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S04.E16: Reunion (Part 1)

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The ladies rehash their wild trip to Mexico; tensions run high as Kameron and Stephanie discuss their complicated relationship; the drama continues as LeeAnne tries to answer burning questions about her unconventional wedding.

Airs January 1, 2020.

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Leanne is being called the fuck out over and over lol but she isn't being held accountable at all this is all fluff 

Seriously! I am so hoping she will not be back next season, but I doubt anything will change. Cannot stand her. 

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Kari’s makeup makes her look like a corpse & her pearl jewelry looks cheap

D’Andra’s makeup makes her look like a clown and what the hell is she wearing?

Leanne’s hair looks wretched 

Stephanie looks beautiful

Brandi’s earrings are distracting 

Kam’s makeup is not doing her any favors. Red washes her out.

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Now being a "surface friend" to Kam is calling her a dumb blonde?  Oh please, what a complete stretch (or outright lie)! And she thinks it's outrageous that Brandi doesn't like being called trashy!

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so wait she can be hurt by being called surface because it triggers a feeling in her and thats painful for her but she cant understand and not use the word trash with Brandi and it was Stephanie that implanted that word and "tricked" her mind into saying it a mere hours earlier?? Good God Kam you are nuts 

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What is up with Leeann and her mouth?? She is always licking her lips with her tongue sticking way out and then moving her tongue all around in her mouth causing contortions. 

So classy using the f word and flipping people off. She is beyond trashy.

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Oh Good Lawd! MeAnne thinks she's EVOLVED??? Into what exactly?  She just cannot get out of her own way obviously.  The dingleberry just needs to get some professional help. STAT!  It's a new year.  Try something different. Anything.

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Well, that held my attention.  Loved watching the reactions of the other women and Andy while Leeanne tried to spin, spin,  spin. 

Brandi taking out the flask was everything.  And then she passes it to Steph.

In Kam's world, it's ok to throw a napkin.  I wonder how she would have felt if that napkin was thrown at her.  That was a trashy move.  I doubt she would do that at one of the society events.

Sorry to hear about the baby.

So far, Steph, Brandi and D'Andra are holding their own.  Kary is doing alright.  LeeAnne and Kam are on the victim train.

Next week will be the racist situation.  Looks like more spinning from LeeAnne.

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32 minutes ago, Pickles said:


Leeann is such an ugly person inside and out. 

I don't understand how anyone in Dallas "society" wants to be around her.


I wonder what exactly she did/does for “charity/society “.

My recollection from the beginning of the show was that LeeAnn’s claim to fame was her friendship with D’Andra, who is a true socialite.

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14 minutes ago, charming said:

Oops. Looks like LeeAnne isn't the only one making racist comments.



Brandi's a racist too and doing it in front of kids. What a role model. 

Its not a zero sum game, they can all be racist assholes doesnt make Leeanne be not racist. LeeAnne and her wedding planner constant deflection to other people being shitty verses taking accountability is beyond annoying. (The video wont play for me so i dont know what Brandi said)

Edited by biakbiak
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2 minutes ago, charming said:

I never said Brandi's racism cancelled out LeeAnne's. What I can't stand is their pearl clutching over it now when they let it all slide while they were filming. 

I didnt say you did but LeeAnne and her wedding planner have been using this tactic to deflect off LA's shitty behavior since the episodes started airing. 

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Well, I guess MeAnne & Steve "Weddings with styl" (that spelling-LOL!) Kembell are gonna be happy together as they both scratch for chicken feed from the Big D society ladies from now on.  Not sure how many "styl" people there are in Dallas.  Probably not too many!  And BTW, throwing Brandi under the bus doesn't make MeAnne look any less the ass than she already is. Just sayin'.  

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I think Kary is wearing the same dress that Heavenly is wearing at the Married to Medicine reunion.  Stephanie always looks great at reunions.  I love when she has a spray tan.  Leeanne's dress was everything.  The high neckline with no cleavage was spectacular.  Kameron and Brandi also looked good.  I wasn’t a fan of D’andra’s look, but her décolleté was gorgeous.  Kary had too much of an Addams Family look going on.

I’m not sure I believe Brandi that Bruin’s bio mom had a miscarriage, which is what she implied, but didn’t say.  She just said the bio mom “lost the baby.”  It doesn’t pass the smell test.  I think she either had an abortion, or the baby went to another family.

This did feel like the Leeanne gang-up hour, but a lot of the way she handled her wedding was awful.  Doubling-down on that behavior and making excuses rather than copping to it is also annoying, so I agreed with a lot of the things that were said.  She could have avoided the vast majority of it if she’d have just admitted it was sketchy.  I think she loves having the spotlight, even if it’s negative, because it lets her relive the drama that she felt in her childhood, which was normal to her.  

I can’t believe Leeanne told Vogue that the wedding was, what, over three million dollars, by calculating the borrowed jewelry into the value of the wedding?  It was borrowed.  I am so glad she was called out on the five hour gap!  Did she ever mention that she and Rich were desperate to have sex, which was the reason she offered when the original episode aired?

I’m so glad Rich’s comments got called out at length.  I’m glad Stephanie and Brandi didn’t let it go.  I really don’t like Rich.  He was a condescending prick who acted like Leeanne was too crazy to marry until he got old and paunchy.  His comments had nothing to do with saying Leeanne’s friends are so attractive that her events look like pageants.  I’m so sad that she is buying his bullshit.  I also believe that Jeremy said he’d fuck Brandi and Stephanie.  Maybe he wasn’t miked when he said it, but Jeremy has been raunchy on camera too many times for it not to ring true.  And it was interesting that D’andra wouldn’t comment on Rich’s disgusting words, like she was scared of retaliation.  

Leanne not inviting D’andra to her wedding and saying that the reason for the non-invite was that she had a sincere relationship with all 200 people at her wedding translates to “everyone invited to my wedding had money.”  I also think that a lot of Leeanne’s charity work is done to gratify her ego.  Hate to side with Kary, but if the shoe fits...

The only thing with which I didn’t side with the group as it related to Leeanne’s wedding were her vows.  To me, no one was there in her childhood and they shouldn’t just jump to her mom’s side by virtue of her being a mom.  They’re her damn vows.  Where Leeanne loses me is when she blames it on having written her vows that morning.  Just say that’s how you feel, and it’s your wedding day, your vows.  Period.  

Other than the wedding...

Kari sounds ridiculous saying that Leanne needs to sleep in a bed with her, and if Leeanne sleeps naked, she should compromise and put on clothes when there are a whole host of other bedrooms in the home.  

Does Kary realize how bizarre it sounds to say that Eduardo is setting her up in a condo?  Those are exactly the words of a woman who is divorcing!

Kameron is playing this game at a high level, and I appreciate that.  When she admitted straight away that throwing the napkin was trashy, it took away the ammunition Brandi or Andy could have against her.  I thought the whole “Stephanie said trashy hours earlier” was too much of a Perry Mason, smoking gun moment.  That was laying it on too thick, and didn’t have the intended effect.  I wasn’t buying her crying either.  

Leeanne was right that Kary antagonized her about her childhood/not having children.  

Andy is so full of shit clutching his breast about a flask.  This is a man who makes money off of writing autobiographical books about his poor decisions during drunken and ecstasy-fueled escapades.  So miss me.

I did like that this reunion was rather calm, especially compared to past seasons’ reunions (remember the “closed set” meltdown of season two?). People are really keeping their composure.  No one is screaming.  Maybe they should break out the flask more often.

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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4 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Oh Good Lawd! MeAnne thinks she's EVOLVED???

"MeAnne" = hysterical.

4 hours ago, charming said:

LeeAnne's getting rightfully dragged and Andy clearly hates her. She probably won't be back next season. 

Let's see what happens to the other racists on the show.

On WWHL, Brandi was a guest along with Vicki (OC) and Margaret (NJ).  He mentioned the reunion and LeAnne's racist remarks and shook his head in a way that made me feel he was astonished and angered at her.

I can't say I blame him.  LeAnne probably drives ratings for the show.  Her shenanigans put him and the network in a difficult position.

As far as Brandi's video is concerned, the difference might be that LeAnne used the word "Mexican" to disparage Kari.

Brandi was playing a character.  Although it was very, very insensitive AND stupid of her to say, much less film, that kind of thing.

In fact, they were both more stupid and insensitive than racist I feel.  Kind of like unsocialized and unfiltered little children.

To say the things they did, I'd say that both have some sort of feeling they are better than the two ethnicities they talked about, but on a spectrum where 0 is non-racist and 10 is 100% racist (KKK, Hitler), they are on the end closer to zero.

Edited by Jextella
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I had stuff to say, nothing positive. 

And then I watched Brandi's video.  In which she used an "Asian" accent and discussed having squinty eyes......

I can't even think straight right now.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Its not a zero sum game, they can all be racist assholes doesnt make Leeanne be not racist. LeeAnne and her wedding planner constant deflection to other people being shitty verses taking accountability is beyond annoying. (The video wont play for me so i dont know what Brandi said)

It's abhorrent!  It is disgusting and she should be ashamed.

I find it way more racist than anything Leanne said, so let's see if people have the same stuff to say about Brandi.  

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I started to like Brandi this year.  I used to like LeeAnne until this year.  I think they both should be fired.

If Brandi goes all in on LeeAnne's racism next week, I wonder how its going to play if this video goes viral.  Is Bravo going to pretend it didn't happen since it wasn't on the show?  Will Stephanie, D'andre and Kary stay consistent?

Also.  Brandi is behind the wheel. With her kids.  And she looks buzzzed/wasted.

This is bad.  Really, really bad.  2 cast members.  Both so horribly wrong.  

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nearly choked when Leanne tried to use the “you can’t use your past as an excuse”.   

You and nearly everyone else watching, I imagine.

But, this is Leanne, and we all know nobody in the history of time has had as shitty a past as she had, so it's ok for her.

Edited by Hiyo
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1 hour ago, AttackTurtle said:

I know I’m in the minority, but I think Andy can’t stand Leanne and she may be out the door.  He’s been pretty vocal about his disdain for comments about Cary.

I don't recall seeing Andy so critical of a Housewife on any of the reunions I've watched. I feel a little bad seeing one person take criticism after criticism, but I was in the camp of being offended by her Mexican comments and didn't like how she treated her wedding guests either. Interesting how because of LeeAnne's past and her enlarged amygdala, she is quick to feel attacked and react strongly, but she managed not to go off on Andy. Her inner voice must have been telling her "be nice, he's the boss. Be nice, he's the boss." 

Regarding the Brandi video-I'm really disappointed. 

This cast is really not the most likable.

At least we still have the beautiful and sweet Stepahanie...


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Her inner voice must have been telling her "be nice, he's the boss. Be nice, he's the boss."

That actually shows that despite her craziness, she at least has some sense, unlike say, Vicki from the OC...


At least we still have the beautiful and sweet Stepahanie...

I didn't like her during season 1, but over the last few years I have really come to like her. She is one of the few HWs that seems like a genuinely nice person, both on camera and off.

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Leanne and Rich belong together and deserve each other. I cannot decide which one is more despicable. He clearly is a womanizer who does not have respect for any woman, and Leanne is  so accustomed to lying about everything in her life so that she can play the victim card and get away with atrocious behaviour. They are both vile.

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3 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I know I’m in the minority, but I think Andy can’t stand Leanne and she may be out the door.  He’s been pretty vocal about his disdain for comments about Cary.

Judging by the comments, I'd say you are in the majority.

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I legit cackled when Andy pointed put that Steve Kemble must be a really shitty wedding planner! The event didnt come off like those two griftera thought it was going to when they were tginking they were hot shit Filming it!

Edited by biakbiak
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5 hours ago, charming said:

Oops. Looks like LeeAnne isn't the only one making racist comments.



Brandi's a racist too and doing it in front of kids. What a role model. 

White supremacist!


Is she drunk?  Because, the video makes zero sense.


In front of her kids, too.....who is mugging the camera probably about to say some crazy shyt....but, luckily someone turned off the camera. 


I am curious what she has to said about this.


Oh....Everybottie  azzzk me .......uh, uh, oh, .......what Asian I am cause of my eyes.......they squeen-tea ......

(while imitating squinty eyes and squeaky cartoon voice).


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Back in the early days, it seemed the women were pretty chummy with Andy.  He talked about how often they'd call or text him and such.

Over the past few years, it seems Andy has put some distance between himself and the wives - all of them.  I suppose there are too many shows now-a-days to keep up with all of them and separation of church and state is a good thing on the HR front.

Anwyay, the reunion is thus far disasterous for LeAnne.  She needs to watch the show back in the company of a therapist who can walk her through how her actions and words are just as the others are saying they are. 

Truth-telling is not her strong suit either.  It was interesting.  There were times when she said "I'm going to be honest here" which sort of tells me that all the rest isn't true.  

I never knew about D'Andra's father.  That explains a bunch - about both her and her mother.  I agree with her 100% that bringing up the concept of suicide so casually is horrible. "MeAnne" is spot on.

LeAnne has issues.  And threatening suicide might leave Bravo no other choice than to ax her next season.  I feel bad for just how out of touch she is with herself.

Edited by Jextella
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This show is no longer enjoyable with the racism (ethnic insensitivity) and ridiculousness. 

I am not surprised by the Brandi video and have been weary of her since the sexual chocolate fiasco when she thought was so funny and clever to chase after someone with a black dildo specifically. Just no.

Kam is Kam. She doesn’t bother me and is probably my favorite.

I don’t think I buy Stephanie’s sugary sweetness but she does seem pretty harmless.

LeeAnn is just wrong. Like just stop talking because you’re making it worse. Get yourself a therapist and a publicist because you clearly need help. I don’t think she’ll be fired. They knew what she said when they had her at BravoCon.

Kary and D’Andra seem like miserable people.

I have a hard time believing that any of these women have not made racially insensitive comments, including Kary. I’m sure the Obama era was filled with complete civility and no suspect commentary from any of them at all /sarcasm. LeeAnn is still completely wrong and deserves criticism, but I’m not buying this outrage from the others.

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I don’t get why Kameron tries to argue with Stephanie. She tries so hard to make Kameron happy,but Kameron always seems to look for a problem with her. LeeAnne seems to really want Brandi’s friendship,she seemed really hurt by Brandi’s comments and her not wanting to come to her wedding. I guess Brandi just does not care for LeeAnne as much because we see in the previews she brings out a chair. 

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I think the difference is gonna be how Brandi handles this compared to Leanne ... One persons racist comment does not make the other less racist .. this is what Leanne does tries to throw someone else under the bus hoping it takes the heat of her.... Leanne has defended her comments lets see what Brandi does before we gather the pitchforks and rally the town to hunt her down and string her up

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The reason there is nothing to see is because Brandi and/or her PR team, deleted ALL of her posts where she showed not an ounce of remorse over her racism.

Edited by dosodog
Why my post "disappeared".
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24 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I just watched the video this is a nothing burger .... she said people ask her what her nationality is because of her eyes and is implying how people assume something of her because of that... She wasn't disparaging a culture AT ALL come on now  ...Could it be taken in bad taste yes ... Its like a bad Ms swan Alex Borstein impersonation  .... There was no malice in that like with Leanne spitting venom with the "Mexican" comments and the tone that made Kary less then.... Should s

Totally agree. She is commenting on presumptions  made about her, not the other way around.  Someone is reaching. 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the difference is gonna be how Brandi handles this compared to Leanne ... One persons racist comment does not make the other less racist .. this is what Leanne does tries to throw someone else under the bus hoping it takes the heat of her.... Leanne has defended her comments lets see what Brandi does before we gather the pitchforks and rally the town to hunt her down and string her up

She's doubling down.. not even acknowledging that this is bad. 

I don't like a witch-hunt, even if I don't like the person but I think it should be pointed out that this is NOT ok.

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Whoa. This reunion held my attention too. Yet, only watched this season here and there. But I am glad I saved one episode on my DVR to watch: LeeAnn's wedding. Definitely going back to watch it now. Wonder if I'll be hungry afterwards. Tee hee. 😉

It was a painful pile on to LeeAnn. However, when the elephant in the room has a mountain of obvious offenses and bizarre behavior, there is no avoiding it - it's not really a pile on.

I agree with others on this board: Andy is not happy with LeeAnn and her behavior. I also heard him on Sirius radio just 2 weeks ago talking about this. He diplomatically expressed disgust about her. 

I think LeeAnn's job on this show may be ending. However, like others have said, she needs serious therapy - maybe an intervention. The suits at Bravo are probably treading lightly on taking any action with her because of her mental health. Suicide threats are not something one throws out lightly. Lee Ann said she thought about it 3 weeks before her wedding ?!! That is current - in real time. Not in her youth.   

We've seen alot of bizarre and horrid behavior, and even precarious legal situations on all the Housewives' shows through the years. But this one is very, very troubling. 

I keep thinking about RH of Beverly Hills husband, Russell Armstrong, and his demise, suicide,  several years ago.

He wasn't even a cast member. It was horrifying.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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 Agree that Bravo now has to tread lightly, due to LeeAnn's suicide references.  Can you imagine the fallback if she were to actually commit suicide now, and the amount of times her clip from Mexico talking about her attempts would be shown?  

LeeAnn is a sociopathic, narcissistic mess of a person who needs way more mental help than she's receiving now.  Up is down, black is white.  I have (had) a mother like this.  There is no simple solution.

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