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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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4 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

My thoughts exactly, so why did Daphne say she only met her 10 minutes ago?  This was right after the team announcement and they were all going around hugging each other.  

If she said “10 minutes” then I can guarantee she said it in a funny, facetious way.  I’ve made similar jokes about my 6 year old being a baby “5 minutes ago.” Just an exaggerated way of saying that times flies.

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4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

That’s really hard to choose who would be cut next who do you think 

If I had to venture a guess solely on what I’ve read on here, I would say Madeline S or Meredith...Madeline appears to be very technically trained but just doesn’t scream DCC in my humble opinion (I know she’s a legacy and all).  I know Kelli loves Meredith but there was discussion of her not looking very strong in the few videos we’ve seen.  Also not a huge fan of Lisa Mills.

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Just now, SingleMom9 said:

If I had to venture a guess solely on what I’ve read on here, I would say Madeline S or Meredith...Madeline appears to be very technically trained but just doesn’t scream DCC in my humble opinion (I know she’s a legacy and all).  I know Kelli loves Meredith but there was discussion of her not looking very strong in the few videos we’ve seen.  Also not a huge fan of Lisa Mills.

I would also say Meredith.  Madeline may have to spend a year learning the DCC style.  

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3 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

If I had to venture a guess solely on what I’ve read on here, I would say Madeline S or Meredith...Madeline appears to be very technically trained but just doesn’t scream DCC in my humble opinion (I know she’s a legacy and all).  I know Kelli loves Meredith but there was discussion of her not looking very strong in the few videos we’ve seen.  Also not a huge fan of Lisa Mills.

It’s going to be hard figuring out the last 4 cuts needed to make a squad of 36 

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1 hour ago, BeverlyHills said:

I think it was because the engagement was a surprise for Jinelle which is common when people pop the question.  Perhaps the staff and Cassie knew it was happening but remained tight lipped to ensure Jinelle had a magical proposal.  In addition, it doesn’t matter if it’s heretosexual  or same sex oriented, they were being professional as colleagues to not make it a big deal.  Most work professionals wouldn’t be broadcasting an office romance until they were no longer employed there.  After the engagement and they no longer worked there, everyone supported it.  Not everything has to be political.  And if we want to normalize all relationships why does everyone insist on “showcasing it” rather than just a normal celebration of two people in love?  

Could you please clarify what you're saying?

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8 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

If I had to venture a guess solely on what I’ve read on here, I would say Madeline S or Meredith...Madeline appears to be very technically trained but just doesn’t scream DCC in my humble opinion (I know she’s a legacy and all).  I know Kelli loves Meredith but there was discussion of her not looking very strong in the few videos we’ve seen.  Also not a huge fan of Lisa Mills.

Who do you think will be the final cuts ? 

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6 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Who do you think will be the final cuts ? 

Hard to say as I don’t think I’ve seen hardly anything on Kat, Taylor P or Lisa.  Videos show Chandi as strong and I’m sure the 3 SG rookies are safe.  Personally I’m rooting for Julia but also haven’t heard or seen anything recent on her.

Edited by SingleMom9
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1 minute ago, SingleMom9 said:


Hard to say as I don’t think I’ve seen hardly anything on Kat, Taylor P or Lisa.  Videos show Chandi as strong and I’m sure the 3 SG rookies are safe.  Personally I’m rooting for Julia but also haven’t heard or seen anything recent on her.

Haven’t seen anything on shania either 

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Just now, Holly85 said:

Haven’t seen anything on shania either 

I’m definitely rooting for Shaina after what she’s going through.  She looks to be a pretty technical dancer as well so I wonder how she’s adapted to the DCC style, although she probably has the help of Tess since they were Golden Girls together.  I’m amazed by the contrast of her red hair to prior blonde!


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10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Poor thing.  I hope she is able to continue thru TC.

Lovely show of support from all the messages many of the vets and some of the TCC left on Shaina’s latest Instagram post.

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6 hours ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Maybe Jinelle just wants to live her life. Without being someone’s news story. 

As someone who worked in news, I believe Jinnelle's sexual orientation and marriage are not newsworthy for mainstream American news for a couple of reasons : 1, she's former DCC and 2, she's Australian and moved back there. Maybe the supermarket tabloids or TMZ might exploit it, but beyond DCC-obsessed people like us, she's no star, and no one knows or cares. I could see her being included in a bigger, in depth story on cheerleaders, and even then we'll find out she's not the first or last lesbian to make this team. 

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3 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

Lovely show of support from all the messages many of the vets and some of the TCC left on Shaina’s latest Instagram post.

I clicked on the photo to see who was who, and the brunette gal was in a serious car accident a couple of weeks ago:(  

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It is assumed that Meredith and Kristin will likely get cut.

And I'm not surprised there was nothing publicized about Jinelle.  I heard that somebody made Jinelle's sexual orientation an issue in an attempt to justify not wanting to work closely with her.  It was pretty gross.

Edited by SmpIsimon
To make clear I’m not sure who.
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1 minute ago, SmpIsimon said:

It is assumed that Meredith and Kristin will likely get cut.

And I'm not surprised there was nothing publicized about Jinelle.  A certain person made Jinelle's sexual orientation an issue in an attempt to justify not wanting to work closely with her.  It was pretty gross.

Kristin? Really? I thought there had been prior mention that she was doing better in TC this season.  

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1 minute ago, SingleMom9 said:

Kristin? Really? I thought there had been prior mention that she was doing better in TC this season.  

Could be wrong, from what I can tell that's just the sense of those in training camp.

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2 minutes ago, Tootie said:

@ShellyB According to this, the Cowboys' 2nd pre-season game will be in Hawaii.  The Rams are considered the "home team" but since it's such a unique situation, I was wondering if any of the cheerleaders get to go...

2019-07-07 (11).png

Cianna hopefully.

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1 hour ago, SingleMom9 said:

Any guesses on who might be next cut?

 I’m thinking it could be Kristin, even though it seems she is doing better this TC.  But I’m hoping it’s the other legacy Madeline. She doesn’t have the look for me 🤷‍♀️

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Will. Ore than one legacy be allowed on the team this year?  If so, the legacy banner would have to be shared between two people. That could be an issue for a certain person. 

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3 minutes ago, Namaste said:

Will. Ore than one legacy be allowed on the team this year?  If so, the legacy banner would have to be shared between two people. That could be an issue for a certain person. 

Exactly, this is VK’s year, the other legacy is going to get the Dayton treatment/storyline 

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I’ve been trying to bite my tongue about VK.  I actually don’t have a desire to watch the show this year with knowing how she is behind the scenes.  I can’t imagine being on a team with a girl who is toxic and can’t be trusted.  Her teammates literally couldn’t trust her.  Who will she throw under the bus next.  No wonder Jinelle left.  

Honestly, if she is doing what is being said then she will deal with the consequences.  Karma will eventually catch up.  Lol or someone could just pull a Mean girls on her and feed her protein bars that make you gain weight 😂😂😂.  Just kidding but seriously I can’t stand entitled people like her.  Those who hurt others to get ahead.  

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8 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

 I’m thinking it could be Kristin, even though it seems she is doing better this TC.  But I’m hoping it’s the other legacy Madeline. She doesn’t have the look for me 🤷‍♀️

I’m so torn on Kristin.  She seems very sweet.


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Wow, a lot went on while I was on vacation...

Most of us know what happened to Olivia S. years ago when she stood up to Cassie at the calendar shoot. Cassie ran to Judy and complained, then all of a sudden Olivia got the “toxic” label and it was over for her.

My guess is when Jaylyn gave VK some critiques to help her, VK ran to Mommy who called Kelli. Thus the “toxic” label was likely applied to Jaylyn, which Kelli shared with the Show Group judges who in response voted her out and voted VK in to soothe her hurt feelings.

I am reading between the lines big time but I get the sense the pressure to vote Jaylyn off was very strong from Kelli.

I think if I were Jaylyn, I’d say “Screw this, life is too short for this crap” and get out of there before she gets cut. Because you know at some point she will be cut to appease the Kalinas. 

Edited by ATLGirl
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11 minutes ago, Namaste said:

Will. Ore than one legacy be allowed on the team this year?  If so, the legacy banner would have to be shared between two people. That could be an issue for a certain person. 

All my fav retired vets have the cutest babies now, and more are getting married and will probably have children. 

I am looking forward to having a team of these babies...and yes, I kinda want them all to make the team together!  And I’m kinda feeling like TPTB,  anyway we can make it happen.

I can understand Kelli a little better with her indecisiveness last year.  lol

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Please not Kristin! I really like her...I don’t see Meredith getting this style and those SG videos did not show her as being wonderful in power Pom (she killed Travis Wall’s choreography). 

I have to say I have been reluctant to be on the 100% VK hate train for various reasons: I do like how she dances, she happens to in dance and look-wise remind me of a dear friend of mine, I’ve felt the weight and milk shake comments have been beyond the realm of normal criticism and were bullying.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because of her age and sheltered upbringing. And also I’ve been where she is: assumed to have something automatically because of a family connection and been treated like crap because of it. 

HOWEVER hearing what she said about Jinelle is the absolute limit for me. To not want to work with someone because of their sexuality?!?! I am not straight, I grew up with the majority of my friends being LGBT+, I am in theater in NYC and most of my current friends are LGBT+ my best childhood  friend is transgender and I am a loud advocate for LGBT rights. I am disgusted and appalled that a young woman in the dance world would even have those words enter her brain much less leave her mouth. Those antiquated ideas should be dying with the older generation. I have major issues with Rachel W but it seems she knows how to at least keep her opinions in her head and (hopefully) did not EVER express not wanting to work with someone because of the person they are engaged to. Shame on Victoria and shame on Kelli for allowing her to comeback. I am sure Jinelle was driven away by this and she is a bigger loss to that organization than Victoria would ever be as a gain. 

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9 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

All my fav retired vets have the cutest babies now, and more are getting married and will probably have children. 

I am looking forward to having a team of these babies...and yes, I kinda want them all to make the team together!  And I’m kinda feeling like TPTB,  anyway we can make it happen.

I can understand Kelli a little better with her indecisiveness last year.  lol

Has there ever been more than one or two legacies try out in the same season? I’d be curious to know...

10 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Please not Kristin! I really like her...I don’t see Meredith getting this style and those SG videos did not show her as being wonderful in power Pom (she killed Travis Wall’s choreography). 

I have to say I have been reluctant to be on the 100% VK hate train for various reasons: I do like how she dances, she happens to in dance and look-wise remind me of a dear friend of mine, I’ve felt the weight and milk shake comments have been beyond the realm of normal criticism and were bullying.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because of her age and sheltered upbringing. And also I’ve been where she is: assumed to have something automatically because of a family connection and been treated like crap because of it. 

HOWEVER hearing what she said about Jinelle is the absolute limit for me. To not want to work with someone because of their sexuality?!?! I am not straight, I grew up with the majority of my friends being LGBT+, I am in theater in NYC and most of my current friends are LGBT+ my best childhood  friend is transgender and I am a loud advocate for LGBT rights. I am disgusted and appalled that a young woman in the dance world would even have those words enter her brain much less leave her mouth. Those antiquated ideas should be dying with the older generation. I have major issues with Rachel W but it seems she knows how to at least keep her opinions in her head and (hopefully) did not EVER express not wanting to work with someone because of the person they are engaged to. Shame on Victoria and shame on Kelli for allowing her to comeback. I am sure Jinelle was driven away by this and she is a bigger loss to that organization than Victoria would ever be as a gain. 

I’ve read that Rachel W. is pretty vocal on the topic which is both disappointing and makes me like her even less.

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43 minutes ago, Tootie said:

@ShellyB According to this, the Cowboys' 2nd pre-season game will be in Hawaii.  The Rams are considered the "home team" but since it's such a unique situation, I was wondering if any of the cheerleaders get to go...

2019-07-07 (11).png

There are tentative plans to take a small group. Since it is LA’s home game, their cheerleaders will be gameday entertainment. 

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On 7/6/2019 at 9:05 PM, GuiltyJohn said:

Jalyn was seen as insulting Victoria. Victoria ran to her mom and Kelli about it. Jalyn has been in trouble ever sense. Someone asked if this was another Tara situation. I don’t think so. Tara actively complained about Victoria to someone she trusted and was stabbed in the back. Jalyn wasn’t acting maliciously or complaining. As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy. You saw what happened to Tara, i expect that Jalyn will see the same fate. 

Jalyn would not have made my Top 5 but she does not deserve what is happening. 

Can someone elaborate on what Heather did? I always wondered why she was a 2GL one year and then nothing the next and now a GL. 

If VK really did complain to her mom and her mom went to TPTB that is the exact opposite of professional. I’m curious if the MTT will cover Jalyn and how it will be edited. However, if Jalyn did turn down a lot of appearances last year for SG I can see that as a legitimate reason to not be selected again. 

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36 minutes ago, Lunacat said:

^ did jalyn turn down appearances?

Just speculation, sorry should have made that clear.....I personally think Jalyn is a fantastic dancer so I’ve just been wondering why she possibly didn’t make SG this year other than all the VK stuff. And I wondered maybe IF she turned down appearances that could be a reason. But I don’t know if she did or didn’t turn down appearances 

Edited by Tvfangirl89
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47 minutes ago, ATLGirl said:

Most of us know what happened to Olivia S. years ago when she stood up to Cassie at the calendar shoot. Cassie ran to Judy and complained, then all of a sudden Olivia got the “toxic” label and it was over for her.

I’m sorry...Olivia Sharber, right? NYC dancer? Thanks & sorry again...

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41 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

HOWEVER hearing what she said about Jinelle is the absolute limit for me. To not want to work with someone because of their sexuality?!?! I am not straight, I grew up with the majority of my friends being LGBT+, I am in theater in NYC and most of my current friends are LGBT+ my best childhood  friend is transgender and I am a loud advocate for LGBT rights. I am disgusted and appalled that a young woman in the dance world would even have those words enter her brain much less leave her mouth. Those antiquated ideas should be dying with the older generation. I have major issues with Rachel W but it seems she knows how to at least keep her opinions in her head and (hopefully) did not EVER express not wanting to work with someone because of the person they are engaged to. Shame on Victoria and shame on Kelli for allowing her to comeback. I am sure Jinelle was driven away by this and she is a bigger loss to that organization than Victoria would ever be as a gain. 

To be fair, I don’t know for sure who it was. I just heard that it happened and was understandably upsetting to Jinelle. 

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29 minutes ago, Tvfangirl89 said:

Can someone elaborate on what Heather did? I always wondered why she was a 2GL one year and then nothing the next and now a GL. 

If VK really did complain to her mom and her mom went to TPTB that is the exact opposite of professional. I’m curious if the MTT will cover Jalyn and how it will be edited. However, if Jalyn did turn down a lot of appearances last year for SG I can see that as a legitimate reason to not be selected again. 

Yes someone asked this a few pages back and didn’t get an answer. I’m wondering the same thing. Something was mentioned about Tara and Jaylin not being able to fall back in good graces because of the Victoria situation but that whatever happened with Heather, she was able to recover from it as far as TPTB are concerned.  Any info???

Edited by PixieDust
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2 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

To be fair, I don’t know for sure who it was. I just heard that it happened and was understandably upsetting to Jinelle. 

Oh ok I misread your first statement I thought you were hinting at someone. Whoever it is that is so gross and unforgivable. 

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3 hours ago, BeverlyHills said:

I think it was because the engagement was a surprise for Jinelle which is common when people pop the question.  Perhaps the staff and Cassie knew it was happening but remained tight lipped to ensure Jinelle had a magical proposal.  In addition, it doesn’t matter if it’s heretosexual  or same sex oriented, they were being professional as colleagues to not make it a big deal.  Most work professionals wouldn’t be broadcasting an office romance until they were no longer employed there.  After the engagement and they no longer worked there, everyone supported it.  Not everything has to be political.  And if we want to normalize all relationships why does everyone insist on “showcasing it” rather than just a normal celebration of two people in love?  


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3 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Oh ok I misread your first statement I thought you were hinting at someone. Whoever it is that is so gross and unforgivable. 

I apologize for not being clearer. I revised my original post to be more precise. 

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4 hours ago, Law Mom said:

DCC Tea for July 7, 2019: Your daily summary of the Primetimer world of DCC, no receipts necessary.

A coalition of powerful vets is planning to approach Kelli, but not before sharing this plan with non-TCC insiders and the world at large.  The TCCs, including vets, are considering quitting en masse.

The anticipated number of women trying out in 2020 is now zero, as no lifelong dream of dancing in front of 100,000 adoring fans is worth having to play politics in the workplace. Better off in corporate America where that never happens! Or getting married, which is a Texas thing. No offense to Texans; some of my best friends are Texans.

Jalyn was nice to Victoria and this was interpreted as being not nice to Victoria. She was then cut from Show Group in an effort to encourage the girls to be nice to Victoria.

Since last week’s Show Group auditions, Victoria has become fat.

Victoria masterminded a misinformation campaign against Madeline.

September 2019 is ruined because of Brennan’s manbutt despite looking beautiful thanks to photoshop.

Miranda is A Girl who wears many faces.

When Victoria said she wanted help losing weight from someone who has lost weight herself, what she really meant was no lesbians.

Tara purposely got fat and untalented in order to induce the DCC to cut her, in an attempt to expose them for not cutting another candidate she deemed fat and untalented. The DCC unwittingly played into this diabolical plan by cutting her, and then cutting the other girl.

Jinelle’s lesbian relationship was kept quiet because when DCC asks people not to discuss things they don’t.

Kelli has conclusively determined that her successor will be a teenager with no work experience. She has to move quickly because word is they are getting ready to fire her.

It cannot be randomly stated enough—Sam Finglass is too smart and not pretty enough to be a DCC.


Sad part is there’s actual truth to about five of these.

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21 hours ago, loveaux said:

In what world does her behind look masculine?

girl that is a BOOTY. 

She is on fire in that picture! She is GOALS for my behind!

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10 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Any guesses on who might be next cut?

My guess is Meredith and Madeline will be the next cuts.  Both girls are weak from what I've seen in videos of them dancing.  Madeline reminds me of Erin the first year she was in TC.  Lisa Mills is another I can see being cut because her "look" doesn't fit.  I know this is going to be unpopular, but I can see Shaina getting cut as well.  

Edited by Kayce
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