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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Jackson and HOlly are so secure in their preconceived notion that Tommy and Christie are not so tight that they can't entertain any ideas to the contrary. Nicole has been trying to tell them that for about 10 days. But if Jacksons conclusion is that that is not the case, thats it. It will bite him in the behind. Because when Christie wins HOH, Jackson and HOlly are going up.

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Jess says that it makes her happy that Tommy is going to use the veto on Christie.  Is this like when Analyse was initially saying that she wanted the veto to be used on Christie because she loved Christie so much and felt like she would have a better chance of staying against someone else than Christie would staying on the block? 

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Ok so Tommy shocks Jackson and Holly by using it on Christie. I can't understand how they would be shocked but whatever. Cliff goes up as a pawn. Jackson's target is still Jess and she should go home unless somehow they get either Nicole or Holly to flip. Holly wont'f flip. Nicole might go where the numbers are? Jess, Christie and Tommy are 3.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Apparently mental beast Jessica hid the veto under her bed.

Yep.  She told Tommy she thought that maybe everyone would think it was such an obvious place to hide the veto that they wouldn't even look there because they would think nobody would bother to hide theirs in such an obvious place.

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4 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Holly wont'f flip. Nicole might go where the numbers are? Jess, Christie and Tommy are 3.

I could see Christie and Tommy hoodwinking Jackson and Holly pretty easily. They've done it before. A thousand puhcent.

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I mean, Christie convinced the entire house that Nick was some technical Big Brother mastermind who has been controlling the house for forever and a day and that he was the most dangerous player out of all of them. 

Cliff should be a piece of cake. 

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42 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Flashback to Victor observing the huge mess James made and yelling out that it warranted eviction. lol

Well the thing is I'm convinced Nick does, too. If Bella is truly done with Nick, then I can  totally see Nick making a play for Nicole after the show. If he and Bella had never hooked up, I think he already would have. 

True! And that is the cool thing about the show. People like Jackson who you would never expect to like Nicole,, actually get to know people and see that they are really cool.  She seems way more fun than Holly and Bella. And when she was in her sports bra, I was like dang, she is fit. 

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I mean, Christie convinced the entire house that Nick was some technical Big Brother mastermind who has been controlling the house for forever and a day and that he was the most dangerous player out of all of them. 

Cliff should be a piece of cake. 

True. It will have to be a Christie spin speciality. I just heard the weakest campaign from Jess to Nicole which consisted up "I don't know, like, I don't know..." 

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Actually, Jackson just told Cliff, Nicole, Holly that Tommy and Christie agreed to vote Jess out for an unanimous eviction. What is with these people never going against the will of the HOH?

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Nicole is in the RV room whispering to herself and the cameras.  She asked, "Why would he find Cliff's veto?  It doesn't make sense."  Then she said it did make sense because the 4 of them (Jackson, Holly, Christie, and Tommy?) are working together.

Now Nicole is begging BB to call her to the DR.  She says she's going to lose it.

Edited by zorak
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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole is in the RV room whispering to herself and the cameras.  She asked, "Why would he find Cliff's veto?  It doesn't make sense."  Then she said it did make sense because the 4 of them (Jackson, Holly, Christie, and Tommy?) are working together.

Now Nicole is begging BB to call her to the DR.  She says she's going to lose it.

I just saw that too. She said she thinks they set up Cliff and are planning to screw him over. Previously I heard Jackson and Cliff talking about some sort of communication as to where their veto cards would be. And Jackson said he misunderstood. So they must have done some sort of  pre -arrangement to try to leave Cliffs card and make him the winner. Since that didn't happen, Nicole thinks they are setting Cliff up.

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1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

And this is why I’m peace out. I’ve had more than my fill of those two. Plus, football season has begun - hallelujah! I appreciate the updates from you guys. I’m too ADD to sit and watch commercials during long timeouts. 😘

I'll miss your genius snark, CW

58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

And you Americans are weird about repping your schools everywhere. 

I don't get it either.  Move on, people.  I had one T-shirt for the football game party back when I was attending.  All I have now is a shot glass somewhere.  

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In a way, Nicole's paranoia is good, because it sure sounds like she'd never vote Cliff out over Jessica, right? So basically, it comes down to whether Holly and Jackson are so stupid that they could be convinced to keep Jessica despite her obviously, 100% not being on their side.

Hmmm...I guess Cliff is going home. 

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I have about 12 University of Houston shirts, two hoodie sweatshirts, a rain jacket, shoes, a purse, jewelry, and a scarf. That’s right, I live in Houston and have a SCARF. There is no moving on for me, it is part of my identity.

As to the clusterfuck of Tommy winning POV, what are the chances of him getting Jackson nervous enough to put up Nicole to keep Cliff (and his penis) safe and Nicole getting the boot? 60% 70%?

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33 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I'll miss your genius snark, CW

You’re too kind. Could I interest you in some catty remarks about my coworkers? 🤣

10 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

That’s right, I live in Houston and have a SCARF. 

The scarf is also known, in the south, as a winter coat. 😁

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21 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Hmmm...I guess Cliff is going home. 

We'll see. Jackson assured Cliff over and over after the last HOH Thursday Night that he and Holly were committed to their 4 with Cliff and Nicole.  He was CLEAR on that. If he goes against it now, he's burning jury votes. 

Edited by vb68
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3 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I think they have the votes to keep Cliff anyway.......right?

Jackson might have to break a tie.

Christie and Tommy vs Holly and Nicole.

I have a hard time seeing Tommy going to the mat for Jess, but who knows.

Edited by vb68
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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I think they have the votes to keep Cliff anyway.......right?

Of course. The joke is just about whether Holly and Jackson are SO stupid that they would vote Cliff out anyways. 

In all reasonable scenarios, Cliff is safe and Jessica is going home. Heck, she'll probably go home 4-0, with Tommy and Christie knowing she was leaving anyways, so they'd vote with "the house."

It doesn't really do them any good to have Jackson break a tie to vote Jessica out. 

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1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

I never got sucked into that particular trainwreck. 😉 Translation? 

The "Bachelor handshake" is when a couple is greeting each other and the woman jumps into the man's arms and wraps her legs around his waist.

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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

They should allow more hoodies and sweats. They must keep that house cold. Everyone always dives under the covers when they go in a bedroom. 

I'd imagine running the AC 24/7 keeps the house's legendary smell from being as noticeable. Whatever the cost of leaving it on in a large set house in Studio City all summer might be, I suppose it's just a drop in the bucket for CBS.

I didn't actually attend the community college in my hometown, but I'd totally stock up on shirts and hoodies from there before entering the house precisely because it's a podunk school that invites no further questions. (If I thought I could get away with wearing Greendale CC gear, I would, but...)

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I can't believe Christie is poised to escape the block AGAIN! If she wins this whole thing, expect her to start her own religion in which it's Christie's universe and we're all just living in it. Crystal sales will be gigantic. 

Question : what kind of boutique does she run? Because if it's anything New Agey, given the way this is going, this show could be the best free advertising ever. 

Unrelated question : what's happening with Bella? Has she gone into hiding or is she still on social media? Nick sounded pretty confident and spoke nicely about her, so maybe she might think it wouldn't be too embarrassing to give him a chance, given that most people don't see the feeds. Not saying I agree, but I can see her doing it. 

Edited by Melina22
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I can't believe Christie is poised to escape the block AGAIN! If she wins this whole thing, expect her to start her own religion in which it's Christie's universe and we're all just living in it. Crystal sales will be gigantic. 

Here I go again. I see a Crystal Vision....

Uhh, sorry.


Unrelated question : what's happening with Bella? 

Melina22, this link is for you.

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Melina22, this link is for you.

Edited 1 hour ago by vb68

Thank you! It was fun to get her take on the house, and I can't disagree with anything she said. 

She was pretty diplomatic about Nick. She sort of put him in the past as a showmance while not completely closing the door on him in the future. 

It will be interesting to see what happens at the finale. 

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If Jackson and Holly have really broken up, would this be the first time a long-term BB showmance has broken up during the game, for non-game reasons? (Although I do maintain that Zingbot started it. Could Zingbot have a secret crush on Jackson?) 

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Christie is the TRUE evil jinx!  👹

Anyone that gets close to her is  targeted and evicted.

Jacks, Sis.....and, now Jessica.

If this formula keeps going......Tommy is leaving on Double Eviction.

A bunch of us called it on the Fantasy Game! 🤣

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11 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

If Jackson and Holly have really broken up, would this be the first time a long-term BB showmance has broken up during the game, for non-game reasons? (Although I do maintain that Zingbot started it. Could Zingbot have a secret crush on Jackson?) 

They are not breaking up.

Jackson is mentally controlling her.

Jackson told Holly....After this week it is only 6 of us.

Cliff & Nicole

Tommy & Christie 

Me & you.

We are going to be in this thing for 25 more days......whether you want to or not! 

We have a game to play. 

Me and You!!!

We are going to do what we came here for.....play this game.

Afterwards.....you can go your way and do whatever you gotta do to make yourself happy.

Bitch, please!

Holly....needs to vote him OUT!

Fuck Jackson......and his mental abuse of Holly.

He probably won’t even pick her if he had the chance at F2!  

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Wtf is Tommy cooking? I thought it was stuffed peppers but he has croutons and cheddar cheese in there. 

17 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

They are not breaking up.

Jackson is mentally controlling her.

Jackson told Holly....After this week it is only 6 of us.

Cliff & Nicole

Tommy & Christie 

Me & you.

We are going to be in this thing for 25 more days......whether you want to or not! 

We have a game to play. 

Me and You!!!

We are going to do what we came here for.....play this game.

Afterwards.....you can go your way and do whatever you gotta do to make yourself happy.

Bitch, please!

Holly....needs to vote him OUT!

Fuck Jackson......and his mental abuse of Holly.

He probably won’t even pick her if he had the chance at F2!  

When did this happen?  I’m about 1/2way into BBAD and he’s ignoring her completely. 

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15 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Wtf is Tommy cooking? I thought it was stuffed peppers but he has croutons and cheddar cheese in there. 

When did this happen?  I’m about 1/2way into BBAD and he’s ignoring her completely. 

FF to the last 30 minute or so of BBAD.  They are in the HOH room.

Holly freaks out really bad and starts crying into her sweater.

The show will actually end during this confrontation.

It is really sad to hear all this and watch her act this way.

She tells him she is sorry like 100 times while sobbing.....and, he talks over her. Refuses to acknowledge her feelings at all.  

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Hopefully, Holly will realize that he’s a 22 year old kid & move on fast. I think it would kill me if Jackson won the season. I don’t want any 22 year old winning $500,000. Especially, a pig like Jackson. I want sweet Nicole to with the $500,000. I like nice people. Of course, that’s not including locking her parents in the basement. She’s allowed one slip up. LOL!!!!

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Hopefully, Holly will realize that he’s a 22 year old kid & move on fast. I think it would kill me if Jackson won the season. I don’t want any 22 year old winning $500,000. Especially, a pig like Jackson. I want sweet Nicole to with the $500,000. I like nice people. Of course, that’s not including locking her parents in the basement. She’s allowed one slip up. LOL!!!!

Steve and Ian were both 22 when they won ... Snackson is actually 24, he just behaves like he’s 12.

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42 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

The best part was Nicole's response to the fight.

I wish this Nicole would come out more often. "Change your tampon." Hahaha.

I don’t understand why “change your tampon” is funny. What am I missing?

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5 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I don’t understand why “change your tampon” is funny. What am I missing?

Oh, hey, thanks. I wasn't fully caffeinated yet so I thought it best to sit on my hands and not ask until I was sure I could do it without four curse words and a rant. 

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Jackson telling Holly that everything he does is for her made me think of the nanny in The Omen.  Except I don't think Jackson's devotion to Holly really is all that even though that's what he wants her to think.


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1 hour ago, Michichick said:

I don’t understand why “change your tampon” is funny. What am I missing?

It's funny because she's calling him a woman! On the rag! Which is hilarious! Ha. Ha. Ha. *eyeroll* (Not a huge fan.) 

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Hopefully, Holly will realize that he’s a 22 year old kid & move on fast. I think it would kill me if Jackson won the season. I don’t want any 22 year old winning $500,000. Especially, a pig like Jackson. I want sweet Nicole to with the $500,000. I like nice people. Of course, that’s not including locking her parents in the basement. She’s allowed one slip up. LOL!!!!

And how old is Nicole...she's close to Jackson's age of 24???

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9 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Fuck Jackson......and his mental abuse of Holly.

He probably won’t even pick her if he had the chance at F2!  

I never even believed he liked Holly. He picked her to team up with for the long ride to almost the end just as Derrick did almost to the end with Victoria. Holly is another Victoria and didn't Dan also string a woman along to almost the end? 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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I feel no sympathy towards Holly.  IRL, she and Jackson wouldn’t be dating.  She is over 30 and should know better.   She’s worried what her conservative family thinks yet she is having sex in front of the cameras and crew.  He’s a 24 frat boy who was looking for a easy showmance.  What the heck does she expect?  She’s just an idiot.  

Unfortunately, she needs him this week.  Her best bet is Christie wins HOH Thursday, puts both of them up, Jackson miraculously doesn’t win POV and goes out.  

If Jackson survives double eviction, I will be shocked.  Seriously.  I will be more shocked if Cliff or Nichole are in the house at the end of Thursday’s show with this crew.  

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I've been watching a little bit of BBAD. God these people must be bored out of their minds. It seems like they're always locked inside. From what little I've seen of the back yard there doesn't seem to be a pool table back there anymore - is there? In years past BBAD consisted almost entirely of various HGs playing pool. 

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14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I've been watching a little bit of BBAD. God these people must be bored out of their minds. It seems like they're always locked inside. From what little I've seen of the back yard there doesn't seem to be a pool table back there anymore - is there? In years past BBAD consisted almost entirely of various HGs playing pool. 

There’s still a pool table out back but we rarely see them playing-thank God. That was always big time snoozeville for me when I only had BBAD.

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