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S04.E15: Holy Ship!

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24 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Did they even go to dinner before the bar? Maybe they didn't show it. I just remember Hannah saying they had a table reserved for Sirocco and I thought "Oh they're having dinner." Then saw it was a table for drinking booze when she started ordering Magnums.

They usually have dinner at a restaurant, albeit with plenty of drinking/cocktails, and then often go to a club for more drinking and carrying on.

Depending on the kind of establishment, it seems  sometimes they stay in one place for both phases?

Edited by Special K
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2 hours ago, Oregonrain said:

 If I were in charge, I would allow dinners but not the partying. I also would not allow any fraternization between crew members because of the problem it causes. That is how it works in the real world.

Yes, of course you're right.  But most of the interesting stuff on this show happens as a result of drinking or hook ups, and especially drunken hook ups, so they would never ban this lol.

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7 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I respectfully disagree with the bolded part.  Sandy is Travis' boss and if he shows up for work smelling of alcohol, he is not fit to work.  I don't think it would be any different if this was an office setting and he showed up for work reeking of booze.  Management wouldn't care whether you had knocked back a few at lunch or in the restroom, or had cut yourself off the night before at 2 a.m., if you are smelling of booze, it's still in your system and you ingested a lot.

I don't take issue with Sandy hugging Travis in this situation.  She's just confronted him about his drinking and I think she hugged him to show him he's not alone.  I may not appreciate Sandy for all things she does as a captain but I think it was admirable for her to share her addiction story.  Again, it shows Travis that he's not alone.   He needs to take it one day at a time.  Since he's not drinking while on charter, he may need to just stay on board while the others go out between charters.  That's where he's getting into trouble.  It was awful to see how incredibly drunk he was - - he couldn't even walk.  

Has he said why he hasn't gone home in 2 years?  Does he have some kind of family issues that's preventing him?  Regardless, I agree with others who have said he really needs therapy/counseling.

Absolutely disagree with Anastasia/Captain Sandy screeching about the damn garbage.  Why couldn't Ana take out the trash?  It appears she's just standing around the galley watching Ben anyhow.  Seems that Jack and Collie-Wollie (thanks, Joao!) were on break/off-duty and only Joao and Travis were available and they were working on the tinder so trash disposal is NOT an emergency.  Who made the comment about the "fucking trash" via radio?    Was that Travis?  

I agree with Ben about the galley.  It's ridiculously small.  Looks like he can take about 2 steps in there.  

I agree with Ana that it's not good to show up with cheap crap re: the table setting.  Why didn't she ask the gentleman at the store where Ben bought some food and the cloches?  He might have been able to direct them toward the right place.    And FWIW, why didn't Hannah go?  Sandy showed her the pic, she knew exactly what Sandy was looking for.  

I may have been getting secondhand motion sickness from watching all the bouncing and rocking this episode.  Ugh.   

Agree with your post x 100!

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54 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Yes, of course you're right.  But most of the interesting stuff on this show happens as a result of drinking or hook ups, and especially drunken hood ups, so they would never ban this lol.

The problem is the have two jobs that are in conflict being a crew member on a yacht that should require an extra level of accountability because of safety issues and being a reality show cast member that production expects to provide drama and/or entertaining footage.

Sandy mentioned that she was glad Joao took responsibility but she never does that when she causes a lot of the issues a perfect example was the trash. Anastasia requested someone get the trash as is protocol, when she didn’t hear a response she didn’t seem particularly put out just wondering why no response than Sandy interferes and demands that Travis do it immediately no matter what he is doing, cut to later when Travis rightfully points out that repairing the tender should have been a higher priority Sandy agrees and says that the interior overstepped. No, Sandy the interior didn’t you did. 

Edited by biakbiak
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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The problem is the have two jobs that are in conflict being a crew member on a yacht that should require an extra level of accountability because of safety issues and being a reality show cast member that production expects to provide drama and/or entertaining footage.

Sandy mentioned that she was glad Joao took responsibility but she never does that when she causes a lot of the issues a perfect example was the trash. Anastasia requested someone get the trash as is protocol, when she didn’t hear a response she didn’t seem particularly put it out just wondering why no response than Sandy interferes and demands that Travis do it immediately no matter what he is doing, cut to later when Travis rightfully points out that repairing the tender should have been a higher priority Sandy agrees and says that the interior overstepped. No, Sandy the interior didn’t you did. 

Ana asked a couple times nicely, then said nastily (not exact words) "can someone take out the fing trash?" at that point Cap Sandy got involved and Travis responded nastily to *her*. So Ana caused the escalation.

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11 minutes ago, connieinnc said:

Ana asked a couple times nicely, then said nastily (not exact words) "can someone take out the fing trash?" at that point Cap Sandy got involved and Travis responded nastily to *her*. So Ana caused the escalation.

Actually, not responding at all to her is what lead to the escalation but Sandy was aware that there was an an issue with the tender. Travis could have said they were busy with that and Colin also should have responded and given a timeframe. However, as the captain Sandy made a decision to force Travis to prioritize the interior.

Edited by biakbiak
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8 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

The sobriety conversation should have happened off-camera. Travis needs help, but for all practical purposes he's now labeled as an alcoholic, which can affect his ability to find work - anywhere.

His drunken behavior prior to the conversation happened on camera so that ship had sailed (or in this case motored off) before Sandy compared it to her issues.

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3 hours ago, Oregonrain said:

Here is the issue I have regarding Travis. Personally, even though they are off charter, excessive drinking should not be allowed and in any normal situation would be grounds for termination. As Captain Lee would say, don't embarrass yourself and don't embarrass the boat. When they are all out partying as a group, the are representing the boat and therefore embarrassing the boat when drinking excessively. When someone shows up at work clearly smelling of alcohol, they are not safe and still impaired. That is grounds for immediate termination. I don't care if drinking was done on or off  charter. Impairment is impairment. I have no issue with blowing off steam when a charter is over but one can do so without the excess. If I were in charge, I would allow dinners but not the partying. I also would not allow any fraternization between crew members because of the problem it causes. That is how it works in the real world.

Totally agree.  They are ambassadors of the boat they work on at every restaurant/bar they go to.  It's one thing to get tipsy; it's another thing to be dangerously drunk.  I feel like Travis is very close to being one of those people that die on a drinking binge.  I've never felt more fearful for any reality show participant than this guy because he had to have had a dangerously high alcohol blood level.

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I find Sandy hugging the crew inappropriate - if the crew were hugging each other (like Hannah and Joao), that's one thing as they are mostly on the same level - but she's in a position of power, so I imagine they feel they must do it, vs wanting to do it. Take Colin being taken aback for example. Or what if Sandy was a man hugging his employees (especially after reprimanding them) - would it be looked at differently? I suspect it might. I'm sure some of my reaction is personal bias - I find it odd, even with people I've worked with for years, to want to initiate a hug at the workplace. If it was an after hours holiday party maybe I'd feel different. I don't tend to gravitate to hugging a superior - unless it's an unusual circumstance like they're grieving or something? Admittedly I'm not a Sandy fan so that colors my opinion I'm sure. I also found her discussing her alcoholism inappropriate, as I don't remember Travis asking her about it. Not that she shouldn't be proud of how far she's come, but - I just don't think it's an appropriate conversation for a boss to have with their employee, unless the employee specifically asked about it. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

I really dislike Ana and I really liked her when the season began. 😟👎🏻

Me too. She's a snotty little brat. The way she handled over sleeping last week "I'm supposed to be (on deck )at 6:30 but 7 is fine because I'm so awesome and the work is so menial"  If I were a charter guest who woke up early expecting coffee and no one was around, there would be hell to pay.

I also question Captain Sandy's desire for new table decor this late in the season. I thought she said something to Hannah about being limited to what's available on the boat?  Now all of sudden it was direct order to find something now.  Way to create an issue where there wasn't one.  There was some other instance this episode of Sandy inserting her in the frame.  The way she pops up and the end of every meal asking if everything was ok is so damn strange. It's like she wants to be part of every shot.  I'm surprised she doesn't go out for dinner/drinks with them., 

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20 hours ago, spunky said:

Why is Sandy hugging Travis? Stevie Wonder could see how inappropriate that was. I understand her hugging Hannah and Joao because she’s known them longer and has a maternal relationship with one of them. But with everyone else it’s extremely inappropriate. Travis needs an inpatient detox program, where he can receive both mental health and substance abuse counseling. Again we have the camera being focused on Aesha’s butt, it’s so close I can see what she ate for breakfast the day before. Producers we don’t need to see Aesha and Jack getting frisky with each other, they’re gross enough as it is. Jack’s work ethic seems to be improving now that he knows he’ll get fired if he slacks off. These guests seem to be pretty calm so far. Hannah if the equipment you needed to do your job was acting up all the time, you’d be cranky too. So sit down!

Yes re: Aesha butt!!

It May have been last week...but the scene was shot from soo close I could see what looked like a pimple! 🤭 Eeeeewwww 

too bad they’re not having a reunion...wonder why? ...anybody privy to that 411?

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Why did they have the preference sheet meeting after Ben and Anastasia went shopping? Surely knowing something like the guests want a white party would have been helpful and helped direct the menu and the table decorations for at least that event.

Kate always makes amazing tablescapes but I don't think Hannah has ever done one that has impressed me, she usually she has her 2nd or 3rd stew do it, which is fine, if you don't have an artistic eye its better to delegate (as long as they actually do the job)

They should have given Ben a day to familiarise himself with the kitchen and reorganise things as he'd like.

Bens savoury food looks amazing but his deserts are really unimpressive. IMHO Adrian is still the best Below Deck chef.

I think it would be really interesting to see Aesha as a chief stew, I would love to see how she would be as a boss.

Joao's genuine friendship with Colin was really making me warm to him but on WWHL he seemed like the same old Joao. Also you don't need to sit with your legs that open.

I'm no Hannah apologist but he seemed super harsh on her for not forgiving him for comments he made about her. If so many women you work with have a problem with you, you're the asshole

. I

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I thought Sandy handled Travis quite well. We have to remember that the captains on these Bravo shows don’t have the same hiring/firing powers that they might have in real life. First she checked with Hannah. Then she talked with Travis and told him her own history. If he does have a problem he will always remember this moment. Someday he may ask for help knowing that he can beat it.

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55 minutes ago, janiema said:

First she checked with Hannah. T

I found that completely inappropriate, Hannah is not Travis’s supervisor she is just his coworker Sandy should have been talking to Joao and see if he had noticed any of his behavior happening ON THE JOB and not go to Hannah and talk about her impressions and conversations which were not related to their work. 

Edited by biakbiak
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1. Hannah is the next most senior person on the boat per the shoulder boards.

2. Hannah has had the beginnings of a personal relationship with Travis and might have known what was going on with him.

I like Sandy’s engagement with the crew. Lee just sits up in his chair on the bridge swearing when things go wrong. He’s clueless.

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19 hours ago, spunky said:

He can be dramatic that’s for sure. But I understand his frustration with a stove that doesn’t work, therefore I’m giving him a pass this time.

That would be frustrating...also coming in late...everything in disarray...(it actually looks like a poorly designed galley for this size yacht..no? No space for basic pots /pans?

..also...I was wondering… It seems like the chef on a yacht is always needed...with few if any breaks...

EARLY breakfast prep...lunch prep...(especially if transported to land...crazy I’d think)...then 5 star dinner..and in between cooking for the whole crew..

I don’t recall Ben ever getting called out for not preparing food for crew but I do remember JWow  being pissed at Adam?..was it?...for not having a meal available 

I’m not familiar at all… ( SOOO surprising..I’ve never had the opportunity to charter a super yacht in the Mediterranean..🥴 😂)...but...

 I’ll give Ben a pass also… Especially since he bunks with Travis...what a treat...all the belching/wretching...then the “Mangina” shows! 🤪

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19 minutes ago, janiema said:

1. Hannah is the next most senior person on the boat per the shoulder boards.

2. Hannah has had the beginnings of a personal relationship with Travis and might have known what was going on with him.

I like Sandy’s engagement with the crew. Lee just sits up in his chair on the bridge swearing when things go wrong. He’s clueless.

The hierarchy on the boat has been made clear that it is separated in terms of interior vs exterior staff which is why there wasn’t the same issue with Hannah making out with Travis and her considering going out on date with him as it was with Malia and Wes (not that Sandy had an issue with that because she is a shitty manager). Even Hannah stated she couldn’t really comment on his working hours and whether he was drinking during them so she basically got no information out of her and put her in an awkward position of talking to a superior about someone’s off the job actions.

Captian Lee has actually fired people for drinking and misbehaving including when they weren’t on the job and he discussed it with their actual supervisor before he took any action.

Edited by biakbiak
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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The hierarchy on the boat has been made clear that it is separated in terms of interior vs exterior staff which is why there wasn’t the same issue with Hannah making out with Travis and consider going out on date with him as it was with Malia and Wes (not that Sandy had an issue with that because she is a shitty manager). Even Hannah stayed she couldn’t really comment on his working hours and whether he was drinking during them so she basically got no information out of her and put her in an awkward position of talking to a superior about someone’s off the job actions.

Captian Lee has actually fired people for drinking and misbehaving including when they weren’t on the job and he discussed it with their actual supervisor before he took any action.

Yup...IIRC...Ben one time told off a chief stew for telling him what to do on a very early BD episode...

Might have been so far back..even before Kate Chastain.  

He made it clear the pecking order...chef only answers to captain..

maybe it was Kate..but I think it was that witch in season one...hated everyone especially Kat...

now im not sure...lol 

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Just now, Shellbell59 said:

Ben one time told off a chief stew for telling him what to do on a very early BD episode

It was first season so he said it to Adrienne when she was just suggesting everyone stay in because one person had just quit and it was the night before the last charter. He was super pissy with her even though her plan was just to order in so he wouldn’t have to cook and everyone could chill.

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22 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Hey, cheers to all of you who have been calling for cloches for the plates!

Thank you. I was the first person to mention food covers when cold food first became an issue. I knew Ben would handle it. He is a professional.

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20 hours ago, biakbiak said:

And for me since it’s such a consistent pattern of behavior I won’t and believe that he would have just found something else to be pissy about like the size of the kitchen which also wasn’t an issue that Adam had during his time in that same galley.

Didn't Adrian work in that galley too?

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7 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

Didn't Adrian work in that galley too?

No but Adam worked in it in season 2. I actually found the galley that Adrien had to work in even crappier. It appeared to be even smaller and the cooking space was also the main walkthrough. 

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56 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It was first season so he said it to Adrienne when she was just suggesting everyone stay in because one person had just quit and it was the night before the last charter. He was super pissy with her even though her plan was just to order in so he wouldn’t have to cook and everyone could chill.

Thank you for that information...

That gal did seem a bit more controlling than necessary...and passive aggressive...as I recall...even considering the crew she had to work with.

TY again for restoring that memory 🤦‍♀️

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21 hours ago, spunky said:

He can be dramatic that’s for sure. But I understand his frustration with a stove that doesn’t work, therefore I’m giving him a pass this time.

I'm with Hannah on this one. Ben knew the limitations with his equipment and didn't adapt.    Seriously, were there only 6-7 guests and he is the pro?  I am very serious, he has 15-16 hours to make 6 people three meals?  Spare me the drama, dude.  

Oh, and BTW, those filets looked terrible.  Short on burner space, I call chateaubriand in the oven at a high heat.  And don't even get me started on 200 eggs.......

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Okay,I am now way overthinking this.  Ben, how about a lunch of gazpacho, a cold monkfish salad, a cheese course and fruit/sorbet to end the lunch?  Poach the monkfish early and that is the only thing that needs to get cooked. It really isn't that hard.

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10 hours ago, dleighg said:

I'll respectfully disagree. I think she needed to think outside the box more-- I mean she was going into ticky tacky stores-- maybe go into a grocery or hardware-type store and be inspired. Though I also think Hannah would have done well to give some ideas. So in that sense, it does come back on her head.

It looked to me the Ana was looking in cheap souvenir stores for the table decor.  Lots of cheap crap for sale.  She should have went into a more upscale place.  The guy at the cheese place could have advised her where to shop.  I think it was a cheese store.  Being in an upscale area, I'm sure there would be somewhere to get decor.

Every time Sandy hugged someone, I thought how pleased Ben and Ronnie would be.  

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14 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I did not see WWHL last night.  Please tell us what tea Joao spilled!!  

He no longer speaks to Hannah and Aesha. He stopped speaking to Hannah after he privately apologized for using a yachting term in reference to the crew sleeping together. He stated that she decided to take it to Twitter, even after he privately apologized and told her it was not in reference to her. Aesha blocked him on Twitter after she accused him of being upset he couldn’t sleep with her. He checked her, letting it be known he was never interested and he brought receipts. He also threw major shade at Hannah when Andy asked if he could build his perfect yacht team who would he and Ben choose. He straight up said everyone except for Hannah, because even though she’s a good worker there’s more that can be done in the chief stew department. 

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13 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Just because they don’t appear close doesn’t mean they aren’t. Travis is very vocal - he would have said if her hug made him uncomfortable. He still speaks quite highly of Captain Sandy in recent interviews. Colin has also spoken very highly of Captain Sandy and seems to be quite fond of her. I know the general public has been “eh” on her, but it seems the people that work with her on yachts have a decent relationship with her.

That is true. I will say that she is a motivational leader, she finds the positives in her crew and begins to cultivate the change she wants to see. I can admit that I over analyze a lot and all I saw was #metoo .

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3 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

That would be frustrating...also coming in late...everything in disarray...(it actually looks like a poorly designed galley for this size yacht..no? No space for basic pots /pans?

..also...I was wondering… It seems like the chef on a yacht is always needed...with few if any breaks...

EARLY breakfast prep...lunch prep...(especially if transported to land...crazy I’d think)...then 5 star dinner..and in between cooking for the whole crew..

I don’t recall Ben ever getting called out for not preparing food for crew but I do remember JWow  being pissed at Adam?..was it?...for not having a meal available 

I’m not familiar at all… ( SOOO surprising..I’ve never had the opportunity to charter a super yacht in the Mediterranean..🥴 😂)...but...

 I’ll give Ben a pass also… Especially since he bunks with Travis...what a treat...all the belching/wretching...then the “Mangina” shows! 🤪

That galley seems like every chef’s worst nightmare. Joao had every right to be pissed with Adam, he constantly forgot to feed the crew the entire season and would only feed them after someone stated they were hungry.

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1 hour ago, albarino said:

I'm with Hannah on this one. Ben knew the limitations with his equipment and didn't adapt.    Seriously, were there only 6-7 guests and he is the pro?  I am very serious, he has 15-16 hours to make 6 people three meals?  Spare me the drama, dude.  

Oh, and BTW, those filets looked terrible.  Short on burner space, I call chateaubriand in the oven at a high heat.  And don't even get me started on 200 eggs.......

He was a bit excessive with the eggs. I guess I feel empathy for him, knowing that he came in late in the charter season and didn’t have the time to set up the galley the way he would like.

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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

No but Adam worked in it in season 2. I actually found the galley that Adrien had to work in even crappier. It appeared to be even smaller and the cooking space was also the main walkthrough. 

Adrian never complained about his work space IIRC.

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14 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

The sobriety conversation should have happened off-camera. Travis needs help, but for all practical purposes he's now labeled as an alcoholic, which can affect his ability to find work - anywhere.

I think the very sloppy drunk behavior on camera will affect his ability to find work more than anything else. Hopefully, he gets it together.

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12 hours ago, janiema said:

We have to remember that the captains on these Bravo shows don’t have the same hiring/firing powers that they might have in real life.

Only regarding hiring the crew, which is done by production. The captain can fire any of them at any time.

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8 hours ago, spunky said:

He no longer speaks to Hannah and Aesha. He stopped speaking to Hannah after he privately apologized for using a yachting term in reference to the crew sleeping together. He stated that she decided to take it to Twitter, even after he privately apologized and told her it was not in reference to her. Aesha blocked him on Twitter after she accused him of being upset he couldn’t sleep with her. He checked her, letting it be known he was never interested and he brought receipts. He also threw major shade at Hannah when Andy asked if he could build his perfect yacht team who would he and Ben choose. He straight up said everyone except for Hannah, because even though she’s a good worker there’s more that can be done in the chief stew department. 

So wait, He's mad because Hannah commented, on her twitter feed, about comments he made publicly on a TV show? He apologized privately so what, she should've kept her mouth shut?  Sorry.  For as much as Joao has improved work wise, he still has such issues with women.  He was interested in Aesha, we watched it, and when she chose Jack, he got nasty.  He's throwing shade at Hannah because she didn't immediately forgive him for his crass comments.  He only tolerates women who stroke his ego. Waiting to see his reaction to Capt Sandy's criticism next week.  Then Joao can go far, far away and hopefully never return to my TV screen again.

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38 minutes ago, snarts said:

So wait, He's mad because Hannah commented, on her twitter feed, about comments he made publicly on a TV show? He apologized privately so what, she should've kept her mouth shut?  Sorry.  For as much as Joao has improved work wise, he still has such issues with women.  He was interested in Aesha, we watched it, and when she chose Jack, he got nasty.  He's throwing shade at Hannah because she didn't immediately forgive him for his crass comments.  He only tolerates women who stroke his ego. Waiting to see his reaction to Capt Sandy's criticism next week.  Then Joao can go far, far away and hopefully never return to my TV screen again.

He admitted on the after show to originally being attracted to Aesha, until she started talking about fingering her poop and other crude comments. As for Hannah, yes his “joke “ was a little crass. My problem with her reaction is that Colin started it by saying “It’s Hannah “, but somehow Joao is the only one getting all the backlash. I follow him on instagram and he seems to worship the ground Sandy walks on. It also appears that he was already interested in his current girlfriend (who seems like she’s not taking any crap), since he met her the day they taped last season’s reunion. 

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20 hours ago, dleighg said:

I'll respectfully disagree. I think she needed to think outside the box more-- I mean she was going into ticky tacky stores-- maybe go into a grocery or hardware-type store and be inspired. Though I also think Hannah would have done well to give some ideas. So in that sense, it does come back on her head.

How about the marine supply place that should be right there near the marina?  One of the tablescapes Sandy showed was made primarily of rope.  Get some nautical do-dads from the marine supply place like pulleys and line.  Arrange on crumpled fabric with flowers and fruit.  You got a tablescape that fits the atmosphere of a boat.

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I can't stand seeing Sandy on screen so much but I do have to admit that it does put her in the know about things go down. There have been times where Captain Lee has written in his blog while the show aired that if he had known such and such was happening, he would have done something about it. Sandy and Captain Lee seem like two extremes. We need a captain that checks in with the chef, chief stew and bosun often. But also someone who doesn't question guests about their food constantly and isn't quite so casual with her crew. Still, of the two, I would pick Captain Lee over Sandy any day!

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23 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

And I will add that they're away from friends and families... OK, for some of them -Hannah, Colin or Joao- weknow that they've not worked on charters outside of BDM, but it's not the case for Travis, for instance.

I'm on the "unpopular opinion" side here, because I thought the way that Sandly handled it was the good way. Talking with Hannah first (don't forget Hannah's brother problems with alcohol), talking to Travis after, voicing her concerns percisely and giving him a really good advice was the best way to handle it, for me. And YES, the "try 30 days and see" was a really good advice, because he will see his relation with alcohol from another perspective, and will -or not- give it a try. But she was really helpful and cheering here.

I was on Anastasia's side, regarding the stuff to buy for table settings, because I KNOW the shop where they went and, YES, it's cheap and tacky. For real

A good EP for me, lol !

Joao said that last season he was on a regular charter for 4-5 months before joining the show, which is why he's more tolerant of Travis because he gets his frustration.

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On 9/9/2019 at 7:58 PM, jaybird2 said:

i'm really tired of sandy hugging everyone...

The camera affects behavior.

I'm sure she wouldn't handle it the same on a real charter -- does she do real charters between seasons or just chill because the TV money is so good?

Travis' drinking is one of the main stories of the season so they're going to milk it, not fire him.  Because drunk people always make the air on reality TV shows.

Producers also want to milk Hanna being salty about Ben.  Will they replay clips of him turning her down?  But they can also prod her on talking heads to talk shit about Ben.

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16 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

The sobriety conversation should have happened off-camera. Travis needs help, but for all practical purposes he's now labeled as an alcoholic, which can affect his ability to find work - anywhere.

He knows he has a camera on him.  If he doesn't want his ability to work to be affected, he shouldn't binge drink.  If he can't stop binge drinking, he should remove himself from the boat and go to rehab.  His diminished job prospects and being labeled an alcoholic falls squarely on him. 

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On 9/9/2019 at 11:46 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

Adam was too distracted by what’s her face and onions to bother with bitching about the galley

Adam was the worst. I can't even rewatch his seasons. Especially the onion thing and moping around about Malia and "what we had". ( a night in a motel lol). pathetic!

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I understand everyone's perspectives, but alcoholism and mental illness (depression, anxiety) are diseases that require long-term care and compassion. Would production be shaming Travis if he had seizures or stroke or passed out? I'm pretty sure Kate imbibed during at least one of her charters, but she was careful to hide it and control it somewhat.

If Travis is unfit due to illness, they should remove him and not continually call attention to his behavior. Anyone who knows substance abuse knows that these folks cannot simply stop drinking on command. Look at Katie on RHoP.

While I appreciate Sandy's story, she was humble-bragging for more camera time. Once one of her defenders, I now think her huggy-praisey behavior is calculated and she can only sustain it when things are going her way.

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21 hours ago, dleighg said:

I'll respectfully disagree. I think she needed to think outside the box more-- I mean she was going into ticky tacky stores-- maybe go into a grocery or hardware-type store and be inspired. Though I also think Hannah would have done well to give some ideas. So in that sense, it does come back on her head.

It's the end of the season and they're just now worrying about their lack luster  table decor. I agree buying tacky junk is a waste but surely there are better shops in these ports where someone with imagination could find something. I think Hannah said in a previous season she's not great at it. Maybe she could take some lessons from Kate who sets a great table.

I do like this show but these last episodes have been a bit slow. I'm so over Sandy. Give me some Kate and Captain Lee please! Kate's a bitch but in a good way - witty and entertaining. Any guesses on who the chef will be? 

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I’m ready for Sandy to call out Hannah next week regarding the interior. I know she has a lot to do that isn’t usually seen, but she’s not a worker bee like Kate. She also fails at making things pretty for the guests. Hannah may go check that her stews have put order to a guest’s room, but  Kate would always up the game with her towel animals, anchors etc. Same with being hands on with the tablescapes. Hannah seems very uninspired at this point. 

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15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

The hierarchy on the boat has been made clear that it is separated in terms of interior vs exterior staff

Maybe I'm making this up but I seem to remember that Hannah had an argument with Joao in the van last year where he said something nasty and she told him she was his superior officer.  If I'm remembering that correctly, wouldn't it also make her a superior officer to Travis since he is at the same level this year as Joao was last year? 

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46 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

I understand everyone's perspectives, but alcoholism and mental illness (depression, anxiety) are diseases that require long-term care and compassion. Would production be shaming Travis if he had seizures or stroke or passed out? I'm pretty sure Kate imbibed during at least one of her charters, but she was careful to hide it and control it somewhat.

If Travis is unfit due to illness, they should remove him and not continually call attention to his behavior. Anyone who knows substance abuse knows that these folks cannot simply stop drinking on command. Look at Katie on RHoP.

While I appreciate Sandy's story, she was humble-bragging for more camera time. Once one of her defenders, I now think her huggy-praisey behavior is calculated and she can only sustain it when things are going her way.

I don't think anyone thinks someone with an addiction would easily be able to turn it off.  But at the same time, it's not production's fault and I applaud them for showing this.  He doesn't think he has a problem, period.  Perhaps showing the ugly will wake his ass up and convince him upon viewing that he needs help badly.  What I'm seeing of him on this show is someone that will drink himself to death or be beaten, robbed, killed without people minding over him -- like his castmates and production.  I think in the long run his being exposed will help him more than hurt him.

He signed up to be filmed.  I  do not feel sorry for him that his binge drinking and how it affects his life and his crew is being aired.  In fact, it's almost a public service not to ever binge drink.  Like my daughter should watch this and see how out of control you can get and how dangerous it is.  Imagine if Travis didn't have a camera crew and his cast mates surrounding him?  He is a target for being robbed, beaten, killed if he doesn't kill himself through alcohol poisoning.  I feel badly for anyone with an addiction, but this guy doesn't think he has a problem.  

Edited by sasha206
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Ben said it best on the after show. That's why I like him so much. He is very articulate and conveys his points well. He mentioned how yachties in their 20s get carried away easily with drinking and partying. In their 30s & beyond, they're less likely to get that way as they've sort of been there and done that & keep their mind on the tasks at hand. 

I see Travis' drinking as a double edge sword. The yachtie culture (partying in exotic locales you haven't been to before with young, energetic eclectic people) and stress of not being home and just working most of the time.  

I once had a very stressful job that I hated and was afraid to make a change. I therefore stayed in the job but continued getting slammed most nights. It was the worst time in my life and glad I'm not there anymore. I have a family and don't feel the need to drink. I hope Travis finds happiness through courage to make a change in life. 

Edited by Kdawg82
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1 hour ago, Lady of nod said:

It's the end of the season and they're just now worrying about their lack luster  table decor. I agree buying tacky junk is a waste but surely there are better shops in these ports where someone with imagination could find something. I think Hannah said in a previous season she's not great at it. Maybe she could take some lessons from Kate who sets a great table.

I do like this show but these last episodes have been a bit slow. I'm so over Sandy. Give me some Kate and Captain Lee please! Kate's a bitch but in a good way - witty and entertaining. Any guesses on who the chef will be? 

Most of these coastal towns are geared towards seasonal tourism.  They'd probably have to go to Nice or Monaco to find fancy home furnishings stores which might have that stuff.  Maybe Cannes.  The smaller ports between these good-sized cities likely aren't going to have much in the way of shopping other than tourist mementos or some clothing.

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