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S04.E03: Mistrials Of Marriage

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12 hours ago, configdotsys said:

In addition to that, her father is just pure sickening to me. Mr. Big Shot who's gonna bring it on if Asuelu doesn't do right by Kalani and the kids. Fuck you and your old school threats of a beatdown. He needs to gtf over himself. Asuelu was worried that Mr. Tough Guy would be angry that "she's pregnant again" meaning of course that Kalani had no part whatsoever in any of it. This dude needs to lose the camera time he has because he comes off as an ass. Maybe back in the day it was cool so intimidate your daughter's husband with zero cause. Today you just look and sound like a fool.

And the fact that Kalani made Asuelu stammer out that he knocked her up again just made everyone look stupid.  

I think the lack of condoms and common sense make A & K slut people.

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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Final question, Pedro says he is going to the Dominican Republic for maybe 6 weeks, what about his job?  Without that job his family will not get his money and then he is useless to them.

He's probably taking vacation time, or taking time off without pay. If he's a good worker I don't see that being a problem, his employer will be glad to have him back. And if the employer hires lots of recent immigrants its probably normal. The office cleaner at my old job took a month every year to go home to the DR, for example. She surely did not have a month of vacation from the cleaning company.

11 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Chantel and Pedro and the dinner with Cassie and Danny:

Chantel was the one that brought up their relationship issues at the dinner; not Pedro. That wasn't the time or the place, but Chantel can't let any opportunity to prove how wrong Pedro is go to waste.

Chantel was shocked when Cassie and Danny initially supported Pedro in going to the Dominican Republic without Chantel.

Because Chantel can't have anyone disagree with her reality, she had to ensure only her side of the Family Chantel dinner debacle was presented to Cassie and Danny, lest they offer any sympathy to Pedro for being arrested. Chantel will not allow any responsibility for what happened at that dinner fall on her own, or any of the members of her family's, shoulders.

And when Pedro tried to give his side of the story of what happened at the family dinner, Chantel cut him off, and spoke over him so he couldn't get a word in edgewise. When she (or her family) does this Pedro gets frustrated, probably because English is his second language and he gets a bit lost and eventually gives up. 

It's really hard to follow a conversation not in your native language, especially when emotions are running high and people are interrupting and talking over each other. I suspect Chantel knows this and does it on purpose to ensure her point of view is the only point of view that gets heard. It works.

Did anyone else notice Chantel sitting there at the table in the restaurant with a smirk on her face after she gave her version of the Family Chantel dinner? I wanted to slap her.

@TwirlyGirly, I cosign every word of your excellent post. Chantel's behavior at dinner with the other couple really stood out. She doesn't even seem interested in saving her marriage any more. She seems like she can't stand Pedro and wants him gone.  (I noticed the smirk too. Grrr). She's never shown an iota of sadness or regret. It would just be a blow to her ego if he left her. And yet at the same time, she and her whole family seem motivated by one thing--to drive Pedro away. And in doing so, they have to make Pedro some sort of mustache twirling villain. I bet when they to to Target she tells the cashier about how Pedro came to her house with a nefarious plan to attack her brother. Shut up Chantel. Pedro, run, don't walk, to Savannah or New York or back to the DR. You should not have to live like this.

9 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

About the awkward threesome that is  Libby, her dad and Andrei -

Libby did try to  to point out to her father that they had just moved in and it had been raining for several days as reasons why the lawn wasn’t mowed. But Father Libby could not turn off the righteous indignation long enough to shut the fuck up and hear her.

I’ve lived in Louisiana and Florida - both are subtropical hells in the summer. It can rain on and off constantly for days - meaning the grass never has time to dry so you can cut it. And in that climate it needs to be cut every 7 days or it gets out of control. We already saw Andrei skimming the pool. I think Grass Gate is some drama that Libby’s dad is ginning up for the buzz he gets from feeling put upon. 

 I have said it before and I will say it again: I’m calling bullshit on this whole storyline that Andrei just won’t work, and I’m gonna keep saying it as long as everybody’s picking on my boy. 😉Andrei seemed pretty industrious in Ireland and was the only fiancé to come with three months of savings to support himself. He also went to school and finished a program. Devar is the only other dude to do something similar. 

  I’m having a hard time believing that his character has suddenly changed that drastically since hitting this side of the pond. I think Libby, dimbulb that she is, just figured out that truck driving means he will be gone for weeks or months at a time, and she wants none of it. I think it’s her pickiness that’s putting limitations on what he does, rather than his laziness. 

I agree. The storyline stinks. Its been plain as day since we met Andrei that the geniuses at Sharp would use the "hot tempered unresolved Neanderthal marries sweet Daddy's girl" trope. Yawn. I don't buy it for a second. He's too good for foolish, spoiled Libby and her vapid clutch of stupid sisters. They need to get out from under Daddy's thumb. And yeah, a guy who works hard at two jobs and saves every penny doesn't turn into a lazy blob overnight.

26 minutes ago, Kid said:

I see your point.  BUT, she is in America now not Columbia.  And she has been here long enough to know the etiquette.  If she just got here, then she gets a pass.  If Russ were in Columbia, then he should make sure he follows their etiquette and doesn’t insult her family.  It’s called assimilation.

However, all that being said, I don’t think it was about her culture at all. She didn’t want to be there and it was a passive aggressive act to get under their skin. 

Pao's been in the US long enough to know. Bet she's not two hours late for her "modeling" jobs.

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Quote from Elizabeth, "The thought of paying rent is just crazy."  I think that sums up her entitled attitude pretty well. 

Andrei's attitude is, "We're going to _______ (work/move/pay our own way)."  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.  

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21 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao's been in the US long enough to know. Bet she's not two hours late for her "modeling" jobs.

Pao loves having a fuss made over her so I would have thought that the shower would have been perfect for her.  The people that left probably did not really even know Pao and had no problem leaving before she showed up.  What happened to her friend that she had her nails done with?  I never saw her walk in the house.  

Russ's mother made a nice shower, soccer themed, cute cookies with the Colombian flag, nice touches, she is such an unaccepting bitch, lol.   

If Pao wants something to cry about I will tell her horror stories about my first marriage and the inlaws, Pao may not like them but they are nice to her.

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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Russ's mother made a nice shower, soccer themed, cute cookies with the Colombian flag, nice touches, she is such an unaccepting bitch, lol.   

Right? They might not be her cup of tea but they made a sincere effort. Pao's an ungrateful, selfish hag.

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This is an UO but I like Pao and hate Russ' family.  They remind me of folks who probably call black people "colored."  Not saying they do, they just remind me of people like that.  

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13 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:


Pao's been in the US long enough to know. Bet she's not two hours late for her "modeling" jobs.

Glad you brought that up! 😊

I found a website detailing cultural etiquette specifically for Colombia. It explained being on-time in business is the proper etiquette.

But for social functions, being a half hour to an hour late is proper etiquette. The reasoning behind this is the host is likely not to be ready to receive guests at the designated start time - so to show up on time would interrupt the host performing their "final touches" and is considered rude.

I understand what others have said about Pao being in the U.S. for three years so shouldn't she know this, but if all of the friends she hangs out with in Miami are Colombian (or from other Latin and South American countries that have similar customs), and Russ never took the time to explain this part of American etiquette to her, then how would she know? Did Russ ever say to her "Mi amor, in America it's considered rude to show up late for social functions with other Americans. If you arrive late to social functions, the other guests will think you don't care about the event or them, and they'll feel you're wasting their time waiting for you to arrive. I know it's different in Colombia, but that's the way it is here."

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9 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m just stating what was shown, right? 😉

draw your own conclusions or not. 

Right? Andrei can yell at Libby, push her (overbearing) family away, and dictate she is not permitted to go to clubs without him or not answer his calls right away, but I’m supposed to believe Libby is the one keeping him from getting a job as a truck driver? Libby is making him live rent free in one of daddy’s nice rental properties?

I’m also not impressed with his 3 months savings. I moved cross country as a single lady to an expensive city with 5 months savings during the recession. The first thing I did when I got to the new city was start looking for work, because I knew that money wouldn’t last long. I damn sure didn’t get pregnant during that time and I didn’t have to financially support anyone but myself. As soon as he had work permits, he needed to find a job if he’s so independent. The way Andrei talked, you’d think he had a year’s salary (US, not Moldova) to live off of.

I do agree that Andrei didn’t change overnight. He was a bum then, he’s a bum now. No change there.

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21 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I understand what others have said about Pao being in the U.S. for three years so shouldn't she know this, but if all of the friends she hangs out with in Miami are Colombian (or from other Latin and South American countries that have similar customs), and Russ never took the time to explain this part of American etiquette to her, then how would she know?

But she lived in Oklahoma for at least a year before she took off for Miaaaaaaaami. She did jobs there. She and Russ went out with friends. Was she an hour late for everything? Somehow I doubt.

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10 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Andrei seemed pretty industrious in Ireland and was the only fiancé to come with three months of savings to support himself. He also went to school and finished a program. Devar is the only other dude to do something similar. 

Not true. Alexi got a job and is working, pretty much has been since he was legally able to, so has Loren. They bought a condo together. I'm not even crazy about Loren because of the way she behaved at the reunion but have to admit these two have their stuff together and are actually planning on when to start having a family.  I have mad respect for Alexi. I think Princess Libby and the Hulk are perfectly content living off daddy and the TLC money. That will get them by for now. What ever job Libby had was only part time working for daddy, she has been spoiled all her life. 

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

I see your point.  BUT, she is in America now not Columbia.  And she has been here long enough to know the etiquette.  If she just got here, then she gets a pass.  If Russ were in Columbia, then he should make sure he follows their etiquette and doesn’t insult her family.  It’s called assimilation.

However, all that being said, I don’t think it was about her culture at all. She didn’t want to be there and it was a passive aggressive act to get under their skin.   Being late and that hooker outfit was a big “fuck you” to his family.  She wants to make sure they never live in Oklahoma again.

She knew it was important to be on time. Russ told her he was not staying for the shower and she was pissed. She figured she’d be late, he would stay waiting for her and then she could guilt him into staying for the shower. That didn’t work so she went with the “ no one wanted to stay and get to know me””they aren’t “ass-cepting” me”. “I feel uncomfortable here”

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Not true. Alexi got a job and is working, pretty much has been since he was legally able to, so has Loren. They bought a condo together. I'm not even crazy about Loren because of the way she behaved at the reunion but have to admit these two have their stuff together and are actually planning on when to start having a family.  I have mad respect for Alexi. I think Princess Libby and the Hulk are perfectly content living off daddy and the TLC money. That will get them by for now. What ever job Libby had was only part time working for daddy, she has been spoiled all her life. 

Alexei is the man Andrei pretends to be. And he’s not a menacing creep about it. Loren kinda sux, but they’re making it work.

I hope after watching Andrei yell about moving out of the house next week, they show him applying for jobs so they won’t be living in a cardboard box when they do leave.

I won’t hold my breath.

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39 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

But for social functions, being a half hour to an hour late is proper etiquette. The reasoning behind this is the host is likely not to be ready to receive guests at the designated start time - so to show up on time would interrupt the host performing their "final touches" and is considered rude.

That's not just true in Columbia, it's true for a lot of folks in the US as well.  I showed up for a party on time, but the party didn't start for an hour and a half, and I realized, "Oh yeah, I forgot."

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Andrei/Andreis, shut the fuck up.  You can start talking again when you get a job. 

Until then... say thank you, offer to do some odd jobs around the house for the man giving you a free house and as a reminder: Shut The FUCK Up

The worst kind of boy is the kind who constantly talks about being a man.  Adults are too busy for all that narration. 

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I'm starting to doubt if I'll finish the season as there really isn't anyone for whom I am watching or rooting.  I don't even bother to watch any of the third hour as even the production company doesn't think those couples are interesting enough to feature on the real/two hour show.  

Libby is as entitled as ever, maybe even more so.  I suspect that she thinks her father, excuse me, dada should contribute even more to them now that she is pregnant.  Andrei claims that he is looking for a job, but compare that to Pedro who took a job in a warehouse in order to start earning money (and it's probably really hard physical labor).  And, yes, it may rain quite a bit during the summer in the south, but all of my neighbors manage to keep their lawns/yards looking good (me?  I hire gardeners to mow my lawn...).  

I want Pedro to get his 10-year green card and leave Chantel.  I hope her family's new show BOMBS and is immediately canceled.  Chantel gets very frustrated when people don't buy into her stories-she seemed shocked at the "double date" that the other couple didn't immediately buy into what she was selling.  I felt for that other couple and believe that they  conveniently were able to use the old baby sitter excuse to leave as soon as possible.  

I couldn't even really focus on Nicole's segment as that beard (on her father) just kept distracting me...

I have no idea why Ashley and Jay are even on this show or are featured on it instead of another couple.  Just completely boring and the same old same old as seen on their original season.

Larissa would have left the court house with her attorney if he was even remotely interested...

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Very conniving of Elizabeth to move into one of her father's rentals. She knows that he won't evict them now that they are having a kid, and he also won't force the rent issue. Did you catch what Elizabeth said to Andrei during the fight, that paying rent was a stress that she didn't need at that time? Not only can they not pay rent, she simply doesn't want to if she doesn't have to. She's lazy. During her first season she was only working for her father part-time. I wonder how she has health insurance, and who is paying for that?

I don't understand how Andrei doesn't have some kind of job especially once they discovered that Elizabeth was pregnant. If Pedro can work two jobs, Andrei should at least have one. He's starting to remind me of Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon: "Catherine says that he's holding out for a management position."

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When Pao complained that people came to her baby shower, brought gifts, and left before Pao got there (leaving the gifts behind for her to enjoy) I was just dumbfounded.  She didn't know those individuals, yet they cared enough for Russ that they took time out of their days and brought nice gifts.  For someone who didn't even care enough to arrive on time, or even close to on time.  Pao was actually THREE hours late as there was a two hour event before the shower.  THREE hours!  I never would have waited for her, and would have probably just canceled the event at that point.  THREE hours!  Yet, Pao is the victim here because those rude people did not wait for her and then stay around and pay homage to her.  Poor Pao...

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So, I totally get being late or showing up whenever to an open house, a house party, a cocktail event etc. 

What I don’t get is being late for an event where YOU are the guest of honor, and everyone is waiting on YOU to make an appearance to get the party started. It’s like a bride showing up two hours late and wondering why everyone is on edge - see Denise in RHBH for reference. Or parents arriving an hour late with baby for a christening. 

And yes, I get cultures that are more relaxed about time.  I used to work almost exclusively with executive MBA groups from Latin America. And when they would come to my university for courses and scheduled events, I quickly learned to move the start times I half an hour to  an an hour earlier on the schedule to accommodate this. So, if I wanted them to be an event at 12:30,  I would put 1130 or 1145 on the schedule. No muss no fuss.

However, Pao is not a visiting student or a guest speaker. She’s been in America for three years, and she knows how Russ’ family operates. Not to mention the fact that he told her when to be there. This was just a not-so-passive aggressive fuck you from Pao to Russ’ family. Pure and simple. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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5 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

She’s been in America for three years, and she knows how Russ’ family operates. Not to mention the fact that he told her when to be there. This was just a not-so-passive aggressive fuck you from Pao to Russ’ family.


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Paola is reallllly selfish. You don't go and get your nails done at the 11th hour right before the baby shower that your in laws are throwing for your stank ass. Not to mention all that bitching about Russ not being there and then she misses the entire tenure of his attendance? Stupid. That was the perfect setup to make her feel comfortable and ease into being alone with his family. If she really cared she would try harder. 

Nicooooooole. God help her and her mixed floral prints. Robbalee said it best: A cycle of nothing. I did enjoy seeing Nicole sigh heavily at her family's inquisition. I did not enjoy seeing her eyebrows go up and down at the mention of this alleged Grenada trip.

Chantal should have known that airing the dirty laundry to the friends was a bad idea. Pedro is not innocent though. 

Apparently Ashley is the one who got away. Who knew? 

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Andrei/Andreis, shut the fuck up.  You can start talking again when you get a job. 

Until then... say thank you, offer to do some odd jobs around the house for the man giving you a free house and as a reminder: Shut The FUCK Up

The worst kind of boy is the kind who constantly talks about being a man.  Adults are too busy for all that narration. 

I’d agree with you regarding Andrei if I actually thought their storyline was real.  Something just doesn’t ring true to me.  

Chantel deep down knows the fight was River’s fault.   She brings up the fight and blames Pedro to convince herself and others.  If others believe it’s true than its true.  You’d think her friends would have seen this train wreck at some point and know the truth.  

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9 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Which ones are really divorced already?

For all seasons:


Chelsea/Yamir (the first divorce)




Coltee/Larissa (not sure if finalized)

Jonathan/Fernanda (not sure if finalized)

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51 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

I’d agree with you regarding Andrei if I actually thought their storyline was real.  Something just doesn’t ring true to me.

I go by what I see on the show; what I see is a dickwad who lives in his FIL's house and doesn't work, act right toward his new family or mow the lawn. 

He complains about "so much money" he saved being wasted on "bills and stuff."  Yeah, I hate when those bills just fly out of nowhere, Andrei/Andreis.  What a waste of money for that Constitutionally-guaranteed electricity, mobile phone plan and Netflix streaming services.

And Elizabeth's dad doesn't look like a guy who would play along with a fake storyline.. he looks like a guy who used to have 3 daughters who adored him and appreciated his support but now one of them is treating him like shit because she's married to and knocked up by A Bad Arnold Schwarzenegger Impersonation Personified.

2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

This was just a not-so-passive aggressive fuck you from Pao to Russ’ family.

MomRuss really went out of her way to make the party perfect, too.  It was really cute.

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25 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I go by what I see on the show; what I see is a dickwad who lives in his FIL's house and doesn't work, act right toward his new family or mow the lawn. 

He complains about "so much money" he saved being wasted on "bills and stuff."  Yeah, I hate when those bills just fly out of nowhere, Andrei/Andreis.  What a waste of money for that Constitutionally-guaranteed electricity, mobile phone plan and Netflix streaming services.

And Elizabeth's dad doesn't look like a guy who would play along with a fake storyline.. he looks like a guy who used to have 3 daughters who adored him and appreciated his support but now one of them is treating him like shit because she's married to and knocked up by A Bad Arnold Schwarzenegger Impersonation Personified.

MomRuss really went out of her way to make the party perfect, too.  It was really cute.

Agree 100!

I recently threw a baby shower for my niece, and I can see all the work that Mama Russ put into it.  I would have been pissssssed off if my niece had shown up late.  Heck, she kept begging to show up early, but we weren't done with decorations.

Paola (not gonna call her Pao, which is weakling Russ' term of endearment) gave Family Russ a big ol' FU by stopping to get her nails done.  I don't care what country you're from:  follow the rules of that country.  It wasn't cool for Nicole to hang all over Azan in Morocco, and it's not cool for Paola to show up 1-3 hours late (not sure of the exact time) for a shower thrown in her honor.

Don't like opening gifts?  That all these nice people spent their time shopping for, lugging out of a store, paying for, gift-wrapping for you?  Too freaking bad.  That's what a shower is all about.  Want free stuff, shipped to your house?  Build your moddddddeling careeeeer and see if people will send you free stuff from your Instagram.  Yeah, I didn't think so.

Edited by Sterling
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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

I go by what I see on the show; what I see is a dickwad who lives in his FIL's house and doesn't work, act right toward his new family or mow the lawn. 

Thank you! And that is really all we have to go on, other than the occasional internet sleuthing. If Andrei and Libby are given the benefit of the doubt for fake storylines, then why any of the other train-wreck couples? Furthermore, what kind of person would intentionally act like a lazy, entitled walking red flag? Does this show even pay that well?

When it comes down to it, there is little difference in motive between Andrei and Azan. Azan just prefers his cash in hand instead of free rent and groceries. And doesn’t have to sleep with Nicole too often.

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29 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Thank you! And that is really all we have to go on, other than the occasional internet sleuthing. If Andrei and Libby are given the benefit of the doubt for fake storylines, then why any of the other train-wreck couples? Furthermore, what kind of person would intentionally act like a lazy, entitled walking red flag? Does this show even pay that well?

Completely agree. But it could be fun to imagine all of them being actors. When in reality:

- Pedro and Mother Chantel have brunch every Sunday

- David is normally a high-class lawyer with a 70-hour week

- Larissa does Margarita Monday with Debbie every week

- Coltee is wearing a padded bra for the show

- Nicole thinks Azan is unattractive and is in love with her overweight nerdy neighbor 

- Pao and Russ live in the apartment above his parents' garage and Pao LOVES it

I'm watching next week's show with all of this in mind. 

Edited by Morrissey
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12 minutes ago, Morrissey said:

Completely agree. But it could be fun to imagine all of them being actors. When in reality:

- Pedro and Mother Chantel have brunch every Sunday

- David is normally a high-class lawyer with a 70-hour week

- Larissa does Margarita Monday with Debbie every week

- Coltee is wearing a padded bra for the show

- Nicole thinks Azan is unattractive and is in love with her overweight nerdy neighbor 

- Pao and Russ live in the apartment above his parents' garage and Pao LOVES it

I'm watching next week's show with all of this in mind. 

Well, frankly, after seeing how different Annie and David and Tarik are on Pillow Talk, I’m willing to admit that maybe we have all been played by these bullshit shows.  I mean it’s no fun to admit that we all have spent time, energy and humor commenting on totally made up bullshit, but I think it’s just a bit precious and naive to take what we see on the teevee as gospel truth. 😉😘

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1 minute ago, Chickabiddy said:

Well, frankly, after seeing how different Annie and David and Tarik are on Pillow Talk, I’m willing to admit that maybe we have all been played by these bullshit shows.  I mean it’s no fun to admit that we all have spent time, energy and humor commenting on totally made up bullshit, but I think it’s just a bit precious and naive to take what we see on the teevee as gospel truth. 😉😘

I have yet to see anyone here thinking that what we see on 90DF is "gospel truth". 

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19 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

So, why didn't Russ explain to Pao long ago that while being late to gatherings with her Colombian friends is perfectly okay, it's a serious etiquette breach to be late to parties, meet-ups, etc., with Americans? Did he ever spell this out to her? Or did he, like so many Americans, just assume Pao would absorb American cultural etiquette by osmosis? And if that's what he thought, is that fair to Pao?

Agreed.  And I have what may be an unpopular opinion in that I think Russ should have stayed with Pao for the shower.  Not only was she thrust into an unfamiliar situation, not know exactly what was expected of her, but the only people there that she knew were Russ' parents and that one female friend.  I would appreciate my husband staying with me in such a situation, and I'm not from a foreign culture.

I think Pao is resistant to Russ' suggestions about her inappropriate clothing because he went so far overboard about her "modeling" topless.  He needs to make her understand the difference between situations where revealing clothing might be appropriate, even though he was made uncomfortable by it, and situations where revealing clothing is just plain rude. 

Her insistence on staying in Miami in her little nest of South American "models" is probably at least partly based on avoiding having to learn and conform to American culture, like appropriate dress and arriving at parties thrown in your honor on time.

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I hope this isn’t getting off topic/ boards on boards, but what’s the sense in having pages full of comments about how terrible the others are based on how they portray themselves on the show, but when it comes to Libby and Andrei, well that dreamboat is putting on a bad boy act exclusively for the cameras. Nothing to see here.

Sure, reality tv plays fast and loose with the concept of reality, but they work with what they are given. It would be nice to think all these couples really get along, but over the seasons, we’ve had stalking, fisticuffs, blood drawn, divorces, court dates and prison time.

No one on these shows is that good of an actor.

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Andrei had to work two jobs in Ireland because no one was paying his rent. As soon as Elizabeth told him that her father was upset that the lawn had not been mowed, Andrei did not say, "But it's only been that way for a few days because it rained..." What he said was, "That's bullshit," and got all pissed off. He has been here for a while now and hasn't gotten a job. He finished his truck driving training and then did nothing but mooch off her father. Now he has a pregnant wife and that hasn't lit a fire under him to take any work he can find. He's decided that he can be choosy and only do what he wants and the anger he showed when Libby told him about the lawn shows that. No one flies off the handle when there is a misunderstanding. This guy is pissy because he's the "man of the house" and how dare anyone mess with the king of the castle. Meanwhile, he doesn't even pay his own rent. In the show, he said he will drive a truck and take care of them. Then in the preview he tells her that truck driving is not for him or something like that. So what is? He's a lazy ass. I'm not crazy about Libby but I see the predicament she is in wondering aloud what the hell are they going to do if they walk out of the father's house?

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I noticed that one of the first things Russ's mother said to Paola when she finally arrived was, "Look at the table. Get some punch or a drink." The whole food set up looked like it had not been touched waiting for Paola to arrive and see it all. Russ's mother must have had to block people from touching the food for hours. I would have said the hell with her, go ahead and eat after 15 minutes of waiting on her.

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or mow the lawn. 

But... but... the lawn mower broke and the only choice they had was to replace it or buy groceries. What do y'all want - a pregnant lady to go without nutrition???

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7 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

However, Pao is not a visiting student or a guest speaker. She’s been in America for three years, and she knows how Russ’ family operates. Not to mention the fact that he told her when to be there. This was just a not-so-passive aggressive fuck you from Pao to Russ’ family. Pure and simple. 

5 Years. They had their 5th Wedding Anniversary in October 2018.

If after 5 years in the US she still doesn't know that you show up on time for a party in your honor, she either doesn't give a damn, or she is plain stupid. I call BS that she didn't know she was expected to be on time.

Living in a foreign country doesn't mean you have to forget your culture, but it does mean you have to try to integrate and learn the language, customs, common laws etc. as best as you can.

Next time I mess up I'm trying the "in my culture..." route and see if I get a pass. Also next time my husband doesn't agree with me, I will start crying that I left my country, my family and friends and the least he can do is let me have my way. I really can't think why I haven't ever done that 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Cini said:

Also next time my husband doesn't agree with me, I will start crying that I left my country, my family and friends and the least he can do is let me have my way. I really can't think why I haven't ever done that 🙂

And no one who drops the “I gave up everything” line goes back home to family and friends when the relationship goes south. They hightail it to a major city still in the United States. They try (and fail) at modeling. 

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On 5/13/2019 at 8:16 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

And yet..."Heese family don't accept me."

Oy vey, sell somewhere else sister, that act is old, the owness is on you, Pao.  From day one you painted yourself as an exotic, espicey Latina that Roos's was luck to have and nobody should ever forget it.  Unwilling to get to know the parents, unwilling to try to be respectful to them, not even for Roos's sake that you would try.  Nothing says love like being a lady dick to the in laws, Pao does not respect Roos, if he doesn't get it now, he never will.

Russ got what he deserved, a trophy wife who abuses him.  He had plenty of opportunity to send her packing, but his fragile ego has always demanded that he have the hot spicy calendar model at any price.  Now she's having his kid so he's past the point of no return.  He has years of misery to come, especially when it's multiple screaming kids and a screaming housewife who isn't hot and spicy enough for calendar shoots anymore.

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Nicole's goat dad has the same mannerisms that she has. They have the same babyish facial expressions and dumb way their eyes dart around their sockets like they're too stupid to know where to look.

Maybe that's what an IQ of 75 looks like.

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

But... but... the lawn mower broke and the only choice they had was to replace it or buy groceries. What do y'all want - a pregnant lady to go without nutrition???


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On 5/13/2019 at 4:38 PM, Matty said:

I think Coltee and Debbie should continue dating

And considering Debbie’s age no fears of an unwanted pregnancy!

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On 5/13/2019 at 6:26 PM, configdotsys said:

Sorry, Andrei. That you’ve decided to sit on your ass all day, not even mow the lawn

But daddy why spend $150 on a mower that could go to groceries?     One, neither looks like they miss too many meals.  Two, they could buy a used manual mower for 20 bucks and Andre could use the exercise to counteract the belly.

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16 hours ago, Mothra said:

Her insistence on staying in Miami in her little nest of South American "models" is probably at least partly based on avoiding having to learn and conform to American culture, like appropriate dress and arriving at parties thrown in your honor on time.

Maybe she just wants to be with people she's comfortable with, who don't judge her or do passive aggressive shit to her.

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe she just wants to be with people she's comfortable with, who don't judge her or do passive aggressive shit to her.

Passive-aggressive like showing up an hour late to a party she was supposed to be 2 hours early for? 

I get that she doesn't like Russ' family and may never like them, but they definitely made an effort to improve upon their relationship and all Pao did was show up (late.)

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2 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Passive-aggressive like showing up an hour late to a party she was supposed to be 2 hours early for? 

I get that she doesn't like Russ' family and may never like them, but they definitely made an effort to improve upon their relationship and all Pao did was show up (late.)

I was responding to the post about Pao not wanting to leave her "little nest of South American models."  Something about that comment rubbed me the wrong way, like "no Pao, you have to live in Oklahoma and that's that."  If Russ made it clear to her that she had to be one time, then she should have been on time, but I know that PLENTY of people in the US will say the party starts at 6 when it really starts at 8.  I mentioned that I went to a party like that last weekend and that was in the USA.  

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10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

If Russ made it clear to her that she had to be one time, then she should have been on time,

She has been married to him long enough to know she was supposed to be on time - she was given the specifics of how the timing was supposed to work (unless you are trying to say she is THAT stupid.)  He was CALLING her asking when she was coming and she STILL came very late.  She was being deliberately rude just so SHE could take offense at people leaving.  It MIGHT have been acceptable for her to show up 15(or so) minutes late for the socializing under the excuse she wanted people to get a chance to connect only with Russ but for her to DELIBERATELY wait until she actually made Russ late for his tee time (she showed up AFTER the socialization time) and then complain because people left was beyond the pale.  This was not cultural differences this was Paola pissed because no one chose to fawn all over her once she actually deigned to arrive.

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5 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

She has been married to him long enough to know she was supposed to be on time - she was given the specifics of how the timing was supposed to work (unless you are trying to say she is THAT stupid.)  He was CALLING her asking when she was coming and she STILL came very late.  She was being deliberately rude just so SHE could take offense at people leaving.  It MIGHT have been acceptable for her to show up 15(or so) minutes late for the socializing under the excuse she wanted people to get a chance to connect only with Russ but for her to DELIBERATELY wait until she actually made Russ late for his tee time (she showed up AFTER the socialization time) and then complain because people left was beyond the pale.  This was not cultural differences this was Paola pissed because no one chose to fawn all over her once she actually deigned to arrive.

Perhaps, but I don't know exactly what Russ told her.  I also don't know if people came early either.

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5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Perhaps, but I don't know exactly what Russ told her.

He was CALLING her asking when she was coming.  She CHOSE not to come.  If she would have shown up at ANY time before Russ was supposed to leave she could MAYBE have made an excuse.  As it was, she was being deliberately rude.

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15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Perhaps, but I don't know exactly what Russ told her.  I also don't know if people came early either.

MomRuss said the plan was for people to arrive 2 hours before the actual shower so they could hang out with Russ and Pao.  The idea being, by the time the boys left for their tee-time she would feel more comfortable being left alone with the ladies for the "shower" activities like games and opening gifts.  The point of the 2 hour pregame was to avoid the issue Pao ended up having- where she walked in and was left alone with a bunch of people she doesn't know. 

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