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LSSC: Season Five Episode Talk

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10 hours ago, CVC said:

I noticed Colbert is keeping his distance from the audience. Can’t say I blame him. No high fives for the front row and staying on stage at the end

It was kind of a funny coincidence that Colbert stopped right after Bill Maher makes a comment on his show that the behavior was pandering to the audience. 

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8 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

It was kind of a funny coincidence that Colbert stopped right after Bill Maher makes a comment on his show that the behavior was pandering to the audience. 

I'm sure it was just a coincidence. I seriously doubt Stephen would listen to and take the advice of a smug miserable asshole like Bill.

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There also won't be new shows for at least next 2 weeks, according to Colbert.


Hi Folks. We have a new show tonight w no audience, but we cancelled next week’s shows before our scheduled break. I wish I could stay on stage to share this uncertain moment w you, but I don’t do this show alone, and I have to do what’s best for my staff. Hope to be back soon.


Edited by Raradra
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I figured they might do that after the news that Meyers and Fallon were going to take a full break for a couple weeks, too. I'll miss his show, 'cause it's welcome relief at times like this, but of course, I totally understand them doing this. Hope they all stay safe and take care, and here's hoping all will return to normal as soon as humanly possible. 

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13 minutes ago, ABay said:

Maybe they can still do short Youtube bits like they did before the show started? I need content to get me through this.

Good point that if ever there was a time for the healing of humor, this is it. 
I don’t think Covid-19 will likely be a thing of the past in 2 weeks —or even 2 months— but:

  • 2 weeks is enough time for TPTB to figure out logistics of, say, having smaller audiences spaced 6 feet apart, and admitted to the studio 6 minutes apart (allowing for a quick temperature taking—provided there are enough disposable forehead strips, since they aren’t likely made in the USA). Or maybe just doing a virtual audience with Skype and monitors as screen insets. 
  • With all the political nonsense for the last 4 frickin years, all the Jimmys and Stephen and other talk show hosts (day, night, anytime) probably need a little break before the Presidential campaigns begin in earnest, followed by who-knows-what fresh hell. 


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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I thoroughly enjoyed last nights rehearsal show but I swear at the start John said he had symptoms of COVID-19

Fortunately, he said the opposite! Stephen asked how he was doing and he said he didn’t know. Because he has no symptoms, but during the incubation period you could you have it and not know it. 

That monologue just felt ... surreal. To all of them, too, you could tell!

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

There will be no audience tonight.


I was hoping that they have cardboard cutouts or maniquins in the front where Stephen can safely slap hands and a shot of the the empty studio audience with the clap or laugh signs flashing and the clap or laugh track running.

It would have been a great gag scene. 

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2 hours ago, ahisma said:

Fortunately, he said the opposite! Stephen asked how he was doing and he said he didn’t know. Because he has no symptoms, but during the incubation period you could you have it and not know it. 

That monologue just felt ... surreal. To all of them, too, you could tell!

Whew! I am so glad I heard that wrong. It didn't sound right when he said it!

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2 hours ago, futurechemist said:

There was something endearing about how seat-of-their-pants last night's episode was.

Yup. Mad props to the video editors who managed to slap it together enough to be reasonably coherent.  Not so much for the make-up staff who despite having loads of time during the taping failed to wipe the white schmutz away from the corner of Dr, Gupta's mouth for at least two segments.  Social distancing is one thing but don't allow your only guest to appear unkempt.

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Yeah, last night's show was very strange and yet very entertaining. I liked the moments when we got to see him interacting with his staff-it was a fun little glimpse into what a typical day of work must be like for them.

I also really liked the interview with Gupta. Some much needed and welcome good, sane, calm, rational advice and discussion. 

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9 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I tuned in just in time to see Stephen running around in circles and clapping his hands like he was batshit crazy.  I don't know what his point was, but it was kind of unsettling and not at all funny.  

Sounds like you must have caught him illustrating not "a deer in headlights" but doing the crazy "deer in the Oval Office."

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6 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

The doctor's face and the way he answered Bootsy's question about Trump doing a good job was gold. 😅😅

I loved the way he slipped in the phrase (in reference to the guys who were running the crisis) “without being too obsequious,” heh (youtu.be/KuZiaMl7aMw, 7:57-8:37) . 



11 hours ago, opus said:

The second half was a Jim Carrey repeat

in which we hear Jim Carrey declare presciently how he and SC are lighthouse keepers who cry, “There’s rocks here! You’re gonna hit the rocks!” (youtu.be/F79DbierGyk). It was chilling. 


Edited by shapeshifter
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Oh man, I just watched the intro pieces from the last two days on YouTube but didn't realize they're on regular teevee!

This corona-stress must be doing something to my, uh, head, because between Stephen's distracting crotch-bulge during the firepit monologue and Jon's sexy-ass piano playing, I was feeling some kind of way. (Good thing I'm doing the whole voluntary shelter-in-place thing.)

Thank the gods that they're doing these new bits - over the weekend I went back to getting my news from CNN, but seeing clips from Stephen is so much more bearable.

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I was chuckling and laughing throughout the Quarantine-while segment tonight because humor is subjective, and I finally was able to buy toilet paper at 7am today after a tip from a grocery shelf stocker who has been working at the store about as long as I've been going there (20 years). It was all gone by 8am. 

I wonder how SC's wife feels about his beard reappearing.

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Based on his new bit tonight, it does sound like they're going into a regularly scheduled break now. So I will be treasuring these bits, and looking forward to his return to our screens soon!

The reappearance of the scruff excites me - I do like him with the beard, but then, I'm not his spouse, so I understand being overruled!

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I was very happy when I realized the monologue was new. Unfortunately from what he said yesterday it sounded like that was the last one for a while.  It was nice to have something new to watch that made me laugh.  It was however jawing how much had changed in a few weeks when it cut back to an old episode with him interviewing Chris Christie.  Wow half the stuff they were talking about was outdated and feels like a life time ago.

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9 minutes ago, opus said:

Break-wise, next Thursday and Friday (26th and 27th) also would have been college basketball. I figure the show was due back the 30th.

I wonder if SC and CBS will agree to do his doing some more monologues to pair with reruns because (a) sports aren't going to be happening, (b) SC might go bananas WRT needing to do something, and (c) what @GoldenGirl90 just posted:

2 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

It sounds like Colbert will be going on his scheduled break, so for my fellow late night fans, Kimmel said he’d be doing these online bits every night until they return. Same for Fallon. Of the three, Colbert is my favorite and I’m gonna miss him during these trying times.


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5 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Of the three, Colbert is my favorite and I’m gonna miss him during these trying times.

Stephen and Seth are my favorites. I’m so grateful to have some Late Show, but sad there’s no Late Night at all. Although I guess he has two really little kids, and even the bathroom wouldn’t be a safe taping space! 

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While I'm hesitant to call this a "golden age" of anything, but I think it's fair to say we've reached a point where the YouTube aesthetic has finally gone mainstream.

Even a year ago it would have been unthinkable for a major television or cable network to embrace content produced on a cell phone or webcam for anymore than a short clip or spot news let alone entire programs or extended segments.  With that comes a certain organic charm (expect more kids and pets making unplanned and unintended 'cameo' appearances) that prior to this had been effectively squeezed out of what was delivered to our screens in favor of slick, quick, flashy and antiseptic.

Now it seems more alive.

Much like the MiniCam broke the shackles of being anchored to a studio or remote truck, the cell phone has done the same a thousand-fold.  While this is not exactly news to a new generation of content producers, it seems to me what has changed is that it now gets on the air, essentially real-time, to millions distributed by august institutions. What changed?  The audience certainly, in their acceptance of rawer production values.  The content producers, who, as creatives tend to do, push limits in storytelling and artist expression.  But perhaps most important, at least in terms of what we all consider "TeeVee" is an industry executive changing of the guard, the decision-makers who have the final say in what makes it through the gate. I think we've reached the point where folks who grew up on this stuff are finally the ones who are by in large now running it.

As someone who lived and worked under the ways of the past, the change couldn't come soon enough.  The more kitties walking through a shot, the better I say.

Edited by kib
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6 hours ago, possibilities said:

I had no idea there was any new content at all this past week. Missed it entirely. You'd think they'd want people's DVRs to pick it up and would find a way to list it!


The Tonight Show started labeling their shows “At Home Edition” and my DVR picked it up. I’m hoping the other late night shows will do the same. 

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28 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I think it was:

Q. What sound does a dog make?

A. Ruff ruff.

Q. What sound does a cow make?

A. Moo moo

No, the cow goes ruff ruff because it has a dog in its mouth.

Mr ebk and I had to play it back a couple of times because I first heard "has a bag in its mouth" and that didn't make any sense.  At the risk of having no one know what I'm talking about, I'll say Stephen was using a "Bob Ryan" quality phone (you'll know if you ever listen to Tony Kornheiser's radio show/podcast). 

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2 hours ago, ahisma said:

He’s gonna shave! (I side with his wife on this.) Meanwhile, he’s bouncing around the house with waaaaay too much time on his hands. 😄 The ending is awesome, but I don’t want to spoil it.




He could totally play Tony Stark's Snarky Older Brother with just a week's worth of beard and some eye makeup!


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