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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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10 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

And I hate that the Show made Elizabeth stupid/naive in that moment - she knows her friend is an oncologist!!!  So how long is he going to keep this secret from his wife.

Ugh, I hate that it's for her "protection." Can the show not go to a gross cliché at every opportunity? No, it can't. 

Go ahead, Franco, die alone. 

Preview: Joss supposedly can vote. Last time we heard, she was 16/17, not 18.

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

Preview: Joss supposedly can vote. Last time we heard, she was 16/17, not 18.

I thought that was weird too. I had to search the actress' age and she's still 17 until next summer.

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4 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

😁🤣😂 You're too funny!! The story GH is going with at this moment is that Anna and Valentin are satisfied the test results prove that Alex - not Anna - gave her birth to Heinrik.  Anna decides she has to tell "Peter" immediately but not over the phone, so he can be prepared for Alex coming at him/trying to wreak havoc/whatever.  She no sooner gets off the phone with Valentin (he's gone to pursue Alex) and gets the lights back on in her home when Alex appears in the black witch costume, charging from the foyer straight at her. 

The audience assumes that Anna is unconscious, not dead, because she does not appear to be bleeding/wounded aside from head injury.


giphy.gif giphy.gif

But as to Anna's aaaaaaannnnnngst as if Heinrik is some puir waif:

image.png.1ee44e93d65a93c4570a0adf1272ae3e.png and giphy.gif

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The kids' Halloween costumes were so lame -- I thought that Joss suddenly was a cheerleader at school, and Trina was wearing everyday street clothes.  If it weren't for the patch on Trina's vest, I wouldn't have guessed it was a Star Wars costume.  Cam and Dev look like they forgot to shop until the last minute, and ended up with whatever costumes were left.

I forgot that Taggart could show up as the (yearly) dead character hiding out in plain sight in a Halloween costume.  I thought it would be Nelle.

Edited by ciarra
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Sonny in the undershirt was my Halloween scare.

1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Trina was wearing everyday street clothes.  If it weren't for the patch on Trina's vest, I wouldn't have guessed it was a Star Wars costume.


I kept thinking why is Trina not in costume but Joss is.  Then I sort of figured it out.  But that is standard for me these days. I never have a clue what the pop culture reference is for most of kids costumes especially if it is someone from the most recent Star Wars.


Ryan and Ava scene was good, truly creepy.


ETA:as above, I guess she was from a movie I actually saw Hahaha!  

Edited by Blackie
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ALSO:  why doesn't Anna just do a DNA test to find if she is the mother? did they explain that? The RA factor they test for is in blood so I don't know how reliable someones brain that has been floating in formaldehyde is. But Peter learned of his RA factor after genetic testing didn't he?  This storyline is stupid as usual.

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3 minutes ago, ouinason said:

Alex and Anna are identical twins, so DNA would say she's the mom either way.


Yes that is true, that is why this makes no sense. Didn't Peter find out about his "RA" factor after having genetic testing for Huntingtons?  I really need to stop analyzing GH's science (lack of) so much lol!

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Sam and Spinelli  being behind the Helena phone call--and being so goddamned smug about it--has me rooting for Peter big time.  AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM!!

When did Joss turn 18?  Carly saying "this is your first election!" in the previews makes no sense if she's not, but...she's not.  Oh, show.

Nik and Ava draw me in more and more every day.  They just click so well together.


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3 hours ago, ciarra said:

The kids' Halloween costumes were so lame -- I thought that Joss suddenly was a cheerleader at school, and Trina was wearing everyday street clothes.  If it weren't for the patch on Trina's vest, I wouldn't have guessed it was a Star Wars costume.  Cam and Dev look like they forgot to shop until the last minute, and ended up with whatever costumes were left!

It too me a minute to see that Trina was Princess Leia. Like you said, at first, I thought she hadn't chosen a costume! LOL! But then I noticed her hairstyle when she was sitting down and saw she was Princess Leia right away.

Dev was Dracula, right? For the life of me, I can't remember what Cam was. 

Nava is everything for me right now. I love all of their interactions. I esp liked how Nik noticed that Ava wasn't wearing her ring, and how Ava quickly went to retrieve it to assure him that she still had it! Even Julian noticed them. I'm glad it's all in the open now, and I can't wait to see Nik help Ava w/Ryan. Love Nava a lot! 

I hate Valentin and like Fanna, but Valentin and Anna do work well together. They could actually work! 

My Franco - I know he doesn't have many fans but I love the guy!! I hate that his tumor is back. I can understand not wanting to burden Liz or the boys. It seemed like he just wanted to have a good night w/them. I think he deserves some time to process alone.  For some reason, I don't think he's going to stick around town.  I feel like he'd rather leave and die alone rather than burden Liz and the boys w/his death. Cameron literally just watched a friend die from a brain tumor like a year or so ago! That's a bit much to do it again!

Anyway, I hope Teri is wrong about his tumor being inoperable, and I hope Franco isn't dying! 

Edited by lala2
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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Go ahead, Franco, die alone. 

From your keyboard to Frank's brain.   But I'm not so lucky that this would come true.

3 hours ago, ciarra said:

The kids' Halloween costumes were so lame -- I thought that Joss suddenly was a cheerleader at school, and Trina was wearing everyday street clothes.  If it weren't for the patch on Trina's vest, I wouldn't have guessed it was a Star Wars costume.  Cam and Dev look like they forgot to shop until the last minute, and ended up with whatever costumes were left.

I forgot that Taggart could show up as the (yearly) dead character hiding out in plain sight in a Halloween costume.  I thought it would be Nelle.

Trina was definitely Leia from Star Wars, especially when she asked Cam for a "family picture" with daddy Darth Vader (Trina's actual dad, Taggert).  I also assumed Joss was dressed as a cheerleader, too lazy to get an actual cool/fun costume. Totally agree about Cam and Dev's costumes. 

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I’m only through Tuesday and was going to post just how DUMB both Chase and Curtis were for not seeing that Bobblehead was high, not just drunk. Chase because he’s supposed to be a competent cop, but her sure isn’t acting like it. He’s never been around perps or people who’ve been using??

But at least Curtis saw it and pointed it out to Nina.

And just how STOOPID is Anna that she couldn’t have just approached Kevin and told him about Faison? Instead of breaking into his lab and doing a bad job lying about how she and Finn ended up in his locked lab.

All that said, Finola is just SO BEAUTIFUL and I covet her hair and love how she does her make-up. It really accentuates her eyes.

SHUT UP, Jar Jar Binks.

SHUT UP, Maxie.

Ohhhh Dante!!! I think it’s okay for you to shave now.

Robert! He of that charismatic smile and sparkling blue eyes!!!😍🥰🥰🥰😍

The hell? Willow is going around telling everyone that she’s getting an annulment as if she just got a shiny new toy or job promotion!🙄🙄🙄

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Oh my God. Brookieee finally removed the bandage from her throat and that “scar” looks like a giant hickie!!!😆😆😆😆😆 Or is it the lighting and there is no scar? Because the scar should be lower and on her right side; not up near her left ear!!!😜😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣

Just now, BlancheDevoreaux said:

And how about he and Michael have a Brothers Day and go get their hair cut together because... dang.

Don’t care too much about SLS, but yes to a hair cut as well for Dante.

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Sam and Spinelli  being behind the Helena phone call--and being so goddamned smug about it--has me rooting for Peter big time.  AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM!!

That was hella annoying.

As for the teens Halloween costumes, I would have actually laughed and appreciated it if Joss had dressed up as Corn.  

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So you remember how Valentin hired Sasha to be Nina's lost daughter in his strange way to make Nina happy?

I wouldn't put it past Valentin to have messed with Faison's test results when he realized that Anna thought that it was Alex and not Anna who gve birth and gave up Peter when he was born. In his own way trying to save Anna from her guilt.

There had to been a reason why they shows the results at GH before they were delivered to Anna. Anyone could have gotten a hand on it and switched the info in there.

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Since GH medical ethics are so fluid anyway, I would think Dr. Teri might think twice about sending "Biz" home with a former (tumor-induced) serial killer without warning her that the tumor was back and apparently already the size of Cleveland. But I am vaguely relieved to have the portrait graffiti mystery solved.  

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Franco is an ass for not telling Liz immediately. He's already had one creepy hallucination/dream of him holding a bloody knife. Teri told him hallucinations are a symptom, and he lies to her about that. He knows the tumor "caused" him to be a violent serial killer in the past. So yeah, let's just go home with the family without informing them. He's putting all of them at risk. 

I'm happy to at least see some stories moving along this week.

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13 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

When did Joss turn 18?  Carly saying "this is your first election!" in the previews makes no sense if she's not, but...she's not.  Oh, show.

Joss was born Nov 3 2009 so technically she should be 11!!  I;m not sure how old she was supposed to be when she was SORASed in 2015 but it could have been 13, making her turn 18 this year.  She spent about a year and half dating Oscar and she seemed to be 16 for that entire time.  I thought she would be turning 17 but it could be 18.  

Or the writers are idiots!

Edited by perkie1968
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The teen group are in their senior year (apparently having skipped their junior year) so unless Joss was held back academically, she shouldn't be able to vote.

I understand Franco not wanting to tell anyone right away (although he should soon since he's having hallucinations). It took me a few days to tell anyone when I got a cancer diagnosis because I needed to process things by myself first.  But come on show, I know that an oncologist is one of the few doctors that you have on staff but we just had an inoperable brain tumour on the show with Oscar. Come up with something new.

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46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The teen group are in their senior year (apparently having skipped their junior year) so unless Joss was held back academically, she shouldn't be able to vote.


I looked up to see her birthdate.  It was November 3 (obviously the year is irrelevant or she'd be 11). So if Port Charles has a September or October cut-off to start school, then she'll be 18 on election day and eligible to vote.

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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:
19 hours ago, Blackie said:

Didn't Peter find out about his "RA" factor after having genetic testing for Huntingtons? 

No, he found out about it last week, after he and Maxie did genetic testing for the pregnancy.  


This is what I mean, if Peter found out his RA factor from genetic testing then Anna could do genetic testing as well to see if she is the mom not Alex.  Makes no sense. 

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So, Terri can tell Franco's tumah is malignant from just seeing a scan?  And it's in the same place as last time, but last time they operated, and this time it's "inoperable"?  Are we sure this isn't some Halloween hallucination from Franco from eating a bad chocolate bar?

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1 hour ago, Blackie said:


This is what I mean, if Peter found out his RA factor from genetic testing then Anna could do genetic testing as well to see if she is the mom not Alex.  Makes no sense. 

It's not as simple as that.  And without testing Alex also, the test would be even more inconclusive if she did have it or if she didn't.

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I think some small SORASing was done for Cam, MiniSheBeast, and Trina.

It was just last summer (last year) that Cam was driving without a license-I could have sworn that it was conveyed he wasn’t old enough to drive even if Oscar bequeathed him the car.

And wasn’t MiniSheBeast, like 14 when she and Oscar started dating or whatever it was they were doing? So she and the others should be 17ish. I mean they draaaaaaaged out Oscar’s cancer for over a year, when he should have died within months after f being diagnosed with glioblastoma. But, whatever.

Otherwise Cam could have DRIVEN Trina and himself to the homecoming last fall instead of using the show’s version of Uber/Lyft. But then how else were they going to “kill” Taggert?

Yeah, again, whatever.

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But Cam can't drive Joss anywhere because Sonny's men have to "protect" her.

And therein lies a problem because thise men give  Joss the impression not that Sonny is a crook (because everyone around her who doesn't have cat scratch fever is telling her that he is a great man) but that she is special. Thus are narcissists created .

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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But Cam can't drive Joss anywhere because Sonny's men have to "protect" her.

And therein lies a problem because thise men give  Joss the impression not that Sonny is a crook (because everyone around her who doesn't have cat scratch fever is telling her that he is a great man) but that she is special. Thus are narcissists created .

My point was that in one year, the teens apparently were aged up 2 years, so the Show can let MiniSheBeast be 18 so she can vote! As she plays the daughter of the mob moll who is the “lead” of this FAKAKTA show, of course she has to take center and talk about voting. She must have slept through all her classes since Eden took over the role since she’s being informed how important it is, based on the non stop previews. Apparently in TV land, American history isn’t taught so the kids can learn about voting-one piece of history. I knew about its importance when I was 12!

I used the example of Cam not being old enough to drive to “show” the timeline.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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21 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I used the example of Cam not being old enough to drive to “show” the timeline.

I think he was old enough to drive, maybe just a learner's permit, which was revoked when he missed his community service for not buying drugs for Oscar.  He was old enough to drive when Oscar bequeathed him the car, because Liz and Franco went over insurance and parking(!?) with him, since apparently Liz lives in a neighborhood where you can't park cars on the street? 

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3 hours ago, ciarra said:

I think he was old enough to drive, maybe just a learner's permit, which was revoked when he missed his community service for not buying drugs for Oscar.  He was old enough to drive when Oscar bequeathed him the car, because Liz and Franco went over insurance and parking(!?) with him, since apparently Liz lives in a neighborhood where you can't park cars on the street? 

Okay, but he would still be 16. And that was last year.

I know it appears that I care about this, but I really don't. It's just my theory that I think the teens were SORASed by one year in order for the munificent Mini-SheBeast could go around prattling how voting isn't just a right, but a privilege.🙄

Because I had a Learner's Permit when I was 15. Got my license at 16. But that's in the real world, many years ago.

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2 hours ago, absnow54 said:

It’s 16 for a learner’s permit and 17 for a license in NY. 

Right. That's what I've been saying. They were 16 last year, which would make them 17 this year. So, aged up one year so they could "vote."

And that's the last I'll say on this. Promise!

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14 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Right. That's what I've been saying. They were 16 last year, which would make them 17 this year. So, aged up one year so they could "vote."


This show just does whatever for the story even though it doesn't make sense.  Like Peter getting his RA factor information from genetic testing even though it is a totally different kind of blood test. And that is the last I'll say on that as well!

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I guess Jess (and the other teens) has been mildly SORASed to 18, given how Carly said she can't believe Jess is 18. Trust Carly to harangue her daughter into voting. I can't argue against Carly's reasons, but maybe emphasize that voting at the local level can be even more important than at the state and/or national level. At the local level, her vote will count.

Still, it was really heavy-handed.

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I didn't mind today's "Magic Voting Booth " edition ( Carly as hero, the sorasing ,and Lucy's stupid candle not withstanding). But then I am Canadian so it seemed like a 1 hour version of one of our Heritage Minutes ! and I am also used to corny CBC period dramas (sorry fans of Murdock Mysteries)

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Today's episode was subtle as a hammer upside the head, but I'll give it this much: Alexis as a 1920 Temperance leader was fucking inspired, and I guffawed at that reveal. Otherwise, waaaay too much Joss, as always, and the show clinging to the archetype of Britt and Ava as villains even in 1920 was tiresome. Carly (or Carly's great-grandmother or whatever) ain't always got to be perfect and saintly and awesome, show. 

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Thank goodness we have GH to inform us of the right to vote given to the wimmin folks in 1920!! There’s no way we’d have known that if not for this brilliant soap opera!! Give me a freaking break. I absolutely hate pandering of any kind. And we’re being bombarded with it right now in this election. 

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21 minutes ago, Linny said:

the show clinging to the archetype of Britt and Ava as villains even in 1920 was tiresome.

I know. Wouldn't it be more interesting for everyone if they shook things up a bit? They did it a bit with Alexis and that was great.

LOL that Beatrice is something of a bully, though. That should never change. Heh. And Liesl as the prison guard? That's actually pretty funny.

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This episode only made me hate Joss more. She is such a bland and uninspiring character. She's a bobblehead. Trina on the other hand is at the other end of the spectrum.

I don't know why the show chose to carry the petty squabbles to 1920. Maybe Ava, Britt and Obrecht want the right to vote in 1920, but some other "hero" character doesn't. Flip it around, subvert expectations for a change, show! And was the bitchiness needed at the end of the show when Britt was going in to vote? 

There was no Sam, no Lulu, no Maxie, no Nina, no Sasha, no BL and no Willow as far as I can tell. I think this is an episode that could have used Molly, who has always been an activist, rather than some extra hugging her ballot and smiling. 

The episode was good in parts, and not so good in other parts. While the episode was centered around Joss, I thought that Trina was the heart of it.

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I almost skipped this episode because I thought it'd be all Afternoon Special hokiness, but it was pretty interesting.  I actually learned a few things, so even a history buff with history buff parents can learn new things!  It was a little preachy, but I have to admit, I got a little teary when the two girls came outside with their I Voted stickers.  Guess I'm a sucker for sweetly sentimental stories.

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13 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Thank goodness we have GH to inform us of the right to vote given to the wimmin folks in 1920!! There’s no way we’d have known that if not for this brilliant soap opera!! Give me a freaking break. I absolutely hate pandering of any kind. And we’re being bombarded with it right now in this election. 

There are a lot of people who are woefully uninformed about history. 


2 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Okay, this might be a silly nitpick, but if Joss turned 18 on election day, she wouldn't be able to vote in this election. She would have to have registered by October 5th when she was still 17 and ineligible to register.

I don't know about New York, but you can register in my state before your birthday as long as you're going to turn 18 on or before election day.



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Just now, Katy M said:

There are a lot of people who are woefully uninformed about history. 


I don't know about New York, but you can register in my state before your birthday as long as you're going to turn 18 on or before election day.



Oh okay. My birthday is in December so there's no way I was ever going to turn 18 between the deadline to register and the actual election day. Thanks for the correction.

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6 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

The episode was good in parts, and not so good in other parts. While the episode was centered around Joss, I thought that Trina was the heart of it.

Same, and I thought her admiration for her ancestor was much more moving than Joss's for Beatrice.

The voting booth as time machine was cute.

Why does Lucy know about the Time candle? On account of her general woo-woo-ness or did she time travel at some point?

What I liked best about the episode was that there wasn't a man in it anywhere.

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10 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Oh okay. My birthday is in December so there's no way I was ever going to turn 18 between the deadline to register and the actual election day. Thanks for the correction.

Mine's in late November, so I wouldn't have that problem either.  I do remember freshman year in college, a professor asked who was going to vote that year.  I can't remember if I was the only one that didn't raise my hand, or if a few people didn't and he just picked on me at random, but he asked why I wasn't going to vote. I said I was 17. He said I could register anyway.  I said my birthday was after the election.  He grudgingly let me off the hook, LOL.  I think he thought I was out to make him look stupid, but it really wasn't my fault.

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