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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I know I'm in the minority, but I love the soapiness of two plot points literally colliding, and found myself being glad circumstances lined up so that this isn't a weekend-long cliffhanger.

BH should be really glad that she gets to work with three emotive actors for her sons, especially when we see the current Rocco, Danny and Leo. (Even though it seems to be a rule that she mostly works with her sons one at a time.)

Avery and Violet seem to be pretty good too, and Charlotte is somewhere in the middle.

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1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

 can we just move on and get over Olivia freaking out anytime it is mentioned that Lulu does anything fun?

I think that is their idea of angst for Lulu and Dustin/whoever.

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16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It still steams me that there is a story going on about the Cassadine inheritance with Valentin, Nik, Laura and even Jax, Hayden, and Ava but they create this Kendra story to keep Alexis, who is a Cassadine, away from it.

I don't think that's why they did it at all. They've never had to make up reasons to keep Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for almost 20 years now. I think they just did it to give NLG some filler crap.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm on Team Robert.  He can harangue Anna all he wants, since she kept his kid from him for 6 years.  Yes, she had "teh danger" as an excuse, but it's still an excuse.  I'm tired of Anna's superiority complex when it comes to Robert.

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8 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I'm on Team Robert.  He can harangue Anna all he wants, since she kept his kid from him for 6 years.  Yes, she had "teh danger" as an excuse, but it's still an excuse.  I'm tired of Anna's superiority complex when it comes to Robert.

It wasn’t because of danger. It was because she was a double agent-and that Robert didn’t turn her in when he discovered that; and more importantly, he thought she was DEAD. So a Dead wife who was a criminal didn’t contact him to inform him that they had a child. It’s not the same as Hayden, who was pregnant when she left and Finn knew that (right?), whereas Robert didn’t know.

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23 hours ago, sunnyface said:

she described that Brook Lynn as not nice - like Tracy.  I was wondering what Tracy ever did to Liz?  IIRC, Tracy didn't mind Liz and AJ hooking up.

I didn't see the scene but if I remember correctly, Tracy wasn't very nice to Emily or AJ.  She wasn't very nice to a lot of people (I loved Tracy but she wasn't someone you would describe as nice).  So while I don't think Tracy had anything against Liz, Liz probably has been witness to a lot of times Tracy wasn't nice to people that Liz cared about.

But even more so, I think they are trying to drive home the point that Brooklyn is the new Tracy and the writers aren't being subtle.

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15 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’ve no use for this Lulu, but I was totally on her side against this obnoxious Brook Lynn. Her skanky ass acting as if Dante was someone that Lulu stole from her. And Lulu was right-SHE hasn’t been here and knows JACK SHIT as to what went down.

Even though what is between Anna and Finn is none of Robert’s business, I do so ADORE him and Anna together, even when they argue! So much chemistry! And when Robin told Robert to cut Anna some slack, I got a BIG ASS GRIN on my face when Anna smiled and said “Do we have the smartest daughter or what?” Or something like that. And Robert’s sheepish smile.

A) So true. When Brook was being a bitch to Lulu and talking about about how Dante was the "nicest guy in the world," I wanted Lulu to bring up the specific point that Brook went beyond "trying to seduce" Dante - she did in fact drug him and is guilty of attempted rape, which is a crime. Monica, Ned and Olivia should have overheard that. Especially Ned. The comparisons to Tracy don't work for me because JE always played her as a character with layers and feelings whereas Brook comes off as an entitled brat who would literally do anything for money, including commit a serious crime against her childhood friend/ "the nicest guy in the world." If Olivia or Lulu wanted to make a good point about Brook's values, how about the fact that she didn't bother to show up for "Daddy" and Olivia's wedding. (I don't think Brook was even mentioned before, during or after it.)

B) Agree about the chemistry, but what I don't understand is why Robert has been harder on/more judgmental of Finn (who hasn't done anything wrong) in the last 6+ months of A&F's relationship than he was when SIL Patrick actually cheated on his beloved daughter Robin, or on Duke when Anna was in a relationship with him and he was engaging in genuine criminal behavior in association with Sonny. 

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

B) Agree about the chemistry, but what I don't understand is why Robert has been harder on/more judgmental of Finn (who hasn't done anything wrong) in the last 6+ months of A&F's relationship than he was when SIL Patrick actually cheated on his beloved daughter Robin, or on Duke when Anna was in a relationship with him and he was engaging in genuine criminal behavior in association with Sonny. 

Because these writersHACKS want to ruin Robert as well. Why not? Now that Tristan is recurring(?) and not just coming back for stints like Kimberly does.

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28 minutes ago, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

I didn't see the scene but if I remember correctly, Tracy wasn't very nice to Emily or AJ.  She wasn't very nice to a lot of people (I loved Tracy but she wasn't someone you would describe as nice).  So while I don't think Tracy had anything against Liz, Liz probably has been witness to a lot of times Tracy wasn't nice to people that Liz cared about.

During Emily's funeral, Tracy apologized to Monica for her behavior re: Emily because Emily didn't deserve it, and explained that she had resented how people compared "Emily to mother." Yes, Tracy was not nice to AJ but the specific incident regarding Elizabeth was when Tracy recorded a conversation/confrontation with AJ about how he slept with Carly when he had just started dating Elizabeth, and used it to blackmail AJ.  I think she also encouraged Nikolas (post affair) to pursue Elizabeth again if he still had feelings for her, when AJ wanted to date Elizabeth.

As for today: Jax rocks for irritating Sonny. Carly, blech and Sonny, blech. I wanted to wretch at Curtis asking Sonny of all people for relationship advice. Curtis, do you know how many times those two cheated on each other and divorced and re-married? Do. Not. Aspire. to that toxic mess. NLG did a really good job today, and I liked the Neil/Alexis/Kristina scene if I ignore Sonny, I will guess from the preview of Bobbie's teary eyed phone call outside a hospital room that Lucas is out of surgery and in that room in a coma/unconscious.

Does being with an "attending" mean Brad is injured but not as seriously as Lucas?

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Curtis lost a whole bunch of cool points today by asking Sonny of ALL PEOPLE for relationship advice. Sonny who has lied and cheated on his wife so often, has children by at least 4 different women.

Do the writers sit around their war room and wonder how to involve Sonny in every single plot? Because please make it stop already. We get it, Sonny is the bestest that ever bested since Jason Morgan.

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Sure took 'em long enough to notice the other car.  At one point Julian looked over toward it and seemed to be about to go check on it, then in the next scene he's back by Alexis' side.  Come on, he spent enough time in that car messing with the brakes--surely he recognized it.

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11 minutes ago, AuxArx said:

Sure took 'em long enough to notice the other car.  At one point Julian looked over toward it and seemed to be about to go check on it, then in the next scene he's back by Alexis' side.  Come on, he spent enough time in that car messing with the brakes--surely he recognized it.

That was annoying, but I guess he did know it was Brad's car. When he finally went over to really look an hour later, he mentioned Brad. Saying sorry Brad but blah blah blah, then he realized Lucas was in it too. But like why was no one else going to look either? They were just staring at Kendra's car. They could have died in the time it took to check them out! 

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6 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I would love that but I doubt it will happen. Part of the reason that Kristina is so immature is the people in her life, especially Sonny and Alexis, coddle her. Alexis already knew about the secret and only got 1 scene to express her frustration to Neil but she didn’t really get angry when she actually talked to Kristina about it. I’m pretty sure that we’ll just have her feeling momentarily guilty and her family telling her that it wasn’t really her fault because she couldn’t anticipate what happened.

Pretty much exactly what happened today. Both Sonny and Alexis hammered the point that while she was responsible for her actions (lying about the pledge) that nothing else was her fault. Don't feel guilty, etc. etc. I am glad to see Kristina for the sake of the Davis Girls, but Molly should have been there too.

I cannot even BEGIN to discuss how grotesque and nauseous this show made me feel today with the OTT propping of Sage Sonny, The Oh-So-Wise Marriage Counselor. Are you fucking kidding me with this? It's practically parody at this point. Why do they think this is good writing? I guess they just don't care, because all it does is drive home the point that this is not a good show and caters to a certain someone who can barely get by without using cue cards.

I really hated that Carly thinks she can just spar with Ava and nothing will be done. I miss my old Ava. This Carly is insufferable enough. This just makes it 10 times worse. That they are the matriarch and patriarch of this town is flat out disgusting.

I can't decide which took longer, getting down the hill to see about the other car, or Willow deciding to finally pee on the damn stick to see if she's actually pregnant. Which of course they dragged out until the next day. I'm glad to see a female friendship but a) when did these two become such good friends? Offscreen? and b) one is a useless, pointless character who needs to get gone.

The previews look much better with Ava finally seeing Nik for real and Jax slamming Valentin into the wall over Hayden. Argue all you want, but 1) much better than him doing it over Nina, 2) Valentin is a weak, pathetic excuse for a Cassadine and 3) Jax is a better person than most anyone in that town, knowing everything about Hayden and still sticking up for her.

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Remind me never to have a wreck in PC, as that was the shoddiest first response team I've ever seen. If Kendra died mere minutes after impact, then the same could be true of Brad and Lucas, and yet everyone was just strolling around the crash scene like there's no rush to check the other vehicle. Come on, now. There had to be a better way to give us Julian's "oh no, LUCAS" moment that wasn't so totally idiotic and contrived.

I liked Sasha and Willow's girl talk talk today, even if Willow is too old and experienced to act so chagrined over purchasing and taking a pregnancy test. Whatever; it was a Sonny-free zone, and that's good enough for me. Plus, Willow is likeable and there's no paternity doubts here, so if she's pregnant I won't be mad.

It pains me so much that Curtis had to ask SONNY of all people for marriage advice. To be fair, by PC standards Sonny and Carly really ARE the old faithful married couple that keep on chuggin'. Still, though, it's just another sign that on this show, everyone has to pay fealty to Sonny, and between Curtis, Kristina, and Alexis today, we were drowning in Sonny's undue praises.

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4 minutes ago, Linny said:

Plus, Willow is likeable and there's no paternity doubts here, so if she's pregnant I won't be mad.

imo it's way way too soon for them to have a baby, in terms of they've been a couple for only a year on a soap.

Edited by ulkis
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13 minutes ago, Linny said:

To be fair, by PC standards Sonny and Carly really ARE the old faithful married couple that keep on chuggin'.

Au Contraire, Mon Ami! How long have Mooby and SheBeast been married THIS TIME? What about Mac and Felicia? Or does Curtis not know him?

But please tell me that Kendra is DEAD.

And what was the "everything" that Shebeast told Mooby that made him act so smug toward Jax?

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I like the tie-in between Kendra's car and Lucas and Brad on the road, and hitting her car just before she was about to run over Alexis. That was nice soapy writing.

I also like that they found Alexis because of the GPS connection app that she wouldn't delete. So typical of Controlling Alexis.

On the other hand, Kristina really got the Sonny treatment.  There, there, Kristina, it wasn't your fault. Just because you lied about your mother to a psychopath, none of this had anything to do with you.  No wonder she never grows up if she keeps being treated like she's 5 years old.

I laughed when Jax decided to stay because it was so obvious that Sonny wanted him to go. Watching German Shepherd Jax play with Chihuahua Sonny is always amusing. It went south though when Carly reminded him how powerful Sonny is so don't mess with him.  It was strange because Jax and Carly seemed so much more equal a pairing, as if Carly gained 60 IQ points and could see reality. Then she went back to saying how wonderful Sonny is and went right back down again.

3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

B) Agree about the chemistry, but what I don't understand is why Robert has been harder on/more judgmental of Finn (who hasn't done anything wrong) in the last 6+ months of A&F's relationship than he was when SIL Patrick actually cheated on his beloved daughter Robin, or on Duke when Anna was in a relationship with him and he was engaging in genuine criminal behavior in association with Sonny. 

My guess is that they are trying to drum up some excitement in Anna's relationship with Finn.  It feels too comfortable, like FH and ME are friends and want this relationship because they like working with each other, so the writers have to produce some excitement externally and it's up to Robert to provide it. Hayden could have done it too but she's gone.

2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Does being with an "attending" mean Brad is injured but not as seriously as Lucas?

Pretty much.  Lucas was so seriously injured that he had to be rushed to surgery. (The police said that the driver's side bore the brunt of the damage.)  Brad is with the ER doctor currently on call.

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And what was the "everything" that Shebeast told Mooby that made him act so smug toward Jax?

Jax was smart enough to ask Sonny what exactly Carly had told him before admitting to anything. Turns out she'd said that Jax had a houseguest and that it was a woman he is seeing. Sonny practically did a happy dance at the thought that Jax wouldn't be sniffing around Carly any more.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My guess is that they are trying to drum up some excitement in Anna's relationship with Finn.  It feels too comfortable, like FH and ME are friends and want this relationship because they like working with each other, so the writers have to produce some excitement externally and it's up to Robert to provide it. Hayden could have done it too but she's gone.

Good luck with that. There's more excitement sorting laundry than watching these two. I don't blame FH, it's all on him.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It wasn’t because of danger. It was because she was a double agent-and that Robert didn’t turn her in when he discovered that; and more importantly, he thought she was DEAD. So a Dead wife who was a criminal didn’t contact him to inform him that they had a child. It’s not the same as Hayden, who was pregnant when she left and Finn knew that (right?), whereas Robert didn’t know.

I don’t think Robert ever thought Anna was dead before they were in the boat explosion in ‘92.

He just walked away without looking back (and rightly so) after finding out she was a double agent.

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46 minutes ago, Linny said:

It pains me so much that Curtis had to ask SONNY of all people for marriage advice.

I mean, by sheer volume, he's done it enough times that I guess in some obscene alternate universe that passes as expertise.  

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55 minutes ago, Linny said:

d to be a better way to give us Julian's "oh no, LUCAS" moment that wasn't so totally idiotic and contrived.

I hated how they were all walking around NOT seeing the car that we could see quite easily behind them.

And when Neil told the first responders that he thought Kendra was dead, the one guy's face " oh ok, guess we should go over there".  Good soapy premise but the staging was very bad.

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I really liked the Willow/Sasha scenes. It's so nice to see supportive women friends. We get way too little of that.

4 hours ago, AuxArx said:

Sure took 'em long enough to notice the other car. 

And the EMT was hilariously casual about everything. "Oh, right, there's a woman in the car. Guess I should mosey over and see what's up with her."

2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I laughed when Jax decided to stay because it was so obvious that Sonny wanted him to go.

Sonny's pissiness toward Jax is so juvenile that I'm never mad when Jax needles him in any possible way. Sonny is the one who needs to get along with Jax, not vice versa. Jax isn't the one who ostentatiously rolls his eyes and sighs when he encounters Sonny. Ugh. Shut up, Carly.

Sonny's "you have to communicate" was hilarious.

LOL at Kendra's "Death will find you, like it did my brother." News flash, Kendra, you nitwit: Death finds everyone. That's hardly a threat.

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Julian is such an idiot. If this show had any guts, they would kill off Lucas. It would be fitting for Julian's moronic scheme to end w/the death of his son. I felt the same way when Ava tampered w/Morgan's medication. For all Julian knew, Brad wouldn't leave his home that day, and Lucas, Wiley, and Brad could have been in Brad's car the following day. This was such a risky way to get rid of Brad.

I agree w/everyone who thought it was very stupid of TPTB to keep Brad's car visible to anyone who approached the scene AND not show ppl immediately going to the second car. That was lame. Brad's car should have been in a ditch or a ravine - unseen by anyone until the end of the episode. 

All I know is someone other than Kendra better die from this accident. As most know, I'm a Brad fan, but I couldn't care less if he died. They don't write for him anyway, so it doesn't matter to me anymore. Brad can appear fine and then suddenly die later. Or Lucas can die, and Brad can leave town w/Wiley. I couldn't care less if Michael never got his son back, so that scenario would be fine w/me. Or they both can be fine, work through their issues, Brad decides he's gonna take responsibility, and then they both die from other complications. I don't care. One of them or both of them need to go unless the writers are actually planning on treating them like real characters and writing for them on a consistent basis. Since that is not likely to happen, I'd be fine w/them both dying at this point. Willow's new baby can be born, get sick, need something from a sibling, and then everyone learns Wiley is not her kid. 

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Jason has gone to see the Rockettes on what fucking planet? And how old is Scout that she would even appreciate that? 

Soooo, Finn knows Hayden is in danger yet is able to go back to smiles, wishbones, and seriously bad pattycakes like nothing happened. 

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15 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Jason has gone to see the Rockettes on what fucking planet? And how old is Scout that she would even appreciate that?

Right?!?! That was so lame. How old is Scout? She must be 10 or something to even know who the Rockettes are?!?

Edited by lala2
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That crash scene doesn't add up, especially taking into consideration that Kendra's car was T-boned into a guard rail.  I wonder who had to go to the tree lot to find an evergreen to stuff under the crinkled hood?  When I T-boned someone, my car remained in the same lane, and the other car kept going (and would have run over Alexis, had she been there).

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny's pissiness toward Jax is so juvenile that I'm never mad when Jax needles him in any possible way. Sonny is the one who needs to get along with Jax, not vice versa. Jax isn't the one who ostentatiously rolls his eyes and sighs when he encounters Sonny. Ugh. Shut up, Carly.

For. Real.  Carly can go suck an egg for basically threatening Jax that Sonny, aka King of Port Charles, will have Jax deported again and then "poor-Joss-whose-been-through-enough" will blame Sonny (Me: yeah, as she should) and we CAN'T HAVE THAT because "poor-Sonny-whose-been-through-enough" doesn't deserve that.

Fuck you all--Jax just wanted to see his daughter and only a sociopath turns down the offer of a piece of pie. 

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12 hours ago, ulkis said:

They've never had to make up reasons to keep Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for almost 20 years now. I think they just did it to give NLG some filler crap.

I think they've been keeping Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for 20 years at NLG's request. She commented to one of the soap magazines (around Sexis time, 2002) that when Alexis was embroiled in stories about the Cassadine fortune and secrets in the '90s, it was her least favorite material, even though she liked Constance Towers and Stephen Nichols. She all but dismissed it as a Dark Shadows ripoff. 

What she obviously does like and would push to be part of (and I do think she has some say in the direction of her character) is "down to earth" material. So she likes stories about a straitlaced lawyer attracted to corrupt men, a professional woman battling cancer and alcoholism, a mother's difficult relationships with her adult daughter(s), the therapy scenes, etc. That's her preferred lane.

Edited by Asp Burger
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27 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

I think they've been keeping Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for 20 years at NLG's request. She commented to one of the soap magazines (around Sexis time, 2002) that when Alexis was embroiled in stories about the Cassadine fortune and secrets in the '90s, it was her least favorite material, even though she liked Constance Towers and Stephen Nichols. She all but dismissed it as a Dark Shadows ripoff. 

At first maybe, but at least the past several years I doubt NLG would object too much as long as it got her material. I think they kinda just got stuck in the habit of not including Alexis with Cassadine stuff.

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10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

I cannot even BEGIN to discuss how grotesque and nauseous this show made me feel today with the OTT propping of Sage Sonny, The Oh-So-Wise Marriage Counselor. Are you fucking kidding me with this? It's practically parody at this point. Why do they think this is good writing? I guess they just don't care, because all it does is drive home the point that this is not a good show and caters to a certain someone who can barely get by without using cue cards.

I think my eyes rolled so hard they're still up their orbiting the moon. At first, I thought they included that scene to give Sonny a reason to stick around the hospital and eventually find out about Lucas. But not only did the show completely skip over the dramatic moment of Lucas and Brad being wheeled into the hospital, but from the preview it seems like maybe it's Bobbie who informs Carly of what happens which makes the Curtis/Sonny scene even more pointless.

Even if they wanted Sonny to stick around the hospital, there was probably a less contrived way  to do it like just having him stick around with Kristina/Alexis/Neil. Even if he said nothing (which is my preference always for him) it would have been less contrived than Curtis out of the blue randomly asking Sonny for advice. Or, here's a completely novel, insane idea - they just could have had Sonny disappear for the rest of the episode. They do that with plenty of other characters no reason they couldn't with Sonny.

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I'm sure you all covered this, but I have to back up and share some thoughts on this year's Q Thanksgiving:

1. Amanda Setton and Emme Rylan have fantastic antagonistic chemistry.  Their fight was the most interesting our plucky star journalist has been in forever.

2. I get that Brook is the new Tracy (hey, have you heard how she's just like her grandmother!), but how was she supposed to know that Leo had a favorite paper turkey (which...what?  He's not two, he's like in third grade).

3. It's hard to take Monica's shading of Brook seriously given the FrancoDrew of it all.  "Be wary of Brook.  Oh, hey, come on in former serial killer who had my grandson raped and has my actual adopted son's memories in his head, grab a slice!"

4. Speaking of, I am disgusted FrancoDrew was there at all.  And why, it added nothing to the scenes.

5. The Quartermaines all snorfing at the idea of Jason at the Rockettes was pretty amusing.

6. Did I miss the reason why Lulu wasn't spending the day with Laura?

7. Yet another scene of Sonny (and this time Carly too) commenting on Quartermaine lore.  It's a trend I DO NOT approve of.  Isn't it bad enough that the Corinthii now get a hearty slice of the Thanskgiving episode pie?

8. And finally, this super soapy look from Brook when Rocco accidentally spilled the hot goss about Lulu and Dustin is such classic Amanda Setton soap goodness, it's now of course my avatar:


Edited by TeeVee329
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6. Did I miss the reason why Lulu wasn't spending the day with Laura?

No reason given. Liz mentioned she was working and the boyeez were with Laura & Kevin-- so maybe you can hand wave she didnt want to stick Laura with all the grandkids???

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Why does kid playing Rocco not look like a Rocco? In another year he’ll be taller then Emme Rylan. I also thought it was odd she wasn’t with Laura but I guess Genie Francis met her episode guarantee for the month.

The only storyline I’m curious about is the Julian, Lucas & Brad one. I want see how it plays out. I thought Chase telling Julian his son in law was in the car, too and Julian not caring was funny. 

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11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

only a sociopath turns down the offer of a piece of pie. 


27 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I thought Chase telling Julian his son in law was in the car, too and Julian not caring was funny. 

I thought that was kind of dumb on Julian's part. The PCPD is already figuring out the accident was kind of hinky, and Julian's attitude toward Brad is something of a red flag. I get Julian being more concerned for Lucas, but his utter contempt for Brad was wrong. Chase is smart enough to connect those dots. (And we all know he will, as Julian has to get as much blame as possible for everything. He deserves it here, though.)

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What a bust Sonny's Thanksgiving Dinner was.  Carly phones Lucas and begs him to fill a seat at the table, then when he is on his way, suddenly Michael and Sasha have left and Dev and Joss are with Treena and Cam.  Must have been a quick meal.

Still wondering about the front end damage on Kendra's car.

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Carly phones Lucas and begs him to fill a seat at the table, then when he is on his way,

yeah-- I caught that-- seriously rude to invite someone and then not at least hold dinner for them. Also-- why suddenly did everyone forget they have cell phones? Jax shows up unannounced? Carly gives absolutely no thought to why Lucas never showed up-- during the entire meal? 

Isn't Joss grounded from the Halloween drinking incident? why is she allowed out with friends? including the friend that supplied the alcohol she drank? 

But I supposed I can't expect common courtesy from the trashy-trash that wouldn't even give her own mother a glass of water so that when she got car jacked by an escaped felon/cult leader she eventually got dehydrated and collapsed by the side of the road. #thingsonlysoapfanssay

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16 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

I can't decide which took longer, getting down the hill to see about the other car, or Willow deciding to finally pee on the damn stick to see if she's actually pregnant. Which of course they dragged out until the next day. I'm glad to see a female friendship but a) when did these two become such good friends? Offscreen? and b) one is a useless, pointless character who needs to get gone.

You can say that both of them are useless, pointless characters that need to be gone.

So, if Brad was in the car all by himself, I guess Julian wouldn't have said anything?

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40 minutes ago, superdeluxe said:

You can say that both of them are useless, pointless characters that need to be gone.

Ha, I was waiting for someone to say that. I realize that argument could be made, but I don't mind Willow. 

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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Carly phones Lucas and begs him to fill a seat at the table, then when he is on his way, suddenly Michael and Sasha have left and Dev and Joss are with Treena and Cam.  Must have been a quick meal.

Maybe staring at the offensive "We had to take Mike back to Resting Palm Trees because he wasn't lucid" empty chair during the quickest meal in the history of meals is why Sonny was so pissy with Jax.  Luckily, when the truth comes out as to why Lucas didn't fulfill his seat filler responsibility he can go ballistic against Julian.  And probably somehow find a way to blame Ava, too.  

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You can say that both of them are useless, pointless characters that need to be gone.

but Willow is the reason we have perfect boyfriend Chase, and shirtless Chase. She is also someone who doesn't mind telling Nina to shut up-- so I like her. I also covet her perfectly straight hair. 

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On 12/3/2019 at 1:24 PM, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

they are trying to drive home the point that Brooklyn is the new Tracy and the writers aren't being subtle.

Brooklyn isn't fit to shine Tracy's shoes but ok.  So far I can't stand her.

17 hours ago, lala2 said:

If this show had any guts, they would kill off Lucas.

I would feel bad for Bobby losing another child, but I wouldn't be mad at this.  Brad is light years more interesting and developed as a character than Lucas.  I would rather keep him around.

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We all know the Brook Lynn–is-just-like-Tracy nonsense is 

to anvil us that Tracy returns for a bit.

It's so typically lazy of this show to make comparisons on extremely shallow grounds. Tracy's character developed over decades. Brook Lynn hasn't been on the show for a decade. Oh! There's the logical connection.

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Curtis was sacrificed to bow at Sonny's feet, so that Sonny could yammer about how important it is not to have seekrits in marriage.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Carly is conspiring with Jax to continue to lie to Sonny.  Curtis got stuck driving the irony train.

Edited by ciarra
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Uh, did Nikolas really just bribe that Shadybrook employee to tamper Ava's meds with only a couple of $20 bills? A) Way to dig deep into your pockets there, Mr. Cassadine, B) wow, that employee is very easily bought, and C) Ava needs to get back to full strength ASAP to rip Nik a new one for messing with her mind like that. Nikolas has been such a tremendous disappointment; luring Ava into further vulnerability with talk of her dead daughter in hell is really heinous.

Carly's blunt, demanding, rough as a cob bedside manner when talking to Lucas was hilariously on-brand for her. Maybe let's not try bullying the guy with a head injury into waking up, okay? 

I'm already so over Julian muttering about his failed plan to take out Brad. Both because it's annoying, and because it's a sudden, unwelcome reversal of behavior from a character I had grown to appreciate.

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