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Past Seasons: Where The Bodies Are Buried

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Angelsmom, if you continue watching season 3, you can skip 4 and 5 because the song remains the same. Spoilers ahead! To recap:


Teresa: I want to make up with my brother.

Joe Gorga: I would love to have a relationship with my sister again. But she needs to apologize.

Teresa: Joe wants me to apologize? What'd I do?!


The above dynamic continues ad nauseum. Meanwhile,


The Wakiles: Rich continues to make inappropriate comments, cops a feel of his lesbian sister-in-law's boobs. Kathy: Why won't people pay more attention to me? I'm a person too.

Caroline: I'm so over this isht. If anyone wants my sage counsel, I'm at the pied-a-terre in Hoboken.

Jacqueline: My son has autism but he is slowly getting better. I'm friends with Teresa - wait, no I'm not. She's a sociopath. But I can't quit her.

Kim D: Increasingly resembles an angry praying mantis with bad hair extensions. Isht still go downs with anything relating to Posche.


The biggest surprise to me was having the Gorgas grow on me (just a little), but it could have been because they seemed sane and reasonable in comparison to Teresa.


Daisy head


The scene where they were getting dressed up for some event - I can't remember what - & Christopher screamed "How about a tie over here!"



Was that the event where Caroline slicked her hair back? When Christopher compared her to a greaser that was going to pull a shiv at the malt shop, I just about died. I agree with you that overall the Manzos seemed to genuinely enjoy each other, although I could have done without Lauren's constant whining about what she could and couldn't eat, or about how Albie and Chris were moving in together and she was odd man out.


Another thing I didn't like as the seasons wore on was the appearance of hangers-on - and it seemed like their sole purpose was to either smear Teresa or Melissa. (For comparison, RHOC's Fernanda had her own storyline.) I didn't understand at all how women with businesses to promote would make themselves look so bad by joining the cat fight and egging each other on. Not that I would get my hair done at the Chateau if Penny's an example of their services - hairdresser, fix thyself! And I certainly wouldn't hire Jennifer as my realtor if she's going to be talking about me to other people - like my sister-in-law!

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Angelsmom, if you continue watching season 3, you can skip 4 and 5 because the song remains the same. 




Haha, I figured. I don't know how much further I'm going to go with Season 3. The fighting gets to be uncomfortable after awhile, especially that whole scene with Gia's song, that was heartbreaking. It's a reminder that this is a real family, not some strangers thrown together for reality show. I hope they've gotten their shit together at least a little bit.

 I could have done without Lauren's constant whining about what she could and couldn't eat, or about how Albie and Chris were moving in together and she was odd man out.


OMG yes!!! I was so over her whining about food, it was obviously a set up to explain her completely unnecessary Lap Band surgery. Lauren was on the chunky side, but not morbidly obese. I seriously think WLS should be reserved for people whose weight is severely impacting their health, not for lazy fucks who don't want to put in the work to drop the weight. And the pouting because of the boys moving into their own place…that was just weird. Why would you want to live in an apartment with three stinky boys? It would be like living in a college dorm, and everyone would be uncomfortable. She was way too attached, hopefully marrying Vito will cut the cord.


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Re-watching seasons 1 & 2. It is so different watching the show with the benefit of hindsight.


The original cast is the only one that worked.  For some reason the first five ladies made the show interesting. The ladies also interacted with their own families and kids much more, which gave us insight into each one's personality on their own. Also, decor is important to me for some reason, and I thought all the original houses had "personality", even if it was not my taste.  The houses of the later additions had as little personality as the ladies who lived in them.


Even when the other ladies would not film with Danielle, she had several scenes on her own that were interesting. All the scenes with Danielle and her daughters were good, especially Christine's Sweet 16 party.  Unfortunately, the reality tv drama was just not healthy for her. How did she raise such seemingly good kids?


Wow, Jacqueline's hatred for Ashley is really noticeable watching it back. On the original airings, I thought Ashley was a disgusting brat. My opinion of her has not changed, but now  I can at least see how she got that way. Several times she and Jacqueline are having nice, normal  interactions, and then Jacqueline always says something hateful to push Ashley's buttons, then turns things around to make Ashley the bad guy.  I guess I did not pay enough attention back then, but it is so glaring now. Jacqueline really is a witch when it comes to her daughter.


The Manzos were actually likeable during the first two seasons. Their reputations would have been so much better off had they left with Dina. They really overstayed their welcome.


Dina was vastly different between season 1 and 2. I would love to know what went on behind the scenes to cause such a change in her demeanor. I could watch her cats all day long.


The Giudices OMG.  Juicy Joe was so lighthearted in S1.  In S2 he really started to get curmudgeonly. The financial mess really took such a toll on him. He is just a shell of the man he was back then.  Teresa was also so pretty and fresh looking in the first two seasons. All the stress of her family feud and their financial mess aged her so badly.  I also loved watching the girls in S1 and S2. Unfortunately, (in the words of Patty & Selma) the older they get, the cuter they ain't. Milania in S1 was such an adorable little toddler. I also love the tae kwan do hot dog scene. Gia and Teresa were both absolutely obnoxious most of the time then. Teresa's disdain for used houses and the pizza parlor apartment, getting grossed out wearing the hospital's gown to birth Audrianna, etc. Gia " I can get everything I want and it's no big deal,"  "I can't work, I'm too pretty," etc. etc.  And the Giudice's spending habits are so appalling knowing what we know now. The Juicy Chateau was full of as much, or more, stuff as you would see on a hoarding show, but since the house was so big it was not as noticeable unless you were actually looking for that. They could open a consignment shop just with the kids clothes and accessories that they have, and a thrift store with the rest of all that crap. It's like they bought EVERYTHING they ever saw.


Teresa and Dina  must bond over their hoarding habits. I love the idea of Dina's cottage-eclectic décor, but she overdoes it until her house looks like a gift shop exploded. She, too, has a house full of junk that probably cost way more than it's worth.


Interesting and enjoyable viewing. I don't know if they will ever get the show back on track.

Edited by Anastasia
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I miss watching Don Caro wipe down counters in her kitchen. 


Speaking of the Red Menace, the Today show did a whole segment on the trend of women going to barber shops to have their faces shaved!!! I was horrified to see Caroline doing this a few seasons back, but have since learned that this is an old Hollywood beauty trick. I still think it's weird.

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Speaking of the Red Menace, the Today show did a whole segment on the trend of women going to barber shops to have their faces shaved!!! I was horrified to see Caroline doing this a few seasons back, but have since learned that this is an old Hollywood beauty trick. I still think it's weird.


It confuses me because I thought the face hair grows in thicker when women shave their faces. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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It confuses me because I thought the face hair grows in thicker when women shave their faces.

I think that's a fallacy. That rumor may have come from older women shaving those stray back hairs that appear all of a sudden. In fact, shaving helps exfoliate the skin. I haven't tried it, though, so I'm no expert.

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One of my friends (in her 20s) shaves her face. She says it exfoliates the skin but I just smile and nod. I don't think I'll try it.

Smart. I'm never with trends. I'll let others be the guinea pigs.

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Shaving the face no more exfoliates the skin than shaving your legs or underarms exfoliates those areas. Some women have too much visible fuzz on their face and shave it. End of story. Doesn't make it come back any worse either.

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So I'm currently watching season 6 on Hulu, after not watching at all last year. Let me know if it's okay to put it here, since so much time has passed since the finale, otherwise I'll move it :-)


It's interesting to watch in now with everything that has happened. I'm up to episode 11, the one with Jacqueline, so here are my thoughts…


The Guidices: I HATEHATEHATE the sympathy spin they have been receiving so far. And the level of denial in both Teresa and Joe makes me want to stab them in the neck. You commit various types of fraud for close to a decade, but when all of your crimes finally catch up with you, you "don't understand why this is happening" and it's just "haters" trying to bring you down? REALLY?! The only people I feel bad for in this situation is the kids, especially Gia who knew what was going on. PS, she is one gorgeous young lady. The last picture I saw of her, she was wearing a ridiculous amount of makeup, but on this season, her freshly scrubbed face and those clear blue eyes…she is beautiful. All of the Guidice kids are, really. And I do enjoy watching the interactions they have with their parents, I always have. But yeah, watching this now, it makes me wonder how things are going with them now. Teresa will be home in just a few months, and then Joe starts his 7 year sentence. And with their marble mausoleum going into foreclosure, I wonder where they are going to be living.


The Gorgas: They definitely got the "normal" spin this season, though compared to everyone else, I'm not surprised. It's funny to see them talk about selling Stately Gorga Manor, when the reality was that they were renting it out, and we all see how that turned out. And honestly, I friggin LOVED that house they were renting. It was spacious but cozy, and very homey. I would kill to be able to get something just like that, not their old house OR that other giant monstrosity they were building. Who in the hell needs 9,000 square feet?! A house that big just loses its warmth. NJ is cheaper than NYC, but not by much, especially Northern NJ. A house that size with that much property in the town they live in has to be costing them a mint. And count me in with everyone said that blonde Melissa looks like a Kim K in her blonde days-knock off. In my head I still remember her season 3 less make up style, and she is definitely one of those chicks who are so-so without makeup, but stunning with tons of makeup on. All MAC and smoke and mirrors. Pretty fitting for this show ;-). I'd sell my soul for her body though, not gonna lie, haha!


Dina: Yawn…I didn't expect much from her, and I'm not really a fan of her anyway. She is definitely an undercover bitch, and has a hard time concealing it sometimes. Divorce is hard, but after seeing that wedding show they were on, the one she wants us all so desperately to forget…Dina, Tommy showed you who he was from DAY ONE. He treated you like crap. So are we shocked that they are separating? No. I honestly feel like she's not as heartbroken as she lets on, and was fully aware this was going to happen the way that it did. I do enjoy the relationship she has with Lexi. I lost my mom when I was Lexi's age (17) and I know people were saying, "well Dina is still the mother and Lexi is the child, they shouldn't be friends like that, etc" but honestly, right before my mom passed, we were just starting become less like mother/daughter and more like girlfriends. I think it's just a natural progression as your daughter gets older. Can any other female posters close to their moms vouch for that? 


Amber: I don't want to talk too badly about anyone with "the cancer" (I'm from NY metro area too, that doesn't sound weird to me either, LOL). I can imagine that anyone how goes through something like that, their life completely spins out of control and so many things go into question, that it would make anyone rigid. She hasn't been anyone that has stood out to be inherently evil or particularly drama-mongering. Her husband though? What a piece of work. He is a prime example of Little Man's Syndrome, the type of dude that was probably picked on a lot in school and whatnot. He's not even an asshole in the entertaining way, like Rich. 


The Twins:  Ugh, ugh and more ugh. They are exhausting. I really don't have anything to say about them because they are insanely annoying, both separately and apart. I hope to God that they don't come back next season. 

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Can any other female posters close to their moms vouch for that?

Me! I can. My mother and I live on different continents. She called me about 10 or so years ago, at an odd time. I thought for sure someone had died. But no. She was just heartbroken, hurting, and called me to vent. Not her sisters, or my sister, me. I'm 40 now but I think that was the day I knew I was a grown up. The day my mom treated me like a friend. :)

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I started the season over, because it's been a while. I'm about halfway through season 3, and it's so gross. Danielle was even crazier than I remembered. I really fel for her children. It really screws you up when you have a parent who uses you for emotional support, and overshares. It's also obvious that the Gorgas just came in to start shit and take Teresa and Joe down (not that they're saints or anything). Melissa is such a nasty bitch. They all complained that Teresa was pulling away, and not sharing any info with them, but IMO she was in "oh shit" mode, scared out of her mind, and knowing that anything she shared with anyone would end up in the tabloids and bite her in the ass. I think it's ridiculous that they acted like she should have spilled everything to them.

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I will watch reruns only if Melania is in some scenes because she's a pisser and makes me laugh. This is truly a bodacious child!

I love this image of Melania. She looks like she's stomping off to get into a MMA ring. Watch out Ronda Rousey, here comes Melania.


Edited by HumblePi
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On 7/5/2014 at 11:13 AM, FozzyBear said:

Why did Danielle leave the show? I thought it wasn't that Bravo didn't like her as a cast member, but something else happened. Some legal issues of some kind? Homegirl was shadey as they come.

Maybe even Danielle was too sleazy for Bravo. Stripper, porn, extortion, kidnapping, drug abuser, felon turned informant, and a woman who claimed to have slept with over 1,000 men. Maybe.... just maybe she was too cringe-worthy for many of Bravo's viewers. I know that I happened to turn on RHoNJ years ago and saw Danielle Staub for about five minutes, changed the channel and never tuned back in to see it again for four years. I ran across an old episode the other day, the one where Teresa turns over the table in a rage and after that I googled Danielle's porn video. It wasn't difficult to find, it was the first that came up on my google search using her name. I watched about a third of that video, it was long. And it was kind of creepy to know that this was the same woman who Bravo selected to be one of the NJ Housewives. I hope she NEVER returns to RHoNJ.

Edited by HumblePi
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I started the season over, because it's been a while. I'm about halfway through season 3, and it's so gross. Danielle was even crazier than I remembered. I really fel for her children. It really screws you up when you have a parent who uses you for emotional support, and overshares. It's also obvious that the Gorgas just came in to start shit and take Teresa and Joe down (not that they're saints or anything). Melissa is such a nasty bitch. They all complained that Teresa was pulling away, and not sharing any info with them, but IMO she was in "oh shit" mode, scared out of her mind, and knowing that anything she shared with anyone would end up in the tabloids and bite her in the ass. I think it's ridiculous that they acted like she should have spilled everything to them.

Agreed!  I just spent the past week watching seasons 1-3.  Danielle was nutso.

But the biggest takeaway is how obvious it was that Melissa and Kathy came on the show gunning for Teresa and clamoring for their share of the TV show fame.  In S2 when the cast all went on the trip to Italy I thought this must have killed Melissa that they are all on this trip with the parents and she was not included.  She really just wanted to get herself in front of the cameras, nothing more.  The fight at the Christening was about it being Melissa and Joe's moment and they perceived that Teresa was trying to steal the spotlight when she walked up to them where they were being filmed.  If you look at this now and read between the lines that is what was really going on.  It was a competition for the show.  Teresa filmed at Gia's gymnastic event with her mother, so then Melissa filmed at Antonia's dance show, with Joe's mother, etc.  And IMO the issues with Kathy were about Kathy trying to throw herself in front of the cameras and then realizing each time she was not coming off well, and getting mad about it. She kept trying to have a re-do where she would stage something else to repair her image and it kept backfiring (Melissa's Christmas party).  

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Maybe even Danielle was too sleazy for Bravo... Maybe.... just maybe she was too cringe-worthy for many of Bravo's viewers.

I felt for Danielle in S1. Yes, she tried too hard, but that seemed to be the worst of it. In S2, too, she really came unglued with the paranoia. Dina said it best - "When we're sitting in our homes, drinking tea and playing with our cats, she's dreaming up some crazy scheme." Learning how to box, getting a bodyguard, interpreting the Posch receptionist's behavior as a personal diss, thinking the Manzos were out to physically attack her...it just went too far. These people didn't want to have anything to do with her! They didn't even want to hear her name, much less "ambush" her at Karma. (Ashlee was the exception.) It became increasingly tougher to root for Danielle. It's like at some point she decided that she was going to use the second season as her audition tape for a Sopranos knock-off and built up a narrative around Godfather memes. 

I don't care what she did in her past. I just got uncomfortable watching someone who wasn't batshit crazy in a "good" way (like Ramona Singer), but in a "this person needs help," kind of way. I don't tune into these shows to watch someone like Kim Richards unravel. It wasn't fun to watch Danielle. (The one exception I can think of was when she deliberately pushed Teresa's buttons on the reunion, and coolly walked away while Teresa had to be physically restrained and calmed by Caroline.)

Edited by archer1267
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OK so I have a lot of the past seasons on DVR and I have slowly been getting thought them.  I saw these all before when they originally aired - but I need some help remembering events. 

At the end of S3 the Fabulicious book had just come out.  Everyone was not happy with the things Teresa had put in the book, and people were starting to be upset with her.  This is when the friendship with Caroline started to come apart.  There was no "Season Finale" party like you usually see, the season just ended with everyone talking about the cookbook.  Then my DVR did not record like the first 10 episodes of Season 4, so where I picked up was the RV trip.  So what happened in the meantime?  How did that season begin?  What was the deal with Teresa and Jacqueline? On the RV trip they were in a "bad place"? Was this the year that Jacqueline did not go to the reunion and they were already filming S4 immediately after S3?  What happened with Caroline and Teresa?  Need help remembering all of this.

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Punta Cana was just before the cookbook release.  Caroline was already slightly irritated with Teresa because she kept fighting with Melissa and Kathy and wasn't taking any real steps to mend things.  When they had Teresa call Melissa on the phone while they were there to hear what was said - I think Caroline started to become appalled with the whole situation.  Punta Cana sent her over the edge because of all the preening and self absorption, then Teresa's blow up at Kathy.  When the cookbook came out and Chris Manzo was mentioned Caroline was really like OK now I am done with you.  Then the next episode I saw was middle of S4, the RV trip and Caroline was there, so wondering what happened in the meantime. I guess she was just "there" but kept a distance from Teresa?  But Jacqueline was crying in the RV about their friendship.

Edited by FamilyVan
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I think Danielle was fired partly because she had alienated almost everyone else and couldn't get anyone to film with her.  Her scenes on her own were no longer compelling.  On WWHL last night, Andy read a tweet from her and she said that she was ready to return to filming.

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Haha! What was Jacqueline's reaction? I'd love to see Danielle back to poke Jac like Jac is poking Tre. 

On the first episode this season, Chris told JoGo that he and Jacqueline decided not to give each other gifts for Christmas. Didn't JoGui say that same thing when money got tight for them? IIRC, it was just before the gavel came down. I think it's great timing for Danielle to come back. (If both of her girls are over 18 now. They would be, wouldn't they?)

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9 minutes ago, MissMel said:

Haha! What was Jacqueline's reaction? I'd love to see Danielle back to poke Jac like Jac is poking Tre. 

On the first episode this season, Chris told JoGo that he and Jacqueline decided not to give each other gifts for Christmas. Didn't JoGui say that same thing when money got tight for them? IIRC, it was just before the gavel came down. I think it's great timing for Danielle to come back. (If both of her girls are over 18 now. They would be, wouldn't they?)

Jac seemed unfazed and said that Danielle changes her mind every day.  Or maybe Jac just couldn't move her face.  Either way, you know that she is monitoring Danielle's twitter like a total loon.

Yeah, Teresa and Joe  said the same thing.  I need to spend more time in the Crazy Jac thread and figure out what their various lawsuits are. 

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I'm rewatching Season 4 and during the Solstice party, Melissa and Teresa get into a big fight in the parking lot (over Tre's telling her brother that Melissa would leave him for a richer man). Before she skulks off, Tre shouts, "You have two sons. You have two sons. Just remember that!"

Any idea on what she meant? I have some thoughts but figured I'd throw it out to the group first.

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53 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

I'm rewatching Season 4 and during the Solstice party, Melissa and Teresa get into a big fight in the parking lot (over Tre's telling her brother that Melissa would leave him for a richer man). Before she skulks off, Tre shouts, "You have two sons. You have two sons. Just remember that!"

Any idea on what she meant? I have some thoughts but figured I'd throw it out to the group first.

I took it as Tre assuming that Melissa would want her sons to marry "nice girls" who wouldn't take advantage of them

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I am getting through all of the past season episodes on my DVR, and last night I watched the end of the RV trip, the fight with Caroline, Teresa/Kathy hot tub scene.  Yikes!  Caroline blew up!  Times like this I wish we had archive threads to the old discussions.

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On July 18, 2016 at 0:20 PM, ElsbethTascioni said:

They were all basically mad at her about the book, about the fact that she was doing paid interviews with magazines, and the fact that she wouldn't share every detail of their legal woes with the group.

Teresa was also lying to them and claiming she received no money for the interviews.

On July 18, 2016 at 1:01 PM, FamilyVan said:

Punta Cana was just before the cookbook release.  Caroline was already slightly irritated with Teresa because she kept fighting with Melissa and Kathy and wasn't taking any real steps to mend things.  When they had Teresa call Melissa on the phone while they were there to hear what was said - I think Caroline started to become appalled with the whole situation.  Punta Cana sent her over the edge because of all the preening and self absorption, then Teresa's blow up at Kathy.  When the cookbook came out and Chris Manzo was mentioned Caroline was really like OK now I am done with you.  Then the next episode I saw was middle of S4, the RV trip and Caroline was there, so wondering what happened in the meantime. I guess she was just "there" but kept a distance from Teresa?  But Jacqueline was crying in the RV about their friendship.

Jacqueline and Teresa seemed to reconcile, but then Jacqueline happened to overhear Teresa dismissing the whole thing and/or insulting Jac.   The last happened off camera, but I don't remember if Tre denied it. 

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Did anyone watch the 1-hour special they did only on the table flip/Danielle episode?  Some unseen footage, extended cut of that entire night.  Funny that it got it's own episode.  Danielle was batshit crazy.  LOL

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I am getting through all of the past season episodes on my DVR, and last night I watched the end of the RV trip, the fight with Caroline, Teresa/Kathy hot tub scene.  Yikes!  Caroline blew up!  Times like this I wish we had archive threads to the old discussions.

Yup! Same here. It's painful to watch. I know a lot of people can't stand Caroline and the Manzos, but Teresa really had the emotional intelligence and self-awareness of a gnat, and it came out then. The S4 reunion was probably the most exhausting RH reunion I've ever seen, and that's including RHoNY S3 (Jill leaving the stage, Scary Island recap) and S4 (everyone vs. Alex). Teresa seemed seriously unhinged. She seems calmer now and I don't know if it's because she learned how to deal with people while "at camp," or if she just was snapping under the pressure of her lawsuits and bankruptcy.

I never saw the season with the twins and Amber. Is it worth viewing?

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Danielle poked the bear by referencing Melissa and Joe and the fact that things were not well between the Gorgas and the Giudices. They weren't on the show yet and as far as Teresa knew prior to that moment, had no connection to Danielle. So it was a matter of this woman who Teresa already hates springing it on her and passively threatening to spill all of the family dirt with regards to another woman who Teresa hated at the time. I know it would be unsettling for me if someone I disliked started bringing up private family issues I had never shared with them, even without it being on national TV. 

I mean, I probably wouldn't get in her face and scream like a lunatic, but I don't have any of those Gorga rage monster genes. 

I will never tire of seeing Teresa literally toss Andy though. 

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Watching the earlier seasons (thanks Hulu!), on season 2 - I could barely finish the episode where Danielle goes to the charity event at the Brownstone with her felon entourage - naturally the Manzos were after her (Eye roll), it made me feel gross and uncomfortable... she got so unhinged during this season it isn't remotely entertaining. I seriously hope if she is coming back she's gotten her sh!t together... I mean, I wouldn't mind her giving Jaq a little of her crazy but... she's nuts... I feel sad for her daughters... sigh.

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On 7/5/2014 at 6:50 PM, FozzyBear said:

Damn, that S3 christening never gets old. Everybody dressed like they're going to the club, Joe Gorga being sooooo drunk at his own son's chrstening, Mellissa's creepy family egging him on, Teresa doing her usual "who me?" routine, Joe Guidice faking the runs to try and get out of going, everybody being named Joe (I swear there were like 5 guys named Joe) and the fight! The best brawl ever! The only fight I've ever seen end because some stood on a table and yelled "get a hold of yourselves! You're at a fucking kid's christening!" God I love Jersey.

I know this post is literally 3 years old but I laughed  so loud my dog came running in barking like someone was committing a crime.  This is a perfect recap of that episode

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Damn, that S3 christening never gets old. Everybody dressed like they're going to the club, Joe Gorga being sooooo drunk at his own son's chrstening, Mellissa's creepy family egging him on, Teresa doing her usual "who me?" routine, Joe Guidice faking the runs to try and get out of going, everybody being named Joe (I swear there were like 5 guys named Joe) and the fight! The best brawl ever! The only fight I've ever seen end because some stood on a table and yelled "get a hold of yourselves! You're at a fucking kid's christening!" God I love Jersey.

I believe you meant to say "God I fucking love Jersey." lol.  

In truth they really did set a precedent for reality show crazy, they raised the bar on disgusting behavior and showed no shame in it...yes we all fucking love Jersey.

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On 5/29/2017 at 6:57 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

In truth they really did set a precedent for reality show crazy, they raised the bar on disgusting behavior and showed no shame in it...yes we all fucking love Jersey.

I was trying to explain to a group of people in a bar why I watched this show and I boiled it down to, "On the other housewives shows, they ladies don't really know each some other.  A couple may be friends, some may be acquaintances, but for the most part, they're strangers thrown together and pretending, so the drama is quite manufactured.   These people on Jersey are family (or Fambly) who treat each other like shit.....and don't care.....on national TV! It's the greatest people watching, because all that shit is real!!"

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yelled "get a hold of yourselves! You're at a fucking kid's christening!"

You know you're in Jersey when someone shouts out "Son of a bitches!"

Also, Joe Gorga really must have guzzled down all the booze at his table, because Melissa's sister was sure thirsty as fuck...

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S3 marathon today, showing all the holiday episodes.  Damn those were some over-the-top Xmas gifts

I do not miss the Manzos or Richie Wakile.  

Interesting to see Delores as Caroline's co-host on the radio show and how much Melissa's face has changed over the years.

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I've been home sick for the last few days and decided to rewatch Jersey from season 1. Hoo boy. Some observations:

I never understood at ALL when people commented on how Theresa used to be prettier because I find her so physically unattractive but she was ADORABLE in season 1. So petite, really natural hair and makeup. Just adorable. She seems like she has somehow gotten very masculine and it's not just the bubbies, because she's even petite in season 2 with those. She also seems...less dumb? I'm very weirded out by this.

Dolores at the table with the Manzos and Theresa talking about crazy Danielle in season 1!

I kind of think I wouldn't mind Caroline being back on the show? I never thought I would feel that way EVER. But, I think I would greatly prefer her to Jackie and Jennifer and she has connections with the other girls. 

I do not miss Jacqueline or her awful daughter. 

Theresa talking about Danielle being "too intense" when she befriends you and how she doesn't like it is making me feel really sad for her now. She saw it when Jacqueline was being dragged into it in season 1, but does not see the grooming Danielle is doing now. Ugh.

Danielle - this psycho. I can barely take watching her drag her daughters into her mania. Sometimes she starts off halfway normal with them and then just DESCENDS into mania. I hate it and it's scary. This is a dangerous women and I hope she's off this show. Deeply deeply disturbed.

Little Gia, Milania, and Gabriella are TOO cute in season 1. Omg. Little Gia, she killed me. And Milania has been EXACTLY who she is since season 1. She just came right out of the womb that way, dear lord. Seeing them so little and how sweet Theresa is with them is making me kind of sad.

Highly recommend a rewatch, it's so fun! Though, I will say Danielle brings it down a lot. 

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Caroline was on Albie's podcast today (or yesterday?) and said that she was set to return to Housewives. Talks fell through when the production company didn't want to offer her a full "Housewife" spot from the jump -- they wanted to see how she would "mix" with the other, current women. She was offended by that and negotiations ended. She also said that the door wasn't completely shut, the talks ended on a friendly note, etc. Both Chris and Albie said that they would return to the show also.

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