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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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I am not seeing anything to diagnose Victoria with a personality disorder 😝. Being in the center of the group photos or rehearsals shows confidence. She is not the hideout in the back gal ahem Meredith, Kat, Kristin... she is positioned to learn and be seen. This is a job interview! 

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18 hours ago, Jennv said:

She has to have meant Dayton when she told Madeline she had other legacies trying out in the past who were doing it for their Mother. She sure as hell didn’t mean Meredith Oden or the Golden Child, Victoria.

Well if that is what Kelli meant then my God she is just terrible to be taking such a dig at Dayton & Shelly! I personally don't think that Dayton was doing it for her Mom because she seemed to be truly crushed to have not made it both times. This was the kind of crushed you see when its your own dreams not being realized. In the case of VK, while I do believe she wants to be on the team for herself, her mother's dreams are totally wrapped up in there as well.

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6 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

Well if that is what Kelli meant then my God she is just terrible to be taking such a dig at Dayton & Shelly! I personally don't think that Dayton was doing it for her Mom because she seemed to be truly crushed to have not made it both times. This was the kind of crushed you see when its your own dreams not being realized. In the case of VK, while I do believe she wants to be on the team for herself, her mother's dreams are totally wrapped up in there as well.

I am assuming no other daughter’s of Dcc have tried out and not made it besides Dayton. Does anyone know for sure?

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13 hours ago, Lona said:

Victoria talking about show group: "Yes. It can easily be taken away."

I swear CMT are just trolling us at this point.

Oh come on VK! You know you want to finish that "it can easily be taken away" sentence with the words "from the rest of you". Geeze when she said that I don't think she could look any more smug or pleased with herself!

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1 hour ago, nancy444 said:

Unfortunately, my understanding comes not from a psych degree, but from the bitter experience of being raised by a mother with a similar Cluster B disorder.  (My mom wasn't a Histrionic, though...she's a Borderline.)

If you have advanced degrees in psych, then I don't have to explain the particular neediness, emotional smothering, boundary violations, gaslighting, and "splitting" that was my mother's idea of "parenting".

So other women with Cluster B tendencies (whether they would qualify for a positive diagnosis or not) tend to ping my radar.

VK may not be an HPD at all, of course, but the fact that she gets compared to one is very telling. 

It's kinda like someone with a drinking problem trying to convince others they're not an alcoholic: generally speaking, truly "normal drinkers" don't ever get compared to alcoholics in the first place.  

If I was VK, rather than dismiss us as "haters", I'd take the online sentiments to heart.  Even if you don't have a PD, Victoria, the fact that you're being compared to one in the first place ISN'T A GOOD THING. 

I would never attempt to diagnose someone via reality TV.  But for those of us who have had interaction with these kinds of people, it's past experience that acts as radar or an instinct for survival to avoid them.  More than likely, we are seeing the results of a child who was over parented and lacks any semblance of self-awareness.  Instead of inviting us to watch her life by participating in a reality TV show and complaining about us bullying her, she should wonder what about her personality makes all but 5 people on a forum intensely dislike her.

TPTB wanted compelling TV.   The fascination with this woman child is definitely must watch TV.  Time will tell if we are being mean and judgy.  But then again, I'm kind of paid to be judgy.  

Edited by hathorlive
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47 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Victoria has gained weight. So far it’s been ignored by TPTB though.

Can you point us to any current photos? I've been avoiding the show because I can't stand VK or Kelli, but saw a clip and she was still looking OK in TC.

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I never thought Dayton truly cared much about DCC, so Kelli’s question didn’t bother me.  Of the three recent legacies who made the team (Vic, Cassie and Meredith), it seemed like all three were following their moms’ dreams. I don’t doubt that they wanted it, but it was clear that they were auditioning under heavy expectations from their mothers. To Shelly’s credit, she didn’t seem to burden Dayton with the same degree of expectations.  

I would like to see Madeline come back and make the team. Is it me or was Judy surprised that she was cut then? She kept throwing Kelli strange looks. 

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18 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

Can you point us to any current photos? I've been avoiding the show because I can't stand VK or Kelli, but saw a clip and she was still looking OK in TC.

I did this sad little screen shot from last night's ep.  VK holds all her fat in her middle.  At auditions she had definition and smaller waist in regards to her hip ratio.  We all thought she was sucking it in but she had, in fact, lost weight.  In the last episode and in some recent game pics, the difference between her waist and hips is smaller.  She's "thicker" in the middle from the beginning of training camp to now.  It's been a small increase but she's definitely more rectangle shape than the hour glass DCC prefers.  Hopefully she'll catch it in time before it's an issue.  I have the same issue and that's where all my weight goes.  She has a lovely figure for 99% instances in life.  But I think heredity might be fighting her looking good in that uniform.  Most people on the planet wouldn't look good in it.

To be fair, she could be bloated from her period or maybe from a bad night of eating.  And let's face it, those shorts are hideous.  Look at how tight they are at the top of the thighs. But the way they dip down in front is like a road map to VK's belly fat.


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1 hour ago, Bellisima08 said:

Well if that is what Kelli meant then my God she is just terrible to be taking such a dig at Dayton & Shelly! I personally don't think that Dayton was doing it for her Mom because she seemed to be truly crushed to have not made it both times. This was the kind of crushed you see when its your own dreams not being realized. In the case of VK, while I do believe she wants to be on the team for herself, her mother's dreams are totally wrapped up in there as well.

Again, Shelley needs to save the last of her and Dayton’s dignity and quit.

1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

Nadia Marcell and Cami Branson

I still think Cami’s tryout was totally a set up. Cami was always doing college Pom.  That was always her and her family’s end goal.

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9 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

In spite of a few missteps, I think Kelli is an awesome director of the DCC and I hope she doesn’t retire in my lifetime.  Think she’s the perfect mix of beauty, brains and professionalism - while at the same time sympathetic and reasonably compassionate and open-minded - women like her are so rare.    All these calls for her to retire in here really shock me.

Kelli has had more than a few missteps. She comes off as a super mean girl who loves playing the mean manager on television. Treating people like crap is not in any way professional. I have never gotten a sympathetic or reasonably compassionate vibe from her. She comes off as incredibly rude in office visits. Her tears were as fake as could possible be. 

Sorry if that is harsh, she just comes off as the worst type of mean girl possible. 

Edited by Fwcowboysfan
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11 hours ago, Lolfordays said:

Shelley also told us we make a bigger deal of point than they do. And that the girls need full time jobs or to be full time students. Some things are policy, some things aren’t, and sometimes policies are ignored. 

They absolutely have described them as alternates. Maybe they aren’t anymore. Maybe the rule just goes away when the want a rookie to be a full time member. Who knows. But people are definitely not making up that they were presented as alternates in the past.

i assume it is like everything else — no real “rules”, selective enforcement, and things can ebb and flow based on how they think people will respond (eg., point going from not being a big thing to the focus of multiple episodes within two seasons)

Okay, well I'm going off of Shelly's information. If I'm wrong, then okay. But to my knowledge, the rookies who make show group during training camp are only considered alternates, if they even are considered that at that moment, until the team is officially announced. I am aware that usually only a certain amount of show group members perform at a time, I can't remember if the number is 12 or 16. But point is, I'm aware that there are show group members who are left out of each performance. In regard to that, yes, I can see how there are "alternates", but the show group members who do sit out of the performance are not always necessarily rookies.

Edited by Erinbridget
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Tyce gets rid of Madeline S, Meredith, Lilyand Christina -- but for his fourth choice he was considering getting rid of Daphne.  What would Kelli have said? Meanwhile Jalyn's one of his bullets. LOL.

Screen Shot 2019-09-21 at 5.56.02 PM.png

Edited by Tuxcat
Whoops - it was Lily - not Lexi
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3 hours ago, Jessinvirginia said:

any way she didn’t make showgroup because of her stiffness when she talks to people? 

All I know is I re-watched the media-training episode from last season, and she was great. She talked about her pet pig.

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9 hours ago, hathorlive said:

Tyce's assistant.  You have FABULOUS hair.  Please feed your curls some moisture.  Get a Deva Cut and some of their conditioner.  Leave it in and voila, your curls will have amazing definition. 

Melanie! Loved her!  But if her hair would react to Deva products like mine do, she'd be stuck with stiff sticky hair that looks/feels like straw 😞 

2 hours ago, Bellisima08 said:

Well if that is what Kelli meant then my God she is just terrible to be taking such a dig at Dayton & Shelly!

LOL a part of me wondered if that was a dig at Judy 😂

1 hour ago, hathorlive said:

I have the same issue and that's where all my weight goes.

I have that issue too and  to quote Cassie it "sucks" 🙂 

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11 minutes ago, ByTor said:

LOL a part of me wondered if that was a dig at Judy 😂

Oh yeah - never thought of that:)  She's probably glad Sam hasn't tried out so she can use this line of questioning - "I'm a good mom cause my daughter hasn't tried out for DCC!"

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22 minutes ago, MamaMia said:

4FCD2852-88DE-4D79-ADEE-6415ED1E58D3.thumb.jpeg.a9ea6510579db311cdcd533b3bdb0c6b.jpegThis is from September 8th. I see some big bellies and it isn’t Victoria’s. 

I'm sorry. I can't get past the wonky line. Seriously though, this really makes me question Gabby's cut. I know she was a little soft, but not much more than some of these. I think she could have toned up by the end of TC. Also it's pretty much a given that she could outdance Kat and Meredith. So I have to think she did something to get on Kelli's bad side. I remember she was hardly featured in any of the swimsuit shoot pics. I think they already decided back then she wasn't making it back on the team.

Edited by TxBex
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2 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

Good for her!  She's got a long row to hoe and I hope it works out without copious amounts of diet pills.

Me too. It must be so hard to get weighed all the time and be compared to others that are genetically blessed. Hope all of them keep it off the healthy way. Victoria did gain it pretty quick last season. She has to watch. 

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52 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Tyce gets rid of Madeline S, Meredith, Lilyand Christina -- but for his fourth choice he was considering getting rid of Daphne.  What would Kelli have said? Meanwhile Jalyn's one of his bullets. LOL.

Screen Shot 2019-09-21 at 5.56.02 PM.png

Thank you for pointing this out. I didn’t notice watching the episode. Daphne is shocking. She has always been a power performer, member of show group, etc. Wonder what happened. 

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1 minute ago, nancy444 said:

I see what you're seeing, as many of us do. Aside from the one or two on this board who sound like they're on the Cowboys payroll, the rest of us more or less agree with that assessment.

This goes back to those of us who speculated that we're being trolled.  I think you guys are more right than you know.

For those who may disagree with the negative assessments of VK and Kelli, or who think we're being meanies, whatev...Let's be real here: it's not like we're just tuning in for the first time this season, and are assuming everything we see on the screen is just as it appears (sorry Kelli/Tina/CMT).

Most longer-term posters are savvy enough to have formulated opinions from last season's edit, as well as all the behind-the-scenes intel we've gathered and shared during the show's hiatus.  In other words, we know where our info is coming from, and we're not easily gaslighted.

TBH, I think some folks who disagree with the majority opinion (i.e. the ones who want us to believe VK is sweet as Tupelo honey, that Kelli should be awarded Time Magazine's Businesswoman of the Year, and other such fairy tales) aren't really interested in changing OUR minds at all. 

 A couple of these dissenting voices seem to be posting for the benefit of the regular readers/lurkers who tend to be more active while the new season is airing.  My guess is they're hoping to steer public opinion back in VKs favor, trying to dilute the majority (admittedly critical) commentary with more "pro-VK/pro-Kelli" sentiments.

Good luck with that.

I hadn't thought of the Cowboy's employees using forums like that.  Interesting. I was thinking it was probably family members.  But alas, only time will tell.  And the truth has a nasty way of getting out.   

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11 minutes ago, nancy444 said:

But those big horsey teeth certainly are.


Those teeth need fixed. I’m sure her mom would pay😂 Her teeth are very distracting and spoil her looks. Maybe Kelli should have taken her to see an aesthetic dentist and took everyone else to get their hair done. Her hair didn’t change one bit. 

Edited by MamaMia
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22 minutes ago, DAthene said:

..that line is looking very rough though. Yikes.  

Whoever said they watch the dance parts frame by frame was right.  It's shocking how many of the ladies are in completely different places with different arms and legs at the same moment in time.  Wonky lines, out of sync dancing...I feel like yelling like Judy and then wondering why Judy isn't fixing this.

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18 minutes ago, nancy444 said:

4FCD2852-88DE-4D79-ADEE-6415ED1E58D3.thumb.jpeg.a9ea6510579db311cdcd533b3bdb0c6b.jpegThis is from September 8th. I see some big bellies and it isn’t Victoria’s. 

Who is the very tanned blonde two to the left of Erin?  There is a brunette you can't see next to Erin, and then the one I am asking about.

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1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

From today 


She looks pretty thin to me. Any thinner, and she'd look unhealthy.

1 hour ago, MamaMia said:

4FCD2852-88DE-4D79-ADEE-6415ED1E58D3.thumb.jpeg.a9ea6510579db311cdcd533b3bdb0c6b.jpegThis is from September 8th. I see some big bellies and it isn’t Victoria’s. 

Is it just the angle making some of the bellies look big though?

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2 hours ago, hathorlive said:

I hadn't thought of the Cowboy's employees using forums like that.  Interesting. I was thinking it was probably family members.  But alas, only time will tell.  And the truth has a nasty way of getting out.   

The only reason I speculated  about someone  on payroll posting positive  comments is because some years ago, I taught at a small private school that was doing some shady things to keep their enrollment up.  Of course, public sentiment on Google, SchoolDigger.com, and Greatschools.org began rating the school as a 1 or 2 stars out of 5, as dissatisfied former students and their parents began blowing  the whistle on the school's antics.

So the school's solution (after a name change, which worked for a year or two before eventually catching up with them) was to require all their teachers to go to those sites posing as parents of current students, and post glowing 5-star reviews of the school. 

Since removing the low ratings wasn't possible, their goal was to try to mitigate the terrible (but honest) reviews written by real former families, making it seem to the average reader as though the school was fantastic.  We even implied in our posts that any bad reviews were posted by malicious parents whose kids had "behavioral problems".

Obvs, the concept of "influencing web forums by watering-down their comments section" isn't a new one.

Edited by nancy444
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Melanie! Loved her!  But if her hair would react to Deva products like mine do, she'd be stuck with stiff sticky hair that looks/feels like straw 😞 

It took a while for me to get the right products.  It was counter intuitive in that I have fine hair and use the super heavy products.  Controls frizz, defines the curls and doesn't weigh my hair down.  Many DCC should consider (side eye Maddie and blonde curly girl I can't remember).

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2 hours ago, TxBex said:

I'm sorry. I can't get past the wonky line. Seriously though, this really makes me question Gabby's cut. I know she was a little soft, but not much more than some of these. I think she could have toned up by the end of TC. Also it's pretty much a given that she could outdance Kat and Meredith. So I have to think she did something to get on Kelli's bad side. I remember she was hardly featured in any of the swimsuit shoot pics. I think they already decided back then she wasn't making it back on the team.

This reminds when that bitch of Kelli cut Hannah out of nowhere from the team in 2014, she was soft but not enough as some girls are nowdays.

That's why i say this a lot, no one cant take Kelli's Bullshit anymore.

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3 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Oh yeah - never thought of that:)  She's probably glad Sam hasn't tried out so she can use this line of questioning - "I'm a good mom cause my daughter hasn't tried out for DCC!"

Sam can't dance and doesn't have the glamorous good looks required for the job.  It, to me, kind of explains Kelli's obsession with Veruca the Warthog.

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