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S02:E07: Blow

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Blanca would plant her foot up Angel’s butt if she saw her dragging into that photo shoot! She is going to blow it if she’s not careful.

Poor Ricky. I just love Pray Tell to pieces. What a good friend.

Giant condom! 😆

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I feel bad for Ricky but he knew he was playing with fire.....early 90s New York is the wrong time and place to be a promiscuous gay man having unprotected sex.  I do like Pray taking him under his wing.

I hate that so many Gen X'ers and late Boomers fell to this disease. It makes you wonder if society would have progressed a lot quicker if we didn't lose all these folks so soon. 

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So how the hell did they avoid getting arrested for the condom stunt? They took credit for it on the news. And there's no way that Frederica wouldn't press charges.

The characters are awfully blase about the prospect of getting arrested. I would think any kind of incarceration that would be an absolute nightmare for someone like Blanca. She heard that prostitute's story about being arrested, and having to deal with a guard who tried to pimp her out.

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I felt bad for Ricky, but otherwise, I wasn't feeling the other characters' actions. 

Frederica is a bitch but what she did to Blanca's nail salon was lawful; what they did to her home wasn't and I honestly didn't get the point of it.  Did they expect they'd get sympathy from the public?  Not sure if it worked but I guess we'll see.  

Papi did try to stop stupid Angel from doing drugs but, alas, it didn't work and now they're both in trouble.

All in all, it was a depressing episode and I fear things will only get worse.      

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This was about the third time that Ricky went to get tested. Even knowing about Blanco and Pray, he kept practicing risky behavior (sex without protection) after he was given a clean bill of health.

Papi and Angel acting young and foolish about the cocaine. I hope that Angel's modelling boss got through to her.

However bad things might be on the way for Angel with the return of creepy photographer.

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Oh God no, they're about to have Pray Tell and Rickey "bump uglies". Why!!!!! This is Ryan Murphy's doing I bet. By the end of Glee, there was a new coupling within the principal cast every 6 weeks. Mark my words, by next season they'll have Damon & Lil Papi discovering their feelings for each other.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

 That nurse who told Ricky his diagnosis...holy shit. She came off like a sociopath or something. "Were you expecting a DIFFERENT result?!" I mean Jesus.

I know!!😢

I am so very glad Ricky has Pray Tell, but the flirting?!! I mean I think Ricky is just a giant flirt who flirts with everyone but please don’t take it there show runners. 

Two thumbs up for Pray Tell calling Ricky out on the bottom shaming in their community, it is eriely similar of all those hetero men than hate women but want to have sex with them, and then hate them for being sexually available (or the flip side sexually unavailable)- I know it’s supposed to be, the internalized homophobia and distaste for anything resembling what mainstream society considers “femme”. Pray Tell is so wise. 

6 hours ago, MelloYellow said:

If Blanca is an 'elder,' how old are/were Lulu & Candy?

Yeah I’m not sure. I know the actress that plays Lulu is 30, she might be playing younger than her age though. At this point I think Blanca is 32/33 and Pray Tell is maybe a decade older? For Damon and Ricky at 19/20 I can see them as elders, but for the rest?

Angel- stay away from drugs. Why why why would she do that? I know Papi was with her, but from a safety standpoint she should be terrified to lose her facilities. So many women are raped and assaulted at those parties if anyone finds out she’s trans her life will be in danger immediately. I could see someone scaring up her pretty face to torture her. And the photographer is back- I knew that would happen. 

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Frederica is a bitch but what she did to Blanca's nail salon was lawful; what they did to her home wasn't and I honestly didn't get the point of it. 

What Frederica did to the salon wasn't lawful. She insisted that everything be under the table, which was illegal, and she violated the oral agreement she made with Blanca for no good reason. That's why the city sided with Blanca and let her re-open the salon.

In real life, ACT UP put the giant condom on Jesse Helms's house, which made a whole lot more sense as a protest.

 Advanced issues found
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Two thumbs up for Pray Tell calling Ricky out on the bottom shaming in their community, it is eriely similar of all those hetero men than hate women but want to have sex with them, and then hate them for being sexually available (or the flip side sexually unavailable)- I know it’s supposed to be, the internalized homophobia and distaste for anything resembling what mainstream society considers “femme”. Pray Tell is so wise. 

Seconded. Although I see the writers are still having the characters talk like woke people from 2019. I really doubt that someone in the very early '90s would have used the term "bottom shaming." References to "slut shaming," "body shaming," etc. are much more recent than that.

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@Blakeston I agree with you. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for Fredericka. Nothing she did was lawful. They “embarrassed her”?!! “Those people now think I’m prejudiced.”- SHE IS!! How dare she talk about how hard it is to be a woman in real estate when she treated Blanca so horribly.

After she tried to swindle Blanca, take her money, throw her out and then lock her out. 

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5 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Right. Frederika did nothing legal re: Blanca’s salon.

Lil Papi put up next to no resistance to the coke. “It’s medicine!” Snort! 🙄

Those two (Angel and Papi) knew they were full of shit and cocaine was NOT medicine. That was so ridiculous. 

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 Papi must be dumber than a bag of rocks if he actually bought Angel's lie that cocaine is "like vitamins." Their hookup was as sexy as I was hoping - I'm just mad we were robbed of the lead up! I've said it before, but Angel Curiel really does have such an emotive face, it's a joy to watch.

Poor Ricky, but where the hell did his sudden sexual interest in Pray come from? The Wintour boys or even Papi I could buy, but they've spent so much time developing their father/son dynamic and Ricky/Damon feel so much younger than the rest of the cast. It's like watching a high school senior awkwardly trying to seduce his friend's dad. Gross. This would be at most a drunken hookup. I also really don't like that the affair would now occur simultaneously with/overshadow Pray teaching Ricky about life with HIV. And was Pray's weird "it gets awfully muggy in this waiting room" comment supposed to imply that the attraction is already reciprocated? Ew. He apparently needs to be reminded of the wonders of masturbation, because it's been a long dry spell if some 20-year-old horndog (who he treats as a son!!!) saying he likes daddies is all it takes to get him hot and bothered. Blanca better put a stop to this nonsense before it starts.

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Lil Papi also thought that stealing cold medicine would save Blanca from AIDS! He should really leave all medical matters to professionals from here on out. 😆

With Blanca being as pure and saintly as she is, I appreciate that a lot of the other characters make terrible life choices some of the time. Most of them are very, very young, have little education, and were rejected by their families - and are now part of a huge party scene. I'd find it completely unrealistic if they didn't experiment with drugs, have unprotected sex, and seriously mess up their professional opportunities from time to time.

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On 7/31/2019 at 9:05 AM, Ohwell said:

Frederica is a bitch but what she did to Blanca's nail salon was lawful;

It's unlawful to evict a tenant without going to court.  It doesn't matter if the contract is oral, as seen by the fact that Blanca is back.  That doesn't make the condom stunt lawful, though.  It was reminiscent of a Christo installation.

On 7/31/2019 at 9:10 AM, nilyank said:

Even knowing about Blanco and Pray, he kept practicing risky behavior (sex without protection) after he was given a clean bill of health.

He didn't know about Blanca or Pray at the time. They had revealed their status to each other, and Blanca told Angel about herself.

On 7/31/2019 at 9:10 AM, nilyank said:

However bad things might be on the way for Angel with the return of creepy photographer.

He knows she's transgender.  No way is he going to keep that to himself, especially after the beating he got from Papi.  I hope Papi doesn't kill him this time.

I was also worried about Blanca leaving her salon after Frederica threatened her.  I'm sure Frederica has many goons, and when would the threat end?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I feel like the high of Vogue and feeling inclusion was a purposeful false sense of hope at the beginning of the season.  Now we are in the back stretch, Vogue is over and the dark is threatening again. 

Angel and Papi could have easily been dirty dancing sans cocaine.  They were obviously at that place, and the drugs seemed unnecessary and leading down a dark path.  Angel and Papi...excuse me, Esteban...have really turned into this hot thang, haven't they?!  Grinding to Bel Biv Devoe and popping bottles...good times!  I keep marveling that Papi got hawt.  But.  WHEN (not if) Blanca finds out about the drugs and being late to the shoot, she's gonna beat some ass. 

The makeup people did wonders with making Angel look anything but flawless.  Our pervy photog is back...there is the other shoe dropping that I've been worrying about. 

Man, I was hoping against hope that Ricky would be spared, but he has always had a penchant for very risky behavior, so while the diagnosis was unsurprising, it broke my heart.  Sigh.  Remind me of the timeline:  Ricky is on tour with that dude that now has HIV and having sex, and then comes back from tour to Damon and they have unprotected sex, right?  So, poor Damon is in the line of fire too, now!?  

I love Pray taking an elder approach to Ricky and the other youths, but I DO NOT want that hook up.  Lawd.  Let Pray have another man bc Pray should get his groove on, but I would like that relationship to stay more elder than lover.  

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So many thoughts. My heart broke for Ricky. Yes, he has been reckless, but he is so young and when you are young like that you feel invincible like it will never happen to you. I think too many people when they get older forget how they felt and thought when they were much younger. Something I always promised myself that I would never do. Anyway, I am just relieved that Damon broke up with Ricky and stayed away. Hopefully, this means that Damon is negative.

That nurse who give Ricky the test results... what a... I have promised to never use that word to describe a woman ever again, but damn, I thought it.

I was so glad that Pray was there to support Ricky. I didn't think that they were seriously flirting or that a romance is in the cards like others and I certainly hope not.

I love Papi and Angel. They have so much chemistry and are so good together, but snorting cocaine ruined it for me. I was glad that Ford had that tough talk with Angel. I don't think that it matters though. That photographer is never going to keep his mouth shut or let bygones be bygones. He might try to blackmail Angel into having sex with him and even if she gives in, he will out her.

I loved the condom stunt, especially Elektra who was hilarious throughout. I was glad that Blanca got back at Fredricka, but I am scared for her safety. I wouldn't put it pass her to have Blanca beat up.

I am glad that Lulu has decided to get herself to together and go back to school to get her degree. Blanca is a fount of love, generosity, and hope for everyone around her. Lulu and Elektra was funny as hell as the mistresses though.

The music continues to be outstanding.

Edited by SimoneS
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Please God spare this show from the Ryan Murphy Curse. Please keep it in the capable hands of Janet Mock, Steven Canals and Jennie Livingston. This show is too important to screw up. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I was so glad that Pray was there to support Ricky. I didn't think that they were seriously flirting or that a romance is in the cards like others and I certainly hope not.

I love Papi and Angel. They have so much chemistry and are so good together, but snorting cocaine ruined it for me.

I don't think so either -- I felt it was more the hustler in Ricky coming out than an actual interest in Pray, and Pray saw it for what it was and shut it down right quick! 

Unfortunately, that cocaine scene was all too real, especially for the times -- the excess of the 80s is still in full effect and cocaine was a common party favor, especially for models who used it supposedly to stay thin. If anyone thinks that whole scene wasn't true-to-life, watch the movie Gia. That was more early 80s but that attitude and culture remained prevalent for a good long while. It probably still is, its likely just not as open as it used to be.

I didn't fully understand the whole "condom caper" either -- I almost wonder if it wasn't some sort of really poorly written set-up to turn Pray and Blanca into the media's go-to people for HIV/AIDS stories -- the comment of "you two are good at this" or something similar by the reporter struck me as a really obvious anvil.

Elektra was quite the comic relief this week -- I loved how she started off with her "I'm so high class" persona with the suburban neighbor and then flipped right over to full-on street when the neighbor said she was going to call the police anyway. 😄

Edited by SailorGirl
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I forgot about the city siding with Blanca about the salon, and what Fredrika did wasn't legal.  Sometimes I don't pay enough attention to what's going on.  I just remembered the oral agreement which didn't mean shit.  However, I still thought the condom over the house stunt was kinda stupid.  Surely they could come up with something else more effective to get their point across.   

Didn't Ricky tell Pray Tell that he thought of him as a father?  I recall their conversation in the motel room but I didn't get the impression that they might hook up. 

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Also, I didn't think the nurse meant to be such a bitch, but I think she was frustrated having to constantly give bad news to the patients that it just made her cold and numb.  Still doesn't excuse her, but I understood her. 

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The inevitable decline has begun.  The coke will speed that process for Angel.  Ricky's diagnosis and the renewed indifference from folks at large about their culture also indicate where things are sadly going.

I liked the nurse.  She has seen it all and is long past the emotional responses, as understandable as they are.  Did you see the line of patients?  There just wasn't time for empathic care.  The best she could do was to get Ricky an appointment with a doc who knew his stuff and would not charge a lot.  My guess is Ricky's, "Aw, hellllllno!!!!!!!" reaction was typical.  There was no reaching him in that moment.  Next patient.  

I keep thinking Lupone's Frederica is going to come around and surprise us with some act of true generosity.  Perhaps paying for experimental med care for Pray/Blanca, or some other lead.  That encounter in the salon was nonsensical. 

I doubt the photog would say anything to Ford.  He likes getting paid and Angel sure helped him deliver the goods on the Wet & Wild campaign.  At some point?  Sure, he could take revenge.

The condom stunt was fun.  Awareness.  Awareness.  Awareness.  With a delicious dollop of shaming.  I have been expecting Blanca and Pray to become faces of the movement.  Here we are.  Why didn't they ask nouveau riche Angel to help fund that excursion?   How much longer would Angel stay in that house with Esteban when she can afford MUUUUCH better?

Although I genuinely hate where this is going, I thought this was a darn good ep.  Among the best.

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Damn Nurse Bedside Manner, could you spring that life changing news on Ricki just a bit more causally? I can get that she has probably had to do this plenty of time and that can make a person jaded, but holy crap, give the kid five seconds to process! I suspected it was coming because Ricki has always been careless and engaged in high risk behavior, but it was still so heartbreaking. Thank God Pray was there to be with him. Even if they haven't slept together in  awhile, Damon should get tested as soon as possible just to be safe.

The season started with a lot of hope and light with Vogue becoming big and things going at least somewhat well for our heroes, even with some tragic episodes and moments, but now Vogue has left the charts, the people have moved on, and things are starting to get dark.  

Angel and Papi finally getting it on was all kinds of hot, but then it got all screwed up with them doing that "medicine" even though they both should know better. Oh dont let this get worse, things are just starting to go well for them! This episode does really remind me that, as much world experience they have, Blanca's kids are still really young, haven't had a lot of great role models before I would assume Blanca and Pray, dont have much experience in big professional opportunities, and have lived pretty chaotic lives filled with lots of upheaval and uncertainty, which can lead to making very poor life choices. Plus the 80s fashion scene was absolutely crawling with drugs, so it would almost be weird to not have Angel at least be around that sort of thing. 

The giant condom was funny, although the whole plot seemed to go by really fast. So Frederica very illegally screwed Blanca over last week, and they do their condom display on her house, and then she looks like an asshole, Blanca and company dont go to jail or anything despite the illegality of what they did, and then Blanca beats her in court and gets her salon back, and the Frederica just shakes her fist because it made her look bad? In the span of like two days? What now? That all being said, I dont feel sorry for Frederica even a little bit. Oh, you dont like when people think your a bigot? Then maybe dont be a bigot asshole!

I can only assume that the kind of flirting between Pray and Ricki was just joking between them or Ricki being his hustler self and Pray shutting that down, because the idea of that actually being a thing is just...nope. A whole lot of nope. 

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21 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I feel bad for Ricky but he knew he was playing with fire.....early 90s New York is the wrong time and place to be a promiscuous gay man having unprotected sex.  I do like Pray taking him under his wing.

I hate that so many Gen X'ers and late Boomers fell to this disease. It makes you wonder if society would have progressed a lot quicker if we didn't lose all these folks so soon. 

I feel like Ricky was under the impression that because he was a top he couldn't get the disease.  I wonder if that was a myth that went around at the time....like the pound of butter thing

24 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Damn Nurse Bedside Manner, could you spring that life changing news on Ricki just a bit more causally? I can get that she has probably had to do this plenty of time and that can make a person jaded, but holy crap, give the kid five seconds to process! I suspected it was coming because Ricki has always been careless and engaged in high risk behavior, but it was still so heartbreaking. Thank God Pray was there to be with him. Even if they haven't slept together in  awhile, Damon should get tested as soon as possible just to be safe.

The season started with a lot of hope and light with Vogue becoming big and things going at least somewhat well for our heroes, even with some tragic episodes and moments, but now Vogue has left the charts, the people have moved on, and things are starting to get dark.  

Angel and Papi finally getting it on was all kinds of hot, but then it got all screwed up with them doing that "medicine" even though they both should know better. Oh dont let this get worse, things are just starting to go well for them! This episode does really remind me that, as much world experience they have, Blanca's kids are still really young, haven't had a lot of great role models before I would assume Blanca and Pray, dont have much experience in big professional opportunities, and have lived pretty chaotic lives filled with lots of upheaval and uncertainty, which can lead to making very poor life choices. Plus the 80s fashion scene was absolutely crawling with drugs, so it would almost be weird to not have Angel at least be around that sort of thing. 

The giant condom was funny, although the whole plot seemed to go by really fast. So Frederica very illegally screwed Blanca over last week, and they do their condom display on her house, and then she looks like an asshole, Blanca and company dont go to jail or anything despite the illegality of what they did, and then Blanca beats her in court and gets her salon back, and the Frederica just shakes her fist because it made her look bad? In the span of like two days? What now? That all being said, I dont feel sorry for Frederica even a little bit. Oh, you dont like when people think your a bigot? Then maybe dont be a bigot asshole!

I can only assume that the kind of flirting between Pray and Ricki was just joking between them or Ricki being his hustler self and Pray shutting that down, because the idea of that actually being a thing is just...nope. A whole lot of nope. 

I think some people feel like if they don't act like something is a huge deal the person getting the news will handle it better.  

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8 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Didn't Ricky tell Pray Tell that he thought of him as a father?  I recall their conversation in the motel room but I didn't get the impression that they might hook up. 

The conversation that has people speculating/wondering is the one they had in the clinic while waiting for Ricky's results to come back.  Ricky was talking about how this was the first time he was getting results without Damon there.  Pray tells him that this is what being an adult feels like. Like paying taxes.  Ricky says he hasn't ever done taxes.

Pray: Do I have to teach you children everything?
Ricky: Maybe so....Daddy.  (He kind of looks Pray up and down when he says this.)
Pray: Bitch, I may be your elder but I ain't your daddy.
Ricky: But what if I'm into daddies.
Pray: It gets really muggy in these rooms.


I feel like Ricky was under the impression that because he was a top he couldn't get the disease.  I wonder if that was a myth that went around at the time....like the pound of butter thing

At first it was just that he got a blow job but then he pivoted to how his partner was a hungry bottom.  I definitely think he was under the "tops can't get it" belief.

Edited by Irlandesa
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I enjoyed this episode.  Music was on point!  Fashions were fantastic!  I can't help it, but I love Electra so much!  That parasol?  Drinking a random glass of pink lemonade (where did that even come from?) Yelling at the frumpy neighbor and directing from the sidelines.....classic Electra.....

UO, but I didn't really feel much with angel and papi hooking up.  She had made him breakfast and so I thought maybe they had already done it.  And for them to be coked out....I don't know....it was like there was no seduction when it finally happened.  Just drug induced euphoria. Everyone looked good though.

I thought the fall of vogue was going to be a much bigger deal.  I had to LOL at Damon turning down hammer classes.   Those would have been some hilarious classes.

I really felt terrible for Ricky.  I felt awful for pray and for Blanca.  even though pray and Blanca are young, I feel like they have lived....but Ricky just got off the streets, he just found some degree of stability and success.  Yeah, he is a dummy for believing that only bottoms get HIV, but who knew what and when about the virus?  So much misinformation.  Even streetwise pray fell for some nonsense.  

I had expected to see that creeper photographer at the nightclub and that he would have been the impetus for angel to do cocaine so she could forget about that horror.  So I thought I had got off scotfree when he wasn't at the nightclub.  Was shocked when he was at the shoot.  Cliffhanger!

Angel looked gorgeous hung over.  

Edited by RealReality
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17 hours ago, Blakeston said:

So how the hell did they avoid getting arrested for the condom stunt? They took credit for it on the news. And there's no way that Frederica wouldn't press charges.

The characters are awfully blase about the prospect of getting arrested. I would think any kind of incarceration that would be an absolute nightmare for someone like Blanca. She heard that prostitute's story about being arrested, and having to deal with a guard who tried to pimp her out.

Maybe since they were upstate she wouldn't have to go to rikers but some basic little town jail?

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I’m sad for Ricky, but God help me, I’m not surprised. Not that he deserves the diagnosis but he was engaging in risky behavior for a long time. Combine that with just pure ignorance about how you can catch it and here we are. I remember in the first season when Damon was scared he had contracted it, and Ricky was reassuring him he had only bottomed twice so everything was okay. And also Damon reassuring Papi you couldn’t get it from a woman. It reminds me again how far we’ve come in sex education (although certain people are trying to throw us back to the Dark Ages 🙄). I’m a young teen of the 90s and remember those talks in health class about how to protect yourself and how the disease is spread etc. You don’t realize how privileged you are until you are forced to see things from another perspective, like a kid from the streets how only hears rumors about how not to get the “gay cancer.” Oh, and Ryan Murphy, let’s not make Pray ❤️ Ricky happen, okay? Him being a father figure to these boys is so much better and so needed. I don’t think it will though, when Ricky dropped his little Daddies line, Pray kind of rolled his eyes like “Boy, please.” 

Angel and Papi’s hookup was hot (I didn’t see that Papi butt shot coming but I’m here for it)I wish the lead up wasn’t a coke induced haze though. It was only a matter of time before Angel stumbled on it, drug use was rampant in that industry in those days. I really, really hope Damon’s scolding and Ms Ford’s lecture rattled Angel enough to straighten up. But I think Creeper Photographer is going to try and knock her down again 😔

I honestly didn’t pay too much attention to the Giant Condom plot. I thought it was silly. I’m glad Lulu decided to go back to school though. I also hope Damon and Ricky find their footing too. Voguing may be over but there are other types of dances to be taught out there, and these children need to get their NY hustle on (legally!)

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I kind of want a running gag where Damon is always teaching classes of whatever the next dance craze to hit the mainstream is. The Train, Tootsee Roll, The Humpty Hump, Achy Breaky Heart, there were a LOT of 90s dance crazes and band wagons being jumped on!

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15 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I kind of want a running gag where Damon is always teaching classes of whatever the next dance craze to hit the mainstream is. The Train, Tootsee Roll, The Humpty Hump, Achy Breaky Heart, there were a LOT of 90s dance crazes and band wagons being jumped on!

I think that would have been a great idea back in the 90s.  Damon needs to consider it because he could make some good money.

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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

I feel like Ricky was under the impression that because he was a top he couldn't get the disease.  I wonder if that was a myth that went around at the time....like the pound of butter thing

11 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I know people to this day in 2019 who still believe it so I wouldn't be surprised if Ricky felt that way back in 1990

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Ha, I loved that Elektra refused to do any of the actual work to put the condom on the house and then said, "All of our hard work is paying off!" as she stood there with her parasol watching everyone else do the work. Classic Elektra.

I feel bad for Ricky because he really did not expect that his test would come back positive, but damn, kid. I know it's easy to think you're invincible at that age but considering how many funerals they've been to this season alone should have been enough to scare him into using condoms.

Yay for Lulu going back to school! It's nice to see her focus on a goal and have some purpose. She seemed to enjoy the dominatrix gig so maybe she can do that on the side. I totally cracked up when she had to cover her mouth while she was laughing. She clearly had a good time!

As always, the music was awesome. I had to watch the Straight Up video in its entirety before posting it in the music thread so I was surprised to see that Arsenio Hall's face has been blurred. When I googled to see why, the first thing that popped up was a tweet from Arsenio to Paula Abdul asking why his face is blurred out so apparently it wasn't because he requested it.

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I think the nurse's attitude toward Ricky was beyond the pale.

If she wanted to send him the message that AIDS doesn't equal automatic death, then she could have simply explained that.

Instead, she was cold as ice, and acted like he had no right to be shocked or surprised.

I'm sure that's a tough job to do, but if you can't do it like a human being, it's time to find a different position.

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Not digging Pray and Ricky. Hope TPTB don’t bring this to fruition. 

Even though I found it terribly unbelievable that Papi would would be so against the cocaine but then completely flip because they said it was medical grade and essentially medicine. Just makes him look stupid. However, drugs in the late 80s and early 90s were flowing at every club, so I can buy that.

I think I was most offended when Electra was telling off Frederica’s neighbor and called that gorgeous Scottish Deerhound ugly. That dog was freaking fab. 

Edited by Lunula
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I know this doesn’t make that much difference, but after the “medicine” references I assumed it was some sort of new designer club drug, since they are well into the era of MDMA now. 

This episode was directed by Jennie Livingston, who made Paris is Burning. It looks like it was her first episode directing.

Edited by kieyra
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On 8/2/2019 at 3:12 PM, Lunula said:

Not digging Pray and Ricky. Hope TPTB don’t bring this to fruition. 

Even though I found it terribly unbelievable that Papi would would be so against the cocaine but then completely flip because they said it was medical grade and essentially medicine. Just makes him look stupid. However, drugs in the late 80s and early 90s were flowing at every club, so I can buy that.

I think I was most offended when Electra was telling off Frederica’s neighbor and called that gorgeous Scottish Deerhound ugly. That dog was freaking fab. 

I think angel and papi were looking for any nonsense excuse to do that cocaine.  If that guy had told them that he got it from a purple unicorn so it must be good they would have twisted that into a reason to use.

Pray and Ricky would be a terrible match and I hope they had that scene just to show how Ricky reverts to flirt mode when he is worried or when anyone shows him kindness.

LOL, in another life, elektra would have made a coat out of that poor dog.  I love that she gives me cruela de ville realness.  And how the hell did she get that random glass of pink lemonade with a straw?!?!!

Edited by RealReality
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16 hours ago, RealReality said:

I think angel and papi were looking for any nonsense excuse to do that cocaine.  If that guy had told them that he got it from a purple unicorn so it must be good they would have twisted that into a reason to use.

Yes but in the beginning, when they first saw the drugs, Papi was trying to get them out of there ASAP.  Sure, he was weak and succumbed to that "medicinal" bullshit, but if Angel hadn't insisted, I do think they would have gotten away from the drugs.

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On 8/1/2019 at 12:42 AM, RealReality said:

 Yeah, he is a dummy for believing that only bottoms get HIV, but who knew what and when about the virus?  So much misinformation.  

I was a young gay man of 27 back in 1990, the info about HIV/AIDS, even from health organizations, was wildly contradictory and confusing.  Ricky isn't dumb, he is what happens when a communicable sickness is fueled by homophobia, racism and the media's inability to be specific about gay men's sex practices.  We lost a whole generation of Rickys.

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17 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I was a young gay man of 27 back in 1990, the info about HIV/AIDS, even from health organizations, was wildly contradictory and confusing.  Ricky isn't dumb, he is what happens when a communicable sickness is fueled by homophobia, racism and the media's inability to be specific about gay men's sex practices.  We lost a whole generation of Rickys.

In addition, there are people today who still believe that they can't get pregnant (1)  the first time they have sex, (2) if the guy pulls out, (3) if the girl douches with a Coke afterward, etc. despite all evidence to the contrary AND sex ed classes specifically telling students that these things are NOT TRUE, so it's not at all surprising that the conflicting information (combined with the general lack of facts) led to some people thinking that only bottoms got HIV during the 90s. That doesn't mean people were stupid. They were misinformed or uninformed due to an appalling lack of education about the subject.

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19 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Sure, he was weak and succumbed to that "medicinal" bullshit, but if Angel hadn't insisted, I do think they would have gotten away from the drugs.

Papi is head over heels in love. When Angel turns that sweet, sad, wistful expression on full force, he's helpless. And will do anything to make her smile again. They're so young, so damaged, and yet trying so hard to be happy.

Alas, I fear it is not to be....

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