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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

How does Olivia know that Rocco is forgetting his father? (Side question: How old is Rocco these days?) I really doubt Lulu doesn't mention Dante to Rocco on a regular basis. And given that Lulu and Dante are divorced—at his request!!—why shouldn't Lulu move on? What else is she supposed to do? Shut up, Olivia.

Olivia is the most extra human on the planet. I really don't understand why she's so mad at Lulu in this situation. Like, I get being upset about what happened with Dante with Ned, but she's so outrageous with Lulu and Dustin all of the time. Dante pretty much forced Lulu to divorce him, so why wouldn't she eventually move on? As it is, Olivia has been with various guys too!

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42 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Of course Olivia thought it should be Sonny (echoing your blech a billion times) or Ned, but that doesn't mean Rocco is forgetting his father. If Rocco is 6 or 7, he's probably going to ask the man he sees most often. 

Ugh, I have to disengage from this story, as I feel the start of a rage blackout. Heh.

I feel like I shouldn’t hate a character who is barely on the show but I can’t stand Olivia and none of her recent scenes improve things for me. Now I’m sure they’ll have Dante ignoring her after his return which will continue to cause her to deal out or her trying to push Dante and Lulu back together. 

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31 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I didn't watch - is Dante a prisoner or is he just at the WSB facility where he's supposed to be?

It looks like he's at the facility (though it's the same set that they used for the Pentonville hospital, Ferncliff cells  and that time that Ava had cancer and Silas/Finn (which one??) was treating her secretly.  

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I was glad to see some new content but was thrown off by Ned & Olivia kissing. I then realized that was pre pandemic & Dante was post (in the middle of) pandemic. I just read that they are temporarily replacing Amanda Setton’s pregnancy. I was wondering why she was dressed so bad from the get-go with big jackets and dark clothes. That said, she’s been on a pretty long time so I doubt she was pregnant all that time. Anyway, that’s good news for her but bad news for us since it’s always hard to invest in a story with a replacement. At least, that’s how I feel. Also, why doesn’t someone just kill Cyrus? He’s lurking everywhere like he’s regular folk. LOL!!!

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They can't let Cyrus score any real points because it's predetermined that Sonny will win.  Yawn.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Of course Olivia thought it should be Sonny (echoing your blech a billion times) or Ned, but that doesn't mean Rocco is forgetting his father. If Rocco is 6 or 7, he's probably going to ask the man he sees most often.

And if there was any physical action involved such as games, Rocco would want to invite someone younger than his grandfather, or stepgrandfather.

1 hour ago, Laur said:

 As it is, Olivia has been with various guys too!

Isn't Ned her first husband though?

But to the point, I understand that Olivia fears that she's losing not only her son, who she is not allowed to have any contact with and who has shut her out, but also her grandson who she fears is forgetting his father and attaching to Dustin instead. When a divorce happens, the grandparents often lose out too.

I don't like how they are writing Olivia, but her logic makes sense.

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

temporarily replacing Amanda Setton’s pregnancy

I read that no one knows if she's at the end of her pregnancy, (ie she had the baby) or if she's at the beginning of it and is worried being on set during the pandemic.  She didn't look like she was pregnant these past few months, though it's possible that's what the strange boxy clothes was hiding.  

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't like how they are writing Olivia, but her logic makes sense.

I think Olivia would be a lot more sympathetic here (she says, having not yet watched the scenes in question) if she were more sad or heartbroken at what Dante is missing, than angry with Lulu and Dustin.

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I knew Nina would betray Nelle on the stand because the show loves doing the long lost daughter hating her mother. This is just as forced as when they did it with Alexis and Sam.

The whole custody battle is just missing something. Everyone involved knew both marriages were fake. Michael didn’t even bother to lie on the stand about why he married Willow. Nelle randomly confessed to Nina about blackmailing Julian even though they weren’t that close and she was uneasy about testifying for her. I still don’t get why Nelle even married Julian since they didn’t make him sound like a decent guy on the stand. 

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So I watched the Dante scenes and they felt like padding, which is not the feeling your surprise return that wasn't a surprise should be inspiring.  If they weren't going to give us any real information about what's going on with his situation, they should have just left it a quick tease, maybe just the part of him having a nightmare and waking up/showing us his face.

I did note that his hands were wedding ring-free.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

But to the point, I understand that Olivia fears that she's losing not only her son, who she is not allowed to have any contact with and who has shut her out, but also her grandson who she fears is forgetting his father and attaching to Dustin instead. When a divorce happens, the grandparents often lose out too.

Funny how that never comes up with Laura. #eyeroll

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

When a divorce happens, the grandparents often lose out too.

Lulu hasn't forbidden Olivia to see Rocco or mention Dante's name. I doubt Lulu badmouths Dante to anyone. Olivia's feelings are hers to manage. She needs to stop trying to force other people to feel them.

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5 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

I agree that the Dante scenes were probably shot post- pandemic. Those scenes with just one actor would have been the safest to film. The scenes could then be spliced in between the Ned/Olivia ones to help stretch out the material. I wasn't sure about the scenes at the hospital with Cyrus, Laura, etc. 

The hospital scenes had to be pre-pandemic. They were all WAY too close together, especially Cyrus and Laura standing almost fade to face. I think the only new scenes were Dante.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Also, why doesn’t someone just kill Cyrus? He’s lurking everywhere like he’s regular folk. LOL!!!

Because Sonny and Jason are lame-ass, gummy bear mobsters, heh. Now Tony Soprano - even if he didn't kill Cyrus, Tony would have set him up for a crime and then back he goes to prison. That's exactly what Tony did with Feech Lamana instead of whacking him.

Best line of the episode: Laura (with annoyed exasperation) to Cyrus: "Why are you always here????" Nice bit of acting there.

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Olivia just frickin' frackin' annoys me to no end. She's acting as if the Big BAD EVUHL WSB is keeping her and Dante apart. I guess show is realllyyyyyy reinforcing the horrible "Italian" stereotype that even divorced, there is no such thing as divorced, and that Lulu is somehow betraying Dante and is still his wife in the eyes of God? From what little I've seen Lulu talks about Dante to her son; Rocco is not losing memories of his dad. It's her pain, her emotions or whatever as the, again, I hate to use it, but stereotype of Italian Mother Bear, that only HER LOVE can "cure" Dante's PSTD.

Speaking of which, I've read fiction books where authors did their research; pulled from personal experiences, and even watched movies that portrayed PTSD more realistically. With Dante, if I didn't know about it, I would think that he'd been found guilty of treason and that his room in the facility was his prison. I don't know how bad his PTSD is supposed to be, but it comes off more like he's a prisoner, and not a patient. It's insulting.

That said: DANTE! At least we weren't subjected to shaky cams wondering who this mystery person was, or shown a hand or back. Even though it wasn't a surprise, I liked that we just got to see him, instead of camera angles making him look skulking around.

I did NOT miss that joke and insult of a custody hearing.

I still hate how Amanda keeps twisting her lips that make her look like she's pouting.

Shut up, Olivia.

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Hey, guess what?  Turns out absence didn't make my heart grow fonder when it comes to Carly.  Still can't stand her smug face.  And, not for nothing, but LW's terra cotta tan with her ash blonde hair makes for a really bad combination.

Willow and Michael are second on the "just shut up, shut up, shut up" list.  Also, Nelle would've been better off screaming that Willow married Michael because she's obsessed with Wiley rather than saying Sonny threatened her.

On the plus, was nice to see Dante and I liked Ned today.  So tired of hearing Olivia (or anyone) making it sound like him wanting to run ELQ is a bad thing.  He's about a gazillion times more qualified that Boy Blunder.

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Seriously, what is it with the tiniest pencil for Dante? Was the WSB afraid that he was going to stab himself with it?

What a gloomy room.

Speaking of rooms, did they change the Q livingroom again? The patio door/windows were behind Ned and Olivia as they were sitting down. Were they being filmed from a different direction or did they move under focal point in the house like they did the main staircase?

Nelle is cray-cray.

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54 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I thought the pencil being so teeny was to show a passage of time, how long Dante has been in there writing these letters he never sends.

Or I'm giving the show way too much credit.

You probably are. They gave him the first pencil they found.

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12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, Nelle would've been better off screaming that Willow married Michael because she's obsessed with Wiley rather than saying Sonny threatened her.

Willow was basically bullied/emotionally blackmailed into marrying Michael, though she was also pretty willing. If the judge believes the Michael/Willow marriage has more legitimacy than the Julian/Nelle, I really will have a rage blackout. They're both ridiculously transparent attempts to gain credibility with the judge.

10 hours ago, nilyank said:

Speaking of rooms, did they change the Q livingroom again? The patio door/windows were behind Ned and Olivia as they were sitting down. Were they being filmed from a different direction or did they move under focal point in the house like they did the main staircase?

It's the same terrible redo from before the pause. 

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Willow was basically bullied/emotionally blackmailed into marrying Michael, though she was also pretty willing. If the judge believes the Michael/Willow marriage has more legitimacy than the Julian/Nelle, I really will have a rage blackout. They're both ridiculously transparent attempts to gain credibility with the judge.

Michael already admitted that their relationship wasn’t real on the stand. However, something tells me that won’t be an issue because they need a contrived reason for Michael and Willow to end up together.

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Can someone explain the whole turnabout with Nelle to me? Last I checked everyone hated her, she was a black widow and had gone to jail after switching babies (I'm not sure whose babies) with Brad. Now she's back and Nina's daughter? I thought she was Carly's foster sister. And I guess a lot of people enjoy her now? Why are the other two Random Whites still on the show? And don't tell me it's because they're super interesting bc I don't believe that about McBain's brother either.

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The actress playing Nelle is one of the few bright sparks on the show so I'm guessing that they've retconned Nelle again to keep her around when they could have got rid of her twice (or more) in the past.  I think the Willow actress is good when she gets good material (learning that her son had died) but with Michael, it's like mayo on white bread. Sasha is just bad alone or opposite anyone. She needs to stay a photo on the wall.

15 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Funny how that never comes up with Laura. #eyeroll

Different situations. Lucky hasn't kicked Laura out of his life nor does he have a mental illness.  Also, she has 3 other grandchildren in Port Charles (when she's not visiting Spence in Paris), and she is the only grandparent the Liz's 3 boys have. Liz has made clear how important Laura is to their family unit. Rocco doesn't really need Olivia that much because he's got Laura and Carly (ugh).

13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Speaking of which, I've read fiction books where authors did their research; pulled from personal experiences, and even watched movies that portrayed PTSD more realistically. With Dante, if I didn't know about it, I would think that he'd been found guilty of treason and that his room in the facility was his prison. I don't know how bad his PTSD is supposed to be, but it comes off more like he's a prisoner, and not a patient. It's insulting.

The writing is just terrible for this.  Realistically Dante's family should be a source of strength in his recovery, not this "I can't see you" nonsense.

I took a course in neuroplasticity last year and my paper was on treatments for PTSD. There are many decent treatments for PTSD and on top of that there are new ones being developed. The WSB is supposed to be this cutting edge place but they're putting Dante back in the 19th century here.

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1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

Michael already admitted that their relationship wasn’t real on the stand.

He didn't put it that baldly, did he? I know he said the relationship was based on respect and the fact that Willow loved Wiley, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't real. I mean, I think it's obvious it's no love match, but in some ways that's irrelevant.

45 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I guess a lot of people enjoy her now?

I enjoy her when she's needling Carly and calling everyone out on their crap. In general, though, she's pretty one-note, not that that is restricted to her alone. The writing has stacked the deck against her so much that it makes me root for her in the custody case. Overall she's still a pretty terrible person. 

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1 hour ago, jsbt said:

Can someone explain the whole turnabout with Nelle to me? Last I checked everyone hated her, she was a black widow and had gone to jail after switching babies (I'm not sure whose babies) with Brad. Now she's back and Nina's daughter? I thought she was Carly's foster sister. And I guess a lot of people enjoy her now? Why are the other two Random Whites still on the show? And don't tell me it's because they're super interesting bc I don't believe that about McBain's brother either.

The rumors are that Nelle was always supposed to be Nina’s daughter but they planned to change it to Willow when CL left. I find Nelle to be ok, not anything to write home about and I don’t think CL is a good enough actress to be a lead which she has essentially turned into this year. I think most only like her because she’s a Carly foil and no one is really allowed to go against that family anymore. 

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How is Nelle Nina's daughter though? I don't get it. Last I checked it was supposed to be a child she had and lost with Silas Clay. Of course I haven't paid attention to this plot in aeons.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Different situations. Lucky hasn't kicked Laura out of his life nor does he have a mental illness.  Also, she has 3 other grandchildren in Port Charles (when she's not visiting Spence in Paris), and she is the only grandparent the Liz's 3 boys have. Liz has made clear how important Laura is to their family unit. Rocco doesn't really need Olivia that much because he's got Laura and Carly (ugh).

But in talking about Olivia's anxiety about Dustin taking Dante's place in Rocco's life, why have we never seen Laura even have one minute of anxiety about her son's place in those boys' lives, especially given this super annoying Franco: Super Dad era.  I know the answer is Lucky has been off-canvas for years and Dante is about to come back, but it's still a bugaboo.

1 hour ago, jsbt said:

And I guess a lot of people enjoy her now?

I think it's a lesser of two evils thing?  She's the one making things miserable for characters people hate even more, namely Carly and Michael.  And I think people appreciate her more as a flat-out villain versus when they were waffling for so long about whether she was a black widow bitch or not.

But I think that'll stop once the Nina reveal happens and we'll be expected to, like, care about her feelings.  Not.

Edited by TeeVee329
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8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I think it's a lesser of two evils thing?  She's the one making things miserable for characters people hate even more, namely Carly and Michael.  And I think people appreciate her more as a flat-out villain versus when they were waffling for so long about whether she was a black widow bitch or not.

But I think that'll stop once the Nina reveal happens and we'll be expected to, like, care about her feelings.  Not.

I wouldn't say that I "like" her in that I think she's a morally good character or that I hope she wins at anything ever.  I do think she's a fun villainess.  I think Chloe Lanier's a good actress and so I enjoy watching her do her thing.

I've been watching sporadically for years.  Before that, I'd never been a fan of Sonny (and I'm still not), but I'd always had a soft spot for Jason.  So, I can't speak for anybody else, but in my case, I can't always objectively defend why I like one character over another.  I think it just comes down to how much I'm enjoying myself while watching them.  If that makes any sense.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Different situations. Lucky hasn't kicked Laura out of his life nor does he have a mental illness.

What, THE DARKNESS doesn't count? For all we know, Lucky is in the next cell room over from Dante! #agirlcandream

Also, I began to suspect the WSB is not that awesome at treating mental health disorders, you guys. One might even wonder if, as an organization, it's just a leeeettle shady.

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Lindsay Hartley was more energized in her first five minutes on the show than Kelly Monaco has been in the last five years. And in that brief conversation with Jason she showed actual feelings. Can we keep her? She needs to swing by GH and see Portia while she's here, too. (RIP, Passions.)

The show repeatedly has Nelle highlight the discrepancy between her public image and that of Carly or Nina's, despite their similarly checkered pasts, and then just...lets that unfair treatment continue. Everyone unabashedly points the finger at Nelle and refuses to believe she can change, and that makes me root for her all the more. 

Estate planning with Jason is a discussion that's just now coming up? I'd think after the first "death" and five missing years of his life he'd be locking that shit down, but what do I know. Carly as power of attorney makes sense based on their super-duper extra-special bond, but like...Robin. That's all.

Martin's careless shrug at the mention of Pine Valley gave me a chuckle. I like when the show successfully gives a wink to breaking the fourth wall. 

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9 minutes ago, Linny said:

Lindsay Hartley was more energized in her first five minutes on the show than Kelly Monaco has been in the last five years. And in that brief conversation with Jason she showed actual feelings. Can we keep her? She needs to swing by GH and see Portia while she's here, too. (RIP, Passions.)




Martin's careless shrug at the mention of Pine Valley gave me a chuckle. I like when the show successfully gives a wink to breaking the fourth wall. 

That gave me a good laugh. I love those little nods to the audience.

And I completely agree about Hartley. I was like "Sam? Emoting?!" lol. I think she brought so much more energy to the scenes and made them more fun to watch.

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I was surprised DZ wasn't in the opening credits yesterday, but maybe this one was after he left?

32 minutes ago, Linny said:

Lindsay Hartley was more energized in her first five minutes on the show than Kelly Monaco has been in the last five years.

I thought she overdid her initial anger. If Sam really doesn't care about Julian, him marrying Nelle would make her roll her eyes (which she did) and she'd leave it at that. I so hate how Sam and Lucas (who?) treat Julian.

32 minutes ago, Linny said:

Carly as power of attorney makes sense based on their super-duper extra-special bond, but like...Robin.

Carly's in Port Charles. Not that there's a residency requirement, but it does make things easier. However, news flash, Jason: I know you forget you have them, but YOUR CHILDREN ARE YOUR NEXT OF KIN. Good lord. They can't make any legal decisions while they're minors, of course, but once they hit 18 they can. Also, a DNR is not about killing someone. FFS, Show.

Here's an idea, Olivia: How about you not try to always be upbeat? Ned needs things spelled out that you're really struggling. There's nothing wrong with that, so don't ding him for not being able to mind-read. He's not the one who had visions.

LOL at Sonny's "I can't be selfish." When is he ever not? Another LOL at the caller ID for Turning Pines. The entire logo, really?

Knowing now that AS is pregnant, you could totally tell today. But they're doing a decent job of disguising it.

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Nothing against KeMo but wow, Lindsay was amazing.  I usually don't like replacements, no matter how short the stint but she was super good and so much a complete opposite then what were used to seeing.  I actually couldn't picture KeMo's Sam in those scenes with Alexis because she would have just been snark/whisper/sleeping.    I wonder if Nancy felt the difference.  

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Another LOL at the caller ID for Turning Pines. The entire logo, really?

I laughed at that too.  Not only the whole logo, but the words Turning Point was all flowery.  

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I'm gonna go against the grain here. While I agree that Lindsay had a lot of energy, I found her face very distracting. Maybe it's because I remember her from Passions days, but her face not as bony as that.

Steve's haircut was distracting. I hope this whole PoA that Jason is giving Carly will be a rift between him and Sam. I'm also smelling some Jason is in a coma nonsense coming our way. 

I'm glad that crib was empty, otherwise poor baby having to listen to Sonny go on about Mike and how he doesn't know what to do. We know Sonny feels like he's caught between a rock and a hard place, but can we not have that repeated several times in the episode by 3 different people?

Nelle pointing at all the hypocrisy, so writers are obviously aware of the shit they've been shoveling, but they keep the status quo. So I'm not really interested in hearing Nelle ranting about it in order to maintain the status quo.

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3 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nelle pointing at all the hypocrisy, so writers are obviously aware of the shit they've been shoveling, but they keep the status quo. So I'm not really interested in hearing Nelle ranting about it in order to maintain the status quo.

I did like that Nina pointed out if everyone was letting her down, maybe she was the problem, not everyone else. Nelle has always been someone to whom stuff happens and it's never her fault. 

Of course, all of this is to make the reveal that Nina is her mother more dramatic. As if. 

The break didn't improve the pacing, alas. Mike should be dead, the custody battle should be over, Nina should be revealed as Nelle's mother, and Cyrus needs to fatally shoot Sonny and Jason (at the very least). I get they want to remind people of the various stories, but that's what the lengthy (and helpful, tbh) "Previously on" is for. We're still treading water with this stuff.

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The break didn't improve the pacing, alas.

Because this is stuff that was shot before the shut down but held onto until now.  Hopefully once we start getting post shut down stuff, it will be different.  

Also, I want a basketfull of kittens and the ability to eat all the chocolate I want without gaining weight.  

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5 hours ago, jsbt said:

Can someone explain the whole turnabout with Nelle to me? Last I checked everyone hated her... And I guess a lot of people enjoy her now?

I've been #teamNelle since before the car crash.   Not because I believe she's a good person, or deserves to win, but she is above Michael, Carly, Sonny, Babyrabies!Willow, and sometimes Idiot!Chase.

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Jason not wanting to make Sam his POA is fine. They technically aren’t supposed to be around each other and aren’t married. However, Carly is much less likely to follow his wishes and be able to let go than Sam and neither of his excuses made sense.

I think these writers are so intent on playing up the Jarly relationship that they don’t realize that it doesn’t match their history. Carly never been this stable, level-headed person in Jason’s life. Michael would be much better for something like this. I did like Sam’s response to him and I think LH played the anger better than I feel like KM would have.  

Edited by ffwbe
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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Can the show put Olivia in a coma if they are determined to keep LLC employed?

When Robin was still a small child, there was a fairly lengthy storyline where she just sat in her hospital bed, responding to no one (but she was not in a coma). I could support an Olivia storyline like that. 

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14 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Jason not wanting to make Sam his POA is fine. They technically aren’t supposed to be around each other and aren’t married. However, Carly is much less likely to follow his wishes and be able to let go than Sam and neither of his excuses made sense.

I mean if Sonny was dithering for a full year about Mike, I think Jason would have named him immediately. Actually back in the day, they had POA naming each other to be responsible if something happens.

Great think about the huge kitchen island in Casa Corinthos, is that it makes social distancing easier.

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28 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Jason not wanting to make Sam his POA is fine. They technically aren’t supposed to be around each other and aren’t married. However, Carly is much less likely to follow his wishes and be able to let go than Sam and neither of his excuses made sense.

I think these writers are so intent on playing up the Jarly relationship that they don’t realize that it doesn’t match their history. Carly never been this stable, level-headed person in Jason’s life. Michael would be much better for something like this. I did like Sam’s response to him and I think LH played the anger better than I feel like KM would have.  

This so much! I noticed it right away.  With Kelly to me the scene would have felt more of "Sam is annoyed" than "angry."

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Judging from the previews, tomorrow will be the first episode shot since the pandemic. The clues were in the hair. Michaels is much longer while I think Willow’s is a bit shorter. And Nelle’s face looks a bit fuller. I don’t suppose There’s  any Chance of a time jump while they’re at it? Just a few months would do the trick. It’s ridiculous that after a 5-month hiatus, they just picked up exactly where They left off.

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Nina's righteous speech to Nelle didn't work for me (aside from the fact that I'm #TeamNelle all the way) because Nelle didn't lie to Nina. Nelle didn't take advantage of Nina. So Nina yelling at her that everyone stabbing her in the back was probably Nelle's fault because of all of the awful things that Nelle does coming from someone that Nelle didn't do anything awful to (OK, fine, this go-round), yeah, not working.

Whatever, tomorrow, I get me some NELLATINE!! Woohoo!!!

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