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S16.E03: Nominations #1

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Ugh, hate how they show the guys scheming while the women talk about their nails – set to some Laurel and Hardy sounding music in the background no less.


Also, have they always had that hilarious intro with all the contestants acting like total douches? I was laughing so hard!


Nicole and Christine are hilarious! I love the way they're all dorky, jumping up and down and pushing their glasses up. As a fellow big glasses wearing, dorky girl, I'm seriously rooting for them.


What on earth is Devin doing??? They would be soooo stupid not to back door him ASAP.


My favorites thus far: Donny, Christine, Nicole, Derrick, Amber


Dislike: Caleb, Devin


Dislike to a lesser extent: Pow Pow, Victoria


Up in the air: Joey, Frankie, Cody, Brittney, Jocasta, Zach, Hayden

Edited by TexasChic

Hi!  I'm a girl!  I like to talk about my fingernails while the smart boys discuss strategy!   But being dumb helps in one sense.  Sitting around and thinking doesn't seem to be doing Devin any favors.  


Donny, Nicole and Christine are also my favorites thus far.  Victoria and Paola are my least favorite among the women.   As for the guys, I like Frankie's smarts and sarcasm in the DR.  Not sure yet about the others.  

Edited by Thalia
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Tonight's random thoughts:


Dammit show, we want our blue&grey previously's back. You go all high def on the cheesetastic new intros, fine, but if it's footage that has already happened it must be properly presented or all hell is going to break loose!!


*laughs* Ohdeergahd, The Moving Company. Not that The Bomb Squad is much better, but I had to laugh at it's remembrance.


Eww there is turf not grass?!?


Oh Devin how dare you and your terrrrible acting double cross Donny??


I don't like these blutooth display keys... I like people getting their keys... not this, this... charade!


What is with people wanting to make these giant alliances?? Every person you add is that much more trouble that much more to add to the critical mass that makes things explode. WTF is Devin thinking??


Oh and if there was a list of words to describe Pao "graceful" and/or "athletic" would not be listed.

Edited by Wandering Snark

OK, so I usually am not interested in most of the competitions but not only did I love the swinging champagne comp, I actually wish I could've done it. I would've rocked that comp! I especially loved the whole 20's vibe. Fabulous.

Yeah, Devin sucks at this game, and is ripe for an early blindside. I would be worried about The Bomb Squad, except for the fact of who is in it, and who is not that interested in being in it, so I'm not that worried.

Christine and Nicole are adorable and I'm already rooting for them, which means they'll be gone before jury.

Finally, thanks BB for showing me that the men like to talk about strategy and important stuff, while the women like to talk about their nails, and sit around waiting to be invited by lunatics into the men's alliance. I totally know how BB works now, thanks so much!

Edited by Katesus7
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  On 6/30/2014 at 1:36 AM, TimWil said:

Cool new intro but nobody else noticed they misspelled Jocasta's name as "Jacosta" in it? A few minutes later they got it right again when she was in the DR. Will it be expensive to make the correction in the intro?

So glad someone else saw that. I don't really pay close attention to the intros, so I only caught a split second of it.


Devin is such a tool. I think he may be a bigger tool than Caleb. That was a super cool competition though. I could watch Paola flail around getting tangled in the swings for hours. Poor Donny, to have his fate tied up with that.

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My initial impression of the houseguests have done a 180!


Frankie and Zach are no longer annoying, or tools. Devin is the annoying tool right now. Jocasta mellowed too, Brittany is such a patient sweetheart, and I still do like Cody.


This is a really good season so far. Not the mess that last year was.


ETA: :It's interesting to note that most even seasons seem to be great while the odd seasons are a litlte meh.... (15,13, 11, 9 etc - 10, 12, 14 were really good, and now 16, wow.)

Edited by Big Mother
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Group A definitely has an advantage with America because we've seen more of them. I really like Amber, Nicole, and Donny. I also like Brittany, Christine I can't STAND Caleb (saying the girls aren't smart), Joey, Paola (?). I used to not like Frankie but he was better this episode. I really hate the bomb squad whoever said floaters=womanfolk, I agree. So I was happy they brought in Amber and Christine.


I wish Devin was true to his alliance with Donny.

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It really kills me that not only does this show clearly have a certain type of contestant that they want, but they also will then make sure to edit things to make reality fit what they want it to look like. They want dumb girls, then by jove they will get dumb girls! It's really galling.


However, as others have noted, at least they've casted much better this season. There are a number of just flat out adorable people this season, like Donny, Christine and Nicole. Plus nice, normal people like Cody and Amber (and Brittany to a certain extent). And even the annoying over-the-top personalities like Frankie and Zach are really not that bad at all. 


I can easily live with the Paola, Caleb and Devins of the world for a few weeks. Although I imagine Caleb will be here a lot longer than the other two. 


EDITED TO ADD: And yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a Big Brother player make the same kind of move Devin did by exposing the alliance and just adding two members to it without running it by anyone. There's obviously been dumber moves, but this was dumb in such a unique way that I think it was a Big Brother first for me. Can anyone recall anyone else doing something similar before? 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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(Wanders in, checks out the new digs, settles in for the season)

Hey, y'all. (Waves at former TWoP posters). Another season another batch of idiot hamsters for us to snark at. Speaking of which…

Devin you are an idiot. Six people in alliance is probably too many to hold together for the entire summer and now you want to bring it up to eight? And you add these random two girls, out your alliance, and don't tell your alliance about it ahead of time? I give you until week three before they nominate your ass and send you out the door for being an idiot and too much of a loose cannon.

Props to barista girl for just going along with being the bomb squad add on. Information is an important to have at this stage and the more people who think you're on their side the better off you're going to be. Also, props to Donnie for having the patience not to leap off the swing and drown powpow in the fake champagne. And props to the challenge designers that was one of their better ideas in some time.

A promising start to the new season. I will remain cautiously optimistic until everyone starts pissing me off which should happen around week three or four.

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  On 6/30/2014 at 1:21 AM, no1skittishkitten said:

In considering the various levels and degrees of douchebaggery in the Big Brother world, I really thought the likes of Jeremy and Bookie were the apex. But, no, Devin has managed to climb just one rung higher on the douchebag ladder.


Also, this season the word "floater" is code for "womenfolk."


Devin so far has proven to be a deluded player and disloyal, but he has yet to cross into the horrible human being category of Jeremy.  So unless he starts terrorizing and bullying the other houseguests he still has a way to go to reach the douchebaggery levels of Jeremy and his crew.

Edited by Sentient Meat

So, of the 15 other houseguests, Devin has now made alliances with 11 of them.  That's just nuts.  I'm actually rooting for Caleb to backdoor his butt out after the veto now.


(The four houseguests that Devin has deemed unworthy of allying with are Hayden, Brittany, Victoria, and Jocasta.)


Agree that the "those silly girls, tanning themselves" editing was sexist.  Not to mention inaccurate; the original Girls' Alliance ("El Cuatro") formed before half the "Bomb Squad" guys were even in the house.  Do the editors really think we can't remember a whole two episodes/four days ago?  Sheesh.


Disappointed in Amber/Christine not spilling about the Bomb Squad to the rest of the house, immediately.  I guess there's time, though. And I suppose they want to be sure they're safe, post-veto.


LOVE the new title sequence!  Way to go, optical house!  (I wonder how the evicted HG's walkout shots will be edited into this?  I'd hate it if the evictees were just kicked out of the pool.) 



Dammit show, we want our blue&grey previously's back. You go all high def on the cheesetastic new intros, fine, but if it's footage that has already happened it must be properly presented or all hell is going to break loose!!


The "Previously on Biiiiiiiiig Brother" sequence, which Clayton (Announcer Guy) narrates before the titles, has always been in color.  It's the post-titles recap footage (unnarrated, just with audio ["I have nominated you, Aurora, and you, Barbie, for eviction.  I think you're both strong women, may the best woman win"]) that's in B/W, so we can add in the color as we go to the new footage.   This episode, we just started with a fresh event ("Who wants to see our HoH room?"), which I'm okay with, since the episode had a lot in it and last episode ended with Joey getting her Team America news, which would be difficult to replay/fade in on.  But yes, the old formula next episode, please.


Oh, and speaking of the "Previously…" sequence, that bit where they introduced the second group of eight with "among them were the barrista, the minister, the hot mom, etc", they ended up showing six of the eight from night 2!  Everybody except for Zach and Victoria…Anti-Semitism?  (Okay, probably not. )


I agree that the removal of the nomination wheel is a really big mistake.  (I too hope it is temporary.)  Not only do we lose the dramatic build of the keys being pulled, one by one ("Zebulon, you are safe…Yaroslav, you are safe…Xerxes, you are safe") but we miss out on the shots of the nominees having their stomachs get tighter bit by bit, as their chances for safety disappear, and they are left with nothing; no key, excluded from the society to which they belong.  It really works for the show, psychologically, now that I think about it.  In contrast, this high-tech "press a button, show a nominee" business is both too brief, and too   positive for the nominees; sure, you're shocked to be nominated, but look, it's your picture up on the screen.  Feels affirmative on some level, when all that should be there is a sickening emptiness.  It seems to me they could have kept the "keys" concept while working with their new toy.  (Look how BBCanada does the key cards, for example.)


I liked Brittany and Victoria working together to win the Battle…in fact, I like them, talk of Brittany's fading smile and the attempt to give Victoria a "princess" edit aside.  I think they balance each other well, and I'd like to see them form a friendship; indeed, I wouldn't mind seeing them as the Final 2.  (Which is of course way too early to call, but I did get the "Rachel/Porsche F2, with Rachel winning" result that I wanted after the first week of BB13, so nothing's impossible.)


And, Big Mother, I agree about the "enjoying every other season" pattern, but I was on the opposite side of the fence from you with regard to the specifics;  I far preferred S9/S11/S13 over the Donato-rigged S8, S10 (the year of "shut UP, Dan!") and S12, with the Bore-gade.  I was quite pleased when S14 broke my pattern, then horrified at how hell-bent last season seemed to be on making up for lost suckage.  Hopefully, we're back on the rails this season.  Fingers crossed.

Edited by DAngelus
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I'm glad to see the stupid Heads In Boxes credit style is gone.  I always hated that, and it stuck around WAY too long.  Yes the new credits are super-fake-posey, but it's fairly well done.  Not sure I get the water/waves motif, but I guess it looks nice.


Christine and Nicole, as I said in a previous thread, do indeed appear to be the exact same person (minus the likes to get nekkid thing).

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the keys thing. Yeah, that is awful and hopefully it ceases as soon as this current HoH twist ends. I believe there still are physical keys for everyone, right?


By the way, do we know what the deal is with HoHs going forward? The final two remaining HGs are the two HoHs or will there be two separate HoH competitions every week?

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NotTheRock bluffing Beardy made him SEEM smart for a minute or two, but MAN did he get revealed as a dumbass soon after.  This kind of game nobody needed a majority, and he's now signaled his own alliance that he's willing to go rogue.  


So either he's the first to get blindsided/scapegoated in his own group, or the girls eventually use their knowledge to form a counter-alliance.

Well, I'm liking Christine, Nicole, Donny, Brittany, Cody, Amber, and maybe even Zach and Frankie so far, which has to be some sort of record. Frankie seemed a lot more naturally funny and less tryhard in the DR this week.


I don't see any way Devin lasts more than two or three weeks. Watching him crash and burn will be pretty great.


I adored the swinging challenge. It's nice to see them bring something new for once, and execute it well (and it was pretty to look at, too!)

Why does this show cast men who talk like they are in a Vanilla Ice video from 1992?  If Devin said "bro" one more time I was going to create a time/space transporter just so I could transport myself to the big brother house and kick him in the nuts.  Seriously though, his alliance reminds me of that one guy who made all these stupid alliances early in the season (I think with Dan) and got booted almost immediately.  It was phenomenal.


And I also don't like Devin faking Donny out and then smiling for the cameras, that was just unnecessary douche baggery.  Everyone knows that its a game, and you have to play and sometimes you have to be a jerk and break your word, but it shouldn't be anything that makes you so happy.  You shouldn't be happy that you can't keep your word to someone.  And I wouldn't be shocked if Donny sort of had it figured out, because if I were Donny, I would think Devin's "tears" were a little over the top, because frankly the two of them just met a week or two ago.  And besides that, Donny didn't even seem all that phased by it, so why would Devin be crying?


And while I don't like Victoria, Franky did her wrong, she may be annoying to me, but he did say he wanted to be aligned with her, and at this point there are so many other players that are cannon fodder, why get out a weak player that you made a promise to at this point?

  • Love 2

I didn't get the Victoria thing either. Frankie could have easily thrown Nicole up there and it wouldn't have been an issue. It seems like he stuck too closely to Caleb's BS reasoning for his nominations ("They were the first to fall off") and felt that he had to stick with that, too. But really, man, it is not like anyone is going to hear that explanation and say, "Oh, okay, never mind then I am totally cool with you nominating me," so why not just NOT nominate someone you were so close to? You need allies OUTSIDE of your main alliance, Frankie! Nicole (as adorable and as cute as she is) is useless - nominating her would not hurt him at all. So yeah, I agree, terrible decision by Frankie. 


EDITED TO ADD: Then again, Victoria is so lame I wouldn't be THAT surprised if she still ended up aligning with Frankie (although I don't think she'll ever really trust him again). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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"I agree that the removal of the nomination wheel is a really big mistake.  (I too hope it is temporary.)  Not only do we lose the dramatic build of the keys being pulled, one by one ("Zebulon, you are safe…Yaroslav, you are safe…Xerxes, you are safe") but we miss out on the shots of the nominees having their stomachs get tighter bit by bit, as their chances for safety disappear, and they are left with nothing; no key, excluded from the society to which they belong.  It really works for the show, psychologically, now that I think about it."


Gotta disagree -- that was the part of old show that I fast-forwarded past the most, starting with the part where they all start to sit down, right through until the nominations are revealed.  Most of the time I should have fast-forwarded through the HOH explanations, too, as they were usually pretty lame, but there was the occasional burn-your-bridges rant that made it entertaining.  I'm not minding this new process at all.


Devin is not a douche.  Devin is an idiot.  ZACH is a douche.

  • Love 2


I didn't get the Victoria thing either. Frankie could have easily thrown Nicole up there and it wouldn't have been an issue. It seems like he stuck too closely to Caleb's BS reasoning for his nominations



I thought I heard Caleb arguing for Hayden to keep both sets of noms boy-girl, and Frankie said that he had no idea how to justify that.  I thought that made the Victoria thing look worse.  And it also erased any doubt in my mind that Frankie doesn't fit in with the Bro alliance.


My estimation of Derrick and Cody went up as they both immediately rolled their eyes at being stuck with that alliance for now.

Well, I missed a good chuck of the beginning thanks to the storms out here messing up the satellite. It went straight from the obnoxious new intro to nominations. Thankful for this board, so I can read about what I missed. 


I think the way both HOHs handled nominations was smart - choose the people who performed worst in the challenge. That way not only do you look "fair" (especially at this stage in the game when you barely know people), but it also is YOUR safest bet as possibly dethroned HOH. Too bad Frankie had already bonded so much with Victoria, because it didn't look good from her end. But what in the seven hells was up with Caleb crying about his noms??? Was that even real? Expect the unexpected, indeed. 


So, like I said, I missed the first half of the episode, but from what I saw Devin is coming across like a paranoid mad-man. His alliance sure didn't appreciate him going around making unilateral decisions for the group. And his freak-out about Donny was so crazy. I do think people are underestimating Donny. But if all you have to go by is "he makes people laugh", you're just going to look like an idiot. 


Too bad Donny got paired with Pao Pao because she was a hot mess during that BOB challenge. Hopefully she gets sent home first. She is incredibly annoying. 

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Props to barista girl for just going along with being the bomb squad add on. Information is an important to have at this stage and the more people who think you're on their side the better off you're going to be.


Yea, Christine handled that beautifully. And her DR about how dumb it was to trust her was hilarious. 


Also, props to Donnie for having the patience not to leap off the swing and drown powpow in the fake champagne.


He was being very patient and supportive and Pao Pao was being all pissy and defensive. I don't think she plays well with others. 



But what in the seven hells was up with Caleb crying about his noms???

I never trust that ANYTHING is real, and I suspect that it was to counterpoint Devin's assertion earlier that the women play with their feelings rather than their heads. Just as I assume that we'll find out that the women have been stratejorizing all along in a much more savvy way than the men, who aren't taking anything into account in forming alliances other than anatomy. OR the men (especially Devin) will be turned away from the Guy Alliance just as soon as one of the women gets one of the men into bed.

Edited by NorthstarATL

I got all annoyed with Devin's douchey grin after he reassured Donny and he left the room, especially after he splashed water on his face to look like he had been crying. SERIOUSLY? And obviously nobody saw him or noticed because I'd think the editors would've thrown in at least one shot of that to confirm that it had been worth his effort. But then Devin just took the initiative to invite a couple girls into the all-male alliance? Wow. Somebody's overplaying the game. In a BIG way. With the way everyone's just looking at him like, "Who ARE you?" I don't expect him to last much longer.


And points to Derrick, who seems to be the only person who admits that creating alliances after just a day or two is the stupidest thing ever. I mean, from day one, I wouldn't have wanted to team up with Frankie because he was still queening out for the cameras and getting on my nerves. But now that he's settled down slightly, I can see that he might be a decent player and worth working with. Why would anyone want to start an alliance with a relative stranger?


That said, I am really pulling for the Nerd Girl Alliance, because from the minute those two walked into the house, I thought they were awesome and should team up. But I also want Donny in their alliance. Nerd Girls FTW!

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Thinking even more about the ridiculous bringing the girls into the alliance- why did he WAKE Caleb up to tell him? What difference did it make if he had already done it?


I know! That part was borderline scary. You need to wake someone up in the middle of the night for this shit? Caleb had a serious "dafuq???" look on his face when he realized what was going on. Devin has lost his mind.

I'm cutting Caleb some slack, too, because he hasn't done anything horrible so far.  As the alpha-male type, I thought he would be more obnoxious as the HOH.


My favorite part of the show was the conversation about Brittany's fake smile.  Those observations are the things that get you far in this game.  I'm glad that they've cast people who've seen the show.

The smartest thing Devin ever did was make an alliance with Donny. Donny is definitely one I'd team up with. The man was a saint with PowPow during the comp.

But then, I'm not sure why Caleb and Frankie didn't corral Donny in the mix. Shows how stupid they are or how this alliance is more for show. Nominating Victoria was stupid. I guess Frankie thinks he can talk himself out of everything. Don't think so. He's no Reagan.

My girls love Caleb and Cory.

The cast this year appears more family friendly so far. It's about time.



But then, I'm not sure why Caleb and Frankie didn't corral Donny in the mix. Shows how stupid they are or how this alliance is more for show

As Frankie put it, he thought he'd have to infiltrate a jock alliance- so I think he was just happy to be asked to be part of the jock alliance; he wasn't going to make waves by trying to get the other "outsider" in.  Caleb called it a men's alliance, but he left out Hayden and Donny, the non-jocks.  I think if Frankie wasn't HOH at the time, he wouldn't have made the cut.

I can't figure out if Devin is just an idiot or if there's something seriously wrong with him. Like maybe too many steroids went to his brain. At best, he is playing way too hard way too fast and not at all well. I suppose he somehow thought he was not only the mastermind behind the whole Bomb Squad alliance but in charge of it too. I have no idea why he just chose Amber and Christine at random to join in. Neither did they, apparently. I just don't think Devin's elevator goes to the top floor. 


Then again this alliance seemed to come together simply because the big strong muscle guys thought they'd be an unstoppable force based solely on the fact that they are big strong muscle guys (plus Frankie who they had to include simply because he was HoH and sitting right there), so it serves them right to get screwed over by the nutjob they thought would be a great alliance member simply because of his physical size. 


Crying over being nominated on week 1 should really disqualify you from even being on a reality show, but that's just me. I'm sure it's actually a preferred criteria the casting people look for. Crying over your nominations? Even dumber. That said, I'm not hating Caleb nearly as much as I thought I would.


I for one am happy to see the giant key box gone along with the tedious monologue that always accompanies it. Still not sure about this duel HoH twist but at least it changes things up.

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I must confess I think Paola was tanking it.  Not sure why she WOULD, given her vulnerability, but I find it hard to believe she went from being so incompetent she was dangling off what appeared to be a very comfortable swing, to getting way more in her glass and passing more of it to her partner than the other two women did.  


If it were later in the season and I were Donnie, I'd assume the fix was in to get me out, and Paola was in on it.


Frankie grew on me a bit this week.  Once he calms down he's rational and somewhat clever.  Wish he'd ditch the Big Brother Larger Than Life Gay Guy With the Smart Mouth character he was cast to play.  He's got more to offer.


Devin, Devin, Devin... it was nice looking at you.

Is anyone else worried that Devin has screwed over Christine and Amber by inviting them into the Bomb Squad?  If I was one of the other guys I wouldn't just be pissed at Devin, I would paint Christine and Amber with the same brush unless they were able to do some serious damage control.  No one likes pushy people and for all they know Christine and Amber pressured Devin to spill all their secrets.


I may be reading too much into it, but I definitely cringed on Christine and Amber's behalf when he insisted they go up to talk to Caleb.

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