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S09.E17: Checks and Balances

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Do you think MTV will add a last-minute pre- or post-show black box blurb about the Jenelle / David / Nugget firestorm to this episode? Something about not condoning the behavior (because MTV is a bunch of pussies and that would be the strongest language they could come up with?

I don't know if there's any timeframe for the advertising to be different in the commercial breaks....it will be interesting if anything is addressed and if we see a different adset. 

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10 hours ago, Stusan said:

Do you think MTV will add a last-minute pre- or post-show black box blurb about the Jenelle / David / Nugget firestorm to this episode? Something about not condoning the behavior (because MTV is a bunch of pussies and that would be the strongest language they could come up with?

I think that's exactly what these cowards will do.

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24 minutes ago, mscav said:

Anyone else not watching tonight until an official announcement has been made that Jenelle has been fired and no more episodes will feature her, including the reunion? 

I’ve watched the entire season through twitter account Wayward Daughter.  I don’t have MTV and Wayward posts immediately after the episode airs. Best part, you can skip Jenelle and Brianna sections. 

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Why in the hell are they discussing her panic attacks and the break-in (ad nauseam) with little Aubree right there?!  This is just nuts to me.  Same deal with Leah discussing little Addie’s confusion re: her daddy with her on TV.  It’s all so wrong to me.  And no end-of-episode comment from MTV about crazy-ass David’s dog murder last week.  Unreal.  What a bunch of cowards. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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Jenelle is getting free vacations as a result of her husband's bad behavior. How does this make sense? (And I don't think it's very smart to compare David to R. Kelly.)

Kail keeps trying to be all bougie while still trying to convince people she's hard. 

Leah and Germy are basically using their daughter as an intermediary. 

Roxanne trying to force the baby daddies into family picture day is a horrible idea. 

Chelsea needs to just go get help. I've dealt with anxiety for years, so I fear for her. But she's now having panic attacks. And it's spilling over into the kids. Aubree can't sleep. You don't have to live like that. Get help!!!

  • Love 18

Leah really needs to stop discussing her dating life with her kids. 

Why the hell is Brianna dropping child support?!!!! Stella is entitled to that money. If the Coven can afford the everyday expenses fine, then put Luis' checks into a college savings account. God, she is so stupid. 

Why is Javi still on this show? 

Chelsea and her first world problems bore me. Aubree is having anxiety over the robbery because Chelsea's talked about nothing else since it happened. I think her panic attack was real but I also think she's going to be a total drama queen until Cole caves and agrees to move. I notice he's looking less and less thrilled with her each episode.

Victoria's half orange/half brassy blonde hair is a crime against cosmetology. 

David's perfect? Ummm....

I know everyone loves Jo and Vee, but I get the vibe they don't do much of anything all day.

I don't understand why Kail needs a new house. Is she trying to lure Chris back in? 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 15
9 hours ago, A-Lo said:

As a middle-aged person who has gone to college and worked all my life, I am beyond disgusted that this show has enabled a lazy, piece-of-crap like Kail to be able to afford a 2 acre property in a very upscale neighborhood, on which she will no doubt build an enormous house.  There is really something wrong with this equation!

I want this moron to build her own version of the crunchwrap house Tyler built. Then I want to see her figure out how to pay the light and gass bill after this show gets cancelled. 

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, A-Lo said:

As a middle-aged person who has gone to college and worked all my life, I am beyond disgusted that this show has enabled a lazy, piece-of-crap like Kail to be able to afford a 2 acre property in a very upscale neighborhood, on which she will no doubt build an enormous house.  There is really something wrong with this equation!

This is what really bothers me not only about Kail, but about all of the teen moms. They don't seem to realize that they hit the lottery with the show. None of them, including "author" Kail, would have the things and perks without the show. They seem to think they are really earning their money when they have no idea what working in the real world is like --especially while raising babies and young children.

As for Kail building the new house, I can see why Jo then had an epiphany regarding child support. Kail has a perfectly fine 4 bedroom house with a pool in a nice neighborhood--but it's not enough for her. Is she saving any money for the children's future? After all, it is the fact that she birthed kids that got her and kept her on the show, imo. Their lives are being exposed without their informed consent in perpetuity.

  • Love 17
11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I don't understand why Kail needs a new house. Is she trying to lure Chris back in? 

Maybe she could try and be a nicer person, with something to offer a partner (besides the Golden Vagina, anyway). Be kind, be helpful, be good company. A bigger house? Does Chris give a fuck or is Kail just projecting? (Because you know damn well a big house, fancy car, and designer clothes would impress her).

2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I want this moron to build her own version of the crunchwrap house Tyler built. Then I want to see her figure out how to pay the light and gass bill after this show gets cancelled. 

This is exactly what I was thinking. The gravy train is going to get to the end of the line someday, and supporting an impossibly huge McMansion in her tony neighborhood is going to be a never ending struggle. Never mind the heating and electric--imagine the property taxes, the water bill, maintenance.....Kail will lose that house and be back in a poky little apartment (like the one she was reminiscing about) within five years.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Adiba said:

This is what really bothers me not only about Kail, but about all of the teen moms. They don't seem to realize that they hit the lottery with the show. None of them, including "author" Kail, would have the things and perks without the show. They seem to think they are really earning their money when they have no idea what working in the real world is like --especially while raising babies and young children.

As for Kail building the new house, I can see why Jo then had an epiphany regarding child support. Kail has a perfectly fine 4 bedroom house with a pool in a nice neighborhood--but it's not enough for her. Is she saving any money for the children's future? After all, it is the fact that she birthed kids that got her and kept her on the show, imo. Their lives are being exposed without their informed consent in perpetuity.

I've had this issue with Kail more than anyone else (except maybe Farrah but she at least has other ways of making cash). Kail spends and spends and spends. We've yet to see her launch anything that seems successful like some of the others have done. I don't think she does many speaking engagements. All of her money seems to be from TM2 and she is spending it as fast as it comes in. All 3 of her baby daddies could push for support at this point, it's all a formula based on income. It is going to be a rude awakening for her when this gravy train ends and she has nothing to show for it except a giant mortgage. Thankfully at least Isaac and Lincoln will be financially sound since they have parents who actually work.

  • Love 9

Did I hear Kail say the building of the house was on hold until she knew if she'd be paying Jo child support, so she would know how much she'd have for a mortgage each month?  I would assume by that statement that she's budgeting, and spending, down to her last dollars each time she gets paid for something.  Paying Jo, smaller house.  Not paying Jo, bigger house.  Spend that money Kail.  She may be living within her means now (and I don't even know that she is, because I don't know what she's financed, and what she's paid for outright), but everybody should be living below their means so they can have future security.  Not everybody in the real world can do that, because many people have to actually bust-ass just to make it each month with the way things are today.  But all of these girls make way, way, way more than enough to live very comfortably below their means, and secure a stable future when the show ends.  But none of them do.  Chelsea might be the closest because I'm sure Randy advised her, and Cole works (although I'm sure her standard of living will take a pretty good hit).  Leah's kids will be cared for financially because their fathers work hard (if she doesn't have any more kids).  Farrah seems to be OK financially now but, like athletes, it is a short lived career for most.  Then what?  Briana I'm not sure of, because she hasn't been making the big bucks as long as the others, and is still in a tiny apt with her mom.  Maybe those years of struggle will serve her well and she won't blow it all. 

Sorry for the novel, it just really blows my mind that any of these people would not own every single thing they have outright.  They should be able to come out of the spotlight when the show ends with paid off homes (and they'd still be very nice homes),  significant liquid emergency savings, a generous retirement account for their ages, college savings for the kids, and still have had fun experiences traveling (just not every other month).  Oh, and they all could also have had educations, to boot!  They are going to be so sorry here shortly. 

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Adding to what @eskimo said (preach!), none of these girls seem to be doing anything to set themselves up for careers in the future. All of the opportunities (endorsements) that come their way because of their presence on MTV are going to dry up very quickly once they are off the air. None of them have the hustle to compete for attention with the million other "influencers" out there. Pothead Hair and TTM are not going to bring in the $$ once these girls are just regular people, despite what they might think. These are just vanity projects for them, whether they admit it or not.  There are no transferable skills that they are learning being on the show, and they are aren't building up any work experience that will help them land a job when all of this is over. In some ways Brianna may be the best positioned of all of them because she doesn't get the over the top money and has had to keep her job. 

  • Love 9
On 5/5/2019 at 6:16 PM, druzy said:

Chelsea suffers a panic attack.

Jenelle visits Briana in Orlando but struggles to film without her husband.

Addie is confused about Leah and Jeremy’s relationship.

Kail finalizes child support with Jo and moves on to her next big adventure.

Airs Monday May 6, 2019

Let's replace the word adventure and fill in the blank

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43 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Did I hear Kail say the building of the house was on hold until she knew if she'd be paying Jo child support, so she would know how much she'd have for a mortgage each month?  I would assume by that statement that she's budgeting, and spending, down to her last dollars each time she gets paid for something.  Paying Jo, smaller house.  Not paying Jo, bigger house.  Spend that money Kail.  

In Kail's case it's even more ridiculous because she's already living in a large, modern home with a big yard and pool. I'd understand the move if they were crammed in a tiny house on a busy street with nowhere for the kids to play, but her current set-up is perfectly fine. Kail also mentioned she sunk her entire life savings into PotHead, so if that's true then yes, she's blowing money as fast as she gets it.

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I believe the root of the problem is that the TM girls think the only measure of success is in dollars and appearance.  They keep trying to show off how successful they are with new cars, houses, and other toys.  Meanwhile their lives are hot messes.  The people who I'd say are most successful (by my definition) are rarely seen on the show anymore.  They have nice, modest homes, outside sources of income, and don't thrive on drama.  Heavy emphasis on not loving the f'n drama.  Gary, Cory, and Vee come to mind.  I can tell Vee is sick of Jo and Kail's crap and she's mature and has a good attitude.  I like her. 

  • Love 15
39 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm pretty sure it's 3 bedroom. Roxanne and Brittany have their own rooms. Briana's poor daughters are crammed in with her. That apartment gives me such anxiety. 

They definitely need to move to a house...those kids need some space and a yard to play in. But Kail's move seems frivolous to me. She and Javi were hardly there together...he was sent over seas and when he came home she had already moved on with Chris and was pregnant. If anyone needs a bigger space it's Brianna and her kids.

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Brianna really looked rough at the coffee shop. Does this new dude just want to be on TV? I don’t understand?

I thought so too.  I noticed she looks a big puffy in the middle.  Could she be preggers???

I'm not so sure Jo won't come after Kail for more child support.  She's just taking him at his word with no papers signed.  I think she thinks she still runs his show.  I do think she is making a lot of money with her hair products.  She's ugly inside and out but she does have beautiful hair.

Janelle has been a top money maker for MTV so it's going to take a huge movement for them to get rid of her.

Brianna isn't going after the child support because if she does the baby daddies will go after shared custody and she will have to give part of her MTV money to the two of them.  Yep.

With that said why is she still living in an apartment?  Surely she can afford more and why oh why doesn't she have those moles on her face removed.  Nothing to it and she looks to nice when they are covered with make up.  She looked rough the morning after.

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle compares the Monster to R Kelly


Jenelle is the perpetual victim. Never has accountability for any of her behaviors and now she is blaming her mother, MTV and everyone else for David's psycho/sociopathic behavior and problems with the law, etc...this speech by her was just verbal diarrhea of the brain. She is a poster child for battered woman syndrome. Excuses for the perpetrator, denial and  assigning blame to everyone else for their problems and for the batterers behavior. When she said David was "perfect" it sounded a lot like someone who is involved with a cult. I guess MTV is just going to ride out this latest atrocity with David and ignore it. Petitions have been signed, emails to MTV have been sent, social media has been blowing up for days over David's heinous, cruel and unlawful act but they remain silent. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, eskimo said:

I believe the root of the problem is that the TM girls think the only measure of success is in dollars and appearance.  They keep trying to show off how successful they are with new cars, houses, and other toys.  Meanwhile their lives are hot messes.  The people who I'd say are most successful (by my definition) are rarely seen on the show anymore.  They have nice, modest homes, outside sources of income, and don't thrive on drama.  Heavy emphasis on not loving the f'n drama.  Gary, Cory, and Vee come to mind.  I can tell Vee is sick of Jo and Kail's crap and she's mature and has a good attitude.  I like her. 

Vee could do a lot better than Jo...wow...he looks like a middle aged man...even has the Dad bod and male pattern baldness thing going on.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm pretty sure it's 3 bedroom. Roxanne and Brittany have their own rooms. Briana's poor daughters are crammed in with her. That apartment gives me such anxiety. 

It is a 3 bedroom but Brittany lives on her own nearby. Not doubting she spend a lot of time there (hanging out, watching the kids, filming etc), but she lives alone. 

If Briana doesn’t have any more kids, I think the three bedroom is fine. I understand not wanting rent to eat up their entire income. Of course it’s preferable for everyone to have their own room, BUT the girls are still young, and if the neighborhood is meeting their needs having them share isn’t the worst thing. 

For the record I cannot watch the episode either. 

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Leah really needs to stop discussing her dating life with her kids. 

Why the hell is Brianna dropping child support?!!!! Stella is entitled to that money. If the Coven can afford the everyday expenses fine, then put Luis' checks into a college savings account. God, she is so stupid. 

Why is Javi still on this show? 

Chelsea and her first world problems bore me. Aubree is having anxiety over the robbery because Chelsea's talked about nothing else since it happened. I think her panic attack was real but I also think she's going to be a total drama queen until Cole caves and agrees to move. I notice he's looking less and less thrilled with her each episode.

Victoria's half orange/half brassy blonde hair is a crime against cosmetology. 

David's perfect? Ummm....

I know everyone loves Jo and Vee, but I get the vibe they don't do much of anything all day.

I don't understand why Kail needs a new house. Is she trying to lure Chris back in? 

I don’t love Jo and Vee...he’s basically a lardass.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I’m shocked Endtable was with Barb.  I can’t believe David ever allowed that.

Yeah...so Jenelle is basically blaming Barb for David’s problems with MTV and “not speaking” to her but thinks nothing of leaving Ensley off with Barb so she can drink Corona and lounge around a pool. Oh MTV...you all are such enablers.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I don’t love Jo and Vee...he’s basically a lardass.

Okay, thank you. There's just something about Jo's demeanor that's so....sloth-like. Cory, Jeremy, Cole and Javi all give off an active, "I get up daily and provide services in exchange for a paycheck" vibe. Jo does not. I know people say he flips houses, but we've seen zero evidence of that. You'd think an individual appearing on national tv would use that ace in the hole to promote his business, but no, nada. I don't buy it.

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