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Season 40: Speculation and Spoilers

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On 4/1/2020 at 11:58 PM, anthonyd46 said:

The other spoiler that is TBD is there being an underdog alliance led by Nick and Michele and Sophie maybe being involved. There might be seeds for that in the NTOS, but the spoiler said it happened very close to the end game. I don't consider F11 to be close to end game.

The underdog alliance might be in response to Ben's desire to get out the more under-the-radar players which would be Wendell (who they successfully booted already), Nick, Michelle, and Sophie.

Ben, Jeremy, Tony, Sarah, and Tyson (5 qty) are the big names left. 

Adam, Denise, and Kim (3 qty) are sort of in the middle, although Denise and Kim seem to align with Jeremy.  And, Adam was on Jeremy's team originally and they may have some sort of connection (and both play poker). 

Nick, Michelle, and Sophie are at the bottom.  They might play a bit under the radar for a bit alongside those in the middle to pick off the top dogs - and then, in the end, go head to head with each other.

As an aside, I really appreciate that Tony has clarified on more than one occassion that they are talking about the under-the-radar players rather than less-than players.  I think that is an important distinction, and it is actually pretty kind of Tony to make sure to clarify - especially for for the cameras.


Edited by Jextella
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13 hours ago, EllenB said:

Big names to who?  The viewers, or the other players?

Ben keeps saying "big players" or something like that, but as Tony clarifies, what he really means is "high profile" players.

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On 4/4/2020 at 1:29 AM, Jextella said:

As an aside, I really appreciate that Tony has clarified on more than one occassion that they are talking about the under-the-radar players rather than less-than players.  I think that is an important distinction, and it is actually pretty kind of Tony to make sure to clarify - especially for for the cameras.


Well he said this now but on Episode 4 he had a different tune calling Nick: "Nick's my number, but hes not a threat."

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On 4/2/2020 at 1:35 AM, LadyChatts said:

I read that, and that they supposedly topple the majority alliance.  I don't remember Sophie being in the equation, that it was Nick/Michele's alliance (which could include Sophie).  I also read that Sophie is blindsided and it's "major".  I felt her edit tonight could be setting her up for that.  

Looking at the reddit boot list, it had tonight correct.  So we'll see if Tyson goes next week.  At one point I saw that Tyson/Wendell/Adam were the next 3 boots in any order, so Adam going next week wouldn't be too much of a surprise.  Curious what you have heard @anthonyd46?  I don't think Adam has much going for him game wise, so unless all the spoilers are wrong and he's dragged to the final 3 as a goat, I think his edit may be coming to an end.  And while Ben isn't as funny as Adam with TH, he pretty much fits the bumbling game player that isn't aware of what's going on around him. 

Probst's enthusiasm with this season makes me think a male wins.  

Well Reddit bootlist says Tony wins, while SU says no. 

I do think Tyson or Adam like the RHAP list said could be the boot this week. I am just not sure where SU and RHAP's list diverge. I would have to think it has to be sooner rather than later, because if Nick/Michele really are going to last a while they need to break apart this lion group. At some point Tony would have to go out to match SU's spoiler of him not winning (I do not think he is a F3 loser) so I'm not sure when that is if SU's version is the correct one.

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Hello @Sir Vivor I am a Survivor fan, looking for spoiler info. As the edit points in the direction of Tony and Sarah I am wondering if you have any more information or if your information has been updated as it was before. 


Many people on other spoiler sites have looked at you as one of the best sources. Thanks in advance

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On 1/22/2020 at 7:34 PM, anthonyd46 said:


Tony is lucky to even make it 6 boots into the game. He's no where near the final 6.

Well he sure wasn’t a pre-merge boot as indicated previously.

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4 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Well he sure wasn’t a pre-merge boot as indicated previously.

Tony is definitely doing better than I thought he would, given how manic and over-the-top he can be. Maybe being with Sarah at the beginning kept him centered until he could make some relationships. Becoming tight with Kim was probably good for both of them to this point too.

But he was fortunate -- before the merge, he only went to tribal three times. The first two, they went after Allies Of Rob (Amber and Tyson) and then Sandra sacrificed herself on Denise's altar. If Sandra had kept her idol and played it on herself, I think it would have started a cascade where Kim played hers and Denise played hers, then Jeremy played his advantage and went back to camp, then Tony would have gotten defaulted out. 

At this point, I could see just about any of the ones still in the game winning.

Except Adam.

And Ben.

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14 hours ago, phlebas said:

If Sandra had kept her idol and played it on herself, I think it would have started a cascade where Kim played hers and Denise played hers, then Jeremy played his advantage and went back to camp, then Tony would have gotten defaulted out. 

Doesn't Jeremy have to play his advantage before they even vote?

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Doesn't Jeremy have to play his advantage before they even vote?

He does, which is why he said he was hesitant to use it for fear it would put a mark on his back. Truthfully, I’m surprised he didn’t use it for that TC.  There must have been stuff we didn’t see to make him feel confident he was staying.

And Sandra had no reason to play her idol, unless Denise played hers.  She obviously felt confident enough to give it away all together.  But that could have been a likely scenario where Tony got Cirie’d out of the game.  

Also, I wouldn’t rule Tony out of the winning.  I think the rumored final 3s we’ve seen could be true, except I don’t believe the Nick/Jeremy/Tyson one as much.

I thought Michele’s edit dropped last week-out of the loop again with the vote, and after getting TH of getting revenge on Wendell and voting him off, she didn’t.  So we’ll see if the rumor of her and Nick taking down the majority alliance holds true.  I don’t think the people who voted against Wendell are all in some massive alliance, anyway. 

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Doesn't Jeremy have to play his advantage before they even vote?

Oh, that's a good point. He would have had to see the cascade coming.

Even if he didn't, I think both Sandra and Denise would have voted Tony out over Jeremy.  Kim and Tony seem to be close, but I think she's cool with Jeremy too.

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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Also, I wouldn’t rule Tony out of the winning.  I think the rumored final 3s we’ve seen could be true, except I don’t believe the Nick/Jeremy/Tyson one as much.

I guess I wouldn't either, but he's gotten tons of screen time so my gut suggests that he doesn't win.  Otherwise, the balance of the season would be the Tony show. As popular as he is, I'm not sure editors would do that.

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It'll be interesting based on that reddit list whether Tyson or Adam goes tonight.  Adam almost seems too obvious, and after returning from EOE, Tyson got buried in the background.  From the previews, it looks like chaos, with probably a lot of misdirection being thrown out.  It looks like Tony, Sarah-I'm debating whether that clip we saw from Sarah in the preview at the end of last week points to her targeting Nick for targeting her, or whether it's another misdirect.  

I'm trying to keep track of what spoilers we've heard: Danni slays, does something devious and is disliked as a result (according to SU, which probably means she's the next EOE returnee, unless she does something on EOE like stealing an advantage or something); Sophie is majorly blindsided; that the potential EOE returnees are Natalie, Danni, and I think I heard Wendell's name thrown out there; that Sarah, Kim, and Michele are the potential fire losers; and some of the final 3s contenders have been Nick, Jeremy, Tyson, Sophie, Michele and Tony make the final 3 (but, according to SU, do not win), that Tony makes the final 3 and wins (according to Sir Vivor), and that EOE returnee is either Danni or Natalie who makes the final 3.  The supposed final 3 of Michele/Tony where neither of them wins means its anybody's game.  Except probably Ben and Adam.  Sorry that I can't remember exactly where I read all of these, and most that I did read came from other sites to begin with.

And then there's the Reddit list.  

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On 4/7/2020 at 4:11 PM, Hanahope said:

Well he sure wasn’t a pre-merge boot as indicated previously.

Yea I dunno what that was about with the pre-merge thing. SU has Tony not winning , while Zeke does. We know Zeke's list, but we dunno where SU's diverges to give Tony not the win. I don't see Tony as F3 loser if Michele is there and and an EOE person.

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I actually think, based on editing so far, that Tony and Nick have the best edits to win.  I know people will disagree about Tony’s edit, but he’s been one of the most visible people in the game so far.  He’s leading a charge to get out the hyenas before they can get out him.  He has Cops R Us with Sarah.  Jeremy wants him around as a shield.  He was in on the Wendell vote, whereas Nick and Michele were not.  A lot of his edit may be comedic, but that’s Tony’s personality.  Nicks edit hasn’t been fantastic either, but it’s been one of the better ones, and we’ve gotten TH from him talking game.  He also has the underdog edit going for him at this point.  Since it was alleged that he and Michele take down the power alliance, maybe tonight is the start of that.

Michele I feel like has been a sidekick, blindsided in two votes, and on the outs with a third.  She was totally pissed about Wendell going, and I think it was less about being blindsided, and more because he was a number for her and she wanted to be the one to vote him out.  I think she took a big risk with the 50/50 coin.  But I can’t say she’s done anything that has made me think she has a good chance at winning.  If she ends up winning somehow, I think it’ll be a controversial outcome like her first win, which may explain the comments she made earlier.  I also don’t see Denise or Kim winning unless they get some sort of uptick in edit and game play.  Sarah and Sophie are wild cards.  Jeremy, also, I don’t think has an edit to win.  He talked big about calling the shots with the Wendell vote, but in the end didn’t get his way.  He’s been fairly invisible.  Ben is Ben, so ‘nuff said there.  Now that Adam is gone I think he’ll talk over as camp clown.  Tyson’s been fairly invisible, and I think he’s going to end up overplaying his hand and getting blindsided out of the game again.  

So I think Tony and Nick at this point.  Since the cast was down on the EOE concept to begin  with, that alone may sink someone’s chances if they make the final 3.  

According to that boot list, the next 3 to go in some order are Tyson, Sophie, and Kim.  I can believe it.  I don’t know if SU has all the right info this time.  His spoilers were very vague, and stuff that either Redmond knew too, or that people could figure out without spoilers (did anyone really think that Rob, Amber, Sandra, and Parvati were long for this game?). Who were his rumored winners again?

Edited by LadyChatts
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10 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I actually think, based on editing so far, that Tony and Nick have the best edits to win.

I agree but I can't decide if a large part of me thinking that is just because they're both rumored winners lol.

So, Sophie is one of the rumored next 3 to go? But isn't she also one of the rumored people (along with Nick/Michel) that topples the big alliance in the end game?

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree but I can't decide if a large part of me thinking that is just because they're both rumored winners lol.

So, Sophie is one of the rumored next 3 to go? But isn't she also one of the rumored people (along with Nick/Michel) that topples the big alliance in the end game?

Sophies name has been thrown around as a possible EOE returnee so I think that's why the spoiler said Nick, Michele (and maybe Sophie). She doesn't technically have to be a part of it. 

SU has Nick or Jeremy for males. Sophie, Kim, Denise, and Sarah for females. 

However he's said in reference to EOE it would be hard for Jeremy to quit and Jeremy was also shown at ponderosa in the retrospective.

He's also said he's putting Sophie/Nick aside for later and keeping an open mind on both.

Michele Sophie also have something in common. 

With all this hints the F4 always seemed like to me of Nick, Michele, EOE, Sophie with Sophie/Michele Facing off in fire, but that's just my read on his hints.

No clue where SU has Tony going.

S37 says a female doesn't win, there's an EOE female in F3, and that the male won and their source was pleasantly surprised the male won.

RHAP/Zeke have Tony/Michele/Natalie EOE with Tony winning easily.



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On 4/4/2020 at 11:05 AM, Jextella said:

Ben keeps saying "big players" or something like that, but as Tony clarifies, what he really means is "high profile" players.

Tony keeps calling him and the others 'lions' and the under the radar crew 'hyenas', which is pretty obnoxious.  You aren't as great as you think you are Tony.  Other then that, he hasn't bothered me as much as I expected him too, but I really don't want him to win.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree but I can't decide if a large part of me thinking that is just because they're both rumored winners lol.

So, Sophie is one of the rumored next 3 to go? But isn't she also one of the rumored people (along with Nick/Michel) that topples the big alliance in the end game?

Lol yeah that could be it.  But that's why I wrote about everyone else's edit.  We're getting in the home stretch.  The finale is in about a month.  I think whoever doesn't do something big and drastic in the next couple of eps, or who doesn't get more screen time, is probably out.  Despite Tony's comedic edit, I do think he's playing the game.  

I read on Sucks that Zeke's spoiler list also has it between Tyson/Sophie, and that it's a close vote.  Since it's rumored Sophie is blindsided, I'm kind of leaning towards her.  However, since Kim is also rumored as one of the next 3 to go, maybe Tyson goes, Sophie finds out Kim was behind trying to get her out, blindsides her in the next vote, and then is blindsided herself after that.  She's the only other person who knows about Kim's idol, right?  Anyway, the previews seem to part towards Sophie being a target, but we know how misleading those can be.  However, for her to suddenly be considered a target for being too close to Sarah (and you know Tony won't let Sarah go without a fight), it could be her.

I'm honestly not sure what to make of SU's spoiler.  I know he's been right in the past, and he doesn't owe anyone anything, but I hate how he just makes riddles of everything and is vague.  That's why I'm wondering if he knows as much this season.  What are Sophie and Michele supposed to have in common?  The only thing I can think is that Sophie returns from EOE, wins, and her win is considered controversial like Chris's (although at least she lasted way longer in the game than he did).  And Michele's win was controversial for other reasons.


I'm posting this here, because this wasn't in the preview for next week, but we're getting loved ones next week?  I'm probably in the minority, but I hate the loved ones visit.



We’re starting to see a lot of scrambling and paranoia. What can you tease up for next week?




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Tony called the lower profile threats good players. He also tweeted that it's not that he thinks he's better than them just that he's more likely to be targeted. He's respecting them enough by sending them to the edge. I dont see Nick at all. His edit is terrible you can't earn respect by shouting and hollering like a big baby about your birthday on Survivor. That was pathetic. Grow up. 

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On 4/9/2020 at 2:55 PM, LadyChatts said:


I'm posting this here, because this wasn't in the preview for next week, but we're getting loved ones next week?  I'm probably in the minority, but I hate the loved ones visit.


Ugh. Yuck. Oh, I am SO glad Adam got voted out - can you imagine Jeffy manipulating that situation?  "Adam, we know your mother can't be here because she's DEAD, tell us what you think of that?  She died while you were here playing, that was such a SHAME, how did your family deal with that?" And on and on until Adam's a quivering, sobbing mess begging for mercy.  

We had our genuine emotional moment with Yul talking about Jonathan Penner's wife and their love for each other.  We don't need "I haven't seen my brother in weeks because I made the conscious decision to try for two million bucks," especially since this is airing while people are undergoing involuntary separations from their loved ones.  People have family members in the hospital and they can't visit them.  People have family members who have died, and they can't mourn together as they say goodbye.  I do NOT want this show trying to get me to feel bad for a bunch of people whose separation from their families is due to greed and getting their faces on television. 

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I dont see Nick at all. His edit is terrible you can't earn respect by shouting and hollering like a big baby about your birthday on Survivor. That was pathetic. Grow up. 

I too think Nick (and Michele) are too whiny.  But Nick was also edited as whiny and pouting when the vote didn’t go his way on his original season and he won that.

After reading the spoilers that I have read, I reluctantly now believe the majority of them that say that Tony wins.  I would like to be surprised so I hope they are wrong.

Edited by Coco88
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My primary horses in this race are currently Sophie and Nick, with Denise a possible dark horse candidate - but much as I don’t personally care for either Tony or his style of play, I do have to admit its effectiveness.  Perhaps it’s purely the edit we’re getting, but Tony doesn’t appear to get mentioned very often in the way of TC targets.  More often than not the other players appear to regard Tony as more buffoon than serious competition - which IMHO is great for Tony and dangerous for everybody else.

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Jeff has said Tony is very smart.  He must be to have won once - and to have lasted this long during winners at war.  He is not, however, educated, and I think that sometimes masks his game play.

I read an interview in which Tony talked about playing with really educated people on Cagayan.  He said he only had a high school diploma and "I don't talk like they do".  It made him realize how important college is so he planned on using a chunk of his winnings to help his kids with college.

I also recall something Nick said.  He said something like people don't seem to be fearful of him as a player (or something like that) and that maybe it had to do with his southern accent.  I agree with this and I also think Nick seems a bit socially timid which might have to do with being impoverished while growing up.  Maybe never feeling like a cool kid or something. 

I think both are smart and good game players but their skill hides behind their accents and other mannerisms.  

I also think Tony may be playing at a deeper level than what comes across.  He's not just playing to take out the "hyenas".  I think it was the week Wendell went home when he was shown talking with Sophie about taking Jeremy down a notch.  

I also think Nick is playing a very good game for many reasons - one is how he speaks during tribal.  Last week was fascinating.  It was like he was pulling the strings of both the jury and the other players in one fell swoop.  

Edited by Jextella
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4 hours ago, Jextella said:

I also think Tony may be playing at a deeper level than what comes across.  He's not just playing to take out the "hyenas".  I think it was the week Wendell went home when he was shown talking with Sophie about taking Jeremy down a notch.   

I feel like we haven't seen too much of Tony's game play yet, but if he is the winner, I feel like something significant is coming up on that end.  We saw in the preview this week about Kim wanting to split up Sarah and Sophie, and Sophie/Kim/Tyson are the next rumored 3 to go in some order (if you believe the boot list).  It's possible he blindsides his ally Sarah by getting rid of her ally Sophie, or turns the tables on Kim to vote out either her or Tyson (spoiler talk is Tyson is going this week, maybe Sophie in a close vote).

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

How accurate has it been so far?

Someone is maintaining a list of spoiler lists and tracking how accurate they are.  I don't think we are allowed to link to other forums but if you google Survivor Season 40 Tea Checker you may land on it.   I'm not sure if it contains the list mentioend above, though.  I do see an "uncredited RHAP" list.  

Some, like SU, seem to speak in riddles as a bit of a tease and he/she has posted a few other remarks that haven't made it to this document which I think paint a fuller picture - although nothing that has revealled the F3 or the winner specifically that I know of anyway.

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I found a list on Clubs that Suck that came from Reddit (not sure where they got it from).  So far, aside from having the placements of Sandra and Adam wrong, it’s been right, including having Tyson as the EOE returnee.  It predicts Sophie, Tyson, and Kim as the next 3 to go.  I copied and pasted it here, I think it’s a couple of pages back.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I found a list on Clubs that Suck that came from Reddit (not sure where they got it from).  So far, aside from having the placements of Sandra and Adam wrong, it’s been right, including having Tyson as the EOE returnee.  It predicts Sophie, Tyson, and Kim as the next 3 to go.  I copied and pasted it here, I think it’s a couple of pages back.

Tyson is the obvious choice since both Kim and Sophie have idols, but as much as I love those women, I don't think they are above being blindsided.

Sophie knows Kim has an idol.  Does anyone know Sophie has one?

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50 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Tyson is the obvious choice since both Kim and Sophie have idols, but as much as I love those women, I don't think they are above being blindsided.

Sophie knows Kim has an idol.  Does anyone know Sophie has one?

I think Sarah is the only one that knows about Sophie's idol (heck, I even forgot about Sophie's idol).  I do think there's an argument to be made for Tyson/Sophie/Kim to be among the next 3 boots.  

Here is the boot list from the merge to the end (I crossed out Sandra's name and put in Adam's):

Tyson returns from Edge of Extinction
Wendell Holland
Tyson Apostle
Sandra-Diaz Twine Adam Klein
Kim Spradlin
Sophie Clarke

Denise Stapley
Ben Driebergen
Nick Wilson
Natalie returns from Edge of Extinction
Jeremy Collins
Sarah Lacina

Michele Fitzgerald
Natalie Anderson
Tony Vlachos (Winner)


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SU (who has accurately predicted past wins) has said Tony doesn’t win, or even make the final 3.  However, I feel like his boot spoilers are more elusive this year.  I think there’s still a chance that Nick winning happens.  At this point the only other person I think might have a chance is Denise, but she’s kind of fallen under the radar since her Sandra play.  

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Well, the boot list was right again.  Judging by the previews, maybe Tony's winner arc starts next week (or the boot list is proven wrong and someone besides Sophie or Kim is blindsided out of the game).  

Sophie or Kim especially going next week seems to make sense.  There was also a rumor, I think it came from SU (I might be wrong), that Nick/Michele take down the big alliance.  So if that's the case, maybe that ends up happening next week, although if Michele doesn't win and Nick doesn't make the final 3, not sure why that would matter much.  But tonight we got this big ass alliance out of nowhere I felt like, and Ben's comment about tonight's TC deciding who runs the camp, so I'm sure that's going somewhere.

Edited by LadyChatts
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“This Is Extortion” – One castaway plays double agent and goes undercover to infiltrate a group they want to vote out. Also, one player who has been playing it cool finally goes to work to search for an idol, on SURVIVOR: WINNERS AT WAR, Wednesday, April 22 (8:00-9:01 PM, ET/PT).

I posted this in the preview thread, but wanted to post it here so it may elude to some of the spoilers we've heard.  

In the preview we saw Tony running around like Cagayan Tony and talking about being golden if he could "pull this off".  We also saw Sarah talking to Ben and Kim about whatever Tony says, this is what they're doing, Kim telling Denise that Tony's a double agent, and Tony telling Jeremy they were looking to blindside him.  

There's speculation on Sucks that the red bag Tony is seen running with in the preview belongs to Sophie.  Not sure if it's true, but maybe he's looking to see if she has an idol.  I do wonder if we're in for a surprise next week and Tony winds up getting voted off, thus throwing the boot list into a tail spin (though it could still be right, that whoever made it just got Tony and someone else's spot mixed up).  That's a pretty big mix up, though.  I also wonder, if Tony survives, is the eventual winner, and it looks like he's getting a lot of coverage next week, maybe this starts his winners arc.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I posted this in the preview thread, but wanted to post it here so it may elude to some of the spoilers we've heard.  

In the preview we saw Tony running around like Cagayan Tony and talking about being golden if he could "pull this off".  We also saw Sarah talking to Ben and Kim about whatever Tony says, this is what they're doing, Kim telling Denise that Tony's a double agent, and Tony telling Jeremy they were looking to blindside him.  

There's speculation on Sucks that the red bag Tony is seen running with in the preview belongs to Sophie.  Not sure if it's true, but maybe he's looking to see if she has an idol.  I do wonder if we're in for a surprise next week and Tony winds up getting voted off, thus throwing the boot list into a tail spin (though it could still be right, that whoever made it just got Tony and someone else's spot mixed up).  That's a pretty big mix up, though.  I also wonder, if Tony survives, is the eventual winner, and it looks like he's getting a lot of coverage next week, maybe this starts his winners arc.

I don't like it when anyone goes through someone else's belongings. Leave Sophie's things alone. Of course Tony does it. Ugh.

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42 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

I don't like it when anyone goes through someone else's belongings. Leave Sophie's things alone. Of course Tony does it. Ugh.

I don’t know if it’s 100%, but that’s the speculation.  Since Sophie is the rumored boot, Tony may be trying to see if she has an idol.  

I am curious how this is going to go.  If the spoilers are wrong, this seems like the week they will be.  I think it’ll be between Sophie or Tony.  

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45 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

I don't like it when anyone goes through someone else's belongings. Leave Sophie's things alone. Of course Tony does it. Ugh.

I feel there should be a rule in the game preventing rooting through bags and clothing or other personal belongings they may have. 

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That bag could just as equally be Tony's.   And I guess I assumed it was.

Both Sophie and Tony started on Dakal, the red tribe.  So they both have red bags, as does Kim, Sarah, and Nick.  Everyone else started on Sele, and they all have blue bags.

So there's really 5 people that bag could belong to.  More, if someone left their bag behind when they left for the Edge.  (Which realistically would only be Sandra.)

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6 hours ago, SVNBob said:

That bag could just as equally be Tony's.   And I guess I assumed it was.


My first thought is that someone from EoE offers him something and, in Tony fashion, he doesn't sedately interview like others have done, but goes full Llama, running off with his bag and flipping out.

Edited by AncientNewbie
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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

I sure wish there was an accurate boot list. I’m still hoping for a Sarah or Sophie win, but shockingly, I’d be ok with Tony. I really did not want it to be Tyson. 

At this point I’m going with the boot list that was posted here as being as accurate as we’re gonna get.  It’s been right so far, aside from Sandra and Adam’s placements, and while it doesn’t know the exact order of the rest, Sophie and Kim leaving makes sense.  

There’s still SU who has said Tony doesn’t win/make the final 3, and the comment that Danni slays.  So we’ll see.  Nick was one of the other possible rumored winners, as was Denise.  I feel like I can make more of a case for him than her.


My first thought is that someone from EoE offers him something and, in Tony fashion, he doesn't sedately interview like others have done, but goes full Llama, running off with his bag and flipping out.

I was thinking that, too, or maybe he does find the idol and is trying to hide it before anyone sees him.  I'm also intrigued by episode title "This is Extortion" and Jeff's teaser said something about Survivor capitalism, which I interpret to mean there might be some big price in fire tokens for a great advantage.    

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17 hours ago, Jextella said:

I feel there should be a rule in the game preventing rooting through bags and clothing or other personal belongings they may have. 

There should but piece of crap Tony is one of the ones Jeff wants to bone so he'd allow it 

2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

At this point I’m going with the boot list that was posted here as being as accurate as we’re gonna get.  It’s been right so far, aside from Sandra and Adam’s placements, and while it doesn’t know the exact order of the rest, Sophie and Kim leaving makes sense.  

There’s still SU who has said Tony doesn’t win/make the final 3, and the comment that Danni slays.  So we’ll see.  Nick was one of the other possible rumored winners, as was Denise.  I feel like I can make more of a case for him than her.

I was thinking that, too, or maybe he does find the idol and is trying to hide it before anyone sees him.  I'm also intrigued by episode title "This is Extortion" and Jeff's teaser said something about Survivor capitalism, which I interpret to mean there might be some big price in fire tokens for a great advantage.    

I wont be surprised if he "finds" an idol as in hes guided to it being a Jeffy fave

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LadyChatts summarized it pretty well, but just wanted to add this is what we have from Su so far:

Any of these 6 of 9 people can win: Jeremy, Nick, Denise, Kim, Sarah, Sophie

These 3 can't but one is in the final 3 : Ben, Michele, Tony

2 F 1 M F3 

Also take into account: Jeremy and Ben were seen in the retrospective the week before which most likely was taped during jury speaks videos on Day 39.

Jeremy can't quit EOE.

Keeping an open mind on Nick/Sophie and later he said also keeping an open mind on Michele. 

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8 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

LadyChatts summarized it pretty well, but just wanted to add this is what we have from Su so far:

Any of these 6 of 9 people can win: Jeremy, Nick, Denise, Kim, Sarah, Sophie

These 3 can't but one is in the final 3 : Ben, Michele, Tony

2 F 1 M F3 

Also take into account: Jeremy and Ben were seen in the retrospective the week before which most likely was taped during jury speaks videos on Day 39.

Jeremy can't quit EOE.

Keeping an open mind on Nick/Sophie and later he said also keeping an open mind on Michele. 

I have no idea who this Su person is, but I hate the goddamn riddle clues.  Sounds like someone desperate for attention.

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1 hour ago, EllenB said:

I have no idea who this Su person is, but I hate the goddamn riddle clues.  Sounds like someone desperate for attention.

And/or someone without actual information but wanting to look like they do.

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15 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

Also take into account: Jeremy and Ben were seen in the retrospective the week before which most likely was taped during jury speaks videos on Day 39.

Sorry I don't know what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?


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