolicited advice about what they should be thinking and doing to win the election.

Too much is being made of the Warren-Sanders fight. I suspect that Bernie did say the words but didn't mean that a woman couldn't or shouldn't be president, but that the system makes it difficult for them to even get on stage and win.  Many women have said the same thing.

Edited by deirdra
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5 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

If you kiss Meghan's ass she will be friends with you no matter your political persuasion.

Kiss her personal heinie, praise her father and the military in as many conversations as possible, don’t be too vocal about any opposing views, be cool enough, and tread softly with her in general. Probably less work being friends with Kate Middleton. 

6 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Meh-gun says she doesn't like unsolicited advice, but she DAILY gives Democrats unsolicited advice about what they should be thinking and doing to win the election.

Too much is being made of the Warren-Sanders fight. I suspect that Bernie did say the words but didn't mean that a woman couldn't or shouldn't be president, but that the system makes it difficult for them to even get on stage and win.  Many women have said the same thing.

I could so see this. Changing words around even a little makes so much difference. 

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Me-Again had a personality transplant today!  WTF was that?  Even when she fumbled things, instead of snarling and blaming everyone else but her, she just kind of rolled with it.  Most bizarrely she was joking, and relaxed for the whole hour.  What was she on today?  Do you think it is all the love she is getting because of the NYT article that slammed her?  Is it because Abby is leaving tomorrow?

She didn't even growl when the rest of the panel related all of the revelations from the Maddow interview of Parnes.  

GIF by E!

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1 minute ago, bannana said:

Me-Again had a personality transplant today!  WTF was that?  Even when she fumbled things, instead of snarling and blaming everyone else but her, she just kind of rolled with it.  Most bizarrely she was joking, and relaxed for the whole hour.  What was she on today?  Do you think it is all the love she is getting because of the NYT article that slammed her?  Is it because Abby is leaving tomorrow?

She didn't even growl when the rest of the panel related all of the revelations from the Maddow interview of Parnes.  

GIF by E!

I haven’t watched yet, but with her getting more criticism than ever, I wonder if she wants to prove people wrong, that she’s not the rude person people say she is. 

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OMG I heard MM actually ask sunny to further explain something she had said on the GAO story rather than just jumping in and talking over her.  She truly is different today.  Either they all went to counseling, she signed a multi year extension on her contract or she’s decided to leave and feels lighter and relieved.  Hoping for the latter!

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 I really believe MM is relishing the attention from the NYT article AND Abby leaving.

MM LOVES negative publicity  so she can spin her victim response.  

MM is giddy abt Abby leaving so she can be a very special snowflake... the  only Repub at the table . Maybe she is negotiating to keep it that way.  😞

Or she needs her meds adjusted. 

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34 minutes ago, bannana said:

What was she on today? 

There had to be something.  She had this kinda sleepy grin on her face most of the show and was touching her hair a lot, and it didn't faze her at all, for instance, when Whoopie goofed and interrupted her introduction of Josh Gad.  Any other day that would have set her off and she would have snapped, "I'm supposed to read this", but she even brought it up later and laughed about it.  It was all so creepy and weird.    

Edited by lusinia
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3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Hopefully I’m recalling correctly that Joy met with him for a couple hour lunch and he was convinced to  do the show and then a lawyer told him no.  It wasn’t mentioned on the show I read it.

Someone did say that he wasn't on the View, and it might have been Joy, but it was hard to hear with LSD Me-Again just randomly blurting out shit today.

And then the producers tried to get her to walk back the "Avenatti is going to jail" stuff with a legal note, and Me-Again starts screeching at the producers that she won't do that.  And then Whoopi told Sunny to do it, I think.  That whole bit was bizarre and didn't make sense.  It's interesting how Me-Again is propping the View as being this hugely important show.  So I guess that is her way to fight back against the NYT article and other criticism she is getting.

Also of note today, Abby thanked Whoopi for being her guardian angel.  Hmmm...Who is she guarding her from?

tv show what GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah



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5 hours ago, deirdra said:

Meh-gun says she doesn't like unsolicited advice, but she DAILY gives Democrats unsolicited advice about what they should be thinking and doing to win the election.

Too much is being made of the Warren-Sanders fight. I suspect that Bernie did say the words but didn't mean that a woman couldn't or shouldn't be president, but that the system makes it difficult for them to even get on stage and win.  Many women have said the same thing.

Exactly, context is everything.  I don't understand why this is even a story. People are having these same type of conversations in private. 

Whoopie's crack about Bernie was uncalled for and it just displayed how ignorant she is.. The ladies are just so biased against Bernie and it made me so angry. I could say more but I will be walking into a mine field regarding how we are allowed to discuss politics on the board. The ladies are just so uninformed about so many things it is so embarrassing.  I expect more from Joy and Sunny..

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7 hours ago, lusinia said:

I'm no expert, but Meghan seems as high as a kite.  She is loose and mellow (two words that never apply to her) and is smiling way too much. (Maybe she got into the champagne early.)

I kinda am lol and she seemed high to me too today. I was thinking she needed a tranquilizer or a few nips, myself! She was all relaxed, smiley at weird times and I said “she’s high today or something .”

Disclaimer: Sunny’s voice- I’m being told in my ear that the above poster is only stating their opinion, this is alleged and speculation. 😃 

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3 hours ago, lusinia said:

There had to be something.  She had this kinda sleepy grin on her face most of the show and was touching her hair a lot, and it didn't faze her at all, for instance, when Whoopie goofed and interrupted her introduction of Josh Gad.  Any other day that would have set her off and she would have snapped, "I'm supposed to read this", but she even brought it up later and laughed about it.  It was all so creepy and weird.    

She's mental, plain and simple. And it's pretty sad. 

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11 hours ago, lusinia said:

Some of them were saying that Warren was so kick-ass for taking on Sanders, but I didn't see it that way at all.  It would have been bolder if she had said this during the debate, right after he said something she didn't like.  The way she handled it, it was like she was trying to have it both ways.  She created this latest situation by not shaking his hand and saying good night, and then discussing it with him in complete privacy.  

Haven't all the hosts on the view literally said before something along the lines of "this person should have spoken to this person privately, personal feuds shouldn't be made public, this person is shady for leaking" etc.?

And they get all pissed about staff leaking to the media instead of confronting them in person?

I don't see how this Warren-Sanders feud is any different. They're both using their fans & the media to fight their battle for them instead of confronting each other and dealing with it themselves.

Edited by jungki
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7 hours ago, deirdra said:

Meh-gun says she doesn't like unsolicited advice, but she DAILY gives Democrats unsolicited advice about what they should be thinking and doing to win the election.

Too much is being made of the Warren-Sanders fight. I suspect that Bernie did say the words but didn't mean that a woman couldn't or shouldn't be president, but that the system makes it difficult for them to even get on stage and win.  Many women have said the same thing.

Totally agree. I think it’s like when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus.  He didn’t mean better than Jesus just that the band was so huge around the world that they were probably more popular than Jesus (especially amongst teen girls). 

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9 hours ago, Tammee said:

My thought exactly!  On the flipside, can you imagine the inner strife at maybe Ana joining full time?!  Heeehehsah makes me laugh.  Maybe if we all put out collective thoughts for Ana to come, she will

It would almost be worth having McCain at the table then. If they want fireworks, dial them up to a 100, I say. No doubt McCain would leave of her own accord after six months of Ana every day or less.

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