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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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The adoptive mom was able to get in, briefly, that Olivia was not attending court. Olivia claimed that she didn't know the court was being held in a different county, which was why she missed the hearings. Their stories were so flaky that I don't know if I believe she didn't realize it was being held in a different county. It makes no sense to me that she would be doing everything she was supposed to be doing, and the court wouldn't question why she wasn't showing up and make sure she had received notice. If she was taking the parenting classes and showing up at the visitations, it seems like there would be some leniency, or at the minimum, some question about her knowledge of the hearings. Parental rights are notoriously hard to lose.


I suspected there was drug use which is why the baby was originally taken. She didn't lose custody because she was at a fast food joint in her pajamas. The mom said there was an agency involved which suggested that she stay with a friend that weekend, so they were in the system to some extent before the daughter got stopped. I wonder if she left the kid alone, or the friend didn't know that she left. She kept saying she was only gone for 7 minutes, and the cop asked where her kid was. She also said the cop was in plain clothes, so she probably tried to get drugs and/or the cigarette (that she admitted) from him. And I would bet money that she smarted off the cop. Both Olivia and her mom kept understating things.


Luckily, I read here before watching so I knew I could turn it off once Dr. Phil said something about Valentines Day. You all are the best!

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I thought Mom "there are 20 pictures of adoptive mom with all kinds of different men!" brought her daughters "I'm the Auntie, Phoebe" and "I'm a self private detective Olivia" because she thought both of them would be 'discovered.'  Such acting by both daughters!  Such carefully exaggerated smiles and very sad faces.  And of course they all brought their angry eyes...

I wanted to hear from 'family friend' Drew! And I wanted to know about the 'other side' of Evelyn's family, who are in touch with Jyllian because they're reasonable.  Does that mean Evelyn's father gave up HIS parental rights? 

And why did Mom pick Santa Monica to settle in when she drove her pregnant 15 year old and younger child across the country with $750.00?  Aren't other areas around Los Angeles a little less pricey, rent-wise?  Maybe the other YWCAs aren't quite as nice...

So many questions that Shil didn't answer.




Exactly!  Julia and Olivia never talked about the father of the baby.  Why did they flee Florida?  The way Phil talked about not cross examining them, it would seem Julia has quite a past herself.  I don't buy Olivia just crossing a street......perhaps a drug buy?  Why did she run at the time of determining what would happen to her baby?


I suspected there was drug use which is why the baby was originally taken. She didn't lose custody because she was at a fast food joint in her pajamas. The mom said there was an agency involved which suggested that she stay with a friend that weekend, so they were in the system to some extent before the daughter got stopped. I wonder if she left the kid alone, or the friend didn't know that she left. She kept saying she was only gone for 7 minutes, and the cop asked where her kid was. She also said the cop was in plain clothes, so she probably tried to get drugs and/or the cigarette (that she admitted) from him. And I would bet money that she smarted off the cop. Both Olivia and her mom kept understating things.


I am right with you on this.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 2

The two-parter with the molesting stepdad pissed me off so much. That family is such trash. They completely blame their sister/daughter for putting away Stepdad because he raped her for 15 years! They talk about how they don't "forgive her!" I was seething, honestly. Karma is going to get those jerkoffs.

  • Love 8

Dr. Phil seemed like he was taking their side when he said she needs her daughter to have a relationship with them. If they are blaming this girl for the horrible things the stepdad did, they don't need to see or be around her daughter. She will have to move on from her family except for her grandma. The mother is a lying liar who lies. She knows damn well what went on.


In regard to the adoption episode the other day: even if the girl smarted off to a cop, even if she was on drugs; CPS would not take her child for permanent adoption. Dr. Phil looked over the records and said something was fishy and I believe it was. These are not likable people, but something improper was still done to them and I feel sad for Olivia. 


Lately, I am finding Dr. Phil more and more useless. I'm glad he did say he believed this woman was molested and then he has to waive around his all mighty lie detector test, which doesn't mean a lot in the long run. Despite what the FBI guy says, there are lots of way these tests can go wrong: the questions are not asked right, the person is sick, on medication, the person has memory issues or mental illness, on and on. I believe this woman 100%, but I didn't need a lie detector to do it.

Edited by Madding crowd
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Amanda's mother belongs in jail. Her child reported to her at age 11.  Grandma should be charged as well, because as much as she believes Amanda now, she was ALSO told what was happening 15 years ago. and she let herself be persuaded that it wasn't true.
I can't believe Shil let that go.


  • Love 2

I'm so sick of this show describing every cracked out junkie prostitute guest as "Beautiful." It makes it seem as if these women are deserving of more sympathy because they come from a better zip code, have nice clothes, and have two parents. Those disgusting twins were sitting there laughing about robbing elderly people. Not to mention committing armed robbery. Those bitches aren't beautiful. They're criminals. No better than the average street thug. Except the average street thug is sitting in prison for even lesser crimes, while these two are sitting on a stage in matching leather jackets, bragging about scoring drugs in L.A. Unbelievable.

  • Love 16

Wow. The woman on today's show needs help way beyond what Dr Phil can give her. She sleeps with a neck brace and helmet on because her husband injects her with poison, poison which has never shown up in her system.

I felt so bad for her husband and daughters. I know she's sick but that dad needs to get those girls out of there and make the mom get some help.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

These episodes are just getting more horrible and just total all for ratings now than when he first came on! Those twins made me sick with their cocky attitude so a smirky faces. And I totally agree that although they thought they were just so beautiful, they were not. The psycho yesterday thinking her hubby was injecting her with poison was way too bizzar!6

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ALL NEW Shows This Week


Monday - February 22, 2016

Deadly Accident or Push? A Grieving Mom vs. The Girlfriend Accused

Stephanie’s 21-year-old son, Malcolm, died in December after going into a coma following a 15-foot fall from a stairway railing. Malcolm’s 19-year-old girlfriend, Chloe, was the only person to witness Malcolm fall, and Stephanie says she is certain Chloe is responsible for her son’s death. Stephanie and her sister Reba say they have been on a quest for the truth, including asking Chloe to take a polygraph test. They say Chloe initially agreed to take the polygraph – so why didn’t she take the exam? Chloe says that Malcolm was drunk and that he lost his balance, and she and her sister Myranda say they want to clear their names and finally tell Chloe’s side of the story. Chloe and Stephanie see each other for the first time since Malcolm’s death on Dr. Phil’s stage. Has Chloe been truthful, or are Stephanie’s suspicions correct? Can Dr. Phil help bring closure to this tragedy?


Tuesday - February 23, 2016

The Pastor, His Wife, The “Call Girl” and The Bounty Hunter

Marissa wrote to Dr. Phil begging for help with her mother, Vicki, who has been married to Marissa’s dad, Robert, for 34 years. Last September, Marissa says she was suspicious of her dad’s behavior and when she checked his phone, she found text messages from a bounty hunter searching for a woman Robert allegedly had an inappropriate relationship with. Marissa then investigated her dad’s computer and says she found emails that he sent to another woman requesting sex, and an Internet history of checking out porn and call girl websites. Marissa says she urged her mother to file for divorce, but when Vicki backed out, Marissa cut off most communication with her mother. Robert, who was a pastor for 23 years, admits that he had a relationship with a woman he met on a “call girl” website – and even spent more than $70,000 on her -- but claims it was mostly over the phone and that they only went as far as kissing. He insists that he is a victim and that he has told his wife and daughter the full truth about his affair – but Marissa says she thinks there’s more to the story. Dr. Phil attempts to get to the truth. Plus, hear from Sam, the bounty hunter looking for the woman with whom he says Robert was involved, who claims Robert has withheld information about her whereabouts.


Wednesday - February 24, 2016

Teacher Guilty Of Sleeping With Student Is Now Suing Him!

Former teacher Tanya Ramirez pled guilty for crossing a forbidden line … having sex with a 17-year-old student who attended the school where she taught. But now, she’s done something many find even more unbelievable, she’s suing him and his mother. After pleading guilty to this charge, Ramirez filed a lawsuit against the teen accusing him of “extreme and outrageous” conduct and invasion of privacy for recording their late-night rendezvous. Ramirez claims the teen showed the tape around school for bragging rights. Ramirez says the sex was consensual, and says the student is an adult and he was just fine after the encounter. In fact, her lawyer has claimed it only made him more popular, and led to him being named Homecoming King! Teacher and student face off on Dr. Phil’s stage for the first time.


Thursday - February 25, 2016

“My Brother Thinks I’m Crazy But I Swear He’s the One Having Me Followed”

Karen says two years ago she had it all: a successful business, a beautiful home on the beach, nice cars, and plenty of money in the bank. But now, Karen says she is in danger and that some people are trying to ruin her reputation. She says that they are tracking her every move through a microchip implanted in her eyebrow, and they are hacking her computers and cell phone. Because she lost everything, Karen moved in with her brother John and his wife, Ronda. Now, she says she’s witnessed some suspicious activity in their home causing Karen to question if her brother is the one behind all her troubles. John denies Karen’s allegations and says he believes her paranoia stems from drug use. Is Karen’s brother really having her followed, or is something else going on with Karen? Karen agrees to take a drug test. Find out what the results reveal.


Friday - February 26, 2016

“My Newlywed Husband Lost Our Business, Gambled Away $300K, and is About to Lose His Family”

Amber says in the year-and-a-half that she’s been married to her husband, Jim, things have gone from very good to very, very, bad. Gone are the expensive cars, fancy clothes, $300,000 dollars, and an extremely lucrative golf pro shop and driving range. Amber says Jim is now unemployed and practically homeless -- and that all this is result of Jim’s addiction to gambling, which she says she found out about shortly after they got married. Amber also claims that Jim has an anger problem that has spiraled so out of control, police have been called twice in the last week, and now she questions if her marriage will survive. Jim, who admits to having a gambling problem, says he lies to Amber about his whereabouts to hide his gambling -- and that he even told her he had cancer and had to go in for treatment so he could spend a few weeks at the casino undisturbed. Find out how he’s able go to as many as eight casinos in three states in one day! Amber says she wants Dr. Phil to help Jim with his gambling addiction and explosive anger – but is Jim ready to face his problems?

I wonder what the chances are of Dr. Phil telling the daughter on Tuesday's show to mind her own business. I'm sure he'll try and shame the dad some, but he has shown some sympathy for those who are catfished, because he understands the psychological game play involved, but to seek out a call girl will probably be met with his disapproval face.


But really, who goes around searching their parents cell phones and computers? If her mom wants to forgive him and not get a divorce, she should back off; it's not her marriage. If there is abuse, different story, but infidelity during a 34 year marriage is the parents business, not hers. Cutting off contact with your mother because she won't divorce your father over an affair is absurd. 

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In the Malcolm over the railing case, did the good doctor actually say the word "heighth" not once but three times?! Considering how much he crows about the "depth" of his education and the "length" of his resume, I would assume he knew how to pronounce a basic English word like "height."

Back on topic, there's a reason lie detector tests are still inadmissible in court proceedings: they're wildly unreliable. Dr. Shill's trotting out of Jack Trimarco every other day to "prove" something only reinforces the misconception among people like Malcom's mother and aunt that polygraph tests are consistently accurate. This is a TV show. Entertainment. Chloe smartly listened to her grandfather's advice.

Jack Trimarco's offices are located in Beverly Hills. For some reason that makes me roll my eyes and laugh.

Edited by TV Glotzer
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Why do people go on Dr Phil? This is a serious question. Are they hoping for help or healing? I'm watching the insurance salesman to prostitutes case and I just don't get it, maybe because I'm a new watcher. The daughter clearly wants nothing to do with his dumb story, the wife backs the hubby and barely looked at her daughter......so besides airing dirty laundry on TV...what is accomplished here.

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I have been wondering for awhile why people go on this show. The former pastor is a creep of the first order, but what does he get from airing his dirty laundry on TV? The wife is a complete moron for staying with him too. If my husband gave away thousands and thousands of dollars to a hooker, his ass would be long gone. 


I think Dr. Phil thinks he is like Dateline and 20/20 and will somehow solve cases with his almighty lie detector. He doesn't realize that those shows provide very detail analysis and reporting of cases, but do not pass judgement on outcomes. I thought for a minute he was going to pull out the lie detector for pastor creep, but the idiot admitted to everything. I feel kind of bad for the daughter. Shill says it is none of her business, but I would think seeing her mom depressed and broke makes her feel sad and for many people, family members happiness is their business. I don't think the daughter needs counseling, she has every right to not want to be a part of the circus her horrid father has created. 

  • Love 1

 I feel kind of bad for the daughter. Shill says it is none of her business, but I would think seeing her mom depressed and broke makes her feel sad and for many people, family members happiness is their business. I don't think the daughter needs counseling, she has every right to not want to be a part of the circus her horrid father has created. 


Totally agree. Dr. Phil was being a real asshole to her. Yes, it IS her business when her father is putting her mother in financial ruin. Because then you know who'd have to take care of Mom? (Hint: Not Dr Phil)


I'm also a bit tired of Phil saying he is "the least judgmental person you'll ever meet." The way he was talking about sex workers and strippers was disgusting. He must think they are just worthless trash.

  • Love 9

His daughter in law Erica is one of 3 triplet sisters Nicole, Erica and Jaclyn Dahm who posed for Playboy.




"They tried out for Playboy's "Girls of the Big Ten" issue on the suggestion of their father...."



Edited by Jaded
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  I can't seem to post this picture, but search 'pacycephalosaurus' and see if that is Malcolm's grieving mother.  I know, I am going to hell.


Schooch over so I can sit beside you.  On another thread someone is going to have a table with booze just to the left of the entrance to hell and I am setting up a table with finger sandwiches right next to it.  Nothing like whiskey and cucumber sandwiches, I say!  

  • Love 1

Schooch over so I can sit beside you.  On another thread someone is going to have a table with booze just to the left of the entrance to hell and I am setting up a table with finger sandwiches right next to it.  Nothing like whiskey and cucumber sandwiches, I say!  


             That sounds like a fine idea!

  • Love 1

Watching the show with the female teacher who had a sexual relationship with a 17 year old male student.  The weird double standard regarding teacher/student sex still confuses me.  The teacher is all smirky and smug and so far, not contrite about the situation.  On top of that, some of the audience is laughing as Phil goes through their texts leading up to them meeting up in her apartment.  It's funny that if this was a male teacher who'd done the exact same thing, the audience would be howling for his blood. 


I can't remember ever seeing a male student in this situation cry and feel like damaged goods afterward; usually they get smiles and high fives.  Why are females viewed as fragile, tainted, having daddy issues and low self esteem and being controlled.  This always bugs me.  You'd think that Phil would consider this and treat the situation the same for either sex - not 'winky' for males and outraged for females victims.


On a different note, I watched the show last week with the woman who thought her husband was sticking her with needles and molesting their daughters; I was half fascinated and half disgusted with Phil and myself.  I didn't like that Phil has this unstable woman on national TV with her delusions, when he must realize she has a severe mental illness that will not be helped by any of his tough love or country platitudes.  She needs hardcore drugs and/or hospitalization.  I hate myself for saying to myself "that is one crazy broad".  To make me a worse human, I'm looking forward to the show tomorrow with the woman who thinks she's being followed.

Edited by patty1h
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I felt so sad for the woman who thought she was being poisoned. She's already been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and is showing clear signs of paranoia, hallucinations and delusions. Reasoning that her private lived experience is not real when she's not receiving treatment is completely pointless. She will really believe it, because her brain is determined to make her believe it, and she doesn't even understand yet how ill she is. She has to get better before she'll see that.

The whole family seemed really loving and you could see how much the mother loved the kids and they her. It's a tragedy, not a joke. I also really hated Phil having the father tell the story of how he accidentally got an erection around his daughter. She'll almost certainly get that thrown in her face by cruel people at school at some point, and it seemed really irresponsible to bring that up when the parents and therefore the kids are identifiable.

This show seems deeply exploitative of both adults and minor children.

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He has always had double standards when it comes to males and females. It is really noticeable in abuse cases, when he encourages the men to stick it out through counseling, and tells women to get out right away. He told one man that he owned some of the abuse because he had an affair, 5 years after his wife started beating on him. She was very honest about abusing him from the beginning of their marriage, and wanting help for it, and he put some of the blame on the husband. I didn't watch him for a long time after that, only for the next time to be another wife beating husband episode where he was encouraging the husband to not divorce. I just roll my eyes any more. 

The last couple of episodes, He has been very 'jokey' with the people, making crude jokes and sexual puns like strippers 'falling off their poles" with the Pastor and the wink-wink way he described the texts between the teacher and the teen boy. He claims to be so professional but talks no different than Maury Povich or Jerry Springer. I wouldn't let him be the counselor for my cat. 

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WTF was up with Dr. Phil's attitude toward the teacher sex scandal? He was throwing out  double entendres and laughing. She was clearly delusional and needed counseling to deal with her problems, yet Dr. Shil was all har har about it. If I was that mom, I'd be suing her ass as well as the school. Just because 17 is the age of consent doesn't absolve the predator of responsibility. As a matter of fact, in Texas (isn't that the state?), it's a felony for an educator to engage in a sexual relationship with a student who attends the school where they teach, regardless of the student’s age or gender. So I have no idea why  she was up there defending her behavior and saying it wasn't against the law it was only a violation of her contract. But more appalling than her behavior and attitude was Dr Phil's guffawing. Disgusting

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I started watching today's show with Karen who thinks her brother is tracking her...I shut it off after 10 min.  That woman is mentally ill and needs serious help.  Sitting on Dr. Phil's stage is not the place to get professional services.  The "doctor" shouldn't be smirking at a really ill person.  And I didn't want to watch more of the show to see Robin's freaky face trying to show empathy or smirking along with him. 

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I agree that Dr. Phil is crossing the line with having mentally ill guests on the show. However, I have been dealing with a MIL with paranoid personality disorder and am pleased that this issue is being brought to light. It is impossible to reason with these people and their delusions.


I don't care to see anymore "beautiful" young addicted women on this show. Hate to be snarky with something so horrible...but I would like to hear the good doctor introduce them as "ugly" because often times, they are. Ugly on the inside. I wanted to reach through my TV screen and slap the daylight out of the twins who admitted to stealing from blind patients.


Doctor on Demand for the narcissistic pastor and his wife...ugh. I am in the minority is saying that the daughter needs to stay out of her parent's marriage. She needs to continue to support her mother. I believe that the mother will have a revelation and leave her husband after the fog lifts. The mistress is correct in her assessment that the pastor is CREEPY. He is used to people believing his bullshit without question.

  • Love 1

I agree that Dr. Phil is crossing the line with having mentally ill guests on the show. However, I have been dealing with a MIL with paranoid personality disorder and am pleased that this issue is being brought to light. It is impossible to reason with these people and their delusions.

I am with you on the importance of raising these issues. Thanks for sharing your personal story, as well. I also have a close family member who has destroyed her relationship with her son through her delusions and paranoia which remain untreated. Like this woman on the show, she also believes he has stolen from her when this is demonstrably not the case, and the situation is very upsetting for everyone. This is a vitally important issue.

Watching the mocking and laughing of Phil and the audience, I feel like this show is doing the opposite of raising the level of understanding and care for people with mental issues and addiction in our society. It could be hugely influential, but instead it goes for the shortest path to highest entertainment value.

For me, it's not ok to laugh when someone's brain is obviously malfunctioning and leading them to an impossible understanding of reality. It can be incredibly funny and ridiculous, but laughing and mocking is unfair - in fact it's tantamount to bullying. If Phil wanted to, he could get his audience under control. He could step back from actively mocking an ill/addicted person (which in this case is basically the same thing as the addiction is causing or aggravating the illness) and teach vast swathes of America to improve the way they treat the mentally ill. What a missed opportunity.

Edited by Lebanna
  • Love 9

I am with you on the importance of raising these issues. Thanks for sharing your personal story, as well. I also have a close family member who has destroyed her relationship with her son through her delusions and paranoia which remain untreated. Like this woman on the show, she also believes he has stolen from her when this is demonstrably not the case, and the situation is very upsetting for everyone. This is a vitally important issue.

Watching the mocking and laughing of Phil and the audience, I feel like this show is doing the opposite of raising the level of understanding and care for people with mental issues and addiction in our society. It could be hugely influential, but instead it goes for the shortest path to highest entertainment value.

For me, it's not ok to laugh when someone's brain is obviously malfunctioning and leading them to an impossible understanding of reality. It can be incredibly funny and ridiculous, but laughing and mocking is unfair - in fact it's tantamount to bullying. If Phil wanted to, he could get his audience under control. He could step back from actively mocking an ill/addicted person (which in this case is basically the same thing as the addiction is causing or aggravating the illness) and teach vast swathes of America to improve the way they treat the mentally ill. What a missed opportunity.

Completely agree. I really don't understand what Dr. Phil's endgame is WRT parading mentally ill people out on stage. If it's ratings, that's horrible. If it's to "bring issues of mental illness to light", then letting your audience laugh at someone's obvious problems isn't helping anyone, certainly not the ill person. 


It also bugs me when he tries to disprove or show the mentally ill person with facts that their delusions as in fact, delusions, because that will never work. Case in point the women who was claiming her brother as stealing from her, she had microchips implanted. So Dr Phil sets up a camera outside, for what purpose? To show her that no one was messing with her car? And when he did that, her delusion immediately shifted to they didn't mess with it because they saw the camera, and it could have just as easily been  that the government doctored the tapes. I mean come on. It's like he expects them to snap out of it. 


Phil needs to stick with cheating spouses, people with huge egos and grandmas who have been catfished because you can laugh at them and they mostly deserve it. But the mentally ill being mocked makes me really uncomfortable.  

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 6

Agree that Phil could control his audience. He's done it before. I remember there was a woman coming out with severe OCD and lots of rituals, and before she came out he warned the audience not to laugh at her rituals, and they didn't. Yet when someone is clearly paranoid schizophrenic or delusional, he not only doesn't discourage the audience from laughing, he MAKES JOKES at their expense! What a dick.

  • Love 6

All New Shows This Week

Monday - February 29, 2016

Accusations of Compulsive Lies, False Charges and Coaching: A Dad’s Fears About His Daughter’s Safety at Mom’s House

Daniel says he and his ex, Lynsey, are caught in a contentious custody battle, filled with lies and accusations, and their 4-year-old daughter is caught in the middle. Daniel claims that he refused to marry Lynsey once learning she was pregnant, that she told him the child was not his and she then gave birth without telling him. Daniel says he filed for paternity and when their child turned 3, he received unsupervised visitation with her. That’s when he says Lynsey started accusing him of molesting their little girl – and that Lynsey recorded videos where she claims that her daughter admits to being molested by Daniel, videos that Daniel says only prove that Lynsey coached their daughter to lie. The court ultimately ruled that Daniel should keep custody and Lynsey should be given one-and-a-half years of supervised visitation. But now, Lynsey is allowed supervised overnight visits with Sophie, and Daniel says he’s concerned that she will lie to Sophie about him and that Lynsey’s “instabilities” will affect Sophie. Lynsey claims that Daniel begged her to abort their daughter when she told him that she was pregnant and that the first three years of their daughter’s life, Daniel rarely saw their child. Lynsey also claims that after an overnight visit with Daniel in December 2014, her daughter came home saying Daniel hurt her – and that she hired a therapist who convinced her that their daughter was sexually abused. Lynsey says now she gets two phone calls per week with her daughter for a few minutes at a time – and claims Daniel is unwilling to support a relationship between her and their daughter. Can Dr. Phil help these parents calm the chaos and put their daughter’s needs ahead of their own?


Tuesday - March 1, 2016

Mom vs. Dad: Why Lynsey Storms Off

Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Daniel and Lynsey who are in a contentious custody battle with their 4-year-old daughter caught in the middle. Lynsey claims their daughter told her that Daniel hurt her – but Daniel insists that Lynsey made false allegations of sexual abuse against him and the court ruled in Daniel's favor. Daniel’s father, Patrick, and mom, Rhonda, join the conversation, saying that Lynsey thrives on drama and they are worried for their granddaughter’s physical and emotional well-being. Patrick says that when Lynsey had custody of the child, she was rude, arrogant, abusive and took any opportunity she could to stab his family in the back. He says she makes false allegations, breaks court orders, files false police reports and has not paid Daniel court ordered payments for attorney’s fees. Rhonda says she believes Lynsey has always coached her daughter against Daniel. What does Dr. Phil learn about Lynsey’s allegations against Daniel. And, find out why Lynsey walks off stage. Plus, when asked to take a polygraph test, will the parents agree?


Wednesday - March 2, 2016

First the “Mistress” In A Murder Case, Now Accused of Larceny. “Help Me Clear My Name”

Charlie says he had it all … a beautiful wife of 23 years, a good job, nice cars, and a big house on the water. But Charlie says his world was rocked on May 2, 2002 when his wife, Leslie, was kidnapped by Charlie’s friend and former employee. Leslie escaped with some injuries but lived to tell about it. Two days later, Charlie found Leslie dead at the bottom of the stairs in their home. Seven years after his wife’s death, in January of 2009, Charlie was arrested and charged with murder. Authorities believed Charlie’s motive was that he was having an affair with a bartender named Carolyn, whom he lavished with gifts. Charlie, who was found not guilty of murder, speaks out for the first time. Carolyn says the stigma of being the alleged mistress of an accused murderer has taken a toll on her. Hear what she says she is being accused of now. Carolyn and Charlie, who both deny having an affair, come face to face for the first time in over two years.


Thursday - March 3, 2016

A Bite Mark and Broken Ribs: A Mother Accused of Abusing Her 16-Week-Old Baby

Marty made local headlines after a visit to the emergency room with her then 16-week-old son turned into a “nightmare,” and she was accused of abuse by authorities. Marty says that she was interrogated for eight hours and later, she was arrested and accused of biting her son, breaking several of his ribs and his shoulder bones. She claims she was told she “should be thrown under the jail” for what she allegedly did to him, and that the baby was ripped away from her and her fiancé, Derrick, and immediately put into foster care. It has been almost two years since Marty and Derrick have seen their son, as they say they have been denied any visitation or contact. Marty vehemently denies harming her son and says there is a medical explanation for her son’s injuries, that does not involve abuse of any kind. Could Marty’s son suffer from a medical condition that caused his bones to become fragile and break?


Friday - March 4, 2016

Torn Ligaments, Bruised Arms and a Busted Lip: A Mother Abused By Her Sons Or Angry Antagonizer

Victoria says for years she’s been living in fear of her 15-year-old son, Angelo. She claims that Angelo has spiraled out of control, and has become physically and verbally abusive toward her. She says Angelo has punched, slapped, and pushed her, and now she fears for her life … and the life of her 10-year-old daughter, who has called the police at least 21 times because of Victoria’s fights with Angelo. Victoria admits that she voluntarily put Angelo and his older brother in foster care when Angelo was only 7 years old because she claims her sons were abusive toward her. She also admits that she has been in domestic violence relationships in the past that her sons have witnessed. Angelo says his mother is the one who is out of control, and that he has hit her only in self-defense. Angelo, who says he feels his mother doesn’t love him, says he doesn’t know what to do when she comes after him. Angelo presents Dr. Phil with dramatic evidence of Victoria’s behavior at home and the devastating words she screams at him. Is the domestic violence in this home the result of an out-of-control teen, or an angry mother who has even called herself “a bad parent”? Dr. Phil tries to get to the real root of the problem. Then, Dave Navarro of the band “Jane’s Addiction” was only 15 years old when his mother, Connie, was murdered by an ex-boyfriend. Dave says the murder of his mother sent him into a spiral of drugs, alcohol and depression for years. Now, Dave and his friend Todd Newman have produced a documentary, “Mourning Son,” about his mother’s tragic and brutal death and what he says are “the horrific realities of domestic violence.” Dave, who has now become an advocate for victims of domestic violence, shares a special message with Angelo.

OMG!! The vocal fry was sooo OTT with this girl! If I were the family court judge I would have denied her custody just for talking like that.

Me thinks Lynsey wanted to be a pretty-pretty princess bride so she intentionally got knocked up to force a wedding. I also think she sounds almost gleeful in her "evidence" video, prompting her little girl who is crying and scared on camera. What a psycho. She has too many issues to fix before she should be allowed to see that kid. Good for the young dad to be the voice of reason and offer stability in his daughter's life.

  • Love 8

I hope that someone from the military was watching and can undo Lynsey's enlistment. My guess is that she will make false accusations against anyone who tells her to do something that she doesn't want to do. A fellow soldier will be unjustly accused.


Her enlistment is to provide an excuse for not having custody of her daughter. She had to surrender custody to serve in the military rather than saying that she only had supervised visits. She needs to move if the four hour trek is too much. Her daughter deserves much better.

  • Love 5

Could not stand Lynsey! My GOD, I did almost turn it off a few times for that damn way of talking! Horrible trend! BUT! I must say she got Dr. pretty good. He was left pretty much speechless after her handing him his ass accusing him of turning her serious story into a circus. Poor Robin , did you see her when Philip picked her up to do their walk off?. She was CRYING! Bitch puleeze!!

  • Love 2

I have decided I really loathe Dr. Phil. I agree Lynsey was a piece of work, but Dr. Phil was on attack from the second she stepped on stage and he was as usual completely unprofessional. i also didn't like the cold ass father of the child either and don't believe either of them. Some things I thought were unprofessional:


Phil reads a letter the woman wrote at 15 years old to people who are not related to her and have no real reason to hear the letter. Teenagers should have some privacy in life and I sure wouldn't want anyone reading my teenage ramblings. He did it to please the baby daddy and his parents, no other reason.


He always says : Never put your hands on a woman for any reason, but was OK when the guy pushed Lynsey. That is being a hypocrite.  He post a long list of things the dad claims the little girl said without proof, and then tells the mother a girl her age shouldn't know words like vagina.


He insists it is wrong to teach a toddler the word vagina, even when potty training. This goes against every childcare expert opinion. 


He automatically assumes any claims of sexual abuse must be wrong because he dislikes mothers and always is on the side of the father.


He agreed to read a letter of support written by her grandparents and then accused her of wanting to harm her daughter because the grandparents mention their belief of sexual abuse against the little girl.


Once again he is claiming that simply giving someone a lie detector test means they are not guilty and no further investigation is necessary.


I appreciate the Lynsey stood up for herself and I hope she gets shared custody of her daughter. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 2

OMG!! The vocal fry was sooo OTT with this girl! If I were the family court judge I would have denied her custody just for talking like that.

Me thinks Lynsey wanted to be a pretty-pretty princess bride so she intentionally got knocked up to force a wedding. I also think she sounds almost gleeful in her "evidence" video, prompting her little girl who is crying and scared on camera. What a psycho. She has too many issues to fix before she should be allowed to see that kid. Good for the young dad to be the voice of reason and offer stability in his daughter's life.

This was like watching my family's lives in the early 2000's.  My former SIL pulled many of the same shenanigans with my brother and the rest of us, starting with the birth of our nephew.  She didn't notify my brother until days after his son's birth.  She too lost custody of her child to his dad because of her unreasonable behavior and accusations against every member of my family.  And when she was ordered supervised visitations, she rarely showed up and made a scene when she did.  She was once observed  pinching my nephew in an effort to claim that he had arrived bruised.   But she continued to litigate over times, places and supervisors.  She was a monster and she moved to another state abruptly, halting all further  litigation.  And my nephew is a happy healthy 14 year old.  His mother has never attempted to contact him

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