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Phaedra Parks: Undertaker, Esq.

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I really don't expect Phaedra to say much. She was bodacious when addressing Kenya because of several infractions between the three of them, otherwise Phaedra's displeasure with Apollo was apparent; even without the forgotten mic gems.


The only problems I have had with Phaedra were her fake proper southern belle persona and the greed she openly displays when talking about the funeral business. Plain tacky. However without a lot of fanfare, she dealt with a second pregnancy, raised a well mannered and intelligent first born and seriously hit the books getting her mortuary license. All while dealing with that man-child Apollo.


I don't see Phaedra as being as ridiculous as Teresa in spinning.

  • Love 8

I saw that Chrissytd.  I am going to address the stint here and not on the Ellen Show thread since I think us watchers might be more interested.  When I watched her interview I was a bit shocked.  She was definitely rehearsed.  My first thought was that somewhere Apollo's head is exploding but then I thought maybe they have a deal in the works.  He allows her to distance herself from him and all the mess and he will eventually get a payback.  At least Phaedra was smart enough not to have her name on ANYTHING.  Where as with Joe and Theresa, Joe admitted he used Theresa's soc # because she had better credit.  That's where she got pulled in.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 1

I saw that Chrissytd.  I am going to address the stint here and not on the Ellen Show thread since I think us watchers might be more interested.  When I watched her interview I was a bit shocked.  She was definitely rehearsed.  My first thought was that somewhere Apollo's head is exploding but then I thought maybe they have a deal in the works.  He allows her to distance herself from him and all the mess and he will eventually get a payback.  At least Phaedra was smart enough not to have her name on ANYTHING.  Where as with Joe and Theresa, Joe admitted he used Theresa's soc # because she had better credit.  That's where she got pulled in.

I didn't watch the interview, and it sounds like it would make my blood pressure go up, but no matter what Apollo says/admits to, it doesn't necessarily change what the government will do if they want to charge her.  She may not have her name on any paperwork, but I think if the government wants to build a case, they still can, and her going around on TV may not be the best idea.  And I think it would be a black eye to the Georgia Bar, after her deposition to allow her to keep her bar card in that state.

  • Love 3

I saw that Chrissytd.  I am going to address the stint here and not on the Ellen Show thread since I think us watchers might be more interested.  When I watched her interview I was a bit shocked.  She was definitely rehearsed.  My first thought was that somewhere Apollo's head is exploding but then I thought maybe they have a deal in the works.  He allows her to distance herself from him and all the mess and he will eventually get a payback.  At least Phaedra was smart enough not to have her name on ANYTHING.  Where as with Joe and Theresa, Joe admitted he used Theresa's soc # because she had better credit.  That's where she got pulled in.


Phaedra incorporated one of Pretty 'Pollo's phony "asset recovery" bidnesses.  For the longest time, I could have sworn that when she vaguely referred to his "asset recovery" gig that it was a polite way of saying that he was a repo man.  Except the truth was much worse than I could have ever imagined.


A part of me will always believe that on some level she knew what was up or at the very least had every reason to be suspicious.  "Whatever you're doing--just keep me out of it and keep my name out your mouth," was probably her philosophy.  No wonder she didn't want to accept a car from him that he went out and bought with his, er, other people's hard-earned money.  When Pretty 'Pollo's car and laptop were seized, there was no way she could even feign ignorance about his activities because by then he was made aware that he was being actively investigated by the feds.  I shudder to think of the convoluted explanation he provided when he had to explain to Phaedra why he didn't have his car.  IIRC there was a prior incident that she alluded to on the show when Apollo was pulled over by law enforcement in a case of "mistaken identity."

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Bravo must not care about their own possible culpability in this whole mess if they are keeping her on, referring to the incident, and all that footage that's out there of what they aired of him talking about his various bidnesses. I don't know much about law, but if they had an inkling he was up to something illegal by airing various things and didn't say something..... ??

  • Love 1

Bravo must not care about their own possible culpability in this whole mess if they are keeping her on, referring to the incident, and all that footage that's out there of what they aired of him talking about his various bidnesses. I don't know much about law, but if they had an inkling he was up to something illegal by airing various things and didn't say something..... ??

I don't think they would have any positive duty to inform anyone if they knew he was up to something.  I can only think of those documentaries where they pretty much film people shooting up drugs.

Please link to Phaedra's deposition.

This is a good overall timeline that includes the deposition. http://tamaratattles.com/2014/08/19/the-curious-case-of-parks-v-stanton-chapter-four-remembrance-of-things-past/

My favorite part: Q. In fact this is a photo of one of Ms. Stanton’s children in your office, isn’t it?

A. I don’t know it to be so. I don’t know that this is my office and I don’t know this to be her child.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I haven't cared much for Phaedra ever since she made the comment that Apollo grew up in a white household so he ate nothing but canned food, but I really don't think she was in this with him.

Why would she risk everything? She was successful before him so its not like she was hurting for money. I just don't see what reason she would have for risking her career and her kids.

I also think if she had anything to do with Apollo's crimes, he'd be screaming it from the rooftops. I don't think he'd keep quiet and spare Phaedra just for the boys.

  • Love 3

I haven't cared much for Phaedra ever since she made the comment that Apollo grew up in a white household so he ate nothing but canned food, but I really don't think she was in this with him.

Why would she risk everything? She was successful before him so its not like she was hurting for money. I just don't see what reason she would have for risking her career and her kids.

I also think if she had anything to do with Apollo's crimes, he'd be screaming it from the rooftops. I don't think he'd keep quiet and spare Phaedra just for the boys.

There are two questions I have.


1. How successful was Phaedra with a purely law practice?  - Apollo made mention of how Phaedra told him that she had everything together with a law practice and she didn't need his money, and then she started to ask him for a mortgage payment.  Apollo doesn't seem like a very good liar, and he was very upset, and it had the ring of truth to it.


2. How clean was Phaedra before Apollo? - I know she defended Bobby Brown, and I know she was on the cover of a magazine as a top attorney.  But we've seen her in court with Sheree and she seemed lost.  She got paid cash in a parking lot from a guy on a drug charge.  Her deposition doesn't read like something someone with legal acumen.  I know attorneys have gotten in trouble for laundering money for clients, and I wonder if she hadn't been involved in something like that.


If Phaedra was unable to support her lifestyle on a purely law practice because she isn't that great at the practice of law, and/or if she wasn't that clean she may have been fully involved in some scheming.


Now, as far as Apollo.  I don't care for Apollo, I think he is a giant ass.  But, I think he had an absentee father, so I think he truly does love his sons, he just doesn't know what it takes to be a great dad.  I do think he loves his sons, and knows that at the very least, like he did, that they need their mother, or they need at least one parent.  He may not know the finer points of being a great dad, or even some of the big points of being a great dad, but I think he knows enough to know that they need at least one parent, and it shouldn't be him.

  • Love 2

There are two questions I have.

1. How successful was Phaedra with a purely law practice? - Apollo made mention of how Phaedra told him that she had everything together with a law practice and she didn't need his money, and then she started to ask him for a mortgage payment. Apollo doesn't seem like a very good liar, and he was very upset, and it had the ring of truth to it.

2. How clean was Phaedra before Apollo? - I know she defended Bobby Brown, and I know she was on the cover of a magazine as a top attorney. But we've seen her in court with Sheree and she seemed lost. She got paid cash in a parking lot from a guy on a drug charge. Her deposition doesn't read like something someone with legal acumen. I know attorneys have gotten in trouble for laundering money for clients, and I wonder if she hadn't been involved in something like that.

If Phaedra was unable to support her lifestyle on a purely law practice because she isn't that great at the practice of law, and/or if she wasn't that clean she may have been fully involved in some scheming.

Now, as far as Apollo. I don't care for Apollo, I think he is a giant ass. But, I think he had an absentee father, so I think he truly does love his sons, he just doesn't know what it takes to be a great dad. I do think he loves his sons, and knows that at the very least, like he did, that they need their mother, or they need at least one parent. He may not know the finer points of being a great dad, or even some of the big points of being a great dad, but I think he knows enough to know that they need at least one parent, and it shouldn't be him.

Her wanting a grown ass man to help pay for the home he's living in doesn't mean she wasn't successful. She managed to pay for herself before him.

I don't think her asking him to help pay for the home means a damn thing other than she wanted him to man up.

  • Love 14

There are two questions I have.


1. How successful was Phaedra with a purely law practice?  - Apollo made mention of how Phaedra told him that she had everything together with a law practice and she didn't need his money, and then she started to ask him for a mortgage payment.  Apollo doesn't seem like a very good liar, and he was very upset, and it had the ring of truth to it.


2. How clean was Phaedra before Apollo? - I know she defended Bobby Brown, and I know she was on the cover of a magazine as a top attorney.  But we've seen her in court with Sheree and she seemed lost.  She got paid cash in a parking lot from a guy on a drug charge.  Her deposition doesn't read like something someone with legal acumen.  I know attorneys have gotten in trouble for laundering money for clients, and I wonder if she hadn't been involved in something like that.


If Phaedra was unable to support her lifestyle on a purely law practice because she isn't that great at the practice of law, and/or if she wasn't that clean she may have been fully involved in some scheming.



Heaven help me because I'm going to defend Fakedra a bit!  Gag!


I see nothing wrong with a woman asking her HUZZBIN to contribute to the household even if she had it all together before they met.  Fakedra asking her bought and paid for stud to make the mortgage payment shouldn't have offended his sensibilities.  It was the least he could do since he lived there.  At least she had higher expectations than my former sister-in-law.  All she wanted was for my trifling brother to pay the damn cable bill and he couldn't even do that!  Guys like this seem to resent women who really don't need their money (i.e., "She don't need me for anything,").  Yet, when they're asked to contribute in some way, they get their noses out of joint.  My own husband called it the first two times the Nidas appeared onscreen and Fakedra was basically bragging that she was running the show financially and had a prenup.  Mr. MulletorHater wondered aloud how soon that shit would grow old for Appalling and indicated old boy would simply bide his time before he started acting a fool.  Evidently, he didn't wait long before he went back to his criminal activity while playing the role of a doting husband to a high-maintenance and pretentious wife consumed with keeping up appearances.  ("Oh my god!  It's the Nida woman!")


In Fakedra's defense, family law is not her area of expertise and she did Sheree a disservice.  She's an entertainment attorney.  Why she didn't refer Sheree to a seasoned family law practitioner who could have (a) asked for a continuance to bring himself up to speed; and (b) reviewed the docket beforehand to see if there were any motions pending is mystifying.   Because of Sheree's delay in paying her, Fakedra lost precious time and was clearly unprepared.  It had to be embarrassing getting outwitted by a cross-eyed pro se litigant on national television.  And, all for a client whom she didn't trust to pay her with a check that wouldn't bounce.  Don't get me started on her deposition testimony, which was full of evasions, half-truths, and non-responsive answers.  


I don't think she was that clean before she and Apollo hooked up either.  Her pretentiousness and "Southern belle" persona got old quick, fast and in a hurry, and I always suspected it was a cover for something a little deeper.  She may have planned ahead for some things, but she clearly didn't plan for the day when someone like Angela Staunton would write a book spilling the tea about her alleged shady past.  Nor, could she have ever imagined that her carefully crafted image of an "enviable" lifestyle would implode so spectacularly and publicly.

  • Love 3

Heaven help me because I'm going to defend Fakedra a bit!  Gag!


I see nothing wrong with a woman asking her HUZZBIN to contribute to the household even if she had it all together before they met.  Fakedra asking her bought and paid for stud to make the mortgage payment shouldn't have offended his sensibilities.  It was the least he could do since he lived there.  At least she had higher expectations than my former sister-in-law.  All she wanted was for my trifling brother to pay the damn cable bill and he couldn't even do that!  Guys like this seem to resent women who really don't need their money (i.e., "She don't need me for anything,").  Yet, when they're asked to contribute in some way, they get their noses out of joint.  My own husband called it the first two times the Nidas appeared onscreen and Fakedra was basically bragging that she was running the show financially and had a prenup.  Mr. MulletorHater wondered aloud how soon that shit would grow old for Appalling and indicated old boy would simply bide his time before he started acting a fool.  Evidently, he didn't wait long before he went back to his criminal activity while playing the role of a doting husband to a high-maintenance and pretentious wife consumed with keeping up appearances.  ("Oh my god!  It's the Nida woman!")


In Fakedra's defense, family law is not her area of expertise and she did Sheree a disservice.  She's an entertainment attorney.  Why she didn't refer Sheree to a seasoned family law practitioner who could have (a) asked for a continuance to bring himself up to speed; and (b) reviewed the docket beforehand to see if there were any motions pending is mystifying.   Because of Sheree's delay in paying her, Fakedra lost precious time and was clearly unprepared.  It had to be embarrassing getting outwitted by a cross-eyed pro se litigant on national television.  And, all for a client whom she didn't trust to pay her with a check that wouldn't bounce.  Don't get me started on her deposition testimony, which was full of evasions, half-truths, and non-responsive answers.  


I don't think she was that clean before she and Apollo hooked up either.  Her pretentiousness and "Southern belle" persona got old quick, fast and in a hurry, and I always suspected it was a cover for something a little deeper.  She may have planned ahead for some things, but she clearly didn't plan for the day when someone like Angela Staunton would write a book spilling the tea about her alleged shady past.  Nor, could she have ever imagined that her carefully crafted image of an "enviable" lifestyle would implode so spectacularly and publicly.

I'm sorry for having put you in that position ;)


Having said that, to me, any attorney worried about her reputation wouldn't agree to represent someone on national TV in a field of law she doesn't really understand.  And I don't see a problem with her asking for the money if this was a normal relationship, but it seems like she made it somewhat clear that she was successful and would therefore cover the bills.  I'm not agreeing with it, its nothing I would want to do, because I don't think I could respect a man that was perfectly fine living off of my income 100%, but that seems like the relationship they agreed to.  And, since Phaedra seems to like control, I could see where if she had the money, she would like to use it to control Apollo.  So for her to ask him for money makes me suspicious that she didn't have it because she may not have been as successful as she put out.  And it sounds like she was asking for the entire mortgage payment, not half, if she is the more successful, established partner I would think she would at least pay half of the mortgage? 

I think Phaedra practices willful ignorance. She did it with her first pregnancy and her due date and she did it with Apollo's "finances". She was determined to create her vision of a marriage/family/career and reality was not going to stand in her way. Life is easier if you ignore reality.....until it bites you in the ass.

I think she flat out lied about her conception date.Phaedra claimed her first baby was several months premature and no one, not even "nurse" Kim believed her.
  • Love 3

Oh she definitely lied.  She flat out tried to get the doctor to support her and he refused.  She tried to pretend her doctor didn't give her a due date.  And didn't she make sure she gave birth where her mother lived instead of in Atlanta?


How deliciously ironic that Phaedra was so hell bent on presenting herself as some kind of mythical Jack & Jill Susan Sugarbaker Attorney at Law she bought into the whole married "legitimate" silliness.  instead of taking that pretty baby seed and staying a professional single mother, she married her felon, had a second kid and now is mired and tied to the man much more tangled than she ever considered.  As sperm donor she probably could have legally bound him in the exact knot she wanted.  Yeah I wonder if she has enough self awareness to realize the silly archaic "shame" of a baby on the 'wrong side of the blanket' is nothing compared to being married to a crook who still might drag her down with him.  Assuming she was completely innocent.  From what I gather they are still trying to determine whether there was any joint financial gain through his crimes even if it was done without her knowledge.  When does that get settled once and for all?  I'm sure the IRS is making sure to go through any and all returns that the Nida name appeared on. 

  • Love 2

There are two questions I have.


1. How successful was Phaedra with a purely law practice?  - Apollo made mention of how Phaedra told him that she had everything together with a law practice and she didn't need his money, and then she started to ask him for a mortgage payment.  Apollo doesn't seem like a very good liar, and he was very upset, and it had the ring of truth to it.


2. How clean was Phaedra before Apollo? - I know she defended Bobby Brown, and I know she was on the cover of a magazine as a top attorney.  But we've seen her in court with Sheree and she seemed lost.  She got paid cash in a parking lot from a guy on a drug charge.  Her deposition doesn't read like something someone with legal acumen.  I know attorneys have gotten in trouble for laundering money for clients, and I wonder if she hadn't been involved in something like that.


If Phaedra was unable to support her lifestyle on a purely law practice because she isn't that great at the practice of law, and/or if she wasn't that clean she may have been fully involved in some scheming.


Now, as far as Apollo.  I don't care for Apollo, I think he is a giant ass.  But, I think he had an absentee father, so I think he truly does love his sons, he just doesn't know what it takes to be a great dad.  I do think he loves his sons, and knows that at the very least, like he did, that they need their mother, or they need at least one parent.  He may not know the finer points of being a great dad, or even some of the big points of being a great dad, but I think he knows enough to know that they need at least one parent, and it shouldn't be him.

I don't think Phaedra had an over the top successful law practice.  There has been a book written about Phaedra and a group of people claim she had very dirty hands.  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2014/01/25/phaedra-parks-takin-a-look-back-at-angela-stanton-angela-explains-all/  Phaedra made a big stink suing Angela and since then she has gone through attorneys and been sanctioned for failure to comply with discovery.  This was Phaedra's lawsuit and she is the one dragging her feet.  Of course Angela Stanton has countersued.  The publisher of the book has been dismissed from the lawsuit.  The "head doctor" title is discussed in one of the depositions-apparently it is a title Phaedra conferred on herself.


The take away from the Apollo comment I got was -here is a pregnant woman, who earns a decent living, asking me to marry her and he had reservations over his ability to provide legally consistent with her standard of living.  There was also a boatload of concessions because of Phaedra's desire to be such a phony persona for TV.    I am not saying Apollo has any sense of priorities with where he spends his money as he obviously doesn't but don't promise you will be the provider and then go back on your word.  The house was in Phaedra's name-were they roommates or married to each other?  I also think the Bravo paycheck is a big bone of contention-Apollo was far more interesting than Phaedra.  Perhaps it is time they paid the husbands. The Atlanta men they basically carry their wives purses.  The only husbands that seemed to work were Porsha's and he dumped her and Kim Zolciak's and Phaedra and Kandi ran her off.  You just know Peter would love to be hanging out with a Atlanta Falcon.

  • Love 3

There are two questions I have.


1. How successful was Phaedra with a purely law practice?  - Apollo made mention of how Phaedra told him that she had everything together with a law practice and she didn't need his money, and then she started to ask him for a mortgage payment.  Apollo doesn't seem like a very good liar, and he was very upset, and it had the ring of truth to it.


2. How clean was Phaedra before Apollo? - I know she defended Bobby Brown, and I know she was on the cover of a magazine as a top attorney.  But we've seen her in court with Sheree and she seemed lost.  She got paid cash in a parking lot from a guy on a drug charge.  Her deposition doesn't read like something someone with legal acumen.  I know attorneys have gotten in trouble for laundering money for clients, and I wonder if she hadn't been involved in something like that.


If Phaedra was unable to support her lifestyle on a purely law practice because she isn't that great at the practice of law, and/or if she wasn't that clean she may have been fully involved in some scheming.


Now, as far as Apollo.  I don't care for Apollo, I think he is a giant ass.  But, I think he had an absentee father, so I think he truly does love his sons, he just doesn't know what it takes to be a great dad.  I do think he loves his sons, and knows that at the very least, like he did, that they need their mother, or they need at least one parent.  He may not know the finer points of being a great dad, or even some of the big points of being a great dad, but I think he knows enough to know that they need at least one parent, and it shouldn't be him.

Phaedra had that mortgage probably long before Apollo moved in. She probably started asking him to contribute to the mortgage because you can't be a grown ass man living in somebody's house and not contribute to the finances no matter how little or much  it is. She likely did it to spur him to get a J-O-B.

Also, Apollo may have fancied himself a kept man but she made him sign a pre-nip and I have no doubt that Phaedra made it clear that while she knew it might take some time, given his record, he would have to figure out a way to make money. Keeping a man financially definitely didn't jibe with the image she was trying to project. Making more is one thing, but him making none is an entirely different thing. She never went on about wanting him to shower her with gifts or anything, but she expected him to earn some sort of income. He could have been a physical trainer, and she even appeared in that stupid video with him even though she knows she wasn't exactly in exercise-video shape, but clearly didn't follow through on it cause he likes the fast life. What a fool.

She tried to get him into the virtually recession proof mortuary business too. I caught a rerun when him and his backpack visited her at her office. She was trying to tell him all the things he could do, like comforting the family members. He didn't want to be involved because of "spirits" from the dead people. Now he's gonna expect her to have an apartment and car ready for him in 8 years from that business. Bitch please.


Maybe if he had been a better husband the past few years she would have been with him in court to support him. Instead he yelled at and disrespected her repeatedly. I couldn't believe he left her sitting outside of their room and refused to get her a key. She had such sad look on her face as she sat there humiliated. Now it looks like he will try to humiliate her some more on the upcoming episodes.


Apollo complained about how he didn't want to be controlled and told what to do. Well then, pay your own fines, legal fees and expenses. He's fione but what a child clown.

  • Love 1

Apollo is a bitch, in my opinion. I don't think he has ever apologized to Phaedra for his treatment of her. I think Phaedra is smart, ambitious, and loves being a mother, but she was dumb as fuck when it came to Apollo. If her biological clock was ticking that loudly she should've had the babies and NEVER married him. Apollo is uncouth and embarrassing. He can't even pretend to have an ounce of sense. He's stupid.

Do I think Phaedra is messy? Yes. But her being messy doesn't excuse Apollo's deplorable behavior.

  • Love 3

Phaedra had that mortgage probably long before Apollo moved in. She probably started asking him to contribute to the mortgage because you can't be a grown ass man living in somebody's house and not contribute to the finances no matter how little or much  it is. She likely did it to spur him to get a J-O-B.

I don't think its unacceptable to expect him to get a job, but by the same token she knew that he was an ex-felon coming out of prison.  She, more so than anyone, given her legal background should understand that the types of legal jobs he could get would be extremely limited.  I am sure anything having to do with hard money is pretty much closed off, some jobs where you would have access to people's credit card/personal information would likely be cut off too.  So that means he probably couldn't even be a mcdonalds cashier.  The type of job he could legally, given that he is a felon and doesn't have much education would likely be something minimum wage.  And certainly not enough to come up with a $3200 mortgage payment.  If she was reasonably expecting him to pay that, she would have had to know that the job he had wasn't legal.  And if she had been clear that she would pay the expenses because she understood his difficulties in getting a job as an ex-felon and then suddenly wanted $3200 for a mortgage, it seems to me that she probably didn't have the money she claimed to have and was silently co-signing him getting back into illegal activity to come up with that money.

  • Love 1

So, I was just reflecting on Phaedra and Apollo's situation for about 4 minutes and I wonder if it didn't go down like this....


Phaedra gets pregnant by Apollo, who she knows is an ex-convict.  Phaedra desperately wants to keep her image as a virtuous southern belle and so she realizes that she needs to get married, fast before she starts showing too much or gets too far along to the point where the math is even more obvious.  Phaedra doesn't have enough time to try to convince someone other than Apollo to marry her so they can present an image to the world (in a perfect world, I think a guy on the down low, or in the closet with a respectable job and a family that wouldn't accept him being gay would have been a good option).  Phaedra begs Apollo to marry her quick so they can keep up the image that she got pregnant on their wedding night.  Apollo is hesitant, he sees how she lives and knows that he can't keep up financially, maybe somewhere in the back of his mind he realizes that even if Phaedra comes after him for child support, the only support ordered by the court would be based on his income, and so even if he made $10/hour at McDonalds, the most Phaedra could get would be maybe $5-$6 of that in support.  Apollo hesitates on getting married.  Phaedra sweetens the pot by assuring him that she has it all together, that she can pay his way, and he can have this fabulous lifestyle, and she won't expect any money from him because she knows that he doesn't have any money.  Apollo agrees to marry, and then finds out that maybe Phaedra has a lot of debt to maintain her current lifestyle, and perhaps doesn't make as much money as she let on, and she starts asking him for $3200 for the mortgage payment.  She knows that he doesn't have that sort of money so the conclusion that they both draw is that he is to go back to whatever illegal activity he was in before that would allow him to have that type of money.


I think Phaedra's actions have shown that her image is very very important to her, so I could see it going down this way.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 4

I can't see her telling Apollo pre housewives he needed to come up with 3200 dollars for the mortgage.  Now, after they were established on the show and he was able to supplement his income doing hosting gigs at clubs? Hell yeah you can put some money down. 

I remember Apollo saying something that gave me the impression that she wanted the money pretty soon after they got married, because she saw he had nice clothes or something to that effect.  It wasn't because he was on housewives and was making money doing hosting gigs. 

  • Love 1

I remember, the conversation went like this, you ask me to pay th e$3,200 mortgage and Pherda said why, he said cause I was buying clothes and stuff what did you expect me to walk around naked.  When the show started they had not been married a full year yet, so doubt Phedra had not asked him for money then.  I think it was shortly after when the income possibility when up, with him hosting parties and such, is when she started asking him for money.  

I don't think its unacceptable to expect him to get a job, but by the same token she knew that he was an ex-felon coming out of prison.  She, more so than anyone, given her legal background should understand that the types of legal jobs he could get would be extremely limited.  I am sure anything having to do with hard money is pretty much closed off, some jobs where you would have access to people's credit card/personal information would likely be cut off too.  So that means he probably couldn't even be a mcdonalds cashier.  The type of job he could legally, given that he is a felon and doesn't have much education would likely be something minimum wage.  And certainly not enough to come up with a $3200 mortgage payment.  If she was reasonably expecting him to pay that, she would have had to know that the job he had wasn't legal.  And if she had been clear that she would pay the expenses because she understood his difficulties in getting a job as an ex-felon and then suddenly wanted $3200 for a mortgage, it seems to me that she probably didn't have the money she claimed to have and was silently co-signing him getting back into illegal activity to come up with that money.


That's why some of ex-convicts end up starting their own businesses because of that question on the job application:  Have you ever been convicted of a crime?  If so, please explain the circumstances; feel free to use an extra sheet of paper if you need more space.


That's why Fakedra was so desperate to set Appalling up with a gig of his own.  We saw her struggles to do that play out onscreen. No doubt, members of her local bar association were laughing at her behind her back and probably to her face.  I also have no doubt that she got an earful from her concerned family members and friends, i.e., "Girlllll!  What in the world are you doing?"  As Iyanla Vizant would ask, "Beloved--was it for the penis or the promise?"


Fakedra should have known that a family mortuary business was a non-starter for the pretty boy who likes fast money, flashy clothes and cars.  He wasn't about to do anything that required him to exert himself other than the personal training gig and fitness video.  And, that was only because it gave him a chance to flex his muscles and have women swoon over him.  That fool wasn't about to study for any mortuary sciences exams; he wouldn't study anything beyond a bank statement or someone else's credit report.  


The question I have is whether or not the Nidas filed joint tax returns, which would have clearly shown what Appalling's sources of income were.  Or, did Fakedra and her accountant suggest filing tax returns, married, but filing separately, so she wouldn't have her name on anything of his?


I would bet dollars to donuts that even if Appalling had $3,200 per month to pay towards the mortgage, he wouldn't have done it without a fight.  He was downright boastful about those receipts he claims Fakedra saw documenting his trips to the strip club, which tells me what his priorities really were.  He's so narcissistic that he probably figured that even if he didn't pay the mortgage, his wife would have had it covered anyway since she was not about to allow her home to be foreclosed on.  After all, she was running things financially--according to her.  In those instances (more than likely, rare) where he actually wrote that check or gave her the cash, I'm sure he begrudged her every penny.  Never mind that the money didn't come directly from him anyway.  All he knew was that it was "his" money!

  • Love 1

I believe they were just having a fling and when she got pregnant she told him whatever she needed to say to get him to marry her. I'll pay the bills, yada yada, but it became a problem when Apollo refused to play the role of the perfect husband. Clearly Apollo was never really into her. I hope she takes this as a lesson and moves on to something better.

  • Love 2
I don't think Phaedra had an over the top successful law practice.




So, I was just reflecting on Phaedra and Apollo's situation for about 4 minutes and I wonder if it didn't go down like this....

Phaedra gets pregnant by Apollo, who she knows is an ex-convict.  Phaedra desperately wants to keep her image as a virtuous southern belle and so she realizes that she needs to get married, fast before she starts showing too much or gets too far along to the point where the math is even more obvious.

So... tea...


1. Phaedra did not have a booming legal practice or business.  She was a moderately decent solo practitioner. She maybe cleared $140K/yr, which is good money in Atlanta.  But it's not really doing big things in large metro areas.  Cost of living is cheaper in ATL, so with that self-employed $140K/yr (and she could write off a bunch of things like home offices, dinners, etc. as employment expenses), she bought a house and a decent entry level luxury vehicle.


2. She did NOT have a virtuous reputation.  She was a known heaux in the legal community in Atlanta.  Phaedra had been passed around by several successful men in Atlanta, both in the legal field, in sports, and in business.  She was very much the "head doctor," and then looked up one day and realized she was 37 and none of these men were trying to marry her.  They were getting girlfriends and getting married... and she wasn't being considered for those vacancies.


As for the timeline... Phaedra was only 5 weeks pregnant on her wedding day.  That means she had really conceived only 3 weeks before.  Apollo was released in May.  They got engaged in July/early August.  She got pregnant in mid August.  So, the wedding was already being planned when she got pregnant, most likely (though maybe finding out she was pregnant sped it up).  This timeline, to me, substantiates Angela Stanton's assertion that she was involved with Apollo PRIOR to his first prison stint, waited for him, and thus why they got engaged damn near 5 min. after he was freed.

Edited by OaklandGirl
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Ayden was born in May of 2010. The doctor confirmed that Phaedra was 40 weeks when she was about to deliver. Timeline was that would've put her at becoming pregnant sometime in July/August, which would mean she was more than a couple months pregnant when she got married November 1st. 


I find this all fascinating, moreso for Phaedra's reactions to all of this. She seems to be able to skate by (Apollo, Angela) pretty well on the surface. I feel for the boys, especially smart little Ayden, who has knowledge of his dad and will be right at puberty when Pretty 'Pollo What Dey Call 'Em is back on the scene.

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I haven't cared much for Phaedra ever since she made the comment that Apollo grew up in a white household so he ate nothing but canned food, but I really don't think she was in this with him.



After seeing the footage of Apollo and his mother and brother and after he disclosed that his mother was pretty much on drugs most of his young life, he probably was eating canned food and tv dinners.  Drug addicts don't usually do a lot of cooking (of food that is).  Maybe Phaedra wasn't too far off.

  • Love 2

I found myself wondering this week what might have happened if when Phaedra was leading Apollo towards different careers, she had lead him to a building job. He seems to have a passion for actually doing labor on constructing, remodeling, designing homes. I think if he had a chance, he would thrive in that business. He was wrong wrong wrong to do the things he did but I saw in this episode that he is a man who desperately needs guidance. Hopefully after he gets out this time, there will be some guidance.


I think the fitness venture was the best fit for Apollo.  He likes looking good and being out in front.

  • Love 1

I think the fitness venture was the best fit for Apollo.  He likes looking good and being out in front.

Can you imagine him slaughtering the English language to come up with inspirational quotes for his viewers/clients?


If they had done it right, he could have had a YouTube channel where he did a daily workout and sold workout stuff, listening to him struggle with his made up words and loose grasp of English would have made it worth my click.

  • Love 5

Can you imagine him slaughtering the English language to come up with inspirational quotes for his viewers/clients?


If they had done it right, he could have had a YouTube channel where he did a daily workout and sold workout stuff, listening to him struggle with his made up words and loose grasp of English would have made it worth my click.


And he would have a steady fan base of women who would tune in just to watch him work out.  The problem is that he wanted to be rich and successful in one day instead of waiting for his opportunities to bear fruit.  That chump change he stole is nothing compared to the residuals he could have made as a result of his appearances on RHOA.  All Apollo had to do was play nice and continue creating a phony storyline.


He should have called John Gosselin and asked him about what happens when stupid husbands start thinking they are smart.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 10

And he would have a steady fan base of women who would tune in just to watch him work out.  The problem is that he wanted to be rich and successful in one day instead of waiting for his opportunities to bear fruit.  That chump change he stole is nothing compared to the residuals he could have made as a result of his appearances on RHOA.  All Apollo had to do was play nice and continue creating a phony storyline.


He should have called John Gosselin and asked him about what happens when stupid husbands start thinking they are smart.

A steady fan base of women and very likely quite a few men!


LMAO @ calling John Gosselin....every time I think that guy is done embarrassing himself, he proves me wrong.  Sounds like a good friend for Apollo :)

."Don't let the sector of the time scale tear asunder your juviality" .

I just choked on hot apple cider! LMAO!!

At one point in his "career" on this show, Apollo did speak to a group of men about his time in prison. I am not sure if that was part of his probation or just something he decided to do. Or something Phaedra suggested would be good for this show.

  • Love 2

After seeing the footage of Apollo and his mother and brother and after he disclosed that his mother was pretty much on drugs most of his young life, he probably was eating canned food and tv dinners.  Drug addicts don't usually do a lot of cooking (of food that is).  Maybe Phaedra wasn't too far off.


True that.  The issue I had with the statement is that she made it seem as if only White families ate canned food and she said it in such a condescending tone as if she was far more superior than her HUZZZBIN.  Meanwhile, she's none to gracefully stuffing her mouth full of foie gras and mispronouncing the words.


Can you imagine him slaughtering the English language to come up with inspirational quotes for his viewers/clients?


If they had done it right, he could have had a YouTube channel where he did a daily workout and sold workout stuff, listening to him struggle with his made up words and loose grasp of English would have made it worth my click.


As an added bonus, we would have seen little Ayden correcting daddy's speech and grammar at every opportunity.

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