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S03.E03: The Searchers

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Ronda Rousey Guest-Stars

Athena, Maddie, Bobby and the 118 races to save lives after a massive tsunami hits the Santa Monica Pier and Buck fears the worst when Christopher goes missing.
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Wow, Oliver Stark continues to impress me. Seriously, MVP of the season, apparently. Buck's franticness looking for Christopher was so hard to watch. It was actually nice that Buck's focus remained solely on Christopher. Part of me thought he'd try to be a hero with others, so I'm glad the show allowed him to only save that one kid, and only because he thought it was Christopher.

And Buck trying to tell Eddie about Christopher, only to have him appear moments later, was a really strong scene.

And Eddie's not mad at Buck! Not only that, but he drops Christopher off at Buck's for another hang-out day, also to help Buck's own mental health. 

Ok, show, you're just teasing me with Buck/Eddie now. 

As for new character Lena, she's...alright? I'm not really invested in her, but it seems like the show wants to explore something with her and Eddie? 

The other cases were alright, but I was way more focused on finding out about Buck and Christopher. 

I swore that Lena's captain would have ended up dying. Nah, he just loses an arm. 

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Buck putting on Christopher's glasses was heartbreaking. Thank goodness, Christopher is okay. What a reunion! I sniffed. 

Can you imagine the poor people who were at the bottom of that ferris wheel. They had no chance trapped in those cars.

Athena is fierce. 

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Me for most of this episode:  Christopher is dead!?  No.  No, they wouldn't have the guts to kill a kid.

Me at the end:  Oh.  Look.  He's alive.  Damn!

(Yeah, I'm not a fan of Eddie or Christopher aka Wonder Man.  Sue me.)

Please tell me I wasn't dreaming and that was Scott Menville helping to save those animals?

Edited by bmoore4026
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Oh thank God Christopher is alive they actually had me worried for a hot minute! And Eddie isn’t mad at Buck, he knows he did everything he could for him! Feels! Also, I swear it looked like Eddie was about to give Buck a kiss at the end! I felt like one of those commenters on that beauty bloggers livestream saying they should get together!

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I was a little let down by the the Buck/Christopher stuff.  All that searching and we don't even get Christopher running to give Buck a hug?  It's also sort of feels like they realized that they didn't have anyone who mattered to do the "separated but searching for one another" trope that seems prevalent in disaster movies which is probably the only reason they sent Christopher over the edge again in the last episode.  Then Maddie went to go down there and I don't think we ever saw her there.

But overall, the emotion was still there.  And I especially loved the bit at the end between Eddie, Christopher and Buck; although I do think Eddie should reconsider the zoo.  Didn't we have a tiger attack someone there in a previous episode?

Whatever happened to the soon-to-be-ex-wife of the guy who was flown out of the Ferris wheel?  I didn't see her get off.

I had to fast forward through the amputation scene.  Ick.

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"We call ourselves the raiders of lost barks." "No we don't." Ha! And they were still arguing about it when Athena left! Also "You want me to watch Christopher?" "It's easy, he's not very fast." I totally cried when Christopher was found and when Eddie dropped him off with Buck. This show plays with my emotions.

The new member of the squad looks familiar but I can't quite place her.

I could not watch Athena cut off the arm. I couldn't watch it in 127 Hours either.

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I thought the same thing about the zoo.  Christopher could be put in danger because of an escaped snake.

They didn't give us a hug but they did give us the comment from the woman who was with Christopher that he was asking for Buck all the time and not his Dad.

I'm so glad we're not getting episodes of Eddie being mad at Buck.

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Alright, now can we go a few weeks without any of the main characters being scarred for life? Just a few weeks, its all I ask! And when Eddie please give Buck a hug?!

49 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

We call ourselves the raiders of lost barks." "No we don't." Ha! And they were still arguing about it when Athena left!

I hope that they pop up again, still saving animals, and still arguing over their puny names.

Sad to hear that the old artist guy died, but it was sweet seeing Maddie meeting up with the drone girl, and the couple from the boat getting married! The whole arc had a lot of wins for the characters, but also some bad loses, like the poor guy who drowned in his attic last week.

Oh God, I could not watch Athena cut that guys arm off, that is a big hell no from me! I thought he would die, considering the one female cop was looking everywhere for him, but he made it, just without one hand!

Chimney found mail trucks to save lives AND make mail jokes! I swear I must have Halloween on the mind, because when all those people were ambling up towards the trucks in the distance, my first thought was "Oh crap, zombies!!! Its not Sharknado, its The Walking Dead!"

Cop lady as Eddies new apparent love interest is...fine so far. She is certainly no Buck 😉 

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I had to fast forward through the amputation scene.  Ick.

I wish I had.  They added a couple of 'crunch crunch' sounds.  Yuck.  

I wasn't worried about Christopher.  I knew he would be okay, but I was worried that they would have Eddie mad at Buck and blame him.  I'm glad it worked out okay. 

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I don't know if I could have done what Athena did, so brava, Athena, brava. Jeesch that was tough.  Also, I hope Maddie points out the incredible need for some drones for the LA 911 service& how the drone helped save 17 lives.

ETA: so glad  Chris made it but really wondering if a kid with CP could???

Edited by rhys
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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

"We call ourselves the raiders of lost barks." "No we don't." Ha! And they were still arguing about it when Athena left! Also "You want me to watch Christopher?" "It's easy, he's not very fast." I totally cried when Christopher was found and when Eddie dropped him off with Buck. This show plays with my emotions.

The new member of the squad looks familiar but I can't quite place her.

I could not watch Athena cut off the arm. I couldn't watch it in 127 Hours either.

Rhonda Rousey, former women's UFC champ. At one time thought to be the baddest woman on the planet.  To make a bike racing analogy former MMA fighter turned actress Gina Carano was Greg LeMond the first American star in generations and Rousey was a pre drug scandal Lance Armstrong among the greatest of all time. . They both made a Fast & Furious movie and Rousey went to the WWE after losing her title. While Carano has more acting credits she lost her big coming out TV fight and  Rousey was a sports superstar

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I knew that Christopher would end up being (well, supposed to being) the child that the lady was carrying in several scenes. There was no other reason for her to keep showing up with him. 

Count me in as another amputation scene fast forwarder. Yikes.

I don't know if there was another meaningful look between Athena's daughter and Bobby, when Athena told her daughter to join them at cards, or if I just see them everywhere now. 

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If they cut out any main-character-building scenes for so many minutes of the divorcing couple on the ferris wheel, I'm face-palming that decision.

That wonderful, wonderful woman who carried Christopher for an unknown period of time / distance.  I know in reality, there are many people who would have done that, too - including posters in this forum - but that doesn't detract from what she did.  That must have been so tiring, after all the physical and emotional consequences of the tsunami itself to boot, and she was pretty small.  Honestly not much bigger than Christopher.  But Christopher was probably buoying her spirits in his delightful Christopher way.

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Didn't love it as much as last episode, but i was still entertained.

That last scene was everything... how am I supposed to NOT root for Buck and Eddie to get married in the end, hm? How?

Lena was... okay? She was not a disaster or anything, but she's one of those people where you can see that they're acting. I'm all for seeing more badass women, but I really hope she's not going to be Eddie's love interest. Also would like to see her captain again. He looked familiar.


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1 hour ago, Azi said:

Didn't love it as much as last episode, but i was still entertained.

That last scene was everything... how am I supposed to NOT root for Buck and Eddie to get married in the end, hm? How?

Lena was... okay? She was not a disaster or anything, but she's one of those people where you can see that they're acting. I'm all for seeing more badass women, but I really hope she's not going to be Eddie's love interest. Also would like to see her captain again. He looked familiar.


For me, if Lena was played by a much better actress, I would be down with her. But, I just change the channel when Ronda comes on.

However, I respect this show for continuing to showcase badass women of all shades and sizes.

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4 hours ago, Azi said:

Lena was... okay? She was not a disaster or anything, but she's one of those people where you can see that they're acting. I'm all for seeing more badass women, but I really hope she's not going to be Eddie's love interest. Also would like to see her captain again. He looked familiar.

B1 - Most definitely  B2 - Bonnie Plunkett's brother on Mom

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4 hours ago, Azi said:

st. Also would like to see her captain again. He looked familiar.


I go back to Leonard Roberts earlier career, the second in command of The Initiative combat team on  Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The drum section leader on Drumline and later the band director on the made for direct to video sequel.  I think he was the last Chief of Police, or at least an Assistant Chief over Captain Raydor on Major Crimes.

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8 hours ago, Raja said:

Rhonda Rousey, former women's UFC champ. At one time thought to be the baddest woman on the planet.  To make a bike racing analogy former MMA fighter turned actress Gina Carano was Greg LeMond the first American star in generations and Rousey was a pre drug scandal Lance Armstrong among the greatest of all time. . They both made a Fast & Furious movie and Rousey went to the WWE after losing her title. While Carano has more acting credits she lost her big coming out TV fight and  Rousey was a sports superstar

Oh my God, really?! I know who that is - I don't watch wrestling, but she's famous enough that I've seen her. She has a few acting credits - I saw her in whichever Fast and Furious movie she was in (I've seen most of those movies). This is a big get for her. Thanks!

5 hours ago, Azi said:

Lena was... okay? She was not a disaster or anything, but she's one of those people where you can see that they're acting.

... Yeah. You can tell she doesn't have a lot of acting experience.

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12 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I was a little let down by the the Buck/Christopher stuff.  All that searching and we don't even get Christopher running to give Buck a hug? 

Christopher didn't have his crutches. That's why the woman had to carry him the whole way.

I have to admit they faked me out a bit. I said last week they'd never kill Christopher but I was afraid we'd have a whole other episode of him missing while Eddie grieved and blamed Buck. I have to admit this show does a pretty good job of subverting my expectations.

The CO poisoning story was kind of scary. Leave it to this show to take a tsunami add in carbon monoxide poisoning then a liquid gas leak on top of it. I love this bonkers show.

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I almost never 'get' stuff in these shows, but for some reason the moment I saw that woman with this BIG child in her arms and his face covered up, I said 'that's Christopher'.

I do wonder if he was supposed to be sleeping, because why wouldn't he have recognized Athena's voice?

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8 hours ago, Mystery said:

I don't know if there was another meaningful look between Athena's daughter and Bobby, when Athena told her daughter to join them at cards, or if I just see them everywhere now. 

I wonder what's going on between those two?  

I am not a fan of Ronda Rousey, so I just ff through any scenes with her in it.  I just amuse myself watching the youtube video of Holly Holm kicking her ass.

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I hope the showrunners have gotten the action movie wannabe stuff out of their systems, because I'm ready to go back to the campy, fun 911 and leave behind the overwhelming death and destruction of the last two episodes. 

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1 minute ago, Jillybean said:

I hope the showrunners have gotten the action movie wannabe stuff out of their systems, because I'm ready to go back to the campy, fun 911 and leave behind the overwhelming death and destruction of the last two episodes. 

I think the major disaster episodes go back to Emergency. You have one or two a year then go back to the two or three random rescues per episode format. As long as they don't go for the special TV movie featuring the other shift at the station as they try out younger replacements for the cast like Emergency did I will be happy 

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13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Wow, Oliver Stark continues to impress me. Seriously, MVP of the season, apparently. Buck's franticness looking for Christopher was so hard to watch. 

If you would have told me during S1 that I would cry multiple times during an episode bc of Buck I wouldn't have believed you.  Even though I knew they were not going to kill off Christopher, this plot line was heart wrenching. And all of the shipper joking aside, the supportive friendship that has grown between Eddie and Buck is really sweet. 

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I am not a Rousey fan.  The best scenes from the past two episodes were the ones she wasn't in.

I don't know much about her background, but I can't say she impressed much this episode.  Of course, I didn't think I'd warm to JLH, and she's fit nicely into the show now, so who knows. 

Edited by Regalbegal
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14 minutes ago, Regalbegal said:

I don't know much about her background, but I can't say she impressed much this episode.  Of course, I didn't think I'd warm to JLH, and she's fit nicely into the show now, so who knows. 

Rhonda Rousey is not an actor yet, just a celebrity stunt fighter. As the champion I think she did believe that she was the baddest woman on the planet like the UFC promoted her. And like Gina Carano as a fighter she still was attractive enough to get things like the Sports Illustrated swim suit pictorial.

In the WWE she could basically play herself, the Heel. But the best pro wrestlers who have been able to cross over into conventional acting have also been able to play more than one gimmick in their wrestling career. It took years for her martial arts skills to develop and it will take years for acting skills, if she gets those years as memory of her fighting superstar years begin to fade from the public 

Edited by Raja
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Ouch. During one of the last scenes, you can see the other Fire Captain lying in the hospital with a green sleeve over his left arm. That was clearly supposed to be taken out so that it would look like he had a missing arm. Some visual effects artist fell down on the job.

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38 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I hope the showrunners have gotten the action movie wannabe stuff out of their systems, because I'm ready to go back to the campy, fun 911 and leave behind the overwhelming death and destruction of the last two episodes. 

The show has always done one or two big rescues a year (usually opening and closing the season) then goes back to the episodic format.

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Good episode!  Even though I was 100% certain they wouldn't kill Christopher, I still felt tense every time Buck came up empty.  I, too, feel robbed that we didn't get a Christopher/Buck hug scene when he was found but I think there was a little hug there at the end when Eddie is dropping him off.  Loved that Eddie wasn't mad and the bit he said about how he's failed Christopher so many times.  Great scene with him and Buck...and Buck's voiceover made me tear up.  I don't honestly expect Buck/Eddie to ever become romantic but just hearing Buck refer to Eddie as his best friend made my heart melt.

Damn, Athena.  You are the boss.  I cracked up at her face when she looked in the box and saw it was full of cats.  lol

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6 minutes ago, rove4 said:

Damn, Athena.  You are the boss.  I cracked up at her face when she looked in the box and saw it was full of cats.  lol

Speaking of....I know they kind of did explain it but clearly I didn't understand...but why were the Pet Rescuers breaking into people's homes to save the pets? Was it JUST because they were trying to save the pets in case of another tsunami that would hit those abandoned homes or what? I thought that they had found the pets abandoned outside of the homes and that's why they were rescuing them but I know we saw the two guys come out of a home so I got confused. 

I did rewatch the episode last night but I really liked the reunion with Buck, Eddie, and Christopher. What I liked is the moment when Buck found out that Christopher was ok, and when he finally collapsed from exhaustion. It was a nice subtle moment where I realized that Buck had been running completely on adrenaline and finding Christopher, and he could only relax once he knew Christopher was safe. He couldn't take his eyes off of the kid once he was found. 

Some really, really excellent acting moments from Oliver Stark throughout these first three episodes, for sure.

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The funny thing is part of me knew they would never kill Christopher.  And certainly not on screen.   But there was just enough doubt to make me worry and make my declaration last week.   TV series have a pesky habit of taking my favorite characters/actors and replacing them.  This show included.  I loved the entire first season arc of Connie Britton's character.  And as much as I loved JLH back when I was a teenager, I don't find her or her character that compelling.

I knew Christopher was in the lady's arms when Athena walked up.  The actress telegraphed that she needed different help, but never said it.  And Athena completely misread the hesitation, which is forgivable...she had a lot going on.

I completely missed Leonard Roberts, and I saw his name in the cast so I was looking for him.  On the other hand, it's a mark of a good actor if I don't notice the actor as I'm too busy concentrating on the character.

As for Buck and Eddie, I would expect nothing less.  As any parent knows, plenty of mistakes get made.  And at the end of the day, as long as child is happy and healthy, a few bumps and bruises are to be expected.  Christopher's adventure during the tsunami was probably described to Eddie in great detail repetitively all night.  Of course, Eddie knows Buck did everything he could. 

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53 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

The show has always done one or two big rescues a year (usually opening and closing the season) then goes back to the episodic format.

I guess I am forgetting then, because I don't remember any where literally hundreds/thousands of people went missing or lost their lives...nor any episodes that I really didn't enjoy watching, like these two. Yesterday's episode was slightly better than last week's because we at least had the levity of the Raiders of the Lost Barks.

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10 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I guess I am forgetting then, because I don't remember any where literally hundreds/thousands of people went missing or lost their lives...nor any episodes that I really didn't enjoy watching, like these two. Yesterday's episode was slightly better than last week's because we at least had the levity of the Raiders of the Lost Barks.

Well, they started the two (and a bit) episode arc last season with the earthquake, so it seems like it'll be tradition for a natural disaster arc in episodes 2-3. 

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5 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I guess I am forgetting then, because I don't remember any where literally hundreds/thousands of people went missing or lost their lives...nor any episodes that I really didn't enjoy watching, like these two. Yesterday's episode was slightly better than last week's because we at least had the levity of the Raiders of the Lost Barks.

Season 2 opened with an earthquake that lasted 2 episodes and closed with a bomber and we aren’t even tackling Maddie’s husband storyline. 

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why were the Pet Rescuers breaking into people's homes to save the pets? 

I didn't get that either.


Please tell me I wasn't dreaming and that was Scott Menville helping to save those animals?

Yes that was him.


Rhonda Rousey, former women's UFC champ.

I have heard of her, but it's possible this show expects me to be more familiar with her than I am. I wouldn't have been able to pick her out of a lineup. I didn't think she was a very good actress and I hope she isn't going to become a regular character.


I almost never 'get' stuff in these shows, but for some reason the moment I saw that woman with this BIG child in her arms and his face covered up, I said 'that's Christopher'.

I kind of suspected it too because they made such a point of featuring her.

It would have been pretty tough for Eddie to be mad at Buck because Eddie basically forced Buck to watch Christopher that day. It's not like Buck volunteered. And there was obviously no way Buck could have predicted a tsunami (although I still cry foul on there not being more of an advanced warning on that).

The epic nature of these past two episodes is reminiscent of the earthquake episodes they did last season, where entire swaths of LA are reduced to ruins. Yet next week everything will be back to normal, as though there are no long-term consequences. I guess that's my only objection to having major event episodes like this one. The fallout doesn't end a week later.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of....I know they kind of did explain it but clearly I didn't understand...but why were the Pet Rescuers breaking into people's homes to save the pets? Was it JUST because they were trying to save the pets in case of another tsunami that would hit those abandoned homes or what? I thought that they had found the pets abandoned outside of the homes and that's why they were rescuing them but I know we saw the two guys come out of a home so I got confused. 

I thought that pet owners who couldn't make it to their homes/were out of town/whatever were contacting the rescue society, giving their addresses, and asking for their pets to be collected.  Obviously the couldn't meet to give the rescuers their house keys hence the break-ins.  That's my fanwank anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Jillybean said:

I guess I am forgetting then, because I don't remember any where literally hundreds/thousands of people went missing or lost their lives...nor any episodes that I really didn't enjoy watching, like these two. Yesterday's episode was slightly better than last week's because we at least had the levity of the Raiders of the Lost Barks.

I haven't watched every episode but the start of the second season had to an earthquake storyline that spanned two episodes. I don't think the loss of life was as big as this one, though. And of course, we had the fire in Bobby's origin story that killed 148 people, including his wife and kids. At the rate we're going, I'm expecting season 4 to deal with a sudden volcano appearing out of the La Brea tar pits.

Ronda Rousey? I kept thinking she looked like Brooke Smith circa the time she was on Grey's Anatomy.

Aww, Buck/Eddies bro-ship continues.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I assumed the pet rescuers were in an evacuated area or where people weren't home and they broke in, cause those animals wouldn't have had food/drink for more than one day (especially if their humans are injured/dead). 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The epic nature of these past two episodes is reminiscent of the earthquake episodes they did last season, where entire swaths of LA are reduced to ruins. Yet next week everything will be back to normal, as though there are no long-term consequences. I guess that's my only objection to having major event episodes like this one. The fallout doesn't end a week later.


It seems like next week there will be a little bit of carry over. Christopher is dealing with the after effects.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, they started the two (and a bit) episode arc last season with the earthquake, so it seems like it'll be tradition for a natural disaster arc in episodes 2-3. 

In Season 1, they had the plane crash. Not as many deaths, but it was definitely that type of "disaster" episode, which incidentally is one of my favorites. I thought that one was done really well all the way around.

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1 hour ago, kirkola said:

As for Buck and Eddie, I would expect nothing less.  As any parent knows, plenty of mistakes get made.  And at the end of the day, as long as child is happy and healthy, a few bumps and bruises are to be expected. 

It kind of reminded me of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend when Rebecca temporarily lost one of Paula's sons and she was completely beside herself about it, and Paula was like "So he just wandered around a club and took an Uber home? We good," and then told a story about how she'd lost him once. And this was a tsunami. None of this could be helped, really - there was no reason for Buck not to take Christopher to the pier. As Eddie put it, a natural disaster happened. Eddie could have lost Christopher just as easily in that situation.

I completely understand Buck's reaction - I'd react the same way - but Eddie was right.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The epic nature of these past two episodes is reminiscent of the earthquake episodes they did last season, where entire swaths of LA are reduced to ruins. Yet next week everything will be back to normal, as though there are no long-term consequences. I guess that's my only objection to having major event episodes like this one. The fallout doesn't end a week later.

Yeah, they can never use the pier again on the show!

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19 hours ago, meatball77 said:

I'm so glad we're not getting episodes of Eddie being mad at Buck.

That was my biggest fear. I knew we weren't losing Christopher, but I was afraid the Eddie/Buck bromance was dead. I'm not sure I wouldn't partially blame my child's caretaker. Shallow, I know, but I'm human.

18 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Chimney found mail trucks to save lives AND make mail jokes! I swear I must have Halloween on the mind, because when all those people were ambling up towards the trucks in the distance, my first thought was "Oh crap, zombies!!! Its not Sharknado, its The Walking Dead!"

I thought of TWD too! Lol

17 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I wish I had.  They added a couple of 'crunch crunch' sounds.  Yuck.  

Yeah, I covered my eyes but forgot my ears.

6 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I almost never 'get' stuff in these shows, but for some reason the moment I saw that woman with this BIG child in her arms and his face covered up, I said 'that's Christopher'.

I knew from the moment we saw the woman carrying him that it was Christopher, but I guess I forgot Athena didn't know what we knew. I kept screaming in my head, "That's Christopher! Don't you recognize his red jacket?!" She didn't know what he was wearing. She didn't know he was even out! Lol

5 hours ago, Xantar said:

Ouch. During one of the last scenes, you can see the other Fire Captain lying in the hospital with a green sleeve over his left arm. That was clearly supposed to be taken out so that it would look like he had a missing arm. Some visual effects artist fell down on the job.

Is that what it was? I saw the cast and thought how'd they do that? His arm is missing. Lol

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