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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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VK did fall out of the turn. She needs some technique coaching on turns. She dropped her shoulder and lost her releve'. A dancer should be able to control where they land the free leg and she cannot do so consistently. Mult-revolution turns are some of the most difficult moves to master because it doesn't take much to get out of control.

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The first episode still is not up on iTunes, but I see it is available on Amazon. Very annoyed now that I bought the iTunes season, but I was stupid and went for it because that's my default venue if I want to actually purchase a show. Definitely the last year I'm doing that! In the past, I had thought it was a CMT issue being slow in delivering the episodes to other sites, but I guess it's just iTunes lameness. 😢

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2 hours ago, Jessa0984 said:

I’m not a fan of Amanda, even though I know they mentioned they would put her in the uniform right now. Not sure why she isn’t a favorite, but she’s just not. 

For me, she does not have the DCC look....like not at all.  I normally feel bad saying stuff like that, but to me she comes across as being so in love with herself (another reason I'm not a fan LOL) that anything negative would likely roll off her back.

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1 hour ago, mpressive said:

Hi! First time poster here. In regards to the whole "how many girls actually tried out" debate - I believe the magic of TV editing is throwing everyone off a bit. I think the shots where the girls are sitting and listening to Kelli give her speech are the semi-finalists. NOT the initial tryout group on Day 1. Think about it - if they have open call auditions, hundreds of girls try out, there really is no need to waste time and have 300 girls file into the stadium, sit, hear a speech about their dreams coming true yada yada when 3/4 of them will be cut. It makes more sense for Kelli to do that with the semi-finalists, who spend the first part of their day on that field anyway learning the routine. I think CMT just edits the show to kick-off episode 1 with that overview speech, but in reality - that is given on day 2 to the semi finalists. Makes for better TV and a better story altogether. Just thought of that when watching and Kelli said only 100 or so make it to semis; it makes sense. 

It's an interesting theory 🙂 but we know that's not the case because the dcc tweeted the pic below on 5-18, which was the day of the open call. We figured out which section of the stadium they were sitting in and were able to calculate how many seats were filled. It was around 150, if i recall correctly.


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I froze the first episode at 1:33, when they still are doing the "This season on DCC: Making the Team" preview stuff. It has Kelli and Judy talking with Charm. Charm points to a row of pictures in between her and Kelli and says those are the "hard nos" for her. Can anyone with a bigger screen or better eyes than I have tell who's in that row of "no"? Also, in the background is the board with all the vet and rookie photos. You can see that they've started their dot system, and while you can't see everyone, I can tell that there's at least one vet who doesn't have two dots and instead only has one dot. Can anyone tell me if that's Brennan? Based on the pose, it looks kind of like last year's cameo photo of her. Thanks in advance for any detective insights provided!

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1 hour ago, CrazyMoon said:

Love her, hate her or tolerate her...her recovery was absolutely brilliant! Last year Jaylen fell during SG audition, recovered in a similar way and made it into Show Group...it's not about the error, it's about the recovery. 

VK gets preferential treatment...we have to take that with a 'grain'...however, if she doesn't meet the standard she will not make the team. Kelli & Judy will not compromise the team for anyone, including a legacy. And if she needs technical help, Kitty will be on her ass 24/7 with no means of escape. 

And Gabby was late to the panel interviews, Kelli's biggest pet peeve. She wasn't taken into camp this year. Apparently the freeway was shut down for over an hour due to a major accident. Gabby & several other hopefuls were caught behind it. 

IMHO, K&J have compromised the team in the past for other non-legacies or "friends of" like Morgan.  So, they certainly will for a legacy.  In the past, they have been more background girls so the good cheerleaders covered for them.  It will be interesting to see them try to cover for someone that is tall, big, and has long legs, big hair, big teeth and an overwhelmingly out of control personality.

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Did anyone else catch, during deliberations regarding Victoria, from Judy say "I had hoped she came back stronger this year."

Then Kelli made a joke and Charm and Melissa cackled and the three of them joked about it but I saw the concern in Judy's face, but I could see she wasn't going to argue with these three who thought it was funny that Victoria fell.

Ugh, the favoritism!

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Yes, if you contrast VK's off-axis turn to, say, any time Gina spins, you can see the difference in their technique and control. Gina always is perfectly upright and looks like she's spinning around a central immovable axis. That takes incredible core strength, discipline, and muscle memory, and it's why her turns always are so beautiful and crisp. I'll be very interested to see how VK does or does not keep to her own dance space, maintains field formations, and pulls of pirouettes in studio and on the turf in upcoming episodes. 

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I find it very telling that Veruca was laughing about the fall afterward. Anyone else Would have been in tears, but Veruca knows she is in no matter what, so it’s all a big joke to her.

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11 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Amen to that! I absolutely loved Gabby. She is beautiful, a strong dancer, and I am still not over her being cut. After seeing a certain candidate fall disastrously out of a basic turn in preliminaries (who we know was not only taken to finals and training camp, but then put on show group), nobody will ever convince me that Gabby should not have been taken into training camp.

Not surprising though, as I keep going back to Cassie. She couldn't even smile during prelims. She looked like a Jr. High girl who was incredibly shy, not a confident women. She sailed right through. 

5 minutes ago, M1977G said:

Yes, if you contrast VK's off-axis turn to, say, any time Gina spins, you can see the difference in their technique and control. Gina always is perfectly upright and looks like she's spinning around a central immovable axis. That takes incredible core strength, discipline, and muscle memory, and it's why her turns always are so beautiful and crisp. I'll be very interested to see how VK does or does not keep to her own dance space, maintains field formations, and pulls of pirouettes in studio and on the turf in upcoming episodes. 

Why about Merediths turns!!! Unbelievable technique. My daughter was in a ballet company for years, and Meredith definitely has that ballet background. Her turnout is out of this world.

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Yes, Meredith's turn technique puts VK's to shame and then some! I'm hoping that Meredith gets over her training camp struggles, but if she's always dragging like Travis Walls commented and in the few clips I've seen, it does not bode well for her. I don't think she's used to snappy choreography and, like Erin her first year in camp, she seems to be struggling to adjust. 

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32 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Sorry @GeorgiaPeach11 I also have to disagree.  If you reference the attached photo Tootie outlined & follow Jerseygirl's description above, you can easily see Vic was falling prior to falling into pom pom territory.

VK turn fall_tootie.png

Okay okay. This diagram is amazing. I see it now. Thanks for sharing. But you have to admit that her recovery was Brilliant. 

Edited by GeorgiaPeach11
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11 minutes ago, Opine said:

IMHO, K&J have compromised the team in the past for other non-legacies or "friends of" like Morgan.  So, they certainly will for a legacy.  In the past, they have been more background girls so the good cheerleaders covered for them.  It will be interesting to see them try to cover for someone that is tall, big, and has long legs, big hair, big teeth and an overwhelmingly out of control personality.

Not when it comes to who they put on the field....Kelli has palpitations over wiggly lines on the field, so someone who would throw off the field presentation will not make the team. They may keep her to the bitter end (not particularly fair to other TCC #brennan), but if aren't 'coachable' #50yardkelsey...not gonna happen

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14 minutes ago, Jennv said:

I find it very telling that Veruca was laughing about the fall afterward. Anyone else Would have been in tears, but Veruca knows she is in no matter what, so it’s all a big joke to her.

Yes! The VK situation is just a classic display of confirmation bias. They like VK so her falling out of a turn is laughed off as "Only Victoria! Ha ha ha." If a vet that she wanted to cut had fallen, it would be proof that she didn't belong. 

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8 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Did anyone else catch, during deliberations regarding Victoria, from Judy say "I had hoped she came back stronger this year."

And this is why I like to read this board, cause no, I sure didn't catch that:)  I just re-watched that part and they do ignore Judy.  I hope the snarky, funny Judy is with us for the rest of the season, not the quiet Judy we had last year.  Several have said that she was told last year to just keep quiet regarding VK, and I would hope that Kelli would not say anything like that to her this year.  

17 minutes ago, M1977G said:

Yes, if you contrast VK's off-axis turn to, say, any time Gina spins, you can see the difference in their technique and control. Gina always is perfectly upright and looks like she's spinning around a central immovable axis

Non-dancer here, so I always appreciate the observations and explanations from the rest of you.   It gives me a better idea of what to watch for.

3 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

Okay okay. This diagram is amazing. I see it now. Thanks for sharing.

Our chart makers, diagram downloaders, graph gurus, etc are also amazing:)

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2 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

Okay okay. This diagram is amazing. I see it now. Thanks for sharing. But you have to admit that her recovery was Brilliant. 

No problem!  Re: her recovery, everyone's take will be different.  As a former dancer of many years, I still think after a year to work on her core strength and technique, this shouldn't have happened.   But we can agree to disagree. 😉

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24 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Did anyone else catch, during deliberations regarding Victoria, from Judy say "I had hoped she came back stronger this year."

Then Kelli made a joke and Charm and Melissa cackled and the three of them joked about it but I saw the concern in Judy's face, but I could see she wasn't going to argue with these three who thought it was funny that Victoria fell.

Ugh, the favoritism!

LOL. IMHO, Judy should keep her mouth shut on favortism/nepotism considering her train wreck, non dancing daughter made the squad all 5 years. VK might be terrible at technique but she could still dance circles around Cassie. 

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1 minute ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

LOL. IMHO, Judy should keep her mouth shut on favortism/nepotism considering her train wreck, non dancing daughter made the squad all 5 years. VK might be terrible at technique but she could still dance circles around Cassie. 

EVERY time Judy comments on a cheerleader "running out of steam" I remember when Cassie texted her and said she was sorry for running out of gas or steam or whatever and Judy just sobbed because she felt so bad for her. She lacked stamina, talent, and humility but obviously Judy's little princess was staying. I keep feeling as if poor Dayton is the sacrificial lamb precisely because Shelly is too classy and well mannered to pitch a fit or quit being friends with Kelli. Tina Kalina seems like a mental case.

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10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I hope the snarky, funny Judy is with us for the rest of the season, not the quiet Judy we had last year.  

You and me both, Girl!  I love this Judy! 🙌

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1 hour ago, Annmarie1111 said:

I thought the same thing, she looks very tired!

If she does make the team, I bet she’ll look significantly “fresher” come season 2. They all seem to get fillers (really, amazingly well done fillers) after their first  season. Look at Taylor, who was boring and plain and suddenly looks very pretty. And Alana, who looks totally different! That’s more than just new makeup tricks. 

1 hour ago, M1977G said:

The first episode still is not up on iTunes, but I see it is available on Amazon. Very annoyed now that I bought the iTunes season, but I was stupid and went for it because that's my default venue if I want to actually purchase a show. Definitely the last year I'm doing that! In the past, I had thought it was a CMT issue being slow in delivering the episodes to other sites, but I guess it's just iTunes lameness. 😢

Ep 1 is free to watch on CMT.com now. 

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Hello - long time reader, first time poster.  This board is something I love to check every day (even in the "off season").  

I am also from the Philly burbs (about 35 mins north of Amanda) and yes, an Eagles fan (I do love me some DCC though!).  Her family will most likely heckle her if she makes the team (which is looking likely), but, as everyone says when talking about Icky - this is a job.  She is an entertainer.  I'm sure she'll never love the Cowboys but, she'll likely make it seem like she does, and isn't that all that really matters?  I also don't think it means anything if she's only there to build her career.  I mean, the DCC are touted as "world's best", right?  Why wouldn't a dancer want to add that to her resume? (Also, I keep seeing people say Philly Flyer Dancer - it's Philadelphia Flyers - we don't say Philly Flyer around here 😉).

Oh and I forgot to mention - the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders also danced with Queen when the band came to town on Saturday night.  It must be something they're just doing in every city. 

Edited by itsweird
Forgot to mention something
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6 minutes ago, itsweird said:

Oh and I forgot to mention - the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders also danced with Queen when the band came to town on Saturday night.  It must be something they're just doing in every city. 

For those who haven't yet seen the video and would like to see how they did in comparison to the DCC, here ya go.  It's ah.....interesting. 

I've cued it to where they make their entrance.

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1 minute ago, dccgirl88 said:

It's funny that Kellie keeps obsessing over the cheerleaders dancing with Queen, but yet the eagles cheerleaders did it too so it's not just exclusive to them #impetty 

My point exactly.  And, I am sure that it can't be only the Cowboys and Eagles Cheerleaders. 

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2 hours ago, M1977G said:

I froze the first episode at 1:33, when they still are doing the "This season on DCC: Making the Team" preview stuff. It has Kelli and Judy talking with Charm. Charm points to a row of pictures in between her and Kelli and says those are the "hard nos" for her. Can anyone with a bigger screen or better eyes than I have tell who's in that row of "no"? Also, in the background is the board with all the vet and rookie photos. You can see that they've started their dot system, and while you can't see everyone, I can tell that there's at least one vet who doesn't have two dots and instead only has one dot. Can anyone tell me if that's Brennan? Based on the pose, it looks kind of like last year's cameo photo of her. Thanks in advance for any detective insights provided!

God please tell me it's not, she's busted her arse to get through TC so they best not cut her!

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2 hours ago, Opine said:

IMHO, K&J have compromised the team in the past for other non-legacies or "friends of" like Morgan.  So, they certainly will for a legacy.  In the past, they have been more background girls so the good cheerleaders covered for them.  It will be interesting to see them try to cover for someone that is tall, big, and has long legs, big hair, big teeth and an overwhelmingly out of control personality.

THIS THIS THIS... they are compromising with Veruca 1000% she is not good enough plain and simple she's too spastic and out of control but she's so precious and its just darling when she falls out of turns so okay, let's take her because she's a legacy and Kelli's bestie, i'll never believe anything else... 

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16 minutes ago, dccgirl88 said:

It's funny that Kellie keeps obsessing over the cheerleaders dancing with Queen, but yet the eagles cheerleaders did it too so it's not just exclusive to them #impetty 

Someone should put it on Twitter and tag Kelli and DCC. I’m not computer savvy enough to do it. 🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, M1977G said:

I froze the first episode at 1:33, when they still are doing the "This season on DCC: Making the Team" preview stuff. It has Kelli and Judy talking with Charm. Charm points to a row of pictures in between her and Kelli and says those are the "hard nos" for her. Can anyone with a bigger screen or better eyes than I have tell who's in that row of "no"? Also, in the background is the board with all the vet and rookie photos. You can see that they've started their dot system, and while you can't see everyone, I can tell that there's at least one vet who doesn't have two dots and instead only has one dot. Can anyone tell me if that's Brennan? Based on the pose, it looks kind of like last year's cameo photo of her. Thanks in advance for any detective insights provided!

I did the same after I read your post.  It looks like most have red, blue, and yellow.  Brennan has no red, but has blue and yellow.  I also noticed that Kat only had one dot.  The other candidates I can’t really tell,  

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1 hour ago, Route66 said:

EVERY time Judy comments on a cheerleader "running out of steam" I remember when Cassie texted her and said she was sorry for running out of gas or steam or whatever and Judy just sobbed because she felt so bad for her. She lacked stamina, talent, and humility but obviously Judy's little princess was staying. I keep feeling as if poor Dayton is the sacrificial lamb precisely because Shelly is too classy and well mannered to pitch a fit or quit being friends with Kelli. Tina Kalina seems like a mental case.

No kidding on CT!! My take on DB is different though - I think Kelli had really high expectations for her with her dance training and presumed awareness of what it takes to make the team and was pissed that she wasn’t better prepared. That is what I think translated to the screen. If your kid doesn’t make the team that’s not a professional reason to quit the job you’ve had for 25 odd years especially if you rely on the income. 

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12 minutes ago, TB12 said:

THIS THIS THIS... they are compromising with Veruca 1000% she is not good enough plain and simple she's too spastic and out of control but she's so precious and its just darling when she falls out of turns so okay, let's take her because she's a legacy and Kelli's bestie, i'll never believe anything else... 

Instead of saying this is the most competitive year ever due to the number of returning vets, Kelli should say "due to the number of returning vets PLUS VK guaranteed spot."

Seeing her this year makes Kelli's speech from VK cut more suspect. She'll often offer constructive criticism or just assure the girl she should try again.  With Victoria, she kept repeating "we see you on this team" and "we see you in a uniform." She was promising her a spot for the next year.

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Gabby was NOT late to panel interviews.  This is a rumor that took off like wild fire.  The lady who was late to panels was Raven.

Wow, this again. This is one of those rare rumors that was 100% definitively debunked within 24 hours of the first time it was posted and yet it. will. not. die. It gets posted again and again, and every single time, someone else immediately explains that it's not true, but for whatever reason, the rumor sticks and the truth does not.

It's like a zombie. You think you've killed it, but every time you turn around, there it is, coming at you again.  

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For someone who is/was an aspiring actress, Amanda sure put on some bad acting and crocodile tears for her back story. No wonder she didn’t make it in LA.

i don’t mind her otherwise, but that was so far from genuine, and had me cringing hard!!

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4 minutes ago, Pinknblue said:

For someone who is/was an aspiring actress, Amanda sure put on some bad acting and crocodile tears for her back story. No wonder she didn’t make it in LA.

i don’t mind her otherwise, but that was so far from genuine, and had me cringing hard!!

Right? I thought the same thing, fake, fake, fake

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VK's turns.  It's like a figure skater who sucks at spins. They 'travel' over the ice.  Some people spin like Gina (aka a top), others spin like VK (wearing poms for shoes). The better the training and the core, the better the spin. (Figure skating is something I've watched forever and traveling spins annoy the hell out of me.  And overused music...) 🙄

I hope Taylor doesn't make it back. I'm still not over the 'me too' flub from last year.

Team Brennan here - she just seems like such a positive, well rounded, quality individual. That's a woman who has it all together. 

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As far as I can tell, at Kelli's speech, looked like 8 rows with 16-20 girls per row.  So approx 160 girls total?

A double pirouette should be mandatory.  Maybe make them all do one, if you can't,  you're out.  Then favoritism is less of a deal, makes it less opinion based.  * I do like Victoria and this is nothing against her.

I really like Lily. I hated her cut last year.  She does look different this year.  I can't really tell if it's that she weighs less or what.  Nutrition is of concern though.  Am I seeing dark circles under her eyes?

Anyway, jmho.

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On 8/3/2019 at 10:30 PM, KatherineB said:

This FVK thing bugs the heck outta me. She half-way falls (which she would have done anyway even if she hadn't slipped on the Pom) and all K&J can say is "only Victoria." She makes it through to TC, gets far enough to get a Barbie and a spot on SG, even though she hasn't shown any real improvement or growth from last year... something tells me and it's been since reading this thread, that FVK's guaranteed spot on DCC has some "legal strings attached" -- so to speak -- as in threats of lawsuit from FVK's parents. I say this because not ONCE during the whole episode did K&J mention Tina, and the woman who was at AT&T stadium waiting for FVK was clearly her grandmother or an aunt. So, after FVK was cut last year, it was all over the message boards that Tina severed her long-time BFF status with Kelli.  This is what leads me to believe there was the threat of a multi-million $$$ lawsuit against the DCC if FVK didn't make it this year, not only just the team, but SG, as well.  This is just my opinion and my take on this.  

This is food for thought, I sure do hope that TPTB are not being forced armed to pick VK.  

However, the girl at the end hugging the woman with the short blonde hair was not VK, it was the other legacy and her mom.

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16 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

This is food for thought, I sure do hope that TPTB are not being forced armed to pick VK.  

However, the girl at the end hugging the woman with the short blonde hair was not VK, it was the other legacy and her mom.

I for one, would not want to take on the Jones family in court.  Jerry alone is worth in excess of $5.6 BILLION.  Having spent the better part of my adult life in DFW, I know you don’t **** with the Jones family.

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6 hours ago, mpressive said:

Hi! First time poster here. In regards to the whole "how many girls actually tried out" debate - I believe the magic of TV editing is throwing everyone off a bit. I think the shots where the girls are sitting and listening to Kelli give her speech are the semi-finalists. NOT the initial tryout group on Day 1. Think about it - if they have open call auditions, hundreds of girls try out, there really is no need to waste time and have 300 girls file into the stadium, sit, hear a speech about their dreams coming true yada yada when 3/4 of them will be cut. It makes more sense for Kelli to do that with the semi-finalists, who spend the first part of their day on that field anyway learning the routine. I think CMT just edits the show to kick-off episode 1 with that overview speech, but in reality - that is given on day 2 to the semi finalists. Makes for better TV and a better story altogether. Just thought of that when watching and Kelli said only 100 or so make it to semis; it makes sense. 

You can spot some of the uhm not-dcc-looking girls making their way to their seats, so it is definitely filmed during the first round.

3 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

Not when it comes to who they put on the field....Kelli has palpitations over wiggly lines on the field, so someone who would throw off the field presentation will not make the team. They may keep her to the bitter end (not particularly fair to other TCC #brennan), but if aren't 'coachable' #50yardkelsey...not gonna happen

I think one of the best examples of them putting someone unsuitable on the field is Breelan’s incident. She got cut on the jumbotron freaking the f out, you know, as she would routinely do during rehearsal. I actually like her and I think she looks amazing now, but she should have been cut that year. So yeah, kelli will absolutely put someone on the team just because she likes them, but it doesn’t always lead to public embarrassment for her (I’m sure Breelan got grounded after that incident).

3 hours ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

LOL. IMHO, Judy should keep her mouth shut on favortism/nepotism considering her train wreck, non dancing daughter made the squad all 5 years. VK might be terrible at technique but she could still dance circles around Cassie. 

I’m not really sure... i’m on the fence as a loud and proud anti-Cassie person, but she wasn’t glaringly bad. I actually think that she was too much of a gymnast cheerleader for dcc, but she was never that noticeable as she wasn’t out of control and glaringly bad. VK looks prettier, but Cassie never had a weight issue. And VK’s personality is much closer to the peppy cheerleader (even if a bit maniac) than ms you don’t need to smile to be a cheerleader.

48 minutes ago, Jennv said:

It’s mean, but all the ooing and aahing Kelli does over Victoria makes me hope she falls on her ass on the field during a halftime show, or During the kickline, just to see how cute Kelli thinks it is then

Oh, i’m with you! I hope they get it on screen just like with Breelan... let’s see how Ms. kelli deals with that then.

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