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S09.E17: A Double Shot Of Brandi

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It is amazing that see the outbreak of Vanderpump Derangement Syndrome. You know it is that disease where you blame everything that goes wrong with your miserable life on Lisa Vanderpump. Her calculated manipulation of her many minions controls events and messes up perfectly innocent lives. Brandi was one of the first and most virulent victims. She is all over the internet telling us that LVP is the devil and that she destroyed her life. The puppy gate gang led by Mother of the year Lisa Rinna claim that Lisa is behind every bad thing that happened this year. LVP manipulated Dorito into bringing an innocent puppy to a kill shelter.  LVP manipulated She-Hulk Teddi Mellonhead into almost revealing the truth. I think Rinna accuses her of coming to their barbecues and slapping the food out of her daughters mouth and teaching her how to give the finger. It’s all Lisa Vanderpumps fault all the time.

Now Brandi is claiming that she is going to return in triumph to the show to replace LVP. I hope she does. I am sure that is just what the fellow sufferers of Vanderpump Derangement Syndrome want in their tiny little heart of hearts.


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Brandi never said she lied about the tabloids. I’m not sure why I keep reading that. 

I don’t think she was always in the wrong, but Brandi destroyed Brandi’s life. She slapped Lisa, threw wine at Eileen, and then talked about a housewife from another show’s privates and mentioned Lisa when she did it. 

Lisa didn’t pull an ultimatum saying either me, or poor innocent Brandi. There are valid reasons the other women didn’t want to film with her, and she’d still have her savings if she kept her big mouth shut about Joanna Krupa. Did Lisa manipulate her into that meanness?! I feel sorry if Brandi is struggling, but she brought all that crap on herself. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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22 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

The way Rinna flipped out on Kim was suspicious, but it is still possible Harry hasn’t even done anything that bad and she was just trying to protect him. I thought it was dirty of Kim to drag Harry into their drama. He didn’t do anything to Kim. Even if she didn’t flat out say anything specific, some people are believing the worst of Harry years later.

Let somebody even hint at something negative about my husband and my claws would come out too!  

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21 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

I remember another thing from the episode, the camera panned and zoomed in on Camille’s home. They focused on a beautiful glass piece that I think is (was😢) a Chihuly from the set of Frazier. I recognized the shape right away, although Camille’s might be bigger than the set piece.

I imagine she lost that Chihuly and the baby grand piano in the fire. 

I doubt Camille’s rendition of Teddi’s snub of Mason, just because that really doesn’t sound like Teddi (and I’m no Teddi fan) and because Camille took a comment by Kyle in season one so wrong. She hears what she think she hears and  takes offense from her skewed interpretations.

I also don't believe Camille. In a previous Aftershow, Camille said Mason and Jude were unhappy about her marrying David. She also said Mason cried because she was so unhappy.


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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Or maybe she has learned some interesting new math by doing Portia's homework. 

Speaking of that, she said that she hates doing homework.  Um, it's Portia's homework, so she needs to do it.  Hopefully she's just there to answer questions and help some, but not to take over and do it.  They can figure it out while they all lay in bed together.  

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On 6/5/2019 at 10:00 AM, bichonblitz said:

I think she was joking. It wasn't Denises place to invite anybody. The trip was being organized by Kyle. I'm sure she would not be ok with Brandi going. 

She better be kidding.    I could not afford the liquor I would need to block the whole thing out;  And I may not watch it anyway, by the way

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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Speaking of that, she said that she hates doing homework.  Um, it's Portia's homework, so she needs to do it.  Hopefully she's just there to answer questions and help some, but not to take over and do it.  They can figure it out while they all lay in bed together.  

Ya, I was wondering that myself, though it does seem to be the way these days, for parents to "do" their kids homework. Even 20 some years ago, I remember a good friend of mine helping her three boys with their homework and making sure it was done. We went to school together, and neither her parents nor mine even helped us with homework. Ever. Her husband refused to help, said it was the kids' job, not his. When she went back to work FT as a nurse, she was worried that she would have less time to help the kids and they would suffer. Guess what? They did their homework themselves, no problem. I don't have a problem with helping kids if they are stuck, but when parents coddle their kids and do the work for them, of course they are not helping them at all in the long run. But then, this is Kyle who carries Portia around like a toddler and shares her marital bed with her. 

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I wonder who looked after Denise's kids before Aaron came along? Or maybe she didn't work/travel much before he came into the picture? We know for sure it wasn't the fun parent Charlie, cuz looking after surly teenagers is not fun. 

I wish I could give Aaron my tip for step kids that don't listen. When my step daughter would leave stuff lying all over her room and not clean up as asked, I would give her two warnings, Then I would go in, scoop up the stuff lying all over the floor and put it away - but not in any place that she would know where it would be. Then after an appropriate period of time (ie whatever I decided) I would give the stuff back. Worked like a charm. 

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On 6/5/2019 at 11:42 AM, Sterling said:

No, darling, the anorexia makes you have a fear of food.  It does not "make" you be mean to your father, food or not.

She was rude when she answered the phone, before the food even came out.  She had a sourpuss look on her face the entire time.

I mean... being hangry is a real struggle. 

All kidding aside, I imagine I wouldn't be a very nice person either if I was dealing with an ED, considering that it doesn't just completely mess you up physically, but obviously mentally as well. It's not an excuse to act like a total bitch to one's loved ones, but it's not a surprise either. You're not yourself when you're struggling with such destructive thoughts and behaviors. Anorexia isn't a fear of food itself (that's called cibophobia). The fear of gaining weight is just the tip of the iceberg of eating disorders. So much more plays into it - self-perception, self-esteem, self-worth, a sense of control, internalizing emotional problems and trauma by using eating habits as a coping mechanism, etc....

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:27 PM, ChitChat said:

When my son was going through his teenage years, I told him straight up that he was allowed his occasional bad moods, but that I would not be disrespected. 

An occasional bad mood is a different behavioral issue than a disorder like anorexia that often goes hand-in-hand with depression and anxiety. Dealing with something like that is less about being a moody and bratty teenager and more about mental illness that needs serious treatment and can completely change one's personality.

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On 6/5/2019 at 8:28 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

The blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene of Teddi's five year old daughter riding a horse bothered me.

I say this as someone who grew up around horses, and taught for a few years:  I have never met a five-year old who should be taking horseback riding lessons.  Even with six year olds, they just don't retain what they learned the last week, they are rarely perceptive enough to learn how to learn how to use their aids (seat, legs, hands and voice) effectively, and their attention spans are so short that nothing can be accomplished.  Parents who insist on getting their kids in this young are throwing their money away for glorified pony rides week after week.

I don't care about Teddi's money or the futility of it as much as I care about the horse.  Teddi's daughter was trotting alone, bouncing her weight on the pony's back, and using the reins for balance.  Hey, adults who are (not) supervising her?  Those reins that the kid is pulling on are attached to a bit, which is in the horse's mouth.  So, every time that 40 lb kid uses reins to steady herself, she is putting at least 40 lbs of pressure on the horse's mouth.  How do you think that feels.

There are so many more safe and effective ways of teaching a child to ride.  You can have up to three assistants--one on each side and one at the horse's head.  You can attach the reins to a halter, which doesn't have a bit, and the teacher can lead the horse around on a lunge line, which is like a really long leash.  They don't need reins at all in the beginning--there are so many exercises that can be done to learn how to balance a moving body on top of a moving body--and they can be done at a walk, not a trot.  I could go on about how wrong this all is, but I think I've made my point.

Sorry for the rant.  I just suspect that Teddi knows everything I know about safe and responsible horse care and more (she is a better rider than I am, at the very least), but she lets it happen because she is looking more and more like a permissive parent who doesn't give a shit, other than to assuage her own guilt, and maybe if she wants to call out the way that animals are (mis)treated, she should start in her own household.

I agree with absolutely everything in this post, but would point out that not all 5 year olds are there because their parents insist on throwing money away.  This is going to sound a little weird to anyone who hasn't met a true horse girl, but I swear they come out of the womb begging to ride and don't stop until you put them on a horse.  I remember mine as a 3 year old craning her neck to try to spot a just a flash view of a horse behind a house when we would drive by.  By the time she was 5, we had put off riding lessons for years.  And once we gave in, we were complete goners.  That kid would shovel crap for hours and hours in exchange for a glorified pony ride, and still does to this day, although she's definitely upped her riding game.

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5 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

An occasional bad mood is a different behavioral issue than a disorder like anorexia that often goes hand-in-hand with depression and anxiety.

I understand that, but for as long as Rinna's girls have been on this show, they both have had their moments of being rude.  The joking about the "fat people" in Oregon was terrible.  Rinna didn't seem to care that they said it either.   Some of their behavior has more to do with their upbringing than with an eating disorder (not to diminish that though.)  The teenage years can be a bitch whether you have serious issues or not.  I remember that mindset and how relatively minor things are overblown (again, anorexia & serious issues aside,) so they can be moody, but as parents we can be understanding of those moments, but still demand respect.   I truly hope that they're all getting the help they seem to need.  They don't really seem like a very happy family. 

8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

How did that go from that to Kyle does Portia's  homework. 

It was a tongue in cheek comment on my part.  It appeared that Portia couldn't get started on her homework until Kyle got up and went with her.  I didn't say she did it for her, only that I hoped she didn't do her homework for her.  

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I have 2 lovely beautiful, thoughtful, kind, polite, intelligent teenage daughters.  My family has been on TV once and all went well.  But we only filmed for a small part of  one 1/2 hour episode.  If you park a camera at my house long enough, you will find my teenagers acting like teenagers and my child acting like a child.  That's life.  And you might catch my husband being cranky or me being cranky with a "B."  Also life.  I'm not a big Rinna fan, and I don't find her daughters particularly compelling TV, but I don't think one crappy dinner tells the story of anyone's real life.  I'm going to give them a pass on this one.

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24 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

I have 2 lovely beautiful, thoughtful, kind, polite, intelligent teenage daughters.  My family has been on TV once and all went well.  But we only filmed for a small part of  one 1/2 hour episode.  If you park a camera at my house long enough, you will find my teenagers acting like teenagers and my child acting like a child.  That's life.  And you might catch my husband being cranky or me being cranky with a "B."  Also life.  I'm not a big Rinna fan, and I don't find her daughters particularly compelling TV, but I don't think one crappy dinner tells the story of anyone's real life.  I'm going to give them a pass on this one.

Is it wrong that I am now dying to know the story of Family Beachdreamer on tv!? 🙂

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It's pathetic that Brandi is claiming victimization at the hands of LVP. 

Why would Brandi expect any kindness or forgiveness from LVP? All LVP received from Brandi was a literal slap in the face. 

Brandi is pathetic. She posts the most disgusting photos and comments on social media. I feel embarrassed for her poor sons.

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On 6/5/2019 at 5:56 PM, scenicbyway said:

I remember being a teenager and that’s what Rinna’s daughters were being at that dinner.  While they are both working, one of them is only 17.  I can’t remember all the times I told my parents I wasn’t hungry after they’d prepared a big meal.  They may have food issues but it’s also pretty typical behavior.

Maybe typical for a certain culture, but not in the era I grew up in. You ate what was put in front of you  (which I raised my kids the same way ) Never ever considered shooting the bird at my parents (my finger would have been broken) there was just a certain amount of respect that they demanded and we never crossed that line in front of them. I went to great length to hide any type of behavior I knew they would not approve of.  Bottom line I was scared as hell of my parents !!! Lol !!!!! They loves us unconditionally, supported all that we were, but they didn't take no crap from us. 

Edited by byrd
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That fact that Brandi, in her conversation with Denise, puts the blame 50/50 on her and Lisa tells you all you need to know. 

Brandi is a toxic mess.  A nasty drunk with massive insecurities despite her ego.  I've seen her on other reality shows and she is a heavy drinker who gets nasty AND if you don't give her the adoration and attention she desires she turns on you.  And god forbid you ask her what she does on these "celebrity" shows because she acts as if you slapped her in the face and she is campaigning against you asap. 

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:19 PM, byrd said:

Like anyone else , I have a favorite cast member on each franchise that I watch.  IF LVP is not returning, I'm out. LVP is the only reason I even started watching this show because she brings the Real Beverly Hills Lifestyle, I don't agree with everything LVP does or says, but the reality is, she's true Beverly Hills and that's all I was in for anyway .  

I’m out too...already deleted from my DVR.

I’ll follow along here.

I do think the Hamlin/Rinna marriage is odd.

Edited by ButterQueen
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19 hours ago, langford peel said:

It is amazing that see the outbreak of Vanderpump Derangement Syndrome. You know it is that disease where you blame everything that goes wrong with your miserable life on Lisa Vanderpump. Her calculated manipulation of her many minions controls events and messes up perfectly innocent lives. Brandi was one of the first and most virulent victims. She is all over the internet telling us that LVP is the devil and that she destroyed her life. The puppy gate gang led by Mother of the year Lisa Rinna claim that Lisa is behind every bad thing that happened this year. LVP manipulated Dorito into bringing an innocent puppy to a kill shelter.  LVP manipulated She-Hulk Teddi Mellonhead into almost revealing the truth. I think Rinna accuses her of coming to their barbecues and slapping the food out of her daughters mouth and teaching her how to give the finger. It’s all Lisa Vanderpumps fault all the time.

Now Brandi is claiming that she is going to return in triumph to the show to replace LVP. I hope she does. I am sure that is just what the fellow sufferers of Vanderpump Derangement Syndrome want in their tiny little heart of hearts.


It won't work out, I can see Brandi and " Erika " scrapin"..Brandi is trash , but she an Erika have the same basic mentality . Brandi will make enemies real fast, just wait until she gets drunk and says something stupid and calls them out and they get embarrassed.. Stupid Denise will be her only friend in the end. Her only loyalty to  is too herself. 

Edited by byrd
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13 minutes ago, Castina said:

That fact that Brandi, in her conversation with Denise, puts the blame 50/50 on her and Lisa tells you all you need to know. 

Brandi is a toxic mess.  A nasty drunk with massive insecurities despite her ego.  I've seen her on other reality shows and she is a heavy drinker who gets nasty AND if you don't give her the adoration and attention she desires she turns on you.  And god forbid you ask her what she does on these "celebrity" shows because she acts as if you slapped her in the face and she is campaigning against you asap. 

I know she’s appeared on a lot of shows, so not sure if we saw her on the same ones. I used to watch that boot camp show, and she flashed her boobs in front of a group of people with her dad right there. She was wearing pasties, but still-gross! She also shook her butt at one of the men and sat on his lap. His SO sitting right there. She may not have ever been the other woman, but she is so disrespectful to other couples. I had to stop watching that show at that point. RH has been my favorite show for years though. As much as Brandi isn’t my favorite, it would be hard for me to stop watching if she returns. I hope she doesn’t continue a lot of the behavior that  resulted in her leaving should she return next season. 

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25 minutes ago, byrd said:

I won't work out, I can see Brandi and " Erika " scrapin"..Brandi is trash , but she an Erika have the same basic mentality . Brandi will make enemies real fast. Stupid Denise will be her only friend in the end. 

I cannot really believe that they are bringing Brandi back full time. They have to change the cast. I think there will be a bloodbath with three or four of the worthless bitches remaining. Teddi and Dorito are goners for sure. They are just too toxic to a huge portion of the audience. Plus they bring nothing to the table. Erika is a goner too because she is a one trick pony. We have seen enough of her vanity production financed by misappropriated funds from her husbands law practice. They might want to get it off the TV as the lawsuit progresses. 

Unfortunately Rinna remains. Bravo uses her as a mouthpiece and a lot of her vitriol that she’s spewed at LVP was how the producers really felt but couldn’t say because they still had VDP Rules in production. Rinna stays on as Denise Richards pal in the same role she played with Eileen. Brandi could play that role but she is way too toxic. So unfortunately Rinna is safe.

I think the big question is who is added and I think it directly relates to Kyle. They will bring in a “friend” and minion for her to film with and support her in the various phony conflicts they will set up. Plus they will bring in an antagonist who will be in conflict with her. They are not going back to the well for someone like Kim or any other prior housewife. Camille is really not strong enough to be the antagonist. The morally corrupt Faye Resnick is not entertaining enough to be the minion. So it remains to be seen who they pick.

The only way this show prospers is if there is a huge retooling. Most of these worthless bitches are not rich enough or entertaining enough or have anything going on in their lives to sustain a show about the glamorous lifestyle of Beverly Hills.

Isn't that what this show is supposed to be about? 

Edited by langford peel
Because I blame Lisa Vanderpump for this. She made me do it.
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48 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I know she’s appeared on a lot of shows, so not sure if we saw her on the same ones. I used to watch that boot camp show, and she flashed her boobs in front of a group of people with her dad right there. She was wearing pasties, but still-gross! She also shook her butt at one of the men and sat on his lap. His SO sitting right there. She may not have ever been the other woman, but she is so disrespectful to other couples. I had to stop watching that show at that point. RH has been my favorite show for years though. As much as Brandi isn’t my favorite, it would be hard for me to stop watching if she returns. I hope she doesn’t continue a lot of the behavior that  resulted in her leaving should she return next season. 

Leopard does not change it's spots..you can count on her behaving even worst. Brandi won't disappoint.

48 minutes ago, langford peel said:

I cannot really believe that they are bringing Brandi back full time. They have to change the cast. I think there will be a bloodbath with three or four of the worthless bitches remaining. Teddi and Dorito are goners for sure. They are just too toxic to a huge portion of the audience. Plus they bring nothing to the table. Erika is a goner too because she is a one trick pony. We have seen enough of her vanity production financed by misappropriated funds from her husbands law practice. They might want to get it off the TV as the lawsuit progresses. 

Unfortunately Rinna remains. Bravo uses her as a mouthpiece and a lot of her vitriol that she’s spewed at LVP was how the producers really felt but couldn’t say because they still had VDP Rules in production. Rinna stays on as Denise Richards pal in the same role she played with Eileen. Brandi could play that role but she is way too toxic. So unfortunately Rinna is safe.

I think the big question is who is added and I think it directly relates to Kyle. They will bring in a “friend” and minion for her to film with and support her in the various phony conflicts they will set up. Plus they will bring in an antagonist who will be in conflict with her. They are not going back to the well for someone like Kim or any other prior housewife. Camille is really not strong enough to be the antagonist. The morally corrupt Faye Resnick is not entertaining enough to be the minion. So it remains to be seen who they pick.

The only way this show prospers is if there is a huge retooling. Most of these worthless bitches are not rich enough or entertaining enough or have anything going on in their lives to sustain a show about the glamorous lifestyle of Beverly Hills.

Isn't that what this show is supposed to be about? 

I thought it was suppose to be about that , it's why I started watching.  LVP and her neighbor (name escapes me) were the only ones that fit the bill. 

Edited by byrd
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From @PumpkinPK


I wonder that production didn’t choose this location for their group trip as a means of enticing LVP to come back onto the show. 

Another horse person here. I have even judged horse shows so I know a thing or two. Teddi didn’t look all that invested in how her daughter was riding. I think she has chosen to get her daughter mounted and going so that Teddi can get more barn time. It’s also true what @Beachdreamer said about little girls that become (or are) horse obsessed. She sees her Mom doing it and wants to join in. My daughter was the same. That Mommy is so proud of you was for the cameras. I would cringed too; for the hands being all over the place and the child seemingly pulling herself up by the bit was bad for the horses mouth. Agree with the lunge line or perhaps a hackamore (bitless) bridle. Both mother and daughter need to put their weight in the heels. Actually when I have witnessed LVP riding, she needs to get her heels down too! Don’t they emphasize that on the west coast? 

Well I do look forward to the travel porn next week. 

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3 hours ago, byrd said:

Maybe typical for a certain culture, but not in the era I grew up in. You ate what was put in front of you  (which I raised my kids the same way ) Never ever considered shooting the bird at my parents (my finger would have been broken) there was just a certain amount of respect that they demanded and we never crossed that line in front of them. I went to great length to hide any type of behavior I knew they would not approve of.  

I agree-- the overall disrespect and the bird flip especially had (to me) a distinctly Curtin Girls/OC vibe (whose parents said they wanted the sisters to get a TV show from the exposure). Look how that turned out -- altho if you think about it, Raquel and Alexis did achieve a certain measure of exposure....

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Erica looked so bored shopping with Kyle. Now that they’ve all achieved their goal of icing out LVP, I don’t think Erica is going to be down to spend a lot of time hearing about Kyle’s endless list of things that are giving her anxiety.

So now Teddi is going after LisaR? For fucks sake. I bet Teddi has always been that girl. I imagine she was constantly telling her HS girlfriends what they had done wrong and how they should apologize. I’ve always thought she was an immature mean girl at heart.

I HATE it when people think it’s cute to harass servers. You want carbs with salt and oil? Then order fucking spaghetti! You want two glasses of wine in a single glass (which...huh?) then just ask for that! It is not adorable to wander into a restaurant and have a rich drunk chick seizure all over some poor waiter. 

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15 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Speaking of that, she said that she hates doing homework.  Um, it's Portia's homework, so she needs to do it.  Hopefully she's just there to answer questions and help some, but not to take over and do it.  They can figure it out while they all lay in bed together.  

This is me being a bit of a contrarian, but I think homework for someone Porsha's age is bullshit. They already spend like six hours in school. I'd much rather see a kid learn rigorously in school and come home and play themselves tired or pursue an activity or sport than having a light cirriculum and coming home with assignments. Kids' backpacks are so heavy these days that they're actually causing back pain.  I heavily suspect that a lot of it is busy work that schools are assigning because they want to look like they are competitive and rigorous with regard to other schools.

If Kyle really couldn't find a school in the greater LA area that doesn't assign homework to little kids--and I'm sure she has her pick--I have no problem with her pitching in to get it done, as I suspect it's meaningless work just so some administrators can check off boxes. Assigning reading to someone in 11th grade AP English is a whole different animal IMO.

5 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

I agree with absolutely everything in this post, but would point out that not all 5 year olds are there because their parents insist on throwing money away.  This is going to sound a little weird to anyone who hasn't met a true horse girl, but I swear they come out of the womb begging to ride and don't stop until you put them on a horse.  I remember mine as a 3 year old craning her neck to try to spot a just a flash view of a horse behind a house when we would drive by.  By the time she was 5, we had put off riding lessons for years.  And once we gave in, we were complete goners.  That kid would shovel crap for hours and hours in exchange for a glorified pony ride, and still does to this day, although she's definitely upped her riding game.

Sure, there are exceptions to every rule. Just one factor, such as a child having unusually long limbs, can cause them to be eligible for learning how to ride earlier than their chronological age would suggest. Seeing as how I have never encountered your child, I believe everything you say. 

I just want to make it clear that I never posited that the parents are always encouraging the kids to ride; it can very well be the child's idea, but from my years of experience teaching, I never met a five year old who should be taking horseback riding lessons. Very few six year olds were up to the task. I used to teach private and group lessons, as well as horseback riding camp, so it probably wouldn't be an overestimation to say I've taught hundreds of kids. A better age to enter the arena, in my opinion, is eight. I started formal lessons at eight, and, looking back, there was so much I could grasp cognitively that I could have never have grasped at seven.  

If I can get slightly into more detail as to where I'm coming from before retiring the topic: the problem is that there is no one in the industry with an incentive to tell the truth. The other, related, problem is that horseback lessons for the very young can look brilliant to an outsider, especially a parent, who has a naturally selected bias toward their child. This is why I said Teddi in particular, who undoubtedly possesses extensive knowledge of horsemanship, is on the hook. 

The horse farm, as a business entity, will rarely turn away the money from paying parents. The instructor is paid by the horse farm to be enthusiastic and accommodating, so they're not going to tell the truth. I remember when I was 21, I taught this little girl every Saturday, and I would fucking dread it out of all my lessons for the day. I think she was six. I remember her in particular, because her parents always gave me a substantial tip.

The little girl was just so happy! The parents were thrilled, oohing and ahhing all over the place, and it was fine, but I had to lead the kid around on a lead line, which is literally a leash for the horse. It's not like a lunge line, which is a teaching tool. The kid just had no concept of steering, so we cut that concept out completely, and I would walk her around, giving her praise, filling the time, giving her exercises, like, "ok, now...touch your...nose!" She was retaining nothing. Even though it was a half hour lesson, one time I just couldn't take it and I took her off after 25 minutes. The parents were like, "Libertarian Slut, wasn't that a short lesson?" I acted confused, glanced at my watch a bunch, mumbled something about mounting and dismounting figuring into the time of the lesson, but ultimately retreated in overwhelming relief (they were good sports; tipped me anyway). I realized I cared less about the tip than continuing the charade. (And I was someone who would gladly extend a group lesson of 10-12 year olds a few minutes to make sure all the kids had an equal amount of time to canter or jump or whatever, because I believed in fairness for kids).

This is all to say where I gathered the source material to state that I don't think Teddi's child in particular should be riding at five, even though there are, in all likelihood, five year olds who can ride. In my experience, parents could be just as gratified, and the child just as excited, to get an actual pony ride, with which there is nothing wrong. It gets the kid used to the natural movement of a horse and the parents get to see how cute it is, while everything is safe, and there is no pressure to learn anything. When a pony ride is done properly, there is no risk a kid is going to bounce on the horse's back or otherwise harm it.

The very nature of a lesson imparts some risk on the child and horse, and if I personally owned a farm, I would make any kids under 7 or 8 pass some kind of mental and physical test before I would take their parents' money. I wouldn't run a free-for-all like Teddi's instructors seem to. Wouldn't be able to sleep at night for so many reasons. 

Annnnnd now I think I'll shut up about RHBH kids, because I'm not a parent, nor do I have a degree in early childhood education, so I'll just go back to what I'm good at: criticizing the fashion and hypocrisy of the adults. 

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Libertarian Slut, the post is too long to quote, so hopefully you will just notice this.  🙂

It's kind of you to allow for the possibility that my 5 year old was a long legged prodigy, but she was not.  You are absolutely correct initially, they were glorified pony rides. I was agreeing with all of that.  I was just laughing at the line about parents insisting they throw money away on it, or something like that, because I think I know what you mean. I've seen a lot of  that, almost always because the mom is an equestrian, or always wished to have been one. 

And my laughter was because it was never our idea or desire to do riding, we just eventually got worn down and lost the battle. I've been losing it and money ever since.  LOL

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5 hours ago, byrd said:

Maybe typical for a certain culture, but not in the era I grew up in. You ate what was put in front of you  (which I raised my kids the same way ) Never ever considered shooting the bird at my parents (my finger would have been broken) there was just a certain amount of respect that they demanded and we never crossed that line in front of them. I went to great length to hide any type of behavior I knew they would not approve of.  Bottom line I was scared as hell of my parents !!! Lol !!!!! They loves us unconditionally, supported all that we were, but they didn't take no crap from us. 

Did she give her father the finger?  Oh my.  I need to go back and rewatch this scene.  I wonder if I zoned out due to boredom. 

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

Did she give her father the finger?  Oh my.  I need to go back and rewatch this scene.  I wonder if I zoned out due to boredom. 

Yes, she did.  She even got her ass out of her chair to throw the bird at him behind his back.  That's not her eating disorder.  That's a respect disorder. 

Rinna just tee-hee'd.  That's a parenting fail, and an asshole disorder all in one.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, Beachdreamer said:

Did she give her father the finger?  Oh my.  I need to go back and rewatch this scene.  I wonder if I zoned out due to boredom. 

8 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

I have 2 lovely beautiful, thoughtful, kind, polite, intelligent teenage daughters.  My family has been on TV once and all went well.  But we only filmed for a small part of  one 1/2 hour episode.  If you park a camera at my house long enough, you will find my teenagers acting like teenagers and my child acting like a child.  That's life.  And you might catch my husband being cranky or me being cranky with a "B."  Also life.  I'm not a big Rinna fan, and I don't find her daughters particularly compelling TV, but I don't think one crappy dinner tells the story of anyone's real life.  I'm going to give them a pass on this one.

Oh my gosh, I just rewatched it.  I really did zone out and miss a lot the first time.  I saw the girls being sort of miserable and cranky and everything, but somehow I missed the end of that dinner. 

I would like to change my post from earlier.  I pray that even if you filmed my children for months on end, you wouldn't catch them blatantly flipping one of us off.  Yuck.

Edited by Beachdreamer
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, izabella said:

Yes, she did.  She even got her ass out of her chair to throw the bird at him behind his back.  That's not her eating disorder.  That's a respect disorder. 

Rinna just tee-hee'd.  That's a parenting fail, and an asshole disorder all in one.

It was awful.

That Rinna just said an embarrassed  "Don't do that." was also a marital fail. Rinna also showed disrespect to Harry by not correcting and disciplining Amelia right then and there.

I don't care how old she is or that she's allergic to respecting her father's position in the family. And it wasn't a result of her thinking that biting into a kernal of corn 3 times is a 3 course meal.

Snot nosed bitch! 

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21 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Speaking of that, she said that she hates doing homework.  Um, it's Portia's homework, so she needs to do it.  Hopefully she's just there to answer questions and help some, but not to take over and do it.  They can figure it out while they all lay in bed together.  

I bet she does it. That's how you raise a daughter that doesn't know toilets require cleaning.

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7 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I’m out too...already deleted from my DVR.

I’ll follow along here.

I do think the Hamlin/Rinna marriage is odd.

I will wait to see who else goes, if anyone, and who might join the show. If the current crew stays, minus Lisa, I will be out. I really cannot stand Teddi Kyle or Dorit,  and while i don't actually detest Denise and Erika, they bring nothing I am remotely interested in.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, chlban said:

I will wait to see who else goes, if anyone, and who might join the show. If the current crew stays, minus Lisa, I will be out. I really cannot stand Teddi Kyle or Dorit,  and huhwhile i don't actually detest Denise and Erika, they bring nothing I am remotely interested in. The Hamlin/Rinna marriage reminds me of my best friends marriage. They are mainly parents, they share that, otherwise they kind of do their own thing. Neither cheats, but they really have little in common besides the family.

Edited by chlban
On 6/6/2019 at 10:59 PM, langford peel said:

I can't believe they would bring Brandi back. There is just too much water under the bridge.

Although it might be possible if they drop Rinna. Then she can be Denise's wingman and take on Kyle which would be the conflict set up for next season. One that I for one will not be watching.

Brandi is the herpes of the Real Housewives.

Ha ha - so true.

  • LOL 8
On 6/6/2019 at 3:51 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Ugh enough with Rinna's daughters. Amelia is just not that pretty TBH. I think we've mentioned that before. There is something about this eating disorder scenario that I find odd. Just the way it came on and is portrayed. I find Rinna's mothers story more "inpirational".  We have known Lois for years and just found out about this.  It's like Rinna needs this as a storyline.  Amelia is out there bringing her personal story to the surface to help other girls.....Amelia is in pain and I'll do what it takes to help her......I just hate it when they do this shit because it makes a genuine disorder into a commercial.  Plus she is a fucking brat.

These women and the talking behind each others backs WHILE THE CAMERAS ARE THERE.  Rinna....I won't tell anyone.....but you can see it in 7 months when it airs.  Camille trashing everyone.......this constant repitition each season and I still watch.  Who knows why. There are no true friendships here.  They know it will all be shown for the world to see and they are okay with it as it is happening. 

I’m picking up some Munchausen Mommy vibes from Rinna around her daughter’s eating disorder. Her own disordered eating and focus on “health” (vitamin treatments she and her girls wouldn’t need if they ate food), and pushing her daughters into the worst possible career for eating disorder recovery has rubbed off on her daughters. And now, she gets a “woe is me” concerned mom in agony storyline.

This woman is vile.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

LibertarianSlut, I agree what you said about the homework. Kids need more time to be kids imo. 

In the dental business I see a fair number of kids - all ages.  Sadly, what I'm seeing a lot of is unmotivated kids and parents even less so in helping them succeed.  I ask simple questions, such as "do you like to read?" Answer: No (more times than not.)  Or, "do you have a favorite subject at school?" Answer:  What??  Me:  "A class, you know, what you attend every hour?"  Answer:  I like P.E.    Me:  "What do you like to do?"  Answer:  Play video/computer games.  Me: "Sigh."

It is good that Kyle is helping her with her homework.  I think kids need to do something at home to reinforce what they learned (or supposed to learn) at school.   At least she's getting encouragement at home, unlike many of the kids I see.   I was poking fun of Kyle in my original post on this subject only because of her comment of "hating to do homework."  I'm hoping that she's not doing the helicopter Mom thing and is letting Portia figure things out.  I didn't mean for that original post to be taken so seriously though.  It was just tongue-in-cheek.  

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