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Heather Dubrow:"Let Them Eat Cake, But Don't Touch My Bow."

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I just got done taking a peak at Princess Perception's blog and noticed that on hers (as well as all the others' blogs) are not showing comments. Hmmm, did princess have a fit and demand they be shut down?


Oh, there's some pretty interesting theories out there about this, specifically that Carole (RHONYC) was accused (apparently by Camp Aviva and possibly Ramona and Sonja) for having "fake" posts on her blog because most of her blog comments were positive whereas the other women's blog comments were quite negative.  


Maybe Bravo just pulled comments from ALL of the housewife blogs because of the controversy?




Okay, regarding Heather DUBROW, I'm gonna go there.


Has anyone ever seen this woman actually EAT?


I admit, aside from perhaps an occasional bite of salad, I really have not seen her do much besides push her food around on a plate.


And suck lobster legs (not the claws, mind you, the skinny LEGS) at the infamous "clambake" she threw last season.


Other than that, I see her with food but rarely see her actually consume anything.  And I've started to look, sadly enough, just because she seems to have that "hollow-eyed" look that many eating disordered people begin to take on.  


I think Heather is probably at least 20-25 pounds lighter than she was back in her glory days (snort) and that, combined with her odd-looking surgical tweaks are turning her into a marionette right before our very eyes.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Oh, there's some pretty interesting theories out there about this, specifically that Carole (RHONYC) was accused (apparently by Camp Aviva and possibly Ramona and Sonja) for having "fake" posts on her blog because most of her blog comments were positive whereas the other women's blog comments were quite negative.

Maybe Bravo just pulled comments from ALL of the housewife blogs because of the controversy?


Okay, regarding Heather DUBROW, I'm gonna go there.

Has anyone ever seen this woman actually EAT?

I admit, aside from perhaps an occasional bite of salad, I really have not seen her do much besides push her food around on a plate.

And suck lobster legs (not the claws, mind you, the skinny LEGS) at the infamous "clambake" she threw last season.

Other than that, I see her with food but rarely see her actually consume anything. And I've started to look, sadly enough, just because she seems to have that "hollow-eyed" look that many eating disordered people begin to take on.

I think Heather is probably at least 20-25 pounds lighter than she was back in her glory days (snort) and that, combined with her odd-looking surgical tweaks are turning her into a marionette right before our very eyes.

Seasons ago I speculated that Heather's "I'm oh so picky about restaurants" tendency to send her food back a thousand times is an ED habit from her actress days. I feel like every generation of women has their own way of not eating. In the 1990s the whole main stream gourmet thing was still pretty new and a sort of cutting edge idea. It was sort of popular to be absurdly pretentious about ordering ( think of the old 1990s joke about taking 15 minutes to order your Starbucks coffee and then sending it back because the cinnamon wasn't freshly shaved or some such nonsense) and I noticed at the time a lot of my friends with obviouse food issues would use this as a way not to eat. With Millenials I feel like the ED excuse is dubious food allergies. Anyway I noticed this right away with Heather and figured she probably orders more than she eats.

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Seasons ago I speculated that Heather's "I'm oh so picky about restaurants" tendency to send her food back a thousand times is an ED habit from her actress days. I feel like every generation of women has their own way of not eating. In the 1990s the whole main stream gourmet thing was still pretty new and a sort of cutting edge idea. It was sort of popular to be absurdly pretentious about ordering ( think of the old 1990s joke about taking 15 minutes to order your Starbucks coffee and then sending it back because the cinnamon wasn't freshly shaved or some such nonsense) and I noticed at the time a lot of my friends with obviouse food issues would use this as a way not to eat. With Millenials I feel like the ED excuse is dubious food allergies. Anyway I noticed this right away with Heather and figured she probably orders more than she eats.


Yep, I know several women who are "food pushers," meaning that they move around the food on the plate but very little of it actually makes its way into their mouth.  At a glance, you would assume they're eating but then you realize it's pretty much the same amount of food they were served, it's just been pushed around the plate rather than eaten.


Mother Persnickety had an eating disorder in that she would literally starve herself for 3-4 days before we had company over for dinner.  She would eat like a Kentucky Derby winner and then consume the bigger part of a half-gallon of ice cream, laughing the whole time to her friends who were present about how she could eat anything she wanted and never gain an ounce.  Then she wouldn't eat for another 3 days.


It took me well into my teenage years before I recognized she was eating disordered.  Her sister, with whom she was very competitive, was a bit overweight and I've kind of determined that my mother's eating disorder and staying almost emaciated looking was her way of feeling superior to her overweight sister, since the sister trumped her at almost every other skill (cooking, sewing, knitting, baking, and worked full-time as well).


I think this is why Heather's eating habits are so interesting to me.  When those glorious lobsters were served at the clambake and all Heather did was suck on a scrawny lobster leg, it really stood out to me because in her first season she asked the server to bring her the THINNEST (i.e., SMALLEST) piece of fish they had, and then refused to eat it because it was just too thick and wouldn't taste right.  Ummmm, okay, Heather.  


My impression then was that she's eating disordered and very calorie-restricting, so I'm always looking for a scene in which she actually puts food into her mouth, chews it up, and swallows it, and so far all I have is seeing her sucking on that tiny lobster leg.  


Which, of course, leads me to raise my eyebrows when she gets indignant about the kids having an occasional treat.  Reminds me of Yolanda on RHOBH ordering Gigi that gorgeous cake and then not wanting Gigi to actually EAT any of it.  


If I see Heather slugging down Master Cleanse, I'm going to really raise my eyebrows.  Higher than Heather's, even.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Interesting theories on Heathers interesting eating habits. I pity anyone within listening distance when that woman hits menopause or has her time of the month. She prolly spent her whole pregnancies arranging lavish showers for herself, registering for gifts at every boutique in CA, and demanding push presents for the superhuman act of carrying fetuses. As we all know, everything she does requires serious pomp and circumstance.

Edited by What In The
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Maybe Bravo just pulled comments from ALL of the housewife blogs because of the controversy?


I had heard that rumor as well. But, I think it's much more simple than a HW possibly posting positive comments to her own blog. I really doubt that BRAVO would care about that since they spend so much time removing negative comments. 


I think it is more likely that some of their Favorites (BRAVO, not necessarily the fans), were getting bombarded with negative comments and it was just easier to shut off comments across the board. 

When I say BRAVO favorites, I mean Sonja of NY and Heather (and possibly Shannon) of the OC. Or, maybe Andy himself was seeing a huge flood of negative comments because of George and whoever was responsible for moderating them, just couldn't keep up. At one point this season, you could see a over a hundred comments on a blog and then come back to it an hour later and were lucky to see like 20. 

So, they were being called out a lot about removing comments and probably just didn't want to deal with it anymore.


I only say this because ever since Jill Zarin and AmazonGate, there have been accusations made to and by the HW's that they were posting positive comments on their own behalf - so I just don't think that would have been the reason.

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I had heard that rumor as well. But, I think it's much more simple than a HW possibly posting positive comments to her own blog. I really doubt that BRAVO would care about that since they spend so much time removing negative comments. 


I think it is more likely that some of their Favorites (BRAVO, not necessarily the fans), were getting bombarded with negative comments and it was just easier to shut off comments across the board. 

When I say BRAVO favorites, I mean Sonja of NY and Heather (and possibly Shannon) of the OC. Or, maybe Andy himself was seeing a huge flood of negative comments because of George and whoever was responsible for moderating them, just couldn't keep up. At one point this season, you could see a over a hundred comments on a blog and then come back to it an hour later and were lucky to see like 20. 

So, they were being called out a lot about removing comments and probably just didn't want to deal with it anymore.


I only say this because ever since Jill Zarin and AmazonGate, there have been accusations made to and by the HW's that they were posting positive comments on their own behalf - so I just don't think that would have been the reason.

Yea, I highly doubt it's because Carole maybe wrote some positive comments.  All the wives get positive comments.  The blog comments have always been suspect to me because they don't go up automatically.  There's always some big delay and most comments don't make it.  I've posted positive, boring, funny and critical comments in the past.  I think 1 only got posted.  It's like the old Bravo message boards.  Bravo probably felt it wasn't worth the effort of maintaining. 

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They must really dislike Heather because they are really sticking it to her this year. The juxtaposition of Shannon feeding her family and Heather saying she doesn't cook and hiring a chef is kind of telling don't you think.

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They must really dislike Heather because they are really sticking it to her this year. The juxtaposition of Shannon feeding her family and Heather saying she doesn't cook and hiring a chef is kind of telling don't you think.


I hadn't even noticed that, but now that you have jarred my memory it is amusing. Sadly, both meals looked about the same, minus the fries, and Heather has the professional chef. He seems like a nice guy though, and I'm sure his chicken was moist, not dry.

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I guess if you're a RH you have to call the person a chef.  Or maybe the chef prefers it that way.  In my day, we called it having a family cook.  We were abroad then, a million years ago, so it wasn't unusual.  Whatever it takes to put food on that table and feed the family.  This is such a huge part of happy family life.  I think it would be great sometimes to have that family cook again -- dream on for real -- but there's something terrific about learning how to cook everyday food -- yummy stuff that folks enjoy and that keep the ball rolling.  I feel kind of sorry for people who give up and insist that they just can't or don't want to.  It's not a deal breaker but learning how to cook nice, simple, tasty food is important.  I learned a bit later in life because I had to -- and wanted to -- and I don't regret it. 


I liked the young guy doing the cooking and really liked that he didn't attempt to wow anyone with super fancy stuff.  Those children and the nanny looked SO happy to be eating.  And Terry too.  So good for Heather.   I feel for anyone dealing with eating issues. Must be hell. 


And, trick is, when you cook on a regular basis, every day, two or three times a day, just the act of preparing it kills your appetite.  Or lessens it by half. 


I don't think Carole would post fake comments on her blog.  And am glad they're being shut down.  I'm a real traitor -- I've gotten horribly addicted to these silly shows and part of me really, really wishes they would ALL just fold.  I'd also love to see Andy Cohen scrounging around for a job.  He's like the ultimate pusher.  I really kind of hate him. 

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I don't think it's the Heather can't cook or doesn't cook, I think she just doesn't like to. And now that she's busier than she has been in a while it's the first chore she wants to let go of. I feel her. I cook every meal because it's cheaper, but as often as I've tried to get into the joy of cooking I just can't. If I had the money a personal chef would be at the top of my list.

Edited by FozzyBear
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I hadn't even noticed that, but now that you have jarred my memory it is amusing. Sadly, both meals looked about the same, minus the fries, and Heather has the professional chef. He seems like a nice guy though, and I'm sure his chicken was moist, not dry.


And served on time so Terry didn't have to snack on chips and salsa before his meal.


So true, guys. Shannon better hope David never has dinner at the Dubrows. If that chef also offered him a tequila, in addition to the timely, non-dry chicken, he might just move in with them! Or the chef....

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If I was as rich as Heather, I would have a chef. But I would say it's because I don't like to cook. I am rich and can pay someone to cook for me and

my family. Own up to it!  

Not this phony BS of I'm hiring a chef, because with my busy schedule; cooking takes away time I could be spending with my family So I can do it all!

Work and then come home and take care of my family.Then I  hire a chef who cooks and serves meals to my children,they eat alone, probably with the nanny, the nanny puts them to bed .

Then when my husband comes home he and I sit down and have dinner together. But of course I do clean up after....Oh Heather!

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Maybe it's just me, but I am really annoyed with all the Heather bashing this year, I mean Shannon is ridiculous to the point of mentally challenged and just seems to be there to add to the drama (oh, what am I say?  That's what everyone does)


But enough already - it was bad enough last year with Gretchen and not it's Heather's turn - basically it's like sharks - they sense blood and just go after it....I personally just want Shannon to go away.

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Did anyone catch her "commercial" for that Echo movie? It was with her twins. The acting is sooooo bad, it's cringe-worthy. She's just such an obvious actor, she's not subtle at all.

The twins were better.  I think Heather would be a good soap.

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Yowza, I had read about Terry's less-than-stellar reviews on Yelp, and then today I ran across this site that (you guessed it) has more scathing reviews of the Great Dr. DuBrow.





Dr. Dubrow is a total salesman. They get you to pay and do the surgery and then if you have complications, or questions, you are made to feel like you are bothering them. My vision was irreparably damaged and my eye was left misshapen. My doctor said it was a scratched cornea, and an astigmatism due to the change in the curve of the eye, from the tension. Additionally I was left badly scared from my face lift, due to poor incision placement, tension on the skin, stitches left in by staff,and many other doctor related issues. I was told nothing was wrong, and was bulled and intimidated and made to feel stupid when I had questions. Please what ever you do do not go to him. He rushes through everything, and you may be the to be injured like me. Plus he is very expensive. now i have to have surgery again, because of his incompetence, arrogance and unprofessionalism. I tried to sue but attorneys don't want to take the case unless there guaranteed a big payoff, not for the principle


There are even worse reviews on that site.


Sadly enough, I pretty much believe all of the reviews that talk about his arrogance and how once he does the surgery he pretty much washes his hands of you.  I think the dude's #1 priority is chasing his fame-whore dreams and making bank.  It doesn't surprise me that many of the reviews indicate the patients are not exactly at the top of his list.  

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I read his reviews when I first heard this couple was going to be on the show and that he also pushed (bullied) Heather to sign on by not speaking to her and I imagine probably more. So while watching him my opinion has always been colored by this info and I can't stand him. Heather seems very complicit too and that new house smacks of being built with tainted money.

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I read his reviews when I first heard this couple was going to be on the show and that he also pushed (bullied) Heather to sign on by not speaking to her and I imagine probably more. So while watching him my opinion has always been colored by this info and I can't stand him. Heather seems very complicit too and that new house smacks of being built with tainted money.


Yeah, being in the medical profession myself, Terry has had me eye-rolling ever since he was shooting his mouth off about Alexis' nose procedure during the infamous 80s Bunco Party.  Not only was it uncouth since she wasn't his patient (and he was clearly just wanting to join the other hens in gossiping), it would have been uncouth even if it WERE one of his own patients.  He just comes off as completely inappropriate and unprofessional (and possibly committing HIPAA violations), the type of dude who regales guests and party-goers with his tales from the surgical suite and talking smack about his various patients for entertainment purposes.  


I won't watch that show Botched just because I don't want to contribute to his ratings.  I might give it a shot if it were just Paul from RHOBH, but with Terry in the mix, I'm totally avoiding the show.  

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Yeah, being in the medical profession myself, Terry has had me eye-rolling ever since he was shooting his mouth off about Alexis' nose procedure during the infamous 80s Bunco Party. Not only was it uncouth since she wasn't his patient (and he was clearly just wanting to join the other hens in gossiping), it would have been uncouth even if it WERE one of his own patients. He just comes off as completely inappropriate and unprofessional (and possibly committing HIPAA violations), the type of dude who regales guests and party-goers with his tales from the surgical suite and talking smack about his various patients for entertainment purposes.

I won't watch that show Botched just because I don't want to contribute to his ratings. I might give it a shot if it were just Paul from RHOBH, but with Terry in the mix, I'm totally avoiding the show.

Man, that bugged me too! I felt like it was very inappropriate for him to be speculating on Alexis's possible medical conditions as gossip. Most reputable professionals that work with confidentiality issues are loath to play pro at cocktail parties, partly because most feel it violates the spirit, if not the letter of their oaths, and also because they don't want to get into trouble with professional associations for giving off the cuff advise. A friend of mine who's a lawyer has been known to excuse herself when people start fishing for a legal opinion because she just does not want to go there. If you want her opinion you go to her office and hire her. It was such a red flag that Terry would do that just as a bitchy party trick. I'm wonder if he's ever gotten in trouble over stuff like that.

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I won't watch that show Botched just because I don't want to contribute to his ratings.  I might give it a shot if it were just Paul from RHOBH, but with Terry in the mix, I'm totally avoiding the show.


I won't watch for the same reason. I felt a bit sorry for Paul's participation with Terry because I don't sense the same flip attitude to his patients. 

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But enough already - it was bad enough last year with Gretchen and not it's Heather's turn - basically it's like sharks - they sense blood and just go after it....I personally just want Shannon to go away.

While I do think Heather has been a total B to Shannon this season, I also agree that at the beginning of a season, the producers must pick a person to give a bad edit and drive negative story lines toward. Last year, it was Gretchen, the year before it was Alexis, the year before that it was Vicki, and I believe the year before that it was Tamra.  Heather will probably get to redeem herself at the beginning of next season and then we will hate someone else, it's probably going to have to be Lizzie or Shannon. 

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The only thing that's different about Heather this year is that the edit is showing her being criticized by her "friends." She's exactly the same as she's always been- a stuck up, humorless bitch. I see no difference in her attitude and behavior this year from previous seasons.

Last year's tagline was something about her being fun or something and i waited all season to see her live up to that tagline. It never happened. She's such a buzzkill.

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I guess with Alexis I thought she made sincere attempts to solve the drama and really try not to go back to a bad place with Heather. I felt there were several times when Alexis really did rise above the drama and refused to engage, especially when Heather made it clear she had no intention of letting her nonsensical vendetta go. Shannon has really jumped at any chance to re-engage with Heather. Heather is a bitch, but I do think she has a point that at this point she pretty much can't say anything even in Shannon's presence with Shannon taking it personally and either crying or getting very angry. The Christmas party was ridiculous. Heather was being a bitch wasn't even talking to Shannon and Shannon took it personally. When Shannon feels wounded she will not stop. I would find it exhausting too. Rise to Alexis's level of maturity. That's all I'm asking. Act as grown up and secure as Alexis! This is not an impossible goal.

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I think Heather saw herself as the pearl before swine, this season, and was stunned to learn that the swine don't recognize or care about pearls.  Shannon came along and ruined her move to be the Queen Bee, it seems.  The women immediately gravitated toward Shannon.  She has money, a huge home, a rich husband, and is connected in the community and she doesn't treat Vicki and Tamra like they are meant to be her sidekicks in life (although Shannon should have kept more of a distance from Tamra).  Shannon easily invites everyone into her home.  She makes them feel welcomed (minus the marital discord). She cooks for them and treats them like people.  Heather was sunk from the beginning.

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The only thing that's different about Heather this year is that the edit is showing her being criticized by her "friends." She's exactly the same as she's always been- a stuck up, humorless bitch. I see no difference in her attitude and behavior this year from previous seasons.

Last year's tagline was something about her being fun or something and i waited all season to see her live up to that tagline. It never happened. She's such a buzzkill.

I think it was "Whoever says blondes have more fun hasn't met me".     I took it to mean she was pissed off that people who met blondes had fun, and she was dying to squelch their joy or somesuch. 


Is this coming episode the one where Terry gets all medical like and calls  David a.....Penis?   Quick thinking, Dr. Dubrow.   That must have really burned David's tunica vaginalis and all. 


Oh, and it pleases me to no end that Mrs.  Snooty Highbrow's better/worse half will forever have this credit on his IMDB page:   Botched (2014) Episode 2-Vagina Bomb! Terry Dubrow (himself).   Klassy! 

Edited by Mu Shu
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I think it was "Whoever says blondes have more fun hasn't met me". I took it to mean she was pissed off that people who met blondes had fun, and she was dying to squelch their joy or somesuch.

Is this coming episode the one where Terry gets all medical like and calls David a.....Penis? Quick thinking, Dr. Dubrow. That must have really burned David's tunica vaginalis and all.

Oh, and it pleases me to no end that Mrs. Snooty Highbrow's better/worse half will forever have this credit on his IMDB page: Botched (2014) Episode 2-Vagina Bomb! Terry Dubrow (himself). Klassy!

This entire post is made of win.

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Oh, and it pleases me to no end that Mrs.  Snooty Highbrow's better/worse half will forever have this credit on his IMDB page:   Botched (2014) Episode 2-Vagina Bomb! Terry Dubrow (himself).   Klassy! 



Yes. And where is pearl-clutching Heather with regard to this? Imagine if Taliban Jim were involved in something like this. Heather would be gasping and wide-eyed and enunciating her disdainful criticisms with her Michael Jackson nose in the air. That's the thing I think she never understood--it is not possible to be on these shows and NOT be perceived as a silly ape. Heather is not the 'voice of reason,' or the 'Greek Chorus.' She's just another nasty, ill-mannered ho-wife like all the rest of them. 

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Is this coming episode the one where Terry gets all medical like and calls  David a.....Penis?   Quick thinking, Dr. Dubrow.   That must have really burned David's tunica vaginalis and all. 


Unfortunately, it is not. I know this because the image of Ms. Terry's God-awful leather jacket/blazer when he dramatically proclaims, "...and it's penis!" will forever be emblazoned in my mind.

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I hope Heather is getting the dogs because she feels they are going to be a wonderful addition to her family and not to make her image more lovable.


In Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Paul Maloof  (Terry's partner in crime on Botched) made a big show about giving Adrian a German Shepherd from a German breeder.  He claimed that German breeders were much better then American breeders of this particular type of dog and they only wanted the best bloodlines. It seemed on camera Adrian loved the dog.  Flash forward to the next season and the dog is nowhere to be found.  Adrian tells us that the dog "just did not work out" and had to be removed (I hope with all their money they at least found it a good home, because it breaks my heart to think of that poor animal in a shelter).  Instead of the German Shepherd, Adrian is all of sudden sporting a cute little toy dog that she can carry everywhere.  I am convinced she only got the toy dog to compete with Lisa, after the saw the popularity of Jiggy.  I think the Gosselins of the former Jon and Kate plus Eight, also got a dog they ended up discarding, but I am not sure about this, as I never watched that show or kept up with that family.


This is a very long winded way of me saying that I do not care If Heather gets her dogs from a reputable breeder, as long as her intentions are pure. 

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Unfortunately, it is not. I know this because the image of Ms. Terry's God-awful leather jacket/blazer when he dramatically proclaims, "...and it's penis!" will forever be emblazoned in my mind.

Oh, poop.   I have to wait another week?   Oh well, if it's the one with Tamra running screaming barefoot, I will patiently wait.    The only thing that would make it better is if Tamra is wearing pink sponge hair rollers and clutching a hard pack of Marlboro reds whilst running barefoot.    


I do not give two craps about Heather's dogs.   Shelter dogs wouldn't exist if idiotic people  neutered/spayed their animals.    it is the problem of uninformed and laissez faire  idiots, not Heather Dubrow. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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Is there anyone else that wishes that Lydia M would come back just to irritate Heather? Maybe they could find some Jesus Barbie on steroids that happens to throw fairy dust? Like an Alexis, Judy, Lydia combo?

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I'm not landed gentry, but that woman is quintescentially nouveau riche. Acting like you're above everyone is not classy. Better to be the Queen who drinks her own finger bowl to make a guest feel welcome than one that corrects her visitor's grammar (and not that well!)

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I'm not landed gentry, but that woman is quintescentially nouveau riche. Acting like you're above everyone is not classy. Better to be the Queen who drinks her own finger bowl to make a guest feel welcome than one that corrects her visitor's grammar (and not that well!)



That's what Granny, Mama and charm school taught me.

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Heather has to know she has trashed her brand by her behavior the past few weeks. She will most likely survive and thrive like Brandi Glanville and Shannon will go the way of one and done Joyce. It doesn't matter if you are in the right on these shows. You just have to bring the drama like Tamra and you can survive any amount of despicable behavior. 

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