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S09.E07: Where Is My Husband?

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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

If she doesn't set limits she will have a revolving door of hungry men and an empty fridge.

Hey, if his friends think it's open season, that's fine:  let him stock the fridge out of his own pocket before they come over.  He seems used to it, so it shouldn't be a major pain for him, however, it's not up to her to stock it if it's his friends.

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1 minute ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Really? I wonder how honest Matthew was did he tell them oh I don't want kids for 5-8 years and by the way I may leave the country for 7 months...

The worst thing was Matt saying that having a child would really make him bound and committed...uhhhh I think being married is supposed to be a commitment. This is one of those instances where we all tell someone to just be honest and say what you feel. But there is a price that comes with that. He probably would have been better served to dither on that...just kind of went along with her expectations. Its all moot if they part ways...

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8 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Really? I wonder how honest Matthew was did he tell them oh I don't want kids for 5-8 years and by the way I may leave the country for 7 months...

He probably said he wanted kids, just not right now.  There's saying you eventually want them versus not wanting them AT ALL.

A lot of people hear things based on their own insecurities and not on what the person actually said.  Matt said he didn't want kids NOW.  Amber heard "I don't want kids EVER."  

Edited by Neurochick
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Just now, Neurochick said:

He probably said he wanted kids, just not right now.  There's saying you eventually want them versus not wanting them AT ALL.

Agreed it can be murky. Maybe they should use a lie detector : )

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I think someone upthread listed their mid-season predictions, but for the life of me, I cannot find that post. 

Here are mine: 

Matt and Amber: They win the award for Saran Wrap attempting to cling to an oiled-up Teflon skillet.  Sadly, I predict divorce. I hope Amber recovers afterwards. And gets the therapy she needs. And I hope Matt's detailing business takes off. Or he gets another basketball contract. Or he becomes lovers with his handsome salt-and-pepper haired friend, either though neither is gay, but they learn to love one another and live happily ever after. 

Deonna and Greg: I want them to stay together. I really do. But I just don't sense any sexual chemistry or sparks between them, especially on Deonna's end. These cute kids win two awards: 1) People I'd like to hang out with in real life and 2) You're a great guy, but she's just not that into you. I hope I'm wrong about this, but right now, I predict divorce--but they'll vow to remain friends. They won't. 

Iris and Keith: She's annoying at times. He's almost too good to be true and might not be as committed as he pretends to be. But they still communicate well and seem to like each other. They win the award for Pretty People Most Likely To Stay Together Unless Someone Unpredictably and Royally F**** It All Up. This Is Reality TV After All.  I predict they'll stay married. 

Jamie and Big Red; They've been passionate and conflict-ridden from the start, and now their explosive chemistry is causing them to implode. They exemplify why basic Caucasian sex and sandy vaginas do not make for a good match. I predict divorce.

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51 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Iris & Keith

Did she say he might have to wait until after decision day? Better re-calculate that route...

First off, Iris is not my favorite person. Just had to get that out. Her antics are making me like her less and less. I can see how she'd want to wait until the "experiment" was over to have sex but if it doesn't work then it's not going to work whether that's in two months or two years. If they have sex at any point then her claim to notoriety will be gone and I don't know if she's willing to do full on sexual intercourse. She would probably break Keith off with some of those other activities though.

Regarding @Gurkel's predictions, if Greg and Deonna don't make it I'm going to be deeply disappointed. 

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1 hour ago, Lusterleaf said:

Jerry Seinfeld (Jamie) and Kathy Griffin (Beth) should just end it now... save us all the misery of having to watch them hurling insults at each other.


Beth as Sally Weaver. 

Sally Weaver.jpg

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1 hour ago, red12 said:

Than you for this. I assumed I misheard her while trying to keep up with the argument. 😂

I think if Jamie hadn't been so in to gaining points, he would have caught that line and mentioned it to her. 😄 

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Jaime's parents were giving Elizabeth the side eye. I don't think they think Elizabeth is the right one for their sonny boy. I agree with them.

Amber and her twin sitting on the trampoline in the backyard discussing boys was so "like, you know, middle school." Insert giggling and vocal fry.

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4 hours ago, Mocking Bird said:

Keith introduced the men as "his brothers", but I don't know if he meant it as they were blood relations.  I did assume they were his actual brothers, though.  Whether or not they were, I was horrified by Iris's behavior.  I was raised in the south (not that that matters) by two very good, generous parents who would never deny anyone anything we had in the house to eat or drink.  Relatives and guests were always offered the best of what we had.  I would die a thousand deaths before I would every deny anyone anything I had to eat or drink.  To try to embarrass someone in front of people over helping themselves to something is the absolute lowest a hostess can sink.  I can't ever look at Iris the same now and I used to really like her.

Well I was raised in the suburbs of what many think of cold, indifferent New York City, and we put everything but the kitchen sink out. Anyone who has ever entered my abode is always offered something to eat and drink. With that being said, I've never gone into anyone's refrigerator except that of my sister and of my parents. I thought it was rude of the guys but I can't really fault them if that's how it always was with Keith. Iris's response was flat out rude and bitchy and embarrassing for Keith.  Time and place, lady. I had to laugh at Keith's response, though, when they were discussing it afterward. Over juice? That man is so chill!

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Episode 7 was sponsored by Solis Apartments..the place to stay when you are trying on your legally binding marriage to a stranger on for size....

6 weeks lease...no problem

Edited by humbleopinion
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6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Especially when she was telling him about their "boring Caucasian sex."  (everybody was laughing at that on Twitter)  Strange that Elizabeth is complaining about too much sex when she was the one on day two who went buck naked right in front of the camera crew.  She's a nutcase.  Jamie is no prize either, but he has a cat so IMO he wins. 😺

What is Caucasian sex?  I’ve never heard the term.  Something Elizabeth made up?

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17 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I get the lemonade thing. Unless you are my parents, I don't like people running up in my fridge. Honestly, I usual eat and drink before I go to people's places. I don't like eating up people's groceries. A party is different but even then I would eat or drink what is out.

I’m confused. I just rewatched that scene and it begins with Keith standing in the kitchen with his friends and says, “We need a shot to that.” The guys say “yeah.” A voice (not Iris') is heard asking, “Are you drinking that or mixing it with something,” and a guy says, “I’m not mixing it with anything.” Then we see the bottle of lemonade being poured into a glass and Iris in a TH says that she sees Keith’s friends are “helping themselves” to stuff that was in their fridge…. and gets all pissed. There was no scene of the friends opening the refrigerator and removing anything. Keith was in the kitchen with his friends and may have taken out the bottle himself. The stupid face Iris makes when she says the limit is two drinks looks like she’s acting. She again says, “The fact that they went into our fridge…. it’s a respect thing,” but no one was shown touching the fridge, going into it, rummaging through it or anything else. 

16 hours ago, Soup333 said:

ETA: I just remembered that she’s been bragging about how GREAT their sex life is and then she complained to him about the frequency and quality. 😂😂

I'm totally confused here because Jamie said "we've had sex like four or five times," during their argument. Meanwhile, it looked to me like sexy time was happening a lot more than that.

7 hours ago, topanga said:

How many people in this country get jobs through some kind of connections: friends, family members, prior co-workers, etc? In fact, several recent Presidents and Presidential candidates owe much of the success in their careers to family connections. It doesn't make Beth horrible for accepting a job with her father. 

In terms of why she's working for him: maybe she had another job in the past and was laid off, and she wasn't able to find another one, so dear old dad is helping her out. I do think she's too dependent on her family, but working at her dad's company doesn't make her a failure. 

The problem I heard Jamie articulate was that before they were married, she said that she was an account exec for her father which was not true. She had not started that job yet and that's why she got all freaked out at the questions. It sounded to me like she would be started this job in the near future. Jamie-- whom I can't stand-- was correct in saying that he was trying to get to know the real her but she is not truthful or open about anything. It's as though she thinks being quirky and having sexy time means she owes him no window into the real Elizabeth. It was quite the vicious exchange. Wow. 

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19 hours ago, Auntie said:

Iris, you are so lame. Your little stunt with rifling through Keith's drawer in HIS house was OK, but yet you just threw a fit because guests at your place "rummaged through your refrigerator without asking" is not OK?  Pick a horse and ride it to the end of the race, lady. You can't have it both ways. And then, in your ANNOYING voice - "Everybody is limited to 2 drinks." Puh-leeze.

Just got confirmation that iris has posted a couple of new signs on her refrigerators door . . .



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I took Jamie's taunts about Elizabeth work history a couple ways.  

  1. He'd previously shared with her about the divorce off camera.  And perhaps let her know at that time it wasn't something he wanted to talk about on screen.  So when she brought it up on camera he decided to attack her about her working for her dad.
  2. He's made several comments on Unfiltered and on the show about Elizabeth's sloppy and lazy ways.  Those are not traits he seems to find charming or quirky.   He probably sees her working for Dad as another example of her being lazy.  
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43 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Well I was raised in the suburbs of what many think of cold, indifferent New York City, and we put everything but the kitchen sink out. Anyone who has ever entered my abode is always offered something to eat and drink. With that being said, I've never gone into anyone's refrigerator except that of my sister and of my parents. I thought it was rude of the guys but I can't really fault them if that's how it always was with Keith. Iris's response was flat out rude and bitchy and embarrassing for Keith.  Time and place, lady. I had to laugh at Keith's response, though, when they were discussing it afterward. Over juice? That man is so chill!

I think a woman would know more about manners in this case, but male friends don’t think like us.  They are very comfortable with each other and think nothing of going in their friends refrigerator.  Plus, Iris  was wrong to get mad as those were his friends, and what was she doing snooping in Keith’s drawers and finding the condoms?  She had some nerve to even question what he did before he married.  There’s such a thing as a little privacy, speaking of manners and lemonade.

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If Iris' mother stayed she'd gleefully be doing lemonade shots with the guys...

Iris...It's a respect thing to be a gracious host to your husband's friends and refrain yourself from flipping out and going crazy about a jug of juice...

Keith- if she is this possessive about juice then once you consummate your marriage Iris may become a possessive, suspicious and green eyed nutso about every woman you interact with that she doesn't know...

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19 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I think she did great with expressing herself. She wants to get to know the guy, not have a nookie only relationship like it sounds is part of her past. I'm giving her credit for something tonight. If Greg pushes, he'll push her away. If he keeps going the way he has, he's more likely to get that nookie in good time.

I honestly thought he was teasing her with the 'pushing' -- he has a very, very dry sense of humor (my favorite kind) and I interpreted it as him gently teasing her about her 'awakening' while also letting her know he's ready as soon as she is. He's attracted to her too. I didn't think he wasn't listening or focused on his own needs at all -- I thought it was kind of sweet teasing.

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19 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I kind of don’t blame Amber for freaking out, I would too if my husband was out past 2AM. 

But did she HAVE to call her daddy to freak out? That was pretty juvenile. What's he supposed to do about it, and why does he even need to know about it at this point? She is super-damaged because of her mom's abandonment and should get serious therapy STAT before trying to sustain a committed relationship. Matt is not her man.

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3 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

I honestly thought he was teasing her with the 'pushing' -- he has a very, very dry sense of humor (my favorite kind) and I interpreted it as him gently teasing her about her 'awakening' while also letting her know he's ready as soon as she is. He's attracted to her too. I didn't think he wasn't listening or focused on his own needs at all -- I thought it was kind of sweet teasing.

This was not my post.  It was “gonecrackers” post.  Thank you.  Gem 10

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19 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Don’t touch Iris’s lemonade - it brings out her dark side.

Keith's comment that Iris is an only child was informative -- did we know that before this? I couldn't stand her and her rules and outlook for more than five minutes -- she has no 'give' as in flexibility or 'give' as in generosity and just basic human hospitality. When Keith (reasonably) asked her if it was something she could overlook she shot him the withering "HELL NO" look. Wow. How mean-spirited and cheap. She'll put a sign up on the fridge before their next gathering -- just like those office busybodies who put bossy signs on everything. Her support for Keith and his grandma seemed fake and put-on, like "see what I'm doing here, being such a good person and wife and being supportive. See? See?" Keith seems like a good guy -- her V card ain't worth it.

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14 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

I honestly thought he was teasing her with the 'pushing' -- he has a very, very dry sense of humor (my favorite kind) and I interpreted it as him gently teasing her about her 'awakening' while also letting her know he's ready as soon as she is. He's attracted to her too. I didn't think he wasn't listening or focused on his own needs at all -- I thought it was kind of sweet teasing.

Yeah most likely; as long as she took it that way they're fine. There have been men in past shows who have pushed, as in constantly mentioning, wanting to have sex (which I think is obnoxious). Greg hasn't done that; I've said he's been very patient & he's winning her. 

My guess, though, is since this episode ended so happily for them we'll be seeing some drama pretty soon. Hopefully it'll just be manufactured crap or they work it out well together. 

7 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

Keith's comment that Iris is an only child was informative -- did we know that before this? I couldn't stand her and her rules and outlook for more than five minutes -- she has no 'give' as in flexibility or 'give' as in generosity and just basic human hospitality. When Keith (reasonably) asked her if it was something she could overlook she shot him the withering "HELL NO" look. Wow. How mean-spirited and cheap. She'll put a sign up on the fridge before their next gathering -- just like those office busybodies who put bossy signs on everything. Her support for Keith and his grandma seemed fake and put-on, like "see what I'm doing here, being such a good person and wife and being supportive. See? See?" Keith seems like a good guy -- her V card ain't worth it.

I wonder if Iris would be okay with her mom helping herself to some lemonade.  She's probably worried about a bunch of guys coming around on the regular eating them out of house & home. A short, simple, calm conversation with Keith, after everyone left, would've been fine to deal with it. If it keeps happening like someone else said, let Keith pay for the re-stocking.

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18 hours ago, princelina said:

Yeah I hate to stick up for Elizabeth, but he kind of started it.  I didn't think she was doing anything wrong asking about his parents' divorce.

I think -- again -- it was the fact that she was stirring it up on camera. It was obvious (based on Jamie's comments) that they had talked about it privately previously and she aware it was still very painful for him. Then she dredged it up during a filming session. I thought that was the issue -- almost a breaking of trust. Like I share something very intimate and personal with you and now you're trotting it out in front of everyone. Similar, but a different flavor, to Matt getting pissed when Amber discussed income disparities and her willingness to support them on camera. Just because someone has shared something with you doesn't mean they want it shared with everyone, especially when it involves other third parties who have NOT agreed to appear on tv.

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24 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

But did she HAVE to call her daddy to freak out? That was pretty juvenile. What's he supposed to do about it, and why does he even need to know about it at this point? She is super-damaged because of her mom's abandonment and should get serious therapy STAT before trying to sustain a committed relationship. Matt is not her man.

Matt is only her husband😉

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PottyMouthLiz.."we have sex ALL the time"

Jamie..."We've had sex 4 or 5 times"

 BiggieBeth..."Jamie, are you a sexaholic?"

 Big proceeds to caustically rip and  scornfully criticize Jamie's selfish, inadequate and speedy sexy time performances...

Jamie will divorce BigRedChardonnay because she is rude, crude, lewd.

They will finish the show and decide not to divorce on Decision day but will shortly after because Jamie will never ever forget the vile words that spewed from Beth's piehole....

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17 hours ago, Racj82 said:

It stuck out to me that two white women have already slept with their husbands. The two black women have not. They also always seem to be slower in terms of getting busy on this show. It just stuck out to me when the women were having their discussion.

But might the correlation be religiosity?  I think both of the black women are religious.


20 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Whoa, that conversation between Jamie and Beth went south fast! She has an ugly temper.

As for the second conversation, after he came back with flowers, watch the level of beer in his glass.  It's obvious that despite what we are shown, statement X didn't follow statement Y.


5 hours ago, LillysPad said:

I just went back and took some snap shots.. Look at the stuff around the island in each picture as well. They didn't edit right. 🙂 The last one was after Amber talked to the camera at 2:14. It was the only one without a time stamp. I thought it was interesting, that is all. 🙂

No, it's more than interesting.  It shows how we shouldn't necessarily believe what they're presenting to us. 

I did something similar on The Bachelor.  For some dumb reason they let the lead wear a huge watch, and with some freeze-framing, it became obvious that the big conversation couldn't have happened the way they showed it because there were huge gaps, and sometimes traveling back in time.

Now, it could be that the editors have done us a favor and distilled a long conversation into its essential truth.  But methinks that might not be the case.


4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Throughout the entire episode I just wanted to reach through the screen and brush Amber's hair. 

Amber is killing me.  I never wear makeup and want to admire others who buck that trend, but she's such a mess.  If she's not going to brush her hair, she needs to get it cut so she doesn't need to, and it doesn't take a fancy high-dollar cut, and it doesn't have to be super short if she prefers some length. 

She's plenty cute without makeup, and her hair, with that little bit of wave in it, would work  for wash-and-go.


4 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

Jerry Seinfeld (Jamie) and Kathy Griffin (Beth)

I think Jamie looks a lot like Steve Coogan, and Greg looks so much like Michael Che (Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live) from some angles that it's distracting.

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19 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

ETA: WTH?! First my TV Guide just calls the show tonight "Lifetime programming" and splits it into three parts,

Happened to me too! I had to get up very early today so I went to bed early. I watched a part of the episode live and as I was doing so, realized it wasn't recording. I looked at the guide and saw it said Lifetime programming, so I just hit record so it would catch the last half hour. And it cut off during Amber's post-tantrum talk to the camera when her eyes are all red.

I agreed with Iris about people just rummaging through the fridge - I wouldn't like that either, especially if I'd put out stuff for people to eat and drink - but not with her comportment. "Respect our boundaries as a married couple." "About ... juice?"

Deonna is lit so badly on this show, it's making me so mad. Contrast it with Queen Sugar, where Rutina Wesley and Kofi Siriboe are dark-skinned and lit beautifully.

I was wrong about her previous romantic experience - so she HAS had situationships before. Sounds like she entered into them thinking they'd just be physical and then caught feelings. Been there, done that.

Jamie totally started the first fight. I understood what Elizabeth was trying to do about understanding about Jamie's parents (also, is Jamie's parent's divorce really that raw after ten years?); he didn't need to take it to "you're a failure who only got a job because daddy handed you one." My accountant took over his family's accounting firm. He did about five years at a Big Three accounting firm, then joined the family business and took it over when his father died (his father started the company). Family businesses are not a bad thing. (I do find it strange that Elizabeth has no idea what she'll be doing, though. Like, what are her skills? She and her father didn't talk about this? And did she lie to the experts during the process - was she actually unemployed?)

The second fight (which was totally on a different day) was like ... Elizabeth, damn. I cracked up at "basic Caucasian sex" (I'm sure she meant vanilla) but that is a LOW blow. She fights dirty as hell.

And then Amber. Amber, girl. GIRL. I mean, I would be perturbed if my dude stayed out until 2 AM and didn't call, but daaaaaaaamn. She needs therapy for real. Matt is wrong for her, but she also just really needs some help. I remember her sister saying she gave previous exes money, and I'm sure that was "please don't leave me! What can I do to make you stay?" behavior, and that's not good. It's not Matt's job to fix her abandonment issues.

When Amber and her sister were talking, I was struck by how childlike they looked and sounded. They looked like kids sitting on the trampoline, hunched over, and they sounded like teenagers - they talk so fast!

I found it interesting that neither Jamie's nor Elizabeth's parents know that they don't want kids - like, at no point in Jamie's or Elizabeth's individual lives did they mention this to anyone? I know it's hard, especially for a woman, but the friends that I have that are intentionally child-free make that known.

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It wasn't about the lemonade! It was about the refrigerator and who has permission to open it in the first place. I might not care to have my guests know what besides lemonade is in there! Go. Sit. Okay, stand. Whaddaya want---I'll get it for ya! 

It wasn't about the "children in 5...or 8 years"! It was about "Yeah, I don't see a future with you, Cling Wrap." 

It wasn't about the "Caucasian sex"! It was about....Haha! I keed! It so was.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Thought Iris was going to slit her wrist trying slice that avocado...she needs to watch youtube videos before she hurts herself...

She made a right mess of that nice avocado...slivered unattractively and unappetizing...

How about a using a sharp paring knife a little technique learned online instead of hacking up the "designated party food"

Should have had a Public Announcement:

An avocado was brutally hacked in the filming of this episode...

parental discretion is advised.

Fruitarians cover your eyes.....it's a massacre...think guacamole....

Edited by humbleopinion
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5 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But might the correlation be religiosity?  I think both of the black women are religious.

I'm sure it partially is and that's the way Pastor Cal likes it. I honestly think his narrow views on things and pushing for certain values hurts the casting process.

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Something tells me Elizabeth’s lovers probably didn’t spend too much time trying to articulate their feelings with her or frankly even try to have heartfelt conversations. Her response to Jamie wanting to talk about their relationship seemed crazy immature to me. Most women would kill for a man to initiate relationship conversations! Elizabeth is the kind of girl who gets her freak on and that’s about it. If Jamie were to probe a bit into her past, I doubt he’d find not one deep, meaningful relationship with a man. Who isn’t her father. That girl is straight whacko. She is in a perpetual state of arrested development and should never be paired with a decent man. Jamie, while not my favorite guy, is leagues ahead in maturity. And for goodness sake I wish she’d find someone to do her lip filler correctly! The way she is moving her mouth is very telling of ill placed Juvederm! 

Just because Amber like sports, doesn’t mean she’s a good match for Matt. I’ve known a couple of pro athletes wives and none of them were “sporty” or even all that interested in team sports. They were very feminine, high maintenance, and the opposite of a “tom boy” type. Not every person wants someone that mirrors themselves. It’s obvious Matt isn’t all that into Amber. Dunno his type, but frankly she looks and acts about 16. It’s not even her femininity or lack thereof, it’s the mere fact she seems girlish. Her demeanor and appearance say “girl” not woman. I suspect Matt might prefer a more mature partner. Not that I think he even needs to settle down right now, but I see no chemistry there. 

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17 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

As for ...[the really ugly fight] after he [Jamie] came back with flowers, watch the level of beer in his glass.  It's obvious that despite what we are shown, statement X didn't follow statement Y.

Good catch, Statisticaloutier! 

I wondered how that Beth/Jamie fight went from "Awww... you remembered what I said" to "just basic Caucasian sex!" in less than 5 minutes...

My pretties... it looks they've decided to assign Beth the Wicked Witch of the West edit! 

17 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

No, it's more than interesting.  It shows how we shouldn't necessarily believe what they're presenting to us. 

For sure.

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20 hours ago, PupCal said:

I mean Jamie's got a point. If you've "never not been offered a a job from an interview" why are you working for your dad?

20 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

So we know Liz has worked elsewhere but she never explained why the move to work for her father, which might have helped in that interaction.

3 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

 I feel sorry for her fellow employees who will find out fast she is daddy's little girl and she is always right.

But we don't know that she has worked elsewhere; we only know that she has been offered every job she interviewed for.  Has she actually accepted any of those jobs?  If so, why is she going to be working for her dad and what on earth has she been doing in-between?

And as for the fellow employees, it's worse than just that she'll always be right.  It's that the dad/boss already said something to the effect that she won't have to live up to her responsibilities like everyone else will have to.

20 hours ago, 2727 said:

Keith is so chill and reasonable.

You say tomato...  If you watch what he actually said when Iris was telling him later what bothered her about the Juice-gate, he gave absolutely no credence to her viewpoint and dismissed it out of hand, more than once, right from the jump.  I can agree that her viewpoint was a little overboard, but that doesn't give him the right to dismiss it.

21 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

“Situationship.”  I learned a new word tonight.  

I loved, loved, loved what she explained about her experience and situationships.  If more people were self-aware enough to be cognizant of what she was talking about, the divorce rate would probably plummet for young people's marriages.  She did not describe an FWB, because that is a situation where both parties know that it is not a dating relationship.  She also did not describe a just-friends situation, where she tried to develop a friendship after the hook-up, but it didn't work. 

What she was describing was the situation where she had sex right from the get-go, and then incorrectly (for her) interpreted the resulting feeling as relationship-based rather than realizing that it was just sex-based.  As she said (I think), she was conducting it backwards, backing into something that she tried to make into a relationship, instead of realizing that it should have just stayed as a one-night stand or an FWB.   Props to her for figuring this out, and not wanting to repeat that with Greg, who she thinks/hopes could genuinely be the real deal.

20 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Secondly, it’s Gregg’s Birthday.  A little nookie would have been nice besides the cake, and what the hell were they talking about on the couch for ten minutes?  It ended with a “not tonight”.  I think soon he will get disgusted with all the talk about her not wanting to go further, even a little bit. 

But she said just the opposite.  She finally gave Greg some hope that it would go further.   And it would have been a big mistake for her to jump from whatever minimal level of physical contact they have had, to go full-out to nookie just because it was his birthday.

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52 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I found it interesting that neither Jamie's nor Elizabeth's parents know that they don't want kids - like, at no point in Jamie's or Elizabeth's individual lives did they mention this to anyone? I know it's hard, especially for a woman, but the friends that I have that are intentionally child-free make that known.

I never told my parents that I didn't want kids.  Then again, they never asked.

The other day I was talking to a child-free friend and I asked her if she ever got ragged on for not wanting kids and she said she did, and I said hmmmm...nobody ever ragged on me at all.  She said, "Maybe they thought you shouldn't have kids."  Touché!

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Regarding Lemonadegate:  Keith's friends/brothers will remember Iris's hissy fit and won't want to visit him at their home.  Then what's she going to say when Keith goes to visit them instead?  I know I wouldn't want to set foot in her house again.

If they do stay together, I predict in the coming years that Old Lady Iris will spend her time doing stuff like counting out how many Cheezits Keith should eat and measuring ounces of lemonade for him to drink.

Keep the faith, Keith.  You'll need it. 

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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

Something tells me Elizabeth’s lovers probably didn’t spend too much time trying to articulate their feelings with her or frankly even try to have heartfelt conversations. Her response to Jamie wanting to talk about their relationship seemed crazy immature to me. Most women would kill for a man to initiate relationship conversations! Elizabeth is the kind of girl who gets her freak on and that’s about it. If Jamie were to probe a bit into her past, I doubt he’d find not one deep, meaningful relationship with a man. Who isn’t her father. That girl is straight whacko. She is in a perpetual state of arrested development and should never be paired with a decent man. Jamie, while not my favorite guy, is leagues ahead in maturity. And for goodness sake I wish she’d find someone to do her lip filler correctly! The way she is moving her mouth is very telling of ill placed Juvederm!

Your analysis and insight is spot on. Initially he was trying to have a truce the moment he attempted to assert himself by saying this is the deal I want to have a serious talk with you she was immediately like no this isn't how I 'do' men. They wrap around my fingers, dance to my tune just like daddy dearest does. That said Jamie wasn't exactly diplomatic about it but he's not just be a roll over guy this union has to work for him to. I agree she's not really suitable for marriage unless she finds a pussy whipped sugar daddy...

Edited by DrewPaul2010
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1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

I'm sure it partially is and that's the way Pastor Cal likes it. I honestly think his narrow views on things and pushing for certain values hurts the casting process.

I agree.  It would be nice if they paired a couple where both said, "I don't want children."  I think Pastor Cal is one of those people who fee that the purpose of marriage is having children.

I think Matt wants to be married, he doesn't want to have the same type of marriage that Amber wants.

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I didn't see when Matt came home. Maybe I'll catch it next week. And maybe in the next episode we'll see that Matt has discovered that new-fangled form of communication called a "cellphone."

I don't think the wives are being regarded here unnecessarily more harshly than their husbands. Matt and Jamie have been criticized, certainly, including over physical appearance. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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And as for the fellow employees, it's worse than just that she'll always be right.  It's that the dad/boss already said something to the effect that she won't have to live up to her responsibilities like everyone else will have to.

Could be even worse than that in two weeks she could assume her rightful position as co-boss and start telling everyone how to do their jobs. Something like that can run a company right into the dirt. And I wager she is a constant flirt.

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7 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I've been married almost 11 years and would never want my spouse to come home to find that I'm not there, and with no idea where I am or how long I'll be gone (nor would he ever do that to me), which is clear from her first text that that's what happened.  To me, that's dick move #1 on his part.

I get your point, but when you married your husband, I assume he wasn't a stranger, that you knew him.  For me, I felt Amber was overreacting, freaking out over a man she really doesn't know.  I agree it was a dick move on Matt's part, he should have texted or called.  I wonder how Amber would have felt if he'd done that. 

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7 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I guess I'm in the minority, but I see nothing wrong with what Amber has done in the texting, at least as shown here, but see some pretty dickish behavior on the part of Matt (again, at least until we find out something more):

  • I've been married almost 11 years and would never want my spouse to come home to find that I'm not there, and with no idea where I am or how long I'll be gone (nor would he ever do that to me), which is clear from her first text that that's what happened.  To me, that's dick move #1 on his part.
  • Then she waits 3 more hours before texting him again, a perfectly reasonable amount of time given that now it is encroaching into dinner and she wants to know if he will be back in time to eat with her.  But he doesn't give her the courtesy of answering her very simple question, dick move #2
  • She waits 1 more hour, and now she's trying to get a feel for the rest of the evening, so she sends another reasonable text trying to find out; again he doesn't give her the courtesy of an answer, dick move #3
  • She waits two more hours, and now it's bedtime, and it's been 6 hours since he's been gone, so she sends a text that gets more worried, and I don't blame her one bit; again, he doesn't give her the courtesy of an answer, dick move #4
  • She waits two more hours, so it's now been 8 freaking hours since he's been gone and since she's heard from him.  She is now in full-on panic, and again, I don't blame girlfriend one little bit, cause now you move from being pissed to being worried if he's OK.

I'm surprised that there's so much hate for her in this situation.

I felt nothing but sorrow for her in that situation...it shows how deeply she feels about this man and how connected she feels. I hope he has a legitimate excuse I'm afraid he's not committed this is definitely a married at first sight upon approval type of man. Every season 2 or 3 people don't actually accept the premise of the show married at first site...but then the show doesn't either or they wouldn't be asking if they want to bail after 8 weeks.

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3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

The problem I heard Jamie articulate was that before they were married, she said that she was an account exec for her father which was not true. She had not started that job yet and that's why she got all freaked out at the questions. It sounded to me like she would be started this job in the near future. Jamie-- whom I can't stand-- was correct in saying that he was trying to get to know the real her but she is not truthful or open about anything. It's as though she thinks being quirky and having sexy time means she owes him no window into the real Elizabeth. It was quite the vicious exchange. Wow. 

I wonder if either of these two have developed sufficient emotional and/or intellectual depth to act as mature adults in a significant relationship.

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1 hour ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Good catch, Statisticaloutier! 

I wondered how that Beth/Jamie fight went from "Awww... you remembered what I said" to "just basic Caucasian sex!" in less than 5 minutes...

My pretties... it looks they've decided to assign Beth the Wicked Witch of the West edit! 

For sure.

I watched the beer too. Every time there is a scene in any of these shows with drinks, I always keep an eye on the glasses, which change very frequently.

19 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I'm surprised that there's so much hate for her in this situation.

I think she's an ass. This is not a marriage of years and with two people who love and care for each other and thus would not do what Matt did. It's a brand new coupling of strangers that is clearly not a match. He said he was out with a friend and would catch her later. That said it all right there. I don't buy the "I was worried" thing. I highly doubt Amber thought Matt was killed or mugged or something. She was pissed and upset that he wasn't stuck to her hip talking about having a half dozen kids between kisses. She said to her father that she was sad. She told the selfie cam that he doesn't care. She wasn't all shaking saying, "I need to call all the hospitals because I'm worried." 

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