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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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5 hours ago, Daisy said:

will amend my statement. using this information that you provided.  If Nik and Ava were married and Ava slept with a teenager, and then blame Nik for "making her do it." i wouldn't root for them either. I don't mind the 'Lolita/Hello Mrs. Robinson" storyline  per se so Ava sleeping with Morgan (OR Nik sleeping with Esme) wouldn't bother me - but it bugs me that he did it whilst married. then basically went "I thought our marriage was over). (and then he was whinging that he wouldn't have done it if he had known if she was evil). it just is like - yeh, not for me. 

Don't forget that he said that Esme tricked him or manipulated him, or something. Yes, Esme is manipulative. Obviously.  But, Nick is a grown man. He makes his own decisions.  He was thinking with his downstairs brain. End of story.  Nobody's fault but his.

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Olivia was raised in 1980s New York. The idea that she moves around with a hope chest much less a love potion like someone from an 1830s Italian opera is ridiculous.

4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Nik's penis just can't help itself. He's always been really weak when it comes to relationships.

Yeah, especially when his feelings are hurt. Only enough blood to fuel one head at a time.

Esme was technically a teenager but she knew what she was doing and she deliberately targeted Nik on Ryan's orders to break up his marriage. Stupidity on one side, vindictiveness on the other (especially at Ava from Esme), blame on both.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Olivia was raised in 1980s New York. The idea that she moves around with a hope chest much less a love potion like someone from an 1830s Italian opera is ridiculous.

LOL, for real.  I'm shocked the show doesn't have her constantly clutching at her rosary and talking about just getting back from mass.

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19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Olivia was raised in 1980s New York. The idea that she moves around with a hope chest much less a love potion like someone from an 1830s Italian opera is ridiculous.

16 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

LOL, for real.  I'm shocked the show doesn't have her constantly clutching at her rosary and talking about just getting back from mass.

Or that she and original Brook Lynn (when she returned for the let's Drug and Try to Rape Dante storyline), referred to the refrigerators as the "ice box" as if it was the 1940s.

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41 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Esme was technically a teenager but she knew what she was doing and she deliberately targeted Nik on Ryan's orders to break up his marriage. Stupidity on one side, vindictiveness on the other (especially at Ava from Esme), blame on both.

Nik is the adult (supposedly™ Silas Clay forever) and the one in a relationship. He and Ava hadn't formally called it quits yet, and anyway, since when do those two stay split up? Nik bears the brunt of the blame, IMO. It's not as if he didn't know Esmé was a troublemaker. He's SO STUPID.

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lmao so TJ sees Curtis proposing to Portia, so he whips out the phone to record it.... so we see  Portia and Curtis from HIS POV, and you legit just see Curtis kneeling at the pool destroying all illusion that this pool is deep. I mean i know we all knew, but i don't think they wanted me to be cackling about this. anyway i don't care about them so whatever she says yes. and they both stand in the pool lol and kiss. 

I wonder what is going to blow this up first. Trina or the fact that Curtis is so not divorced. 

Ava and Nik are fighting. Nik tells Ava he didn't ask to be dragged into this. No. you kinda flung yourself into this. Ava says feel free to leave. 

Willow, who is clearly upset, is trying to tell Dipstick what's wrong. Dipstick decides to argue with Sonny, telling him he wasn't welcome, that he thought Sonny would have the common sense NOT to come to the ....hospital benefit of which Sonny is one of the biggest donators soo why expect that?  then he slams the door in Sonny's face. (then you know, why did you even bother opening it and have this conversation?). Sonny calmly opens the door, looks Dipstick in the face  and says very quietly. "The next time you do that, will be the last time you close a door." I laughed sooo hard. I'm dead. (Not even going to lie. my mother would legit say the exact same thing to me the exact same way). 

Willow, who is really upset talks Dipstick down. And instead of going back to the conversation about you know WHY SHE IS UPSET. makes it about himself and how willow makes HIM FEEL ALL BETTER and hugs her, instead of going "Hey. forget Sonny. why were you upset?" Why does Willow  love him? Dipstick finally remembers that Willow needed him but Golden Spawn shows up with Olivia, and they go play. Willow has decided that not only she is going to not have treatment, she is not going to tell Dipstick until she reaches her second trimester.  

Jordan takes the schizophrenia news really well (as in very woodenly). Hatman is gutted that he wasn't there for Tommy, maybe he could help. Jordan says it wasn't schizophrenia, it was PTSD and being pissed that Jordan slept with Shawn. (but like. you aren't a doctor Jordan. so you don't really know). 

Drewfus: Are you thirsty?
Carly: yeah
Me: and it's very pathetic. 
BLQ and Carly talk about how not thirsty they are for the men in their lives. don't care. 

Leo makes Magic Love potion. but has no idea who took the cup with said potion. 

Olivia is surprised nina isn't here rubbing Carly's face in the fact that Sonny and she are together. WHEN HAS  NINA DONE THIS, WHEN CARLY HAS NOT PROVOKED NINA INTO DOING SO? that's what I thought. Shut up Olivia. Sonny legit goes can't you just not get divorced an then live your own life? (preach it). Olivia goes. well i would want you to be with legit ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD. (shut up Olivia). 

this party is so stupid. like. i dont get why they made this a hospital function. or if it was a hospital function why isn't it catered? why are the Q's doing this? like more details are needed. there are just too many questions vs. it could have legit been someone's birthday. 

anyway show is over. 

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5 hours ago, Kim0820 said:

Willow really should get an abortion and then start over after she is cancer free, but then show maybe should not handle this controversial topic, as the writers aren't good enough.

I agree with you but I can’t see today’s writers wanting to touch that story with a ten foot pool.

5 hours ago, Kim0820 said:

They are addicted to pregnancy in stories.  Now they are hinting Portia should have one,

They ar also addicted to making women who in reality should be getting close to menopause preggo so I could see this happening.  I can see Curtis finding out Trina is his ( HATE THAT), getting all pissed at Portia, then - surprise!- she turns pregnant so they need to figure out how to be in each other’s lives.

I can’t with this recast of Jordan.  Half the time I don’t even remember who she’s supposed to be.  Nothing against the actress as she actually has more emotions than the previous Jordan but for some reason this recast just doesn’t work for me at all.

Edited by mostlylurking
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27 minutes ago, Daisy said:

. Sonny calmly opens the door, looks Dipstick in the face  and says very quietly. "The next time you do that, will be the last time you close a door." I laughed sooo hard. I'm dead.

Me too.  Dead.  That was awesome.  Now I only wish he would follow through. 

27 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Jordan takes the schizophrenia news really well (as in very woodenly). Hatman is gutted that he wasn't there for Tommy, maybe he could help. Jordan says it wasn't schizophrenia, it was PTSD and being pissed that Jordan slept with Shawn. (but like. you aren't a doctor Jordan. so you don't really know). 

Well I still think Hat was misdiagnosed but this is interesting.  All this time they thought it was PTSD (which is a mental illness on it’s own) but maybe it could have come from family history as well.

ETA: Sorry for always double posting recently the site doesn’t seem to be combining posts like they used to.

Edited by mostlylurking
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Michael is such a petulant baby. Of course he has to take a shot at Nina even when she does the smart thing and stays away from his family's lame-o picnic. 

A Yuri sighting!

Geez, it sure took Portia long enough to say yes to Curtis's proposal. I was waiting for the "but..." after her long recital of how she'd been living. Some dude proposes to me in public is going to get a no, since my feelings aren't for other's entertainment. But that's me, with my shriveled husk of a heart.

Wow, how magnanimous of Hatman to forgive Jordan for cheating on his son, something Hatman wasn't around for. I don't care what the reasons were: Jordan doesn't need his absolution. I did like that Jordan set his mind at ease by telling him Tommy's behavior was most likely due to PTSD, not schizophrenia.

Carly and Drewfoos? Zzzzzz.

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Oy vey, how can this picnic be a fundraiser when there are only about 12 people there, half of whom are Quartermains and Q Adjacents.  Where are all the extras?  Also the 3 legged race was only 7 feet long.  All they had to do was take two giant steps and they win.  At one point Drew was manning the grill, which literally had nothing on it.  Way to go all out for this event).

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Oliva is rude and classless, just like her BFF Carly. When you're hosting a fundraisier, you don't insult the rich people like Nik and Ava who donate to the cause you're begging money for.

Cheapness: Big fundraiser, only four extras far in the background.

Michael's entitlement is off the charts. It's not your house, you little creep, and it's a hospital fundraiser. Please Sonny, make sure that Michael never shuts a door in your face again.

I must be old because if anyone taped my proposal, they would find themselves in that pool that Curtis was very obviously kneeling in.

How does Portia operate with those nails? Don't they cut through the rubber gloves?

Props to Hatman for handling relationships maturely. Runner-up awards to Jordan and Sonny. Fails to Olivia and Michael.

Portia unfaithful and  lying about Trina's paternity, Jordan unfaithful and lied about TJ's paternity, these women just can't get a break.

Carly/Drew makes my stomach hurt. Carly is too happy winning all the way but she can't be even a tiny bit gracious.

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"Trina's future is clear." Uh, Portia, your daughter was expelled from PCU for a Title IX violation. That's not exactly something anyone can crow about.

Why is Sonny picking at the Esmé thread by low-key accusing Ava of having something to do with her disappearance? And then of course idiot Nik jumps in, not at all suspiciously, and tells Sonny to stop. I just can't with Nik. Ava does like the numbskulls.

"I really appreciate everything you've done for Trina." Jordan barely investigated the case. Her main contribution was basically supporting a deeply unethical medical procedure. (I still want Portia to pay for that.) I suppose that was Curtis trying to be gracious.

Where is Monica? She should be at a hospital fundraiser being held in the backyard of her house. She could speak to Yuri in Russian/Belarusian.

You know, Willow, if mentions of your happy family are going to upset you, you need to share your news with at least Michael.

Shut up, Olivia. You're one to talk about choosing bad partners. Remember hate-fucking Julian? You knew exactly what you were doing, despite your later protestations. Ugh, another one who's the worst.

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7 hours ago, Daisy said:

I don't even think Nik's been in a relationship where he hasn't cheated (and I think almost every time it's always someone else's fault he never woulda done it otherwise). so yeah my fault for not going more into depth in my original statement but that's where it is coming from. others could probably forgive it and see it as just a roadblock. (heck. maybe i will, if the story is good enough who knows) but as for now. what Nik did just makes the couple not rootable for me.

Did he cheat on Gia or (shudder) Britt? I don't think so but I can't recall. I do agree his royal dick has a brain all its own.

It's JMO, but I really don't care about Nikolas and Ava fucking around on each other bc they're both deeply morally questionable people at this point. They first got together with him essentially on the run from the law, and she is a mob queen who came to town gut-shooting innocent people and leaving them to die. They are made for each other as they are, they are not a pure and true hearts and flowers match.

Edited by jsbt
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I'm out of town so cant watch. I don't get the love potion. Does Liv want to set up Dante and BLQ?  Or is this gping to be the hilarious consequence of the wrong person getting the love potion? Didnt I see that storyline on Gilligan's Island?

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Her main contribution was basically supporting a deeply unethical medical procedure. (I still want Portia to pay for that.) 

I honestly thought that was the phone call, that she was going to be going up against the board for what she did

17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Where is Monica? She should be at a hospital fundraiser being held in the backyard of her house. She could speak to Yuri in Russian/Belarusian.

i wonder if Leslie is okay? the last time she was on the show was like.... I wanna say...December? the last thing i remember was she blowing smoke up Millowtoin's butt about  Wiley and how Nina should pay but i can't remember when that was date was. then we had Fake Monica for the one day to declare she was having Jason being declared dead and the that's it. NO Monica at all. not even a "she's at a convention."

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21 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Shut up, Olivia. You're one to talk about choosing bad partners. Remember hate-fucking Julian? You knew exactly what you were doing, despite your later protestations.

Remember when she thought they were going to be a big happy family.  Remember the matching holiday sweaters?  Yeah, shut the fuck up, Olivia.

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2 minutes ago, Blackie said:

I'm out of town so cant watch. I don't get the love potion. Does Liv want to set up Dante and BLQ?  Or is this gping to be the hilarious consequence of the wrong person getting the love potion? Didnt I see that storyline on Gilligan's Island?

It could not be worse than the story on OLTL where Ilene Kristen (a.k.a. Ava's mom) and Nigel the gay butler were hypnotized to fall in love.

1 minute ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Remember when she thought they were going to be a big happy family.  Remember the matching holiday sweaters?

I still can't believe that happened.

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12 minutes ago, Blackie said:

I'm out of town so cant watch. I don't get the love potion. Does Liv want to set up Dante and BLQ? 

No, she wants it for Dante and Sam, so they both get on the same page with what they want out of their relationship.

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Olivia and Brook Lynn talked about Nonna's love potion but it was Leo who mixed it to bring Dante and Sam together. (He spends all day with Sam's kids anyway.) Leo's communications class is putting on a very much redacted version of A Midsummer Night's Dream and infected Leo with the idea of love potions.

At the end of the episode, we saw Sam drinking and looking at Chase, and Brook Lynn looking at Dante giving the impression that they are going to do a mixed-up couples like Hermia/Lysander/Demetrius/Helena.

Just as long as neither Carly/Drew nor Michael/Willow are the Oberon/Titania lovers.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

A Yuri sighting!

Delightful to see him. No reason that he should be there since it's for donors and Valentin isn't there, but nice to see him again.

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I hate the way the women are written.

Portia lying to Curtis about Trina, all the while accepting his marriage proposal. He left her once because she lied to him about being married. What does she think he'll do if the Trina secret is outed? Meanwhile, she wants her daughter tested for schizophrenia or whatever that phone call was about that Jordan was eavesdropping on. Portia hasn't learned anything. Nobody on this show learns anything.

Willow wants to wait to her second trimester before she starts her treatment and will not tell Michael that she's sick. So on the one hand, I get why she wouldn't tell Michael anything. I wouldn't tell him either. In fact, I'd pack my bags and leave this dumbass behind. The real reason she's not telling him is because he'll probably want her to start the treatment right this minute and risk the baby's life if he doesn't tell her that she should get an abortion.

I don't even know why the writers decided to make her pregnant. They already can't write an illness storyline properly, so throwing in a pregnancy on top makes absolute logical sense. Of course, this is probably to mirror Nina who was pregnant and comatose.

The good scenes today were shockingly between Jordan and Fedora. A mature, heartfelt, grown-up conversation before we move on to Michael slamming doors in Sonny's face like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Our romantic leads, everyone. Bravo!

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2 hours ago, jsbt said:

It's JMO, but I really don't care about Nikolas and Ava fucking around on each other bc they're both deeply morally questionable people at this point.

I agree, and I think the show should write the as such. Cheating per se shouldn't be the big deal, the issue should be with whom and why. Ava has every right to be angry that Nik slept with Esmé: There was no benefit to anyone but Nik's penis. Had he slept with her to trap her, that's another story, but that's not how it was framed.

2 hours ago, Daisy said:
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Her main contribution was basically supporting a deeply unethical medical procedure. (I still want Portia to pay for that.) 

I honestly thought that was the phone call, that she was going to be going up against the board for what she did

Same. I'm so disappointed it's about this badly written schizophrenia/paternity story.

2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Remember when she thought they were going to be a big happy family.  Remember the matching holiday sweaters?

I did enjoy the Olympic level of passive-aggressiveness she had with Julian and Alexis, even as it was enraging because Olivia only had herself to blame.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

At the end of the episode, we saw Sam drinking and looking at Chase, and Brook Lynn looking at Dante giving the impression that they are going to do a mixed-up couples like Hermia/Lysander/Demetrius/Helena.

Because I know something like this will be done VERY badly, I'd rather see everyone who took a cup of whateverthatwas from that tray get sick. People puking on Michael, Olivia, Carly, and company would be very amusing. 

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I do realize that the soaps have diminished financial resources now than 20 years ago but that “Charity for GH Children’s Wing” today was beyond pathetic. Why did these writers even bother with that? They could have just talked about it like they do every other happening on these shows and then told us about it the next day or two. I’m old enough to remember the good old days of celebrations, holidays, Nurse’s Balls, weddings, etc. They were grand and fun with lots of beautiful clothes. GH now is just sad.

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10 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I do realize that the soaps have diminished financial resources now than 20 years ago but that “Charity for GH Children’s Wing” today was beyond pathetic. Why did these writers even bother with that? They could have just talked about it like they do every other happening on these shows and then told us about it the next day or two. I’m old enough to remember the good old days of celebrations, holidays, Nurse’s Balls, weddings, etc. They were grand and fun with lots of beautiful clothes. GH now is just sad.

It’s possible some of it was for Covid reasons

Regarding Willow, I wonder how she thinks she’ll be able to hide her symptoms for a few weeks?

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13 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I do realize that the soaps have diminished financial resources now than 20 years ago but that “Charity for GH Children’s Wing” today was beyond pathetic. Why did these writers even bother with that? They could have just talked about it like they do every other happening on these shows and then told us about it the next day or two. I’m old enough to remember the good old days of celebrations, holidays, Nurse’s Balls, weddings, etc. They were grand and fun with lots of beautiful clothes. GH now is just sad.

These parties are just an excuse to burn minimums. You can tell how there’s basically the same dozen characters who attend those things, nothing interesting happens, and more than half of them are glorified extras 

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I mean, seriously, Drew is just a big idiot doofus at this point. He has zero personality, except for the stupid shit-eating grin CM wears in every scene. And he has no life, except for following Carly around like a thirsty puppy dog. I can't even stand to look at him anymore. And his voice sounds like Winnie the Pooh. ...um, I guess I just needed to get that off my chest. : D

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11 hours ago, Daisy said:

I don't even think Nik's been in a relationship where he hasn't cheated (and I think almost every time it's always someone else's fault he never woulda done it otherwise). so yeah my fault for not going more into depth in my original statement but that's where it is coming from. others could probably forgive it and see it as just a roadblock. (heck. maybe i will, if the story is good enough who knows) but as for now. what Nik did just makes the couple not rootable for me.

I personally don’t care about Ava and Nik - I like her, but this version of Nikolas is so stupid and classless that I can’t care much about him. But Nikolas as a character needs to stop sleeping with his family members significant others. This is the third time he’s done it - and to what should be the most important person in his life.

I don’t care if Spencer was already done with Esme, or if Esme and her evil manipulative woman parts just forced him into it beyond his control. I don’t care if Spencer is a brat who did bad things to Ava. All that stupidity with stalking Ava already laid bare his insecurities about his father’s love and Nik does this? Even if Ava forgives him I hope Spencer never does. 

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5 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I can’t with this recast of Jordan.  Half the time I don’t even remember who she’s supposed to be.  Nothing against the actress as she actually has more emotions than the previous Jordan but for some reason this recast just doesn’t work for me at all.

The actress is too young for the role. She looks more like she should be Rory's partner in rookie cop shenanigans instead of the Police Commissioner. 

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On 8/18/2022 at 4:01 PM, perkie1968 said:

I'm guessing he's not.  We have Jordan as commisioner, Mac as Chief of Detectives, Dante as detective and Rory as newbie, along with the handful of regular officers that we see now and then.  On a force that does no work and catches no bad guy.  

edited to add:  there's also Valerie, who may or may not have gotten lost on her back from the evidence room.  

Valerie got ‘Chuck Cunninghamed’.

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3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I do realize that the soaps have diminished financial resources now than 20 years ago but that “Charity for GH Children’s Wing” today was beyond pathetic.

And of course--OF COURSE--Carly and Drew had to win every ~contest they were in.  Because they're SUCH A GOOD TEAM!  EVERYBODY SEES IT!  Oh, why won't these two soulmates realize it...

Sonny telling Michael if he ever shut a door on him again it would be the last door he ever shut was *chef's kiss.*  He's behaving like such an adolescent.  I hope he chokes on all that snotty contempt he has for Nina when she ends up saving insipid Willow and Golden Spawn 2.0 from Le Leukemia. 

Olivia has zero class.  She's totally that person who demands to see the manager and when she doesn't get her way tells the other person they're not being a good Christian.

LOL'ing forever at the blocking in the proposal scene destroying the illusion that the pool was more than 18 inches deep.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Michael is such a spoiled brat. The door slamming to the person who raised you was horrid. Sonny needs to make do on his threat. 

Of course Carly has to win all the contests. 

The love potion is stupid. 

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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Robin and Jason

Robert and Holly

So there are some couples who were together where there was no cheating.

Jason was sleeping with Carly when he and Robin first started dating. She forgave him because he didn't understand why that wasn't cool and broke it off with Carly after she explained to him why it wasn't okay.

Didn't Holly cheat on Robert with Luke? Isn't that how Ethan came to be?

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23 hours ago, Artsda said:

Michael is such a spoiled brat. The door slamming to the person who raised you was horrid. Sonny needs to make do on his threat. 

Of course Carly has to win all the contests. 

The love potion is stupid. 

Michael could of won some points if he asked Sonny if he would shoot him like he shot AJ.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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2 hours ago, Steph J said:

Didn't Holly cheat on Robert with Luke? Isn't that how Ethan came to be?

I always assumed Holly wasn't with Robert at that point, but I forgot that in those years she was away from the show people thought Holly was dead. I would love to see the scenes where this affair is first explained again - I've been digging through transcripts but can't find the first discussion. I remember them being elaborately detailed in the classic Guza team way, but unfortunately also era-typical cynical shit - something about how Luke came home and Laura just knew and quietly forgave him? And was she still also with Robert, or did Holly let Luke in on faking her death or something? 

Edited by jsbt
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Good grief, the actress who plays Portia is stunning! Today they had her wearing a bikini top and sarong skirt with Curtis who is equally gorgeous. What a great figure, beautiful hair and oh my gosh her skin - flawless! Brook Kerr - just looked her up. She is 48 years old!  That has to be a combo of good genes and good self care. 

I also love how Nick Chavez can stand up to real daytime legends - today with Maura West. So good. Also the Esme actress is fantastic too! 

Edited by seasons
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13 hours ago, jsbt said:

Did he cheat on Gia or (shudder) Britt?

No real cheating on Gia, but he dumped her and pretended to be in love with Elizabeth to make Helena think he was toeing the line (Helena and Stefan both found Gia "unsuitable" for him, and it definitely looked race-related). Then, in the Nem period with Natalia and Tyler, they had Nikolas saying when he was with Gia, he was secretly thinking about absent Emily, even when they were looking at a wedding dress.

So he's always been a shitty partner.  

Today's show: When Willow was hemming and hawing so much before spitting out the leukemia news, I just knew there was going to be some dumb thing to prevent it coming out. What it turned out to be was even dumber than I anticipated. This is a Sonny I can put up with. Especially when he's opposite Michael, who is regressing to the Dylan Cash version. I liked the Sonny/Olivia scene. 

I still find Ava and Nikolas cute together; I can't help it. But the current hairstyle on Nikolas just makes their not-very-significant age difference seem wider. So does direction like having her lead him out of a room.  

It's a low bar, but Jordan III's scenes with Marshall re: schizophrenia, forgiveness, and dead Tommy were her best showing since she got the role. 

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I wish I trusted the writers to make this love potion/ couple switch fun, but I have doubts.

I also wonder why this wasn't done as a light, fun summer plotline as a counter to the nasty custody fight and revenge porn trial. Starting it at the end of summer instead of, say, July 4th?

And why the hell is Carly/ Drew in the mix? While Drew has a history with Sam, Carly isn't a remotely plausible pairing with Chase or Dante ( or Nic, as he and Ava were also potential potion drinkers. )

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11 hours ago, Steph J said:

Jason was sleeping with Carly when he and Robin first started dating. She forgave him because he didn't understand why that wasn't cool and broke it off with Carly after she explained to him why it wasn't okay.

Didn't Holly cheat on Robert with Luke? Isn't that how Ethan came to be?

  1. I don't count that because it wasn't deliberate cheating and Jason was still newly brain damaged.
  2. I don't believe that shit because it was a fucking retcon to explain Ethan away-especially since all the people involved were OFFSCREENVILLE.  The "cheating" happened during a time when Luke and Laura were HAPPY. So Fuck Guzasshole and Geary, who wanted this.
9 hours ago, jsbt said:

I always assumed Holly wasn't with Robert at that point, but I forgot that in those years she was away from the show people thought Holly was dead. I would love to see the scenes where this affair is first explained again - I've been digging through transcripts but can't find the first discussion. I remember them being elaborately detailed in the classic Guza team way, but unfortunately also era-typical cynical shit - something about how Luke came home and Laura just knew and quietly forgave him? And was she still also with Robert, or did Holly let Luke in on faking her death or something? 

It was made up bullshit about how Luke and Holly were in Singapore or somewhere and were trapped in some kind of thing and they thought they were going to die, so they fucked. Again, we, the viewers, didn't see ANY OF THIS TAKE PLACE. And as I stated above, makes no sense and I don't believe a fucking minute of it, since Luke and Laura were finally happy during that time.

You can never trust DNA on this show anyway, so I'm going with Ethan being a chimera.

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7 hours ago, seasons said:

Brook Kerr - just looked her up. She is 48 years old!  That has to be a combo of good genes and good self care. 

I thought for sure you had that wrong and she was 38, but yeah, born in '73.  Wow, she looks great.

I also liked the Jordan/Marshall scenes yesterday.  It's always a nice shock when people act like adults and aren't screaming at each other.

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3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I liked the Sonny/Olivia scene. 

Except for her stupid dig at Nina at the beginning—Nina has NEVER lorded owning half the MetroCourt over Carly, FFS—same. Sonny's exasperated "why can't we all just get along?" was nicely done.

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2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

And why the hell is Carly/ Drew in the mix? While Drew has a history with Sam, Carly isn't a remotely plausible pairing with Chase or Dante

Didn't they show chase/Sam and Dante/Brook Lynn?  One in each of those pairings will have drunk the potion and be into the other, causing the correct  pairing to realize their true feelings and fight for the person they want.  If that made any sense.  

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
  1. I don't count that because it wasn't deliberate cheating and Jason was still newly brain damaged.
  2. I don't believe that shit because it was a fucking retcon to explain Ethan away-especially since all the people involved were OFFSCREENVILLE.  The "cheating" happened during a time when Luke and Laura were HAPPY. So Fuck Guzasshole and Geary, who wanted this.

It was made up bullshit about how Luke and Holly were in Singapore or somewhere and were trapped in some kind of thing and they thought they were going to die, so they fucked. Again, we, the viewers, didn't see ANY OF THIS TAKE PLACE. And as I stated above, makes no sense and I don't believe a fucking minute of it, since Luke and Laura were finally happy during that time.

You can never trust DNA on this show anyway, so I'm going with Ethan being a chimera.

Speaking of Holly being trapped, what happened with that recent storyline where Robert and Olivia were in some casino and the viewers saw Holly bound and gagged? I was looking forward to seeing Emma on the show and the story was just dropped, I think. What was the point of that?

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Just now, BunnyFooFoo said:

Speaking of Holly being trapped, what happened with that recent storyline where Robert and Olivia were in some casino and the viewers saw Holly bound and gagged? I was looking forward to seeing Emma on the show and the story was just dropped, I think. What was the point of that?

Emma got COVID shortly after that scene, so they had to drop that storyline.

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Y'all. you know i like the schmoopy.  but i am not here for Drewfus and Carly's schmoopy. AM NOT. anyway, Carly wants to know if Drewfus is warm for her form. She starts to walk it back. Drewfus tells her that he is flirting with her.  Carly admits that she was doing the same. Drewfus says "every man alive has considered putting the moves on Carly." Skipole! SKIPOLE! I don't even care because when the truth comes out about Nina i don't even think he'll be mad. they kiss. I DO NOT APPROVE. 

Dante and Sam are passive aggressive about moving in/not moving in together.  Dante apologizes. Sam starts sobbing that she could never live up to Dante's vision of Lulu. Dante says the only woman he wants now is Sam. Sam decides to move in.... Dante goes  "um don't want this though." Dante clarifies that they'll move into the penthouse.

Chase + BLQ FINALLY tell each other that they like each other and kiss. I approve it. Leo confesses about the love potion. BLQ is now all "you only kissed me because of the potion. maybe this is just because it." OH MY GOD. WHY. WHHHYYYY. don't walk this back.  Chase is not happy. Me either. Chase says he won't accept being pushed away. BLQ says she's scared. Chase says he's terrified. they agree to be in. They kiss again. I approve.

Ned is flabbergasted about this whole "love potion" stuff. Olivia goes "Titania isn't the only one in love with an ass!" (okay that was kind of funny. but also. Shut up Olivia). 

CopBoy + Trina are having a first date. Trina rightly goes our relationship is lopsided you know all about me but I know nothing about you. maybe you should have realized that before you called each other boyfriend/girlfriend? CopBoy says maybe Trina won't like him because he's a graphic novelist, chef and other stuff. Trina says shut up. that's all cool stuff. They decide to go to the pool.

more squeally over the ring. Curtis (in front of Anna) says  to Portia their house is all ready for sexy times. Anna lalalala's. so do I.  Jordan tells Portia to be flat out transparent. Portia says she is and that she + Curtis has no secrets. 

Spencer and portia have a moment. Portia is basically like just move on from Trina but i mean you helped her so i am gracious enough to say "I hope you can get happiness to." Oh shut up Portia. 

Portia tells Trina she's engaged. 
Trina "where?!"
Portia: "in the pool!"
Trina: in the.... pool?  sure.... guess that's romantic.

Portia legit thought she could give the genetic counsellor Trina's dna and get the info w/o  involving Trina. lol 

Ms Woo threatens Curtis. Good. 

Edited by Daisy
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3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Dante and Sam are passive aggressive about moving in/not moving in together.  Dante apologizes. Sam starts sobbing that she could never live up to Dante's vision of Lulu. Dante says the only woman he wants now is Sam. Sam decides to move in.... Dante goes  "um don't want this though." Dante clarifies that they'll move into the penthouse.

Sam doesn't want to move herself and the kids to Dante's place because she doesn't want to be surrounded by memories of Lulu and Dante/Lulu's life together - so Dante/Rocco are moving into the penthouse where Sam has memories of her life with Jason AND her life with Drew? 

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1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

Sam doesn't want to move herself and the kids to Dante's place because she doesn't want to be surrounded by memories of Lulu and Dante/Lulu's life together - so Dante/Rocco are moving into the penthouse where Sam has memories of her life with Jason AND her life with Drew? 

LOL. Translation:
We have the set for Sam. We don't have the set for the Lulupad, and we don't want another set for them having their own house so....yeah we'll just ignore that Dante has to  live with Jason/Drew memories. 

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4 minutes ago, Daisy said:

LOL. Translation:
We have the set for Sam. We don't have the set for the Lulupad, and we don't want another set for them having their own house so....yeah we'll just ignore that Dante has to  live with Jason/Drew memories. 

Side note: are Danny and Rocco expected to share a room or are there more than three upstairs? I don't even remember.

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I complain about this show a lot but Jordan figuring out Trina's paternity, telling Portia not to keep secrets, Portia replying that she and Curtis don't keep secrets from each other, and then cutting to Curtis and his Selina Wu secret was very good writing.

I also like how they're showing that Trina is with Rory but still interested in Spencer.

Selina is so quiet and creepy. See, that's how you do mobbing.

Portia is losing all her ethics, and is now asking another doctor to drop hers. She's a doctor at GH so why doesn't she just order the genetics test herself? If Carly could do it, so can she. (

Drew telling Carly that every man alive has thought about putting the moves on her -- no, not the old Drew, the one I respected.

If I were a rich donor to GH and invited to a function to fork over more, the last person I would want cooking is "I don't know how a kitchen works" Carly.

The Leo kid is a real find.

Dante/Sam, Chase/Brook Lynn, Curtis/Portia, Trina/Rory -- a boring episode for me because I don't care about any of the couples.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Portia is losing all her ethics, and is now asking another doctor to drop hers. She's a doctor at GH so why doesn't she just order the genetics test herself? If Carly could do it, so can she. (

well Carly did a paternity test. Portia wants a genetic thing. (like Bailey's genome lab thinger on Grey's). 

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