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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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I ran to this board to see if Kelli's girl crush Meredith has been cut. I really want her to make it.  Every season there are 2 or 3 TC candidates that I latch onto and become my faves. Last year it was Bridget, Jalyn and Erin,  So far its Meredith and Kat. Im curious about Kelcey too. I'm not too worried about Kat( total package) but, I feel like Meredith could defiantly be a last night cut.  I have this strange feeling shes going to struggle with the pom style like Erin did.

Im not paying much attention to VK at the moment.  I feel like she's going to make the squad either way. Im just want to see what the guest choreographers says about her or if K&J will take her aside and give her a kick in the butt at any point this season. There is a clip of her in the office. So, Im wondering whats that about.

Also, does anyone know how Briana, that 18 year old from NJ is doing? The one that K&J admitted that they were coddling and babying because they wanted her on the team so bad. I was kinda hoping she would find her power and come back.  

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6 hours ago, M1977G said:

The first episode still is not up on iTunes, but I see it is available on Amazon. Very annoyed now that I bought the iTunes season, but I was stupid and went for it because that's my default venue if I want to actually purchase a show. Definitely the last year I'm doing that! In the past, I had thought it was a CMT issue being slow in delivering the episodes to other sites, but I guess it's just iTunes lameness. 😢

Call Apples iTunes Support, @M1977G!! This happened last year (I think it was one of the later season 13 episodes), so I called and complained. They tried giving me the 'ole song-n-dance about it not being "ready," but when I mentioned that Amazon had it up already, they folded.  They refunded my money, deleted the episodes that had been downloaded, and I went straight to Amazon. 

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16 minutes ago, Jessie S said:

Also, does anyone know how Briana, that 18 year old from NJ is doing? The one that K&J admitted that they were coddling and babying because they wanted her on the team so bad. I was kinda hoping she would find her power and come back.  

In April of 2018, she posted this on IG, saying it would be her view while going to UT for the next 4 years.  Since then, I don't recall seeing any further mention of attending college.

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3 hours ago, go4luca said:

For those who haven't yet seen the video and would like to see how they did in comparison to the DCC, here ya go.  It's ah.....interesting. 

I've cued it to where they make their entrance.

Oh wow.  They have more girls that fit the name of the song for sure. And for everyone who was critical of Amy’s little mistake, well.......

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Hi. I found this forum from the Holly/Jenna fiasco and have been reading ever since. First time posting though sorry in advance about the length...

At the very beginning of the show, they show a glimpse of VKs fall during the season intro thing. They have the words "I don't think thats forgivable" dubbed in the middle and then it shows VK crying from last year... gross. Absolutely knew that VK would fall and nobody would care. The show has become less "real" and more "reality". So many over the top segments. Just disgusting. The high five scene after VKs audition was definitely scripted.  VK is the first one off the stage when they walk stage left to exit. Then they cut to a shot of the other three girls standing around and waiting for VK to come over to do the most inorganic high fives in recorded history. There is a short glimpse of Judy having a gasping face and then she looks down at her papers and smirks. I like to think she's replaying VKs fall in her head... Ill post a screencap later... The returning candidates couch... They didn't have enough time to interview all of them together so they started the interviews before Victoria got there? OH OK... It was at this point that I felt like the show was openly insulting my intelligence. 

Lily- was kinda indifferent about her last year, but I did think they cut her arbitrarily last year without giving the audience any legit explanation which they have done to other girls, not that shocking. For me, she became the reluctant hero of episode 1 and my instant favorite out of this years group. 

Kat- Over the top interview that ruined it for me. I do have compassion for her and I'm sure she did overcome some adversity growing up, but her little anecdote about the pickup truck just seemed so forced and generic. As a minority myself, I can say absolutely 100% that everyone has had a few moments of adversity growing up. People in general are good, but there are bad apples everywhere and there is no avoiding them forever. Realizing that the show was trying to manipulate me made me want to rebel and not like Kat... She seems like a very talented dancer, but I also feel like I've heard them call out other girls for stripper moves for less. Lots of comparisons to Kalyssa that I personally disagree with. I know Kalyssa ended her tenure with an ego and a sex appeal driven instagram but I thought she was very genuine during her candidacy and a seemed genuinely oblivious to how pretty she was. Where it feels more like Kat is using her "talents" up front. Beautiful girl, talented dancer, should absolutely make the team, but not someone I have any interest in learning more about. 

Amanda - Her interview was over the top in every way. She was ready to leave the industry behind, but now she's auditioning... to get back in the industry. There's no hiding it, but that doesn't bother me. They use the cheerleaders to promote their brand, so I have no problem with a girl using the organization to promote her brand. Still just comes off as super phony and just couldn't care less if she makes it or not. I'm not heartless. I worked in pediatrics for the past 10 years and children suffering pulls on my heart strings. But she's auditioning to get back into Hollywood, but she dances for the memory of her brother less than 60 seconds later? Over it. Over this whole season.

Gina Marie - liked her more than the other high school aged girls they have highlighted in the past like Briana? (the ballet girl), VK, and Dayton. Based solely off initial judgement, like her more so far than I ever cared for the others. (Yes I do think Dayton matured a lot between her auditions and I was low key routing for her the second time around like I think a lot of others here... )

Voldemort - They are trying so hard to make people like her but she seems so nonchalant about the process AS IF SHE KNOWS SHES ALREADY IN. "Yall did so good. I'm so proud of yall." Sounds like something somebody who is ON THE TEAM would say to someone trying out. If that was any veteran coming overe and saying that, it would be no big deal.  Victoria saying that came off as pretentious. 

Kristin - Thought it was her best audtion yet. She's always been a pretty girl but her dancing always felt more "sexy" or sometimes tired and dull. This years audition she did seem more energetic and fun. I forgive her sleepy eyes because I didn't notice them in her actual audition. She can be tired because she works hard and still be able to turn it on when needed. That's kinda what sportsmanship is. 

MeToo Taylor- I didn't have that big a problem with her not knowing this question. If they would have asked her about Harvey Weinstein I think she would have been able to answer the question. The reason I kinda give her a pass on that is because I remember at the time the episode aired I myself had just found out about the MeToo hashtag. If you don't use twitter or facebook or social media in general as much, it was kinda more just the Weinstein scandal. By the time the episode aired everyone knew the term, but when the episode was filmed I don't think it was as prevalent. And yeah, I'm sure its a great thing to be in the know of what's going on in the world around you, but I just assume these girls have all been extremely focused on their dancing and the athletic side of the auditions and being late to learning of the MeToo movement doesnt seem like a cutworthy offense. Not a big fan of hers, just thought the criticisms of her were a bit harsh

Thats it for now. Other than Maleena. And they ruined any kind of redemption story for Maleena for me by showing that scene from last year. Poor girl. I'm sure thats something shes been trying to put behind her.

Also, I I did see the full episode on dailymotion with the background thing around it for those of you that couldn't see it on CMT. 

Edited by WhoDat
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1 hour ago, dreamcatcher said:

You can spot some of the uhm not-dcc-looking girls making their way to their seats, so it is definitely filmed during the first round.

I think one of the best examples of them putting someone unsuitable on the field is Breelan’s incident. She got cut on the jumbotron freaking the f out, you know, as she would routinely do during rehearsal. I actually like her and I think she looks amazing now, but she should have been cut that year. So yeah, kelli will absolutely put someone on the team just because she likes them, but it doesn’t always lead to public embarrassment for her (I’m sure Breelan got grounded after that incident).

I’m not really sure... i’m on the fence as a loud and proud anti-Cassie person, but she wasn’t glaringly bad. I actually think that she was too much of a gymnast cheerleader for dcc, but she was never that noticeable as she wasn’t out of control and glaringly bad. VK looks prettier, but Cassie never had a weight issue. And VK’s personality is much closer to the peppy cheerleader (even if a bit maniac) than ms you don’t need to smile to be a cheerleader.

Oh, i’m with you! I hope they get it on screen just like with Breelan... let’s see how Ms. kelli deals with that then.

Oh I don’t know about the Breelan freak out was that during a game?

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21 minutes ago, go4luca said:

In April of 2018, she posted this on IG, saying it would be her view while going to UT for the next 4 years.  Since then, I don't recall seeing any further mention of attending college.

Thank you! Good for her! 🙂 Maybe she will come back after college.   I actually liked her. She had a sweet nature to her... and it was super amusing to see K&J fawning and pushing soooo hard to get her on the team. Poor girl never stood a chance 😛  

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7 hours ago, go4luca said:

Sorry @GeorgiaPeach11 I also have to disagree.  If you reference the attached photo Tootie outlined & follow Jerseygirl's description above, you can easily see Vic was falling prior to landing into pom territory.

VK turn fall_tootie.png

And thanks to the freezing of the image at that point in time, you can see VK's eyes going wide with the realization of "oh crap, I'm falling"! She was probably too busy trying to swing her head around to whip her hair about & keep eye contact with Auntie Kelli that she forgot that when you are doing turns, your head position should remain relatively fixed in order to maintain balance & prevent dizziness.

Edited by Bellisima08
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6 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Me either, what happened ?

I think they're referring to the Halloween performance that caught Breelan on the jumbotron looking wide eyed, heavier, and miserable with not a hint of smile on her face.

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6 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

Did anyone else catch, during deliberations regarding Victoria, from Judy say "I had hoped she came back stronger this year."

Then Kelli made a joke and Charm and Melissa cackled and the three of them joked about it but I saw the concern in Judy's face, but I could see she wasn't going to argue with these three who thought it was funny that Victoria fell.

Ugh, the favoritism!

I only noticed it after watching the episode a second time. I didn't catch it the first time because the way Judy said it made it sound almost off-hand. Like she was kind of saying it to herself (because her voice didn't sound at full volume) and then it got lost in the noise of Kelli, Charm & Melissa joking about it. I'm glad she at least said it though.

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1 hour ago, KatieC said:

Oh wow.  They have more girls that fit the name of the song for sure. And for everyone who was critical of Amy’s little mistake, well.......

I didn’t think it was possible: a universally unflattering uniform. 

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19 minutes ago, Pj3422 said:

I didn’t think it was possible: a universally unflattering uniform. 

Yeah, it looked like practice clothing. Not a good look. 

Also, it must have been embarrassing for those cheerleaders to be up on stage and not know what they were doing. It was obvious they were lost and confused. No one wants to make mistakes in front of an audience. Embarrassing. 

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1 hour ago, KatieC said:

Oh wow.  They have more girls that fit the name of the song for sure. And for everyone who was critical of Amy’s little mistake, well.......

That’s a perfect screen shot, not only is the dancing awful...... those figures are worse. I couldn’t imagine watching the DCC look like that 😱

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5 hours ago, itsweird said:

Oh and I forgot to mention - the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders also danced with Queen when the band came to town on Saturday night.

Yeah, I posted the video in "Small Talk".  Since the conversation really belongs there, I'll just sum it up with one word...terrible!

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7 hours ago, M1977G said:

I froze the first episode at 1:33, when they still are doing the "This season on DCC: Making the Team" preview stuff. It has Kelli and Judy talking with Charm. Charm points to a row of pictures in between her and Kelli and says those are the "hard nos" for her. Can anyone with a bigger screen or better eyes than I have tell who's in that row of "no"? Also, in the background is the board with all the vet and rookie photos. You can see that they've started their dot system, and while you can't see everyone, I can tell that there's at least one vet who doesn't have two dots and instead only has one dot. Can anyone tell me if that's Brennan? Based on the pose, it looks kind of like last year's cameo photo of her. Thanks in advance for any detective insights provided!

There are actually 3 dots given on those pics.  The bottom is a purple/blue dot, then the Red dot and then a yellow dot above it.  

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1 hour ago, PollyHowell said:

I think they're referring to the Halloween performance that caught Breelan on the jumbotron looking wide eyed, heavier, and miserable with not a hint of smile on her face.

Thank you I had no idea & this is exactly why you don’t just give people a spot bc eventually they’ll blow up bc they’re in over their heads... 

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2 hours ago, TB12 said:

Oh I don’t know about the Breelan freak out was that during a game?

1 hour ago, Jennv said:

Me either, what happened ?

See the 30 second mark.  She looks like she's concentrating on counting & not having fun...

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On 8/4/2019 at 5:56 PM, scorpio1031 said:

Bringing back memories😀

I remember in Season 1, they showed Nicole H at the orthodontist.  I assume that was paid for by DCC.  

Yes, they got her braces on the back of her teeth.

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6 hours ago, dccgirl88 said:

It's funny that Kellie keeps obsessing over the cheerleaders dancing with Queen, but yet the eagles cheerleaders did it too so it's not just exclusive to them #impetty 

But the Eagles cheerleaders were abysmal 🤦‍♀️

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Holy moly! Over about 10 days I read this entire thread. After the first page mentioning PMs, I thought about creating a drinking game — glad I didn’t. 😂 

I’m so excited about Kelcey because Nebraska is also my alma mater. Kay is gorgeous. Over Victoria but I don’t hate her. And @ShellyB is amazeballs. 

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25 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

Holy moly! Over about 10 days I read this entire thread. After the first page mentioning PMs, I thought about creating a drinking game — glad I didn’t. 😂 

I’m so excited about Kelcey because Nebraska is also my alma mater. Kay is gorgeous. Over Victoria but I don’t hate her. And @ShellyB is amazeballs. 

Me too because I would hate for someone to die over a message board. Because there aren’t enough drinks in the world for that pm stuff.

 It takes me days to get through a few days off.

welcome, and Shelly is the best!

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This past weekend my husband and I spent our first wedding anniversary in Washington DC. One of the museums we went to was the Smithsonian Museum of American History and the DCC were NOT displayed like Kelli bragged about! Shocker!!! I was so disappointed!! 

Finally got to watch the premiere and I must agree with so many that I’m in love with Kat! I hope she makes the team. I love her personality. 

Amanda is from my area, the Philly burbs (southern NJ where Malena is from) and if her parents are die hard Philly fans it would be hilarious their daughter is auditioning for DCC, their enemy! I wonder if she ever auditioned for the Eagles Cheerleaders? I know she was a Philadelphia Flyers girl. I, too, thought the tears were over the top, glad I am not the only one. I’ve seen enough articles online to see that she is only after fame. 

Regarding Lily, I also think she is looking quite old and worn out. I just don’t think she has the DCC look and I didn’t think so last year either. 

Gina Marie- something seems off with her, can’t quite put my finger on it. Hope to see her grow and come back next year. 

VKs hair STILL bothers me, even after makeovers! 😩

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36 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

Holy moly! Over about 10 days I read this entire thread. After the first page mentioning PMs, I thought about creating a drinking game — glad I didn’t. 😂 

I’m so excited about Kelcey because Nebraska is also my alma mater. Kay is gorgeous. Over Victoria but I don’t hate her. And @ShellyB is amazeballs. 

Yes, yes and yes! @ShellyB has to be the coolest mom ever.

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I got Kalyssa vibes from Amanda way more than from Kat. I love Kat. I think she’s pretty and sexy. Amanda just seems like this is a stop on her way back to LAaaaaa.

I thought little Gina was adorable, but figure her inexperience will hurt her, although it doesn’t when Kelli has stars in her eyes *cough* Briana. 

Wow, Vick’s shanked the prelims like Nick Folk did a 35 yarder in triple overtime. I sense some major redemption or some heavy editing cause home girl cannot turn. still. You can lose weight, become “mature”, and get a good edit, but if you can’t dance after 17 years, it’s going to be tough to pick up. Being a DCC ain’t just a show. At some point her lack of dance will be hard to hide.

Wow, there were some cringeworthy new bits. The high fives, the comeback couch,  the four way debate, and the wedding sister jumbotron. Seemed a bit cheesy. 

This show has jumped the shark, skinned it, cooked it, put it on a plate, and served it in the etiquette class at the Anatole. It is almost unrecognizable from the early seasons.  It makes me sad

earlier today I saw a promo on Instagram where Jasmine (Danielle’s bff) was slapping some girl and calling her a bitch. I feel like we’re only a season or two away from that.  Some TV show-idk which one?

Edited by tteek74
I missed a word.
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2 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

For the love of God just give us the team already.  I work right by the Star and fight the urge to want to go spy everyday. 😬

Amen.  I was a little bummed that I have a commitment on Fridays during the east coast airing and won't be able to see it "live" like in years past...now, not so much....

Edited by DCCFanInKy
horrid spelling...
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9 minutes ago, tteek74 said:

I got Kalyssa vibes from Amanda way more than from Kat. I love Kat. I think she’s pretty and sexy. Amanda just seems like this is a stop on her way back to LAaaaaa.

To her credit, I think Kalyssa hid it WAY better than Amanda is currently doing. At least Kalyssa gave the granda mama excuse for why she went after the DCC and why she wanted to be on SG so much. Ill however, have more respect for Amanda if she stays long enough to get her DCC pinkie ring with the ceremony. Kalyssa  didn't fulfill the full terms of her contract( its more than cheering at every game) and thats why she didn't get hers.  Totally in the camp that you can't call yourself a DCC if you cant/wont stay to get your ring. 

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To single mom9-meet ya at the Star!  I work near it too, and always wonder if I’ll run into the TCC around there!  I’m dying to know the cuts and the backstories!  

Can’t help but feel sorry for Kelli.  If she’s willing to sacrifice the team to not be dumped by a “friend” she must be low on friends!

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

See the 30 second mark.  She looks like she's concentrating on counting & not having fun...

omg, so many amazing DCC girls I miss in here!!!!  Jacie, Katy, Jenn, Melissa, Samantha, Emma, Holly....all the girls looked like they were having a blast (although I definitely agree it was an unfortunate time for the camera have panned to Breelan at that point - she's got a beautiful smile when she lets us see it).  Totally get why "fun to watch" is a thing, even if it means avoiding the term for fear of alcohol poisoning in the annual DCC drinking game.

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It’s funny how everyone has different tastes.. I think Lily is SO cute. Her and Kristen are my fave TCCs. 

Meredith talks like she is sedated, and the clips from SG auditions show she performs marginal at best. Byebye 👋 

Charm is a fun addition! Loved the vibe between her & Melissa.. it was cute when Melissa was testing out her millennial lingo.

Lastly, I think it’s so fabulous that the producers probably thought they were giving Amanda the best edit ever, and we all saw right through her. 😂

Edited by ThreaLevelMidnight
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1 hour ago, raindancer said:

omg, so many amazing DCC girls I miss in here!!!!  Jacie, Katy, Jenn, Melissa, Samantha, Emma, Holly....all the girls looked like they were having a blast...

How funny & sad is it, that I can name all the women in that Halloween video, but struggle with the girls now. When you all mention Lexi, Alana, Bridget, et al, I literally have to go back & look them up...again & again...

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6 hours ago, Jessie S said:

Thank you! Good for her! 🙂 Maybe she will come back after college.   I actually liked her. She had a sweet nature to her... and it was super amusing to see K&J fawning and pushing soooo hard to get her on the team. Poor girl never stood a chance 😛  

Looking at Briana’s IG...isn’t it infuriating that she can eat everything & anything & not suffer from heartburn & still keep that figure?!?! Oh to be 19 again... 💁🏻‍♂️😛

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12 hours ago, Opine said:

...someone that is tall, big, and has long legs, big hair, big teeth and an overwhelmingly out of control personality.

Wild horse indeed.  Kelli called it herself.

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On 8/4/2019 at 7:31 PM, scorpio1031 said:

I know!!  I was looking at the videos last night on the IG accounts and thinking she is such a good hostess.  I still think it was very sweet of her to take Bridget in this past year after her engagement ended.  And there is a video on CMT where Briana talks about Brennan helping her get thru tryouts last year.  Now that is an example of "locker room favorite."

I wondered if Bridget's engagement ended since she posted that story the other day and she captioned the dog "my boyfriend". That must be hard!! 

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13 minutes ago, BBK said:

Looking at Briana’s IG...isn’t it infuriating that she can eat everything & anything & not suffer from heartburn & still keep that figure?!?! Oh to be 19 again... 💁🏻‍♂️😛

Haha yea seriously.. although I have to admit, I unfollowed her after the 100th time she posted one of those. Enough is enough, we get it, you can eat junk food and stay skinny. 😑

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3 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

Yes. I noticed it yesterday when I went looking too.

I feel kinda bad for her but being a DCC was never gonna happen for her. It’s like me wanting to be a model... I’m not ugly but I’m no Claudia Schiffer. Some dreams are just not realistic. But kudos to her for trying out and working hard. 

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11 hours ago, WhoDat said:

Voldemort - They are trying so hard to make people like her but she seems so nonchalant about the process AS IF SHE KNOWS SHES ALREADY IN. "Yall did so good. I'm so proud of yall."

Voldemort!! I seriously cackled at this 😂

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8 hours ago, Tootie said:

DO IT!!  And tell us what you see! lol

Yes please do it for your northeast friends who are too far away to casually be driving by oh and lookie here... 🙂

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