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"The View": Week of 9/2/2019


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24 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Best part of this segment?   Whoopie saying 'You're all always on a diet', and MM shouting back, "I am never on a diet!   I am never on a diet!  Look at me!  I am never on a diet!"

But you will be one day, Princess.  Your time is coming...unless you're somehow assisted--medically.

3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Meghan: I was told to soften up when I first came to this show

Joy: Who told you that?

Meghan:  My mom.

  • LOL 11
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5 minutes ago, lusinia said:

So Meghan says, with her typical snarl, "Mayor Pete, you're not gonna change anybody's mind on that", about his suggestion that people, of faith and not, think about addressing the climate emergency because it's moral issue. 

So Mayor Buttigieg, who is more educated, well-spoken, talented and accomplished than Megan is (and they're just about the same age, so I should add more mature to that list). can't possibly cause someone to rethink their position on why and what we need to do about climate change, but she thinks that her opinions are something that people should listen to and come around to agreeing with?  Puh-leez.

I do wonder why she's so contemptuous of him, since he fits into two of her favorite catagories of people,

He probably didn’t kiss her ass long enough for the high accomplishment of being born John McCains daughter!

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From a CNN article. URL below (only because it's interesting)

  • Don't wear white after Labor Day!" chirp the ancient etiquette experts and the aunties glaring over their plates of ambrosia salad at your snowy mid-September outfit. Are we still doing that old fashion rule, or nah?
  • Survey says: Nah. You're mostly good. Here's what you need to know to bury that notion once and for all.
  • https://www.cnn.com/style/article/labor-day-white-fashion-rules-trnd/index.html
Edited by HaaCHOO
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14 minutes ago, pachebo said:

re: Wednesday's show. Whoopi, who is enthralled with "the kid" Andrew Yang  probably in part cuz his "$1k to every american plan" might relieve her of her family sucking at her financial tit, also got it wrong (big surprise there!). He has not said that that money would come directly from companies like Amazon (although if they paid taxes, there would be more money in the US treasury to fund such a program, but that is another story). If Whoopi were a roofer, she's miss every third shingle.

Whoopie seemed so surprised about Bernie's plan that I wondered if she thought he was now promising all adults $1000 a month like Yang is.  I think Bernie thought she was making this mistake, because he made a point of saying he was promising jobs.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

They're all screeching over each other AGAIN over Joy's freaking lasagna.   Shut up already!!!!   

And Joy has always been gracious in the lasagna conversations, never pointing out in front of MEgun on national TV that she only makes lasagna for friends.

Edited by deirdra
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33 minutes ago, lusinia said:

So Meghan says, with her typical snarl, "Mayor Pete, you're not gonna change anybody's mind on that", about his suggestion that people, of faith and not, think about addressing the climate emergency because it's moral issue. 

So Mayor Buttigieg, who is more educated, well-spoken, talented and accomplished than Megan is (and they're just about the same age, so I should add more mature to that list). can't possibly cause someone to rethink their position on why and what we need to do about climate change, but she thinks that her opinions are something that people should listen to and come around to agreeing with?  Puh-leez.

I do wonder why she's so contemptuous of him, since he fits into two of her favorite catagories of people,

I actually find it funny that 3 days into the new season, the woman who speaks for 50% of America (50% she is claiming to be Republican/Conservative to which I would challenge that 'stat') she has basically described them as violent (don't take their guns away) and ignorant (doesn't matter what you say, they can't be taught any different than what they know...at least when it comes to climate change). Even if I did share her views, I would be mortified that someone as inarticulate and unprofessional as Meghan McCain would be considered the face of what I stand for.

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17 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Reading this, Natalie68, reminds me of the publicity photos of Eric and Donnie Trump with the beautiful (sometimes endangered) animals they've killed.  When I come across them and am horrified--when she sees them, does Meghan's little heart beat faster and she considers calling her travel agent?  "Trump and his brother Eric, both avid game hunters, were featured in a series of controversial photos posted online posing with animals they had killed in Africa in 2012, including an elephant, crocodile, kudu, civet cat, leopard and waterbuck."

Those pictures make me very sad and mad as hell!  I am not normally a mean person but I am waiting for one of those beautiful creatures to turn the tables on the hunters, whoever they are.  What a pathetic human being one must be to get their thrills killing, for no other reason that a small pecker, such majestic animals.  Jimmy Johns owner is another one that makes me sick.

  • Love 17

MY OPINION!    Whoopi thinks Marianne Williamson is WAY OFF BASE when she Tweeted: “The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas...may all be in our prayers now,” she tweeted. “Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is a creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.”

I see no difference between the act of praying and the acts of "visualization and meditation."  I'm a non-believer, is that my problem?  Is Whoopi always right?

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46 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I actually find it funny that 3 days into the new season, the woman who speaks for 50% of America (50% she is claiming to be Republican/Conservative to which I would challenge that 'stat') she has basically described them as violent (don't take their guns away) and ignorant (doesn't matter what you say, they can't be taught any different than what they know...at least when it comes to climate change). Even if I did share her views, I would be mortified that someone as inarticulate and unprofessional as Meghan McCain would be considered the face of what I stand for.

I doubt any Republican/Conservative considers Meghan their spokesperson. The way she stereotypes them is ridiculous. She continually pushes the (wrong) belief that middle of America is home to all Republicans.  Her own beloved Arizona voted a Democrat to the Senate.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, lusinia said:

Whoopie seemed so surprised about Bernie's plan that I wondered if she thought he was now promising all adults $1000 a month like Yang is.  I think Bernie thought she was making this mistake, because he made a point of saying he was promising jobs.

Whoopie doesn't seem to pay attention at all.  This guy does a good job explaining how Whoopie doesn't really research before interviewing.  This isn't even about regarding to Sanders,  I've noticed she does this a lot in general.  Also like the guy says below, if you are an average viewer  Whoopi does not do a good job explaining the situation.

Edited by seltzer3
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58 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I hope we can get Whoopi's tax situation straightened out so she doesn't have to go bargain for wilted flowers at the bodega. 

Yeah, I was a bit confused.  was she talking about floating the flower heads in shallow vases? or sprinkling flower petals on the table?  she did talk about taking the heads off the stems, so I wasn't clear on what she was saying to do with them. 

But the idea that you can go to a convenience store and offer to pay $1 for $3 flowers struck me as a little weird.  In my area, the cheapo, end of the sell-by date, flowers would be at Walgreens or 7-11, and I don't believe the store clerks there have the authority to bargain about price.  If she's talking about bargaining with a store owner?  FFS, whoopi, give the man his three bucks!  

Off-topic, but Trader Joe's is the best place to buy cheap cut flowers that last a long time.  

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, 2JEWELL said:

He probably didn’t kiss her ass long enough for the high accomplishment of being born John McCains daughter!

On the climate / Pete/ religion discussion  Abby had to say how uncomfortable  he made her ,Joy said to speak to Pence and GOP and MeGun  mumbled something out of the side of her mouth as a poster described. what was it I backed it up several times and CC didn’t pick it up. Was she defending Pence and the GOP hypocrisy? 

The dress was fine pretty color and print on her. but if you notice on article HaChoo posted none had white shoes on.  

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FASHION REPORT:   Did Wendy Williams make her own dress?

LITERARY REPORT:   Whoopi's book is $35 on Amazon and a few other places.  List price?  $47.

I like READING about hostessing/cooking/decorating, so I'll wait until the book is used and at a better price for me, thank you.

Think those who used the Power of the Mind to change the course of Dorian will also use it to elect Marianne?

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2 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I loathe her, but. . . . . . Nutmeg looks pretty today.   Pink agrees with her.   It softens her edges --- until she opens her nasty mouth.

well, I think she looks better.....I think it is the shorter, more natural looking hairstyle

but the makeup people did a poor job in my opinion on the contour rouge (another case of them wanting to show their dislike for her for making her look like a clown?)

but, yeah, open that mouth and it lets you know that nothing has changed, she's still the miserable self-centered rude person

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

1.  I'm disappointed that not ONE panel member challenged Meghan's calling Elizabeth Warren a LIAR!

2. My ex-husband told everyone (especially our children) that he/they were part Native American because his mother was born in Oklahoma.  My boys got their DNA tests and learned they are NOT Native American.  I saw the ex's mother's birth certificate and she was born in Idaho. I don't think even HE believed his own "stories."

Me too!  I yelled at the screen.  Meghan gets away with way too many of her bullshit claims going unchallenged.  Late term abortion, Elizabeth Warren, and many others.  Either she IS that stupid and unable to learn or she is knowingly lying.  Either way she cannot be trusted with giving an accurate story.  Does The View want to be known as a peddler of fake news?  Come on ABC!  This is lowering your credibility.

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2 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Joy should try wearing that colour, boy she's grouchy, and so snide. Does she ever lighten up? Her joke about Trump and Stormy went over like a lead balloon.

Meg did look good in pink, Abby and Sunny both looked good, Whoopi never dresses well

Honestly, there is a lot to be grumpy about these days.

  • Love 18

Whoopi suggesting asking a clerk at a 7- 11 to knock down on purchase price of flowers really rubbed me the wrong way.  I’m a retired  floral designer having worked many upscale shops and while living in a wealthy central coast city a women would pass by our inside garbage cans next to where we designed and try to take out any flowers back to her home overlooking the ocean.  A friend still in the business has a few bouquets clearly marked down as “ mature” but people will complain after the fact they didn’t last. 

I somehow had the idea Whoopi didn’t like entertaining except for her Thanksgiving or was it Christmas dinner.?  What was Joys thought on Whoopi’s house having many tchotchkes around?  I haven’t been feeling well so don’t know if it’s that or they are talking over each other plus MM screaming. I would just have to read one sarcastic tweet or see one video of someone emphasizing my foolishness that I’d be silent. I’m embarrassed for her.   

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10 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I somehow had the idea Whoopi didn’t like entertaining except for her Thanksgiving or was it Christmas dinner.?  

That is what I thought too. But then I decided it makes perfect sense for her to do a book on entertaining because she has a clothes line after all and she dresses like a scarecrow most days. I am sure her bra line SLSC (Swing Low Sweet Chariots) will be out any day now.

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2 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

( Abby didnt seem to care) 

Abby's already had the honor of Joy giving her a lasagna last season.  I don't remember if it was for her birthday or just because, but I remember Abby showing a photo of her husband finishing off the last of it.  Meghan was pissed then, too, and Joy was noncommittal about her ever getting one. 

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16 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

Whoopi suggesting asking a clerk at a 7- 11 to knock down on purchase price of flowers really rubbed me the wrong way.

I love a bargain but there is difference between bargain shopping and being cheap. Whoopi is cheap. It's one thing to try to negotiate a better price for a house or car you are a buying but flowers at a 7/11?  Give me fucking break.

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1 hour ago, HaaCHOO said:

I see no difference between the act of praying and the acts of "visualization and meditation."  I'm a non-believer, is that my problem?  Is Whoopi always right?

I could have written this myself -- so was Whoopie saying Marianne Williamson's suggestion is ridiculous because it's not going to work, but prayers are okay because....they do?  Whoopie's never struck me as being particularly religious.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Abby's already had the honor of Joy giving her a lasagna last season.  I don't remember if it was for her birthday or just because, but I remember Abby showing a photo of her husband finishing off the last of it.  Meghan was pissed then, too, and Joy was noncommittal about her ever getting one. 

I think it was a pre-baby gift. I think Joy should demonstrate how to make the lasagna on her show and then tell Meghan to make her own damn lasagna (although I’d be surprised if Meghan even knew how to cook). 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

On the climate / Pete/ religion discussion  Abby had to say how uncomfortable  he made her ,Joy said to speak to Pence and GOP and MeGun  mumbled something out of the side of her mouth as a poster described. what was it I backed it up several times and CC didn’t pick it up. Was she defending Pence and the GOP hypocrisy?

I didn't catch it the first time and had to replay it as well.  Just as they were going to commercial she said, "Mayor Pete, you're not gonna change antbody's mind on that".  She might have said something right before that sentence, but since she wasn't on camera I'm not sure. 

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9 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

I think it was a pre-baby gift. I think Joy should demonstrate how to make the lasagna on her show and then tell Meghan to make her own damn lasagna (although I’d be surprised if Meghan even knew how to cook). 

Meghan makes chili.  Supposedly.  Could be reheating a can of Hormel for all I know.  But NO BEANS!  Beans are for liberal pussies!  I made up most of that but she does claim to make chili.  She says her husband is a good cook but I have a hard time trusting her palette.  She talks too much about enjoying McDonald's and having it delivered.

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Joy said about Woody Allen's daughter, that the doctor found that there was no molestation.  that's not actually true.  A doctor can say that there is no EVIDENCE of molestation, but cannot conclude definitively that it didn't occur.  The allegation was about inappropriate touching/fondling, not penetration.   "No evidence"  that something happened is not the same a evidence that it did NOT happen. 

You’d think Sunny would correct her about this. 

2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

t the idea that you can go to a convenience store and offer to pay $1 for $3 flowers struck me as a little weird.  In my area, the cheapo, end of the sell-by date, flowers would be at Walgreens or 7-11, and I don't believe the store clerks there have the authority to bargain about price.  If she's talking about bargaining with a store owner?  FFS, whoopi, give the man his three bucks!  

This is such a first world problem. 🙄

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Joy said about Woody Allen's daughter, that the doctor found that there was no molestation.  that's not actually true.  A doctor can say that there is no EVIDENCE of molestation, but cannot conclude definitively that it didn't occur. 

I couldn't believe Joy wouldn't have realized this.  Also, Joy (I think) said one of Dylan's siblings said they were present and that it didn't happen.  Unless they were together 100% of the time that testimony is irrelevant. 

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I generally like Abby, but I thought it was kind of ridiculous when she said that it really bothered her when Buttigieg asked people who are religious to imagine what God would say about how we're treating the earth -- that she didn't like people saying what God says or thinks, which in general I agree with - it is presumptuous. 

She probably usually means people saying God thinks you should or should not do this or that, but I hardly think it's presumptive to assume, if there is a God, that he/she would disapprove of how human beings are not taking care of this planet and ensuring it's survival.

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19 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I wonder if we'll hear about this on the show.

Meghan's tweet in response made no sense - Beto's not advocating forcibly taking guns away, he's advocating people voluntarily turning their automatic and semi-automatic weapons in and getting paid for them.

It's like the Seth Meyers interview all over again - someone makes a reasonable point about something she says, and she attacks.  No self-reflection from this girl, nuh-uh.

(And she's claiming to speak for every man in Texas.)

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3 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I think it was a pre-baby gift. I think Joy should demonstrate how to make the lasagna on her show and then tell Meghan to make her own damn lasagna (although I’d be surprised if Meghan even knew how to cook). 

I’m almost positive she did at one point and the great cooks on here said it wasn’t any different from how they made it.  She at least gave recipe and I maybe remembering her in a cooking contest. 

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3 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I’m almost positive she did at one point and the great cooks on here said it wasn’t any different from how they made it.  She at least gave recipe and I maybe remembering her in a cooking contest. 

She did, and they posted the recipe on the View's website.   I've made it, it's actually pretty simple and quite tasty.  

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5 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

Whoopie doesn't seem to pay attention at all.  This guy does a good job explaining how Whoopie doesn't really research before interviewing.  This isn't even about regarding to Sanders,  I've noticed she does this a lot in general.  Also like the guy says below, if you are an average viewer  Whoopi does not do a good job explaining the situation.

This is what most of us have been harping about since she started on The View.  Whoa, what a shock!!!!

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