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S31.E08: You're The Apple In My Eye

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17 hours ago, SVNBob said:

In regards to the U-Turn Vote itself; you can't blame TPTB for inventing it.  It was originally invented in the Israeli version of TAR, HaMerotz LaMillion. 

Where do you get to watch the Israeli version?

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32 minutes ago, HawaiiTVGuy said:

And the sisters were never saying that Bromance should have nominated a weaker team than them, they were trying to advocate nominating a stronger team.  In fact they were trying to claim they were a non-threat that Bromance should want to race against at the end.

It was really just Rachel being a sore loser. It reminded me of the time Miss South Carolina U-turned a team who threw a giant hissy fit over how "that isn't the way the game is supposed to be played." It was the season where the first all female team won, two doctors one of whom was diabetic and the other was a vegetarian who eat a sheep's head to get the fast forward.

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2 hours ago, Miles said:

Speed bumps barely cost any time and everybody knows it. They are more symbolic than anything. Victor and Nicole weren't the weakest team there by a mile. The Rileys were.

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

It’s also a fact that everyone has a different strategy for UTurns and also for who and why they want to get eliminated just because it differs from yours doesn’t mean it’s not valid and only based on them not liking the Reilly sisters. 

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

But Nicole and Victor are great racers. Those 5 minutes would have meant nothing to them. You pick the weakest team, not the one that has a slight penalty they'll make up in no time. Having a slight penalty doesn't make you weak.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

That’s true but when everyone is starting a task at the same time I think the safe bet is to choose based on racer temperament. In my mind Rachel’s tendency to meltdown is a larger disadvantage than the speed bump. 

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9 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

It kind of sounds like a pitch for a bad TV pilot.

"He's a doctor, she's the Beast!  Two entirely separate entities sharing a single body!"

Ahem.  Don't mind me.  ("He's subletting from her??")

4 hours ago, HawaiiTVGuy said:

Can anyone tell me what the voting order was?

• Rachel & Elissa vote for Colin & Christie

• Nicole & Victor vote for Leo & Jamal

• Colin & Christie vote for Rachel & Elissa

• Leo & Jamal vote for Colin & Christie

• Becca & Floyd vote for Colin & Christie

• Tyler & Korey vote for Nicole & Victor (citing the Speed Bump)

• Chris & Bret vote for Rachel & Elissa

4 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

Apparently the leg only lasted about 3 hours lol.  Just shows how low budget it became in the last decade.

Oh, not even that.  Barely two hours.  Probably less time actually racing.

The gate at Ballenberg opened at 0700.  After a bit of time for Phil to set up the vote, the actual voting (and IMO probably a re-take so that Chris would properly say "Reilly sisters" instead of "O'Reillys" as he and his not-so-better-half did every other time), only then did the racing begin.

Speed ahead to the first two teams finishing.  As they race to the "Funtakular", Chris asks Bret the time, and Bret says "nine".  Chris then says they'd have to wait for over an hour for funicular, and we see the "next trip" clock indicating 10.10 for that transit.

So, allowing for a certain amount of time for Tyler and Korey to run up the hill to the castle and the Pit Stop, the whole leg took maybe 2 hours and 10 minutes, if that.  Feh.  Nice Leg Design, guys, having U-Turns on a speedy little Leg that barely allows any time to recover from them.

Depressing note:  in checking the episode to get the voting correct, I saw the clip in the "Previously…" of Leo & Jamal's talking head where they expressed disappointment at the Reillys "backstabbing" them.  This is why Rachel and Elissa felt they needed to apologize to L/J…little knowing that by daring to have a private conversation with the Afghanimals, they had offended Chris beyond all repair, and now he will have his revenge!  (Seriously…Chris can suck it.)  Leo and Jamal heard that Reillys were passing on the content of the powwow those two teams had had at the restaurant with Team Fun, and assumed they were being sold under the bus, too.

Except that…Rachel and Elissa never mentioned the Afghanimals as having been there!   They were scrupulous about keeping Leo & Jamal's names out of it, to the point where Victor and Nicole got suspicious about the Reillys' oblique references to "other teams" and Elissa ended up coming up with that embarrassingly-bad "our backs were turned, we only overheard" gibberish that only hurt them more. 

(Psst, Elissa…there were only seven teams left. [Five, not counting you girls and Vic/Nic.]  Even if your "backs" had been turned, it's silly to think that you would have been unable to ID the voices.  If you can't lie convincingly, don't lie at all.)

So, in the end, the girls offended Leo and Jamal because the Garanimals thought they were snitching when in fact the sisters went to great (self-damaging) pains not to do so, and then for daring to make a private apology, they triggered the Chris Hammons Pay Attention to ME! storm of narcissistic rage, and apparently there's no coming back from that.   Ah, dang it. 😞

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3 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Where do you get to watch the Israeli version?

Hell if I know (other than in Israel, of course).  I got all that information from a wiki.

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On 6/5/2019 at 9:04 PM, Haleth said:

Hated the vote. This is not Survivor. 

I guess it was moot but the Reillys should have gotten a penalty at the mat. Both of them were cutting the grass which was contrary to the instructions. Thankfully it didn’t matter. So long!

Another great episode with fun tasks! 

Loved the return of the broken ox cow. 

It was novel to see it since it was new, but after seeing open UTurn vote, they can get rid of it. Broken ox/cow and the Reilly sisters going home and Chris and Bret were highlights this week.

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On 6/5/2019 at 9:14 PM, spanana said:

This was the first episode where Nicole was annoying to me.  Just at the u-turn vote.  Don't whisper to Victor who you want followed by a wishy washy "I don't know" and then get mad when he doesn't go along with what you said since you both named different teams.  And at that point, the Reilly sisters had already voted and not voted for them so it wasn't that necessary.  Also Leo/Jamal aren't the type to strike me as overly caring if they got voted for out of skill.  Mind you their skill is questionable.  They are either at the top of the pack, or like tonight, have a screw up and are fighting to stay in it.

But point being if she really cared enough to want to vote the Reillys then just say that and not be whiny about it later.   It started to remind me why I usually liked Victor more than her.

Also never need to see the group vote again.  Though I did sort of like there wasn't one group think mentality and most of them voted differently.

I also didn't get what Rachel was trying to explain to Leo/Jamal as if it would do any good.

Don't mind the end result though.

I feel if you were going to vote or pick someone for a u turn, it should be someone in the middle of the pack like Chris and Bret, Nicole and Victor etc., usually when top teams are giving a uturn, they usually overcome it and ranking doesn’t seem to mean much in this edition of TAR.

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On 6/6/2019 at 10:21 AM, Rinaldo said:

I've realized by this time in my life that I will never understand the phenomenon of just melting into a giddy puddle at the mere sight of a small furry feline in the area. That's OK, I know I enjoy many things that others don't, and we can all just get along....

Ha. I behave like Leo around cats whenever I see 'em (and I love that he said he's running the race for Pablo the cat). But I walk by dogs without even thinking of stopping to pet them, and I just pretend to be as in love with my friends' dogs as they are (but like, please stop asking me to throw that slobbery tennis ball to your dog, and if it could stop trying to lick my face, that'd be great too). Dogs are fine (the bigger they are, the more I like them), but I don't melt over them (kind of like how I feel about children except for my nephew). It probably doesn't help that I've been bitten by two different dogs in the last few years and still have the scars to remind me. Meanwhile, even the stray cats I come close to will just walk over to me and rub against my leg. They know who to trust 😉

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3 hours ago, millennium said:

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

"Hates the Reillys" is a bit strong. "Hates ONE of the Reillys and hopes to never see her or --especially -- hear her ever again" is more like it... if a bit simplistic and lacking in detail.

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1 hour ago, Lakebum said:

"Hates ONE of the Reillys and hopes to never see her or --especially -- hear her ever again" is more like it... if a bit simplistic and lacking in detail.

Slightly more accurate would be "wants the one Reilly to shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up, and go the fuck away."

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11 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Where do you get to watch the Israeli version?

You can find anything on the internet.  Just have a VPN service installed before you go looking for it.

7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Ha. I behave like Leo around cats whenever I see 'em (and I love that he said he's running the race for Pablo the cat). But I walk by dogs without even thinking of stopping to pet them, and I just pretend to be as in love with my friends' dogs as they are (but like, please stop asking me to throw that slobbery tennis ball to your dog, and if it could stop trying to lick my face, that'd be great too). Dogs are fine (the bigger they are, the more I like them), but I don't melt over them (kind of like how I feel about children except for my nephew). It probably doesn't help that I've been bitten by two different dogs in the last few years and still have the scars to remind me. Meanwhile, even the stray cats I come close to will just walk over to me and rub against my leg. They know who to trust 😉

Wow did I accidentally somehow post under a different name?  This is me totally ... except for having a nephew.  Dogs are dogs and are okay if bigger but the small ones with the sharp, ENDLESS, ear-splitting barking that goes on for hour after hour drives me nuts especially since you can't escape them in an apt complex.  But quiet, dignified cats rock!

It ain't for nothing that the Egyptians worshiped cats.  Cats have this magical "thing" going for them.  And they never debase themselves by begging for humans.  They just make their demands and if not fulfilled in time you can have a few scratch marks to remind you that they are indeed gods and gods need their vittles on time. 

And if you are really really sorry for your shortcomings towards them and bring them a few cheese puffs and a hit of catnip they may just allow you to pet them again.  Then they just sit there and get this Buddha-like smile on them as you jump for joy you are in their good graces again.

Cats work so hard to get us humans trained properly.  And times ten for Pablo who is having to train Leo.

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Another theory would be that the Rileys were the weakest team there and it's jsut good strategy to U-turn the weakest team.

Yes. The strategy changes depending on what kind of team you are. A good team might want to u-turn another good team to try to get them out of the race before all the fodder is gone. It might not work, but it might. If it works, one less good team to try to beat in the final legs. If it doesn't work, fodder is going to fodder.

For not so great teams like Chris and Brett (they had a good leg this episode because they  lucked into a task they were good at and it was short), then targeting another not so great team is the way to go. That will help you to live another day and you might be able to stumble your way to the final 3 and maybe you get lucky on tasks or taxis. So, Chris and Brett probably don't want to say that out loud to the group, but if they are logical, that's what they are thinking.

Likewise, Colin and Christie were right to choose one of the not so great teams because they were already facing a u-turn. They don't want to have to go against another good team should they win the u-turn vote. They have to know they would be targets and get a few more votes for the same reason they got yielded in a  previous race - they are serious threats. Note that every other TAR team voted for them except Tyler and Corey who didn't need to vote for them because they had already had enough votes to be assured of getting a u-turn.

Tyler and Corey went after another strong team which were weakened by a speed bump and the start of an argument. Throw in a u-turn and that argument at the speed bump would have gone to another level and team meltdown. The fell to pieces when they thought they might be the target of a u-turn in the last leg. If C&B had have known how the leg would play out (where they weren't racing for last), they would have been better off following T&C's vote and getting rid of a good team and keeping a not so great team to beat on the next leg. But, they didn't have the benefit of 20/20, so they were better off hobbling one of the not so great teams to assure they made it to the next leg.

Edited by kili
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19 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

• Rachel & Elissa vote for Colin & Christie

• Nicole & Victor vote for Leo & Jamal

• Colin & Christie vote for Rachel & Elissa

• Leo & Jamal vote for Colin & Christie

• Becca & Floyd vote for Colin & Christie

• Tyler & Korey vote for Nicole & Victor (citing the Speed Bump)

• Chris & Bret vote for Rachel & Elissa


Now that I see this written out, I think that the interesting thing gameplaywise is that Becca and Floyd may have messed up with their vote. They could have fulfilled the objectives of their proposed alliance by voting for Nicole and Victor when their turn came up. As the vote came to them, C&C had two votes, L&J and R&E had one. The "best" C&C could do would be tied for 2nd most votes. We don't know how ties would have been resolved if the vote had gone 3 votes to Team A, 2 to Team B, and 2 to Team C. Maybe all 3 get U-Turned? Maybe the two 2nd place teams have a runoff? Either of those two possibilities would have had C&C either U-turned or still in the running for a U-Turn with a chance for switching the vote to them..

In any case, if Becca & Flloyd wanted to see C&C and N&V U-Turned, they probably needed to vote N&V when their turn came up as C&C seemed a shoo-in to get U-Turned at that point.

If Becca and Floyd voted for Nicole and Victor and nothing else changed, it would have been a three way tie with three teams with two votes and one vote for Leo and Jamal. And who knows how that gets resolved?

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14 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

Maybe all 3 get U-Turned? 

Phil stayed that they would vote until it was two teams so only two would get uturned. I wonder if Phil explained how how it would get down to teams and they edited it because it wasn’t necessary because their might also have an impact on how people voted.

I think Team Fun might have felt some loyalty to V/N because they came to them and asked them directly about the convo they had with L/J and R/E.

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I was just rewatching and really don’t understand Rachel and Elissa plan for talking to Leo and Jamal. It is clear that they showed up at Ballenberg with the intention of clearing the air but it appears that they did not really discuss what they planned on saying. Elissa almost immediately throws Rachel under the bus. “I didn’t say one word, so this was all Rachel talking to Nicole.” 

It’s the second leg in a row where they initiate a conversation but seem completely unprepared about what they are going to say. 

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I think someone mentioning 'your brand' is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. these people are nobodies. Not a fellow forum person, I mean someone on the show (just to be clear) 

Edited by jabRI
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11 hours ago, jabRI said:

I think someone mentioning 'your brand' is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. these people are nobodies. Not a fellow forum person, I mean someone on the show (just to be clear) 

That was Rachel. She said it to Nicole. I agree it is so dumb. 

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On 6/7/2019 at 6:53 PM, Miles said:

Just fyi, on Rob has a Podcast the Riley sisters said they did go back for the clue, to read what it said. So they did have it at the mat. I guess the editors didn't include it to make things more interesting.

If the teams know it is a rule that they need to have their clue in order to check in, why would a team make a decision to continue on without their clue in the first place? We saw the Reilly sisters ask Christie if they could read her clue and then decide to just wing it. When did they go back for the clue?

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On 6/6/2019 at 12:22 AM, green said:

And I fear T & K are getting the winners' edit too being a C & C fan as I am.  No I am not spoiled.  Just their edit to me constantly showcases everything as super positive about working like a team and being in love and being winners etc.

Tyler and Korey are not a couple. CBS identifies them as Best Friends.

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16 hours ago, Dani said:

I was just rewatching and really don’t understand Rachel and Elissa plan for talking to Leo and Jamal. It is clear that they showed up at Ballenberg with the intention of clearing the air but it appears that they did not really discuss what they planned on saying. Elissa almost immediately throws Rachel under the bus. “I didn’t say one word, so this was all Rachel talking to Nicole.” 

It’s the second leg in a row where they initiate a conversation but seem completely unprepared about what they are going to say.

I remember laughing at that. There are some aspects of siblingdom that you never really outgrow. "I didn't do anything! It was all her fault!"

I have memories of my sister (we'll call her Hestia) and I agreeing that we needed to push back on something our parents had said or done. However, Hestia has/had a far more confrontational style than I do, so she would always take things a step further than I would have. So once she had completely upset our mom (who was usually the one we were confronting), she'd look to me for back up, and I would hang her out to dry because while I had agreed our mom was being unreasonable, I hadn't agreed to whatever Hestia had said beyond that. This happened multiple times without either of us ever learning to discuss what we were going to say and how we were going to say it ahead of time. My guess is that this is Rachel and Elissa's dynamic as well. Does anyone remember if Elissa was the person to talk to Nicole and Victor on the train first as well? Growing up, Hestia was always the designated spokesperson, which was another mistake I never learned from.

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6 hours ago, Whimsy said:

That was Rachel. She said it to Nicole. I agree it is so dumb. 

I don’t know about that Nicole has more than 600K followers which means she can get thousands for a single post. I mean I don’t know if she does a lot of sponsored content because I don’t follow her but I know people with less followers who make a lot of money through it and since it’s instagram it is all based on their personal brand which is the terminology used. Rachel is also probably jealous of this fact because she only has about 160k followers.

Edited by biakbiak
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4 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

If the teams know it is a rule that they need to have their clue in order to check in, why would a team make a decision to continue on without their clue in the first place? We saw the Reilly sisters ask Christie if they could read her clue and then decide to just wing it. When did they go back for the clue?

The place where the left the clue was on the other side of the cars so it would make sense to finish the task if possible and than go get it after that because there would be less backtracking. I didn’t listen to the podcast but from what was posted it seems they went and got it during the task because there would be no need to read it if they got it after. 

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On 6/7/2019 at 9:09 PM, millennium said:

I get that everybody hates the Reillys.   But Nicole and Victor were the only team saddled with a time penalty at that point.  It's an indisputable fact.   Take out emotion, grudges, and subjective conclusions, and what you are left with is one team at a glaring disadvantage: Nicole and Victor.

At that point, I think social capital came into play as well. Chris explained that he & Bret didn't want to target any of the TAR teams because he knew they were strong enough to go through a U-Turn and still finish in a relatively good spot, which makes sense, because they'd already seen Tyler & Korey and Team Fun survive getting U-Turned, knew that Afghanimals were famous for surviving every single U-Turn thrown at them on their previous seasons, and that C&C were already strong enough to finish both detours very quickly. So that only left Nicole & Victor and the Reillys as options, and to Nicole & Victor's credit, those two were pretty good at establishing relationships with almost every team remaining, while Rachel & Elissa mostly kept to themselves, and that ended up hurting them, because when faced with 2 obvious choices, Chris & Bret chose to save the team they had a good relationship with over the one that never took the time to have a conversation with them.

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6 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

If the teams know it is a rule that they need to have their clue in order to check in, why would a team make a decision to continue on without their clue in the first place? We saw the Reilly sisters ask Christie if they could read her clue and then decide to just wing it. When did they go back for the clue?

The Rileys said they don't think it's a requirement to have all your clues, but they are not 100% sure.

I think they went back after doing the grass mowing task incorrectly (afaik they switched who used the scythe, which wasn't allowed) to actually read what the rules were. Which makes sense, because they fell quite a bit behind C&C.

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58 minutes ago, Miles said:

I think they went back after doing the grass mowing task incorrectly (afaik they switched who used the scythe, which wasn't allowed) to actually read what the rules were. Which makes sense, because they fell quite a bit behind C&C.

I’m 99% sure that when one if the earlier teams read the clue aloud, it said that they were allowed to switch who was scything and who was gathering the hay. The inly other rule I remember for this task is that whoever was gathering the hay could not start until the scything person reached the flag midway through the path (which I assumed was for safety reasons). It looked like Rachel and Elissa started scything and gathering from the beginning which should have incurred a penalty but it ended up not mattering since they came in last. I think the reason they were so far behind Colin and Christie is because the Reillys were not great at wielding the scythe. 

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 9:56 PM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Ha. I behave like Leo around cats whenever I see 'em (and I love that he said he's running the race for Pablo the cat). 

In Amsterdam all the restaurants and hotels have at least one resident cat. Everyone else ignored them, but I chased them down so I could pet them. People seemed to think I was strange for sitting on the floor in the middle of a restaurant playing with a cat. How weird!

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I’m 99% sure that when one if the earlier teams read the clue aloud, it said that they were allowed to switch who was scything and who was gathering the hay. The inly other rule I remember for this task is that whoever was gathering the hay could not start until the scything person reached the flag midway through the path (which I assumed was for safety reasons).

Team Fun's youtube episode recap confirms that yes, the reason for the delay in picking up hay was for safety reasons. 

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2 hours ago, eel21788 said:

In Amsterdam all the restaurants and hotels have at least one resident cat. Everyone else ignored them, but I chased them down so I could pet them. People seemed to think I was strange for sitting on the floor in the middle of a restaurant playing with a cat. How weird!

Weird indeed! One of the reasons Istanbul and the islands of Greece have become the top favorite places I've ever traveled to are mostly because of the abundance of cats *everywhere* (and then everything else about the surroundings in addition to the kitties). They were even in the mosques in Istanbul, cleaning their butts like a typical cat who just doesn't give a damn. "Oh look at beautiful Mykonos is! Cats near every blue and white building! Squee!!!" When I returned from my travels, I compiled a separate photo album just of all the cats I came across, so I have a feeling if Leo and I traveled together, we'd have similar itineraries, haha.

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The thing I found amusing about Leo’s reaction to the cat is that Tyler and Korey knew before Leo arrived that he was going to freak out when he saw the cat so it must be a recurring thing with him. 

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1.  "ABsolutely NOT!"   Cackled when I saw/heard (captions) Christie say this.  Even the captions seemed like it was accentuating the AB and NOT lol. 

2.  Glad to see the Reilly sisters gone.  I felt like Rachel and Elissa were trying to over do things when they  went to talk to Leo & Jamal.  That just cemented their feelings about them and made them trust them even less.

3.  Loved Chris & Brett sauntering close and stretching to hear what they were talking about. That likely influenced their U-Turn vote even more.

4.  Speaking of the U-Turn twist, I'm not a fan of it... it feels so Survivor-esque.  Rachel certainly went into melt-down mode each of the times she was voted for a U-Turn... but was fine "Oh it's not PERSONAL!" when voting for Christie and Colin.

5.  There was a tiiiny bit of old Colin with the cow but nothing more than normal frustration to me.  I couldn't tell you who said the "it's bullshit" line or if it was dubbed in or what... but nice to see how Colin and Christie changed.


Ha. I behave like Leo around cats whenever I see 'em (and I love that he said he's running the race for Pablo the cat). But I walk by dogs without even thinking of stopping to pet them, and I just pretend to be as in love with my friends' dogs as they are (but like, please stop asking me to throw that slobbery tennis ball to your dog, and if it could stop trying to lick my face, that'd be great too). Dogs are fine (the bigger they are, the more I like them), but I don't melt over them (kind of like how I feel about children except for my nephew). It probably doesn't help that I've been bitten by two different dogs in the last few years and still have the scars to remind me. Meanwhile, even the stray cats I come close to will just walk over to me and rub against my leg. They know who to trust 😉

LOL yep... cats seem to like me (I had 2 at one time with a third staying with me for a short time)...dogs I'm fine with but still kind of terrified around big dogs (notably Chow Chows...*shudder*).  I was bitten badly by a Chow years ago; have the scars for almost 30 (!!) years now.

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On 6/6/2019 at 12:31 PM, TVbitch said:

The whole point of a U-turn is you race to get to the U-turn before someone else can U-turn you. 

Thank you. The way they structured the U-turns this season was garbage, and completely ruined the drama of it. It only works well when placed after a detour or roadblock. At least then it feels earned by good gameplay. This season it’s just been there to create drama for the sake of drama. There’s already been enough of that with the stupid BB Duckface Sisters. Please, show, no more stunt casting!!!

 I was happy to see a staggered start that meant something until they got to the place that didn’t open until seven. Ugh. At least there was navigation drama, so that’s something.

 I thought this was going to be the end of Zen Colin, but hot damn - he even maintained his calm in the face of a non moving bovine! It was kind of a personal Switchback for him, and he nailed it! And Christie FTW - Absolutely not indeed! Maybe my favorite moment this season.

I am pretty happy with everyone that’s still racing, but I really hope C&C or Team Fun win.

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12 hours ago, chaifan said:

Team Fun's youtube episode recap confirms that yes, the reason for the delay in picking up hay was for safety reasons. 

I just discovered the recap! They said that they did regret voting for Colin & Christie for different reasons. Because they genuinely like C&C, and because they wanted to have two strong teams U-Turned and should have U-Turned Victor & Nicole, but because of the previous episode's Rachel-caused kerfuffle and subsequent damage control with Victor & Nicole, they didn't want to do that.

It's fascinating that their view of Colin & Christie is that they're just this genuinely loving, positive couple. Just imagine that back in Season 5! But I love that while they said that they felt that Colin was all "Forgive and forget" regarding their U-Turn vote, Floyd felt that Christie would say that too but he could feel that she would be the one keeping score and settling debts ruthlessly. "I'm going to kill you." lol.

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39 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

could feel that she would be the one keeping score and settling debts ruthlessly. "I'm going to kill you." lol.

Which is interesting because Christie at the road block came up and hugged him and seemed to sincerely say all love no issues when they were still in the middle of the competition when they were even and Colin only offered that when they on the mat. It actually makes me question Floyd. I get that Colin couldn’t offer that at the point but Christie did and Floyd accepted it so I find his later characterization problematic. 

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On 6/10/2019 at 9:05 AM, biakbiak said:

Which is interesting because Christie at the road block came up and hugged him and seemed to sincerely say all love no issues when they were still in the middle of the competition when they were even and Colin only offered that when they on the mat. It actually makes me question Floyd. I get that Colin couldn’t offer that at the point but Christie did and Floyd accepted it so I find his later characterization problematic. 

I think you're taking it the wrong way.  You need to watch Floyd & Becca's video to get the tone.  He's just commenting on how Christie can be really intense.  They describe how Christie will give you a big hug, then look you in the eye for like 20 seconds. 

They also talked about a big part that was never shown in the episode - C&C had a cow malfunction and had to go back and re-do the headpiece.  So they essentially did 3 challenges (not just two) and still ended up in 3rd place.

Also, I'm pretty sure the cow handler gave Rachel the tip on how to keep the cow moving by bending it's tail the way she did.  No way would she (or anyone, really) figured that out on her own. 

Edited by chaifan
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9 hours ago, Fukui San said:

I just discovered the recap! They said that they did regret voting for Colin & Christie for different reasons. Because they genuinely like C&C, and because they wanted to have two strong teams U-Turned and should have U-Turned Victor & Nicole, but because of the previous episode's Rachel-caused kerfuffle and subsequent damage control with Victor & Nicole, they didn't want to do that.

I was totally thinking that was the case.  Vic and Nic did the right thing when the Reilly sisters came to them, they went to the alleged perpetrators and put them on the spot.  It is a classic thing to do, I mean why not try to ramp up the potential guilt factor, what do you have to lose at that point if the Reilly sisters are telling the truth.  If they are not telling the truth, it puts the cross-hairs right on the sisters for lying.

It also shows that everyone is right, Korey and Tyler are totally sliding under the radar, dangerously so.

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31 minutes ago, HawaiiTVGuy said:

I was totally thinking that was the case.  Vic and Nic did the right thing when the Reilly sisters came to them, they went to the alleged perpetrators and put them on the spot.  It is a classic thing to do, I mean why not try to ramp up the potential guilt factor, what do you have to lose at that point if the Reilly sisters are telling the truth.  If they are not telling the truth, it puts the cross-hairs right on the sisters for lying.

It also shows that everyone is right, Korey and Tyler are totally sliding under the radar, dangerously so.

Also it lines up with what Victor/Nicole claim their reasoning was for confronting Team Fun about what Rachel/Elissa said. I know the race is over so people can change their stories after the fact, but they said their logic behind is that they were expecting to get off the train and be having a foot race to a u-turn board.  Their thinking was that they were never going to beat Team Fun in a foot race, so their thinking was that if they confronted Team Fun and that had been their original plan, maybe it would plant enough seeds of doubt to change their minds.  Again, hindsight 20/20 but that is what they claimed.

The only difference was the actual u-turn happened a leg later and not when everyone was first expecting it, but it did seem to do the job well enough to get Team Fun focused elsewhere.

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If I were on Team Bromance, who said they didn't really know the Reillys and therefore were voting for them, after the Reillys then threatened me for that, I would have replied "Aand now I have no interest in getting to know you." Vindictive b**tches.

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12 minutes ago, smartymarty said:

If I were on Team Bromance, who said they didn't really know the Reillys and therefore were voting for them, after the Reillys then threatened me for that, I would have replied "Aand now I have no interest in getting to know you." Vindictive b**tches.

Especially when Chris said that the exchange at that U-Turn vote was the most the Reillys (or O'Reillys, as Bret would call them) had ever spoken to them since the race began, so can the sisters really blame Team Bromance for saying that they have no relationship with them, when it seems like the sisters are the ones not willing to put in the effort to socialize?

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I'm really glad the zen approach of Colin and Christie seems for real, and has actually lasted through majority of the season and not just through the first two episodes. We've seen a lot of repeat teams saying they have changed and have learned their lessons the previous times they raced but the first episode hasn't even finished yet and you see them go back to their old, ugly selves. Maybe having been gone for a long time also helped C&C. I imagine if they were brought back just 2 or 3 seasons removed from their original one, we would have seen a lot of the familiar breakdowns.

Although this is really a great approach in life, is it wrong to just see one - ONE!!! - patented Colin breakdown ala "My Ox is Broken!!!!" I feel like I would be cheated on this season if we don't get one. 

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C’mon Team Bromance! Now, with no NEL left everyone is at risk. I’m dying to know who gets eliminated next. One more night and we’ll know soon enough. None of the teams really hate each other so there isn’t much personal tension but race tension. It will be interesting how it plays out. 

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15 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Maybe having been gone for a long time also helped C&C. I imagine if they were brought back just 2 or 3 seasons removed from their original one, we would have seen a lot of the familiar breakdowns.

That's what my thoughts on C&C are too. I wonder if Colin had watched his season back and realized he didn't want to be that person anymore, which is why it seems like he's changed so much.

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On 6/8/2019 at 9:08 PM, Dani said:

It’s the second leg in a row where they initiate a conversation but seem completely unprepared about what they are going to say. 

Even worse, it was the second time they initiated a conversation with an ally team and managed to turn them into enemies.

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I was actually hoping Rachel & Elissa would stay and the Afghanimals would go.  There's something about Rachel and her facial features that remind me of a dear friend of mine, so I just had to laugh and roll my eyes even when she was being her most ridiculously obnoxious and melodramatic.  I couldn't bring myself to hate her. (Elissa on the other hand just kind of creeps me out.)

At this point, I'd like Floyd to team up with Victor and the two of them win lol

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On 6/8/2019 at 7:21 AM, ByaNose said:

Leo & Jamal have really regressed as the season has gone on. This constant getting lost is such a rookie mistake for a seasoned team. They've never been my favorites but I too am surprised that they aren’t better than they were/are.

They seem to be panicking and rushing things, afraid of getting eliminated near the end like last time. 

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