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"The View": Week of 10/7/2019


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I don't understand what Meghan's point is. Can't talk about impeachment because what Trump did to the Kurds is so much worse than anything else he's done? But isn't his removal from office the way to keep him from causing more harm?

So glad Sunny called Abby on her misrepresenting the Fox News poll re: Impeachment, not just "Impeachment inquiry"

Edited by merriebreeze
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Wow, Meghan did seem like she was ready stroke out. She is crazed. Of course situation with the Kurds a big  deal but stop screaming at the table. It looks beyond bizarre when everyone else is calmly having a discussion and Meghan is turning red and has veins popping out of the side of her forehead. 

It's so hard to agree with anyone who is screaming. I do get that this is incredibly dangerous and even understand her anger,  my problem is she has had no problem with so many of Trump's disgusting behavior and decisions and even made excuses for them. 

Abby 😳 no words.

I almost forgot how embarrassing for Meghan, Whoopi screaming at her to let Joy speak😂☺️ 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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On 10/8/2019 at 12:12 PM, suomi said:

What was said about the Phoenix Lights? I remember it so well. I bought the book and DVD about it. There was another incident in the SoCal desert around the same time. 

MM asked Neil what he thought about aliens, are they real, have they been here etc.  He didnt say yes, but he didnt say no.  She brought up the PL as a visual phenomenon. 

As a sidebar, google or search youtube for a video of the Gov of AZ, doing a press conference about fhe PL, and look at his eyes.  Are they not almost reptilian!?!  Im scared of him!  They live amongst us People!  

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2 hours ago, Tammee said:

I think it might have been addressed on Mondays show, if it was from the Sunday game.  What is the big f'n deal people?!  Isnt there more important crap to be worried about?  To me it seems like they have the same sort of sense of humor. 

I think the uproar about Ellen and Bush was that Ellen said that it was about being friends with those you disagree with and how you should be kind, which is fine. But many view Bush as a war criminal and don't like how he's being seen as a loveable guy just because Trump is around.

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53 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I suspect it's because her hubby's going to be on Real Time.

Oh, I bet you're right.  Since seeing he was going to be on a couple of weeks ago, I've been debating whether I can bring myself to watch.  I've never seen him on anything, but....well, we'll see.

Edited by lusinia
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45 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

It looks beyond bizarre when everyone else is calmly having a discussion and Meghan is turning red and has veins popping out of the side of her forehead.

Meghan gets so frustrated when others don't see the wisdom of her brilliance.

The only good reason to be yelling like that is if who you're talking can do something to fix what you're upset about (and that's probably not the best route go then, either).

I guess the other ladies at the table should consider themselves lucky she's not even worse when she flies off the handle (or maybe they do see that backstage).

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, Haleth said:

Wow. Meg is skipping tomorrow’s show with Rand Paul. Guess her filleting knife isn’t sharp enough. 

Now she’s rolling her eyes and sputtering because Whoopi won’t let her interrupt Joy.  And scolding the audience for applauding. 

Yeah, for all her tough girl talk she can't face him to voice her thoughts about him.  Coward.

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I get Nutmeg's fury over Syria, but here's the thing:   Where was/is that fury about Trump ridiculing her beloved father for 'getting himself captured'?   I can't believe the same woman-child who practically flung herself over JM's casket can even utter the name (which must not be spoken) of the man who has denigrated the late Senator for being a POW, for voting thumbs down, and for numerous other perceived slights.   I truly do not get it.   She should despise him for those things alone, yet it was pulling out of Syria that sent her over the edge.   ------     I wish I could have reached through the TV screen and kissed Whoopie for giving Nutty detention today, like an errant school child.   A thing of beauty.

Edited by Ladyrain
  • Love 17
On 10/9/2019 at 2:14 PM, Bossa Nova said:

Meghan looked particularly chubby today. 

Yeah, I went there. 

Come on,the tucked in blouse with the high waisted red pants accentuating her protruding stomach. What is she thinking ?

She did and it was totally the clothes.  It emphasized her midsection which doesn't normally look like that.  My 1st thought was what the hell did she do to the wardrobe person to end up wearing that???!!!

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25 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

I can't believe the same woman-child who practically flung herself over JM's casket can even utter the name (which must not be spoken) of the man who has denigrated the late Senator for being a POW, for voting thumbs down, and for numerous other perceived slights.   I truly do not get it.

She did call him a Beast today.  That is probably the harshest thing she has called him.  But it was in connection with her husband's political analysis that the Dems cried wolf 🤣 🐺on Bush, Romney and McCain, which led to the creation of the Beast.

donald trump television GIF

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3 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

I don't understand what Meghan's point is. Can't talk about impeachment because what Trump did to the Kurds is so much worse than anything else he's done? But isn't his removal from office the way to keep him from causing more harm?

So glad Sunny called Abby on her misrepresenting the Fox News poll re: Impeachment, not just "Impeachment inquiry"

I am beginning to think Meghan cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.  I am SO tired of Abby and especially Meghan interrupting Joy/Sunny.  It is also obvious they don't fully pay attention or understand what is going on.  

2 hours ago, Tammee said:

MM asked Neil what he thought about aliens, are they real, have they been here etc.  He didnt say yes, but he didnt say no.  She brought up the PL as a visual phenomenon. 

As a sidebar, google or search youtube for a video of the Gov of AZ, doing a press conference about fhe PL, and look at his eyes.  Are they not almost reptilian!?!  Im scared of him!  They live amongst us People!  

I am having the director of MUFON in my venue in a couple of months and this is a question I am asking him about (Phoenix lights).  

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6 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I am SO tired of Abby and especially Meghan interrupting Joy/Sunny.  It is also obvious they don't fully pay attention or understand what is going on.  

Me too.  They must be going over their next "gotcha" lines in their heads instead of listening and paying attention to what is going on in real time.  Amateurs!

Whoopi needs to moderate and shut Meghan & Abby up every single time they violate the rules of professional conversations.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 16

So Abby has being using the cry wolf (actually, call wolf 😁) saying quite a bit lately.  And then MeAgain actually quoted her husband about "crying wolf and then the beast eventually shows up".  So it turns out he has been using this line for at least three years, it shows up on twitter and also in his speaking gigs.  

MeAgain's husband re cry wolf...beast

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I have a feeling Abby would be more palatable if Meghan wasn't a co-host.  I think she's influenced by Meghan's forcefulness on certain topics that Abby might not have a strong opinion about otherwise.

2 minutes ago, bannana said:

So it turns out he has been using this line for at least three years, it shows up on twitter and also in his speaking gigs.  

 It figures.  (I was just writing the above when you posted this.)

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43 minutes ago, lusinia said:

I have a feeling Abby would be more palatable if Meghan wasn't a co-host.  I think she's influenced by Meghan's forcefulness on certain topics that Abby might not have a strong opinion about otherwise.

 It figures.  (I was just writing the above when you posted this.)

I also think if Abby had gone directly to The View from MSNBC, she'd be better. 

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Just now, TheView said:

I also think if Abby had gone directly to The View from MSNBC, she'd be better. 

Yes, as best as I remember, she wasn't the same on The Cycle.  Of course, none of her three co-hosts there were conservative, which might have had something to do with that.

Except for a lucky few, working at Fox News is like being in a cult, and Abby still needs some "deprogramming".  But unfortunately, Meghan is also a bad influence.  

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None of blAbby, Megun or Mhubby seem to understand what "cry wolf" means or how to use it in context in a sentence. They just seem to like the sound of it and that it implies that the person who cries wolf is a loser.  But when the person it is directed it has not called for help when it is not needed, it is the accuser who looks like the loser.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, deirdra said:

None of blAbby, Megun or Mhubby seem to understand what "cry wolf" means or how to use it in context in a sentence. They just seem to like the sound of it and that it implies that the person who cries wolf is a loser.  But when the person it is directed it has not called for help when it is not needed, it is the accuser who looks like the loser.

I agree. Are they conflating Cry Wolf and Say Uncle and Call It A Day? WTH gives with such idiocy?

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, lusinia said:

I have a feeling Abby would be more palatable if Meghan wasn't a co-host.  I think she's influenced by Meghan's forcefulness on certain topics that Abby might not have a strong opinion about otherwise.

 It figures.  (I was just writing the above when you posted this.)

I agree, but I also think Abby and likely Meghan would be more palatable if Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny weren’t so one note. I’ve said this before but all they do is bash Trump and Republicans. That’s more boring than aggravating, but what it does is makes any comment to the contrary seem like water-carrying. 

Even a measured, non-pugilistic conservative would look bad in this dynamic, so it’s hard for me to hold it against Abby and Meghan too much. 

1 hour ago, suomi said:

I agree. Are they conflating Cry Wolf and Say Uncle and Call It A Day? WTH gives with such idiocy?

I think the lesson is an imperfect fit in politics, but it does still apply. If you spend every week calling someone a racist, that accusation isn’t going to have the same impact in week 134 than it did it in week one. Right or wrong, shit gets old after a while and then you start looking just as bad. 

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Abby says someone or other is Calling Wolf or being scary nearly every day.  I think she may mean they are "fear mongering" (she's probably scared of wolves). But she is usually talking over one of the guests or cohosts or starting a new sentence in the middle of an old one, so it is hard to follow her talking points or logic (if there is any), while being blinded by her shiny hair.

Edited by deirdra
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12 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

When Paul Shaeffer mentioned that he had had Joe Walsh on his show, Meggy said, "I love him."  I wonder if she was thinking of Joe Walsh the musician, or Joe Walsh the right wing Republican.

Yeah, Joe Walsh the republican is a hateful loud-mouthed bully who  lost his re-election to Tammy Duckworth, after insulting her military service.  Yeah, Tammy duckworth, the double amputee veteran.    Walsh is now talking about running against trump for president, so I bet Meghan does love him.  

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Earlier this week, (or later last week?)  Joy was making a joke, she was comparing something to the split screen with Rosie and Bitsy.  while she was I the middle of the joke, Meghan SCREAMS out, "I LOVED THAT!"   Anyway, Joy had been in the middle of setting up the joke, and Meghan  ruined the joke.  Joy is a comic, and that is one of the worst things you can do to a comic - step on their punchline.   It's not just interrupting, it's interrupting the rhythm of a joke, so that the punchline gets lost. 

Anyway, I thought at the time JOy was pissed.   And today, I thought of that again.   I think Joy might have said something after the previous show, about being interrupted, and Whoopi decided to actually moderate for a change today and cut Meghan off.  It was rather interesting to see, Whoopi tells Me-Gun she can't interrupt Joy, and Me-gun acted just like a 4 year old, "But I just wanted, but just one fact, it's important, but it will help with the conversation..."  and then she sulked.  

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Meghan yells about "partisan politics",  but today, she was the one yelling "both sides!  both sides."   I wish she would stop with the stupid idea that there are two and only two opinions.  It's an artificial dichotomy, the thought that everyone must line up on one side or the other.    and today, she was YELLING about the Americans abandoning the Kurds, yelling as though the other hosts had an opinion that was opposite, when that's not at all what was happening.   She's yelling, arguing against an opinion that nobody on the panel was expressing, but yelling as though she was angry at them.  

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25 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

 I think Joy might have said something after the previous show, about being interrupted, and Whoopi decided to actually moderate for a change today and cut Meghan off.  It was rather interesting to see, Whoopi tells Me-Gun she can't interrupt Joy, and Me-gun acted just like a 4 year old

MM was also interrupting guests like Susan Rice mid-sentence and at one point MM posed another question & Susan had to step in and moderate the show herself saying "Let me finish the answer to your last question first." Maybe she or the producers finally told Whoopi that there is no point of keeping The View on the air if nobody can hear the discussions with all the over-talking. 

Or maybe some future guests requested that Megun not be present or they would cancel their appearance. Most of them do all the shows when in NYC, so you see them on Colbert, Trevor Noah, etc. where they don't need to deal with unprofessional behaviour and toddler temper tantrums.

Edited by deirdra
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5 hours ago, 27bored said:

I think the lesson is an imperfect fit in politics, but it does still apply. If you spend every week calling someone a racist, that accusation isn’t going to have the same impact in week 134 than it did it in week one. Right or wrong, shit gets old after a while and then you start looking just as bad. 

Your point is not clear to me. Is "Call Wolf" a new idiom? If so, what is the meaning? I'm asking because precision of language matters, especially in public venues such as talk shows on TV.

I know the meaning of Cry Wolf (raise a false alarm), Say Uncle (surrender) and Call It A Day (quitting time). Those are three different things, yes?

Are you saying that Call Wolf is a blend of dissimilar things? If so, which ones? 

Google is silent on Call Wolf. 

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11 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

She did and it was totally the clothes.  It emphasized her midsection which doesn't normally look like that.  My 1st thought was what the hell did she do to the wardrobe person to end up wearing that???!!!

All the women have had bad moments with wardrobe. However,  Meghan's is constant.  Her outfit's are horrible and completely unflattering to her shape and size. 

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Meghan might love Tammy Duckworth -  but she said today she loves Joe Walsh.  

But the funny thing is that Paul wasn't talking about Joe Walsh the politician.  He meant Joe Walsh the musician.

3 hours ago, deirdra said:

Or maybe some future guests requested that Megun not be present or they would cancel their appearance. Most of them do all the shows when in NYC, so you see them on Colbert, Trevor Noah, etc. where they don't need to deal with unprofessional behaviour and toddler temper tantrums.

I keep thinking that Meg's absence today is because the producers were afraid she'd get increasingly hysterical with Rand Paul.  Her highly emotional outbursts show that she can't have a discussion about the Kurds without getting upset and begin shrieking.  Maybe she's going to LA with Ben, but I think that's just an excuse for her to be absent.  There's no good reason why she needs to be on the Maher set.

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Does anyone believe for a nanosecond that Whoopi talks to people while she’s traveling around in her bus?

Me neither. 

Wow. That Rand Paul interview is a clusterfuck. My ears are bleeding. (But thankful Meg’s shrill shrieking isn’t making it worse.)

Dear Sen Paul, Scandinavia is not a country. And stop telling lies. 

Hoo boy, Ana is en fuego. 

Edited by Haleth
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Hair and Wardrobe are in very bad moods today.   Sunny's hair and dress are hiddy.   Whoopie's back in a potato sack.   Abby is blah.   Ana is there!   It doesn't matter one whit what she is wearing; she's THERE.   However, she looks lovely.   Win-Win.  
I miss Joy.
Remind me again - who's the nutjob who normally sits at the end of the table?   Not missing.   Can we PLEASE have these women - plus our Joy - on the panel?   Nobody needs the dissension and angst and idiocy that is MM 5 days a week.   I am so thoroughly enjoying the show today.  Minus Rand Paul of course.

1 minute ago, Ladyrain said:

Hair and Wardrobe are in very bad moods today.   Sunny's hair and dress are hiddy.   Whoopie's back in a potato sack.   Abby is blah.   Ana is there!   It doesn't matter one whit what she is wearing; she's THERE.   However, she looks lovely.   Win-Win. (Hair and Makeup must love her.  And why not?)
I miss Joy.
Remind me again - who's the nutjob who normally sits at the end of the table?   Not missing.   Can we PLEASE have these women - plus our Joy - on the panel?   Nobody needs the dissension and angst and idiocy that is MM 5 days a week.   I am so thoroughly enjoying the show today.  Minus Rand Paul of course.

I have no idea why I posted twice above.  Sorry.

Edited by Ladyrain
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