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S11.E03: Lonely in Flagstaff

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1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

All right, folks, your episode 3 recap is available! I wish I could say it was a labor of love, but I can't lie to my fellow snarkers.


  Reveal spoiler

Oh, thank Cheesus, this episode is only an hour. I think I can make it through, with the help of my local pot shop and a couple gallons of ice cream.

And off we go…

Previously on Sister Wives…oh, who remembers…

Right. The fambly moved to Flagstaff on yet another of Kody’s ill-timed, poorly thought out whims, but surprise surprise! The gigantic tinderboxes back in Vegas didn’t sell as fast as (Kody) expected), so, as Christine put it, they’re “drownding” financially. Kody was all atwitter about the totally foreseen consequences of his typically boneheaded decision making, and proceeded to flip his hair angrily and declare that selling the houses in the spring “could not happen,” as if he has some kind of almighty, godly power over the real estate market. His long-suffering, pathetic “wives” vacillated between exasperation and smugness. Also, Meri, who never fucking wanted to move to Flagstaff to begin with, took the absolute first excuse she could find (a grumpy landlord) and peaced out back to Vegas. Oh, and some neighbors complained about having the Brown Klowns on their street, which is a total shock ‘cause who doesn’t want a mess o’ narcissists living in the neighborhood with a damn camera crew at the ready? It’s so unfaaaaaair!

We’ve got a new, depressing opening crawl this season: four unhappy, stone-faced women who have long ceased blathering about the supposed advantages of polygamy. No more “it makes each of us better,” Meri? If this is their better, I’d hate to see what the “wives” are like in monogamous marriages.

So Meri is back in Vegas, and fine with being away from the fambly, but also perfectly happy to complain about how she got “kicked out” of Flagstaff, which, if you think about it, is a perfect combo for Meri: she doesn’t have to spend one second pretending to be happy, which she is absolutely unwilling to do, AND she gets to play the persecution card! Glad tidings! And Christine is all, “that is why I don’t tell people I’m a plyg!” Yep, you’re hiding your unusual family structure really well. Way to hold your cards close to the vest, Christine.

Blah blah persecution everyone hates us blah blah plygs are so oppressed blah blah if you want people to like you act less shitty

Kody pretends to be upset that Meri, whom he cannot stand, is far away from Vegas. He also complains about the totally unexpected financial commitment of paying, like, eight rents because he moved before he sold his Vegas homes, which…ANYONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED. LITERALLY ANYONE.

Janelle…talks about Kody’s butt?! I briefly lose consciousness, and your erstwhile recapper has to be revived by some hot paramedics.

Christine’s kids are understandably conflicted about being forced to move for no goddamn reason yet again.

“We had something really awesome in Las Vegas,” says Meri, who literally hates everyone and everything related to her fambly structure. Also, Meri’s nose looks as if it’s been sculpted out of Silly Putty.

WTF is Kody blathering about? “Washing off the energy” of the last wife? “Emotional baggage”? What a Shirley Temple-ringleted dick.  Kody wants to build on Coyote Pass to ease his enormous burden. HE REALLY SAYS THAT. Polygamy is just FULL of contradictions, and Kody is still complaining about them MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER. FIGURE OUT YOUR SHIT, DOOFUS.

Okay. Meri’s been back in Vegas, alone, for six weeks, and, predictably, she loves being alone. Her relationship with Kody, as you may recall, is absolute shit, and has not improved in the slightest in the past, oh, ten years. Life in the cuddle-sac showed Meri just how great Kody’s relationships are (ha!) with the other “wives,” and when she’s alone, she can…pretend not to realize that? Yeah, sure.

Meri has a new rental in Flagstaff and claims she’s “happy,” which, no. No one buys that. Her proclamations that she’s glad to be back with the fambly are believed by absolutely no one in the fambly. Kody pontificates about how hard it is it back up a driveway. Sweet Lord, take me away. I wonder if we have any tequila. Cue long backing up sequence, complete with shrieking and…another goddamn joke about Kody’s ass! My husband, who’s been working and ignoring my interest in this show since it began airing ten years ago, pipes up with a snarky comment about this continued focus on The Ass of Kody Brown. I love you, Mr. Grey. I’m happy to be your one and only wife.

Meri and Kody’s relationship still sucks. No progress is being made. Meri accepts “where they are,” which is in Hell. Meri’s new house is absolutely enormous, with, like, four bedrooms, a waterfall, two master bedrooms, and an elevator. You know, the perfect choice for a woman living alone.

Christine’s kids have amazing hair. Like, fucking gorgeous.

The “wives” hated living together, and they never want to do it again. You know, ‘cause they just love each other so much, and they get along so damn well. Because they’re just so close, they head to a miserable lunch together, as women who share one subpar dick are wont to do. Meri pretty much had to be hog-tied and dragged to lunch, so she’s gonna be a fun lunch guest! This lunch was Janelle’s idea, and coming up with that revolutionary idea signaled her entire energy output for the day. Janelle is sometimes too tired to get dressed. What a dynamo she is.

“I really like my family,” declares Janelle, who does not appear to like anyone, ever, at any time. Christine is lonely ‘cause she lives in the middle of nowhere, and at no point has she bothered to reach out to the “wives” she’s loved for decades. Uh-huh. Meri point blank refuses to declare how she’s missed the fambly because…you know, she hasn’t. No one – NO ONE – has offered to help her move in, and she has to sleep ON THE FLOOR, and IT IS SO HARD TO BE MERI.

Meri makes passive-aggressive comments about no one loving her because no one will come haul her goddamn boxes from room to room, and she’s near tears about the thought of hiring a professional to help her put her bed together I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. TEARS. Blah blah fambly. Why are they like this?

Robyn: “Kody is a very busy person. He has a lot of demands on him. He’s not here for any of us. That’s just what it is it be a plural wife.” Wow, Robyn, you’re really selling the joys of this lifestyle.

Meri, who, as far as I can tell, never helps anyone if she can avoid it, is sooooo upset that nobody wants to help her mooooooove.

Hold on. I’m taking a quick break to tuck my kid into bed and huff some ether.

Janelle hardly ever sees Kody, which is…a bad thing? But he calls the kids! Like all really great dads communicate with their children! It’s been two months, and two of the four Vegas houses are on the market, and somehow, beige boxes with no character and all sorts of dents, chips, and scuff marks, have failed to attract ravenous hoards of buyers.

All four “wives” pray at the same time each day. Janelle and Christine hate each other the least, so sometimes they go walking together.

Meri doesn’t understand why no one in the fambly reaches out, and Mr. Grey suggests that Meri’s whining might make her unpleasant to be around. One day, Janelle is totally going to ask Meri about her constant passive-aggressive remarks. Really, she will! One day! Lunch ends, and they’re finally all free of each other! It’s like a prison break!

And Kody is back to his one big house idea. He knows his wives are not remotely interested in the idea of living together, but dammit, he’s going to pitch the idea anyway! Why? Because this show needs a storyline! Kody meets up with a friend of his to discuss this plan that will never come to fruition. He’s overwhelmed with hope. I'm overwhelmed with nausea.

Kody: “Did God really intend this [plural marriage]?”

Me: “No, you assclown.”

Kody is going to spring this terrible idea on his family at their holiday celebration! Merry fucking Christmas!


Great recap!  LOL at Janelle organizing the lunch and using up her alloted energy for the day. 🙂

1 hour ago, MV713 said:

Christine's voice drives me batty - especially when she gets serious whispery.  And the way she pronounces - FLAAGSTAAF.  UGH

My pet peeve about her.  She whisper/blends all her words when she's trying to appear sincere or something - she pronounced Coyote Pass as "Cah-o-tah Pahhhs" and I about threw my remote control at her face.

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Its not a mystery why Meri is sticking around. Meri will not be leaving while she is still one of five officers/managers of the Kody Brown Family Entertainment, LLC ... in other words... while the reality TV show money is flowing in, Meri will be there to claim her share. And I don't really blame her for that. She would be foolish to leave while cash was still on the table.

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1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

All right, folks, your episode 3 recap is available! I wish I could say it was a labor of love, but I can't lie to my fellow snarkers.


  Reveal spoiler

Oh, thank Cheesus, this episode is only an hour. I think I can make it through, with the help of my local pot shop and a couple gallons of ice cream.

And off we go…

Previously on Sister Wives…oh, who remembers…

Right. The fambly moved to Flagstaff on yet another of Kody’s ill-timed, poorly thought out whims, but surprise surprise! The gigantic tinderboxes back in Vegas didn’t sell as fast as (Kody) expected), so, as Christine put it, they’re “drownding” financially. Kody was all atwitter about the totally foreseen consequences of his typically boneheaded decision making, and proceeded to flip his hair angrily and declare that selling the houses in the spring “could not happen,” as if he has some kind of almighty, godly power over the real estate market. His long-suffering, pathetic “wives” vacillated between exasperation and smugness. Also, Meri, who never fucking wanted to move to Flagstaff to begin with, took the absolute first excuse she could find (a grumpy landlord) and peaced out back to Vegas. Oh, and some neighbors complained about having the Brown Klowns on their street, which is a total shock ‘cause who doesn’t want a mess o’ narcissists living in the neighborhood with a damn camera crew at the ready? It’s so unfaaaaaair!

We’ve got a new, depressing opening crawl this season: four unhappy, stone-faced women who have long ceased blathering about the supposed advantages of polygamy. No more “it makes each of us better,” Meri? If this is their better, I’d hate to see what the “wives” are like in monogamous marriages.

So Meri is back in Vegas, and fine with being away from the fambly, but also perfectly happy to complain about how she got “kicked out” of Flagstaff, which, if you think about it, is a perfect combo for Meri: she doesn’t have to spend one second pretending to be happy, which she is absolutely unwilling to do, AND she gets to play the persecution card! Glad tidings! And Christine is all, “that is why I don’t tell people I’m a plyg!” Yep, you’re hiding your unusual family structure really well. Way to hold your cards close to the vest, Christine.

Blah blah persecution everyone hates us blah blah plygs are so oppressed blah blah if you want people to like you act less shitty

Kody pretends to be upset that Meri, whom he cannot stand, is far away from Vegas. He also complains about the totally unexpected financial commitment of paying, like, eight rents because he moved before he sold his Vegas homes, which…ANYONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED. LITERALLY ANYONE.

Janelle…talks about Kody’s butt?! I briefly lose consciousness, and your erstwhile recapper has to be revived by some hot paramedics.

Christine’s kids are understandably conflicted about being forced to move for no goddamn reason yet again.

“We had something really awesome in Las Vegas,” says Meri, who literally hates everyone and everything related to her fambly structure. Also, Meri’s nose looks as if it’s been sculpted out of Silly Putty.

WTF is Kody blathering about? “Washing off the energy” of the last wife? “Emotional baggage”? What a Shirley Temple-ringleted dick.  Kody wants to build on Coyote Pass to ease his enormous burden. HE REALLY SAYS THAT. Polygamy is just FULL of contradictions, and Kody is still complaining about them MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER. FIGURE OUT YOUR SHIT, DOOFUS.

Okay. Meri’s been back in Vegas, alone, for six weeks, and, predictably, she loves being alone. Her relationship with Kody, as you may recall, is absolute shit, and has not improved in the slightest in the past, oh, ten years. Life in the cuddle-sac showed Meri just how great Kody’s relationships are (ha!) with the other “wives,” and when she’s alone, she can…pretend not to realize that? Yeah, sure.

Meri has a new rental in Flagstaff and claims she’s “happy,” which, no. No one buys that. Her proclamations that she’s glad to be back with the fambly are believed by absolutely no one in the fambly. Kody pontificates about how hard it is it back up a driveway. Sweet Lord, take me away. I wonder if we have any tequila. Cue long backing up sequence, complete with shrieking and…another goddamn joke about Kody’s ass! My husband, who’s been working and ignoring my interest in this show since it began airing ten years ago, pipes up with a snarky comment about this continued focus on The Ass of Kody Brown. I love you, Mr. Grey. I’m happy to be your one and only wife.

Meri and Kody’s relationship still sucks. No progress is being made. Meri accepts “where they are,” which is in Hell. Meri’s new house is absolutely enormous, with, like, four bedrooms, a waterfall, two master bedrooms, and an elevator. You know, the perfect choice for a woman living alone.

Christine’s kids have amazing hair. Like, fucking gorgeous.

The “wives” hated living together, and they never want to do it again. You know, ‘cause they just love each other so much, and they get along so damn well. Because they’re just so close, they head to a miserable lunch together, as women who share one subpar dick are wont to do. Meri pretty much had to be hog-tied and dragged to lunch, so she’s gonna be a fun lunch guest! This lunch was Janelle’s idea, and coming up with that revolutionary idea signaled her entire energy output for the day. Janelle is sometimes too tired to get dressed. What a dynamo she is.

“I really like my family,” declares Janelle, who does not appear to like anyone, ever, at any time. Christine is lonely ‘cause she lives in the middle of nowhere, and at no point has she bothered to reach out to the “wives” she’s loved for decades. Uh-huh. Meri point blank refuses to declare how she’s missed the fambly because…you know, she hasn’t. No one – NO ONE – has offered to help her move in, and she has to sleep ON THE FLOOR, and IT IS SO HARD TO BE MERI.

Meri makes passive-aggressive comments about no one loving her because no one will come haul her goddamn boxes from room to room, and she’s near tears about the thought of hiring a professional to help her put her bed together I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. TEARS. Blah blah fambly. Why are they like this?

Robyn: “Kody is a very busy person. He has a lot of demands on him. He’s not here for any of us. That’s just what it is it be a plural wife.” Wow, Robyn, you’re really selling the joys of this lifestyle.

Meri, who, as far as I can tell, never helps anyone if she can avoid it, is sooooo upset that nobody wants to help her mooooooove.

Hold on. I’m taking a quick break to tuck my kid into bed and huff some ether.

Janelle hardly ever sees Kody, which is…a bad thing? But he calls the kids! Like all really great dads communicate with their children! It’s been two months, and two of the four Vegas houses are on the market, and somehow, beige boxes with no character and all sorts of dents, chips, and scuff marks, have failed to attract ravenous hoards of buyers.

All four “wives” pray at the same time each day. Janelle and Christine hate each other the least, so sometimes they go walking together.

Meri doesn’t understand why no one in the fambly reaches out, and Mr. Grey suggests that Meri’s whining might make her unpleasant to be around. One day, Janelle is totally going to ask Meri about her constant passive-aggressive remarks. Really, she will! One day! Lunch ends, and they’re finally all free of each other! It’s like a prison break!

And Kody is back to his one big house idea. He knows his wives are not remotely interested in the idea of living together, but dammit, he’s going to pitch the idea anyway! Why? Because this show needs a storyline! Kody meets up with a friend of his to discuss this plan that will never come to fruition. He’s overwhelmed with hope. I'm overwhelmed with nausea.

Kody: “Did God really intend this [plural marriage]?”

Me: “No, you assclown.”

Kody is going to spring this terrible idea on his family at their holiday celebration! Merry fucking Christmas!


Oh my goodness reading your recap was like a beautiful dream from my childhood...

Shirley Temple, Silly Putty, gorgeous hair... These are a few of my favorite things!!!

Then I was brought back to earth with the spectre of Kody Brown's ass!  😲

Great recap!!  Lots of laughs. Thank you!!  😂

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38 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

Its not a mystery why Meri is sticking around. Meri will not be leaving while she is still one of five officers/managers of the Kody Brown Family Entertainment, LLC ... in other words... while the reality TV show money is flowing in, Meri will be there to claim her share. And I don't really blame her for that. She would be foolish to leave while cash was still on the table.

I don’t think the LLC currently exists.

Disregard, it does. 

Edited by ginger90
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6 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t think the LLC currently exists.

Disregard, it does. 

I assume that the LLC contract stipulates that all five of the adults compose the entity of the LLC (giving credence to Kody's refrain "where we go one we go all").  If each of the adults sign independent contracts, then it's Meri's choice to continue to humiliate herself for the almighty dollar.  I couldn't do it. 

It's possible that if any one of the group refused to sign, there would be no contract and just possibly, Meri is altruistic enough to not want to be the one responsible for the loss of income for the family

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5 minutes ago, deirdra said:

In this digital age, can you really escape creditors by fleeing in UHauls to a neighbouring state every few years?

Not when it's televised for all the world to see.👀

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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

Its not a mystery why Meri is sticking around. Meri will not be leaving while she is still one of five officers/managers of the Kody Brown Family Entertainment, LLC ... in other words... while the reality TV show money is flowing in, Meri will be there to claim her share. And I don't really blame her for that. She would be foolish to leave while cash was still on the table.

I understand why she doesn't leave the show, that's obvious she wants the money which I agree she's entitled to..... what I mean is she should leave the fambly.... I would watch the hell out of Meri leaving and turning the table upside down, she could write an actual TELL ALL, it would be awesome to watch her blossom and leave the ass hats behind meanwhile Kootie & Co. can keep filming and dealing with whatever shit Meri sends their way.

It could make for some awesome situations and blow-ups!.... right now it's boring because everyone is being fake and reading from the same fambly script... ZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz

I think it would be very interesting with Meri as a free agent.

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3 hours ago, MV713 said:

Christine's voice drives me batty - especially when she gets serious whispery.  And the way she pronounces - FLAAGSTAAF.  UGH

I agree, like she is trying to be all smexy like -  in her own words... AINT GONNA HAPPEN


5 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I understand why she doesn't leave the show, that's obvious she wants the money which I agree she's entitled to..... what I mean is she should leave the fambly.... I would watch the hell out of Meri leaving and turning the table upside down, she could write an actual TELL ALL, it would be awesome to watch her blossom and leave the ass hats behind meanwhile Kootie & Co. can keep filming and dealing with whatever shit Meri sends their way.

It could make for some awesome situations and blow-ups!.... right now it's boring because everyone is being fake and reading from the same fambly script... ZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz

I think it would be very interesting with Meri as a free agent.

Honestly, if she lost the stank ass attitude and cheap clothing, it would be kinda interesting to see her actually run the bed and breakfast and the interesting people ( if any ) that stay there.  

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8 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I agree, like she is trying to be all smexy like -  in her own words... AINT GONNA HAPPEN

I know WTF? is that whispery little girl /sex kitten voice??? she sounds ridiculous! lolol


8 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:


Honestly, if she lost the stank ass attitude and cheap clothing, it would be kinda interesting to see her actually run the bed and breakfast and the interesting people ( if any ) that stay there.  

Yes, great idea,,, I'd love to watch her run her B&B and be successful in spite of those ass hats. 👍

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3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

...and the interesting people ( if any ) that stay there.  

Seriously?  In Parowan?  I  bet they are lucky to get 2 or 3 bookings a month.  If you look at the website virtually every room is available for any date that you pick.  Watching her sit around waiting for a booking would be like watching paint dry.  

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41 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Seriously?  In Parowan?  I  bet they are lucky to get 2 or 3 bookings a month.  If you look at the website virtually every room is available for any date that you pick.  Watching her sit around waiting for a booking would be like watching paint dry.  

omg really?.... wow I bet Kootie takes every opportunity to rub that in...he said it would be a money pit.

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Last week I watched an episode where Meri was selling the B&B idea to the family and Kody scoffed and said there's no tourism in Parawan etc... And what would she do in the winter and Meri went on about how it was located really close to the ski area and that the area is really expanding and there would be plenty of business all winter from skiers and outdoor enthusiasts.

I kind of wondered but I don't know the area so I believed her even though whenever we've gone skiing we stay right near the mountain not miles away in an old house B&B....  There'd be nothing for the kids to do cooped up in a little old house and you can't ski 24/7

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Not to mention my daughter and her family drive through that area every late December and they stop in St George at a place with an indoor pool that gives their kids something to do.  I think the only time they stopped in Parawan was a bathroom break.

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7 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Meri went on about how it was located really close to the ski area and that the area is really expanding and there would be plenty of business all winter from skiers and outdoor enthusiasts.

It's a 20 minute drive to Brian Head from Parowan over mountain roads.  If you look at Airbnb there are tons of great places close to Brian Head including whole condos for much less than one room at her granny era B&B.  Some have amenities like pools and workout rooms.  Why would you stay in Parowan with virtually nothing to see except the petroglyphs?

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1 minute ago, Absolom said:

Not to mention my daughter and her family drive through that area every late December and they stop in St George at a place with an indoor pool that gives their kids something to do.  I think the only time they stopped in Parawan was a bathroom break.

Exactly, we always tried to stay somewhere that had activities or pool or something for the kids to do.... And even when we went without the kids... hubby likes to be close to nice restaurants or a bar to go have a drink and nice meal after a day on the slopes.... Meri doesn't have any of that.

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1 minute ago, Kohola3 said:

It's a 20 minute drive to Brian Head from Parowan over mountain roads.  If you look at Airbnb there are tons of great places close to Brian Head including whole condos for much less than one room at her granny era B&B.  Some have amenities like pools and workout rooms.  Why would you stay in Parowan with virtually nothing to see except the petroglyphs?

Wow well once again Meri wants what she wants and to hell with the finances!

That's why she's now renting a house for $4,500 a month even though there's no way she needs that much space, it's a million Sq ft and bigger than her sister wives and that's all that matters.  

She's obviously not putting anything aside for a rainy day. 🙄

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I watched the first season or two and since then I've only checked in sporadically.  I couldn't handle the boring storylines of the Vegas seasons.  Didn't care about the kids or the cheesy jewelry line.


But, ha, I thought this episode was riveting.  THIS is what interested me about a "sisterwives" show in the first place.  How do the women get along?!  How do they cope?  Is it possible for a man to go bunny-humping around among multiple women and maybe those women might appreciate the time off as well as the time on?  Jealousy?  Living arrangements?  Conflict resolution?


This ep really brought the tea, I thought.  I laughed when Meri said, essentially, "Like it or lump it--either way works for me."  It seemed that each woman asserted herself in a way I hadn't seen before.  Right on, grrrrrrrrlz.


But because I haven't been a constant viewer, I don't understand why they left Vegas.  Was that cul de sac not the perfect setup?  They all miss Vegas, their monthly housing budget is insane, they're driving back and forth, spitting like scalded cats about sharing a house, Kody sounds like a lunatic promoting the "personal kitchen" system.  Why did they leave?!  The only thing I've heard on the show is some vague reference to "problems."  Thanks in advance for filling me in.

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They must really need Meri to say yes to being on the show to agree to her huge houses. It doesn’t seem logical at all the house she is renting for 1 person. Who knows maybe all the production staff will be staying there too?

The most interesting elements to me are 1) Robyn seriously becoming the bitchyist ugliest wife that I cannot understand why she would be Kody’s favourite when she insults him non-stop. 2) Waiting for the day Meri says fuck off to Kody and moves a boyfriend into her huge house as they aren’t legally married any more and she has the space. 3) How Christine is slowing changing into the most attractive and pleasant wife and a Kody seems to notice some but still has a weird thing for Robyn??? Maybe Christine will also get a boyfriend LOL  

ETA I find Meri’s makeup bad and when she is with everyone she is a major bitch. However, in her stuff alone or with friends she seems okay overall. I would totally watch a Meri finds a decent man and moves him into the Brown rental show. 

Edited by fountain
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34 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Meri should look for a man with some kids who all care about her and have the family she always wanted.  She's got room for them in her house.  

I think Meri is gun shy since the catfish and she's scared to trust new people.

I think that's why she's so flirty with Kody... she's lonely but afraid to take another chance with a stranger and risk looking like a fool... Again!

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Well, Meri has always claimed that she is a fine person and that she has normal relationships, without walls, with everyone except for the sisterwives and Kody.  So, has that been proven? I'm trying to recall.......She seemed pleasant enough at the luncheon, even though she witched about not getting help unpacking things and putting her bed together.  Of course, there were those pesky neighbors who wanted her gone and the horrific catfish woman.  And, then we have that strained relationship with her daughter, which is better since she moved far away.  So, what proof is there that she gets along fine with others?  She and Solomon seem to get along fine, so, there's that.............I just don't know that Meri is capable of adjusting in the real world or getting along with regular folks, as she claims.  ........oh, just remembered a friend who came to visit with her on the show.....she attended a family picnic.    But, it didn't seem that she liked Meri any more than the rest of the family.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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16 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Honestly, if she lost the stank ass attitude and cheap clothing, it would be kinda interesting to see her actually run the bed and breakfast and the interesting people ( if any ) that stay there.  

I think our experience at the B&B with a dead car battery and the AAA guy looking for us in the wrong town ("We're in ParOWAN, not ParAGONAH") was funny enough for an episode.

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13 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Seriously?  In Parowan?  I  bet they are lucky to get 2 or 3 bookings a month.  If you look at the website virtually every room is available for any date that you pick.  Watching her sit around waiting for a booking would be like watching paint dry.  

As much as I’d like to see Meri go rogue from the family, I have to agree about the B&B. I also wanted this to be a successful venture for her but I see it more as a safety net, given it’s not full all the time. 

I also wish she’d just pick a stance with the damn family. Either walk away, or stop being passive aggressive. Either take the “walls” down or fortify them and leave. “My walls are up my walls are up”, but, “love me”. 

She can’t have it both ways.  

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10 hours ago, deirdra said:

Meri should look for a man with some kids who all care about her and have the family she always wanted. 

There is a plyg community in Flagstaff. Since she is low man in her current marriage, she could go courting another fambly, maybe get a nicer guy and still get into heaven after unsealing/sealing. She'd still be low man, but she at least has a chance at being a bit happier with a guy. It would definitely be interesting to see another plyg fambly pulling into this mess.

But we all know she isn't staying for her "marriage", her eternity or The Brown Fambly Circus. She's there for the money. She will be gone from Flag the instant the show is over.

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14 hours ago, candall said:

But because I haven't been a constant viewer, I don't understand why they left Vegas.  Was that cul de sac not the perfect setup?  They all miss Vegas, their monthly housing budget is insane, they're driving back and forth, spitting like scalded cats about sharing a house, Kody sounds like a lunatic promoting the "personal kitchen" system.  Why did they leave?!  The only thing I've heard on the show is some vague reference to "problems."  Thanks in advance for filling me in.

There is no good answer as to why they left.  They keep changing their stories.

These are the assorted reasons they offered, and the counterpoints:

LV is expensive...ok, so sell your homes first, build the house in Flagstaff with the proceeds, and maybe there will be some time in between where they can all rent in Flagstaff in one damn house.  This is my response to any type of financial hardship reason they cite, whether it’s ballooning mortgages or whatever.  You’re still paying the mortgages on those fracking Las Vegas properties, and at the time this was filmed, two of them weren’t even on the market, so don’t give me financial hodgepodge!

Robyn wants a place where she can die.  She wants her bones buried somewhere other than Vegas...I’m not really going to touch that one

Janelle needs more opportunities to camp and fish...seeing as how she lamented for a whole segment how hard it was for her to get herself to a damned cafe for lunch, I’m not going to touch that one either

Las Vegas is supposedly dangerous.  Like, the part in which they lived?  Was there any indication anyone from the Brown family was trying to score crack rock in the water tunnels where the homeless live?  Was Paedon playing three dice cee lo in the alley behind the Bellagio?  And just how safe is Arizona?  I hear some funky shit about crime and gangs in Arizona, like the Congresswoman who was shot during a baseball game.  Don’t get me wrong; I love Arizona.  I just don’t see it as a safe haven for people fleeing crime, especially as compared to some of the other areas out west. 

The reason they didn’t offer, but was bandied about, was that Dayton (Dayson?  David?) was attending college there...yes, because we all know that the most burning desire of 18 year old men who are receiving their higher education is to have their mom, their surfer-dude dad, and their 856,301 half-siblings follow them.

I think they wanted to do something grand, because they’re pompous and grandiose, and when Kody’s attempt to sue the entire state of Utah failed, he and TLC just decided, “well, hey, why don’t you move to Flagstaff?”  And the genius emanated from there.  What really burns my boots is that these selfish assholes didn’t even let their kids graduate from high school before they did something to distract from the fact that they loathe each other. 

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15 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

It's a 20 minute drive to Brian Head from Parowan over mountain roads.  If you look at Airbnb there are tons of great places close to Brian Head including whole condos for much less than one room at her granny era B&B.  Some have amenities like pools and workout rooms.  Why would you stay in Parowan with virtually nothing to see except the petroglyphs?

Um Kohola3, they have those cinnamon rolls!  Duh!  And that apocalyptic preacher across the street!  What more do you people want???!!!!

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We have also speculated that balloon payments were due on the LV houses so they wanted to get out before they burst.  Also, Kody and his buddy were selling their "business"; Kootie was expecting a big payout, but buddy implied they'd have little or no profit to pocket.  We never learned what this business did; it was probably something scammy with Kootie wanting to skip town leaving creditors unpaid, as probably happened when they left the other 13+ places they've lived.

Kootie says he'd always thought that LV was temporary, telling the wives he's been saying this for 7 years, but we and the wives had never heard that before.  Their cul-de-sac would have been safer if they did not constantly prop the security gates open for TLC and all their kids with their own cars.


Edited by deirdra
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13 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

And yet living in LV was his "dream" according to what he said when they made the faux-flee.

He did say that, exclaimed that he had always been attracted to the bright lights.  Robyn, carefully sited her LV house on her lot so the balcony off the master bedroom had a full view of the flashing neon.  

A pretty mundane reason for a move, it makes Christine's "angels singingk" seem profound.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

There is no good answer as to why they left.  They keep changing their stories.

These are the assorted reasons they offered, and the counterpoints:

LV is expensive...ok, so sell your homes first, build the house in Flagstaff with the proceeds, and maybe there will be some time in between where they can all rent in Flagstaff in one damn house.  This is my response to any type of financial hardship reason they cite, whether it’s ballooning mortgages or whatever.  You’re still paying the mortgages on those fracking Las Vegas properties, and at the time this was filmed, two of them weren’t even on the market, so don’t give me financial hodgepodge!

Robyn wants a place where she can die.  She wants her bones buried somewhere other than Vegas...I’m not really going to touch that one

Janelle needs more opportunities to camp and fish...seeing as how she lamented for a whole segment how hard it was for her to get herself to a damned cafe for lunch, I’m not going to touch that one either

Las Vegas is supposedly dangerous.  Like, the part in which they lived?  Was there any indication anyone from the Brown family was trying to score crack rock in the water tunnels where the homeless live?  Was Paedon playing three dice cee lo in the alley behind the Bellagio?  And just how safe is Arizona?  I hear some funky shit about crime and gangs in Arizona, like the Congresswoman who was shot during a baseball game.  Don’t get me wrong; I love Arizona.  I just don’t see it as a safe haven for people fleeing crime, especially as compared to some of the other areas out west. 

The reason they didn’t offer, but was bandied about, was that Dayton (Dayson?  David?) was attending college there...yes, because we all know that the most burning desire of 18 year old men who are receiving their higher education is to have their mom, their surfer-dude dad, and their 856,301 half-siblings follow them.

I think they wanted to do something grand, because they’re pompous and grandiose, and when Kody’s attempt to sue the entire state of Utah failed, he and TLC just decided, “well, hey, why don’t you move to Flagstaff?”  And the genius emanated from there.  What really burns my boots is that these selfish assholes didn’t even let their kids graduate from high school before they did something to distract from the fact that they loathe each other. 

So, regarding the safety of Vegas, there was stuff going on in their area. Crime was increasing all over, actually.  Unless you work in public safety in that area, you don’t get to hear those things and wouldn’t know about them. Most people don’t. 

As far as flagstaff, I don’t know what it’s like there now. I loved it when I lived there and don’t recall very many home invasions or things of that nature. But I’m sure it has its stuff. People are becoming more violent everywhere.

I agree they seem to loathe each other. 

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19 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Seriously?  In Parowan?  I  bet they are lucky to get 2 or 3 bookings a month.  If you look at the website virtually every room is available for any date that you pick.  Watching her sit around waiting for a booking would be like watching paint dry.  

I have stayed in a few B&B and they are fine if you plan to be out and about all day  and just come back to sleep grab some breakfast and go - 1 night / more than that - I want the anonymity of a hotel.  I don't think Parawan stacks up to say that its a quaint town with lots of stuff to do or antique shops to peruse or restaurants  to savor - more like a truck stop for weary travelers or dead car batteries ) shout out to @AZChristian

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9 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Not much to keep you "out and about" near Meri's lair.

20 minutes and done.  Even the Chamber of Commerce or whoever put out the top 5 things to do in Parowan acknowledges that the 2 outdoor historical parks take only a few minutes each to do.

You could cut that to 10 minutes if you picked up your cinnamon bun first and ate it in the car while slowing down driving by the historical parks.

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I’m with a few other folks and would watch the hell out of Meri leaving the fambly. In fact, I think it would be hilarious!  BUT I don’t want to see her at the B&B.  I want to see her go back to Las Vegas and have a great life.  Without her fambly looking down on her and Kootie disapproving of her actions, she would be free to date in the open (so no need to be gun shy about another catfish dill), and there would be multiple benefits.  First, it would be the ultimate F-you to Kootie and the sister witches, especially the dark wife.  Secondly, she could write that tell-all book and I would read the hell out of that too.  Also, if she was clever enough to get herself a good agent (suggest she not use the one that is part of their LLC), she could negotiate a new show with TLC about life after polygamy and after Sludge ultimately leaves Pudge, Pudge could move in with Meri and it could turn into a bizarre sitcom that would feed both of their narcissistic egos.  I only have two requirements of this new show/life for Meri; She should actually try to move on, find a nice man and make a happy life for herself (after learning and admitting to life lessons) and eventually kick Pudge out to do the same, AND it should absolutely be negotiated that a film crew look in on Kootie and what is left of the harem every so often, to document the fallout from the happy plyg family going kaput and Kootie looking like the captain of the Titanic, in all his glory, as the ship upends and sinks . . . And cut, print, check the gate . . .

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4 hours ago, deirdra said:

We have also speculated that balloon payments were due on the LV houses so they wanted to get out before they burst. 


I can't imagine the balloon payments would be more than 9 rents/mtgs, ins, utilities, taxes, etc.  Lol  Did they even consider how much the risk of acting too fast would cost?  They know now though.  It's like someone else said here: ready, FIRE, aim.

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1 hour ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

I want to see her go back to Las Vegas and have a great life.

This self absorbed, nothing-is-my-fault, unpleasant witch will never have a happy life.  It has nothing to do with Kootie or the other SW's, She's just a selfish, unhappy, lying egotistical drudge and there is no way she'll ever be happy or fulfilled.  She built all of those walls herself so she has to live within them.

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55 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

This self absorbed, nothing-is-my-fault, unpleasant witch will never have a happy life.  It has nothing to do with Kootie or the other SW's, She's just a selfish, unhappy, lying egotistical drudge and there is no way she'll ever be happy or fulfilled.  She built all of those walls herself so she has to live within them.


I've been watching the older episodes a couple at a time (that's all I can handle) and you're absolutely right... Meri has been a petty, jealous, sarcastic, meddling witch since the beginning.

The episode when Robyn and Kootie were on their honeymoon Christine and Janelle were openly upset, jealous etc and so was Meri but she comforted herself watching how completely miserable the other 2 were..... I found her behaviour disturbing to watch... Lol and it all backfired on her.... She is not a pleasant person to be around, they all know it and avoid her like the plague.

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On 1/17/2020 at 2:41 AM, Galloway Cave said:

There is a plyg community in Flagstaff. Since she is low man in her current marriage, she could go courting another fambly, maybe get a nicer guy and still get into heaven after unsealing/sealing. She'd still be low man, but she at least has a chance at being a bit happier with a guy...

I’m just laughing at this, wondering what other plyg fam would want to take on her dour, narcissistic ass as a wife (or sister wife)? She really is such an unlikable woman and we see just a tv edit version - I can’t even fathom how horrendous she is to actually live with, or deal with (or be tied to for all eternity!) No wonder the family always looks miserable and needs so much therapy - being around that whiny-sucker-of-joy black cloud constantly would do that to you. 

Kody is a hapless, showboat twat-waffle moron and Meri is a raging, manipulative, stank-attitude, full-blown bitch. They definitely deserve each other as spouses. Personally I’m just rooting for them to get it together again 😆

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16 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

She might be free to date, but she would have to find a guy who actually wants to date HER. Best of luck on that. 

This. And as much as I think catfishing is wrong, I laughed when we learned she took the bait and held on tight (despite being warned by her own daughter). Because, REALLY? A man of that caliber goes after MERI? And she believed it so much she nearly left the family. 

Meri would need a complete personality replacement as well as a physical makeover to find someone like that. 

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22 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

This. And as much as I think catfishing is wrong, I laughed when we learned she took the bait and held on tight (despite being warned by her own daughter). Because, REALLY? A man of that caliber goes after MERI? And she believed it so much she nearly left the family. 

Meri would need a complete personality replacement as well as a physical makeover to find someone like that. 

Even for people who are perfectly okay, i.e attractive, smart, warm, kind, giving, financially comfortable, etc etc, dating is TOUGH, especially at Meri's age and older. I speak from experience. Ugh.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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That elevator is the new wet bar.

I do agree with Meri on one thing. For a family that size that goes on and on and ON about togetherness, someone should be willing to help Meri put together her bed and unpack her shit. It speaks volumes that no one wants to volunteer, and that Janelle had to hire someone to get her stuff done as well.

So Kody says he doesn't stay or live at Meri's right now. Does that mean he doesn't sleep there at all?


Even for people who are perfectly okay, i.e attractive, smart, warm, kind, giving, financially comfortable, etc etc, dating is TOUGH, especially at Meri's age and older. I speak from experience. Ugh.

Dating sucks, but I am far happier single with my cat than I have ever seen Meri during any season of this show. Cut off the diseased limb, and go on with your life. Meri has a daughter, other family, and two businesses. She wouldn't be any more alone than she is right now. And she could go back to Utah and run the bed and breakfast with her mom, instead of staying in Flagstaff with the drama.



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Christine's daughters volunteered to help Meri but she never called them.

Can you imagine hauling that piano up those  stairs? The stairs would put the "pain" in piano!!!

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15 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:


I've been watching the older episodes a couple at a time (that's all I can handle) and you're absolutely right... Meri has been a petty, jealous, sarcastic, meddling witch since the beginning.

The episode when Robyn and Kootie were on their honeymoon Christine and Janelle were openly upset, jealous etc and so was Meri but she comforted herself watching how completely miserable the other 2 were..... I found her behaviour disturbing to watch... Lol and it all backfired on her.... She is not a pleasant person to be around, they all know it and avoid her like the plague.

Exactly.  It is the classic..."NOW you know how I feel" scenario

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2 minutes ago, neh said:

Christine's daughters volunteered to help Meri but she never called them.

Can you imagine hauling that piano up those  stairs? The stairs would put the "pain" in piano!!!

I didn't watch but from what I've read here, it's clear she wanted Kody, and ONLY Kody, to help her so she could flirt with him privately. 

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