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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Carly - Ned didn't betray  the family for his own ego. and I knew this was going happen. They are flat out ignoring how this wasn't really a good thing fo ELQ other than wresting control from Val? no one talks about that.  And now Carly is all who turned on the family GROWL bitch it's not your family, and I can't wait until your life implodes. Oh NOW ELQ is Drew's "Family's company"  heh. There is not a lot of anguish on Carly's end. I am very disappoint.  Thank you. There is no way for Carly to get the hotel back.  - NOW Carly is upset. hahahaah yas. YAS. Reggie is the hero  of the hour. 

And here is Olivia telling Ned he should have compromised. Why aren't you having this argument with them, you dipstick?  Why did you even remarry Olivia, Ned, is she ever on Ned's side on anything?  Here is a thing. did Olivia ever ask Ned to talk about what he was thinking? Its not like this came out of no where. Why does ned always have to be the one to bring it up. You tell him EVERY chance you get you don't care about the family, and quite frankly - if Olivia DID know she'd blab everything to the dipsticks anyway.  Ned needed support right now, and Olivia made it all about her and her feelings. Shut up, Cow.  Also. Olivia. Leo is calling Ned "Dad" maybe you should call Ned "Dad" when talking to Leo. 

Leo hears Michael plotting. blow him out of the water, Leo!

Willow bitches to Nina about Michael losing. then goes. "Well I don't want to be a go between." then shut your mouth, you cow. LOL Lisel is like "Willow is gone now, you don't have to pretend about this woman." yas Lisel 

Awww. Nina and Sonny are so cute. 
i think my brain got kidnapped. 

Oh yay. more Piph being a doctor.  and there's that bed side manner kicking in. Willow is legit lying to the doctors about her health. dumbass. I wonder actually if Willow has anemia. It sucks. (still suffering from it). 

Oh Michael HAS noticed.and did nothing. You suck. Willow is stupid. WHY ARE YOU LYING TO THE DOCTOR, YOU DIPSTICK. Maybe the are giving her diabetes, if her pressure and sugars are low.  Now they are both bad mouthing Ned. Ned owes you NOTHING. WILLOW. 

I can predict the future. She's gonna have a baby, the baby is going to need something and Nina has to save the day. Reverse Sam-Baby Lila - Kristina storyline. this sucks. this sucks. so much monkey. 

:( This is payment for relishing in Carly's tears. another Michael spawn

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Shut up, Olivia. I'm so tired of her dinging Ned for ELQ. He can't win with her.

6 minutes ago, Daisy said:


*would have a rage blackout if I could muster the energy for it. This show has broken me, y'all.*

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19 minutes ago, blondiek237 said:

I thought Carly was going to be a physical therapist not a nurse.

She was for a while. She became Katherine Bell's personal physical therapist when she was briefly paralyzed after Stefan Cassadine (accidentally) shot her. Luke blackmailed her into spying on Katherine and Stefan for him. I don't remember her being particularly successful at either task.

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Fuck you, show. Seriously.

Michael and Willow totally need another kid to ruin. So this moron has been missing her period for 3 months and she hasn't noticed? One month, I can see. Two months, maybe. But three?

She shouldn't be anyone's nurse.

Patient: I missed my period three months straight.

Willow: Did you have breakfast?

I can't even comment on the rest, I'm so angry.

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43 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

So yes, at least with Comcast there is an option to record every airing of the show.

That's how I have mine set up: repeat/new and duplicates. And yet, my dvr didn't record Genie's special episode or the one from Monday.

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Just now, GHScorpiosRule said:

That's how I have mine set up: repeat/new and duplicates. And yet, my dvr didn't record Genie's special episode or the one from Monday.

the same, mine is set up for duplicates and new ones b it's missing some of the episodes anyway

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Willow is barely in the hospital door and Epiphany is already yelling at her. Heh.  Horrible bedside manner but given the patient I approve. Really good picture of Pip in the opening credits though, have they changed her picture recently?  I never noticed. 

Drew: “I thought Ned would always side with the family”. He has you nitwit, it’s just he’s doing what’s best for ELQ (and the family) in the long run, while you and Michael can barely see past your noses. 

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Are we supposed to enjoy watching Olivia bitch out Ned for not putting Michael's wishes ahead of his own? She's spent years yelling at him for putting business first and now she's mad that he didn't consult her.

"Leo will suffer if you alienate the family."  Yes, because Michael will take it out on a little boy.

Aurora stock crashes and neither Michael nor Drew lift a finger to fix it. At least Drew acknowledged that he should have listened to Ned's concerns.

Carly: "Doesn't get that the merger is good for ELQ?" Says the woman who just stupidly lost all her money. No Carly, Valentin running ELQ is good for ELQ.

Michael telling Leo that being mad at each other is in the Quartermaine genes. Which Olivia has none of.

Nice juxtaposition of Sonny helping Willow with Michael trying to 'burn him to the ground.'

"My relationship with Scott is different than Faison and Victor."  "Because they're not deranged?" 😆

"Why not make it permanent?"  Nina doesn't realize that she's on a soap opera and no marriage is permanent.

Epiphany, physics is a piece of cake compared to the Krebs cycle and organic chemistry.

18 minutes ago, Daisy said:


This isn't even soapy. It's just boring.

The Corinthos clan and Michael particularly is due for a tock. But they will blame Nina.😡

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Fucking Michael worse than Shiloh. Barges right in the exam room without even knocking. You guys are right, Willow is in just as much of a cult with Michael than she was with DOD. 

Geez, Nina looks fantastic is a swimsuit. And Carly is so pretty too, Liesl, Sasha... everyone looking great this summer.

Also, shut up Olivia. So righteous.

Edited by seasons
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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

This isn't even soapy. It's just boring.

and that's my issue with it.  As @Cheyanne11 said she's basically looked like the Walking Dead for months, and "you are pregnant!" is the best they can do? And like @YaddaYadda said - this moron didn't realize she was missing her period for three months? and (thankfully) they weren't even actively trying, so any normal person regardless of stress and whatever, would know after month two that your period was missing. 

Unless they are going to do some kind of plot twist, and she had a false positive, what was the point with all the convenientious stuff?and this is going to to do NOTHING to speed up the fact that Carly knows about Nina. And what pregnancy symptom is hyperventelling and passing out everytime you are stressed? like waste my time show more, why don't you. 

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3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

this moron didn't realize she was missing her period for three months?

She's been pregnant before, too, and didn't recognize any of the signs?  Let me guess: "I've been so stressed because of NINA that I didn't take care of myself!"

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43 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

*would have a rage blackout if I could muster the energy for it. This show has broken me, y'all.*

Agreed.  This is so fucking stupid I can not even rage about it.  Also, the first time Willow fainted (IN THE HOSPITAL) didn’t they do bloodwork??  Why am I trying to make sense of this dreck?!

On to better things—Carly had THE BEST “oh shit” face when Drew said she likely took a huge financial hit.  I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head.  Gold.

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3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

and that's my issue with it.  As @Cheyanne11 said she's basically looked like the Walking Dead for months, and "you are pregnant!" is the best they can do? And like @YaddaYadda said - this moron didn't realize she was missing her period for three months? and (thankfully) they weren't even actively trying, so any normal person regardless of stress and whatever, would know after month two that your period was missing. 

No, they weren't, but they did have that nasty ass sex about 4-6 weeks ago. So the pregnancy might actually be a more recent thing than 3 months.

Still, fuck you writers! 

Nobody needs another baby, least of all Michael and Willow. Michael needs a baby like he needs another bullet to the head.

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nobody needs another baby, least of all Michael and Willow.

Has anyone asked Wiley if this is OK with him?  If he doesn't sign off on it, I just don't know...

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

No, they weren't, but they did have that nasty ass sex about 4-6 weeks ago. So the pregnancy might actually be a more recent thing than 3 months.


so she could still have something that is making her Walking Dead sick and now the baby could complicate things (ie: treatment). i can live with this especially if it means they tock this baby too. 

I'm still trying to figure out how they are gonna tie nina in here

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Maybe the new baby is going to need some kind of genetic testing..........for some farfetched reason. And........for some farfetched reason they compare his DNA to Wiley/Wylie. Then they discover that the two not only share paternity but there is a connection on the maternal side also because Willow is Wiley/Wylie's aunt. The mystery of how that has happened causes Michael to go around with his constipated/confused look for 9 months while Willow looks defeated and downtrodden.  Carly meanwhile says nothing about what she knows. 

Edited by Liddy52
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Maybe for the pregnancy to be viable, Nina will have to donate bone marrow or something. I really can't bear this secret going on for much longer. Let's hit Carly while she's reeling from her financial loss.

3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Michael telling Leo that being mad at each other is in the Quartermaine genes. Which Olivia has none of.

Neither did Julian, Leo's bio dad. Just say people argue but it doesn't mean they don't love each other. Family really doesn't have anything to do with it.

LOL that Willow calls herself a good mom. She sets no boundaries and indulges that stupid kid all the time. 

I really like that Liesl turned down Scott's proposal because it was meant as an apology. She does deserve more, and I like that she knows it.

Again, SHUT UP, Olivia. You want Ned to confide in you? Stop haranguing him about his choices.

2 minutes ago, seasons said:

Geez, Nina looks fantastic is a swimsuit. And Carly is so pretty too, Liesl, Sasha... everyone looking great this summer.

It helps that the wardrobe choices match the season, heh.

1 minute ago, Daisy said:

this moron didn't realize she was missing her period for three months?

I was terrified I was pregnant when I was a week late. (Spoiler: I wasn't pregnant, thank goodness.) And I had a really irregular cycle. Yet I was able to keep track of things such as they were, and that was in the days before tracking apps. I used a paper calendar!

I really hate how feeble they're making Willow. 

2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nobody needs another baby, least of all Michael and Willow. Michael needs a baby like he needs another bullet to the head.

Michael DOES need another bullet to the head. He needs a baby like he needs to be head of ELQ.

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I thought for sure it would be leukemia, BOooo!!  Willow is so under weight she probably barely has a regular period. I hate to see another baby die or suffer. The only good outcome could be that when she finds out that Carly has been hiding the Nina secret she leaves Michael (who sides with his mom), and goes to live with Nina and the Carly has to fight  visitation of the Michael spawn,

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Ok so we only saw like a millisecond of her reaction at the end but between that and the preview of her saying she had something to tell Michael it doesn’t look like Willow is exactly overjoyed at the news that she’s pregnant.  I don’t think tptb would be ballsy enough to go that route, especially in this current climate, but it would make the story more interesting.

Unfortunately I’m thinking the predictable will happen - baby will need bone marrow/something or maybe Willow will get sick after giving birth and need something and that’s how the truth about Nina will come out.  

Edited by mostlylurking
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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Michael telling Leo that being mad at each other is in the Quartermaine genes. Which Olivia has none of.

Michael telling something like that to a child, and one with autism, makes him a special kind of asshole.

9 minutes ago, Daisy said:


so she could still have something that is making her Walking Dead sick and now the baby could complicate things (ie: treatment). i can live with this especially if it means they tock this baby too. 

I'm still trying to figure out how they are gonna tie nina in here

I think it's possible. GH might go with a storyline where it's either the baby's life or Willow's. 

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"Quartermaine control". She means Michael's control and he is only a Q by blood. I know blood is usually a more serious thing, but in Michael's case, Michael was going to be Sonny's son and the only time Jason gave a remote shit about the family is when he directly or indirectly got them killed.And why is Michael and Drew the ones that should be in charge? Because Carly's estranged husband killed AJ, who would have bleed himself to be CEO. Now I feel bad for Drew to some extent. Aside from kissing Carly's ass, he does have a good relationship with Monica and probably wouldn't have treated the Qs like dirt when Lila and Edward were alive; just go along with Ned and Lila in their frustration with the family.  So in a way, Michael is less of a Q than Drew and Justice who had the excuse of finding out they were Qs later in life. Carly and Sonny only saw Michael as a "Q" when that meant he would be in control of ELQ, without have to be part of the Q family.  Michael also doesn't look sympathic because of how poorly he seems to be treating Ned. Ned, who had defended Michael in the past, was an active member of the family (for better or worse) and helped keep ELQ afloat for decades, is on Valentin's side. It is between Michael, a fair weather Q vs Ned, who has weathered through all of the Qs storms. 

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Man, do the writers know ANY stories that don't involve babies/ children?

We just got done with the custody hearing, and before that Baily/Louise drama, and the Sasha/Brando tock. 

Before that it was the Wiley reveal, which followed the Wiley kidnapping, Carly's pointless Donna in Utero health scare 

I feel like we've been mired in baby stories for at least two years straight.

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31 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

She's been pregnant before, too, and didn't recognize any of the signs?  Let me guess: "I've been so stressed because of NINA that I didn't take care of myself!"

Willow also had a pregnancy scare with Chase where they talked about how she was not ready to have a child when the results turned up negative.

She is about to become a nurse and her last pregnancy was traumatic due to how she got pregnant/adoption/baby death.

The writers should throw out what they had planned and write in an abortion story and actually be topical. Willow can have one in New York.

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15 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I’m thinking the predictable will happen - baby will need bone marrow/something or maybe Willow will get sick after giving birth and need something and that’s how the truth about Nina will come out.  

so like in 9 months,  the magic "9 months", Carly will have to fess up to the secret to save Willow and or baby.

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Olivia says that Ned shouldn't have voted "not" because he doesn't need Michael and Drew to be his enemies. What she's not hearing Ned say is that Michael and Drew were already his enemies; they were squeezing him out. Does she really think he should have just gone along with that plan for the sake of the somewhat iffy family feelings?

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12 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Man, do the writers know ANY stories that don't involve babies/ children?

Not for the wimmins, no.

Michael is a Q when it's convenient for him, so he can shove his "do what's best for the family" spiel. Ugh.

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9 minutes ago, nilyank said:

The writers should throw out what they had planned and write in an abortion story and actually be topical. Willow can have one in New York.

They could, but they won't.

The show is behind by 10 episodes if we go by TJ wishing Epiphany a Happy Juneteenth. They must be ahead another two months in the filming.

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Olivia today and Michael (I think?) the last episode said Ned should have offered a compromise instead of saying no. He did offer one after they didn’t want him to be CEO. He asked for all 3 of them to be in charge and to each get a vote. Michael and Drew scoffed at that. So by compromise, they meant Ned should have caved, and what’s worse, cave to a guy who had zero involvement with ELQ and another who barely cares about ELQ and basically just wants control of ELQ now as a way to seek revenge against his dad.

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10 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Olivia today and Michael (I think?) the last episode said Ned should have offered a compromise instead of saying no. He did offer one after they didn’t want him to be CEO. He asked for all 3 of them to be in charge and to each get a vote. Michael and Drew scoffed at that.

But it was OK for Michael and Drew to be Co-CEOs.  So two: good.  Three: why are you being so unreasonable, Ned?

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22 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But it was OK for Michael and Drew to be Co-CEOs.  So two: good.  Three: why are you being so unreasonable, Ned?

True and honestly, Michael should have the least influence here. He’s not involved with ELQ currently by his choice since he could no longer be CEO and Sam might have gifted him a CEO position with Aurora but he has no stake in the company. Why is he driving the decisions here?

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So great to see Carly, who is nothing but a big bully with a totally skewed sense of her own intelligence get a full dose of how dumb she really is. She should've never butted her nose into the ELQ/Aurora stuff but couldn't help herself. I love seeing her hoist by her own petard, first with this and soon enough with the Willow secret. I know they'll write her doing something heroic and rebounding from it all but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy it. 

I fully expect like most others for Nina to be revealed as Willow's mother when Willow needs something only Nina can be a donor for. I don't think she's just pregnant but sick as well. I also know that this is GH, and nobody can have sex without it resulting in conception, so in the back of my mind I'm wondering/waiting for the inevitable Nesme baby to not make it and provide something that baby Millow will need. 

Lisel looked fabulous! Nina looked great too. I loved both of their coverups and chandelier earrings.

I do enjoy Sonny having nothing but eye rolls for Michael every time he sees him. At least someone on screen is expressing how we're all feeling about that dope. 

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My apologies for being a couple of episodes behind due to the whims of abc.com.  That Laura-specific episode brought tears to my eyes.  I started watching when Bobbie and Laura were fighting over Scottie back in the '70s.  What an awesome episode.   Way to go GH!  [now if they only could just wipe the Corinthos from the face of PC ... ]. 

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7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

True and honestly, Michael should have the least influence here. He’s not involved with ELQ currently by his choice since he could no longer be CEO and Sam might have gifted him a CEO position with Aurora but he has no stake in the company. Why is he driving the decisions here?

So, I wonder who (other than these "executives") actually works at ELQ or Aurora? What do the worker bees think about this and other weird strategies that have been made over the years? Is there a lot of turnover in the work force? I'd be surprised if they have any kind of stable employee base. I wonder if there's a lot of industry gossip coming from those folks. If so, I'd love to read it! :-)

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Willow also had a pregnancy scare with Chase where they talked about how she was not ready to have a child when the results turned up negative.

That was back when Willow had a brain and agency. I thought that discussion was refreshingly adult, especially for GH.

27 minutes ago, CharethCutestory said:

She should've never butted her nose into the ELQ/Aurora stuff but couldn't help herself.

The problem (aside from the insider trading) is she took way too big a risk by selling her half of the MetroCourt. Had she made a smaller investment, she wouldn't be in this predicament. Quick, someone offer her some NFTs and/or cryptocurrency and tell her it's a sure thing!

I love Valentin knowing Ned was likely to vote against the merger, and the rest of the dummies don't realize that's what makes him (Valentin) a better choice for CEO than Drew and Michael, who can't see past their own self-interests and egos.

27 minutes ago, CharethCutestory said:

I do enjoy Sonny having nothing but eye rolls for Michael every time he sees him. At least someone on screen is expressing how we're all feeling about that dope. 

Same, and for once Sonny's eye rolls are totally merited.

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I was Wondering if Carly should be starting a gofundme page or if we should do that for her. What's the amount we need for a room above Kelly's? $5? Should we include the inflation rate on this, or just leave it at $5?

Wouldn't it be great if the new owners of the hotel told Carly that she also can't work at the hotel.

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Oh, someone tweeted me that Ovarian Cancer can register as a positive pregnancy result - and they did stress there were more results to come. So maybe there is that, [please let it be that] 

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

She dabbled with both; she went farther with PT for some reason. Maybe it put her in closer proximity to Tony? I don't remember.

Yes, she was always trying to give Tony a "massage".  She was also the biggest suck-up to Monica, for some reason.  Carly was always trying to be helpful to the point of being annoying.

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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nobody needs another baby, least of all Michael and Willow. Michael needs a baby like he needs another bullet to the head.

I think Michael could use another bullet to the head the last time it happened he left a whiny mama's boy and returned angry and interesting so maybe the bullet could work again

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17 minutes ago, ouinason said:

Carly as the new manager of Kelly's, but only because of nepotism.  LOL.

As if Cam Webber hasn't suffered enough in his short life. Let him bus tables and make coffee in peace! 

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29 minutes ago, hcs said:

I think Michael could use another bullet to the head the last time it happened he left a whiny mama's boy and returned angry and interesting so maybe the bullet could work again

Only if he comes back as a different actor, because the one we have is really bad.

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Well, of course. Willow is pregnant but that’s the first test result that TJ got back. Next, it will be cancer, Lupus, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, etc., etc. Give us all a break and respect our collective intelligences for once.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Oh, someone tweeted me that Ovarian Cancer can register as a positive pregnancy result - and they did stress there were more results to come. So maybe there is that, [please let it be that] 

Ugh, hard pass.  My sister died from that--don't need to see GH make a joke of storyline about it.

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