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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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Hell child... OMG, the parents had one wall with a dozen crucifixes, and the other wall with pentacles and other Satanic imagery... and no one mentioned that?


I thought that was odd too.  Creepy.  

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I just saw the preview of Phil's at-home interview tomorrow.  Is it a new thing for Phil to do traveling shows?  His hubris seems to spiral off the chart when he goes to a prison or somewhere without his studio audience.  Like, does he have trouble wedging his giant inflated head through the door when it's time to leave?


Casual viewer.  I've mainly seen the 2007-2011 rotation on OWN in the wee small hours.

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I've mainly seen the 2007-2011 rotation on OWN in the wee small hours.


And I'm sorry, but while I've been awaiting my next project, I've been watching the OWN rotation too.  The number of repetitions for having five years worth of shows when they make well over 100 new programs per year is just nauseating.  I don't mind that they repeat the first two as the last two, but I'm seeing programs repeated that they broadcast last week.  I shouldn't be seeing any repetitions at all, for as many shows as there are in a five year period.


I guess I've just been home too long, but the repeat issue is becoming monotonous.

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I want to smack the OCD woman and her husband into next week.  Her husband should have sought serious help immediately.  We have google now, you idiot.  She is going to therapy and how is that working for you?  It isn't!!  That is not going to do anything and you would know this if you had done some research!  And you, little lady with your OCD, you better work with the team Dr P sets up.  None of this "if it is the right team" shit.  And you are qualified to say it is not the right team?!  


I know someone (acquaintance) who started exhibiting OCD symptoms.  She immediately sought help because she knew where it could lead.   It starts slowly.


Okay, all done now.  LOL! 

Perhaps you should do some "googling" yourself and find out just what a debilatating disease OCD is. The woman that was on Dr. Shill needs some serious intervention. Dr. Shill should have not had her on his show. She needs intense counseling, not exposing her OCD on nationat tv. I feel the reason she doens't wnat to go the intensive therapy route is because she is overwhemed with fear. 

Fear that she feels there are no solutions for this.She is probably doubting everyone at this point.  As one who has suffered every day with OCD since I was a child, I thank God for the medication I take that helps keep the thoughts away that if I don't do something exactly right that bad things will happen to me or my family. I hope and pray that you or noone in your family ever has to slay this wicked dragon!

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Pffffffft!  LOL, B2h, I hear you.  It's as though OWN purchased about half a dozen shows from each of those five years--and then they put on a four-hour block every morning from that cache.


You'd think the night owl hours, when all the world is an infomercial, would be a good time for the minor league channels to gain some ground.  (I did discover that AJAM produces some excellent documentary news reports.  It's the same quality/interest level I expected from from CNN a couple of decades ago.  Check it out.)

Edited by candall
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Perhaps you should do some "googling" yourself and find out just what a debilatating disease OCD is. The woman that was on Dr. Shill needs some serious intervention. Dr. Shill should have not had her on his show. She needs intense counseling, not exposing her OCD on nationat tv. I feel the reason she doens't wnat to go the intensive therapy route is because she is overwhemed with fear. 

Fear that she feels there are no solutions for this.She is probably doubting everyone at this point.  As one who has suffered every day with OCD since I was a child, I thank God for the medication I take that helps keep the thoughts away that if I don't do something exactly right that bad things will happen to me or my family. I hope and pray that you or noone in your family ever has to slay this wicked dragon!



I will leave it at, I am very familiar with this condition, though I do not have it myself, it has touched my life.  I stand by what I said.  The woman is not getting the proper meds or help that she needs.  Her husband wrote the show for help and she agreed to appear.  

Edited by wings707
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Well, knew it was going to be a "show" but now I know how many times I can call bullshit in under an hour on everyone involved.

I agree wholeheartedly. I heard lots of crying but saw no tears. I laughed when he told Phillip that he sounded like he was on Xanax.
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I will never be convinced that Nick wasnt the go-getter of the drugs for first Whitney and the Bobbi Kristina. This dudes performance was almost comical and Phil needs to be smacked for pretending to believe this bullshit.

The rolling around on the floor, crying for Krissi? Boy Please. Collect your Dr Phil check and head home.

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Well, knew it was going to be a "show" but now I know how many times I can call bullshit in under an hour on everyone involved.



I agree wholeheartedly. I heard lots of crying but saw no tears. I laughed when he told Phillip that he sounded like he was on Xanax.



I hope Nick Gordon does well for himself because it seems from the show that acting is not In his future.



I will never be convinced that Nick wasnt the go-getter of the drugs for first Whitney and the Bobbi Kristina. This dudes performance was almost comical and Phil needs to be smacked for pretending to believe this bullshit.

The rolling around on the floor, crying for Krissi? Boy Please. Collect your Dr Phil check and head home

Amen. That was worse than terrible.


One thing about Bobbi Christina, though. She probably did not have a lot of exposure to "real" guys due to the celebrity status of her mom and dad. This nut case was imported for her, so to speak. Not saying she was pimped but being with him kept her with someone familiar and close to the family instead of some unknown. Then, again, the famous have a hard time with "true" friendships anyway.

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Whitney's story is a real tragedy. Bobbi Kristina's life has been tragic as well. I don't think that girl stood a chance to escape some kind of abuse after living with her parents. IMO Bobbi Kristina was a poor little rich girl who lived in isolation with drug and physical abuse all around her. Her mother was a beautiful and talented woman (once). Her dad had some success but a checkered past. I think BK was surrounded by a lot of chaos & was ripe for the picking for any guy who paid her some kind of attention. It's very sad all around.

As for Mr. Gordon, meh. I don't wish ill on anyone, I hope he can get his life fixed. He just comes across very...strange to me. In the interviews they showed from the Houston reality show, and how he reacted to seeing his mom, he seems intellectually challenged, or emotionally stunted. Or both? I don't think its all explained by the drugs and alcohol.

Edited by BusyOctober
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Does Nick Gordon work anywhere? Has he ever held a job? Or is his job just being BK's boyfriend? Too many questions were missed by Phil as he watched this silly ass display.

And how did it make sense to his mother that Nick, Bobbi and Nick all went to rehab several times together(huh?) and Nick was the one that DIDN'T have a habit? What kind of rehab center will admit a person to just hang out while the other two get treatment?

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I will never be convinced that Nick wasnt the go-getter of the drugs for first Whitney and the Bobbi Kristina. This dudes performance was almost comical and Phil needs to be smacked for pretending to believe this bullshit.


In any other intervention show with a "professional" internventionist, the questioning of the addict stops as soon as they agree to go to treatment. The goal is to get them to treatment, and as soon as they say okay, you start moving them towards the nearest car to get to them to rehab before they have a chance to change their mind. Dr. Phil kept talking and looping around long after Nick said he would go to treatment. They were stringing it along on purpose to get a full hour of content to show on television. As much as Nick was psycho and may even have some mental illness going on, Dr Phil really exploited him bad. Nick came off as a crazy drug addict on national television, and the whole world is going to remember him jumping up and down, rambling and crying, and threatening to hurt himself. Dr. Phil really doesn't care about the people he claims to be trying to help.


As for Nick having a job, I suspect he was part of Whitney's entourage, and as someone suggested above, probably her drug fetcher as well. I bet she mostly supported him financially.

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Certainly Dr Phil knows that you cannot have a productive conversation with someone on drugs and alcohol.   Shame on you.  You exploited this man.  Phil was psyched to get the interview and I get that.  But when he showed up in that condition the interview should have been cancelled.  Offer him rehab and tell him you would interview him when he was out and sober.  


No way would he go to rehab and Phil knew this so grabbed the opportunity.  He is going to get some negative press about this.  It has already started.  Hoda and Kathy Lee just showed a clip and expressed their dismay.  

Edited by wings707
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Remember, Dr. $hill is the same man who announced on TV that he was going to have special access to Britney Spears when she went off the rails for one of his shows, and it turned out that Britney's parents, nor Britney herself, had given permission for any such thing.  Then $hill tried to play it off as some sort of "I'm the only one who's really trying to help here, but if they don't want my help, well...."


He's a fame whoring ass and I'll never like him, and now it's time for me to step back and breathe.

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I'm here watching the Nick Gordon interview. So far, his mom seems really fake. Fake tears, fake tremulous voice. Completely unreliable commentary. All she's doing is talking about what she recalls her son telling her; and whatever he told her is unreliable to begin with.

Nick has been on screen all of 5 minutes. I'm already exhausted & I feel a headache coming on.

Edited by NowVoyager
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As much as Nick was psycho and may even have some mental illness going on, Dr Phil really exploited him bad. Nick came off as a crazy drug addict on national television, and the whole world is going to remember him jumping up and down, rambling and crying, and threatening to hurt himself. Dr. Phil really doesn't care about the people he claims to be trying to hel

I thought this person was exploited. Dr Phil kept saying what "his lawyers" wanted. granted Nick is an adult, but shouldn't there be someone to speak for him. Who is paying these lawyers?.What does he need lawyers for ? If he's looking at criminal charges would a criminal defense attorney

want him exposed this way.

I can understand Bobbi Christana and Nick being screwed up. I can see them locking themselves up in a house with nothing else to do but drugs, I'm sure they feel all they have is each other, can't trust anyone but each other.. Everybody has their hands out, and trying to get their hands on whatever she has. She probably will leave everything to Nick and Bobby Brown ain't having it.

I believe Nick's pain is real, I believe he is feeling if Bobbi Christana dies, he will be alone in this world. think they were totally dependent on each other. I don't know how anyone should act when everything in your life is falling apart and you are not mature,emotionally, mentally or intelligently able to deal with it.Grownups with real life experiences crack under this type of pressure.

I don't believe for a minute, he was faking anything.

I just think someone who sincerely cares about him should be around him. Not sure about his Mom, I don't doubt she loves her child..why would you let a 16 year old kid be adopted ? It seems most of their conversations were over the telephone, she probably have no idea just who her son is now.

Sadly  the only thing anyone from Whitney's family would say is Nick did not try to do CPR on Whitney,after all of the shit that was shown this is the only comment they could make. Poor Nick Gordon. Poor Bobbi Christana. I hope they know Lord Jesus!!!!!!

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Some crazy control freak went on craigslist to get a nanny to work for her for literally no pay, gets caught in her own scam by a litigious crazy and her equally crazy family.  The sister in the audience went from 0 to 100 in half a second, I thought she might rush over the the stage and stab her with her anger.

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It was a rerun. Crazy litigious nanny (sued her family multiple times and disowned her) and the privileged stay at home mom were news a few months before $Shill got them on the show. So another example of $Shill trying to insert himself into the news. Nasty mother did herself no favors since before we met them the elderly "nanny" seemed in the wrong.  She was, but nasty mother gave nanny a room and no pay in exchange for watching her kids any time of the night or day.  There was a mention of her trying to start of a business but yeah, sure.  Nanny should have left but they got the nanny they deserved. 

Edited by QuelleC
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March 16 - March 20, 2015

Inside the Mind of the Man Who Shot the "American Sniper": A Dr. Phil Exclusive

Last month, a jury convicted 27-year-old Marine Corps veteran Eddie Ray Routh in the shooting deaths of former U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle -- the inspiration behind the movie American Sniper -- and Kyle’s friend, Chad Littlefield, at a Texas shooting range in 2013. Routh admitted to killing the men, but his lawyers argued that he suffered from severe mental problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), after returning home from service -- and even received psychiatric treatment a week before the shootings. In an exclusive interview, Routh’s parents, Jodi and Raymond, open up to Dr. Phil about their son. What was he like as a child? And, when do they say they noticed a change in his behavior? Jodi admits she reached out to Chris, who volunteered to work with veterans suffering from PTSD, and asked him to help her son. Does she have any regrets? Plus, hear from Routh’s sister, Laura, who says she was the first person her brother confessed to on that fateful day. Did she ever suspect he was capable of such a horrific act?


Nine Seconds that Outraged a Nation/"My Racist Father Needs to Accept the Minorities in My Family"

In a 9-second video that quickly went viral, party-bound students from the University of Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity chapter were seen on a bus clapping, pumping their fists and laughing as they sang a racist chant. The video sparked outrage and reignited debate across the nation about issues of race. Dr. Phil sits down with two black students from the university -- how do they feel about the video? And, what is the sentiment on campus about what happened? Plus, hear from La Salle University professor Dr. Charles Gallagher, a researcher in the field of racial and social inequality -- what can we learn from this shocking incident? Then, Peyton says she knows about racism first hand, because her father, David, is an Imperial Wizard of the White Knights of the KKK who she says taught her to hate certain people. But Peyton says she has different beliefs -- and she now has a biracial baby, whom she desperately wants her father to accept. Dr. Phil has some tough questions for David, who defends his beliefs and insists he lives by “God’s law.” Is he twisting scripture for his own hatred? Is there any hope of salvaging this father-daughter relationship, or should Peyton cut ties for good?


Lethal Love: "We Believe Our Son's Girlfriend Killed Him"

In March 2013, Bob’s 20-year-old son, Chris, died of an accidental overdose, but Bob and his wife, Sallie, say they’re convinced Chris’ girlfriend, Toni, is responsible. Toni denies having anything to do with Chris’ death and is instead pointing the finger at Sallie and Bob. Tensions run high when Toni, alongside her father, faces Bob and Sallie for the first time in more than a year. What happened to Chris that night? Plus, hear from Chris’ childhood friend, Hans, who says Chris had a secret that might have cost him his life. Can these families stop blaming each other and move forward in forgiveness?
(Original Airdate: November 5, 2015) <---- Their typo not mine  


"Get Off My Back about My Body"

Nicole says she wants to lose weight but says her “fitness freak” husband, George, has no compassion or empathy for her struggles, and his intense, drill-sergeant ways aren’t helping. George says Nicole is her own biggest obstacle to losing weight -- he says she’s lazy, makes excuses and gives up too easily -- and all his efforts to help her have only strained their relationship. How can he motivate his wife? And, Dominique says she knows she needs to lose weight but says her mom, JoAnn, won’t stop nagging her about it. Could JoAnn be sabotaging her daughter with her constant comments? Then, Charles says ever since his identical twin brother, Adam, lost 90 pounds, he has become an arrogant jerk who loves to embarrass Charles about his body. Adam says his brother resents him for getting healthier and needs a serious wake-up call about his weight. Can these brothers heal their relationship while getting to a healthier place?
(Original Airdate: January 6, 2015)


Shocking Accusations: A Husband Poisoned? A Hit and Run?

Nikki says her three-year marriage has turned volatile. She claims her husband, Mark, has punched her in the face, broken her nose and run over her toe with his truck -- among other allegations -- which he denies. Mark claims Nikki instigates most of their fights and has violent outbursts, and he suspects she might be trying to kill him. The couple admits their confrontations happen in front of their two young children, and both say they want to save their marriage. Dr. Phil intervenes for the sake of their kids. Can this toxic relationship be healed?
(Original Airdate: November 7, 2014)

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Ugh, I remember Thursday's show with the brothers.  At times I couldn't tell which was the heavier one.  $Shill ends up giving them his book. 


And I'm really done with the "can this toxic relationship be healed" stories.  Anything to keep an abusive marriage intact is his agenda.  One only has to "man up and be a hero" and "stop acting like a victim", am I right? Sometimes I wonder if it's all about the free trip to South Padre they might get.

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i record and maybe watch 15 percent of the episodes.  I used to like his show but no longer.  The final straw was Doctor on Demand and his diet book.  What the fuck?!  Diet book?  Really, Phil?  Go on it if it is so good.  You could stand to lose 30 lbs, I don't care how much tennis you play.  You are overweight.  

Edited by wings707
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i record and maybe watch 15 percent of the episodes.  I used to like his show but no longer.  The final straw was Doctor on Demand and his diet book.  What the fuck?!  Diet book?  Really, Phil?  Go on it if it is so good.  You could stand to lose 30 lbs, I don't care how much tennis you play.  You are overweight.  

Dr on Demand, his book and him hawking Robin's skincare and makeup crap all the time are a few reasons why I can't watch anymore. I quit watching regularly when he started trying to insert himself into every "case" or "incident" of the moment making news like he was the only one that could help anyone involved. I totally agree about his diet book and have said so previously in this thread. Your tennis comment make me LOL kinda loudly.

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What was the point of this afternoons show.  Dr Phil you are certainly not going to change KKK dad's opinion.   You are pretty much just giving this ass clown a open forum to strut his stuff.  Look at me!  Look at me!  I am not entirely sure the daughter was much better.  She doesn't like daddy's wife because she and her 5 children took the daughter's place in Daddy's heart?

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I rarely comment on this forum because I am pretty much over Dr Phil. But today I was home and I watched it. All the time I was screaming at the TV 'do a DNA test on her. Do a DNA test on the father' because as DNA has become more common these days, a lot of people (especially from the south) are learning that they possess Sub-Saharan DNA. If he wouldn't have agreed, I bet the daughter would have.


KKK guy was talking about the one drop rule. And I betcha he has more than one drop.


Also, when I hear someone like him talk about what Jesus said, doesn't he realize that Jesus himself was a Jew and that he most certainly possessed DNA that would have been on this KKK guy's hate list. Jesus was never a Christian. He was a Jew. Christians came after his being here on this earth.


That daughter should run but she probably has nowhere to go. He set her up for failure when he spent her childhood locked up in a federal prison.

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I can't believe I give Schill DVR space-train wreck theory, I suppose.

WTF with the OU racist show? It was nauseating. I guess he thinks he made some strides in "curing" racism by regurgitating the same crap that has been done to death on the news shows. We get it. Frat boys are assholes. KKK dudes are morons.

Schill hugs a young, black, pastor kid. I'll bet KKK dude just melted and changed his ways. Right.

Since Schill is just tap dancing close to the Jerry Springer line, I guess I keep hoping someone will throw a chair and smack Mrs. Plasti-McGraw right in the kisser.

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I have zero tolerance for people who nag others about their weight.  They always hide behind the, "I'm just thinking of his/her health excuse," when it's clearly just a case of wanting them to be thin because that's what they want to look at.   When someone discovers a weight loss plan that doesn't come with a 98% failure rate over three years -- call me.  That includes you Dr. Phil.  What happened to your Seven Keys of Complication diet?

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 What happened to your Seven Keys of Complication diet?

I have this book and "Seven Keys of Complication" gave me such a hearty surprise laugh that coffee came out my nose.


Good one!

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I can't believe I give Schill DVR space-train wreck theory, I suppose.

WTF with the OU racist show? It was nauseating. I guess he thinks he made some strides in "curing" racism by regurgitating the same crap that has been done to death on the news shows. We get it. Frat boys are assholes. KKK dudes are morons.

Schill hugs a young, black, pastor kid. I'll bet KKK dude just melted and changed his ways. Right.

Since Schill is just tap dancing close to the Jerry Springer line, I guess I keep hoping someone will throw a chair and smack Mrs. Plasti-McGraw right in the kisser.

Mrs. McGraw's face...it looks so strange, very unattractive IMO. She's crossed that line that women cross when they're addicted to cosmetic surgery; she's starting to look like an alien. I wonder what she looked like when they married?
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March 23 - March 27, 2015


Young, Beautiful and Missing/"Homeless Joe" Returns
Dr. Phil explores potential new clues in the cold cases of two missing women. First, 14-year-old Ashley Summers vanished in 2007 -- just blocks away from Ariel Castro’s Cleveland "House of Horrors" -- and aside from a brief phone call to her mother in 2008, she hasn’t been heard from since. Ashley’s mother, Jennifer, and step-grandmother, Linda, join Dr. Phil in search of answers. Could a newly-released FBI photo prove that Ashley is alive and well? Two facial recognition experts analyze the photo -- what do they conclude? Then, in November 2011, Michelle Parker disappeared without a trace after dropping off her 3-year-old twins at the home of their father -- the same day the bitter exes appeared together in an episode of The People’s Court. Michelle’s father, Brad, says he believes Michelle’s ex had something to do with her disappearance -- which her ex absolutely denies, despite having been named early in the investigation as the primary suspect. What happened to Michelle? Plus, when Dr. Phil last checked up on "Homeless Joe", he was missing in action after abruptly leaving rehab in Texas. After being tracked down, Joe returns to Dr. Phil -- how is he doing now?


Lifetime Grudge: Can Mother and Daughter Finally Bury the Hatchet?
Amber, 24, says her mother, Julie, failed her as a parent, and she wants an apology for what she claims were years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse. Amber claims that when she was between the ages of 7 and 14, her mother slapped her, punched her and threw items at her several times a week. Julie completely denies ever laying a hand on her daughter, except in self-defense, and says she doesn’t understand why Amber recently cut her out of her life. She says Amber has always been dramatic, and she claims their problems started when Amber falsely accused her father of the unthinkable. Dr. Phil brings Amber and her mother together in hopes of a resolution. Is there a chance at fostering a peace? Plus, don’t miss an update on guests Candi and Lyndsey, who started Dr. Phil’s 20/20 diet two months ago. How are they now?

15 and a Teenage Terror

Vicki says she is desperate for help for her out-of-control 15-year-old daughter, Josie. She says her daughter has been kicked out of school, steals, drinks, uses drugs, has been caught sneaking boys into her bedroom and is facing battery and runaway charges. Josie admits she doesn’t like being told no but says, "Every teenager makes mistakes." Dr. Phil has some tough questions for Vicki. Is this a case of a bad teen, bad parenting or something else? And, Dr. Phil talks to Josie about how her choices now could affect her future. Will she be inspired to make some positive changes?
(Original Airdate: January 19, 2015)



"My Mother Refuses to Cut the Cord with My Mama’s Boy Brother"

Andreya says her 32-year-old brother, Tony, is addicted to prescription pills and has a gambling problem, with losses that she believes could be more than $100,000 -- and their mother, Linda, is enabling him all the way. She says their mother lets Tony live with her for free, works two jobs to pay all his bills, refuses to kick him out and turns a blind eye to his drug use. Linda says all she wants to do is take care of her “little boy” and refuses to listen to anyone bad-mouth her baby. Tony admits he’s a smooth operator and can use charm and personality to get anything he wants. He says he was even facing 45 years in prison for drug trafficking, but the arresting officer pleaded for leniency, and Tony served only a little more than three years. Can Linda learn to stop supporting her son’s dangerous lifestyle before he ends up back in prison -- or dead? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s plan for both mother and son!
(Original Airdate: January 15, 2015)


Blacklisted by Mom: "Can We Speak to Our Dad Before He Dies?"

Siblings Karina, Nicole, Amber and Chase say their mother has blacklisted them from their family and won’t let them see their father, who is dying of bone cancer. They claim their mother won’t give them a current address and even deletes their voicemails and text messages to their father. Their mother strongly denies these accusations and points the finger back at her oldest children, who she claims have isolated themselves from the family and abandoned their father in this time of need. Emotions run high when this fractured family comes together on Dr. Phil’s stage -- and these four children reunite with their father. What does he say about the situation? What’s at the root of this family feud? And, can everyone put an end to the fighting before it’s too late?
(Original Airdate: November 12, 2014)


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Lifetime Grudge: Can Mother and Daughter Finally Bury the Hatchet?

Amber, 24, says her mother, Julie, failed her as a parent, and she wants an apology for what she claims were years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse.

This episode was all over the place. It went from crazy mother and daughter to the two overweight, over ANNOYING women, to some woman with a young husband and a blatant ad for wrinkle cream. Oh and of course, the ad for another one of his fat books.
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Always happy to revisit Josie, my favorite snotty little juvenile delinquent guest.


My eyes roll back in my head when Phil grits his teeth and blurts out how much he just plain ol' likes her, in spite of his efforts to resist.  HAHAHAHA!  Josie's expression says she's buying that load of bonding bullshit about as much as I do.  It's the one moment when she has my support.


I wonder how long a 60-minute Phil show really is?  Besides the commercials, the flashforward clips to post-commercial, the reminder clips of what's just been said and the McGraw product promotion, my recording includes a healthy chunk of whatever soap opera follows the show.  I think the actual content must be somewhere south of 30 minutes.


This guy!

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The day I pay attention to one of Dr. Phub's diet books is the day he quits using the "I play tennis and I'm fit" excuse and admits he needs to loose weight as much as the people he's trying to sell and give his book away to. Men can hide their fatness better in suits sometimes but at this point suits aren't even cutting it for Phub.

With this newest book he should have joined his viewers and etc. and gone on the diet he wrote about and documented his progress throughout the season. 

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March 30 - April 3, 2015

1,000 Lies and Counting: A Husband Who Can’t Tell the Truth

Melisa claims her estranged husband, Chris, is a pathological liar who lies about anything and everything -- from small things, like what he had for lunch, to more elaborate lies, like posing as an airline pilot making $500,000 a year so he could view a luxury home. She says during their five years together, Chris has also struggled to hold a job, and she claims he has resorted to stealing money from her. Melisa and Chris are currently separated, but with a young child and another baby on the way, Melisa says she’s desperate to make things work. Chris admits he has a problem with telling the truth and insists he wants to change -- but is that just another lie? Dr. Phil sits down with Melisa and Chris in search of a resolution. What’s at the root of Chris’ behavior? Then, meet Chris’ father, Steve, who says his son has been lying since he was a child. Has Steve been enabling his son’s behavior? And, should Melisa and Chris work on their relationship or call it quits?

"Help! My Daughter is Addicted to Dangerous Men!"

Rhonda says she fears her 18-year-old daughter, Jade, is putting herself in harm’s way by pursuing dangerous men, including a recent relationship with a man in prison! Rhonda says she’ll do anything to keep Jade safe, including turning off her cell phone at night, restricting her Internet access and even blocking certain TV channels -- measures Jade calls "psycho." Dr. Phil sits down with mother and daughter. Is Rhonda being too controlling, or does she have reason for concern? Then, Vickey says the night her ex allegedly attacked and shot her in the face was a night she had been planning for -- by hiding seven guns throughout their house for protection. Hear her shocking story and why she says she believes her ex might know information about the disappearance of a missing pregnant woman. Then, watch as Robin McGraw -- along with her foundation, When Georgia Smiled, and The Home Depot -- provides a local shelter for women and children with a deserving surprise! And, teachers and students share with Robin how The Aspire Initiative opened their eyes about abuse. Plus, go along with Robin as she is invited to speak at Miami Dade College in honor of Women’s History Month!

 "Falsely Accused of Murder and Now My Life is Spiraling out of Control"

Kezia says she is desperate to get help for her 27-year-old daughter, Derica, who she says has spiraled out of control since witnessing her best friend’s murder a year and a half ago -- and then being wrongly accused of the crime. Derica says even though the charges were dropped, she has struggled to cope with the backlash in her hometown, and she admits she turned to drugs to escape reality. But now, Derica says she has been clean for five weeks -- since learning she is pregnant -- although she admits she still smokes cigarettes. Emotions run high when Dr. Phil sits down with Derica, Kezia, and Derica’s younger sister, Tristin. Can Derica find a way to get her life back on track? Tristin says Derica’s dangerous behavior started long before the murder and claims their mother is a big part of the problem -- is she enabling Derica? Dr. Phil has some tough questions for Kezia -- and a sobering wake-up call for Derica about the effects smoking can have on an unborn child. Will it make an impact and help her stay clean? Can this family come together to help Derica heal and move forward?

Flirty Emails and Suspicious Photos: Is My Husband a Cheater or Just a Charmer?

Sarah says she is convinced her husband of 20 years, Ed, is a liar and a cheater, and she has spent years gathering "evidence" to try to prove that he has been physically unfaithful. Ed admits he has flirted and sexted with other women and that he had an emotional affair with a co-worker, which he continued even after promising to end things. But he insists the relationship never became physical, and it’s in the past. Will Sarah ever be able to trust Ed, and should she? Dr. Phil sits down with the couple in search of answers and a resolution. Sarah says she believes Ed is a sex addict, and a counselor even diagnosed him as such -- what does Dr. Phil think? Plus, one thing Ed and Sarah agree on is that their marital dysfunction is hurting their two teenage sons. Hear from their 18-year-old son -- what does he say about the situation? Sarah says she has started the divorce process but isn’t quite ready to pull the trigger. Can this marriage be saved, or is it time to walk away?

Bright, Beautiful and Blowing It: "Help My Teen Before It's Too Late!"

Vanessa and Kurt are fed up with Vanessa’s 15-year-old daughter, Emily, who they say is drinking, smoking pot, popping prescription pills and causing constant chaos. Vanessa admits she has no clue what to do, and Kurt says Emily makes life in the house so unbearable that he rarely speaks to her -- and he would prefer she move out. Emily admits she occasionally drinks and smokes pot but insists she’s not the partier her mother and stepfather make her out to be. How does she describe her behavior? And, hear from Emily’s biological father, Jason, who says he supports his daughter and doesn’t believe she is out of control -- is he just naive? Dr. Phil brings this blended family together in search of a solution. Will Emily and her parents take ownership of the situation and get this family back on track?
(Original Airdate: October 28, 2014)

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Thursday's show...so stupid.  She's been suspicious of her husband cheating for YEARS??  The "stress" of spending so much time on tracking her husband's infidelity caused her to lose her job?? If you think he's a no good lying cheating SOB and decided you can't believe a word of his many denials, here's my unprofessional free advice, you stupid cow; it's called D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Look into it. And look into a new wig while your at it.  That cheap thing on your head is one of the most obvious wigs I've ever seen and isn't doing you any favors.

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The whole family was wearing wigs. Mom, kid and dad. Dad even had the fake mustache to go with it. I hope they don't think they we're disguising themselves in those things. I have a better fake wig mustache combo that I bo in a drug store for Halloween.

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The whole family was wearing wigs. Mom, kid and dad. Dad even had the fake mustache to go with it. I hope they don't think they we're disguising themselves in those things. I have a better fake wig mustache combo that I bo in a drug store for Halloween.

Oh Thank God. I thought it was just me. Those were three of the ugliest, shiniest fake wigs. I thought at first the family had some sort of genetic flaw or mutation to all have such shiny, fake looking hair before it hit me..... wigs! And that mustache. Who do these people think they are kidding?


Today, Friday's show... could the stepfather have smirked any more than he did the entire show? The guy totally creeped me out. My kids used to call someone who looked and acted like that "Lester the Molester."

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