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Movie Quotes: Memorable Lines We Like To Quote Over & Over

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I find myself saying the last part but wouldn't make as much sense without the lines before it.


Nick Fury: "...and I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys."

Thor: "Monkey's? I do not understand"

Captian America: "I do! I understood that reference!"

Edited by blueray
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My favorite Nick Fury line from The Avengers is from this exchange:


Nick [paraphrased] "Head south!"

Pilot [paraphrased] "Sir, the navigation system isn't back up yet!"

Nick:  "Is the sun coming up?!"

Pilot:  "Yes"

Nick:  "Then put it on the left!!"


Goes back to road trips when I was a kid and dad would quiz us on what direction we were headed by only using the sun.  It's come in handy a few times  :)

Loving the quotes from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  I'm not of Greek heritage but where I grew up, there were lots of folks just like her parents & relatives (they were mostly Italian-Americans, though).  My favorite quote was one that sounded all too familiar to me from my childhood (from my Swedish-American mom):  "The man is the head of the family but the woman is the neck..."  My sister and I heard that a lot.  When I heard Lainie Kazan say that in the movie, I slid down in my seat I was laughing so hard (but trying not to draw attention to myself).  I love that actress!

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The hubby and I quote Friday a lot.


- "It's Friday. You ain't got shit to do.": When we have Fridays off.

- "You ain't got to lie Craig!": Whenever we think someone is lying.

- "You got knocked the fuck out!": Usually when someone on TV gets knocked out.

- "Bye Felicia.": When we don't have time for foolishness.

We use the first 3 the most.


I finally got to use Della Reese's character's line from Harlem Nights about orange juice: "Why did you leave a swallow of orange juice in the bottle?" Or something to that effect. It's been a minute since I've seen that movie.


There should be a thread about quoting comedy specials b/c the hubby, myself and our college friends quote Chris Rock's Bring the Pain all the time. I mean all the time. The hubby and I quote Kevin Hart a lot, too. Oh, and the first season of Chappelle Show.

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Happy baseball season. Just a small sampling but my friends and I use these from A League of Their Own all the time, whether in or randomly out of context.

-By the way I Ioved you in the Wizard of Oz.

-WHO'S LOU!!!!?

-You're gonna loooooooose

-Marla Hooch. What a hitter!

-I have seen enough to know I have seen too much.

-I'm singing to Nelson. Ain't I, baby?

You sure are.

-You're out, Brenda! You. Ah. Out.

-That looked good to me, Ellen Sue, that looked good to me. Shake that one off now. Shake that one off.

-Has anyone ever tell you you look like a penis with that little hat on?

Anything said by Jon Lovitz in the film

-You know General Omar Bradley? Well there's too strong a resemblance.

But the piece de resistance:

-Has anyone seen my new, red hat?

Oh piss on your hat.

  • Love 2


Another favorite of mine from that movie is "Mmmm. THAT is a tasty burger!" Usable whenever you're eating a tasty burger.



"did I spoil your concentration?"

"ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!  Do you speak it?!!"


Of course my favorite Pulp Fiction line is "Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every last motherfucking one of ya!"


"Ahoy, motherfucker!" - Vampire in Brooklyn (I like to use this line whenever I greet someone at their house)


"It's a motherfuckin' five o'clock in the motherfuckin' mornin'!" - School Daze (used whenever I'm awakened from a deep sleep)

Edited by Vixenstud
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Last week, the guest of a neighbor of mine left at about 3 in the morning  (I'm not usually snoopy; but when someone uses the remote start for their car in the middle of the night and it honks the horn twice before engaging the ignition, sometimes you find out more than you wanted to know.)  


So I commented to the no longer asleep hub "Jennifer's guest isn't staying through the night."

The response:  "His andirons must need cleaning."


(We've watched When Harry Met Sally at least once too often.)

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"ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!  Do you speak it?!!"


Of course my favorite Pulp Fiction line is "Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every last motherfucking one of ya!"


Which brings us to this :


"That was fuckin' trippy."


And this:


"If you're all right, then say something."



  • Love 1

For years every time I was trying to do something carefully (like move something delicate or spillable) I'd hear this voice in my head saying "care-fee, care-fee" and I had no idea what the hell it was from.  Until one day I was watching the animated Cinderella again and discovered that it's Jack telling Gus to be careful as he edges around a sleeping Lucifer.  I felt a lot less like a crazy person at that point.

'As if!' The 20 best lines from 'Clueless'


They picked some good ones, but missed one of my favorites:  Cher commenting on why she's still a virgin:  "Come on you guys, you know how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet!"


It's been fun reliving Clueless this week, but what I'm really looking forward to is October 21, 2015 :)

  • Love 4

'As if!' The 20 best lines from 'Clueless'


They picked some good ones, but missed one of my favorites:  Cher commenting on why she's still a virgin:  "Come on you guys, you know how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet!"


It's been fun reliving Clueless this week, but what I'm really looking forward to is October 21, 2015 :)


My unwavering love for Paul Rudd dates from that movie.  What happens on October 21?

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'As if!' The 20 best lines from 'Clueless'


They picked some good ones, but missed one of my favorites:  Cher commenting on why she's still a virgin:  "Come on you guys, you know how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet!"


It's been fun reliving Clueless this week, but what I'm really looking forward to is October 21, 2015 :)


"Would you call me shallow?"

"No, not to your face."


"She's saving herself for Luke Perry!"


"Honey, I couldn't be more proud if they were based on real grades."


"What's the matter with you kid?  Did Sammy Davis Jr's death leave a hole in the Rat Pack?"


"If anything happens to my daughter, I have a .45 and a shovel, I doubt you'd be missed."


"Um, I have a note from my Doctor saying that I can't have balls flying at my face."

"Well, there goes your social life."


I love, love love this movie and I've been quoting it for years!  (As you can see)

Edited by QueerGirrl
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Se7en's "What's in the boooox?" is an always-favourite of mine. And it's always useful, somehow.

I use that line, too. And it becomes a gauge of whether the person I'm talking to is a kindred spirit. So when a co-worker, family member, or friend mentions something being inside a box and I go, "What's in the booooxxxxx?" --if they laugh and understand what I'm talking about, I know we have a cosmic connection.

  • Love 4

"Would you call me shallow?"

"No, not to your face."



I LOVE Dionne's line right after that -  "What, is Josh giving you shit because he's going through his post adolescent idealistic phase?"  It's the absolutely annoyed tone she has.   I also have a special place for:

"Okay, but, street slang is an increasingly valid form of expression. Most of the feminine pronouns do have mocking, but not necessarily in misogynistic undertones"

"Wow, you guys talk like grownups here!"

"Well, this is a really good school."


"I could really use some sort of herbal refreshment."

"Oh, well we do lunch in ten minutes. We don't have any tea, but we have Coke and stuff."

"No shit. You guys got Coke here?"

"Well, yeah."

"Yeah, this is America."


But "What's seven times seven?" "STUFF SHE KNOWS!" is my favorite line from the entire movie.  Travis's acceptance speech for his tardies is a close second though:


"I would like to say this. Tardiness is not something you can do on your own. Many, many people contributed to my tardiness. I would like to thank my parents for never giving me a ride to school, the LA city bus driver who took a chance on an unknown kid and last but not least, the wonderful crew from McDonalds who spend hours making those egg McMuffins without which I might never be tardy."  

Edited by Princess Sparkle
  • Love 7

Yoda may be the most quotable character in Empire Strikes Back, but I have a husband, a daughter, and a dog.  I have lost count of the number of times I have said, in the exact same tone, "Aww, you're making a mess."  (Skip ahead to about 1:40.)



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"I would like to say this. Tardiness is not something you can do on your own. Many, many people contributed to my tardiness. I would like to thank my parents for never giving me a ride to school, the LA city bus driver who took a chance on an unknown kid and last but not least, the wonderful crew from McDonalds who spend hours making those egg McMuffins without which I might never be tardy."  

Very fond of Clueless.  My favorite is Murray breaking the news that Cher's new crush is gay:


He's a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy, know what I'm saying?

  • Love 4

Groundhog Day: "Don't drive Angry!"  and "Who could go for some flapjacks?"



C.D. Bales: [shouting through the front door] Ten more seconds and I'm leaving!

Roxanne Kowalski: [opening the door] What did you say?

C.D. Bales: I said, ten more seconds and I'm leaving! Wait a second! What did you think I said?

Roxanne Kowalski: I thought you said, "Earn more sessions by sleeving."

C.D. Bales: Well, what the hell does that mean?

Roxanne Kowalski: I don't know. That's why I came out


Chris McConnell: Because I was afraid of worms, Roxanne! Worms!

  • Love 6

Not living in an English-speaking country I very rarely get the chance to use movie quotes in everyday conversation, but I swear to dog that I will take every opportunity to use "We're werewolves, not swear-wolves" from What We Do in the Shadows. (It'd come more naturally if I didn't like to curse a lot myself, heh, but still.)

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Channel surfing can be so rewarding. Found Clue on the Starz network, and now I'm so happy we changed our bundle again.


"Flames......FLAMES....on the sides of my face."

Clue is actually the movie my brother and I quote to each other the most, because there's just so many good lines.  Every so often, I'll get a text that just says "My husband is a paid consultant; there's nothing wrong with that!", to which I almost always respond (even though it's a different scene) "Will you shut up?  We're doing our best!"  And I have actually used "too late" after someone prattles on and then says "to make a long story short."


Though, my favorite line goes to:

"He threatened to kill me in public."

"Why would he want to kill you in public?"

"I think she means he threatened, in public, to kill her".  The eyeroll Tim Curry gives after that last line is what pushes it over the top for me.

  • Love 2

I can quote Clue in its entirety, verbatim, while watching (and come pretty close just sitting here). 


And I have actually used "too late" after someone prattles on and then says "to make a long story short."


I'm well practiced at the split-second analysis of whether it would be an inappropriate response under the circumstances (e.g. I'm in court), because "Too late" is my default response to "To make a long story short."


Same with "You could've fooled me."  This is TV rather than film, but thanks to Moonlighting, I automatically want to respond, "A gnat with a lobotomy could fool you."

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Same with "You could've fooled me."  This is TV rather than film, but thanks to Moonlighting, I automatically want to respond, "A gnat with a lobotomy could fool you."


BWAH HA HA!!!  I only really remember the (totally random) Taming of the Shrew episode of Moonlighting but that quote makes me want to watch the whole series.

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