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"The View": Week of 10/7/2019


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33 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Who would ever pay $25 for this mug?


Me.  LOL  Coffee mugs are my thang.  I have the View, Kelly and Ryan, Christmas Rockettes, Hamilton, Aladdin, King Kong.....well, you get the picture.  I love having my coffee in the morning thinking about my NYC adventures.  Hoping to add Colbert to my collection in 2020.  🙂

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23 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Me.  LOL  Coffee mugs are my thang.  I have the View, Kelly and Ryan, Christmas Rockettes, Hamilton, Aladdin, King Kong.....well, you get the picture.  I love having my coffee in the morning thinking about my NYC adventures.  Hoping to add Colbert to my collection in 2020.  🙂

It's good to have a thang 😃.

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I can't wait to see Susan Rice.  Saw her on Trevor and Colbert and she is brilliant.  I'm in awe of the intelligence of the Obama administration.  (I'm  sure other admins were equally intelligent, but I relate to the Obama one) 

Edited by TV Diva Queen
because I was showing everyone how un-intelligent I was
  • Love 22

Abby looked pissed Joy didn’t allow her to have the next question in the interview. They already wasted the first segment on But Obama BothSidesism that was easily dismissed when Sunny brought up the fact that the Republican Congress refused him approval to intervene in Syria, so why does she think she should take up whatever time was left over Joy?

And yay for Whoopi’s smackdown of McCain during the Gowdy and Ukraine topic!

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5 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

The President doesn't have "ultimate power," Meghan. It's the Congress who levies taxes and military action. Even if he had gone against Congress and handled the Syria situation differently, the Republicans would've lost their shit. And for fuck's sake let Susan Rice answer the question before interrupting her.

Once again for someone who "has been in politics her whole life" Meghan shows her ignorance. I understand why she hasn't been invited on any morning shows lately to be a pundit.

Just now, blondiec0332 said:
Edited by blondiec0332
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I had to laugh at Abby today

She was clearly trying to make Susan Rice look bad when she pointed out in kind of a snarky way that the president didn't take her advice.

Wow ! Stop the presses ! The president didn't take the advice of one of his advisors. This is historic.

There is one good thing to come from this. Now Meghan and Abby can bond even tighter over their great questioning skills.

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40 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Meghan, Ann Curry has had a show on PBS for the last two years, We'll Meet Again, and Chasing the Cure on TNT/TBS this past summer.  If she expanded her horizons beyond Bravo, maybe she would know this.  

And I believe Ann was a guest on the View to promote WMA. 

41 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Meghan - THESE AREN'T HEARINGS, THEY'RE DEPOSITIONS! (Sorry about that; no matter how long it actually lasts, this is going to be a long impeachment process, isn't it.?) 

Thank you!  Plus I stand by my comment that if no one is showing up, there is little point in televising this. 

42 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Oh, gosh - her elevated opinion of Curt Gowdy

Trent. But that’s ok. 

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51 minutes ago, lusinia said:

THESE AREN'T HEARINGS, THEY'RE DEPOSITIONS! (Sorry about that; no matter how long it actually lasts, this is going to be a long impeachment process, isn't it.?)  

Does she not understand impeachment is like a trial?  Do you see prosecuting attorneys and defense attorneys publicize their evidence or defense?

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4 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Trent. But that’s ok.

That's funny. Thanks for letting me know.  I was thinking Curt, and looked it up to see if it was spelled with a 'c' or a 'k', and there is one, a sportscaster, but I just looked at the name, and not the occupation, obviously.  (And after looking again, it's actually Trey.)

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2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Abby looked pissed Joy didn’t allow her to have the next question in the interview. 

Abby & Meghan kept interrupting Susan while she was in the middle of trying to answer their last question or rant.  They weren't listening to her or following the rules of "conversation" where one person speaks at a time.  I'm glad Whoopi or the producers let Joy finally ask a question.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 17

Whoopi should just shut up.  First, she is incoherent.  Second, she is stupid.  Yes, stupid, the word she hates so much.

That entire mess where she was supposedly answering Joy's question (who later said it was rhetorical!) took me back to the days of her defending Bill Cosby.  And then ends with the idiotic statement that perhaps people should not have extramarital affairs, implying that is what leads to rape!  She's just lucky MeAgain was such a mess today, so only one outlet has picked up on her idiocy thus far.


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1 minute ago, bannana said:

That entire mess where she was supposedly answering Joy's question (who later said it was rhetorical!) took me back to the days of her defending Bill Cosby.  And then ends with the idiotic statement that perhaps people should not have extramarital affairs, implying that is what leads to rape! 

Matt Lauer said it was an extramarital affair so Whoopi sounds like she is saying if Matt hadn't been having an affair with this woman she wouldn't be able to accuse him of rape. Thereby implying she doesn't believe the woman.

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11 minutes ago, bannana said:

Whoopi should just shut up.  First, she is incoherent.  Second, she is stupid.  Yes, stupid, the word she hates so much.

  • Whoopi should just shut up. 
  • First, she is incoherent.
  • Second, she is stupid.
  • Yes, stupid, the word she hates so much.
  • Whoopi should just shut up.
  • First, she is incoherent.
  • Second, she is stupid.  
  • Rinse ~ Repeat ~ Rinse ~ Repeat !!!!
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As for MeAgain, she had that upper lip snarl and squinty eyes face that she loves to use when she is fileting democrats as she began her attack on Susan Rice re Obama.  When that didn't work, she interrupted Rice to say, answer me this, what about Aleppo?  Rice skillfully shut her down but MeAgain has no ability to actually listen so she had the same thoughts at the end of the interview as she did at the beginning.  What an idiot.

Yelling at the audience was pretty funny too.  And does she really think Trey Gowdy is a great choice to be Trump's lawyer?  Yikes.


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6 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

If Abby wants a book written about her and Meghan's experiences as women at Fox News during the sexual harassment scandals, shouldn't they be the ones to write it?

Haven't seen the show (yet I continue to comment), but aren't they the precious two who have NEVER been treated shabbily (sexually) by anyone in the workplace because they're such strong women?  The surnames (they keep for "professional purposes") have nothing to do with it, of course.

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1 minute ago, Vanderboom said:

If Abby wants a book written about her and Meghan's experiences as women at Fox News during the sexual harassment scandals, shouldn't they be the ones to write it?

It was so odd, in a way, how Abby so vehemently stressed, a couple of times, that the women there held the place together, and were heroes, and then Meghan also said twice that that was when she and Abby, already friends, really bonded.  I think Meghan, during her first season, said she didn't experience any harassment while there, but I don't think Abby has said one way or the other, at least on the show. 

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Meghan is pretty easily thrown off by bullshit, but she had a point. She just didn’t know how to make it.

First of all, it’s apples and oranges to compare the Benghazi investigation to this impeachment inquiry. For starters, that was an actual investigation in which legally effectuated subpoenas weren’t being honored by the State department. And they were stonewalled for months; Democrats are complaining after like three days.

But more importantly, the House doesn’t have generic Oversight over the executive branch that all they have to do is send a letter and get what they want. It has to be pursuant to an investigation.

Which is the other big thing I think Meghan missed, but maybe Abby was going to say. If they want documents and people to testify, hold a floor vote to open an impeachment inquiry and that way you have a basis to issue a subpoena. Trump gets to tell them to fuck off because they’re doing an end run around the process.

Where Meghan’s point is valid is where she’s saying Democrats can’t call an impeachment inquiry then immediately start doing closed-door hearings while publicly demanding for information Trump not only has no obligation to give, but at this point is right not to. You don’t have to help people make a case against you. Period.

Edited by 27bored
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3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

  I'm in awe of the intelligence of the Obama administration. 

Too many who aren't genetically bright and don't seek information and learning all their lives don't seem appreciate true intelligence.  All my life I've sought and admired those who are SO MUCH SMARTER than I.  I agree, TV Diva Queen!

  • Love 21
36 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Matt Lauer said it was an extramarital affair so Whoopi sounds like she is saying if Matt hadn't been having an affair with this woman she wouldn't be able to accuse him of rape. Thereby implying she doesn't believe the woman.

Whoopi will always cape for the white man. Rest assured, under those tents she wears and fake white dreads-right below the surface of all the resin of the marijuana weeds she has smoked, is a terrible, terrible person.

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21 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

As a big lez, I sometimes (often) feel like these people are worse than outright bigots. They don't actually understand the daily struggles of LGBTQ people; they've just made a friend or two who happens to be gay. Am I supposed to be impressed?

Why yes you are supposed to be impressed. 😉 Didn't you hear Meggie tell us the other day, she even let her gay best friend stand up in her wedding.

She's a real pill that one.

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