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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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4 minutes ago, ouinason said:

Maybe Lucas picked Michael because he's his nephew, the baby's godfather, spends a good deal of time in and around the hospital handling board business, and is reliable.  Sam was in prison for a bit there, and on the run with Jason before that and undercover before that and.. not around most of the time, Carly has 4 kids at home that she can't be bothered with, and Bobbie is flighty as fuck.


It's not that Michael is on the contact list. It is that daycare called him before any of the other likely people on the contact list most notably Bobbie who works at the hospital and is more likely there than CEO of ELQ Michael. The hospital board would not be meeting as frequently as Michael is shown to be at the hospital.

Edited by nilyank
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Please please PLEASE end this Wylie story ASAP. I know it's inherited from past writers and couldn't just be dropped without a resolution but it is so far past its sell by date it's stinking up everything it touches. Any hope for good soapy performances is gone now, just end it.

I have never been a fan of Elizabeth but lately I've come to appreciate Rebecca Herbst's ability to absolutely sell all of her screen pairings, whether it be with newfound sister Hayden or former serial killer husband Franco or released from storage sons or new castmate Nik, she makes it work and I applaud her for that.

Please share any insight you may have on the developing unnecessary Jordan/Bob Maniscutto storyline. Unless it leads to Sonny/Jason imprisonment I am deeply uninterested.

However I would be willing to contribute to a fund keep Jane Eliot on this show indefinitely.

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On 1/11/2020 at 8:09 PM, yowsah1 said:



And this is why it's so impossible for me to ever root for Lulu in the Charlotte situation, because between the writing and acting for both Lulu and Valentin, Valentin wins the "rootworthy" contest hands down, despite the fact that he's supposed to be a deep-dyed villain!  Valentin has already been written as, and JPS has portrayed him as, a man who's redeeming feature is that he loves his child with all his heart.  Lulu has been written as a dimwitted, whiny, entitled twit, and ER plays the role as written.  It's like they went, "We'll write that Charlotte was the product of Lulu's stolen egg, that way she'll be the victim and in the right", without taking into in consideration that Valentin was as much a victim in that situation as Lulu.  Then they do nothing to make Lulu more sympathetic, while reinforcing that Valentin deeply loved Charlotte at every turn.  Finally, when the Nicholas shoe drops, they show Valentin's first reaction is to think about Charlotte first, while Lulu's is, "HA!!! I'VE FINALLY NAILED HIM ON SOMETHING!!!"


I think there is always one parent who comes across that way in a custody battle on television. I think it's Lulu in this case, simply because Lulu already has the moral high ground. Not by much really, both the Spencer and the Cassadine family histories are highly dysfunctional. But still, she's the more moral of the two. Therefore she shouldn't need to go around celebrating when Valentin looks bad, because that just makes HER look bad. And she doesn't have enough self awareness to know this, or maybe she doesn't care. Either way, her reactions to Valentin's troubles make her look petty, and it's hard for me to care, as well. I feel almost the same way towards Laura and Valentin. Laura hates Valentin because of Nikolas. The audience knows Nikolas is a pretty despicable human being himself. So the idea that Laura either chooses not to recognize it, or only recognizes it when it affects HER, makes me not care one whit about anything Valentin does to the Spencers, if I am being completely honest. Yes, he's done vile stuff, and they have reasons to not want him around, even to hate his actions. But the way it's written and carried out just makes them look like whiny hypocrites and it gives me a big "meh" reaction to their outrage.  I also do think much of it is that JPS takes what so easily could be a one note, cackling villan, and makes him instead, a flawed, multi layered, damaged man.

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And Lulu just lost her "you killed my brother" moral high ground, so she looks more petty.  Valentine shot him, and he's done other shitty things, but that was the big gun, and it has now poofed.  Plus the audience has known this for a little bit, and suspected it from either the start or at least when Nik's name started getting dropped months ago, so we lost patience about that and got more and more annoyed by her attitude.

Plus, Charlotte has to know how her parents feel about each other.  I really think that Lulu hates Valentine more, much more, than he hates her.  His beef with her is wanting his child's undivided time, love and attention (mildly narcissistic, but not "wanna kill you").  Lulu just fucking hates him, lots and lots.  That's gotta show through.

Now Lulu will try and rip Charlotte from her father.  Next month, Val will be back in the driver's seat, rinse, repeat.  It's stupid.

Can't they just SORAS Charlotte to a teen who acts out and move the fuck on?


ETA: the ONLY custody fight I want to see play out on this show is the reveal that Avery is Morgan's after all and Carly switched the results, leading to Ava being able to hold Carly going to prison over Sonny's head to get her daughter back.  Bonus points if Sonny left Carly over it.  I feel safe in the belief that this will never, ever, happen.

Edited by ouinason
rediculous story ideas
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On 1/11/2020 at 9:09 PM, yowsah1 said:



And this is why it's so impossible for me to ever root for Lulu in the Charlotte situation, because between the writing and acting for both Lulu and Valentin, Valentin wins the "rootworthy" contest hands down, despite the fact that he's supposed to be a deep-dyed villain!  Valentin has already been written as, and JPS has portrayed him as, a man who's redeeming feature is that he loves his child with all his heart.  Lulu has been written as a dimwitted, whiny, entitled twit, and ER plays the role as written.  It's like they went, "We'll write that Charlotte was the product of Lulu's stolen egg, that way she'll be the victim and in the right", without taking into in consideration that Valentin was as much a victim in that situation as Lulu.  Then they do nothing to make Lulu more sympathetic, while reinforcing that Valentin deeply loved Charlotte at every turn.  Finally, when the Nicholas shoe drops, they show Valentin's first reaction is to think about Charlotte first, while Lulu's is, "HA!!! I'VE FINALLY NAILED HIM ON SOMETHING!!!"

I find the whole Charlotte story to be deeply distasteful (I hate child custody storylines in general),.  What I especially hate here is that the writers did so much to make Valentin rootworthy in this one situation and so little to make Lulu rootworthy in, let's face it, ANY situation, plus JPS's strengths as an actor and ER's weaknesses, that it comes off as a story about how an unlucky child was ripped away from the father she adored because her egg donor decided she was entitled to said child.  

I find it hard to believe that this is what the writers intended, but this is what they wrote.

Oh, i think they wrote it that way on purpose. I think all they do is take Valentin into consideration. Charlotte favors Valentin and Nina while she usually blames or yells at Lulu. Gee, Valentin kills lies and manipulates but he likes his kid and Nina. The writing has taken pot-shots at the actress (Valentin called her a bobble head). 

I'd say only when Valentin pushed Ava into the water did the show start making it seem like Valentin was the villain and I bet they'll mitigate that anyway. Before that it was shrewy pushy Lulu compared to complex but loves his daughter Valentin. I think the reason they made Lulu the mom was just to give Lulu and Laura a reason not to go after him since he was Charlotte's dad.

As for him putting Charlotte first, as stated, he sent her out of the room so she wouldn't hear about his attempted murders.

And Lulu didn't donate anything. It was forced from her.

Not that I disagree that Rylan isn't the best actress, I just don't think either Valentin or Lulu come across as the better option in this situation.

Edited by ulkis
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Yes, Lulu had her eggs stolen.  Yes Valentine had his sperm stolen.  This is equal, as far as that goes.  HOWEVER... Valentine got a surrogate, of his own free will, and decided to have a baby without Lulu's consent, or even telling her that she has a biological child out there.  That is entirely his fault and within his control.  It's not like Lulu randomly donated an egg and knew that there was a kid out there maybe.  It's massively not ok, even if it was legal, which i'm not even sure of.

That said, I have no idea how Lulu could possibly have any kind of custody.  I'm pretty sure that. legally, in New York, Charlotte is Claudette's child unless she signed away parental rights to Valentine.  And even then that doesn't get Lulu anywhere.  I don't know HOW Lulu has any custody at all.  I though the same thing about Rocco, except Dante was the father and could sue for custody.  GH law makes no sense to me.

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1 hour ago, ouinason said:

And Lulu just lost her "you killed my brother" moral high ground, so she looks more petty.  Valentine shot him, and he's done other shitty things, but that was the big gun, and it has now poofed.  Plus the audience has known this for a little bit, and suspected it from either the start or at least when Nik's name started getting dropped months ago, so we lost patience about that and got more and more annoyed by her attitude.

Plus, Charlotte has to know how her parents feel about each other.  I really think that Lulu hates Valentine more, much more, than he hates her.  His beef with her is wanting his child's undivided time, love and attention (mildly narcissistic, but not "wanna kill you").  Lulu just fucking hates him, lots and lots.  That's gotta show through.

Now Lulu will try and rip Charlotte from her father.  Next month, Val will be back in the driver's seat, rinse, repeat.  It's stupid.


I'm not exactly sure how Lulu lost the moral high ground or looks petty. Yeah, Nik didn't die, but not by lack of trying on Valentin's part. Just because he failed to kill Nikolas doesn't mean Lulu isn't justified in hating the man who attempted to kill her brother. And, just because Nik is a dick as well, doesn't change that, either. I think I tuned out a lot when it was first discovered that Lulu was Charlotte's mother but from what I gather here Valentin has also kidnapped Lulu before and tried to kill her, so again, there is way more of a legitimate beef on Lulu's side than on Valentin's. And, as far as I can recall, Lulu has never tossed a woman over a building intending to murder her, so again she has the moral high ground all day and night over Valentin. 

I am not a part of this audience you speak of that got annoyed by her attitude. Yes, I think we all suspected Nikolas would return someday, but again that doesn't negate what Valentin did. As far as I'm concerned Lulu has been more than patient with Valentin's position in her life given what he's done to her and her family. And, the show has bent over backward to try and limit the role of Lulu in Charlotte's life and as if the audience should side with both Valentin and Nina in matters concerning her. That ridiculously sappy music that was playing when Valentin finally relinquished Charlotte before being taken away was horrible. I don't care how much the show tries to shove down our throats that Valentin is somehow redeemable because he loves his kid, I'm not buying it. Someone who actually put their kid first wouldn't have committed attempted murder where their kid could easily spot them. He wouldn't have woken her up so he could flee from his crimes (taking her away from her mother.) He wouldn't have needed to be talked down by Anna in the first place. 

Valentin is a pathetic, whining, remorseless, piece of scum and I don't care if JPS is good or not, I've never felt sorry for him or bought any of the show's sob stories concerning his character and why we should care.

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2 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I'm not exactly sure how Lulu lost the moral high ground or looks petty. Yeah, Nik didn't die, but not by lack of trying on Valentin's part. Just because he failed to kill Nikolas doesn't mean Lulu isn't justified in hating the man who attempted to kill her brother. And, just because Nik is a dick as well, doesn't change that, either. I think I tuned out a lot when it was first discovered that Lulu was Charlotte's mother but from what I gather here Valentin has also kidnapped Lulu before and tried to kill her, so again, there is way more of a legitimate beef on Lulu's side than on Valentin's. And, as far as I can recall, Lulu has never tossed a woman over a building intending to murder her, so again she has the moral high ground all day and night over Valentin. 

I am not a part of this audience you speak of that got annoyed by her attitude. Yes, I think we all suspected Nikolas would return someday, but again that doesn't negate what Valentin did. As far as I'm concerned Lulu has been more than patient with Valentin's position in her life given what he's done to her and her family. And, the show has bent over backward to try and limit the role of Lulu in Charlotte's life and as if the audience should side with both Valentin and Nina in matters concerning her. That ridiculously sappy music that was playing when Valentin finally relinquished Charlotte before being taken away was horrible. I don't care how much the show tries to shove down our throats that Valentin is somehow redeemable because he loves his kid, I'm not buying it. Someone who actually put their kid first wouldn't have committed attempted murder where their kid could easily spot them. He wouldn't have woken her up so he could flee from his crimes (taking her away from her mother.) He wouldn't have needed to be talked down by Anna in the first place. 

Valentin is a pathetic, whining, remorseless, piece of scum and I don't care if JPS is good or not, I've never felt sorry for him or bought any of the show's sob stories concerning his character and why we should care.

I totally get that.  That's kind of how I feel about Brad.  He's a shitty person who has skated on so many shitty things that I feel no sympathy at all for him.  All of us have our opinions, that's what makes life fun.

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on the developing unnecessary Jordan/Bob Maniscutto storyline. Unless it leads to Sonny/Jason imprisonment I am deeply uninterested.

Well, it did give Curtis the chance to mansplain to Jordan, the former DEA agent, about the dangers of opioid addiction, Is that not reason enough?

I'm assuming it's connected to the "Trina has connections elsewhere on the canvas" rumor.

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10 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I kinda hate that Julian will get the wrath of Sonny when the Wiley secret is revealed.

Julian does deserve some blame, though of course Brad is by far the most culpable here. With the way the Corinthii see Brad these days (which seems to be something the new writers have added, right?), he's not going to get off scott-free. 

I really dread this part of the reveal, because Sonny and Carly are going to be such hypocrites. I don't want to watch them constantly slag Brad and Julian for doing things they themselves have done, in Carly's case more than once! But of course, the Corinthii always do terrible things for the right reason, where everyone else is just terrible. I'm so over that.

I don't think anyone thinks Lulu isn't justified in her hate for Valentin. The show isn't doing either character any favors when Valentin threatens the current custody agreement. He looks petty, Lulu goes nuclear—we've seen this before and it's pointless. Just have them co-parent Charlotte with minimal hostility when she's with them. They were doing that for a while and it was fine. To keep messing around with the custody shows how few ideas they have for Lulu.


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Lulu loses me with her determination to keep Valentin out of Charlotte's life entirely. Yes, he's done terrible things but he's been a good father to Charlotte and she would be better having contact with him even if he does go to jail than forbidden contact with him entirely. It's not as if Lulu's own relations are squeaky clean (Sonny, Nik, even Luke).

Lulu's inability to see this makes it seem like she views Charlotte as a possession rather than a person.

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Lulu loses me with her determination to keep Valentin out of Charlotte's life entirely.

This is always in response to Valentin wanting Lulu out of Charlotte's life. It's incredibly childish tit-for-tat, and makes her look really bad. Given that neither parent is blameless, the court should just keep the custody status quo and force Lulu and Valentin into parenting classes. Together! Ha.

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So Ned and Michael look smart and business-savvy because of their experience while Brook looks like a dumbass  regarding her own contract.   Nice, Show. Michael complaining to Jason about Tracy wanting to make a play for ELQ right after telling Brad he's happy to take time off time from ELQ for Wiley makes him look more like a stupid little s*it than ever. 

Go Robert, for calling Anna out. ! The "Peter-sized blind spot" was a good line. 

Of course the first words out of Franco's mouth are a snark about Elizabeth's "ex-boyfriend" resurfacing in Port Charles. I almost laughed at Jason crediting Carly with thinking of art camp for Jake, Because, why would Jason think of his first born? Shockingly, he didn't seem to remotely care when Elizabeth apologized that he didn't get to see Jake during the holiday season. And I call bullshit on Elizabeth ever wanting to invite Maxie over for dinner, gratitude toward Peter or no gratitude. 

Lulu acting like an exuberant teenager with the new guy just makes me roll my eyes. I don't get *why* he's into her. IRL most guys would be like "waaaayyy too much drama." It is damn funny though that Dustin and Brook know each other. So, more drama for Lulu. Oh goody.

I will give GH credit for the girl who was cast as little Georgie. The more she grows, the more she truly looks like the late Georgie's mini-me/believable daughter of Maxie. Of course Sam wants Spinelli back, to do investigative work so she doesn't have to be bothered. I genuinely laughed that Sam said "Mom to the rescue" through a gritted smile because Olivia texted her the kids don't want to spend the night.  You have to go take some responsibility for your children, Sam? The horror!! The stinkeye/bitchface look she gave Peter was also amusing.

I legit thought Neil was going to tell Alexis he had cancer, or some other serious illness.  His last line threw me.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Valentin threw a woman over a railing, I don't think it makes Lulu look bad she wants full custody.

I do agree that the custody fights are annoying and who cares just ship her off to boarding school.


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41 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I will give GH credit for the girl who was cast as little Georgie. The more she grows, the more she truly looks like the late Georgie's mini-me/believable daughter of Maxie. Of course Sam wants Spinelli back, to do investigative work so she doesn't have to be bothered. I genuinely laughed that Sam said "Mom to the rescue" through a gritted smile because Olivia texted her the kids don't want to spend the night.  You have to go take some responsibility for your children, Sam? The horror!! The stinkeye/bitchface look she gave Peter was also amusing.

It bothers me a lot the way they write Sam/Spinelli. Can they not write her with her family like that. And by family, I'm not talking about Carly/Sonny and fucking Jason.

Also, I thought the text message was fake and that she was just looking to get away from Peter. But I also missed the first half hour of the episode.

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At least they explained Lulu having the night free.  I kept wondering how Sam, who loves her children so, so much, was free to wander around Port Charles with Jason and visit Alexis. Of course, they're at the Quartermaines!

I'm actually looking forward to see how they write Dustin have a previous relationship with Brook Lynn, Lulu's nemesis and most clueless Quartermaine yet.

Nooo! Don't have Spinelli move back to Port Charles! I'll never be able to get rid of him like that.

Nice to see that Jason cared enough aout Jae to give him a Christmas present even if he didn't see him in person. Of course it was Carly who thought of it because Jason-who-loves-his-kids-so-much couldn't be bothered to think about Jake on his own.

Neil was introduced as a PSYCHOLOGIST. He doesn't have a medical license to lose. Maybe it's so that he can stay with Alexis since there isn't a time limit for medical doctors dating former patients while there is a 2 year one for psychologists.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I will give GH credit for the girl who was cast as little Georgie.

Thanks but no thanks.  There are way too many kids that have been used as a plot point on this show.

Please go away Spinelli.  The only way that I could tolerate you was because there was an actress Ellie.  You are a horrible felon.  You aren't cute.  Don't hide behind a kid.  Go away!


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56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Neil was introduced as a PSYCHOLOGIST. He doesn't have a medical license to lose. Maybe it's so that he can stay with Alexis since there isn't a time limit for medical doctors dating former patients while there is a 2 year one for psychologists.

He definitely was and Alexis always called him her therapist but I think they changed that later on. He prescribed Brad anxiety medication and when he found Alexis after she almost got run over, he sounded like a doctor when he was talking to the EMTs. 

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I don't exactly blame Jason for not knowing that the art camp idea is not original, but I laugh at it because that was a Franco move in ...2016?  lol.

I know my posts make me seem like some mad Friz stan, and I swear I'm not that bad, I just hate Jason and this stood out to me because it was so agonized over on the show.

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48 minutes ago, sunnyface said:

Please go away Spinelli.  The only way that I could tolerate you was because there was an actress Ellie.  You are a horrible felon.  You aren't cute.  Don't hide behind a kid.  Go away!

And not only that, I'm tired of the Spinelli ex machina: it's become the lazy way of getting out of every plot problem the writers create for themselves. I'm tired of hearing how Spinelli came to the rescue, no matter how ridiculous or improbable. 

I have nothing against Bradford Anderson and I definitely wish he'd get a full time job on another show -- so we'd be free of Spinelli. Can't Valentin throw him off a parapet or something? 

Edited by rur
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... ... I completely forgot Neil existed!

I would take Spinelli and Georgie back if we can have Ellie working at the hospital. 

It pains me to see Anna so absurd, but at least they are keeping Robert true to form. 


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7 minutes ago, AManfred said:

"Quartermaine" was spelled "Qua[r]termain" on Brook Lynn's name change form. I just...


Lulu, you can be furious with Nik while still being happy he's alive. 

Sam is finally out on parole, and does she use it to make up for time lost with her children? Of course not, she and her idiot partner try to find ways to spend time together when it's expressly forbidden. Typical. She can't just wait and let things work themselves out.

I had to LOL at the casting for the sleazy producer. I'm shocked he wasn't in a leisure suit, he was such a cliché.


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I will always, and forever, be Team Lulu when compared to that walking POS, Valentin! I don't care what she does. Valentin has no redeeming qualities AFAIC. None.

Frankly, I am tired of hearing that his love for Charlotte redeems him. If he loved Charlotte, he wouldn't have done whatever he did to her first mother figure, Claudette! If he loved Charlotte, he wouldn't have attempted to kill her biological mother, and he wouldn't constantly threaten to keep Lulu from her. If he loved Charlotte, he wouldn't have attempted to murder her grandmother or her uncle. Valentin only loves himself. He treats Charlotte and stupid Nina like possessions, not actual human beings with their own thoughts and feelings. That's not love. Lulu would have to go deep in the gutter to lose the moral high ground to that ass! 

And I will never understand why Lulu is the only one being expected to "rise above" and consider Charlotte while Valentin can do whatever he wants. No one is ever in his ear, telling him to remember Charlotte and do what's best for her. But everyone is always telling Lulu to consider Valentin and how Charlotte feels about him. Valentin would gladly kill Lulu if he could, and he wouldn't think twice about how Lulu's death/disappearance would impact his "precious" ma petite. No one could say the same of Lulu. It is a complete joke that Lulu is considered the bad guy for taking a page from Valentin's playbook for once and not just turning her other cheek so Valentin can slap that one too!

As a family attorney, Lulu is doing what is best for her kid! Valentin shouldn't have unsupervised contact with Charlotte. He cannot be trusted. One parent trying to murder the other is generally frowned upon in custody court. Parental kidnapping is also not considered a positive. In my jurisdiction, either of those acts could lead the parent committing them to have no visitation at all let alone custody. 

I know Lulu is the designated loser on this show, so I'm sure Valentin will prevail but, IMO, she has done nothing wrong. She has done her very best to work with Valentin, and he has still tried to kidnap their kid whenever he gets upset! He will never co-parent with her or treat her with respect. I'm not sure why she has to keep trying with him. 

Edited by lala2
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Loved Tracy calling Michael out on attending Shiloh’s service instead of the ELQ board meeting. Even Jason said Michael doesn’t have to be there, but of course he’s going. Hell, NONE of them ‘needs’ to be there. There’s nothing stopping them from saying ‘no way am I attending this farce.’ 

Then we have Franco babbling on about how he and Jason were ‘buds’ and built a treehouse together when he thought he was Drew. And then gushing endlessly over Peter. I thought I was going to 🤮

Honestly there isn’t a single story right now that even remotely holds my interest.

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9 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

Well, it did give Curtis the chance to mansplain to Jordan, the former DEA agent, about the dangers of opioid addiction, Is that not reason enough?


Was he mansplaining? I thought his original background was that he was partners with Jordan and she reported him and got him fired because he became addicted to drugs.

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I long for the old days when I didn't have to hear characters say the word "pissed" three times in the same conversation.  What's next, Charlotte dropping the "F" bomb?

Hey you kids, get off my lawn!


Edited by ciarra
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Jane Elliott looks amazing AND raises to level of acting by a ton.

Sam's kids were staying at the Quartermaines while she was in prison; they were at the Quartermaines when the PO came over; and they were supposed to sleep over there this night.  How is she going to show what a great mother she is if the kids live at the Quartermaines all the time?

5 hours ago, ffwbe said:

He definitely was and Alexis always called him her therapist but I think they changed that later on. He prescribed Brad anxiety medication and when he found Alexis after she almost got run over, he sounded like a doctor when he was talking to the EMTs. 

Some states allow psychologists to prescribe. But you're right, he was acting like an MD with the EMTs.

I'm going to believe that it's because they want Alexis to hook up with Neil before 2021. And be glad that it's not about one of the Failing Four.

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7 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I genuinely laughed that Sam said "Mom to the rescue" through a gritted smile because Olivia texted her the kids don't want to spend the night. 

She looked utterly annoyed that, gasp, she had to go parent her children.  MOM OF THE YEAR! 

Also, Michael can go to Hell with telling Jason that "Tracy is making her move on ELQ."  I don't care how many times he calls himself CEO, he's a Q when it suits him and the rest of the time, aka most of the time, he's a Corinthos. 

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This is how Lulu looks petty: her facial expressions and the way ER delivers her lines. 

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Lulu loses me with her determination to keep Valentin out of Charlotte's life entirely. Yes, he's done terrible things but he's been a good father to Charlotte and she would be better having contact with him even if he does go to jail than forbidden contact with him entirely. It's not as if Lulu's own relations are squeaky clean (Sonny, Nik, even Luke).

Lulu's inability to see this makes it seem like she views Charlotte as a possession rather than a person.

Honestly, for me it isn't about Valentin being horrible. It isn't about Lulu being justified in hating him. It isn't about me feeling Valentin needs to be "redeemed" or that Charlotte redeems him. In the first place, one normal human being cannot redeem another. If you aren't already sorry for what you've done, the "love" of a woman or man isn't going to turn you around by itself. Whether that love is "romantic" (as is often the case on daytime) or the love of a sibling or parent/child, etc. You have to feel bad about whatever it is that you've done. Most of the characters on this show never do, so I can't fault Valentin for just falling in with the crowd. The days of having the main cast of this show be mostly decent people has been over for decades. I think my biggest problem is that Lulu comes off as whiny. She just does. I never said for a minute she didn't have reasons to dislike him and to celebrate his miseries. I just find the writing for her, and ER's performance, to be one note. After the first five minutes, it was SO grating to listen to. And that was a couple of years ago. Here we are today, and nothing's changed. Valentin is arrogant, but he's *supposed* to be. Lulu is not supposed to be, and yet...she IS. And that to me, is the problem. If you're going to make them equally unlikeable, at least let Lulu be on his level in terms of scheming. It would at least add some excitement to see who gets one over on the other. Instead we have Valentin twirl his mustache and Lulu smirks when he gets, to quote Scott Baldwin about Lucy Coe years ago "hoisted by his own petard". 

It's beyond old. The marriage of revenge should have been Lulu/Valentin. Not Ava and Nik. But oh well.

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I agree on the good casting for little Georgie- she looks like a mini version of her namesake.  Not the best actress but it was adorable how she waved at everyone like a star struck fan.

I like Ellie but I hope she doesn’t get the job!  I don’t need or want an almost-daily dose of Spinelli.

Can women be called silver foxes?  Because damn Tracey looks fabulous with her hair this way.

I did LOL when Franco asked how he was as Drew: ‘was I wooden like Jason?’  🤣 😂 🤣 

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Newly  reborn affable Franco is even less likable than any of his other incarnations.  I'm adding him to my People For Valentin to Throw off a Parapet list.

Edited by rur
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2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I did LOL when Franco asked how he was as Drew: ‘was I wooden like Jason?’  🤣 😂 🤣 

I would love if that was an ad lib by RoHo, though it was in character for Franco. It was especially funny because we were seeing Jason standing there expressionless. 

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3 hours ago, rur said:

Newly  reborn affable Franco is even less likable than any of his other incarnations.  I'm adding him to my People For Valentin to Throw off a Parapet list.

Yeah, but no one ever dies after being thrown off a parapet.  Top of the Metro Court?

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13 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

This is how Lulu looks petty: her facial expressions and the way ER delivers her lines. 

I think my biggest problem is that Lulu comes off as whiny. She just does. I never said for a minute she didn't have reasons to dislike him and to celebrate his miseries. I just find the writing for her, and ER's performance, to be one note. After the first five minutes, it was SO grating to listen to. And that was a couple of years ago. Here we are today, and nothing's changed.

ER often does the wide eyes and projects her voice as she plays indignant outrage and/or whiny, such as when the truth was coming out about baby Georgie, when she's not getting her way in her career as Girl Reporter, and anything to do with Valentin. The running in to Brook/drink spill yesterday should have been a minor annoyance but it was overplayed.  JMB played Lulu with more snark, more range and vulnerability esp. regarding her mom and the Spencer family history versus ER's perpetual "how DARE you" Lulu attitude. 

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5 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Can women be called silver foxes?  Because damn Tracey looks fabulous with her hair this way.

The technically correct term would be silver vixen! But since vixen has always been used pejoratively, calling Jane that would be an insult. 🤷‍♀️ 

But yes, Jane looks FANTASTIC.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, I'm so tired of watching women snipe at each other. This "feud" is dumb, and I DON'T CARE about their issues. 

And Brookie, weak little woman, needed a man to help her.  I think Lois would have taken care of the guy herself. 

And the baddie is not movie-star attractive.  Stereotype, much?

Am I supposed to feel bad for Neal?  (Actually I was surprised to see him because I forgot he was on this show.)   I would think he would be aware of the ethics problem.  I would also think that it would take longer to revoke his license. 

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Shiloh got a memorial service and Drew didn't?

Even if the sole purpose is to bring Nell back into the Quartermaine family power struggles it still isn't right that Drew 's death wasn't mourned. Did he  get a plaque in the Quartermaine crypt? 

Yeah, I'm holding a grudge, forever.

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I totally called it that Nelle had married Shiloh and arranged the memorial! Willow's monologue was great and her colorful clothing was in stark contrast to all those seated wearing black. Even Jason had a teeny tiny hint of a smile. I thought for sure someone would get up and tell her to shut up long before Nelle revealed herself.  Her grin at Michael amused me as did his WTF/horrified reaction.

I hate that Tracy is getting into the ELQ stuff because of Luke. C'mon, let the fool get himself out of his own mess!! It's great to see Tracy and Laura in the same scene after how many years. I liked the acknowledgement between the 3 adults that Michael's protectiveness of Sonny's "not coffee" activities could be a problem for progress. I also call bullshit that Tracy wouldn't ask to accompany Ned and Laura to the police station upon hearing that Lulu and Brook are both in trouble. I enjoyed Chase yelling at Brook. Stop whining, Lulu.

I assume Neil and Alexis will get a bit serious before long, and that this hearing/threat is temporary drama.

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4 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I totally called it that Nelle had married Shiloh and arranged the memorial!

Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease let Wiley be Shiloh's spawn! Not that I have anything against Wiley, but it would be sooooooooo wonderfuuuuuuuuuuuul if it turned out he wasn't SLS's spawn. And when I say spawn, my ire and contempt is toward Shiloh and SLS.

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The fracas at The Floating Rib had me dying today, in a good way. I lost it when Lulu assisted "Dusty" by whacking the sleaze with the pool rack and then it got even better with Brooke deciding fuck it, let's crack some bottles and some skulls. Everyone involved absolutely should not have let things escalate to that level and they deserve their arrests, but still, as a visual, that scene was a chaotic delight. And poor Chase, once again stumbling into the wrong place at the wrong time and taking a blow to the head, bless him.

God, I love Alexis and Neil, even though they're at a painful impasse. They speak to each other like real adults, balancing emotions with responsibilities, and on a show that gives us Sam foolishly risking it all to see Jason, it's very nice to see some maturity in a similar situation. 

I'm so over Nelle (and was never into her at all, frankly), but even I'll admit that her black widow entrance was pretty damn fantastic. Credit to Chloe Lanier, she makes the most of the material she's given, and this might turn out to be more fun than I expected.

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